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«N Tëp Tiõng Anh 9

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«n tËp tiÕng anh 9 ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH 9 «n tËp tiÕng anh 9 Häc kú ii( ¤N THI CHUYÓN CÊP) A THEORY THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE 1 Formula a Affirmative I, you, we, they + have + PP He, she, it + has +PP Not[.]

¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH «n tËp tiÕng anh Học kỳ ii( ÔN THI CHUYểN CấP) A- THEORY 1-Formula THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE a Affirmative: I, you, we, they + have + PP He, she, it + has +PP Note:  PP = past participle (quá khứ phân từ) ( =V-ed: V có quy tắc, =V3: V bất quy tắc) b Negative: I, you, we, the  + have not (haven’t) + PP He, she, it + has not ( hasn’t) + PP   c Interrogative: Have + I, you, we, they + P.P ? Has + he, she, it + P.P ? 2-Use a Một hành động bắt đầu khứ tiếp tục đến tương lai       Thường  với: since (từ khi); for (được bao lâu) Ex1: She has lived here since 1987 Ex2: They have swum for hour   b Một hành động xảy khứ, không xác định rõ thơi gian Thường với: already, ever ( before), never (before), not, yet, several times, many times Ex1: She’s been to Japan several times Ex2: I have never worked in that company before c Một hành động vừa xảy  Thường với: lately, just, recently, in recent weeks/ months / years Ex1: My uncle has just come back form Americ Ex2: They have done the assignment in recent weeks EMAIL:Toanctdk07@yahoo.com.vn ÔN TậP TIếNG ANH 1-Formula THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE a Affirmative Subject + V-ed/ V2 ( V có quy tắc: V+ “ed”; V bất quy tắc; lấy cột thứ bảng động từ bất quy tắc) b. Negative Subject + did not (didn’t) + bare-infinitive c. Interrogative Did + subject + bare-infinitive ? Note: The simple past form  of  ‘to be’ * Affirmative: You, we, they + were ; I, he, she, it + was   * Negative You, we, they + were not (weren’t ) I, he, she, it + was not (wasn’t)   * Interrogative Were + you, we, they ?   Was + he, she, it   ? 2-Use a.  Một hành động hồn tất thời điểm khứ Thường với: yesterday, last ( last week, last year ), ago (3 days ago, ), in 1999, in 1987 Ex1: She was here yesterday Ex2: They didn’t learn Chinese year ago   b.  Một thói quen khứ Ex1: They often went fishing when they lived in the country Ex2: Jack always got up at 3:00 am last year EMAIL:Toanctdk07@yahoo.com.vn ÔN TậP TIÕNG ANH   c Một hành động hoàn tất khoảng thời gian xác định khứ ( from to ) Ex: From 1981 to 1983, my older brother worked as a journalist PASSIVE VOICE 1-Gerund rule  Active: S + V + O Passive: S +to be + PP +( by +O) §éng tõ chÝnh câu chủ động thì tobe phải chia (PP: Past participle) Note: - t từ câu chủ động ở  (tense) hay thể (form) “be” câu bị động hay thể - Khi ta khơng xem người thực hành động (does) quan trọng, “ by object” bỏ ( eg.  does=personal pronoun: he, she, they, we, people; no-one )   Example: a.The simple present She cleans the floor everyday ( S + V / Vs / es ) Passive: The floor is cleaned everyday (S + am/is/are/ +PP ) b.The present continous Mr.Baker is repairing the car       Passive: the car is being repaired by Mr Baker ( S + am/ is/ are + being + PP ) EMAIL:Toanctdk07@yahoo.com.vn ÔN TậP TIÕNG ANH c.The present perfect Someone has stolen  the bicycles ( S+ has/have + P.P ) Passive: The bicycles have been stolen ( S+ has/have + been + PP ) d.The simple past Where did they find the drugs ? ( S + V2/ V-ed) Passive: where were the drugs found ? ( S+ was/ were + PP ) e.The past continuous       They were preparing luch when I came there yesterday (S+was/were + V-ing ) Passive: Luch was being prepared when I came there yesterday.( S+ was/ were + being + PP ) f.  The past perfect She had written almost ten pages by 3:00 pm ( S+ had + PP )       Passive: Almost ten pages had been written by 3:00 p.m (S+ had been + PP ) g Will/ would, shall/ should, can/ could, may/might must, have to, be going to, used to, Active: S+ will/would, shall/ should + bare-infinitive + object       Passive: S + will/would, shall/shoul + be + past participle (+ by object) Ex: Police will destroy these drugs Passive: the drugs will be destroyed by police 2-Special cases a.  