INSTRUCTOR’S COMMENTS Hochiminh city , Jan 25 th , 2013 INSTRUCTOR’S SIGNATURE International Master in Environmental Science & Management - IMES UNIVERSIT Y OF LIEGE BELGIUM HOCHIMINH UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY VIETNAM EVALUATING LABOR ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS AT GS COMPANY, VIETNAM AND SUGGEST SOLUTIONS FOR MANAGING EMPLOYEES’ HEALTH Instructor : Prof. Sc.D Le Huy Ba Student : Nguyen Thao Ngoc Ho Chi Minh City, 2013 University of Liege in Belgium SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM HoChiMinh City University of Industry Independence - Freedom - Happiness THESIS MISSION Full name: Nguyen Thao Ngoc Sex : Female Date of birth: April 6 th , 1981 Place of birth : Binh Duong Major: Specialized Science & Environmental Management Course: 2/ 2012 I. Thesis name: EVALUATING LABOR ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS AT GS COMPANY, VIETNAM AND SUGGEST SOLUTIONS FOR MANAGING EMPLOYEES’ HEALTH. II. MISSION AND CONTENT: Carry out the assessment of labor environmental risks and propose solutions for laborers’ health. III. INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Sc.D Le Huy Ba Hochiminh City, …………… , 2013 TRAINING DEPARTMENT SPECIALIZED BRANCH DEAN OF SPECIALIZED BRANCH Acknowledment I would like to express many thanks to Prof. Sc.D Le Huy Ba for his dedicated guidance and valuable comments during my research process and completing the thesis. I would like to send my thanks to all Lecturers and Professors from UIH and Liege University in charge of this course taught with whole-hearted attitudes as well as transferred knowledge and experience enthusiastically in the past school year. I also thank you all administrators and relevant departments of UIH as well as Environmental Institutes created the best conditions for me to complete this course. I especially send my best thanks to Vietnam GS Company gave me a chance to measure and interview the employees in order to have data for the research. I would like to thank all Professors due to valuable comments and criticisms for my thesis. Finally, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Board of Managers of Binhduong Centre of Labor Health and Environment, Doctor Ho Hoang Van, Doctor Nguyen Van Tho, and all staff of testing department in my process of measuring and examing, all my colleagues at the Centre, as well as my dear friends in my class. BinhDuong, May 2013 Nguyen Thao Ngoc SUMMARY OF THE THESIS This thesis carried out to assess the risks of environment and laborers’ health in the environment where is contaminated by lead and to evaluate the rate of lead exposure on laborers for a long time. The thesis also investigated the contaminated sources in the air mainly from industrial manufacturing especially in battery industry. The first chapter consists of 20 pages, 1 structural diagram of GS Company, 2 processes of battery production, general overview of lead such as some infiltrating routes into human body, some symptoms when infected lead, as well as some concepts of labor sanitary. The second chapter has 6 pages to show research content and methodsas following: 1. Mornitoring and measuring environmental factors such as microclimate, light, noise, dusty concentration, poisoning vapor concentration, … from 2009 -2011 at GS Company in order to evaluate the contaminated level of labor environment at company. 2. Reckon up the health and illness of workers who exposed to lead through retrospecting medical records such as: recruitment medical exam, periodically medical exam, occupationally medical exam from 2009-2011. 3. Reckon up biochemical tests, clinical examination for workers who exposed to lead directly and regularly to detect symptoms related to environment and work. 4. Propose feasible solutions. The third chapter included 21 pages of results and conclusion: 1. The reality of air pollution. 2. Result of labor environmental measuringfrom 2009 - 2011. 3. Assess the risk of labor environment. 4. Assess the exposure 5. Assess the risk of health. 6. The reality of labor environment at Company. 7. The issues of health, illness, and some occupational diseases of employees at GS Company. 