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High frequency words

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Print › Barron''''s SAT High Frequency Word List | Quizlet | Quizlet 1 abate subside, decrease 2 abridge condense, shorten 3 abstemious temperate, sparing 4 abstract theoretical, nonrepresentational 5 ab[.]

SAT High-Frequency Word List abate subside, decrease 37 antiquated old-fashioned abridge condense, shorten 38 apathy indifference abstemious temperate, sparing 39 apocryphal untrue abstract theoretical, nonrepresentational 40 appease pacify or soothe abstruse obscure, profound 41 apprehension fear accessible easy to approach, obtainable 42 arable fit for growing crops acclaim applaud 43 arbitrary random accolade award of merit 44 archaic antiquated acknowledge recognize, admit 45 ardent intense 10 acquiesce agree without protesting 46 arrogance pride 11 acrid sharp, bitterly pungent 47 articulate effective 12 acrimonious bitter in words or manner 48 artifact 13 adulation flattery, admiration object made my human beings, either handmade or mass-produced adversary opponent 49 artisan craftsman 14 adversity hardship 50 ascendancy domination 15 advocate support 51 ascetic practicing self-denial 16 aesthetic artistic, appreciation of beauty 52 aspire long for 17 18 affable warmly friendly 19 affirmation confirmation 20 aggregate accumulate 21 alleviate relieve 22 aloof reserved 23 altruistic unselfishly generous 24 ambiguous confusing 25 ambivalence contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes ed Ce nt er assiduous diligent 54 assuage ease, lessen, soothe 55 astute wise 56 atrophy waste away 57 attribute ascribe, explain 58 audacious bold 59 augment increase 60 austere stern, simple 61 authoritarian completely dominating Vi et Ac ce pt 53 26 amorphous having no form 62 autonomous self-governing 27 anachronistic error involving time 63 avarice greediness 28 analogous comparable 64 aversion dislike 29 anarchist advocate of abolishing authority 65 avert prevent, turn away 30 anecdote short account of an amusing or interesting event 66 beguile mislead, pass time 67 belie contradict, give a false impression 31 animosity hatred, hostility 68 benevolent generous 32 anomaly irregularity 69 bequeath hand down 33 antagonism hostility, active resistance 70 bleak cold or cheerless, unlikely 34 antediluvian ancient 71 blighted suffering from disease, destroyed 35 antidote medicine 72 bolster support, reinforce 36 antipathy dislike 73 braggart boaster VietAccepted Center - www.vietaccepted.edu.vn brevity conciseness 111 contentious quarrelsome 75 buttress support 112 contract compress, make a pledge, catch a disease 76 cacophonous inharmonious 113 converge approach, come together 77 cajole coax 114 conviction 78 calculated deliberately planned, likely judgment that someone is guilty of a crime, strongly held belief candor frankness 115 cordial gracious 79 capricious unpredictable, fickle, fanciful 116 corroborate confirm, support 80 carping finding fault 117 corrode destroy by chemical action 81 censorious critical 118 corrugated wrinkled, ridged 82 censure blame 119 credulity gullibility, naivete 83 certitude certainty 120 criterion standard used in judging 84 charlatan quack, pretender to knowledge 121 cryptic mysterious, secret, hidden 85 circumlocution indirect/roundabout expression 122 culpable deserving blame 86 cliché phrase dulled in meaning by repetition 123 cursory casual, hastily done 87 coalesce combine 124 curtail shorten 88 coercion use of force to get someone to obey 125 debilitate weaken, enfeeble 89 90 colloquial pertaining to conversation or common speech Ce nt er 74 126 debunk expose as false, exaggerated, worthless 127 decorum orderliness 128 deference courteous regard for another's wish 129 degradation humiliation, debasement 130 dehydrate dry out 131 deleterious harmful 132 delineate portray, depict 133 denounce condemn 134 deplore regret, disapprove of 135 depose dethrone 136 depravity corruption, wickedness 137 deprecate express disapproval of 138 deride ridicule 139 derivative derived from another source 140 desiccate dry up 141 despondent depressed 142 detached distant, calm and objective, physically unconnected combustible easily burned 92 commemorate honor memory of 93 compile assemble, gather 94 complacency self-satisfaction 95 complementary serving to complete something 96 compliance readiness to yield, conformity in fulfilling requirements 97 composure mental calmness 98 comprehensive thorough 99 concede admit, yield 100 conciliatory reconciling, soothing 101 concise brief and compact 102 concur agree 103 condone overlook, forgive, excuse 104 conflagration great fire 105 confluence flowing together, crowd 106 confound confuse 143 deterrent hindrance 107 conjecture guess 144 detrimental harmful 108 consensus general agreement 145 devious roundabout, erratic 109 constraint compulsion, repression of feelings 146 devise invent, plan 110 contend struggle, compete, assert 147 diffidence shyness Vi et Ac ce pt ed 91 VietAccepted Center - www.vietaccepted.edu.vn diffuse wordy, rambling, spread out 185 elicit draw out by discussion 149 digression wandering away from subject 186 eloquence expressiveness, persuasive speech 150 dilatory delaying 187 elucidate explain, enlighten 151 diligence hard work and effort 188 elusive evasive, baffling 152 diminution lessening 189 emaciated thin and wasted 153 discerning mentally quick and observant 190 embellish adorn, ornament 154 disclose reveal 191 emend correct 155 discordant not harmonious 192 emulate imitate, rival 156 discount