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innovation and knowledge intensive service activities potx

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Innovation and

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‘The OECD is a unique forum where the governments of 30 democracies work together to address the economic, social and environmental challenges of globalisation The OECD is also at the forefront of efforts to understand and to help governments respond to new developments and concerns, suich as corporate governance, the information economy and the challenges of an ageing population The Organisation provides a setting where governments can compare policy| experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and work to co-ordinate domestic and international polices

‘The OECD member countries are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ieland, ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey the United Kingdom and the United States, The Commission of the European Communities takes part in the work of the OECD

OECD Publishing disseminates widely the results ofthe Organisation's statistics gathering and research on economic, social and environmental issues, as well asthe conventions, guidelines and standards agreed by its members

‘his work is publshed on the responsibilty of he Secetary-Ganeral ofthe OECD The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily refit the ofl vis ofthe Organisation oof the governments of its member counties

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As patt of its efforts to improve innovation policy making, the OECD Working Party fon Innovation and Technology Policy (TIP) initiated a project to examine national innovation systems at the sectoral level, This work recognises that national innovation systems and policy needs vary aetoss technological fields and industry sectors and includes three major studies that focus on pharmaceutical biotechnology, energy technology and -knowledge-intensive service activities (KISA),

‘This repor presents a synthesis of the results ofthe KISA case study, which intended to better understand how KISA ~ research and development, information and communi- cation serviees, human resource management, tax services and olber activities related to legal compliances, accounting and marketing ~ contribute to the acquisition and growth ‘of innovation capabilities in firms and public sector organisations Most businesses and public sector organisations make use of KISA in their daily operations, whether pro ducing them internally or sourcing them from external suppliers, The KISA study focuses fon their role as cariers and sources of knowledge that influence the performance of individual organisations, value chains and industry clusters across sectors,

Eleven countries panicipated in the KISA project Nine of them Australia, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Norway’ and Spain ~ prepared detailed case studies that examine the fole of KISA in specific industry sector: software, health car, tourism and leisure, and resource-based industries (mining technology serviees, aqua ‘culture and forestry), The Czech Republic and United Kingdom contributed national data to the project and actively supported the KISA group Australia and Finland served as co- leaders The diverse range of industrial and national settings analysed in the case studies provided a rich set of information to examine and innovation.’ These underlying reports were based on research by a network of experts better understand the role of KISA in nominated by the participating counties

# Researeh on the software industry was undertaken in Australia by Jane Marceau, Cristina Martiner-Fernandez, Claudine Soosay, Krishna Venni Venkata, Tim ‘Turpin and Merete Bjorkli from the Australian Expert Group in Industry Studies a the University of Western Sydaey, and Lyndal Thorburn from Innovation Dyna mics Pty Ltd; in Finland by Jari Kuusisto and Soile Kotala from SC Research, Minna-Kaarinna Forssén, Matti Heikonnen, Jubana Hietala, Olli Hinninen, Jyki Konto from Helsinki University of Technology, and Risto Rajala, Mika Westerlund, ‘Ano Rajala, Seppo Leminen, Kristian Maller, Mervi Rajabonka from LTT Research Lid, Helsinki School of Economics; in Ireland by Laura E, Martiner-Solano, “Majella Glin and Edt Walshe from the Centre for Innovation & Structural Change: in Korea by Kong-rae Lee and Jung-tae Hwang from the Science & Technology Policy Institute, Sang-wan Shim from Sung-Kong-Hoe University and Byung-Seon

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Jeong from the Ministry of Science and Technology and OECD; in New Zealand by Julian Williams from the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology: and in Norway by Marianne Broch and Ame Isaksen from the STEP Centre for Inno- vation Research,

Research on the role of KISA in health care was undertaken in Finland by Sirkku Kivisaai, NHo Saranummi from VTT, and Erja Vayrynen, Hannele Hyppiinen, Ulla Saalasti-Koskinen, Marja-Leena Perili and Kristina Saarikalle from Stakes: in Norway by Marianne Broch from the STEP Centre for Innovation Research; in Spain by P Garcia-Santesmases and J.L Monteagudo from 1 Institute of Health Carlos Ik; in Japan by Y Saitoh and S Kobayashi from the University of Tsukuba: and in Denmark by H Vondeling from the University of Southern Denmark

+ Research on the role of KISA in leisure and tourism industries was un taken in Australia by Jane Marceau, Cristina Martinez-Femnandez, Claudine Soosay, Krishna Veni Venkata, Philip Toner, Tim Turpin, Merete Bjorkli and Navin Doloswala from the Australian Expert Group in Industry Studies at the University ‘of Wester Sydney, and Lyndal Thorburn from Innovation Dynamies Pty Lud; in Finland by Tanja Kotro, Paivi Timonen, Mika Pantzar and Eva Heiskanen from the National Consumer Research Centr; and in Spain by Juan Carlos Collado from the Centro de Estudios Econémicos Tomill

+ Research on the role of KISA in resource-based industries was undertaken in Australia by Lyndal Thorburn from Innovation Dynamies Pty Lid (mining tech- nology services); in Finland by Jari Kuusisto and Arja Juntunen from SC Research, Hannu Hernesniemi and Marjut Lindstrém from ETLA, and Jukka Hyv6nen from VTT (forest industry-related services); and in Norway by Heidi Wiig Astesen fom the STEP Centre for Innovation Research (aquaculture industry

Co-ordination and editing ofthe publication was undertaken primarily by Jari Kuusisto (Finland) and Anne Holmes (Australia Individual chapters were prepared by Jari Kuusst, ‘Anne Holmes, Ame Isaksen, Nillo Saranummi and Heidi Wiig Aslesen, based on the country studies Tricia Berman and Alpo Kuparinen, TIP delegates from Australia and Finland, respectively, played a key supporting and co-ondinating role in the overall development ‘and finalisation of the project National experts met regularly to discuss research methods nd results, exchange information and ensure the overall consistency of the projet Support was provided by Cristina Martnez-Fernandez from AEGIS in Australia, and in Finland by Pentti Vuorinen from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Tiina Tanninen-Abonen from “Tekes, Jari Kuusisto from SC Research, Niilo Saranummi from VTT, ane! Marja Toivonen from the Employment and Beonomic Development Centre for Uusimaa, From the OECD Secretariat, support was provided by Jerry Sheehan, Catalina Martinez and Gernot Hutschenreter Emmanuel Hassan also contributed to the development ofthe project at its early stages

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Chapter Chapter 2 Chamer3 Chapter Chapters Chapter 6 ‘Annex TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Executive Summary Résumé

Synthesis of Main Findings

Overview of the KISA Research Proj ‘Summaries of Empirial Stdies

‘The Role of KISA in the Soltware Industry ‘The Role of KISA in Health Care

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Executive Summary

‘The study of knowledge-intensive service activities (KISA) is a case study in inno: vation that forms part of the OECD's continuing work on national innovation systems, “The project examines the Value of KISA in facilitating the growth of innovation capacity “within recipient organisations by focusing not on serviee sector industries per se, but on the role of knowledge-intensive services as camiers and sources of knowledge that influence the performance of individual organisations, value chains and clusters across industries From this perspective, the impact of services on innovation performance is understood ‘through ther specific functional role rather than asa set of distinct industry sectors

AAs defined in this study, KISA refers to the production and integration of service activities undertaken by firms or public sector actors in the context of manufacturing or services, in combination with manufactured outputs or as stand-alone services Typical examples of KISA include research and development (R&D), manageme:

information and communications services, human resource management and employment services, legal services (including those related to intellectual property financing, and marketing-related service activities Most businesses and public sector organisations make use of such KISA in their daily operations, whether they provide ‘them internally or source them from extemal suppliers in the private or public sectors

‘The KISA project was a major research undertaking that involved L1 counties Australia, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Norway and Spain produced from over a total of more than 1 000 respondents examining KISA in four broad industry groups: [) software 20 case studies, 230 personal interviews and survey data services, 2) health care, 3) tourism and leisure, and 4) resource-based industries The Czech Republic and United Kingdom provided national data for the project Together these contributions provide a diverse range of industrial settings in which to examine and biter understand the role of KISA in innovation, They provide considerable insight into KISA-related processes that underlie innovation capabilities and performance of firms and “organisations ~ subtle processes do not lend themselves to traditional statistical analysis,

‘The objective of the KISA project was to generate a comparative analysis of different kinds of service inputs to the management of innovation in firms As an exploratory effor, the study followed an open approach that aimed to further develop key analytical concepts and allow an understanding of the processes related to KISA ‘There were two original research questions: 1) What kinds of KISA occur in different countries and industries? 2) How do KISA work? The first question was the target of survey research, While the second was examined by firm-level case studies of firms This report identities key lessons from the case studies, highlighting the importance of KISA to innovation policy and offering insight into ways to build the KISA perspective into innovation policy

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KISA in innovation

The study confirms that knowledge-intensive service activities play several important roles in innovation processes They serve as sources of innovation when they play a role in initiating and developing innovation activities in client organisations They serve as Jacititrors of innovation when they support an organisation in the innovation process ‘Similarly, they serve as carriers of innovation when they aid in transferring existing knowledge among ot within organisations, industries or networks so that it ean be applied in a now context These different roles depend partly on the response of the user (or client organisation: how it engages with the supplier of the service, how it retains learning from the service, and how it manages knowledge throughout the organisation, AUl these features ate part of the interactive nature of KISA

KISA affects innovation processes in different ways:

‘The case studies indicate that different types of KISA contribute in different ways to innovation (Table 0.1) Some KISA, such as R&D and strategic management aid in frm renewal, Such renewal services are closely linked to innovation, but are relevant and accessible 0 a limited number of highly capable recipient organisations equipped with sufficient resourees Other, more routine services, such as accounting help maintain and improve existing systems and activities within organisations Theie significance for per- formance enhancement is highly important for most organisations Compliance services, such as auditing and some legal services are not obviously linked with innovation, excepe to the extent that compliance with regulations related to health, safety, environment, ee., can stimulate innovation Such KISA also offer an access route by which a wide range of tn the bulk of small businesses, can recognise the importance of KISA to their firm’s performance and begin to engage a broader set of KISA providers, Nenvork services provide an important platform for knowledge exchange within formal and informal networks They also representa flexible resource hase for the members of the network:

‘Table 0.1 Types of KISA and their role in innovation

“Tevewalsvices Die ae areal lohan RD and sell manage oaiirg Fowineservees Correo npovernt smsianne and manuel rue stm win cogent, eg ecoung Compliance serves el raion wok win he laren dau hr ogi gies 2g audi an sone eo series Nemorksenices Facil conrureaion,kowaegectangeaexte eau leet, el persorl ees and euro ee eas

