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english in mind - workbook 3

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Free Audio CD / CD-ROM For Windows· and Mac ~CAMBRIDGE ~ UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore. Sao Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building. Cambridge CB2 2RU. UK www.cambridge.org Information on this title: wwwcambridge.org/9780521750653 © Cambridge University Press 2005 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2005 Reprinted 2005 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press. Cambridge A catalogue recard far this publication is available from the British Library ISBN-13 978-0-521-75065-3 Workbook with Audio CD / CD-ROM ISBN-lO 0-521-75065-2 Workbook with Audio CD / CD-ROM ISBN-13 978-0-521-75064-6 Student's Book ISBN-lO 0-521-75064-4 Student's Book ISBN-13 978-0-521-75066-0 Teacher's Book ISBN-l0 0-521-75066-0 Teacher's Book ISBN-13 978-0-521-75067-7 Teacher's Resource Pack ISBN-lO 0-521-75067-9 Teacher's Resource Pack ISBN-13 978-0-521-75068-4 Class Cassettes ISBN-lO 0-521-75068-7 Class Cassettes ISBN-13 978-0-521-54506-8 Class Audio CDs iSBN-\O 0-51\-5<\506-4 Ga" "\ldio C\)s unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Best of British 4 Skills tF multiple choice doze Ways of talking 10 skills tip: appropriate language for letters or emails A true friend 16 Skills tip: matching speakers with opinions Unit 14 Anger 82 Skills tip: developing your ideas to write a story (2) Unit 15 Fear 88 Skills tip: note taking while listening Unit 16 Happiness 94 skills tip: developing adiscursive composition (2) Jnit4 nit 5 nit 6 A working life Skills tip: report writing Travel Skills tip: putting phrases/sentences into a text Live forever! 22 28 34 Grammar reference Acknow ledgements CD-ROM instructions 100 111 112 skills tip: writing a letter for an exam .,it 7 Campaigning for survival 40 Skills tip: multiple choice questions with listening nit 8 Reality TV 46 skills tip: organising a writing task _ t 9 Good and evil 52 Skills tip: completing sentences while listening _-"t 10 Getting into trouble 58 Skills tip: developing a discursive composition (1) _- - 11 Two sides to every story 64 Skills tip: matching summaries with paragraphs _- ~ 12 Mysterious places 70 Skills tip: developing your ideas te write a story (1) nit 13 Love 76 Skills tip: multiple choice questions with reading 4 exercise at / are you / the moment / doing much / sport or ? 0 5 or any / do online gaming / of your / do you / friends ever? 0 3 and your / do you / what kind / friends listen to / of music? 0 Best of British 6 your age are / think people / much money / do you / spending too? 0 I'm Christy Bell. and I'm in Year 11 at a school in Manchester. This is my big GCSE exam year, so I 1 .q9 /J.'!JHJ\'!? (not have) as much free time as I did before. When I 2 (not do) my homework or studying for tests, I try to see my friends. Saturday night is really the only time when everyone's free, because most of my friends 3 _ __ (work) on Saturdays. I have a job in a home and garden centre, but it 4 _ ._ (get) harder to find enough time to do that and all of my school work too. I s __ (need) the money. though, because I don't get any pocket money from my mum_ I 6 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ (start) to do babysitting. which is good because I usually 7 _ _ _ (get) my school work done at the same time (and get paid for it!). Most of the boys in my class seem to spend a lot of their free time on computers. More and more of them 8 _ _ __ (get) computer games, or doing online gaming, but I don't like them much. And these days people 9 __ __ _ (use) instant messaging to talk to friends, but I 10 _ _ _ _ __ (prefer) texting my friends on my mobile - I hate sitting in front of a computer for hours. I do enough of that with my homework. ~ Put the words in order to make questions to Christy about her life. Then match questions 1-6 with answers a-f. Write a-f in the boxes. 1 not counting / how often / eat out, / school meals / do you? [I] t/9 ' {'t,gfjR!1 c1QYou gat gy.U'lQLCOll}]ting~c:hqqL mRals ? _ 2 these days / are you / lot of / eating a / fast food 7 0 Grammar Present simple vs. present continuous review 8 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs. a I'm actually in a girl's football team, and I go running two or three times a week. b One or two of them do. but most of us think it's a stupid habit. c They like pop and dance music Personally I prefer rap - 50 Cent. Eminem. d No, not really_ I probably ate more burgers and chips when I was younger. I prefer salads now. e All my friends have part-time jobs. so I think they spend just what they can afford. I buy too many clothes! f I suppose about once or twice a month. I go to a little cafe in the shopping centre with my friends. 