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[...]... at the University of Tampere His main research interests include cancer screening and the health effects of radiation He is the principal investigator ofthe Finnish randomized trial on prostate cancer screening and is one ofthe coordinators ofthe European Randomized Study of Prostate Cancer Screening (ERSPC) He has published about 180 scientific articles xviii Respondingtothechallengeof cancer. .. understanding ofthe causes ofcancer means that primary prevention is often possible – by reducing or eliminating the risk of developing the disease One ofthe most important medical discoveries ofthe twentieth century was the role of tobacco smoking as a cause of cancers of the lung and various other organs The consequences of implementing antismoking measures are now becoming apparent – rapid declines in. .. aims to identify the causes ofcancer and to develop better strategies for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure This book represents an attempt to bring together the latest information and analysis to assist in meeting thechallengeofcancer Some ofthe most eminent European experts incancer control have contributed tothe book Many of them will also contribute tothe EU Cancer Conference in Slovenia,... member of the Board of the European Cancer Prevention Organization (ECP); the French National Cancer Institute (INCa); the Board of the Latin American Association ofCancer Registries and the Committee on Cancer Screening (Ministry of Health, INCa) He collaborates inthe French network ofcancer registries and the EUROCARE project Professor Faivre is also Chair of the Cancerology Federation of University... reduce cancer incidence and mortality, to improve cancer outcomes, to reduce health gaps inthe prevention and control ofcancer between and within EU Member States and to increase the benefits for cancer patients ˆ Zofija Mazej Kukovic Minister of Health, Republic of Slovenia Acknowledgements RespondingtotheChallengeofCancerinEurope has been written within the Fighting Against Cancer Today (FACT)... current burden ofcancer and highlighting the dominant cancers that may therefore be considered as the main priorities for prevention The results are interpreted inthe light of current understanding ofthe causes ofcancer and the prospects for prevention The chapter ends with an estimate ofthecancer burden inEurope circa 2020, derived from the projection of national cancer incidence rates tothe forecasted... reviewed The challenges facing cancer researchers inEurope today are examined, along with the research agenda and the crucial contribution that can be made by Europe- wide collaborative research The information required to track changes in incidence, outcomes and responses tocancerinthe EU is reviewed, along with the optimal indicators for assessing progress against cancerin Europe, including the benefits... testicular cancers) The Slovenian initiative on cancerThe Government of Slovenia assumes the Presidency ofthe EU inthe first half of 2008 Its decision to focus on cancer provides an important opportunity to reassess the public health challengeof cancer, and to suggest how policy-makers inEurope should respond to it The goal ofthe Slovenian Presidency initiative is to close the gaps incancer prevention,... umbrella Fighting Against Cancer Today (FACT) FACT is RespondingtothechallengeofcancerinEurope 5 co-funded by the Government of Slovenia and the European Commission’s Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General, with additional support from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies The book provides an overview ofthe epidemiology of cancer, including a discussion ofthe major... discussing thecancer profile in Europe, it is helpful to consider the definitions of terms such as cancer incidence and mortality, as well as the sources of such information, their availability and, where necessary, their estimation Cancer incidence is the frequency ofthe occurrence of new cases ofcancerin a defined population over a given period of time, usually a year It is expressed either as the . cancer patients. Zofija Mazej Kukovic Minister of Health, Republic of Slovenia Responding to the challenge of cancer in Europexiv ˆ Acknowledgements Responding to the Challenge of Cancer in Europe. attempt to bring together the latest information and analysis to assist in meeting the challenge of cancer. Some of the most eminent European experts in cancer control have contributed to the book research interests include cancer screening and the health effects of radiation. He is the principal investigator of the Finnish randomized trial on prostate cancer screening and is one of the coordinators