Use of KISA varies across industries and across time

Reflecting their different roles, KISA are used to different degrees at different points in the innovation process In the ease studies, the type of KISA needed within a firm, irrespective of sector, was found to be closely related to the stage of the innovation life cele, Services related to R&D are important in early stages of innovation, while those lated to intellectual property rights, commercialisation, marketing and production pro- cesses tend to be more important during later stages of the innovation life eycle In the software sector, for example, most firms reported thal they specify, design and implem

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new products using internal resources; the first service they typically seck outside is strategy formulation and finance, followed by legal services Examples of other important KISA used at different points in the innovation process are consulting and research services related to strategy business development, engineering ICT, marketing, and finaneing (Box 0.1) The role of KISA in innovation, therefore, depends on a number of «dimensions, including the nature of the organisation, characteristics of the value chain, the type of the industry and the life cycle ofthe innovation process

Box 0.1 Lessons from the study of KIS

in software

‘The innovation capabilities of software firms show song correlations with thei use of knowledge intensive services, The influence of externally sourced services on lamang a innovation depen, however onthe motivations and absorptive capacity of the wer As lustated by the Norwegian cease study, management taining, sales waiing and public relations activities that ae supplied by extemal sources typically contribute the development of working methods in euslomer firms In ther cases, client Firms se externally provided KINA as ational, complementary resource, without developmentvinnovation objectives

Software fim integrate information and knowledge from various sources into thet innovation processes RED in software firms is typically soluion-oriented, based on identifying industry problems and developing technical solutions that ean be easily customised, New product ideas are often obtained from engineering and marketing department, as well ay direty from customers ‘As soen in the Irish case study, improvements are hased on feedback fom engingers working with liens Business service providers and research technology organisations ae often used © support boosiness management an! development functions, and they appear to be especialy smporan for firms that are expanding imo interational markets (se te Finnish case stud) Relationships with large firms, suchas telecommunicatons, automotive companies and major commodity producers aso have an important role in product development and in building interational customer and knowledge networks Such networks ae especially important instep areas such s the develop ‘ment of fate business and new solutions, Hence, an environment hit encourages co-operation and join ventures between large fms and small service firms isan important element of the innovation ‘System (as sen in the case studies of Korea and New Zealand) Books, ade journals, conferences An shows also apps 1 he important sources of new ideas fr soflvare businesses (New Zealand case study),

‘Use and demand for knowledge-intensive services changes during the product and busines ie cycle As seen in the Austalian and Finnish studies, the use of externally sourced services typically inereases at more mature sages ofthe prot life ele, Many software firms specify, design and implement new products using intemal resources, and then seck outside assistance with business stratsgy formulation and finance, followed by legal services While some software firms argu that the use of extemal services sles creativity, others consider fresh input fom outsiders useful [Neverteles, in research undertaken for this projec, most firms using outside services aspire 10 develop the competences in-house as they grow in size and become more successful Continued reliance on external services was forescen for ensuring compliance with regulations and other ‘adminisatve requirements, such as those telat to taxation ad patenting (Australian study)

Source: Case aes contained in Caper hep

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Innovation is a collective process that requires access to multiple skill sets

‘The KISA study illustrates the degree to whieh innovation is an interactive process among various participants KISA influence innovation via collective or collaborative problem-solving processes in which organisations work together to meet a market need or ‘opportunity Since innovation tends to be increasingly complex, a wide set of skill is an ‘ever more crucial element of success, For instance, the development of a new type of printing paper brings together a diverse range of KISA ineluding expertise in fibre te search, biotechnology, chemistry electrons, engincering, business management, marketing, logistics, key clients, software development and printing technology Such examples highlight the multidimensional nature of innovation and the diverse range of knowledge needed to bring new produets, processes and services to fruition Innovative firms must mobilise a wide set of skills, often extending beyond their internal capabilities These skills include not just technical skills, but market analysis, logisties and behavioural sciences, AS shown in the leisure and tourism study, thtee central challenges in innovation include the integration of expense in produet development, the integration of style and technology, and the role of the customerluser and the importance of under standing emerging lifestyles, AI of these involve knowledge-intensive service activities,

Users and customers are important drivers of innovation

“The KISA study highlights the importance of users and customers in the innovation process Customers from the interaction between a firm and its customers In the sofhware study, for example, are important partners for learning: new knowledge is offen developed ideas for new sofiware products were most often found to come from interaction between software suppliers and customers Interaction with users also helped suppliers to develop their intemal skills as users participated in joint problem solving and product develop ‘ment Overall, users had a significant role in networks, whieh were very important KISA actors in the software sector In the leisure industry innovation revolves around consumers leisure pursuits and needs to he based on an understanding of consumer lifestyles and everyday practices In resource-based industries, too, the increasingly customer-driven nature of innovation is shifting the strategic focus towards the customer end of the value chain,

Even in resource-based industries, e analysis of consumer behaviour, market seg- ments, evolving demand patterns, logistics, markets and marketing are increasingly important KISA as organisations link their innovation activities more closely o the needs of customers and end users Close interaction with customers is seen as a strategie asset for securing the competitive position of the organisation, For production driven firms this means that a wide range of new types of skills needs to be developed with the assistance ‘of intemal and extemal KISA The Finnish case study of the Forenel forest industry Cluster found that as such businesses continue to transition toward offering solutions that contain service conten, the interaction of internal and extemal KISA will play a growing role in building businesses capabilities and in shifting the focus of innovation from technological innovations to non-technological ones,

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tourism case studies highlighted some alignment between innovation policies and service industries,

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Box 0.2, External services in tourism and leisure

‘Tourism and leisure are diferent sectors, but with a number of smilies ha inluence their wse of KISA Both have expanded as a consequence of nerease affluence, education a leisre time; bt are dependent onan inmate understanding of cultural tends and preferences: and both contribute © the emergence of KISA tha produce this kind of knowledge, Studies Firms in these sectors ave similar feasons for telyingon ext providers of key services: they not of tourism and leisure show that, nly proside capabilites that may be laeking incall, bu also prose a creative, fresh outside view or independent compliance cenfction,

Whereas tourism has its share of fashions and fads and is affected hy technological change, the npeal of many touts destinations relies on ther aby remain ~o¢ app orem ~ unchanged, ‘This is tre oth of estabised resrs offering old-fashioned service ada relaxed pace and of newer teends, such as environmental tourism Many turism experiences —though by 1 means all~ ae first and foremost experiences of rest and relaxation ORen consumers buy packages put gether for ‘hem by ourst agencies, with minimal eff oF input on the consumers par th addiio, ours eles heavily on physial and human infastucue: a destination, anspon systems, accommodation, and a supply of tained stat

‘The turism ease studies of Australia and Spain highligh she role of intermediaries that eiculale ‘between fms, spreading god practice a linking Tims with common interests, Service providers play a fuer role in explaining goverment programmes, new technology and economic develop ‘ems co fis: in tun they collect information tht they use to represent the concer of tourism finns o government, research instusons and suppers Tey lp to Bald networks tat are important Sources of inpovation While the tourism industry may be Tess innovative than the leisure industries, extemal service providers help build innovativenes into the cute

“The manufoctred leisure industries depend on novely almost to the point of gimmickry for their competitive advantage, Many manufactured leisure products ae objects tht are owned and used by individals rather than groups (although groups of users do emerge an rely on communications infrastructure) Marketing depends on being ahead of the ten Many elements of the leisure indosties demand a good deal of active input fom the consumer, in tems of leaming how to do things and also disciplined application These industries are very sensitive to changes in consumer tastes The Finnish case study demonstrates thatthe most important resources for innovation in leisure indies fre aesthetic knowledge and alertness, contextoal knowledge, and eommuncation with cients, External service providers are important inthe leisure industry supplying specialized knowledge ‘elated to design, advertising and market roscarch These services are used alongside and integrated imo the companies’ own product development and market research activites In esate indus, innovation is a continuing, reflective p0ecs noi a chunologieal one, mm the Knowledge and sll of a variety of expers must be integrated during innovation projets Tis has wo be done from the beginning and throughout the process As illustrated by the Finnish sadly, design isnot a onetime oniribution, but a continuous, consultative proces Supplies of the knowledge-intenive serves And associated activites pay the ole of cultural intermediaries, explaining cusomer need lo (He fad now proto customers

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Box 0.3 Creating demand for KISA: Lessons from health care services

‘Health care represents a highly important sevice, and is rsing costs are puting existing systems snder pressure The need to contain healthcare costs, combined with eontinaods innovation in ‘medical practice, pharmaceuticals and medical devices drives change in bealth care services that demands constant upgrading of knowledge, skills and organisational sirucures KISA plays an essemial role in enabling health care organisations to respond to these pressures Nevertheless, the tole of KISA in innovation inthe health cate sector is conditioned by the prevailing innovation ‘vironment, hich ise depends on fata atthe rational and Local levels Policies regarding the provision and payment of health care operate atthe national level and influence the structure of the Industry At the local level, conditions are influenced by individual service providers, who must jus thir operations to meet the various, and sometimes conMiting demands and regulations (as ‘shown inthe Finish and Norwegian stu),

Demand for extemal KISA in health cre varies considerably, depending on a numberof specific issues The Norwepian case study found that even in the inzoducton and implementation of a purchaser-provider model, extemal KISA played a small role Expertise related 10 development, Tegal, aiministative snd mangement setivies, whieh constituted the heat ofthe tation, were source internally Internal and external KISA were used in combination fo ainng and information activites The Japanese study ofa company providing health care-related consultation, waining, [RAD and management services found that the company made use of extemal KISA from unt Yerstes, private companies, and individual experts in R&D and management, IT is one of the types of KISA most often sourced extemal, sheath are organisations tend to lk the needed ‘expertise in-house, The same applies for edation and training services More difficult categories fof KISA relate 10 strategy formulation and implementation and development of management practices

‘Overall, the structure, organisation and relationships among healthcare provers have a significant effect on the diffusion of innovation Adoption oF innovative practices often means altering the beliefs, norms, and values embedded in wadiional organisation ofa particular services provision in parieutar place undet long cultural toot Sta members have to think differently about their oles, their goals, and theit relationships with other departnens and disciplines - and more importantly with patiets Baviers ae higher when the implemented services require co-ordination and re-organisation across disciplines departments or organisation sor challenge the automony of ‘actos in an organisation, In Finland, for example, quality management principles are embraced as [Rood practice for continuous improvement, but they ate not fully accepted as they improve ‘organisation al capabilites atthe evst of limiting the autonomy tht expets enjoy in heath care Furthermore, expert organisations, such as those in health care, tend to favour an approach of Tearning-by-doing rather than adopting existing practices fom ote