4 Module 1 Vocabulary Giving statistics and making generalisations • Here is part of the text you heard from the Student's Book. Read it and €§> the correct answer, a, b or c. 3ntain has 12 million people under the age of 16 around 20% ~f the population. 'lternet fans might think British teenagers spend all their time ~nline, but surprisingly under 10% of 15-16-year-olds have the Illternet at home (just 1 in 13). However. this number is increasmg 311 the time. 16-year-olds spend about £12 a week. Girls tend to spend £2 a week ",ore than boys. In the past. this was usually spent on sweets. but now -eens are spending most of their money on mobile phone cards. . children are spending so much. that means some of them are 'Orking. The most common job is babysitting. followed by ewspaper rounds. :5% of under-19s are living with just one parent. of the population of Britain is under 16. a The majority b ~ c Just under half 2 __ _ teenagers are using the Internet. a A lot b Over half of c More and more 3 Teens are spending . __ _ their money on mobile phone cards. a around two thirds of b the majority of c most of 4 It is _ _teenagers to deliver newspapers. a quite common for b the majority of c about two thirds 5 __ people under 19 are living with just one parent. a 1 in 4 b Almost half c It is common for CB Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. think prefer tend common majority more lot fla# Almost .llQ.lf Qf British teenagers have cable or satellite TV at home. 2 Most teenagers seeing friends to watching TV. 3 Boys . __ _ to play sport often than girls. 4 A _ _ of teenagers __ tha.! going to rh,,- cinema is better tban playing spOJt. 5 On" 'boring day', the _~ ~ ._ of teenagers say they watch TV or a video. 6 It is quite __ ._ for teenagers to have a part-time job. Pronunciation The schwa / d/ o Listen to the sentences in Exercise 2b and check your answers. How do you pronounce the underlinesJ parts? Listen again and repeat . CB (JJ. Say these sentences aloud. Then listen, check and repeat . Most of my friends tend 19 listen to rap. 2 A lot of my friends prefer basketball to football. 3 It's quite common for me IO send texl messages to my friends. 4 More i!nd more teenagers are starting to use the Internet at home. Unit 1 S c already not been on the b just a yet 6 Have you _ London Eye? a already b yet c still o ~ir~0 the correct answer, a, b or c- l We haven't been to Scotland_ a already b ~ c yet 2 I've come back from Stratford_ a still b yet c just 3 But you've seen this film five times! a yet b still c already 4 Have you got here? a just b still c yet 5 I haven't had a really good ice cream o Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. We still haven't had our results (yet) I'Ve jJg.Y€,(t hqcf. __ QI,JEL€WLt~X€t. 2 I've seen this film before_ (already) 3 I've been doing this course for a week_ (since) 4 Joy hasn't used her new mobile yet_ (still) 5 I told you that a few seconds ago! (just) 6 You've had that computer since January 2005_ (for) 7 Your friends still haven't called you_ (yet) ~8~ .,. . ~ ". ' ., • " ,,"" "t - you know / each other? HgIV.LQng_hqXf;_ygy_k[J9._w.[Jgg~h.Q.thf;r.?. _ ;ilocef.€!J.wg r Y_?1.tfJi'f.,,!- 2 she have / car? 4 you have / watch? 3 you support / Newcastle United? Grammar Present perfect simple with for, since, yet and already o Complete the sentences with for or since. 1 Pietro has been in England three months_ 2 He has studied English he was seven years old. 3 His mother has been there with him two weeks_ 4 He hasn't had any fish and chips he arrived_ 5 He hasn't had a good cup of coffee he left Italy_ 6 He hasn't seen his friends such a long time_ ~ Look at the pictures and write how long questions with short answers. 6 Module 1 Culture in mind . Vocabulary Making new friends Replace the underlined words with phrasal verbs from the box, 2 SOJ11~ people :,ay it is chi.:-kcn tikl-a masala. t\ British curry dish. Like 'balti', it was imented in England b) Bangladc:~hi il1ln·igranr~. Th~ Dnllsh like gray)'. or ~'lUce. with their food. and this is 'Vcry different ffi,m the f< oo : lU might find in India. Pakistan or Bangladesh '\01 these days. For onc thing. fish is becoming more and more e> pensiyc. and our tastes seem to be changing too. In any c~e. fish find chips only C3m~ 10 Britain le~s than 150 ~e:ab a,go. so it i~ not real)) ~ul:h an {lId (radjtion~l dish. Fish and chip~ was pmb<:bly il mixtur~ of hcm:h "frites' and Je\\ish fish recip<'~. _~ Cum first apr~ed on cl Bnlish menu in 1773, would you belll "'~. so it is actually much older than fish and chips. Indian restaurants h3\ "e been vcry popular in Britain for O\"er Ihift) )~<In 1n fae!. thc:y ale not really 'Indian': most of them are operated b} Bangladeshis. 