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COM and.NETCom ponent Services
Scope of This Book
Som e Assum pt ions About t he Reader
Definit ions and Text Convent ions
Ot her COM+ Books and References
How to Contact Us
Acknowledgm ent s
1. COM+ Com ponent Services
1.1 COM+ Com ponent Ser vices
1.2 The Com ponent Services Explorer
1.3 Hello COM+
1.4 COM+ Configured Com ponent s
1.5 Applicat ions, DLLs, andCom ponent s
1.6 Configur ing COM+ Applications
1.7 Debugging COM+ Applicat ions
1.8 Deploying COM+ Applications
1.9 Sum m ary
2. COM+ Cont ext
2.1 Encapsulat ion via Marshaling in COM
2.2 Encapsulat ion via I nt ercept ion in COM+
2.3 The Cont ext Object
2.4 The Call Obj ect
2.5 Cross- Cont ext Manual Marshaling
2.6 Sum m ary
3. COM+ I nst ance Managem ent
3.1 Client Types
3.2 I nstance Managem ent and Scaling
3.3 Obj ect Pooling
3.4 Just - in-Tim e Act ivation
3.5 Com bining JITA wit h Obj ect Pooling
3.6 Obj ect Const ruct or String
3.7 COM+ I nst ance Managem ent Pitfalls
4. COM+ Transactions
4.1 Transact ion Basics
4.2 Transact ion Properties
4.3 Transact ion Scenarios
4.4 COM+ Transact ions Archit ecture
4.5 Configur ing Transact ions
4.6 Vot ing on a Transaction
4.7 Transact ional Obj ect Life Cycle
4.8 Designing Transact ional Com ponent s
4.9 Nont ransactional Clients
4.10 Transact ions and Obj ect Pooling
4.11 Com pensating Transactions
4.12 Transact ion Execut ion Tim e
4.13 Tracing Transact ions
4.14 I n-Doubt Transactions
4.15 Transact ion St atist ics
4.16 COM+ Transactions Pitfalls
5. COM+ Concurr ency Model
5.1 Obj ect - Oriented Program m ing and Multiple Threads
5.2 Apart m ent s: The Classic COM Solution
5.3 Act ivities: The COM+ I nnovat ion
5.4 COM+ Configuration Set t ings
5.5 Act ivities and JITA
5.6 Act ivities and Transact ions
5.7 Tracing Act ivit ies
5.8 The Neutral Threaded Apart m ent
5.9 Sum m ary
6. Program m ing t he COM+ Catalog
6.1 Why Program the Cat alog?
6.2 The Cat alog Progr am ming Model
6.3 Catalog St ruct ur e
6.4 I nt eract ing w it h t he Catalog
6.5 Features of COMAdm inCat alog
6.6 The COM+ Catalog and Transact ions
6.7 Sum m ary
7. COM+ Securit y
7.1 The Need for Securit y
7.2 Basic Securit y Term s
7.3 Role- Based Securit y
7.4 Securing a Server Applicat ion
7.5 Securing a Library Applicat ion
7.6 Program matic Role- Based Security
7.7 Security Boundaries
7.8 Advanced COM+ Securit y
7.9 COM+ Securit y Pit falls
7.10 Sum m ary
8. COM+ Queued Com ponent s
8.1 Major Benefits of Queued Com ponent s
8.2 Queued Com ponent s Archit ect ure
8.3 Com ponent Services Explorer Configurat ion
8.4 I nvoking Queued Com ponents on the Client Side
8.5 Designing Queued Com ponent I nt erfaces
8.6 Receiving Out put from a Queued Com ponent
8.7 Queued Com ponent Error Handling
8.8 Queued Com ponent s and Transact ions
8.9 Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Com ponent s
8.10 Queued Com ponents Security
8.11 Queued Com ponents Pit falls
8.12 Sum m ary
9. COM+ Event Service
9.1 Classic COM Event s
9.2 COM+ Event Model
9.3 The Event Class
9.4 Subscript ion Types
9.5 Delivering Event s
9.6 Event Filtering
9.7 Distribut ed COM+ Event s
9.8 Asynchronous Event s
9.9 COM+ Event s and Transact ions
9.10 COM+ Events and Securit y
9.11 COM+ Events Lim it ation
9.12 Sum m ary
10. .NET Serviced Com ponent s
10.1 Developing Serviced Com ponent s
10.2 .NET Assem blies and COM+ Applications
10.3 Regist ering Assem blies
10.4 Configur ing Serviced Com ponents
10.5 Applicat ion Activat ion Type
10.6 The Descript ion At t ribute
10.7 Accessing t he COM+ Cont ext
10.8 COM+ Cont ext At t ributes
10.9 COM+ Object Pooling
10.10 COM+ Just - in-Tim e Act ivat ion
10.11 COM+ Const ruct or St r ing
10.12 COM+ Transact ions
10.13 COM+ Synchronization
10.14 Program m ing t he COM+ Cat alog
10.15 COM+ Security
10.16 COM+ Queued Com ponents
10.17 COM+ Loosely Coupled Events
10.18 Sum mary
A. The COM+ Logbook
A.1 Logbook Requirem ent s
A.2 Log File Exam ple
A.3 Using the Logbook
A.4 Configuring t he Logbook
A.5 How Does t he Logbook Work?