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Emergence of supplies of KISA is contingent on demand

Development of extemal supplies of KISA depends on the emergence of demand for such services Most firms provide KISA internally, with decisions to seek external sources of KISA depending on many factors, including the size of the firm, lifecycle of the inno: vation process, and nature of the panicular service In the case studies, lack of awareness ‘of KISA was seen as an impediment to their development, This was observed most frequently among small firms, many of which viewed KISA.as luxuries they cannot afford of tended to see them as secondary to technological innovation Use of KISA was found to be higher among firms with more resources and beiter-<developed innovation ‘capabilites Inthe ease ofthe Norwegian aquaculture industry for example, the ability of firms to effectively make use of KISA was founel to depend on factors such as the size of the business, division of labour within the fim, the existing knowledge base and resources available for knowledge development,

While many of the KISA needed to make firms more innovative exist in the private sector, governments were also found to play an important role, especially where individual Firms lack needed skills for innovation and market demand for stimulating their cretion is either insufficient or too diffuse Most firms regard KISA as essential to implementing innovation, highlighting a possible link between innovative eapacity and willingness to use KISA Hence, factors that effect the environment for innovation can bave a strong influence on demand for KISA Such factors include those that operate at the level of individual organisations or that characterise particular industries, a is ilustated by the health care services sector (Box 0.3)

Integrating internal and external capabilities is increasingly important

‘As KISA becomes more important 10 the innovation activities of firms and as the humber of extemal supplie of KISA gros, finns face a growing challenge of inte- grating internal capabilities with external expertise As illustrated by the case study of resource-based industries, this can take place in a number of ways, including

‘Effective management of human resources, such as employing experts who can build up their knowledge base and absomplive eapacity: Forming multi-diseiplinary reseatch teams that broaden the knowledge base required in selling solutions; and ‘making use of personal connections with industry and other experts

+ Establishment of appropriate organisational structures, such as setting up dedicated business units that scan the envionment and develop new expertise and business; acquiring firms that can bring in new knowledge and innovative thinking; and establishing joint ventures that typically (e.g, with industrial service firms) institutionalise co-operation and integration of KISA with other firms

# Forging effective networks and linkages, such as by participating in networks which offer opportunities for incorporating intemal and external knowledge;

‘engaging in close co-operation with suppliers and seting up joint development projects; working closely with customers in new solutions development; and «establishing joint projects with research,

+ Employing market-based transactions, such as buying integrated product-service bundles that bring external KISA within the fim; using outsourcing as a way to integrate former internal KISA with the extemal expertise; and purchasing services from service providers businesses and working with them

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Firms nced to develop competences in each of these areas to make effective use of KISA

Building the KISA perspective into innovation policy

‘Continued expansion ofthe knowledge economy and inereased economic globalisation are likely to raise the imponance of KISA in contributing 10 innovation The evolving division of labour and the volume of knowledge are strong divers of KISA The challenge will be for innovation policies to foster the supply, demand and quality of KISA to improve innovation performance Policies can target KISA actors directly or indirectly through intermediary organisations, or through wider framework conditions including ‘government regulation, education and skills development, and procurement practices ‘Also the publie sector itself sa significant provider and user of KISA, and hence a target for innovation policies Table 0.2 presents some key dimensions that need attention when developing balanced innovation poliey portfolios around KISA

‘Table 0.2 Types of policy that can facilitate KISA-based innovation Polley ted dimension Examples of ovaion poly mestres

iret leaning osnsselrgyiefoe * Seen vce dopa ed pal rd Ae rane ga ‘ot onl rbussee, “Tan of nabeg incl aca sgn tm lect An Insinct in si wfnhfn molzn 3m Wienng eas of TOs towards rensceogalmoraons py nenengpirgnon Seong he bae node snes benkpretolienteetcewif Oprrg pla maa cove peor

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Research-based knowledge and a highly skilled labour force are basic require- ‘ments for many kinds of KISA KISA plays a crucial role in the generation and dif fasion of knowledge as it applies and re-packages research-based knowledge for practical purposes, Governments ean play a critical role in tis process through suppor for funda mental, basic esearch Much of the basic knowledge derives from education and taining systems, which are responsible for developing a skilled labour force Strong inks to public and private sector organisations can help ensure that that education and training insti tion are sensitive to evolving demands for skilled labour,

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At the same time, innovation policy frameworks need to respond to the non- technological aspects of KISA and their impact on innovation capability The KISA study has identified the importance of non-technological contributions to the innovation capability of firms This suggests thatthe traditional R&D-based approach to innovation is too narrow and that innovation policies need to recognise the various types of knowledge-intensive services activities that have different roles in the innovation pro- cesses Policy needs to focus more on the interactive people-centred activites, less on the individual firm and more on developing the collective strength of the sector or network Since typical KISA is mainly based on intangible assets, policies ought to secure suf ficient supply of private and public financing for growth oriented KISA, Better under- standing of the nonechnological elements of innovation and the user conuibuton to innovation needs to be further developed,

A key challenge is improving access to KISA This challenge is highlighted by imangibility, complexity and difficulties in assessing the quality and suitability of the services offered prior to engaging With them, Financial assistance is only a pastal solution, Awareness of KISA needs to be developed first and knowledge asymmetries between KISA suppliers and users need to be addressed, for instance, by eerifcation of services and through publicly funded demonstration projects,

‘Overall, policies that stimulate the demand for KISA ean also tigger enhanced supply and quali of KISA Policies should be neutral towards internal and external sources of knowledge-intensive services until there is further research on the wider impacts of ‘outsourcing on innovativeness and skills development Exiting innovation policies shoul bbe examined and where necessary developed © ensure that they encourage capacity ‘building and interaction within organisations Policies that ean improve firms’ absorptive capacity for knowledge can have a significant impact on te firm's ability to use available KISA Regulatory issues must also he considered, In the health care sector, innovation and the use of KISA is influenced by health care policies and incentives, as health care services are provided by a mix of public, private and thiel-party actors ia a highly lated setting, Pressure to contain costs, together with continuous innovation in medical practice, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, are key drivers of change in health care services Adaptation to these drivers requires constant upgrading of the knovledge and skills within health care systems, often through taining, education and various other types of KISA,

Policy must adapt to changing needs for KISA The need for KISA evolves as industries, organisations and innovations mature The life cycle of the innovating organi- sation and of the innovation process itself can be used to determine which type of KISA hest facilitates funher development At different stages of the innovation life cyele, the balance between internal and extemal KISA may also change, implying a need for different types of policy measures

(OF course, policies must aim to facilitate sensitive, tustbased interactive innovation processes without interfering with them, Subller understanding of the appropriateness of different kinds of policy measures can be achieved though close interaction between policy design and programme delivery and attention to the needs and reactions of the beneficiaries of policy Demand side policies that stimulate the demand for KISA are equally important as those seeking to stimulate supply and quality of KISA Policy co: ordination has an essential role here, but further research will be necessary to more fully explore the most effective tole of public policy in stimulating supply and demand of KISA,

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" Box 04 KỈ in resource-based industries

‘The resourceshased industry case sui ilasteate a numberof important general themes regarding the use of KISA in innovation The Australian case study of mining technology service fim and the nish case study of firms in foreserelsted industries, for example, show thal awareness of the significance of KISA isan important starting point for business use of knowledge intensive services ‘Mining technology service fms are service providers themselves, so they have a good under- standing of how interaction with the provider of knowledge intensive service can enhance business operations Their work free is highly educated, so they understand how to learn and to build on thei existing skills and knowlege The above description fits very well also the forest, cluster which has manwfactring a5 is core activity but in which support and development Services play a key part in boosting productivity and produet quality Large forestry firms ate ‘Srving to develop maze business around integrate product-service soatons

“These case studies also provide examples ofthe relationship between manufuctring and services, Which further emphasizes the need for KISA Several firms inthe Austalian mining technology service sector hive developed tols for pantiulr tasks and subsequently commercialise them 38 Stand alone units or they eased that the way they do something in-house his value that can be packaged and sold to others, Forest clister firms have realised the value of knowledge develop ‘ment on the business and cluster levels Businesses are making extensive use of automation and buildng-up their knowledge bases on complex production processes, Businesses are re-organising their reseateh efforts to form more effective eross-iseiplinary research units that seck to combine both technological and non-technologal (e.g organisational) types of innovations Such changes elevate the imporance of close links to customers as those firms that contol the end-user interface, may exercise contol over the enie value chain Consumer behaviour market segments, evolving demand pate, logistics, markets and marketing are increasingly important KISA as organisations move downstieam in the value chan closer to fustomers and end users, Thee re at least ovo Key drivers hit give impetus for innovation setivities atthe custome end ofthe valve ean, Fs, insertion wh eusomers, liens ad wser commits provides organisations with knowledge thit invaluable For R&D processes In turn businesses provide customers their specialised Knowledge that can solve their problems Secondly, close Interaction with customers is seen as a strategic asset: it can provide a power base that can help to secure the future competitiveness of the organisation, As sen in he Finnish ease stu, those who control the end wer interface ean exereibe contol over the entire value chain

‘The Norwegian aguacultre study illustrates how the ability to make use of KISA varies among dltferen types of firms Key dimensions influsncing is aboorpive eapacity include: the size of the busines, division af labour within the frm, knowledge hse and resources availale fr know ledge development Small firms in particular appear not to realise the importance of KISA and ‘here appears bea general scepticism of external KISA as a source of innovation Neverbcless, extemal providers are heing ased to & greater degree than before, especialy for development facivties inked 10 produet and process innovation, ICT projects and hanking and financial ‘assistance (olen linked! 10 mergers and acquisitions), Such external actors typically eome from fother pars ofthe business group, networks of suppliers and competitors and experts in regulatory and ta issues Only for science-based entepreneurs inthe Norwegian aquaculture industry were publicly funded research and technology organisations a source of specif innovation,