4 No. YOll can find curry houses .:Yen in the smallc ;1 villages. There are over 9,000 of them all o\~r Britain. o c [] o D r:J Mark the statements T (true), F(false) or N (not enough information), Fish and chips is the oldest kind of British food still eaten today. 2 'Chicken tikka masala' and 'balti' are dishes found in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 3 The First curry house in Britain was operated by an Indian immigrant. 4 London has 9,000 curry houses. S It is possible to buy a chicken tikka masala flavoured drink. 6 It is common to find British restaurants thet have food from other cultures Read about multicultural food in Britain, and match questions A-G with paragraphs 1-6. There is one question you will not need to use. A What is Britain's favourite food these days? B Is it only eaten in restaurants? C How long has curry been popular in Britain? D 15 fZist4 aAd EAif35 still Brj~aiA·s AatisAal eHsR/ E What is 'chicken tlkka masala7 F What other 'multlcultural' food is popular in Britain? G Is curry popular Just in London and other big cities? feel left out settled In join in Bene ,','ItA fit in Karen's playing with her new puppy. She's trying to make an emotional connection wi h It. bond with 2 What's wrong with you. Sam? Don't you want to Qi'rticipate in the game? 3 Have you adapted to your Dew environment yet. Steve? You've been here two months now. 4 I'm not going out with Harry and his friends anymore. I just don't feel like I belong. S Here's a present for you. Tom. I don't want you to think you're not being included. 5 1'\0, a lot of people cook their o"n curri~ at home. Sainsburys~ onc of Brilain:') bi~gL"~1 ~upelmarkcts. sells 30,000 chicken tihka ready-mcals a da). and you can buy chicken tikka masala fla\oured crisps, pizzas. sand\\ iches and pasta sauce. British companic':' even sell it to Indja. 6 You can find almost anything in supem1arkcts these days, including <fusion' food \\ hich has ml1uences from more than one culture. A fro-Caribbean food <:.nd Japanese-slyle sushi bm"S are hecoming more popular in London. and )OU wiU find Chinese. Greek. ~te:xjcan and Thai food in most British to\\ns nd citic • ~xplosive Read Read the text, and ~i~l~ the correct answers, a, b or c. Rapper / R&B star Ms Dynamite has won many I __ in her short career. She became the first black female (and youngest ever) winner of the Mercury MUSIC Prize in 2002. Other music awards 2 _._._._ _ _ , and then in 2003 she won a different kind of honour - she was named Media Personality of the Year by the Commission for Racial Equality. Of course. the music prizes were very pleasing, but this one was something very 3 _ . to her. 'I'm really happy < _ __ _ I've won this award. It means a lot that people are noticing that I'm fighting for something positive through my music.' Ms Dynamite, whose' __ . __ _ name is Niomi McLean·Oaley. is a role model for today', multicultural Britain. 1nesongs she writes sound real because they are real - her own experiences from a difficult childhood. Niomi 6 __ . __ _ born in London, but her mother is Scottish and her father Jamaican - he left 7 _. __ . when she was young, and her mother later became very ill for sometime. It wasn't easy growing up poor in the city. As a teenager, she had problems at school, and even left home herself for a few months when she was fifteen. s , she still managed to get the three A-levels she needed to go to 9 __ _ _ , but she decided to try a musical career instead. In her interviews. she often talks about the importance of education and learning about different 10 ~. . When her singing career is over, she wants to be a teacher one day. 1 a medals b money c0var~ d races • • 2 a too b after c additionally d followed Reading tip • • 3 a special b fantastic c perfect d big Multiple choice doze 4 a for b of c that d when You have already done a number of these 5 a first b singer c true d real e> ercises in other l~vels of Enylish in 6 a is b has c were d was Mind. Remember: · house c home d wife · 7 a out b • It is important to tbink ahout • 8 a But bAnd c However d Although grammar as well as meaning. In 9 a school b university c work d home number 1, you can't say many money. 