A.6 Sum mary
B. COM+ 1.5
B.1 I m proved User I nterface Usabilit y
B.2 Legacy Applications andCom ponent s
B.3 Disabling Applications andCom ponent s
B.4 Pausing Applicat ions
B.5 Service Activat ion Type
B.6 I m proved Queuing Support
B.7 Application Pooling and Recycling
B.8 Application Dum p
B.9 Application Partitioning
B.10 Aliasing Com ponent s
B.11 Configurable Transact ion I solat ion Level
B.12 I m proved Cont ext Act ivat ion Set t ing
B.13 Private Com ponent s
B.14 Web Serv ices in COM+ 1.5
B.15 Sum m ary
C. I nt roduction to .NET
C.1 .NET Program m ing Languages
C.2 Packaging .NETCom ponent s: Assem blies
C.3 Developing .NETCom ponent s
C.4 Writing .NET Client - Side Code
C.5 .NET as a Com ponent Technology
C.6 Com posing Assem blies
Dedicat ion
To m y wife, Dana
Forew ord
I first ran into COM+ back in 1996. I n those days, I was working as
a Com m on Obj ect Request Broker Architect ure ( CORBA) consultant
and was fresh out of I BM, where I had been heav ily involved in
I BM’s original CORBA im plem entat ion.
CORBA was the first of the archit ect ures that we m ight describe
today as Dist ribut ed Com ponent archit ect ures, which set the stage
for both COM/ DCOM in the Microsoft space and RMI / I I OP in t he Java
Back t hen, I was int erest ed in a particularly knot ty problem related
to distributed com ponent archit ect ures. System s built wit h such
architectures had a characteristic perform ance pattern. They could
handle large num bers of t ransact ions, as long as t hose transact ions
originated from a sm all num ber of client s. So, for exam ple, 5,000
transact ions per m inute divided between 5 clients worked fine. But
when those sam e 5,000 transactions per m inut e were split am ong
1,000 client s, each processing 5 t ransact ions per m inut e, t he
system s choked.
This was odd, I t hought. Why should 5 clients, each processing
1,000 transactions per m inut e, be fundam ent ally different than
1,000 client s, each processing 5 t ransact ions per m inut e? What is
the difference bet ween the first 5,000 tr ansactions per m inut e and
the second?
Dist ributed com ponent archit ect ures, as they existed in 1996,
dict at ed a one- to- one relationship bet ween client s andcom ponent
inst ances. The business logic of such architect ures is in the
com ponent instances. And it is the business logic that makes
transact ional request s of transactional resources, such as t he
dat abase. In order t o m ake transact ional requests, the com ponent
inst ances require expensive resources, such as database
connections. We run out of steam ( i.e., t ransact ional throughput )
when one of two t hings happen: we overload the syst em wit h
transact ional request s or we run out of resources ( e.g., database
connections) .
Clearly, going from 5 client s, each m ak ing 1,000 transactional
request s per m inute, t o 1,000 clients, each making 5 transact ional
request s per m inute, has no overall im pact on t he t ransact ional
throughput. Therefore, the reason why our distribut ed com ponent
system s m ust be dying is t hat we ar e running out of resources.
So the answer to getting lot s of client s on a distributed com ponent
architecture is not going to com e from increased capability of the
back- end transact ional resources ( e.g., databases) . I t will have to
com e from som et hing else- som et hing that allows resource sharing.
This, t hen, is the problem I worked on back in 1996. How do you
get several clients t o share resources in a distributed com ponent
The solut ion to this problem cam e from an unex pect ed source. I
was asked to write a book on COMand DCOM. I knew very litt le
about COMand DCOM back t hen. As I looked over t he COM/ DCOM
white papers on t he Microsoft web site, I quickly recognized it as a
typical dist ribut ed com ponent archit ect ure and predicted the sam e
throughput problem s I had seen in other distributed com ponent
system s.
As I browsed through the whit e papers, I not iced an obscure bet a
product called Microsoft Transact ion Server ( MTS) . At first, I
dism issed MTS as an API used to manage dist ribut ed t ransactions.
But as I read m ore about MTS, I realized that it had litt le to do with
transact ions. I nst ead, it at tacked a m uch m ore interesting problem :
how to share resources am ong clients. I n a nut shell, MTS addressed
the very problem that had so vexed the existing dist ribut ed
com ponent system s-how to support a large num ber of low-
transact ion generat ing clients!
