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Facebook @Dethivaonganhang www facebook com/dethivaonganhang www ThiNganHang com S Á C H – T À I L I Ệ U T H I T U Y Ể N Trang 1 ĐỀ THI ANH VĂN MB BANK + ĐÁP ÁN ( Xem Đáp án từ Trang 7 ) Paper 1 READI[.]

Facebook: @Dethivaonganhang www.facebook.com/dethivaonganhang ĐỀ THI ANH VĂN MB BANK + ĐÁP ÁN ( Xem Đáp án từ Trang ) Paper READING COMPREHENSION SECTION A Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence 1) After a lot of difficulty, he … to open the door A B C D managed succeeded obtained realized 2) I’ll have to … to you, otherwise he will hear A B C D shout whistle decrease whisper 3) After closing the envelope, the secretary … the stamps on firmly A B C D licked sucked stuck struck 4) When he spoke over the telephone, his voice was so … that I could hardly hear him A B C D dim faint dull unnoticeable www.ThiNganHang.com S Á C H – T À I L I Ệ U T H I T U Y Ể N Trang Facebook: @Dethivaonganhang www.facebook.com/dethivaonganhang 5) When he retired from his job, the director … him with a gold watch A B C D offered dedicated presented satisfied 6) I would like to offer a small … to anyone who finds the missing dog A B C D receipt repayment expense reward 7) Could you lend me some money? I’m very … of cash at the moment A B C D down scarce low short 8) Mary Smith decided to give up her job for the … of her children A B C D sake care advantage concern 9) If … it would stop raining for a morning, we would cut the grass A B C D ever only just even 10) He played an active … in politics until he was well over 80 A B C D part scene job position 11) She heated the chocolate until it … then poured it over the cake A B C D formed changed melted flooded www.ThiNganHang.com S Á C H – T À I L I Ệ U T H I T U Y Ể N Trang Facebook: @Dethivaonganhang www.facebook.com/dethivaonganhang 12) When she was crossing the room, the nightnurse happened to notice the old lady … to get out of bed A B C D has tried to try trying tried 13) I’m afraid a rise in salary is … just now A B C D out of sight out of control out of date out of the question 14) He … being given a receipt for the bill he had paid A B C D asked to insisted demanded required 15) He retired early … ill health A B C D on behalf of ahead of in front of on account of 16) This is the … of the bicycle which was stolen A B C D detail description information example 17) We stayed at home because Ann wasn’t very keen … going out … the rain A B C D for / under about / with on / in for / when 18) She’s … the best student in my school A by far B until C up now www.ThiNganHang.com S Á C H – T À I L I Ệ U T H I T U Y Ể N Trang Facebook: @Dethivaonganhang www.facebook.com/dethivaonganhang D since now 19) “Why is the ground so wet?” – “It … last night” A B C D would rain would have rained should have rained must have rained 20) He is decorating the house with a view … it A B C D to sell to selling for selling to be sold SECTION B Read the following passage carefully, then choose the best answer to each question The sun was going down beyond great banks of cloud which were full of orange-pink light It would usually be time for Joe to be going in, but he didn’t want to go back if Aunt Daisy and Uncle Ted were still there, because his mother would only send him straight to bed out of the way So he turned away from home and walked down the lane past the football field, kicking a stone before him at the risk of scratching the toes of his best brown shoes A couple of dogs, one large, black and smooth-haired, the other smaller with a long black and white coat, played on the edge of the field, running round, jumping at each other and sometimes rolling over and over together, totally content in each other’s company Joe watched them for a moment or two and walked on Twenty minutes later he was on the riverside and halfway round the circle he had set out to walk from the town and back again On his way he had passed several couples and one or two family groups returning from their Sunday evening walk; but now there was no one about except one man resting on the grass between the path and the river bank When Joe realised that it was his father, his surprise was so great that he stopped Then his father, who had been leaning on his arm and looking into the river, looked round, but did not seem surprised to see him “Hello Joe”, he said dully He went back to staring at the river The fact that he was wearing his best clothes somehow added to the strangeness of his sitting there alone like this, and as Joe looked at him he was conscious for the first time of a sense of his father as not his father, but as someone without connection with himself: as a man, with thoughts and feelings outside their existence as father and son He saw, for the first time, his father as a person www.ThiNganHang.com S Á C H – T À I L I Ệ U T H I T U Y Ể N Trang Facebook: @Dethivaonganhang www.facebook.com/dethivaonganhang carrying about with him a world of his own, and he had an indefinite sense of this world of his father’s extending back to a time and a life before he himself was born He was only a part of his father’s world, while his father belonged in the centre of his, Joe’s world And things were far from well in his father’s world, he knew He moved a few steps nearer, and his father did not look at him “They’re all at home, wondering where you are”, said Joe 21) Joe didn’t go straight home because he …… A/ didn’t want to see Aunt Daisy and Uncle Ted B/ wanted to find his father first C/ wanted to watch the two dogs playing D/ didn’t want to go to bed immediately 22) Instead of going home Joe went …… A/ on to the football field B/ through some fields C/ along the bank of the river D/ half-way to the town 23) When Joe had completed half his intended walk he …… A/ saw a man sitting by himself B/ passed a couple of people C/ went back to the town D/ met some family groups 24) When Joe’s father saw Joe, he …… A/ sat down on the grass B/ didn’t seem very interested in him C/ looked round at the river D/ went back to the river www.ThiNganHang.com S Á C H – T À I L I Ệ U T H I T U Y Ể N Trang

Ngày đăng: 20/02/2023, 09:21

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