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Từ vựng Unit 5 lớp 12 Higher Education VnDoc com UNIT 5 HIGHER EDUCATION Từ vựng phần A Reading trang 52 53 54 SGK tiếng Anh 12 Unit 5 Từ mới Phiên âm/ Phân loại Nghĩa 1 campus (n) [''''kæmpəs] khu sân b[.]

UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION Từ vựng phần A Reading trang 52 - 53 - 54 SGK tiếng Anh 12 Unit Từ Phiên âm/ Phân loại Nghĩa campus (n) ['kæmpəs] khu sân bãi (của các trường trung học, đại học) challenge (v) (n) ['t∫ælindʒ] thách thức challenging (adj) kích thích blame (v) [bleim] khiển trách to daunt (v) [dɔ:nt] nản chí, thoái chí daunting (adj) ['dɔ:ntiη] làm thoái chí, làm nản chí scary = frightening (adj) (adj) ['skeəri] sợ hãi mate (n) [meit] bạn bè 10 roommate (n) bạn phòng 11 to apply for (v) [ə'plai] nộp đơn 12 application form (n) tờ đơn 13 applicant (n) ['æplikənt] người nộp đơn 14 impression (n) [im'pre∫n] ấn tượng 15 impressive (adj) ấn tượng 16 exciting (adj) [ik'saitiη] hứng thú, lý thú 17 excited (adj) [ik'saitid] sôi 18 to explain to sb for sth [iks'plein] giải thích với điều 19 explanation (n) giải thích 20 to follow (v) theo 21 existence (n) [ig'zistəns] tốn tại 22 suddenly (adv) ['sʌdnli] đột ngột 23 to fight back tears (v) gạt nước mắt 24 all the time = always (adv) luôn, lúc nào 25 degrees Celsius (n) [di'gri:z ['selsiəs] độ C 26 midterm (n) ['midtə:m] giữa năm học (giữa học kỳ I) 27 to graduate from (v) ['grædʒuət] tốt nghiệp 28 graduation (n) tốt nghiệp 29 amazing (adj) [ə'meiziη] kinh ngạc, sửng sốt to blame sb/ sth for/ on sth 30 to be in a place nơi 31 academically (adv) [,ækə'demikəli] mặt lý thuyết, thuần lý thuyết 32 throughly (adv) ['θʌrəli] hoàn toàn 33 to take part in= to participate in (v) tham gia vào 34 engineering (n) [,endʒi'niəriη] khoa cơng trình 35 the Advanced Engineering khoa cơng trình nâng cao 36 chance =opportunity [,ɔpə'tju:niti] (n) [t∫ɑ:ns] hội 37 creativity (n) [,kri:ei'tiviti] óc sáng tạo, tính sáng tạ 38 creative (adj) sáng tạo 39 knowledge (n) ['nɔlidʒ] kiến thức, hiểu biết 40 society (n) [sə'saiəti] xã hội 41 social (adj) ['sou∫l] (thuộc) xã hội 42 socially (adv) mặt xã hội 43 to make friends 44 calendar kết bạn (n) ['kælində] lịch (n) [raiz] tăng 46 inflation (n) [in'flei∫n] lạm phát 47 speed (n) [spi:d] tốc độ 45 rise = increase ['inkri:s] 48 to get on very well with sb hòa hợp với Từ vựng phần B Speaking trang 5- 56 SGK Tiếng Anh 12 Unit Từ Phiên âm Định nghĩa reference letter (n) thư giới thiệu a letter of acceptance (n) thư chấp nhận a copy of the originals of school certificate (n) các chứng gốc trường phổ thông score (n) [skɔ:] số điểm giành thi entrance examination (n) kì thi tuyển sinh scores of the required entrance examination (n) kết thi tuyển admission requirement (n) [əd'mi∫n ri'kwaiəmənt] thủ tục nhập học tertiary (adj) ['tə:∫əri] thứ ba, sau ngày thứ hai tertiary institution (n) ['tə:∫əri ,insti'tju:∫n]: hồ sơ nhập học vào ĐH 10 tertiary study việc học ĐH 11 to be admitted chấp nhận 12 identity card (n) [ai'dentəti ka:d] thẻ cước 13 original (n) [ə'ridʒənl] nguyên 14 birth certificate (n) giấy khai sinh 15 record (n) ['rekɔ:d] hồ sơ 16 performance (n) [pə'fɔ:məns] thành tích Từ vựng phần C Listening trang 56 - 57 SGK Tiếng Anh 12 Unit Từ Phân loại/ Phiên âm Định nghĩa proportion (n) [prə'pɔ:∫n] phần, tỷ lệ rural (a) ['ruərəl] thuộc nơng thơn agriculture (n) ['ỉgrikʌlt∫ə] nơng nghiệp agricultural (adj) thuộc nông nghiệp tutor (n) ['tju:tə] gia sư appointment (n) [ə'pɔintmənt] hẹn to complete (v) [kəm'pli:t] hòan thành MSc (Master of Science) (n) thạc sĩ khoa học AERD (Agricultural Extension (n) and Rural Development) Mở rộng và phát triển nông thôn 10 department Bộ, ngành (n) [di'pɑ:tmənt] 11 to get along 12 based on xoay sở (v) 13 to make full use of dựa vào sử dụng triệt để 14 lecturer (n) ['lekt∫ərə] giảng viên 15 overseas (adj) nước ngoài 16 too + Adj + to + verb quá 17 available (adj) [ə'veiləbl] rỗi để gặp, sẵn sàng 18 tutorial appointment (n) [tju:'tɔ:riəl ə'pɔintmənt] hẹn phụ đạo 19 as soon as possible càng sớm càng tốt 20 to move on (v) tiến lên 21 list (n) [list] danh sách 22 to list (v) ghi vào danh sách 23 item (n) ['aitəm] tiết mục 24 thoroughly (adv) ['θʌrəli] hoàn toàn, kỹ lưỡng, thấu đáo 25 helpful (adj) ['helpful] có ích, giúp ích Từ vựng phần D Writing trang 58 SGK tiếng Anh 12 Unit Từ Phân loại/ Phiên âm Định nghĩa undergraduate programme (n) [,ʌndə'grædʒuət 'prougrỉm] chương trình học đại học undergraduate course (n) khóa đại học request (n) [ri'kwest] lời yêu cầu, lời thỉnh cầu to state (v) [steit] nêu lên to mention (v) ['men∫n] kể ra, đề cập accommodation (n) [ə,kɔmə'dei∫n] phịng further information thêm thơng tin to supply (v) [sə'plai] cung cấp proficiency (n) [prə'fi∫nsi] thành thạo 10 closing (n) ['klouziη] kết thúc Từ vựng phần E Language focus trang 58 - 59 - 60 - 61 SGK Tiếng Anh 12 Unit Từ Phân loại/ Phiên âm Định nghĩa to fail the exam (v) thi rớt to pass the exam (v) thi đậu to hate (v) [heit] ghét to be afraid of: +V- ing (v) sợ to install (v) [in'stɔ:l] lắp đặt alarm (n) [ə'lɑ:m] cịi báo