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Le projet sur les activités de service forte intensité de savoir (KISA) est une étude de cas sur Vinnovation qui s‘inscrit dans des travaux de longue haleine menés par OCDE sur les systémes nationaux «innovation Ce projet examine I uilité des services a fore intensté de savoir pour le développement de la capacitédinnovation des organi sations qui en bénéficient: pour ee faire, il axe la réflexion non pas sur les industries du secteur des services en elles-mémes, mais sur le tle des services 2 forte intensité de savoir en tant que vecteurs et sources de connaissances qui influent sur la performance des organisations, des chines de valeur et des grappes d'activités dans Vensemble des seeteurs, vation est appréhendé, non pas du point de vue d'une série de secteuts industriel, mais C'est ainsi que T'impact des services sur les performances en matiere dinno: sous angle du re fonetionnel spécifique que jouent ees services

‘Aux termes de Ia définition utilise dans cette ude, les services à [otle intensité de savoir désignent les activités de service produites ou intégrées par des entreprises ou par des acteurs du secteur public, dans le cadre d’activités manufactures ou de services, parallélement & la production manufacturire, ou en tant que services autonomes Parmi les services ä forte intensité de savoir figurent les services de recherehe-développement (R-D), de conseil en gestion, einformation et de communications, les services d'emploi cet de gestion des ressourees humaine, ls services juridiques (dont eeux ligs aux droits de proprstéintellectuclle), les services complables et financiers, et les services La plupart des organisations du secteur public et des entreprises ont recours a des services de marketing, 2 Torte intensité de savoir dans leur fonctionnement quotidien, services qu'elles se procurent soit en interne soit auprés de fourisssurs externes appartenant aux secteurs privé ou publi

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Le projet KISA avait pour objectf de produire une analyse comparative des différents types de services intennédiaires fournis pour la gestion de innovation dans Tes prises Dans le eadre des travaux préiminaires, tude a adopté une approche

pour affiner les principaux concepts d'analyse et mieux appréhender Tes processus liés faux services 3 forte intensité de savoir Au dépar, a réflexion s‘articulait autour de deux grandes questions: 1) Quels types de services & forte intensité de savoir rencontre on dans les différents pays et secteurs ? 2) Comment fonetionnent les services 3 forte intensité de savoir ? La premiere question a servi de thématique & la recherche par enquéte, tandis, {que la seconde a &té examinée dans le cadre d'études de eas au niveau de V entrprise Le pprésent rapport recense les principaux enseignements trés de ces études de eas, et met en Tumiere importance des services & fort intensité de savoir pour les politiques de Finno- vation, tout en fournissant des indications sur les moyens de mieux en tenir compte dans T'6laboration de ces politiques,

Le réle des services & forte intensité de savoir dans Vinnovation

Laude confirme que les services & forte intensité de savoir exercent plusious fonctions majeures dans les processus dinnovation Ils servent de sources d'innovation quand ils imerviennent dans le Tancement et le développement d'activités d'innovation dans des ‘organisations clientes Ce sont des faciitateurs de innovation quand ils aiden une organi- sation dans son processus «innovation, Enfin, ils servent de vecteurs de Tinovation {quand ils contribuent & wansférer des connaissances existanes entre organisations, indus ties ou réseaux, ow & 'inrieur de ceux-ci, en vue de les appliquer dans un nouveau contexte, Ces différentes fonctions dépendent en partie de la réaction de Morganisation utilisatrice (ou cliente) et des modalit& selon lesquelles elle recount aux services du prestataire, conserve le savoir acquis, et gere les connaissances & tous les niveaux de sa structure Tous ees aspects participent du caracténeinteractif des services forte intensité de savoir, Les services & forte intensité de savoir influent sur les processus d'innovation de diverses maniéres

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sesune 19, ‘Tableau 0.1 Les types de services a forte intensité de savor et leur le en matiére d'innovation

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Le recours aux services a forte intensité de savoir varie selon les industries et le stade du processus d"innovation

Compte tenu de leurs rbles différenciés, c'est à des depsés différents et & des stades lifférents du processus «innovation que Ion recourt des services @ forte intensité de savoir, I essort des études de eas que le type de services forte intensité de savoir dont a ‘besoin une entreprise, quel que soit le secteur auquel elle appartien, est étoitement lig au stade du eycle de vie de Finnovation Les services touchant a la R-D sont importants aux tout premiers stades du cycle, tandis que ceux ligs aux droits de propriété intellectuelle,& la commecialisation, au marketing et au processus de production sont en général plus {importants vers la fin du cycle de vie de l'innovation Dans le secteur du logiciel, par exemple, la plupart des entreprises indiquent procéder a la spécfication, la conception et la réalisaion de nouveaux produits & aide de leurs ressources interes: les premiers services qu'elles se procurent le plus souvent & MextGrieur concement Ia formulation de lt satégie et la finance, ainsi que les affaires juridiques Parmi les autres grandes activités de service & forte intensité de savoir qui sont utilisées & différents stades du processus «innovation Figurent les services de conseil ment de T'entreprise, le génie informatique, et le marketing (encadré 0.1) Le rble des et de recherche figs & a sttatége, le développe: services 8 forte intensité de savoir dans Te processus cinnovation dépend done d'un certain nombre de parametres, dont la nature de Vorganisation, les caractéristiques de la chalne de valeur, le type d'industi, et le eycle de vie du processus «innovation,

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Encadré 0.1 Enseignement trés de "étude des services i forte intensité de savoir ‘danse secteur du loge suite)

Les enteeprises ds secteur da logiciel inégrem dans lear process dinnovation des informations ct des connaissances issues de diveressoutces, Dans les enteprises du logiciel, la RD est le plus Souvent axée sur les solutions, et prozede par identification des problémes ds industries et la ‘mise au point de solulons techniques fales adapter Les idées de nouveaux produits viennent souvent du bureau d'études ou du Service de marketing, mais aussi diectement des clients Comme fon fe voit dans I's de cas sur Irlande, les periecionnements déeoulent des informations fournies en reour par les ingénicurs qu travalent avec les clients Les presttres de services atx entreprises et les organismes de technologie et de recherche sont souvent uiliss pour appuyer ls Fonetions de gestion et de développement de Penteprse, et ils sembleatpariculirement utiles pour les entreprises gui cherchent ase développer sur les marchés intematonadx (voir P'tade de assur la Fnlande), Les relations avec les grandes enteprises, par exemple dans ls élécommuni cations, automobile ou d'autres grands Seccurs industries, jouen aussi un rlesigifiatif dans 1a mise au point des produits et dans ta constitution de réseaux interationaux de clients et de connaissances, Ces réseaus sont pateulgrement intéressanis dans des domsines sttégigues feomme le développement des faites activités et des nouvelles solutions, Par conséquent un ‘environnement encourage Ia cooperation et les eaenrepries entre grades entepiss et pelts Soviets de service consitue un élément determinant pour le sytéme innovation comme i esor des éaudes de eas sur la Core ot sur La Nouvelle-Zslande) Publications, revues professionel, conférenes et expositions semblen aussi re des sources non ngligeabes de nouvelles ides pour les enreprises di logiciel (tude de eas suka Nowvele-Zéland),

LLutlisaton et la demande de services a forte intensité de savoir évoluent tout a Jong du eycle de vie du produit et de erizeprise Des cades de cas sur "Australie et sr la Finland, i essort que le recotrs& des services d'origine exteme saccritenréglegsnérale ax stadesavancés ds cycle de vie du produit Nombre d'etrepiss du logiciel procédent ala spéifiaton la conception etl ‘alfsation de nouveaux produits & Vaide de leurs ressources intemes; ensuite elles recerchent une aide exérieure en ce qui conceme la formulation dela statépe etl Finance, pus les services {utdigues Si cortaines entreprises du logiciel considotent que le recouts 8 des services exlemes Stoutfe la eréaivté autres estiment utiles ces apports de Vextrieur Néanmoin, du travail de recherche réalisé pou ce projet il ressort que la plupar des enreprisesfusuntappel des services textrieus aspirent 4 d&velopper ces compétences en interne A mesure quelle gagneront en lle e qu'ellesrenconteront le sbects, Le re2ours permanent 3 ce type de Services est envisage pour assuer le respect des réglementations et s'acguittr Wavtres obligations administatives comme elles ies la fiscal et au dept de brevets (étude de eas sur Australie) innovation est un processus collectf qui requiert une tres large palette de compétences

L’étude KISA illustre & quel point innovation est un processus interactif entre les acteurs, Les activités de service & forte intensité de savoir influent sur innovation par le biais de processus de collaboration ou de résolution conjointe des problémes dans le care ‘desquels les organisations cooperent pour sasir une opportunité de marché ou répondre & un besoin du marché L’innovation devenant, en rgle générale, un processus de plus en plus complexe, elle exige pour réussir un spectre toujours plus large de compétences La mise au point d'un nouveau type de papier «impression, par exemple, mobilise un <Svental diversifié de services & forte intensité de savoir tels la recherche sur les fibres, les biotechnolovies, la chimie, Pélectonique, ingénierie, a gestion de Tenteprise, le marketing, la logisique, le grands clients, le développement de logiciels et les technologies d'impres-

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sésume_21 sion, Ces exemples font ressontir fe caractére multidimensionne! de innovation et ka

dliversité des connaissances nécessaires a la mise au point de nouveaux produits, pro- jeescus et services Les entreprises innovantes doivent mobiliser une large palette de ‘compétences, qui dépassent souvent leurs capacités interes Cette palette comprend non seulement des compétences techniques mais aussi Pétude du marché, a logistique et les sciences du comportement, De I'étude sur les foisrs er le tourisme, il ressort que les trois ‘grands problemes que pose le processus d'innovation dans ce secteur eoncemnent Iinté aration d'une expertise au niveau du développement des produit, alliance du style et de Ta technologie, ainsi que le le du clientilisateur et de ses nouveaux styles de vie qu'il importe de bien cemer Tous ces problémes intéressent les activités de service & forte iensité de savoir

Les utilisateurs et les clients sont de puissams moteurs de Vinnovation

L’dtude KISA met en lumidre Vimportance des utlisateurs et des clients dans le processus (innovation, Les cients sont cles partenaires non négligeables dans Facquistion de savoirs : Tinteaetion entre Fentreprise et ses clients permet souvent I'élaboraton de connaissances nouvelles De étude sur le secteur du logiciel par exemple il ressort que les ides de nouveaux produits logiciels sont en rele générale le fruit de interaction centre les fourisseurs de logiciels et les clients, L'interaetion avec les utilisteurs aident aussi les fournisseurs & développer leuts compétences interes ear ils patticipent & la résolution conjointe des problémes et au développement des produits Globalement, les utilisateurs jouent un grand rile dans les réseaux, ces acteurs majeurs des servies & forte inensité de savoir dans le secteur du logiciel Dans le secteur des loisrs, Finnovation est axée sur les pratiques des consommateurs et doit se fonder sur une connaissance de leurs sles de vie et de leurs habitudes quotidiennes S'agissant des industries de ressources aussi, le fait que innovation soit de plus en plus axée sur le client modifie orientation ‘siatégique pour privilégier le maillon final de lachaine de valeur ot se site le client