Active: s1+ verb1( say/believe/think ) (that) +S2+verb2 Passive: Cách 1: It + be + PP (verb1) + s2 + verb2 Cách 2: S2+ be+ PP (verb1) + to- infinitive (verb2) Ex:         People say that he is crazy Passive: EMAIL:Toanctdk07@yahoo.com.vn ¤N TËP TIÕNG ANH              It said that he is crazy              He is said to be crazy b.  Negatives             Ex1: No-one has cleaned the floor lately.              Passive: The floor hasn’t been  cleaned lately   Ex2: We didn’t anything about it Passive: Nothing was done about it   c.  Who + V + object ? Passive: - By whom ?         -  Who by  ? Ex:           Who wrote this novel ? Passive:               - By whom was this novel written ?         - Who was this novel written by ?   d.  It + be + adjective + to-infinitive + sth Passive: It + be + adjective + for sth + to be + PP Ex: It is important to finish this exercise It is important for this exercise to be finished e.  Bare-infinitive + object Passive: Let + object + be + PP S + be + allowed / advised/asked/ supposed/ + to infinitive   Ex1:                 Please open the door Let the door be opened Ex2:                 Turn on the light You are supposed to turn on the light.   f.Causative form ( thc mnh lnh) EMAIL:Toanctdk07@yahoo.com.vn ÔN TậP TIÕNG ANH Active: - She + have + sb+ bare-infinitive + st - S + get + sb +  to- infinitive + sth Passive: - S + have + sth + PP - S + get + sth + PP Ex1:             She has had someone repaint the car She has had the car repainted Ex2:             They got me to the housework They got the housework done RELATIVE CLAUSE Introduction ( giới thiệu) Mệnh đề quan hệ/ mệnh đề tính từ mệnh đề phụ câu (khơng thể đứng riêng mình) Nó bắt đầu bằng: a relative pronouns (đại từ quan hệ) : WHO, WHOM, WHICH, WHOSE, THAT b relative adverbs (trạng từ liên hệ) : WHERE, WHEN, WHY Ex1: A man who dares to it dares to anything Ex2: We talked to the man who was from Beijing 1-WHO * Thay cho danh từ, đại từ người, có chức chủ từ * Lưu ý  “Who” cấu trúc: Noun/ pronoun (person) + who + verb Ex1: The man has met your boss.He come from Italy                                      subject   → The man  who comes from Italy has met your boss                   relative clause Ex2: We have met the girl She studies in the shool EMAIL:Toanctdk07@yahoo.com.vn ÔN TậP TIếNG ANH →  We have met the girl who studies in the school.                                          relative clause 2-WHOM * Thay cho danh từ/ đại từ người, có chức đối từ * Lưu ý: “Whom” cấu trúc Noun / pronoun + whom + subject + verb Ex1: We like the man You talked to him yesterday                                             object We like the man whom you talked to yesterday                           relative clause Ex2: Is that the man ? You have been waiting for him                                                              object Is that the man whom you have been waiting for ?                             relative clause 3-WHOSE      * Thay cho sở hữu cách (possessive cases)      * Xuất hai cấu trúc - noun/ pronoun + whose + noun + verb - noun/ pronoun whose + noun + subject + verb   Ex1: The girl looks disappoited Her examination result its so bad The girl whose examination result is so bad looks disappointed Ex2: That is the girl I took her hat by mistake yesterday That is the girl whose hat I took by mistake yesterday 4-WHICH * Thay thể cho danh từ, địa từ vật * Có thể làm chủ từ đối từ *  Lưu ý cấu trúc - noun / pronoun + which + verb - noun/ pronoun + which + subject + verb EMAIL:Toanctdk07@yahoo.com.vn ÔN TậP TIếNG ANH Ex1: She show me the table It was made by her father She shows me the table which was made by her father Ex2: Do you like this car ? Mr Tan bought it last month Do you like this car, which Mr.Tan bought last month ? Note: “Which” sử dụng để thay cho mệnh đề đứng trước (= and this/ and that) Ex: Tom is so lazy, and this makes Mrs Green worried Tom is so lazy, which makes Mrs Green worried 5-WHERE * Thay cho trạng từ, cụm trạng ngữ nơi chốn (place) (eg.here, there, in that place ) * Thường xuất cấu trúc: noun/ pronoun ( = a