8. Control comparison between the groups of people who exposed with lead vapor directly and indirectly from 2009 - 2011. The chapter IV is about health management and consists of 6 pages. It summaries the reality of health and illness of employees at Company in 2011; the interviewing result about the labor environmental factors effects on employees’ health including 3 tables of knowledge, illess, and using personally protective equipments in manufacturing. Chapter V is about summaries and proposals COMMITMENT I swear that this is my own researching work. The data and research results in the thesis are thue and have not been published in any other researching works. WRITER NGUYEN THAO NGOC TABLE OF CONTENT ITEM PAGE Cover page i Instructor’s comments ii Thesis mission iii Acknowledgement iv Summary of the thesis v Assurance vi Index vii Lists of symbols and abbriviations viii Lists of tables ix Lists of charts x INTRODUCTION 1 Abstract 1 The new points of the thesis 3 Research targets 4 CHAPTER I: OVERVIEW OF STUDY 1.1. Introduction about GS Company 5 1.1.1. General information 5 1.1.2. Chart of GS Company 6 1.1.3. Position of GS Company on the map 7 1.1.4. Technological process of battery manufacturing 8 1.2. Overview of data 10 1.2.1. Overview of study 10 1.2.2. Overview of lead 11 1.2.3. Overview of lead poisoning 15 1.2.4. Some concepts of labor hygiene management 19 CHAPTER II: METHODS AND CONTENT OF STUDY 2.1. Methodology 26 2.2. Particular methods 26 2.2.1. Time for investigating, surveying, and taking samples 26 2.2.2. Place for doing research 27 2.2.3. Research objects 27 2.2.4. Research methods 27 2.2.5. Deal with data, generalize and analyzis results 32 2.2.6. Petition and feasible solutions 32 2.3. Research content 32 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH RESULT AND DISCUSSION 3.1. The reality of air pollution 33 3.1.1. The source of pollution 33 3.1.2. The reality of air pollution at company 33 3.2. Results of measuring 33 3.3. Evaluate the risks of labor environment 35 3.3.1. Methods to identify the dangers 35 3.3.2. Determine the dangers 37 3.4. Assess the exposure 37 3.4.1. Determine the exposuring routes 37 3.4.2. Describe and evaluate the risks 38 3.5. Assess the labor dangers 41 3.6. The reality of labor environment 48 3.7. The issues of health, illness, and some vocational diseases at Company 49 3.7.1. Results of recruitment health tests 49 3.7.2. Examine career diseases 51 3.8. Control comparision Control comparison between the groups of people who exposed with lead vapor directly and indirectly 52 CHAPTER IV: HEALTH MANAGEMENT 4.1. The matter of health, illness of employees at Company 54 4.2. The knowledge about the effect of labor environment on employees at Company 56 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION, PETITION 5.1. Conclusion 60 5.1.1. Managing labor hygiene 60 5.1.2. Managing employees’ health 60 5.1.3. Evaluating labor environmental risks 61 5.1.4. Evaluating health risks 62 5.2. Petition and proposals 62 5.2.1. Petition 62 5.2.2. Proposals for reducing environmental pollution 63 5.2.3. Solutions for managing employees’ health 66 REFERENCES INDEX SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ATLĐ Labor safety ATVSLĐ Labor hygiene safety BNN Vocational diseases KSK Health exam KSKĐK Periodically health exam TTSKLĐ-MT Center of Labor Health and Environment TD Following TCVSLĐCP The allowed standard of Labor Hygiene TABLES PAGE Table 3.1: Results of microclimate and physical factors at GS Company from 2009 to 2011 34 Table 3.2: Results of weight dust, lead dust, lead vapor, acid vapor measured at Company 34 Table 3.3: Analysiz of labor environmental dangers from 2009 to 2011 38 Table 3.4: Matrix of different levels 40 Table 3.5: Matrix of pollution due to weight dust, lead vapor, and lead dust 41 Table 3.6: Result of lead vapor concentration at GS Company from 2009 to 2011. 43 Table 3.7: Result of lead dusty concentration at GS Company from 2009 to 2011. 45 Table 3.8: Result of annually periodical health-exam 49 Table 3.9: Reckon on infection diseases of workers through periodical health-exam 50 Table 3.10: Result of occupational disease exam at GS Company through quantity ∆ALA urine from 2009-2011. 51 Table 4.1: Assessment of employees’ subjectiveness impacted on their health by labor environment with 110 investigated-samples. 57 Table 4.2: The matter of illness of employees in the first six months through interviewing 110 workers 58 Table 4.3: Employees’ awareness in using personally protective equipment (interviewed 110 employees) 59 LIST OF CHART PAGE Chart 3.1: Factors of labor environmental measuring that exceeded the allowed standards from 2009- 2011 35 Chart 3.2: Lead concentration exceeded the allowed standards from 2009-2011 47 [...]