I did eventually w rit e that book, as well as m any articles on the
im portance of the ideas int roduced by MTS. Many of t hese articles
appear ed in m y ObjectWat ch newslet ter (available at
www.obj ectwatch.com ), a newslet ter t hat has, over t im e, becom e
influential in its space.
Back in 1996, I predicted t hat MTS would be a hist orically im portant
product- one t hat w ould redefine approaches to scalabilit y in
dist ribut ed com ponent system s. I n fact , t hat prediction has com e
true. Today, every infrast ructure designed to support high
scalability in distributed com ponent system s is based directly on the
ideas, algorithm s, and principals first introduced by MTS in 1996.
Enterprise JavaBeans, for exam ple, the Jav a scalabilit y
infrastruct ure, is alm ost a direct copy of MTS.
But what does this have t o do with COM+ , you may ask. I t t urns
out that COM+ and MTS are one and the sam e. Microsoft, never
known for its m arketing savvy, decided to wait unt il cust om ers
finally got used to t he nam e MTS ( itself a m isleading nam e), and
then it pulled a fast one- it switched the nam e! And not just any
nam e, but one t hat would be as confusing as possible! So they
renam ed MTS as COM+ . Naturally, cust om ers assum ed that COM+
was the next release of COM. I n fact , COM+ was t he next release of
Now Microsoft has announced .NET. Once again, the brilliant
Microsoft m ark et ing organization has left m any custom ers confused.
I s COM+ now dead? Far from it —.NET is a series of int er esting new
features, none of which replace COM+ . COM+ is st ill the scalable
infrastruct ure that supports resource sharing and deals with the
m yriad of issues (such as security and transaction boundary
m anagem ent) that are so closely relat ed t o resource sharing and so
crucial t o dist ributed applicat ions.
So whether you are rushing into Microsoft ’s new .NET t echnology
platform or taking a wait and see att it ude, if you need to put a lot of
clients around your system , you need to understand COM+ .
Therefore, this book is very tim ely. COM+ is going to be with us for
a long time. I ts nam e m ay change again, j ust to confuse the
innocent; but the ideas, algorit hm s, and principals will not . COM+ ,
under whatever nam e, is here to stay!
Roger Sessions,
CEO, Object Watch, I nc.
Publisher, Obj ect Watch newslet ter ( www.objectwatch.com )
Author, COM+ and the Bat tle for t he Middle Tier
Austin, Texas
This book discusses COM+ com ponent services. Each service is
covered in it s own chapter, and each chapter discusses a sim ilar
range of issues: the problem the serv ice addresses, possible
solutions t o t hat problem , an in- depth description of the COM+
solution, tradeoffs, design, and im plem entation guidelines, tips, and
known pitfalls. I have tried t o provide useful design inform ation and
lessons I learned while applying COM+ . I also descr ibe COM+ helper
classes and ut ilities I developed that will enhance your productivit y
significantly . ( The COM+ Events helper object s and t he COM+
Logbook are prim e ex am ples.) This book focuses on the "how to"—
that is, it provides practical inform at ion. You should read the
chapt ers in order, since m ost chapt ers rely on inform ation discussed
in t he preceding chapters. The book also aim s to explain COM+ step
by step. A soft ware engineer already fam iliar with COM who wants
to know what COM+ is and how to use it can read this book and
st art developing COM+ applications im m ediately.
Scope of Th is Book
Here is a brief sum mary of the chapters and appendixes in this
• Chapter 1 introduces t he Com ponent Services Explorer and
basic COM+ term inology. This chapter deliberately holds your
hand as you develop your first " Hello World" COM+
com ponent. Subsequent chapters do m uch less handholding
and assum e y ou are fam iliar with the COM+ environment . I f
you already have experience wit h basic COM+ developm ent,
feel free to skip t his chapt er.
• Chapter 2 dem ystifies the COM+ context by presenting it as
the key mechanism for providing com ponent services using
call int erception. Generally , you need not be concerned with
cont ext s at all. However, t he COM+ context underlies the way
COM+ services are im plem ented.