động, chng báo động thief (n) [θi:f] tên trộm to break into (v) đột nhập CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN PHẦN LÝ THUYẾT: A Câu điều kiện loại I (the conditional sentence type I) Cấu trúc: Clause (the simple future ) + if + Clause (the simple present ) Cách sử dụng ví dụ: – Diễn tả việc có thể xảy tại hoặc tương lai Ví dụ: I’ll see her if I come on time We’ll pass the exam if we study hard Một số dạng cần lưu ý: a Simple present + Simple present: + Thói quen, điều đương nhiên: I usually walk to school if I have time If I have lesson in the morning, I visit them in the afternoon b If you will/would (chỉ lịch sự): (Nếu vui lòng ) (Dùng would lịch hơn) If you will/would wait for a moment, I will go and see if Mr Conner is here c If you could : Xin vui lòng Diễn đạt lịch yêu cầu mà người nói cho người đồng ý là lẽ đương nhiên If you could open your book, please d Subject + may/might/do +V) + if + Clause (the simple present ) → để khả khách quan Ví dụ: It’s sunny We may get a headache if we go out without a hat e Subject + may/can + V) + if + Clause (the simple present ) → để cho phép f If + clause + command: Mệnh lệnh If you go to the post ofice, mail this letter for me Ví dụ: You can go home if you finish your test g Subject (must/should + V) + if + Clause (the simple present ) → để yêu cầu, đề nghị Ví dụ: You must exercises if you want to get good marks h If….not…= Unless Ví dụ: - I won’t visit you if I don’t have time → Unless I have time, I won’t visit you - We’ll go camping if the weather is fine → Unless the weather is fine, we won’t go camping - If you miss seeing the first part of the film, you can’t say you understand it → Unless you see the first part of the film, you can’t say you understand it Chú ý: mệnh đề chứa “unless” không dùng dạng phủ định B Câu điều kiện loại II (the conditional sentence type II) Cấu trúc: Clause (would + V) + if + Clause ( past subjunctive) Cách sử dụng ví dụ: – Diễn tả việc khơng có thật tại hoặc tương lai Ví dụ: - If it were cold now, we wouldn’t switch on the fans (but it’s hot and we have to switch on the fans) - I would fly if I were a bird (but I am not a bird and I can’t fly) Chú ý: Chúng ta nên dùng “were” cho tất các Một số lưu ý Clause (might/ could + V) + if + Clause (the simple past tense ) → khả Ví dụ: He might succeed if he tried I could speak Russian well if I lived in Moscow C Câu điều kiện loại III (the conditional sentence type III) Cấu trúc bản: Clause (would have + P2) + if + Clause (the past perfect ) Cách sử dụng ví dụ: – Câu điều kiện loại III là câu điều kiện không có thật quá khứ Ví dụ: a Miss Phuong wouldn’t have won the prize if she hadn’t attended the beauty contest (but the fact that she attended and she won the prize) b We would have got good marks if we had prepared our last lesson carefully (but the fact that we didn’t prepare our last lesson carefully and we didn’t get good marks) D Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp II, III (the mixed conditional sentence type II and III) Cấu trúc bản: If + had + V3/-ed…, S + would + V1… Ví dụ: a/ If I had been born in town, I would like life there (the fact that I wasn’t born in town, so I don’t like life there now) b/ If I followed your advice, I would have a job now (the fact that I didn’t follow your advice, so I don’t have a job now) But for + noun + điều kiện loại II, III But for: nếu khơng có… Ví dụ: - You help me everyday so I can finish my work → But for your daily help, I couldn’t finish my work - She encouraged him and he succeeded → But for her encouragement, he wouldn’t have succeeded - The teacher explained and we understood → But for the teacher’s explanation, we wouldn’t have understood E Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện Điều kiện loại I • Nếu câu có “should” mệnh đề if, đảo “should” lên đầu câu If he should ring , I will tell him the news → Should he ring, I will tell him the news • Nếu câu khơng có “should”, phải mượn “should” If he has free time, he’ll play tennis → Should he have free time, he’ll play tennis If she comes early, we’ll start → Should she come early, we’ll start Điều kiện loại II • Nếu câu có động từ “were”, đảo “were” lên đầu If I were a bird, I would fly → Were I a bird, I would fly They would answer me if they were here → Were they here, they would answer me • Nếu câu khơng có động từ “were” mượn “were’ và dùng “ to V1” If I learnt Russian, I would read a Russian book → Were I to learn Russian, I would read a Russian book If they lived in Australia now, they would go swimming → Were they to live in Australia now, they would go swimming Điều kiện loại III • Đảo trợ động từ của q khứ hồn thành If it had rained yesterday, we would have stayed at home → Had it rained yesterday, we would have stayed at home If he had trained hard, he would have won the match → Had he trained hard, he would have won the match Chú ý: dạng phủ định, “not” đặt sau chủ ngữ : Had it not been so late, we would have called you Chú ý: Những từ có thể thay thế cho If câu điều kiện: • only if (chỉ khi) • provided (that)/ providing (that) (miễn là) • so long as/ as long as (miễn là) • on condition that (với điều kiện là) • supposing (giả sử như) • in case (trong trường hợp) • even if (ngay khi) Phân biệt if not unless: Thông thường, cấp độ có thể thay thế if not unless Tuy nhiên, cấp độ nâng cao gặp những trường hợp chúng thay thế Không thể dùng unless thay cho if not những trường hợp sau: Trong những tình khơng thật (thường là câu loại và 3) Ví dụ: She would be a good friend if she were not selfish She would be a good friend unless she were selfish (sai) If he had not been absent, he would have known that Unless he had been absent, he would have known that (sai) Khi nói cảm xúc: I will be disappointed, if you don’t pass the exam I will be disappointed, unless you pass the exam (sai) Trong hầu hết các câu hỏi: Ví dụ: What you think if I don’t come? What you think unless I come? (sai) Không thể dùng if not thay cho unless những trường hợp sau: Khi ta nhắc đến việc đã qua với nhận xét nó Cách nhận tình này là có dấu gạch nối trước unless F Cấu trúc WISH Loại 1: S + WISH + S + would + v I wish I would see her tomorrow Loại 2: S + wish + S + simple past (Subjunctive) She wishes she were free Loại 3: S + wish + S + had + P.P I wish I had visited her G Câu điều kiện gián tiếp: Loại 1-> loại Loại 2, loại 3: -> Loại 2, loại Ví dụ: “If I have a lot of money, I’ll build houses for the poor.”, John said -> John said if he had a lot of money he would build a house for the poor “If today were Sunday, we wouldn’t go to school”, he said -> He said if that day were Sunday, they wouldn’t go to school “If I had not been busy, I would have gone to the countryside with them”, she said -> She said if she had not been busy, she would have gone to the countryside with them -PHẦN BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG: EXERCISE 1: I would have visited you before if there _ quite a lot of people in your house A hadn't B hadn't been C wouldn't be D wasn't If you had caught the bus, you _ late for work A wouldn't have been B would have been C wouldn’t be D would be If I _, I would express my feelings A were asked B would ask C had been asked D asked If _ as I told her, she would have succeeded A she has done B she had done C she does D she did Will you be angry if I _ your pocket dictionary? A stole B have stolen C were to steal D steal You made a mistake by telling her a lie It _ better if you _ to her A would have been/ hadn't lied B would be/ didn't lie C will be/ don't lie D would be/ hadn't lied John would be taking a great risk if he _ his money in that business A would invest B invested C had invested D invests She wouldn't have given them all that money if we _ her to A wouldn’t advise B won't advise C hadn't advised D didn't advise If the tree hadn't been so high, he _ it up to take his kite down A could have climbed B climb C is climbing D climbed 10 If the wall weren't so high, he _ it up to take his ball down A climbed B could climb C is climbing D climb 11 If I _ her phone number, I _ her last night A had known/ could have phoned B knew/ would have phoned C know/ can phone D knew/ could phone 12 If he the truth, the police wouldn’t arrest him A tells B told C had told D would tell 13 If you press that button what _? A would happen B would have happened C will happen D happen 14 She says if she _ that the traffic lights were red she _ A had realized/ would stop B realized/ could have stopped C has realized/ stopped D had realized/ would have stopped 15 I am very thin I think, if I _ smoking, I might get fat A stop B had stopped C will stop D stopped 16 If I _ that yesterday, I _ them A had discovered/ would inform B had discovered/ would have informed\ C had discovered/ could inform D discovered/ can inform 17 If you _ to the course regularly, they a certificate last year A go/ gave B go/ give C had gone/ would have given D went/ would give 18 I think he is not at home If he _ in, he the phone A was/ answered B were / would answer C were / would have answered D had been/ would have answered 19 If I in London now, I could visit British Museum A were B had been C have been D would be 20 If Columbus _ money from Queen Isabella, he _ across the Atlantic A not receive/ could not sail B had not received/ might not have sailed C did not receive/ might not have sailed D would not receive/ might not sail D ĐÁP ÁN: 1-B -A 3-A 4-B 5-D -A 7-B 8-C 9-A 10 - B 11 - A 12 - B 13 - C 14 - D 15 - A 16 - B 17 - C 18 - B 19 - A 20 - B Exercise 2: If she …………… the lottery last year, She ………… rich now A have won/would be B had won/would be C won/would be D wins/will be If I …………… the homework last night, I…………… bonus today A had done/would get B had done/would have got C done/would get D does/will get If we had played this game yesterday, we…………… a lot of money now A will have B may have C would have had D would have If it ……………… last night, it would be cold today A had rained B rained C have rained D was raining If she …………… to me, she ……………… in trouble right now A had listened/would be B had