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Panllblsment aux ulisleus, les sviees de marketing sont un moteur majeur de innovaion dans certaines industries Le rapport sur fe fourisme et les lisirs souligne FFimportance des services de commercalisation en tant que mayen de renforcement de la capacité inteme innovation des entreprises de tourisme (encadré 0.2) Une nouvelle jgamme de services figs au marketing fourit aux entreprises de tourisme des informations sur Févolution du style de vie des clients qui est a origine de Ia demande de nouveaux Iypes de services Les tudes de eas sur le tourisme font apparaitte une ceraine adéquation centre les politiques de innovation et les services

Encadré 0.2 Les services extermes dans le secteur da tourisme et des laisirs

Le wourisme a es ists constituent deux seteursdstness, mais pésenten uncertain nombre de similitues qu influent sr eur wisation de services a forte intense de sve, Tous deux se sot <éveloppés Ia faveur de amelioration des conditions de vie et du niveau d'éducation et de Taceroisement da temps libre: ls exigent 'un comme l'autre une pereptionaigué des endances et des preferences eultutelles et contibuen T'émergence activites de service Torte inensté de ‘ivoirprdiisamt ce type dinformations Les tides sur le tourism et es isis montrent que ks entreprises de ces secteur recourent pour les mémes raisons des prestaires de services exteres ui leur apportent, non seulement des compétences souvent inexisuntes au plan interne, mais Sgalement un point de vue extéieu original et xéai encore une certification indépendant

Bien que le tourism n'échappe pas aux modes et tendances du moment et subisse les effets du changement echnologigue, 'duAadit de pomibreuses destinations touristiguesréside dans le fait, 08 "elles resent intates C'est le eas des leux de vilégiature tradiionnels qui offent es presaions 8 Maneienne, loin des wepidations di monde, mais éeafement des lanmales plus nouvelles comme I'otourisme, Méme si ce n'est pas une regle générale, de nombreux séjurs touristiques misent avant tout sur le repos et lu détente Les consommateurs achétent bien souvent dds frfaits prepa leur intention par les agences de tourisme, ce qui leur demande un effort ‘inimam et peu dinvestissement personnel Le secteur du tourisme est pat ailleurs fortement tribute des infasinctres physiques et humines site de destination, réseaw de transport, Ingbergement et personnel quali

Les eludes sur le wourisme en Ausra et en Espagne font ressonit le re des inermeéiives gui vont d'une entepese a Pautre, Uiffusent es bonnes pratigues et lent ls enteprses par des imteétscommuns Les presutaites de services jouent aussi unre imporant en faisant connate aux entreprises les programmes gouveriementu les technologies nouvelles et les tendances de économie; ils recueillnt de leur e6t6 des informations qu'lsuilisent pour se faire Toho des préoceupatons des enepdses de torisme auprés des pouvoits publics, des organismes de recherche et des fonrinsetrs Il favorsent'éablissement de réseaux vectenrs innovation, Bien ‘que industre du toursme soit peu-ére moins innovante que celle des lost, les prevatairesủe Services externes contribuent a insuffler un esprit novateur dans la culture dece secteur

Le secteur des «fists manufactures » doit impérativement joer la carte de la nouveauté, quite & produire des gadgets, pours assure un avantage concurentel Les ariles de lists manufactures Sont souvent des abjtsdétenus ot uilists par des partculirs plait que par des groupes (méme si des groupes dutlisateursvoient le jour et recourent& des infrastructures de communication) La ccommercalsaion dépend de Yapiitude 2 antciper les tendances De nombreux produits de Vinvlustrie des losis demandent an vrtable investissement de la prt di consommateur gi doit apprendre & sen servi 3 en mirisr les applications, Ce sector ext trés sensible a volution des {ols des consommateurs, L'Gtde de la Finlnde moni que les ressources les plus importantes pour Vinnovation dans ce secteur sont la mais et fa veille esthétiques, Ia connaissance dy Context tls communication avee le liens

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Encadré 0.2 Les services externes dans le secteur du tourisme et des loisirs (suite) Les fournisseurs de services extemes jouent aussi un le important dans Pindstie des losis en apportant des competences spécilisges en matire de design, de publi et d'tades de marché, (Ces services sont utilises parallelement et intégrés dans ls activités de développement de produits tude de marché des enieprise Dans Vindusirie des lis, innovation est un processus de "flexion contin, qu ne suit pas de chronologiepeécse : les connaissances ct competences d'un large éventil de specialists doivent ue intérées tout along des projets innovation, du début is Ìa fin da processus, Comme le monte 'éte des Fnlande, ka conception mest pas une ‘contribution poncuelle, mais un provessus consultaif permanent, Les fourisseur de services 3 fome intense de savor et de services connexes jovent le re intermédiaires culture en faisant connate les besoin des consommateurs aux entreprises eles nouveaux produ aux consommateurs,

Dans le secteur du tourisme, tout comme dans cela des lis, le cours & des services extrnes favorise la flexibiité pulgue ces services peuvent ire ullisés & la demande Cette motivation Apparat plus fore en Espagne, ob le marché de l'emploi est pls rigid, qu'en Australie, ot ls fniplois ccasionnels sont frequents La possibilite de choist parmi an grand nombre de fournisseurs,y compris iteration, semile asi peser plus lord pour Vinustie espagnole Cela tient peutétre au fait que les entreprises espagnoles sont plus grandes et que ks ‘multinationals sont plus nombreuses dan le secteur Dans l'étude avstalenne, aucune enteprse ‘a indiqu utiliser de services fournis par un prestatie international Source: des des prescnes danse chap pésen pp Le développement de Vofjre de services a forte intensité de savoir est tributaire de Ta demande

Le développement de Voffre externe de services & forte intensité de savoir dépend de li montée de la demande pour ce type de services La plupart des entreprises assurent ces services en interne, la décsion de se les procurer & Textérieur dépendant de nombreux facteurs dont la uille de Fentrepdse, le eyele de vie du processus d'innovation, et la nature du service requis Dans les tudes de eas, la méconnaissance de oes services est pergue comme une entrave 2 leur développement On la constate surtout dans les petites enteprises, qui sont nombreuses & considérer ees services comme un luxe qu‘elles ne peuvent pas s'oflrie ou comme moins importants que l'innovation technologique, Le recours aux services & forte intensité de savoir se révele Gre davamtage pratique dans les entreprises plus riches en ressources et dotées de capacités innovation plus cdéeloppées, Dans le eas de Pindusie aquacole de la Norvege par exemple, on observe {que la capacité des entreprises a exploiter efficacement les services & forte intensité de savoir dépend de facteurs tels que la taille de Pentreprise, la division du travail en son sein, les connaissances existantes, et les ressources disponibles pour le développement des

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organisations ou qui caractérisent’ des secteurs indusiels parieuliems, comme en ‘émoigne le secteur des services de santé (encadré 0.3,

Encadré 0.3 Créer une demande de services forte intensité de savoir: ‘enselgnements ties de Pexpérience acquise dans le secteur de ln santé

Les serves de santé revétent une grande importance, mis leur cot eis péselourdement sur les sjstomes existams Le besoin de mairser ce codt, conjugué au progtts constant des pratiques médicales, des produits pharmaceutigues et des apparcls médcaux, induit dans ces services ne volition go se tradit pla nécessite Tamélioreren permanence les connaissances, les compétences t organisation Les services & forte intensté de savoir apportent une contribution essentille en “dan les Gablissements de soins faite face & es containtes, Toutefos, le rle quis jouent dans innovation av sein du secteur dela santé dépend do contexte dans lequel clle-<i insert, contexte Iuisméme tibuaie de facteurs qu interviennent 2 'échelon nationale lea Les politiques relatives & ta foutnitue et au paiement des soins de santé sont mises en oeuvre a ivead tational et influent ur la xwmehe da xsder de là sant AT'échelon lea, la station est determine pales diffrent pres faies de services qui doivent adapter leurs activités de fagon pouvoir répondre a des exigences ct des ‘églementatons diverss et, parfois, contradictoies (comme le monrent les éudes sr la Finland e là Nondge)

La demande de services extemes forte intensité de savoir dans le domaine des soins de sant, ts ‘arable, dépend d'un certain nombe de facteurs précis Dans le as dela Norvége, of a cons que es services externesn'avaient pas jou un grad te, mme dans la mse en place et application da ‘mode acheteur-fournisseur Les compstences spécilisées liges aux travaux de mise au point, aux activités juridiques, 4 Padministation et & la gestion qui éuientdeteeminantes pour la tansition ‘operer ot éiépuisées imérieur Des services interes etexternes forte inensité de savoir ont "soci pour asurer des ativités deformation et d'information L'entfeprise prstataite de services {de conse, de Formation, de R-D et de gestion dans le domain des soins de sant, sur laguele& porte Fetude concernant le Japon, wise des services externes forte intnsté de savoir qu'elle va chereher dans des universitet des entreprises privées et cher des spécaises de la R-D st de Ia gestion, Les ‘services lgs aux TIC font pate des services forte intensit de savoir qui sont le plus souvent fours par Fextérieur, ant donne que les Eublisements de sons de santé ne disposentgéngralement ps Sut place des compétences dant ss ont besoin en la mati, C'est ssi Je cas des services d'enslgnement ft deformation, L'claboraton et la mise en ree de stig, ainsi gue la definition de méthodes de {estion apparticnnent& des catégories de services & fore inensité de savoir qui posent davantage de điHeuhée

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Encadré 0.3, Créer une demande de services forte intemsité de savoir: ‘enseignements tires de Pexpérienee acquise dans le secteur de la santé (suite)

