G Y n e c o l o G i c
o n c o l o G Y
G r o u p
G Y n e c o l o G i c
o n c o l o G Y
G r o u p
Providing neededsupport
for gynecologic research
Mission Statement
The Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) is a national,
non-profit medical organization with the sole purpose
of promoting excellence in the quality and integrity
of clinical and basic scientific research in the field of
gynecologic malignancies.
The GOG was officially established in 2001, with its
history dating back to 1970 as a NCI funded adult
cooperative research group. The GOG supports
and executes the cooperative gynecologic
clinical trial program through a grant from the
National Cancer Institute, as one of its many
objectives. The GOG promotes awareness for
gynecologic malignancies through education and
clinical trials. The Group conducts gynecologic
trials at academic institutions throughout the
United States, Canada, Japan, Korea and
Australia. Trials are conducted at the institutional
level with focus on Phase I through III cancer
trials. The Group’s main objective is to provide an
appropriate vehicle to test new ideas for the prevention and
management of patients with gynecologic malignancies. In
2010, 5,761 patients were registered in GOG research
trials to date. The GOG has completed over 300 clinical
trials and contributed over 550 manuscripts to peer
reviewed medical literature.
New Horizons Gynecologic Cancer
Research Fund
In 2007, GOG recognized that a fundraising arm through
the non-profit corporation must be developed and
promoted if we are to continue to bolster basic research and
translational research activities within the GOG. This
fundraising arm, later named New Horizons Gynecologic
Cancer Research Fund is the philanthropic arm for the
GOG with collaboration within the Group. New Horizons
was developed and funded through donations and fund
raising activities such as 5k races and other awareness
events. These donations have become the source of
income that allows the GOG to enrich our efforts to develop
and deliver essential research tools needed to further our
trial development and translational research program.
Donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations
directly fund GOG educational and research initiatives.
Together, we partner to search for speedy
treatments, more effective prevention and
promoting excellence in scientific research in the
field of gynecologic malignancies.
With current economic conditions, GOG relies on
these donations to provide needed funds for
projects that would not fall under the Federal
Funding Guidelines. The GOG is committed to
maintain the highest standards in clinical
trial development, execution, analysis and
distribution of results. Continuous evaluation of
our processes is utilized in order to constantly
improve the quality of patient care.
We all know that without clinical trials and scientific
research and development, we would not be closer to a
cure. Each donation received by the GOG will go
directly to provide:
• Much needed resources to effectively work toward the
prevention and treatment of gynecologic malignancies
• Accessible research funding
• Ability to mentor New Investigators through
Fellowship awards
• Opportunity to raise public awareness through
education and research
• Translational medicine initiatives across the disease
• Technology and operations needs of the Group
Donate Now ̶ Your Gift Will Make
A Difference!
Please support the important work of the New Horizons
Gynecologic Cancer Research Fund. We ask you to join us
by supporting this program. Donations of any amount
will help make a difference in advancing research and
providing the opportunity for further exploration. Women
who have been diagnosed with a gynecologic malignancy
depend on clinical trials to combat this disease.
Your Donation Options
Are Limitless
You may make a donation in your own
name, your business’ name, “In Memory Of” or
a donation in the name of a specific person you
have been meaning to recognize. Let them
know how special they are! ALL DONATIONS
“Kick Up Your Heels”
Each donation of $50.00 or more will receive a one of a
kind sterling silver “Kick Up Your Heels” charm with “New
Horizons” etched on the bottom of each charm. A letter
for tax purposes will be sent directly to you, as well as
recognition for your donations in the GOG Newsletter and
online at the GOG website - www.gog.org.
Contribution Information
My gift is:
In Honor Of
In Memory Of
“In Honor Of”:
“In Memory Of”:
Your Name:
State: ZIP Code:
Payment Information
$ Amount of Contribution
Check □□
Card Number:
Expiration Date:
□ YES, I wish to be acknowledged in the GOG Newsletter.
□ I wish to remain anonymous.
The Gynecologic Oncology Group will provide you, your attorney, or tax
advisor with any additional information you may need in connection with your
contribution. Please contact Kathy Shumaker, Director of Development, at
(410) 721-7126 or Kshumaker@gog.org for further information.
Tax ID 03-0466352
Cut Here
Contribution Form
Please complete the Contribution Form and return it and
your donation (if applicable) to:
The Gynecologic Oncology Group
Attn: Kathy Shumaker
2127 Espey Court - Suite 100
Crofton, MD 21114
Monetary Contributions
□ YES. I am pleased to make a tax-deductible contribu-
tion to support The Gynecologic Oncology Group.
GOG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
□ YES. I am pleased to provide a pledge in the amount
of $___________________, to be paid in increments
of $___________________ per year, over a total
period of _____________ years. I understand that the
GOG will send me a statement each year. Payments
must be made to the GOG by December 31st in order
to be tax-deductible for that calendar year.
This pamphlet is designed to provide general information. It is
provided with the understanding that neither the GOG nor any
person distributing this pamphlet is engaged in rendering legal,
accounting, tax, investment, or other professional advice. If
legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a
competent professional should be sought. Accordingly, neither the
GOG nor any distributor of this pamphlet shall be liable for any loss
or damage alleged to have been caused by the use or reliance upon
this information.
Cut Here
. Y G r o u p G Y n e c o l o G i c o n c o l o G Y G r o u p Providing needed support for gynecologic research 2 Mission Statement The Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) is a national, non-profit. supports and executes the cooperative gynecologic clinical trial program through a grant from the National Cancer Institute, as one of its many objectives. The GOG promotes awareness for gynecologic. research and translational research activities within the GOG. This fundraising arm, later named New Horizons Gynecologic Cancer Research Fund is the philanthropic arm for the GOG with collaboration