Logic Design Medium-Scale Integrated Circuit Design
Khoi-Nguyen Le-Huu – 09/2013 Email : khoinguyen@uit.edu.vn
Topic 1:
Design a stop watch circuit that can support at least two athletes’ results.
Topic 2:
Design a light river circuit that can support at least six different effects.
Topic 3:
Design a digital lock circuit.
Logic Design Medium-Scale Integrated Circuit Design
Khoi-Nguyen Le-Huu – 09/2013 Email : khoinguyen@uit.edu.vn
Topic 4:
Design a volleyball scoreboard circuit.
Topic 5:
Design a digital clock circuit.
Topic 6:
Design a chess-score circuit.
Logic Design Medium-Scale Integrated Circuit Design
Khoi-Nguyen Le-Huu – 09/2013 Email : khoinguyen@uit.edu.vn
Topic 7:
Design a traffic light circuit.
1. Students are recommended to obtain basic information via Internet before raising
2. Students can negotiate with teachers on which features will be included in the project.
The more features the circuit has, the higher score students achieve.
3. Students can present the assignment at any time prior to the last laboratory class.
4. Students need to inform and submit the assignment package two days prior to the real
5. The assignment package includes three following items:
a. Presentation slide in .ppt or .pptx format.
b. Report file in .doc or .docx format.
c. Schematic file.
. Logic Design Medium-Scale Integrated Circuit Design Khoi-Nguyen Le-Huu – 09 / 201 3 Email : khoinguyen@uit.edu.vn Assignment Topic 1: Design a stop watch circuit that can support at least. present the assignment at any time prior to the last laboratory class. 4. Students need to inform and submit the assignment package two days prior to the real presentation. 5. The assignment. chess-score circuit. Logic Design Medium-Scale Integrated Circuit Design Khoi-Nguyen Le-Huu – 09 / 201 3 Email : khoinguyen@uit.edu.vn Topic 7: Design a traffic light circuit. Note: 1.