listened/would have be C had listened/would not be D A & B If it had rained one hour ago, the streets ………… wet now A would have be B will be C be D would be If I ……………… to the beach yesterday, I would be tired today A have gone B goes C had gone D A & B If they had gone to school yesterday, they ……… to the museum now A would go B will go C could go D A&C If he had done exercise last night, he ……… soccer right now A will play B can play C plays D could play 10 If Nina had not gone out last week, she ……………… die now A will B would C could D B&C ĐÁP ÁN: Đáp 1-B -A 3-D -A 5-A 6-D 7-C LUYỆN TẬP CÂU HỎI THEO DẠNG ĐỀ THI 8-D 9-D 10 - D UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION Choose the word whose main stress syllable is put differently Question A average Question A insurance B candidate B reference C severely C consider D applicant D available Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest Question A course Question A legal Question A choice B level B courtesy C league B charge C source D leader C chase D force D chaos Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence Question What is minimum entrance _for this course? A condition B requirement C certificate D ability Question The writer could not be at the ceremony, and his wife accepted the prize on his _ A absence B remembrance C behalf D reminder Question When the post finally fell _ They offered it to Brian A vacant B vacantly C vacancy D vacancies Question Is English a compulsory subject or a(n) one at high school here? A obligatory B mandatory C obliging D optional Question 10.If you understand a matter thoroughly, that means you understand it A hardly B hard C completely D scarcely Question 11.Had you told me that this was going to happen, I _it A would never have believed B don't believe C hadn't believed D can't believe Question 12. _anyone call, would you please ask them to call back later? A If B Should C When D Unless Question 13.I wish I _Bob the money; he spent it all gambling A didn't lend B wouldn't lend C hadn't lent D weren't lending Question 14.The plane would have landed easily _the thick fog [but for: except for/without] A unless B but for C because of D due to Question 15. _ you known he was a liar, would you have agreed to support him? A If B Since C Had D Did Question 16.Without the traffic jam on the high way this morning, I _ late for the meeting A would be B would have been C hadn't been D wouldn't have been Question 17.-"I have a headache." -" _you take an aspirin?" A Why don't B Why should C What should D What must Question 18.Without _it, he hindered us instead of _us [hinder: prevent] A realize - help B realizing - helping C to realize - to help D realizing - to help Question 19.Having read the passage three times, _ A it was difficult for me to understand B I still couldn't understand its main idea C the main idea of it was not clear to me D it made me confused about its main idea Question 20.There was no one else at the post office I _ in a queue A didn't need to wait B mustn't wait C needn't have waited D needn't wait Question 21.If I _ my passport, I'll be in trouble A lose B will lose C lost D would lose Question 22. you pass the final examination, you'll be given a holiday in Dalat A Once B Since C Though D So Question 23.This shopping center gets crowded with shoppers at the weekend A always more B more and more C from more to more D crowded and more Question 24.He would still be alive today if he _ that drug A wouldn't take B didn't take C weren't taking D hadn't taken Question 25."Is your name Peter?" - "Yes, _" A I am B it's me C I D it is Question 26.He only read for short periods each day _ [strain: injure or weaken] A in order not to strain his eyes B so as to make his eyes more tired C so that he wouldn't to strain his eyes D in order won't strain his eyes Question 27.She has been promoted three times _ she started working here A when B for C as D since Question 28.The resort was full of people I wish it _less crowded A was B were C would be D had been Question 29.Not only did he win the first prize, _ A and he was given a place at the university B so he was given a place at the university C but he was also given a place at the university D for he was offered a holiday abroad Question 30.The questions on the test were too long and difficult I found it to finish them on time A possible B impossible C possibility D possibly Question 31.Most of the people _ to the wedding banquet arrived late A invited B who inviting C whom were invited D invite Question 32.There was a _ table in the middle of the room A Japanese round beautiful wooden B beautiful wooden round Japanese C beautiful wooden Japanese round D beautiful round Japanese wooden Question 33.Burning garbage pollutes the air with _ odours A pleasant B unpleasant C pleasure D pleasing Question 34.It was very kind _ us to your party A of you to invite B of you invited C for you to invite D to you that invited Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected Question 35.If An had come sooner, (A) he