disregard, dismiss 193 endorse approve, support 157 discourse formal discussion 194 enhance increase, improve 158 discrepancy lack of consistency, difference 195 enigma puzzle 159 discriminating prejudiced 196 enmity ill will, hatred 160 disdain view with scorn or contempt 197 ephemeral short-lived, fleeting 161 disinclination unwillingness 198 equanimity calmness of temperament, composure 162 dismiss reject 199 equitable fair, impartial 163 disparage belittle 200 equivocal ambiguous, misleading 164 disparity difference 201 erroneous mistaken 165 disperse scatter 202 erudite learned 166 disputatious argumentative 167 disseminate distribute 168 dissent disagree 169 distend expand 170 divergent 171 ed Ce nt er 148 esoteric hard to understand, known only by few 204 eulogy expression of praise at someone's death 205 euphemism mild expression in place of an unpleasant one 206 evanescent fleeting differing, deviating 207 exacerbate worsen doctrine teachings 208 exalt raise in rank, praise 172 document provide written evidence 209 excerpt selected passage 173 dogmatic opinionated, arbitrary, doctrinal 210 execute put into effect, carry out 174 dubious questionable 211 exemplary outstanding, serving as a model 175 dupe someone easily fooled 212 exemplify embody, serve as an example of 176 duplicity double-dealing 213 exhaustive thorough 177 ebullient showing excitement 214 exhilarating invigorating and refreshing 178 eclectic composed of elements drawn from disparate sources 215 exonerate acquit, exculpate 216 expedient suitable, practical, politic 179 edify instruct 217 expedite hasten 180 efface rub out 218 explicit totally clear, definite 181 effervescence inner excitement, bubbling from fermentation or carbonation 219 exploit make use of Vi et Ac ce pt 203 182 egotistical excessively self-centered 220 extol praise, glorify 183 elated overjoyed 221 extraneous not essential 184 elegy poem or song expressing lamentation 222 extricate free VietAccepted Center - www.vietaccepted.edu.vn exuberance abundance, enthusiasm 260 iconoclastic attacking cherished traditions 224 facilitate help bring about 261 idiosyncrasy individual trait odd in nature, eccentricity 225 fallacious false, misleading 262 ignominy deep disgrace 226 fallow plowed but not sowed 263 illicit illegal 227 falter hesitate 264 illusory deceptive 228 fanaticism extreme devotion 265 immutable unchangeable 229 fastidious difficult to please 266 impair injure 230 fathom comprehend, investigate 267 impeccable faultless 231 feasible practical 268 impecunious without money 232 fell cut or knock down, bring down 269 impede hinder, block, delay 233 fervor glowing ardor, intensity of feeling 270 implausible unlikely 234 fitful unsteady 271 implement put into effect 235 flagrant wicked, blatant, outrageous 272 impregnable invulnerable 236 florid ruddy, reddish, flowery 273 impudence rude 237 foolhardy rash 274 inadvertently unintentionally 238 frivolous lacking in seriousness, carefree 275 inane silly 239 frugality thrift, economy 276 incidental not essential 240 furtive stealthy, sneaky 277 incisive cutting 241 garrulous loquacious, wordy 242 glacial like a glacier, cold 243 glutton someone who eats too much 244 gratify please 245 gratuitous given freely 246 gravity seriousness 247 gregarious 248 ed Ce nt er 223 incite arouse to action 279 inclusive tending to include all 280 incongruous not fitting 281 inconsequential insignificant 282 incontrovertible indisputable 283 incorrigible not correctable sociable 284 indefatigable tireless guile deceit 285 indict charge 249 gullible easily deceived 286 indifferent uncaring, mediocre 250 hackneyed commonplace, trite 287 indiscriminate choosing at random 251 hamper obstruct 288 indolent lazy 252 hardy sturdy 289 induce persuade, bring about 253 haughtiness arrogance 290 ineffable unutterable 254 hedonist one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life 291 inert inactive 292 inexorable relentless, unyielding 255 heresy opinion contrary to popular belief or religion 293 ingenious clever 256 hierarchy arrangement by rank, authoritarian body divided into ranks 294 inherent firmly established by nature or habit Vi et Ac ce pt 278 257 homogeneous of the same kind 295 innate inborn 258 hypocritical pretending to be virtuous, deceiving 296 innocuous harmless 259 hypothetical supposed 297 innovation change, something new VietAccepted Center - www.vietaccepted.edu.vn insipid lacking in flavor 299 insolvent bankrupt 300 instigate urge, start, provoke 301 insularity narrow-mindedness, isolation 302 insuperable unbeatable 303 integrity uprightness, wholeness, honesty 304 intervene come between 305 intimidate frighten 306 intractable unruly, stubborn 307 intrepid fearless 308 inundate overwhelm 309 invert turn upside down or inside out 310 ironic resulting in an unexpected and contrary outcome 311 irreproachable blameless 312 jocular said or done in jest 313 labyrinth maze 314 laconic brief and to the point 315 laggard slow 316 lament grieve 317 lampoon ridicule 318 lassitude languor, weariness 319 laud 320 lavish 321 lethargic 322 levity 323 linger 324 listless 325 lithe flexible 326 lofty very high Ac ce pt ed Ce nt er 298 praise generous, extravagant Vi et drowsy, dull lack of seriousness loiter or dawdle no spirit or energy VietAccepted Center - www.vietaccepted.edu.vn ... laud 320 lavish 321 lethargic 322 levity 323 linger 324 listless 325 lithe flexible 326 lofty very high Ac ce pt ed Ce nt er 298 praise generous, extravagant Vi et drowsy, dull lack of seriousness

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2023, 05:03