10 a place b cultures c country d lessons • Try to learn the context of a word. Medals and races are usually Write connected 10 sport. • Write a paragraph about foreign culture. • Learn how words can and can't combine. In number 3, it's nol • • • What languages are spoken most in your country? possible to say very fantastic. In · • • number 8, only one of the cholees • • Are there any famous writers. singers, actors or • • • can be followed by a comma. sports stars living in your country who were not • born there? • Read the whole sentence to see what • Choose another culture and say what you like and kind uf word is needed. In number 2, don't like about it. a verb is neetletl. 8 Module 1 prize effiigfalee immigrant culture life novel watching felt settled for Fill in the spaces Complete the text with the words in the box. cc The writer Kazuo Ishiguro was born in Japan. but his family 1 . _f'migro.1e.ci_ to Britain when he was five He 2 __ in quickly to' _._ in Engldnd. learning the language by 4 _ __ _ _ westerns on TV. He never really felt like an s . . ana he loved British 6 ._._ He was one of the best writers or his universIty course. Although his first book was about Japan, he didn't visit the country 7 _ _ _ many years. He B _ _ _ more Bntish than Japanese. so he wrote a very English 9 _. __ . __ _ . The Remair:s of the Day, which won him a major 10 _ _ __ Choose the correct answers cgircl$l the correct answers, a. bar c. 1 Go and _ _ _ in if you feel like playing. a stand b@ c bond 2 We haven't eaten yesterday. a since b yet c for 3 The _._ _ _ of my friends have a mobile phone. a majority blot c half 4 British teenagers _ to stay at school until they are eighteen. a like b tend c common S Less _ __ _._. half of my classmates have brothers or sisters. a under b of c than 6 you _ _ _ __ . __ haven't told me who you went out with last night. a already b yet c still 7 I've played the trumpet _ I WdS eight. a when b since c jll<it 8 My dad _._ _ _ _. shopping to watching footbail. a likes b prefers c thinks 9 It's OK you're not too late. We've _ __ ._. _ started. a just b still c yet Correct the mistakes In each sentence there is a mistake with the present continuous / simple / perfect, or adverbs of time. Underline the mistakes and write the correct sentence. 1 How often are you eat out these days? J:-ICIY Q f:t'?!J QQ.Y9J,Lli'ot Qyl thl;55?_c!.qysl _. _ 2 I haven't seen you since a long time _ _. __ ._. __ . __ _.___ _. . 3 What kind of music are you Iikng? _ _ ._ 4 I haven't been still to the London Eye. . _._ __ __ _ __ __ _._ _ S How long do you know your best friend? . . ." _ _ __ _ __ _ 6 I've been here for last week. . ._._ _ _ __ ._ _ _ _ _ 7 How much exercise you are doing at the moment? __ . __ . _. __ ._ _ __ _ . ._ 8 My mother and father yet haven't come back home __ _._ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ . 9 More and more people have getting broadband connections to the Internet. How did you do? Total: cm Very good 20 - 25 OK 14 -19 CII Review Unit 1 again 0-13 Unit 1Check 9 [...]... 3 _ tennis _ _ _ _ it homework CB Look at Martin's diary and write sentences about his plans for next week .- - _._ .- - - - - r '- _. _-_ .- - - - - - _ .- -_ ._._._._., : " ",ill::! 1'ile 10 ('L>'&" ' 11~lIk/C"I'I h.ne 11l1€t?littJ : ,Tuesday l ! , t I \ \uK'Ih:.'7'1t:1 On Tuesday afternoon he 3 On Wednesday morning he _ : - I"c.ltlil~ ~ti\~ I \cl to : Wednesday : 2 ' , J.1le nill! On Tuesday morning... going to have a test tomorrow ® a:J' Listen again and repeat the sentences D Unit 5 29 Vocabulary Travel CV Unscramble the words and write them under the pictures opmtftar sucmost - - - - """(" glihh emitbleat beaggga usecir prureadet ulogen -~ - ~~' -7 .· '-1 ' - - . Library ISBN- 13 97 8-0 -5 2 1-7 506 5 -3 Workbook with Audio CD / CD-ROM ISBN-lO 0-5 2 1-7 506 5-2 Workbook with Audio CD / CD-ROM ISBN- 13 97 8-0 -5 2 1-7 506 4-6 Student's Book ISBN-lO 0-5 2 1-7 506 4-4 Student's. Resource Pack ISBN- 13 97 8-0 -5 2 1-7 506 8-4 Class Cassettes ISBN-lO 0-5 2 1-7 506 8-7 Class Cassettes ISBN- 13 97 8-0 -5 2 1-5 450 6-8 Class Audio CDs iSBN-O 0-5 1 -5 <50 6-4 Ga" "ldio C)s unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Best of British 4 Skills tF multiple. Student's Book ISBN- 13 97 8-0 -5 2 1-7 506 6-0 Teacher's Book ISBN-l0 0-5 2 1-7 506 6-0 Teacher's Book ISBN- 13 97 8-0 -5 2 1-7 506 7-7 Teacher's Resource Pack ISBN-lO 0-5 2 1-7 506 7-9 Teacher's

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