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Third and related, recent research has identified the safe haven” premium of U.S Treasuries as being more due to their covariance structure with other assets rather than with the size of outstanding bonds Eurobonds and ESBies could be similar in size, but ESBies are designed to be safer and so would capture the bulk of the elusive liquidity... times Pooling and diversification make ESBies safer than every European sovereign bond in both scenarios This leads to the second element that makes ESBies safe Because they are the senior tranche on the bond portfolio, they are the first to get paid from the revenue of the bonds Therefore, if the tranching cut-‐off... negligible 7.3 The difference from blue-‐red bonds The Brueghel institute (Depla and Weizsacker, 2011) proposed a refinement of Eurobonds that addresses the last two criticisms Blue Eurobonds with joint guarantees would be issued only up to 60% of the Euro-‐zone GDP Any additional (red) bonds would have to be issued by the sovereign,... problems, and they would still in general be less safe than the ESBies The Brueghel proposal also does not refer to a change in bank regulations that would encourage a shift from risky sovereign bonds to safe ESBies This is a crucial part of our proposal 7.4 The difference from synthetic Eurobonds As we were finalizing our own proposal, Beck, . B+99$&#H#&$ >' $2-$ESBies$H'&$-"'&>; +P $!"#E$ 2&# $European, $+ %#<$CE $2 $K % &' / #2 ) $D#C>$T.#),E$+) $2 ,, ' &< $B +>. 29$+)>#.&2>+')$>"2)$>"#$')#$ B #$29<E$"2P#;$!"# E$2&# $Safe5 $CE$P+&>%#$'H$C#+).$ <#-+.)#<$ >'$ *+)+*+N#$ >"#$ &+-3$. .2>+P#$,'&\>+')$B+>"$'>"#&$E+#9<-;$! "#E$2&# $Bonds5 $H&##9E$>&2 < # < $+) $* 2 & 3# > -5$2 ) < $" # 9< $C E$ C2)3-5$+)P#->'&-$2)<$,#)>&29$C2)3-$>'$-2>+-HE$>"#$<#*2)<$>"2>$B#$<#-,&+C#<;$ !"+-$