Jusqu’a présent, les eondiions di marché ont pas permis de exer des services spécilises en dehors es éablissements de soins de santé Ces deriers possédent généralement eux-migmes davantage Je ‘ompétences quils ne peuvent en trouver a Pexifieur Le poleniel đinaovadon cxieamt đam lec ‘Systimes de santé pourra, semble-i, re beaucoup mieux exploié ily avait un nel panage des coamissances et des hones pratigues, Pour répondte 2 ce probleme, les eablissemenis poutaient ‘notamment offrir leurs compétences 3 Vexércur mais ils n'y sont puére incites Dans le secteur public, a conclsion d'un accord peut ére singulgrement dificil, tant Tintreue que sir le pla externe, Par conséquent, les presaaices extrieurs de services 2 forte intnsité de savoir doivent te Uns proces de leur cintele afin de evr la conviance nécessaie Les réseau de services 2 forte intensit de savoir jowent un re essentiel dans Ia diffusion des nogvelles technologies médicales Une fois que ees dernigres unt &té mises en ple, la vitesse 3 laguelle elles se répandron dépendra dan certain nombre de facteurs tus soumis a Pinflence de ces réseaux L'atisation des technologies ‘nouvelles erge de nouvelles informations gui sont diffuses a ravers des séminaires, des conferences et es publications Ces éléments permettet aus concepteuts de perfectionner ces technologie, et ux utes uilisateurse'amelione a fagon don isles sppliquent (Espagne)

Liiniégration des capacités imtemes et externes revét une importance grandissante ‘A mesure que les services a forte intensité de savoir gagnent en ulilité pour les activités d'innovation des entreprises et que le nombre de fourisseurs externes de ces services auemente, les entreprises sont confromtées a Ia difficuté eroissante que pose Fintégration des eapacitésinternes et de expertise exteme Comme il resort de l'étude dde cas sur les industries de ressources, cette intégration peut s'opérer de diverses manires On peut entre autres

‘© Gérer efficacement les ressources humaines: faire appel des exper capables de renforcer les connaissances et la eapacité d'absorption du personnel ; former

des équipes de recherche multidisciplinaires qui élargssent les connaissances requises pour vendre des solutions; et exploiter les relations personnelles avec les acteurs du seeteur et d'autres experts,

* Metire en place les structures organisationnelles appropriges : enter des unités opérationnelles spécialisées qui explorent [environnement et développent de nouvelles compétences et activités ; acquétir des entreprises susceptibles ‘apporter de nouvelles connaissances et des approches innovantes; et mettre sur pied des coentreprises (par exemple avec des entreprises de services industriel), ‘ce qui en réple générale institutionnalise la coopération avec d'autres entreprises, cet Mintégration des services a forte imensité de savoir

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* Recourir aux transactions de marché : acheter des ores groupées produit service ce qui revient & importer dans lentrprise des services a fone intensité de savoir Worigine exteme ; recourir 4 Yexternalisaion pour associer Panciens services internes forte intensté de savoir une expertise extere ; et acheter des services i des entreprises de services et collaborer avec eelles-i

Pour utiliser ef

«que les entreprises ‘veloppent leurs compétences di nent les services & fome inten

de savoir, il est indispensable s chacun de ees domaines

Intégrer la dimension des services a forte intensité de savoir dans les politiques de Vinnovation

11 a tou leu de penser que la poursuite de Mexpansion de économie du savoir et le enforcement de la mondialisation économique vont aecentuer importance de là contribution apportée par les services a forte intensité de savoir a innovation, L’évolution de la division du travail et offre de connaissances sont de puissants moteurs pour le développement de ces services Le défi que devront relever les politiques de FFinnovation consistera & promouvoir 'ole, fa demande tla qualité des services à forte inensité de savoir pour améliorer les performances d'innovation Les politiques pourront cibler les acteurs imemediaitws ou par la exéation de conditions-cadres plus générales concemant la de ces services, directement ou indirectement, parle biais d'organsations réglementation publigue, la formation et le d&veloppement des competences, et les pratigues de passation des marchés, En outre, le secteur public Ini-méme est un important fournisseur et utilisateur de ce type de services, et par conséquent une cible pour les politiques de innovation, Le tableau 0.2 présente certains aspects clés auxquels i ‘convient de préter attention pour mettre au point des panoplis équilibrées de mesures en faveur de l'innovation fondée sur les services & forte intensté de savoir

Les connaissances issues de la recherche et une main-doeuvre fh ‘qualifige sont indispensables pour un grand nombre de services & forte

savoir Les services & forte intensité de savoir interviennent de fagon décisive dans Ia production et la diffusion des connaissances dans la mesure ó ils appliquent et reformulent & des fins pratiques les connaissances issues de fa recherche Les pouvoirs publics peuvent jouer un rile capital dans ce processus en soutenant la recherche fondamentale, La majeure partie des savoirs de base est appontée par les systémes «enseignement Des liens étroits avec les organisations du secteur public et du secteur privé peuvent et de Formation qui sont chargés de former une main-d'aeuvre qualifie, ccontribuer & sensibiliser les établissements d'enseignement et de formation a Mévolution de la demande de main-deuvre quaifige

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privés et publics suffisants en faveur des services de ce type qu sont axés sur Ia erissance, 1 faut continuer a chercher & mieux cemner les éléments non technologiques de Tinno- vation, et la contribution des utilisateurs "innovation

‘Tableau 02 Types de mesures susceptbles de faciliter Vinnovation fondée sur les services i forte intensté de savoir

Formas decon pilav Enel de mesures thiave di

Tnrcton ulin ect claus Asura eerie Ge Tnatcomeis ps pic esa eS tringieetogstelre Faia earl de crt hablar es ding pour dbp des vices cpanel te es


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usyetme drain *Euile champ da es gases do eherco eee shsege ‘sosoalene ron teenie Cian contnscaser atari «Curr de raumsuxmch ‘Serine ral eit Agen eae generar pres reese dios

-Rnrealạtesd8 sacs Bos insré dca Srna * Dili és bones aun ates roma qi es svies + Prowl sens la clue de inven

Ieensamer des potgues "¬

lBoAlafeagespazefnelewe ` #ưealwsdegasssialemoiopesaelngensaeoeh gom carpi de seven ———¬ Adit tổmonlenđưledomine de eaczment et aie doen ue ses ta tnleetdgoedđơinalef rệt —¬ “Aue une oman en sleet dee comple en mie ‘imran isan rb cera an oe a patio naan

in enplse denne ense sud» Fayat ie aa et tacion avers ler au pte ‘ures usions conta paulo ‘nape ens *Mete upd es pnts ase davarage en ese dr ‘emes moron

L'amélioration de lace’s aux services 2 forte intensité de savoir constitue un fenjeu majeur Le probléme tient & immatérialié, a la complenité et aux diffieultés auxquelles se heurte I'évaluation de la qualité et de 'adéquation des services offers avant (fy faite appel Laide finaneiére n'appome qu'une solution partielle faut d'abord assurer ‘une meilleure connaissance des services & forte intensité de savoir et remédier & Tasy- mie de connaissances entre les foumisseurs de ces services et les ulilsateurs, par exemple en certfiant les services et en mettant en place des projets de đếmonstraion financés sur fonds publics

Globalement, les politiques qui stimulent fa demande de services a forte intensté de savoir peuvent aussi susciter une progression de Poflze et un renforcement de la qual de ces services Les politiques ne doivent pas trancher entte sources interes et sources cextemes de services 8 forte intensité de savoir tant que des travaux de recherche supple mentaires n’ont pas été menés sur les impacts plus généraux de lexternalisation sur Ia ceréativité et le développement des competences Les politiques de innovation en vigueur doivent die examinges et si nécessaires affinges pour veiller a ee qu'elles encouragent le reniorcement des capacités et Vinteration au sein des organisations Les politiques sus-

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28 trọn:

ceptibies d'amétiorer la eapacté absorption des connaissances des entreprises peuvent avoir un impact significaif sur leur capacité & utiliser les services & forte intensité de savoir qui sont & leur disposition Les questions de réglementation doivent aussi ême prises en compte, Dans le secteur des soins de santé, l'innovation et le recours aux services a forte intensté de savoir sont influencés par les incitations et les politiques en place dans le secteur de la santé, dans la mesure ol ls services de santé sont assurés conjointement par des acteurs publies, des acteurs privés et des erees partes & intétieur un cadre tres réglementé, Les pressions exeroses en faveur de la maitrise des eodts, associes aux innovations permanentes dans les pratiques médicales, les produits pharma cceutiques et les matérels médicaux sont des moteurs majeurs du changement L’adaptation a ces mutations exige de constamment mettre & niveau les connaissances et les ccompétences mises en ocuvre dans les systémes de santé, souvent par le biais activité de formation, d'enseignement et de divers autres types de services & forte intensité de

Les politiques doivent s'adapter & lévolution des besoins en matire de services 2 forte intensité de savoir Les besoins de ce type de services évoluent industries, les organisations et les innovations montent en régime On peut se servir du & mesure que les eyele de vie de organisation innovante et du processus d'innovation lui-méme pour «léterminer quel type de service & forte intensité de savoir favorise de nouvelles avancées, L'cquilire entre les services & forte intensité de savoit d'origine interne et ceux d'origine cexteme peut aussi changer selon les stades du eyete de vie de Tinnovation, ce qui tend cess de prévoir différents types de mesures

Bien entendu, les politiques doivent viser & favoriser des processus dinnovation interacts, réaetifs et basés sur la confiance sans pour autantintervenir directement On ‘peut parvenir & une perception plus fine de 'adéquation des différents types de mesures sen développant des synergies coites entre la conception des politiques et la mise en focuvte des programmes et en prétant attention aux besoins et aux réactions des Iéndficiiees des politiques Les politiques qui stimulent la demande de services & Forte intensité de savoir sont tout aussi importantes que celles qui encouragent F'offre et la {qualité de ces services La coordination des politiques est appelge a jouer un re essentiel ‘cet égard, mais il sera nécessaire de mener des travaux de recherche complémentaites our étudier plus en deal quelles sont es politiques publiques susceptible tre les plus efficaces pour stimuler offre et la demande de services i forte intens

Eneadré 0, Les activités de service forte intensié de sale dans les Industries de ressources Les aus de ets consacrées aus industries de ressources ilustrent an certain nombre de themes sénézaux importants concernant lene des servies forte intenié de savoir dans Pinnovation [étude de eas ausralonne sur les soci de services technologigues du secteur mini et "đe đe is fila su les enteprises de I filiée bos, par exemple, montrent que pour wise ks services forte intensité de savor il fut dj que les entreprises aient conscience de importance de es activités Les socigés de services technologiques du secteur minier état elles-mémes des prostates de services, elles compreanent bien comment interaction avec le fournisseur d'un Eervice a forte inlensté de savoir peut favoriser leurs activités commerciales Leut main-d'euvre possédant un haut nivead <insisction, elles sivent matriser le processus dapprentisage et Sappayer sur les compétences et les connaissances elles possédent La description ccleuus ‘applique aussi poratement aa Hil fois, dont atvite centrale est a fabrication, mais dans Tnguslle les serves de soutien et de développement jovent un role essere! en stimulant produetvité ot la qualité des produits Les grandes enteprises du secteur forester sefforeent ‘developer leurs aetvites autour de solutions intégrées proits-serviees,

