Lesson plan unit 6 global warming languagedocx hlbpz

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Lesson plan unit 6 global warming languagedocx hlbpz

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UNIT 6 GLOBAL WARMING (Language) Teacher Nguyễn Thị Hoàn ICT Domino for matching part to help students to understand the meaning of sentences and to create interaction of the students (Task 2 Grammar)[.]

UNIT 6: GLOBAL WARMING (Language) Teacher: Nguyễn Thị Hoàn ICT : - Domino for matching part to help students to understand the meaning of sentences and to create interaction of the students (Task 2-Grammar) A Class details:  Class: 11D4  Total number: 44 B Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:  Know and use some of words and phrases related to the topic of “global warming’’  Recognize and practice the intonation on yes-no questions & echo question  Known how to use perfect gerunds and perfect participles C Preparations: - Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, cassette - Students: textbook D Procedure: Time Stages Activities 4-5 minutes Warm-up Activity 1: Play a game “Simon says” T gives the rule of the game: “Before starting lesson to day, I have a small game for you called “Simon game” Listen carefully the rule, ok: if I say “Simon says stand up, you must stand up If I say “stand up”, you won’t anything”, the game is over when there are 5-7 persons are out” T check students’ understanding the rule After that, T gives a punishment for 5-7 Work arrangement Whole-class activity students, each person will write two words or phrases related to global warming minutes minutes 23 minutes Activity 2: Vocabulary Task 1: T will show some pictures related words in task (vocabulary part) for the class and asks SS to guess the word which is suitable with the picture” After that, T ask SS to use words on screen to task in their textbook After minutes, T will check correct answers Keys: carbon footprint infectious diseases emissions ecological balance heat-related illnesses climate change Activity 3: Pronunciation Task 1: (5 minutes) T asks Ss task in pronunciation part “Now, you will listen carefully and repeat to the recording” Then T elicits the features of intonation on yes-no questions and echo questions Task 2: (3 minutes) After that, T asks Ss to complete the task through listening the recording Ss will practice by reading the sentences in pair Activity 4: Grammar Perfect participles in clauses of time and reason Task 1: (5 minutes) T asks Ss complete the task “Now, move on the grammar part, your tasks are underlining the perfect Whole-class activity Individual activity Individual activity participle and rewrite the sentences by using after/then, or because/ since You have minutes” After minutes T checks answers and then T will give the structure of perfect participles and how to use them through these sentences in the task Keys: Having planned the content, we’re now looking for supporting information => After we have planned the content, we’re now looking for supporting information Having treated the environment irresponsibly, humans now have to suffer => Because/since humans have treated the environment irresponsibly, they now have to suffer Group activity Task 2: (10 minutes) Domino T will share handouts for the class and introduce the rule of the game: “we are going to play a mini game In this game, you will work group of four -I will give you some cards, each group has cards You will match suitably these sentences and read the sentences The winner is group who has no more card in hands - The group winner has a small gift.” And then T shows the correct answers, and gives the winner group small gift Keys: 1.e 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.g 6.h 7.f 8.d After that, T asks Ss to rewrite all of sentences, using perfect participles Two minutes is over, T calls some students write the answers on the board and checks the answers Perfect gerunds (8 minutes) T will show some examples: Someone had started a fire in the forest, Tom admitted that he had done it  Tom admitted to having started a fire in the forest He was accused of having deserted his ship two months ago =>Structure (1): Verb + (object) + preposition + perfect gerund (having V3/ed) Verbs: apologize/admire/blame/criticize/punish / Praise/thank +for Accuse/suspect + of Congratulate on E.g: He denied having been there => structure (2) Verb + perfect gerund (having + V3/ed) After that, T askes Ss to complete the task in perfect gerund part After minutes, T checks correct answers by calling someone to write down their answers on the board Homework -T asks ss to learn the grammar and minutes vocabulary - Prepare for the next lesson Individual activity Whole-class activity Handout Domino we worked out some solutions to reduce its effects Because local people have cut down the forests to make way for farming, now they have to suffer severe floods they have to find some types of alternative energy they have to suffer its effects now we were determined to reduce our carbon foot print They started using them sparingly on their farms We decided to sell our car and get a bicycle instead We changed our attitude to nature Since they have used up the fossil fuel resources in their country, Since people have ignored warnings about global warming for more than 20 years, After we had learnt that humans are responsible for global warming, Because farmers had been informed about the bad effects of chemical fertilizers, After we read the report on how the burning of petrol in cars contributes to climate change, After we talked with the environmentalist, After we identified the causes of global warming, ... country, Since people have ignored warnings about global warming for more than 20 years, After we had learnt that humans are responsible for global warming, Because farmers had been informed about... them through these sentences in the task Keys: Having planned the content, we’re now looking for supporting information => After we have planned the content, we’re now looking for supporting...students, each person will write two words or phrases related to global warming minutes minutes 23 minutes Activity 2: Vocabulary Task 1: T will show some pictures

Ngày đăng: 16/02/2023, 10:22

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