• Chapter 3 describes t wo scalability- enabling m echanism s t hat
COM+ provides for a m odern ent erprise application: obj ect
pooling and Just- in- Tim e Act iv at ion ( JITA) . The discussion of
inst ance m anagem ent, and especially JI TA, is independent of
transact ions. Early COM+ docum entat ion and books t ended t o
couple inst ance m anagem ent and transactions. However, I
found that not only can you use instance m anagem ent
independent ly of t ransact ions, but it is easier to explain it that
[...]... an in- proc com ponent is im port ed t o COM+ , it is called a configured com ponent t o em phasize t he fact t hat m uch com ponent funct ionalit y and behav ior is act ually configured and adm inist er ed out side t he com ponent A classic COMcom ponent ( be it in- pr oc or local) t hat has not been im port ed int o COM+ is called a nonconfigur ed com ponent Configured and nonconfigur ed com ponent... refer t o t he COM+ com ponent services When we speak of COM+ com ponent s, we refer t o COMcom ponent s configured t o run under t hose services Howev er, as y ou will see, a COM+ applicat ion m ay consist of eit her COM or NET com ponent s ( see COM+ : The Migrat ion Pat h t o NET) Her e is a quick sum m ar y of t he m ost im port ant serv ices prov ided by COM+ : Adm inist r at ion Tools and serv ices... window: Com put ers My Com put er COM+ Applicat ions Ev ery icon in t he COM+ Applicat ions folder represent s a COM+ applicat ion Each COM+ applicat ion cont ains COM+ com ponent s Com ponent s m ust be explicit ly im port ed int o t he Com ponent Ser vices Explor er t o t ak e advant age of COM+ serv ices The Com ponent Serv ices Explorer offers a hier archical approach t o m anaging COM+ serv ices and. .. erpr ise applicat ions You will also creat e, debug, and deploy a sim ple COM+ " Hello Wor ld" applicat ion, using a t r adit ional COMcom ponent and learning about COM+ applicat ion t y pes and configured com ponent s as y ou do so 17 1 1 COM+ Com pon e n t Ser vice s Com ponent s need runt im e services t o work The original COM runt im e support ed com ponent s locat ed on t he sam e m achine, t y... program m ers and adm inist rat ors t o configure and m anage com ponent s and com ponent - based applicat ions The m ost im por t ant t ool is t he Microsoft Managem ent Console Com ponent Serv ices Ex plorer COM+ also prov ides a st andard locat ion, t he COM+ Cat alog, for st oring configur at ion infor m at ion The Com ponent Services Explorer is explained in t he following sect ion The COM+ Cat alog... oft en COM- based, code base and t he developer sk ills needed t o m aint ain it Unless com panies hav e a com pelling reason t o m ove t o NET or a r easonable m igr at ion pat h, t hey post pone or avoid m ak ing t he change However, because COM and NET com ponent s can coexist in t he sam e COM+ applicat ion, com panies can cont inue t o build COMcom ponent s t oday , adding NET ser viced com ponent... fort hcom ing changes 1 2 Th e Com pone n t Ser vice s Ex plor e r COM+ com ponent s and applicat ions ar e m anaged t hrough t he Com ponent Services Explorer ( form erly known as t he COM+ Explorer) The Com ponent Serv ices Explorer is a Microsoft Managem ent Console snap- in and is available on ev ery Windows 2000 m achine To fir e up t he Com ponent Ser vices Explor er, go t o t he St art m enu and. .. Obj ect Model ( COM) has been t he st andard for com ponent s t hat r un on Windows m achines, including Windows 9x and Me client s and Windows NT and 2000 server s The COM m odel is well docum ent ed by t he Microsoft Com ponent Obj ect Model Specificat ion Tools such as Visual C+ + and Visual Basic m ake it easy t o cr eat e COMcom ponent s, and scor es of book s, t raining classes, and art icles... classic COMcom ponent All COM+ com ponent s st ar t t heir life as classic COMcom ponent s, developed wit h such t ools as ATL, MFC, or Visual Basic 6.0 2 Cr eat e a new COM+ applicat ion t o host t he com ponent 3 Add t he com ponent t o t he applicat ion 4 Writ e a client and t est t he com ponent The r est of t his chapt er uses t his " Hello COM+ " exam ple t o dem onst r at e v arious COM+ feat... ill regist er it for you As y ou will see lat er, COM+ m aint ains it s own com ponent s regist r at ion and configurat ion reposit ory 1 3 2 Cr e a t in g a COM + Applica t ion Open t he Com ponent Ser vices Explorer and expand My Com put er COM+ Applicat ions folder Right - click t he COM+ Applicat ions folder and select New Applicat ion from t he pop- up cont ext m enu This st ep br ings up t he Applicat . Internet. Collectively, the services that support COM and .NET com ponent- based applications are known as the COM+ com ponent services, or sim ply as COM+ . The Evolut ion of COM + Services COM. 1. COM+ Com ponent Services 1.1 COM+ Com ponent Ser vices 1.2 The Com ponent Services Explorer 1.3 Hello COM+ 1.4 COM+ Configured Com ponent s 1.5 Applicat ions, DLLs, and Com ponent. of MTS and DCOM by fusing t hem into a new com prehensive component services suit e. Microsoft added yet m ore services, including obj ect pooling, queued com ponents, and events, and m ade