could has eaten (B) dinner with (C) the whole (D) family Question 36.If my father hasn't (A) encouraged me to take (B) the exam, (C) I wouldn't have done it (D) Question 37.If you give (A) me more (B) time and I will (C) successfully (D) finish this project Question 38.Some of the pictures he painted them (A) were sold (B) for millions (C) of dollars (D) Question 39.There are many (A) another (B) people who (C) are members of the swim (D) club Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage Postsecondary institutions and private school are corporations under U.S law They are approved to operate as non-profit, for-profit, or public corporations (40) education and training Increasingly, state authorities are requiring approved educational providers to apply (41) and receive accreditation as a condition of final and continued approval As corporate entities, U S institutions are internally self-governing and are (42) to make property, facilities, equipment, and utilities transactions; make their own personnel decisions; decide whom to admit to study and to graduate; (43) their own funds from outside sources; enter into contracts and compete for grants; and most of the things that corporations Institutions compete (44) one another for students, research funding, faculty, and other benefits Public institutions may compete within the same state or territory for budget appropriations It is the corporate nature of institutions and the competition within the system that (45) Americans to refer to the concept of the educational or academic marketplace - an important distinctive element of the way U.S education is organized Some institutions are governed (46) under multi- campus arrangements These include most local public schools (governed by school districts) and many state community college and university systems Whether single- or multi- campus, institutional corporations (47) by board of citizens, both alumni and non-alumni, who are ultimately responsible for all operations They appoint senior (48) , such as principals, headmasters, presidents, and deans; and approve the actions taken (49) their name Question 40 A provided B provision C provide D providing Question 41 A to B with C for D on Question 42 A capable B probable C possible D able Question 43 A call B rise C lend D raise Question 44 A at B for C to D with Question 45 A makes B prevents C lets D causes Question 46 A collection B collect C collectively D collective Question 47 A being controlled are controlled B controlled C are controlling D Question 48 A leaders B trainees C judges D assistants Question 49 A above B on C in D at Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences Last week I went to visit Atlantic College, an excellent private college in Wales Unusually, it gives people much needed experience of life outside the classroom, as well as the opportunity to study for their exams The students, who are aged between 16 and 18 and come from all over the word, spend the morning studying In the afternoon they go out and a really useful activity, such as helping on the farm, looking after people with learning difficulties, or checking for pollution in rivers One of the great things about Atlantic College students is that they come from many different social backgrounds and countries As few can afford the fees of £20,000 over two years, grants are available A quarter of students are British, and many of those can only attend because they receive government help “I really admire the college for trying to encourage international understanding among young people", as Barbara Molenkamp, a student from the Netherlands, said ''You learn to live with people and respect them, even the ones you don't like During the summer holidays my mother couldn't believe how much less I argued with my sister." To sum up, Atlantic College gives its students an excellent education, using methods which really seem to work Question 50 What is the writer trying to in the text? A give an opinion about a particular student B give an opinion about a special type of education C describe the activities the students in their free time D describe his own experience of education Question 51 What can a reader find out from this text? A how to become a student at Atlantic College B what kind of programme Atlantic College offers C what the British education system is like D how to get along better with other people Question 52 What is the writer's opinion of Atlantic College? A It doesn't allow students enough study time B Its students are taught to like each other C It doesn’t give good value for money D Its way of teaching is successful Question 53 How has Barbara changed since being at Atlantic College? A She knows a lot about other countries B She is more confident than her sister now C She finds it easier to get on with other people D She prefers her new friends to her family Question 54 The word "argued" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to A quarreled B respected C admired D regarded Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased The frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities Industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon credentials and expertise to make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility Increasingly, too, schools were viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling By 1920 schooling to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly lengthened Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and counseling extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by public schools, corporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and other agencies Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the needs of specific populations Immigrant women were once such population Schools tried to educate young women so they could occupy productive places in the urban industrial economy, and one place many educators considered appropriate for women was the home Although looking after the house and family was familiar to immigrant women, American education gave homemaking a new definition In preindustrial economies, homemaking had meant the production as well as the consumption of goods, and it commonly included income-producing activities both inside and outside the home, in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States, however, overproduction rather than scarcity was becoming a problem Thus, the ideal American homemaker was viewed as a consumer rather than a producer Schools trained women to be consumer homemakers cooking, shopping, decorating, and caring for children "efficiently" in their own homes, or if economic necessity demanded, as employees in the homes of others Subsequent reforms have made these notions seem quite out-of-date Question 55 The paragraph preceding the passage probably discusses _ A the industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life the United States in the 19th century B the formal schooling in the United States in the nineteen century C the urbanization in the United States in the nineteen century D the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society in the nineteen century Question 56 It can be inferred from paragraph that one important factor in the increasing importance of education in the United States was _ A the expanding economic problems of schools B the growing number of schools in frontier communities C an increase in the number of trained teachers D the increased urbanization of the entire country Question 57 The word "means" in line is closest in meaning to _ A qualifications B method C advantages D probability Question 58 The phrase "coincided with" in line is closest in meaning to _ A happened at the same time as B ensured the success of C was influenced by D began to grow rapidly Question 59 According to the passage, one important change in United States education by the 1920's was that _ A the amount of time spent on formal education was limited B new regulations were imposed on nontraditional education C adults and children studied in the same classes D most places required children to attend school Question 60.“Vacation schools and extracurricular activities” are mentioned in paragraph to illustrate _ A activities that competed to attract new immigrants to their programs B alternatives to formal education provided by public schools C the importance of educational changes D the increased impact of public schools on students Question 61 According to the passage, early-twentieth century education reformers believed that _ A special programs should be set up in frontier communities to modernize them B corporations and other organizations damaged educational progress C different groups needed different kinds of education D more women should be involved in education and industry Question 62 The word "it" in line 19 refers to _ A education B consumption C production D homemaking Question 63 Women were trained to be consumer homemakers as a result of _ A scarcity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States B economic necessity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States C income-producing activities in the highly industrialized early-twentiethcentury U.S D overproduction in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States Question 64 Which paragraph mentions the importance of abilities and experience in formal schooling? A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D Paragraph WRITING: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it Question 65 It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car  The man Question 66 We started working for this company seven years ago  We have Question 67 No body in my class is more intelligent than Mark  Mark Question 68 The test was very difficult We couldn’t it  The test was so Question 69 But for your help, I couldn’t have finished my project  Had WORD FORM Question 70: The charity to support victims of crime (existence) Question 71: The support they give to .old people is invaluable (loneliness) Question 72: All three