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Encadré 0.4 Les activités de service forte intensité de savoir dans les industries de ressources (suite) (Ces tudes de as illstent ans a telaton entre les setivtés manueturigres et les servees et font ressontr la nécessits des activites de sevice & forte intensité de soit Plsieurs enrepises td secourausraien des services technologigues miniers ont mis wa pont des ois destings a des ‘ches particulires et les ont ensuite commercilisés de fagon autonome, ou ont compris que leurs ‘modes opéfatoites interes avaiont une valeur et qu'il pouvaient re vendus Les entreprises de filire bois ont pris eonsience de Pinter du développement des connaissances aw nivea des entreprises ct des arappes, Les entreprises utliset largement Pautomaistion et constituent les ‘ses de connaissances sur des prozédés de production complexes Elles réorgansent leurs efforts de recherche afin de former des tế de recherche plariiscpinars plus effeaces qui Vatacbentä combiner des innovations asi bien technologiques que non technologigues (pat exemple, de type ‘organisationnel), De tees évoluions mettent en lumere importance que revet la constitution de liens éxoits aver les clients, car les eniepises qu contrlent Minterace avec Iuisateur final ‘event dgalement exercerun conte sur ensemble dela cane de aler

Le comportement des consommateurs les segments de march, evolution de ta structure de demande, la logistigue, Jes marches et le marketing, qui relevent des activités de service forte intensté de savoir, evétent'autant plus importance que les organisations se posionnent vers "aval dela caine de valeur, au niveau des clients et des ulisateus finals, Des éléments moteurs ‘ay moins dynanisent les activités innovation A Vextémite «client» de la ehaine de valeut, Diane part interaction av les cents es communauté whilsiteurs pore au orgnisations des connaissances inestmables pour ls processus de R-D de méme que les enteprses sont pour leurs liens une source de connaissances spécilisges pouvant les alder 8 résoudre leurs probleme, Diauire part, une iteration étoite aver les cients est pergue comme un stout sratepique qui permet entreprise de consolier st postion pour micux asseoir si compétivité future Comme fon a vũ để propos de 'éude de cas fnlandase, mars interface avee Fuilisatur final permet done de corer la total de a chaine de valeur

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Chapter 1


The KISA project forms part of the OECD's ongoing analysis of national innovation systems In contrast to most ofthe work inthe area the KISA project has a micro-level focus on firm or organisation level activities; b) recognises the importance of service activites o innovation; and c) examines the dynamic growth of innovation capacity within ‘organisations With more than 230 personal interviews and survey data from over 1 000 respondents, the KISA project represents a major research contribution inthe area,

Businesses and other organisations are involved in knovledge-intensive service activities — internally and externally provided KISA — in their everyday operations In the research for this project, the concept of knowledge-intensive service act

defined as follows;

KISA refers 1o production or imegration of service activities, undertaken by firms ‘and public sector actors — in the context of manufacturing or services, in ‘combination wish manufactured ouputs or as stand-alone services, (OECD 2001, 2003, 2004) “The range and scope of knowledge-imtensive service activities is extensive and different {ypes of organisations are involved in ther delivery and consumption, KISA ean be delivered to organisations by other firms; publicly funded or sponsored organisations; formal and informal networks; and/or by in-house experts Importantly knowledge-intensive service activities do not constitute a ‘sector’ or ‘cluster’, but a function that is present in all industries (see OECD, 2001), “The KISA project explores the role of knowledge-intensive service activities in inno= vation.® More specifically, the project investigates the nature and use of knowledg intensive services in innovation in a number of different settings It is assumed that services can actin different roles, for instance as Facilitators, cutrers and sources of inno- vation (Miles er a, 1995; Bilderbeek er al., 1998:40-42; Toivonen, 2004) As such, the study is exploratory in nature, but i also seeks to achieve a certain level of comparability across industries and participating countries

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The first part of the report synthesis the findings of the KISA project, This chapter defines knowledge-intensive service activities, reviews lessons leamed from the country cease studies, and identifies policy implications, Chapter 2 reviews the approach taken 10 conduct the country case studies Part 2 presents more detailed summaries of the sectoral cease studies conducted as part of the project Chapters 3 through 6 summarise the k ‘themes emerging from the country studies conduted of he software, healthcare services, tourism and leisure and resource-based industries

Putting KISA in context

“The KISA project takes as its starting point that innovation occurs ina system where rnumerous public and private sector actors, external and internal experts, are involved in knowledge-intensive service activities, creating and disseminating knowledge that provides the hasis forthe innovation capacity The system is charaeterised by interactions and relationships among the vatious ators Feedback loops allow new ideas and knowledge develop, resulting in to learning, greater absorptive capacity and innovation, Hence, the KISA project builds on the idea of an innovation system where interactions among players have a key roe in innovation, and various agents and organisations communicate, co-operate and establish long-term relationships (Christensen, Schibany and Vinding, 2000; OECD, 1999) ‘The KISA project also investigates what happens within organisations as they build their competences and capabilities: Where do organisations acquire new knowledge, and how do they internalise and build on such knowledge through their innovation processes? igure I-1 presents knowledge flows, stocks of knowledge and absomptive eapacity within ‘the national innovation system and links them with firms" competitiveness, Arrows repre senting knowledge flows indicate that knowledge ereation and dissemination are inter- active processes where KISA plays a key role (see Manley, 2003) Inside the business sector knowledge flows within and between organisations, ak to and from their supple Firms that provide knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) are located in different pants of the system, and such services can have multiple roles as eutriets, sources and innovators on their own right In such a system, society as a whole should provide a {erie round for interactive innovation raising te issue of horizontal innovation policies (European Commission, 2002:51-3) Defining service-related innovation

arly studies of innovation focused on the development of new or improved manufactured products, with a strong reliance on models of technological innovation More recent studies of service innovation have broadened the scope of innovation Significantly to new service concepts, new ways of communicating (with intermediaries and clients) and organisational innovations In this study service-telated innovation can be defined as:

A new or considerably changed service concept, client imeraction channel, ‘serice delivery system or technological concept that individually, bur most likely in combination leads 10 one or more (relnew(ed) service functions that are new 10 the firm and do change the sewvice/good offered on the market and do require siruciurally new teclnological, Inman or organisational capabilites of the

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syst so was rsonsos 33 Figure 1.1, KISA in knowledge production and knowledge difusion within the innovation system = =f = ae

‘The concept of multidimensional innovation has been steongly linked with services (Figure 1.2), However, itis gaining ground in the wider context, including manufacturing jnnovation It can be argued that many of the claimed peculiarities of services innovation, such as a strong presence of organisational innovation, involvement of multiple actors in the process of innovation and the codification of knowledge for carrying out innovation, are increasingly present in manufacturing ‘The traditional technology approach to innovation appears to be too narrow also for manufacturing, Henee, the need for synthesis “approach to innovation is underlined (Dreje, 2004560)

igure 1.2 The mult-imensional nature of innovation Technology “mensions and product

customer de splenselaed

Inerctonlted — dimensions

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Another perspective on the role of knowledge-intensive services is provided by taxonomies based on the sources oF drivers of innovation, A useful typology’ in this connection is the one presented by van Atk et al (2003:16-18), which defines five different types of serviee innovation:

+ Paradigmatic innovations representing complex and pervasive innovations that affect all actors in a value chain, for example, new technologies of regulatory changes

+ Supplier-dominated innovation largely based on technological innovations sup plied by hardware manufacturers, + Cuslomerled innovations where the organisation innovates on the basis of specific needs antculated by its elients,

snovation within services initiated by and taking place within a service organi sation,

+ Innovation through services where the service supplier influences the innovation that takes place within the client organisation The last of the above categories, iimovation through services, proves the most interesting in framing questions for the KISA project As willbe shown, however, the cases also generated interesting information on the other above-mentioned areas of innovation KISA and research on services

The KISA project utilises several research traditions in the area of services and innovation Up to now research on services has been characterised by parallel traditions that have fairly limited interaction among them Yet all ofthese approaches ean provide useful insights to KISA, and their role in innovation,

Economie and marketing research

Economics a earch have been among the first disciplines ta focus attention on services at advanced economies had entered a new era in which the services sector and service occupations had replaced manufacturing as the engine of economic growth became widespread in the 1960s (see Fuchs, 1968; Sayer and! Walker, 1992:56-7), The economic significance of services rapidly increased research interest in to more detailed analysis of service processes Marketing research then recognised that suppliers and buyers are jointly engaged in complex decision-making process, risk-taking and problem-solving (Bonoma and Johnston, 1978) Since the late 1970s services marketing has developed into a strong body of research focusing onthe interaction between suppliers and buyers, as well as organisational issues and operations management in service organisations More recently, innovation literature has recognised interactive celements in innovation and the user-centred innovation process (OECD, 2001: Hippel, 2005)

Services and innovation research

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significant service sectors are highly innovative (Howells, 2000:6; Metcalfe and Miles, 2000:2-3) Further on, analysis of innovation processes has revealed that these processes invariably include many kinds of service functions, Hence, it has heen realised that itis important 10 study both “innovation in services’ and “role of services in innovation’ (Hauknes, 1996; Hauknes, 1998)

‘The need to study services-related innovation as a subsystem of an emerging service: {economy has been stressed by Hales (2001:66) Service organisations are not important ‘only because of their great and growing economic weight but also as suppliers of inno: vation inputs to other finns The division of labour among firms is constantly advancing so that organisations that were once vertically integrated now outsource functions that are not their core business (Coffey and Bailly, 1991; Sayer and Walker, 1992; see also “Abramovsky ef af, 2004) As a result, new markets for services are constantly emerging Many new organisations have been established to provide these services, and they have developed specialist expertise, As they deal with more client organisations, they gain greater depth and breadth of knowledge of their areas, so that with specialisation has come an increasing sophistication in the services supplied This in turn has materialised as service firms” greater capacity to contsibute to the development of client organisations