place) + where + subject + verb Ex:  We visit  the hospital We were born there/in that hospital        We visit the hospital where we were born 6-WHEN * Thay cho trạng từ, cum từ thời gian (time) (on that day, in the year ) * Thường xuất cấu trúc : noun / pronoun (= time ) + when + subject + verb    Ex:    She will never forget the day She first met him on that day She will never forget the day when she first met him CONDITIONAL SENTENCES 1-Điều kiện xảy tương lai (ĐKI) ( possible condition at present or in future )    If clause : simple present  Main clause : will/shall/can/may + bare-infinitive   Ex1: If it rain, we won’t go for a picnic Ex2: Our natural resources will disappear if we not conserve them Notes: EMAIL:Toanctdk07@yahoo.com.vn ÔN TậP TIếNG ANH - Ta sử dụng mệnh lệnh mệnh đề    Ex: If you drink, don’t drive   - Ta sử dụng “should” mệnh đề điều kiện để tỏ ý nghi ngờ    Ex: If he should call, tell him I will ring back   - Dạng rút gọn mệnh đề điều kiện (if possible, if necessary, if so )   Ex: If necessary, I will help you   -Ta sử dụng dạng mệnh lệnh để thay cho mệnh đề điều kiện.           Trong trường hợp này, hai mệnh đề thường có liên từ sau: and, or, else, otherwise 2-Điều kiện không xảy (ĐK II) (present unreal condition )  Main clause: would/could/might + bare-infinitive If clause: simple present Ex1: If she had wings, she would fly to an island Ex2: He would build more houses if he were a king   Note: - ‘If I were you/I were in your position .’được sử dụng để khuyên nhủ Ex: If I were you, I would accept the invitation ( = You should accept the invitation ) - “Were to + bare –infinitive” sử dụng để thay động từ “simple past” mệnh đề điều kiện Ex: If I were to ask him nicely, he would help us GERUND The gerund is used as a subject, a complement, an object of a verb or an object of a preposition ( danh động từ sử dụng chủ động, bổ túc từ, túc từ động từ, hay túc từ giới từ) Ex1: Seeing is believing ( S= gerund) Ex2: Her hobby is listening to music ( complement = gerund) Ex3: They have finished doing exercises ( object = gerund) Ex4: We are font of playing football (Object of an preposition = gerund) Note: EMAIL:Toanctdk07@yahoo.com.vn ÔN TậP TIếNG ANH Danh ng t theo sau động từ: to enjoy, to mind, to avoid, to finish, to practise, to suggest, to postpone, to delay, to imagine, can’t help/stand Lưu ý cách sử dụng động từ :         Forget + to-infinitive : quên (sẽ/ phải) làm                 Forget + ing : quên làm việc Ex1: She forgets being taken to the zoo by her father when she was six Ex2: Don’t forget to shut the door before  leaving         Remember + to-infinitive : nhớ ( sẽ/ phải) làm gì;            Remember + V-ing : nhớ làm Ex1: They always remember going to cinema together Ex2: They remember to have a test on Wendnesday         Stop + to-infinitive : dừng ( việc) lại để làm gì;           Stop + V- ing : dừng làm việc Ex1: This moring , I saw Mr.Pike in the street, so I stopped to greet him Ex2: The  teacher asked us to stop talking         Need + to- infinitive: cần làm ( active);           Need + V-ing: cần ( passive) Ex1: We need to repair the car Ex2: The car needs repairing   - Lưu ý cấu trúc: a.  S + spend + time + V-ing = It + take + s.b + time + to-inf b.  To-inf/ V-ing + be + adj/ noun = It + be + adj/ noun + to-inf = S + V+ it + adj / noun + to-inf CLAUSE OF REASON     +Mệnh đề lý mệnh đề phụ bắt đầu liên từ lý BECAUSE, AS, SINCE Ba chữ có nghĩa vì, cách dùng khác Ví dụ:            a) Because           - Because he was sleepy, he went to bed – He went to bed because he was sleepy EMAIL:Toanctdk07@yahoo.com.vn ... thời điểm khứ Thường với: yesterday, last ( last week, last year ), ago (3 days ago, ), in 199 9, in 198 7 Ex1: She was here yesterday Ex2: They didn’t learn Chinese year ago   b.  Một thói quen... bed – He went to bed because he was sleepy EMAIL:Toanctdk07@yahoo.com.vn ÔN TậP TIÕNG ANH             Anh ngủ anh buồn ngủ Mệnh đề phụ có chữ because đứng trước sau mệnh đề Tuy nhiên phải ý mệnh... the meeting → _ 97 .People say that he is intelligent → _ 98 .He can’t repair my bike → _ 99 .Mary has operated Tom since 10 o’clock

Ngày đăng: 30/01/2023, 11:17