woman had lived lives (blame) Question 73: She trained at the Royal of Music (Academic) Question 74: Nothing , the people set about rebuilding their homes (daunting) THE END ĐÁP ÁN UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION Choose the word whose main stress syllable is put differently Question 40.A average Question 41.A insurance B candidate B reference C severely C consider D applicant D available Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest Question 42.A course Question 43.A legal Question 44.A choice B level B courtesy C league B charge C source D leader C chase D force D chaos Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence Question 45.What is minimum entrance _for this course? A condition B requirement C certificate D ability Question 46.The writer could not be at the ceremony, and his wife accepted the prize on his _ A absence B remembrance C behalf D reminder Question 47.When the post finally fell _ They offered it to Brian A vacant B vacantly C vacancy D vacancies Question 48.Is English a compulsory subject or a(n) one at high school here? A obligatory B mandatory C obliging D optional Question 49.If you understand a matter thoroughly, that means you understand it A hardly B hard C completely D scarcely Question 50.Had you told me that this was going to happen, I _it A would never have believed B don't believe C hadn't believed D can't believe Question 51. _anyone call, would you please ask them to call back later? A If B Should C When D Unless Question 52.I wish I _Bob the money; he spent it all gambling A didn't lend B wouldn't lend C hadn't lent D weren't lending Question 53.The plane would have landed easily _the thick fog [but for: except for/without] A unless B but for C because of D due to Question 54. _ you known he was a liar; would you have agreed to support him? A If B Since C Had D Did Question 55.Without the traffic jam on the high way this morning, I _ late for the meeting A would be B would have been C hadn't been D wouldn't have been Question 56.-"I have a headache." -" _you take an aspirin?" A Why don't B Why should C What should D What must Question 57.Without _it, he hindered us instead of _us [hinder: prevent] A realize - help B realizing - helping C to realize - to help D realizing - to help Question 58.Having read the passage three times, _ A it was difficult for me to understand B I still couldn't understand its main idea C the main idea of it was not clear to me D it made me confused about its main idea Question 59.There was no one else at the post office I _ in a queue A didn't need to wait B mustn't wait C needn't have waited D needn't wait Question 60.If I _ my passport, I'll be in trouble A lose B will lose C lost D would lose Question 61. you pass the final examination, you'll be given a holiday in Dalat A Once B Since C Though D So Question 62.This shopping center gets crowded with shoppers at the weekend A always more B more and more C from more to more D crowded and more Question 63.He would still be alive today if he _ that drug A wouldn't take B didn't take C weren't taking D hadn't taken Question 64."Is your name Peter?" - "Yes, _" A I am B it's me C I D it is Question 65.He only read for short periods each day _ [strain: injure or weaken] A in order not to strain his eyes B so as to make his eyes more tired C so that he wouldn't to strain his eyes D in order won't strain his eyes Question 66.She has been promoted three times _ she started working here A when B for C as D since Question 67.The resort was full of people I wish it _less crowded A was B were C would be D had been Question 68.Not only did he win the first prize, _ A and he was given a place at the university B so he was given a place at the university C but he was also given a place at the university D for he was offered a holiday abroad Question 69.The questions on the test were too long and difficult I found it to finish them on time A possible B impossible C possibility D possibly Question 70.Most of the people _ to the wedding banquet arrived late A invited B who inviting C whom were invited D invite Question 71.There was a _ table in the middle of the room A Japanese round beautiful wooden B beautiful wooden round Japanese C beautiful wooden Japanese round D beautiful round Japanese wooden Question 72.Burning garbage pollutes the air with _ odours A pleasant B unpleasant C pleasure D pleasing Question 73.It was very kind _ us to your party A of you to invite B of you invited C for you to invite D to you that invited Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected Question 74.If An had come sooner, (A) he could has eaten (B) dinner with (C) the whole (D) family Question 75.If my father hasn't (A) encouraged me to take (B) the exam, (C) I wouldn't have done it (D) Question 76.If you give (A) me more (B) time and I will (C) successfully (D) finish this project Question 77.Some of the pictures he painted them (A) were sold (B) for millions (C) of dollars (D) Question 78.There are many (A) another (B) people who (C) are