... environment at work but the risks of environment and employees’ health especially the long-term workers In recent years, there have not had any researches on this matter in this area From this reality, we carry out the project Evaluating labor environmental risks at GS Company, Vietnam and suggest solutions for managing employees’ health” This research is done at GS Company as per the regulations of... working time” From that, this thesis will suggest suitable policies and methods for improving labor environment for protecting and upgrading laborer employees s’ health in battery field in particular and in laborers of Binh Duong province in general 2 The new points of the thesis There were many researches about labor environment but any research of evaluating the risks of labor environment and the health... techniques, of labour hygiene, and of management in labour safety; the author Le Thi Hong Tran in Evaluating the risks of labour environment” and in Evaluating the risks of health and ecological system” in 2008; Che Dinh Ly in “Analysis the environmental system” introduced some models of evaluating the risks for peoples’ health and environment due to the absence or the usage of materials causing pollution... at the real area is to survey the reality of labour environment by measuring the labour environment of engineers at testing department of Labour Environmental and Health Center – Binh Duong Province The standards evaluated annually are microclimate, light, noise, and dusty concentration e Analysis the concentration of lead dust, acid vapour, and ∆ALA urine is carried out at the environmental laboratory... among GS- Yuasa - the lead acid battery producer; Mitsubishi group – the strongest business group in Japan; and Ztong Yee - the biggest battery company in Taiwan manufactures especially battery for motorcycles and cars GS Vietnam Company was established in May 12, 1997 and it has started its operation and business since 1999 GS Company has imported and produced for trading many kinds of car battery... symptoms at head and fingers Brain accident: severe headache, convulsion, seizure, coma, even causing death Inflammation of the kidney develops slowly with erythrocyte and leukocyte in the urine Rheumatology for lead appears fit by fit, paint at articulation around and not concentrated at vertebral column with long paint It may be hurt at muscles or around the articulations without swelling and redness... of GS – Yuasa since 2009 Operating areas: all cities and provinces in Vietnam GS Company has produced battery for cars and motors under the technology of GSYuasa of Japan and supplied battery for almost potential customers like TOYOTA, HONDA, YAMAHA, SUZUKI, MITSUBISHI, PIAGGIO 1.1.2 Chart of gs company 1.1.3 Position on map Picture 1: GS Viet Nam in Vietnam Singapore Industrial Place (VSIP) 1.1.4 Battery... collecting, and analysing the data: the figures are collected and processed by Excel and statistical method to determine the rate of diseases of staff at GS Company Survey the labour environment The thesis surveys the labour condition, manufacturing line and defines the working position that infected the toxic vapour and the objects working at that place a Elements need to be measured - Microclimate:... the environmental risk of lead pollution and risks of employees’ health and then propose solutions to improve the working environment each year after having the environmental test results and implementation of incentives such as examining and treating for those infected occupational diseases and having allowances for health Raising awareness of employees about protecting their health through using labor. .. Health and Occupational Disease Department of the Hygiene and Public Health Institution in Hochiminh City f Expert method: • Consult Prof Ph.D Le Huy Ba • Consult Director – Doctor Ho Hoang Van, Doctor Nguyen Van Tho – Dean of Occupational Disease Department of Labour Environmental and Health Center - Binh Duong • Consult Director of GS Company g Method of evaluating the risks quantitatively and qualitatively . project Evaluating labor environmental risks at GS Company, Vietnam and suggest solutions for managing employees’ health”. This research is done at GS Company as per the regulations of testing labor environment. & Environmental Management Course: 2/ 2012 I. Thesis name: EVALUATING LABOR ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS AT GS COMPANY, VIETNAM AND SUGGEST SOLUTIONS FOR MANAGING EMPLOYEES’ HEALTH. II. MISSION AND. SIGNATURE International Master in Environmental Science & Management - IMES UNIVERSIT Y OF LIEGE BELGIUM HOCHIMINH UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY VIETNAM EVALUATING LABOR ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS AT GS COMPANY,