Knowledge-intensive business services and KISA

Knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) in particular have emenged as a dynamic industry supplying for instanee, management consulting, accounting, legal, marketing, ‘and personnel services KIBS organisations are private service businesses that sell theit services on markets to other businesses and organisations (Miles, 2003) As such, KIBS represent a subset of KISA that hasan important role in the innovation system They have heen studied as an industry in their own right For example, accounting and legal solutions are sold, even exported, and the growth rate of these kinds of businesses is significant (see for example Toivonen, 2004; Miles, 1993)

However, KIBS are not the only source of knowledge-intensive services KISA is a ‘wider concept including activities carried out by private and the public sector service supplies as well as services produced within the organisations, For instance, government- funded research and technology organisations are very well established suppliers of KISA, and they have been excessively studied as important actors in innovation systems range of other types of organisations — for instance, industry associations — supply various types of KISA at varying levels of complexity

Knowledge-intensive service activities and their role in innovation

KISA can have different roles in relation to innovation, Some services are routine: like, sueh as most accounting In other cases, KISA can be a vehicle for bringing in {important new knowledge to the organisation, For example, advice on a specific issue of intellectual propery protection might change the whole way a fim looks at its new ideas and values its routines, Some serviees are tailored to the organisation, and may he the Soutce of new ideas about produets or about implementation Knowledge-intensive serviee activities may have at least three different roles in facilitating innovation in the client organisation (adapted from Miles eta, 1995) KISA can act as

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A facilitator of innovation supporting theo to an innovation,

sation during the process that leads * A carrier of innovation transferring existing knowledge and innovations between ‘organisations, industries or networks, oF within the organisation so that it can be applied into a new context

* A source of innovation playing major role in initiating and developing innovations Within client organisations ‘The different ways that services operate depend partly on the response of the elient ‘organisation: how it engages with the supplier of the service, how it retains leaming from the service, and how it manages knowledge throughout the organisation, AUI these Features are part ofthe interactive nature ofthe service process

Research approach to KISA

“The KISA project takes a novel approach to studying the nature services, It investigates Anowledge-intensive service activities and theit role in innovation, The focus of KISA is not on one sector or a panicular technology, but on the role of knowledge-intensive service activities in a range of different settings including: the software industry, health cee, tourism and leisure, and resource-based industries The project investigates the nature and use of knowledge-intensive services in innovation in these different settings [As such the study is exploratory in nature, but it also seeks to achieve a certain level of ‘comparability across the industries and participating countries,

‘The ultimate objective of the KISA study isto contribute to the development of iano- vation policies in OECD member countries by assisting them in the production and use of knowledge-intensive service activities This ean be achieved by combining qualitative cease studies and aggregate level national statistics and generic indices of service trade, Potentially, inereased understanding of knowledge-intensive service activities ean trans form into many new insights into ingovation systems — given that the flow of such activities clearly plays a key role in innovation systems (OECD, 2001), Research questions

‘As an exploratory study, the first main research task of the KISA project was to identify and describe different types of KISA The second task of the research was to analyse the role of various types of identified KISA in relation to innovation, The final reseatch task i to discuss the policy implications ofthe research results, ‘The analysis includes such issues as: How do organisations use knowledge-intensive services to supplement their competitive advantage in their industry? How do organi- sations use KISA to build their capabilities? How are organisations able to utilise KISA in innovation? How do organisations use KISA to improve their absomplive capacity for furher new ideas?

The original research questions were of two kinds:

What kinds of KISA can be identified in different countries and industies? This data was acquired by through survey research,

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More detailed research questions and the results of the analysis are presented in the second part of this report The fst part presents the emerging themes on KISA and inno- vation, as well asa synthesis and policy implications Research method

‘The KISA study has taken a novel approach to addressing subtle questions that may’ not lend themselves fo definitive answers This study seeks to further develop analytical concepts and an understanding of the KISA and innovation-related processes, ‘The research includes a set of industry-specific studies in participating countries employing a range of different research approaches This type of analysis ean highlight differences and similarities in the role, composition and importance of KISA across the countries and industries

Since the KISA study is a multinational research effort, some degree of comparability between the countries is desirable Such comparability favours a rather structured quant tative approach applied mainly in the surveys and statistical analysis Here, each country study assembled the available data on the selected industries These varied in depth and relevance, but most shed some light on the innovation process of the specific industry in the specific country and some actually gave information on use of services, In several ‘country studies this was followed by a survey designed around the specific KISA-related {questions In some areas, such as software there were enough surveys and they were ‘comprehensive enough for statistical analysis

Each country study included ease studies of organisations inthe targeted industries ‘They varied significantly, but in general were informed by the quantitative work and involved structured investigation seeking answers to the common research questions Exch study’ also presented a survey of government innovation policies targeting the industry ‘under investigation, Particular attention was given to policies that seek to influence supply andfor demand for knowledg-intensive services Finally, the country studies present some analysis of policy measures influencing knowledge-intensive service activities and identity needs for further actions The adopted research approach is based on the theory that triangulation of research methods (qualitative-quantitative) data (cross-country, cross industry) and theoretical approaches can improve the reliability and validity of the esearch results The purpose was to minimise the risk that findings would be simply an artefact of a single method, a single source, ora single investigator bias (Patton, 2002) Such tiangu: lation isa key feature of the KISA study and the following will provide more details on the quantitative and qualitative studies Part 2 of this report presents both the quanttaive and the qualitative data that provide the empirical basis for the synthesis and poliey dis

Industries investigated

“The empirical studies conducted by participating counties covered a range of industry sectors including health care, software, tourism and leisure, and resource-based industries (e.g, mining technology services, aquaculture and forestry), The industries chosen give a ‘2004 overall coverage of the economy Each i also an important area for research:

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# Software represents a relatively nes innovative and dynamic industry

Health care represents significant challenge for most developed countries because of rising costs due to azcing populations, increasingly sophisticated and costly medical treatments, and the opportunities for improved prevention and treatments through the application of technologies such as biotechnology and ict,

* Tourism and leisure represent an important growth sector since consumers increasing spending power creates new demand for a wide range of services related to people's time oulside working hours

‘+ Resource-based industries face challenges and competitive pressures eteated by increasingly global value chains, low cost base of developing countries, and the use of new technologies which often requires KISA to be operational

Emerging themes from the KISA Study

‘The major outcome of the KISA project is a comparative analysis of different kinds of service inputs to the innovation in firms and organisations, These research results can enhance the effectiveness of policy disections and delivery in government, The role of KISA in innovation includes two major aspects: the type of interaction involved and the nature ofthe KISA themselves (OECD, 2001)

‘The research results demonstrate how KISA can be provided either externally by specialist businesses, extemally by the publie sector, ineluding public sector research ‘organisations, or itemally by the user organisation, The research also provides evidence that shows the mining both the strtepies of different service providers and users, and the contributions tance of the cluster context and network relationships in ú that specifie services make to innovation processes in firms The research results demon- ‘rate the influence of different types of contexts, health care services, software services, tourism and leisure services and resource-hased industries, on the role of KISA The context determines, for example, the balance between commercial, public and internally provided services needed by organisations for different types of innovation Such detailed Understanding of the production and use of know ledge-intensive service activities eannot ‘be obtained from analysis based Solely on aggregate national statistics and generic indices of service trade,

‘The subject area of this study, knowledge-intensive service activities, is a new area of study There were many instances where research group had some difficulties in ‘operationalisng this novel concept As such, this is a common challenge for explorative studies Indeed, itis impossible to study KISA in isolation from all the other things that are going on in the firm, its network and its innovation system, Maintaining conceptual clarity was made even more difficult by the choice of industies for study Service industries are the lareest and fastest growing sector ofthe economy, soit is not surprising that many of the country studies are on knowledge-intensive service industries, particularly software, health care, and mining technology services, These were good choices, too, ‘because services have often been neglected in studies of innovation systems,

‘Studying knovledge-intensive service activities was perhaps most challenging in ceases where the teceiving firm was itself a provider of knowledge-intensive services In such cases itis challenging to keep track on the direction of KISA, and whether the respondents speak as a supplier of recipient of services Indeed, in some studies the focus

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a0 lid slip from the industry being studied to its customers However, some studies tackled

the issue head-on: the Korean software report for example, included a section on the impact the ease study firms had on other industries Others, like some of the software studies, used it as an opportunity to look at interactions, network effects, and customer: driven innovation In genera, the dual ole of some ofthe firms heightened the important perception that a firm's learning strategies and use of KISA depend at least partly on its eneral innovation strategy, which in turn is offen characteristic of its industry Knowledge-intensive servic

supply and demand Knowing enough to recognise the need for a service

At their most basic, knowledge-intensive service activities are characterised by their absence Businesses may simply be ignorant ofthe need for knowledge, the existence it, or the availabilty ofa service in the market, For example, in Australia in the 1990s, it of Was concluded it to protect their discoveries, Without a patent, they had no equity in their discovery, and that scientists did not know enough about patenting, of even the need for ‘without the equity they could not raise funds to develop a product In these eases the necessary knovledge-intensve services activities were nol undertaken because the need for them was not recognised So the frst issue involves whether knowledge-intensive service activities are engaged in at all Lack of awareness of knowledge-intensive services ‘occurred mostly in small firms, for two kinds of reasons In the Norwegian aquaculture ‘study, small low technology family firms were stugaling to survive, and regarded KISA, if they thought of them at al, asa luxury they could not aford

Many of the non innovative tourism firms were similar Small high technology e preneurial firms in the aquaculture industry tended not to think they needed business services, seeing the development of theit technology as their important activity and everything else as secondary On the other hand, firms that were themselves suppliers of iknowledge-intensive services were generally avare of the importance of such services ‘They also recognised the value of imeracting with suppliers and customers, and its potential contribution towards innovation In general, the use of knowledge-intensive services tends to cumulate to businesses with more resources and innovation capabilites, both internally and extemally provided Most regarded such services as essential to imple: menting their innovation, and there may be a link between innovativeness and the willingness to use knowledge-intensive services Some particular services were under: used Failure to protect intellectual property was stll fairly frequent in most industees, Many firms did not appreciate the usefulness of marketing services There were instances of firms being unaware of the available government assistance for innovation, research and development, or export development

Health care is a special sector where the environment is highly regulated and organised, Ata very high level of abstraction the innovation climate is set on one hand at the national level by general and health eate-specific policies and incentives and on the other "and, at the level of health eare service providers who must adjust their operations to meet the various and offen conflicting demands A thửa dimension comes from the continuous innovation in medical practices, pharmaceuticals and medical devices Thẹr adoption requires constant uperading of the knowledge and skills of health are pro fessionals through training and education

Ngày đăng: 24/03/2014, 11:20