members of the swim (D) club Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage Postsecondary institutions and private school are corporations under U.S law They are approved to operate as non-profit, for-profit, or public corporations (40) education and training Increasingly, state authorities are requiring approved educational providers to apply (41) and receive accreditation as a condition of final and continued approval As corporate entities, U S institutions are internally self-governing and are (42) to make property, facilities, equipment, and utilities transactions; make their own personnel decisions; decide whom to admit to study and to graduate; (43) their own funds from outside sources; enter into contracts and compete for grants; and most of the things that corporations Institutions compete (44) one another for students, research funding, faculty, and other benefits Public institutions may compete within the same state or territory for budget appropriations It is the corporate nature of institutions and the competition within the system that (45) Americans to refer to the concept of the educational or academic marketplace - an important distinctive element of the way U.S education is organized Some institutions are governed (46) under multi- campus arrangements These include most local public schools (governed by school districts) and many state community college and university systems Whether single- or multi- campus, institutional corporations (47) by board of citizens, both alumni and non-alumni, who are ultimately responsible for all operations They appoint senior (48) , such as principals, headmasters, presidents, and deans; and approve the actions taken (49) their name Question 40 A provided B provision C provide D providing Question 41 A to B with C for D on Question 42 A capable B probable C possible D able Question 43 A call B rise C lend D raise Question 44 A at B for C to D with Question 45 A makes B prevents C lets D causes Question 46 A collection B collect C collectively D collective Question 47 A being controlled are controlled B controlled C are controlling D Question 48 A leaders B trainees C judges D assistants Question 49 A above B on C in D at Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences Last week I went to visit Atlantic College, an excellent private college in Wales Unusually, it gives people much needed experience of life outside the classroom, as well as the opportunity to study for their exams The students, who are aged between 16 and 18 and come from all over the word, spend the morning studying In the afternoon they go out and a really useful activity, such as helping on the farm, looking after people with learning difficulties, or checking for pollution in rivers One of the great things about Atlantic College students is that they come from many different social backgrounds and countries As few can afford the fees of £20,000 over two years, grants are available A quarter of students are British, and many of those can only attend because they receive government help “I really admire the college for trying to encourage international understanding among young people", as Barbara Molenkamp, a student from the Netherlands, said ''You learn to live with people and respect them, even the ones you don't like During the summer holidays my mother couldn't believe how much less I argued with my sister." To sum up, Atlantic College gives its students an excellent education, using methods which really seem to work Question 50 What is the writer trying to in the text? A give an opinion about a particular student B give an opinion about a special type of education C describe the activities the students in their free time D describe his own experience of education Question 51 What can a reader find out from this text? A how to become a student at Atlantic College B what kind of programme Atlantic College offers C what the British education system is like D how to get along better with other people Question 52 What is the writer's opinion of Atlantic College? A It doesn't allow students enough study time B Its students are taught to like each other C It doesn’t give good value for money D Its way of teaching is successful Question 53 How has Barbara changed since being at Atlantic College? A She knows a lot about other countries B She is more confident than her sister now C She finds it easier to get on with other people D She prefers her new friends to her family Question 54 The word "argued" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to ... would not receive/ might not sail D ĐÁP ÁN: 1-B -A 3-A 4-B 5- D -A 7-B 8-C 9-A 10 - B 11 - A 12 - B 13 - C 14 - D 15 - A 16 - B 17 - C 18 - B 19 - A 20 - B Exercise 2: If she …………… the lottery last... die now A will B would C could D B&C ĐÁP ÁN: Đáp 1-B -A 3-D -A 5- A 6-D 7-C LUYỆN TẬP CÂU HỎI THEO DẠNG ĐỀ THI 8-D 9-D 10 - D UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION Choose the word whose main stress syllable... [prə''fi∫nsi] thành thạo 10 closing (n) [''klouziη] kết thúc Từ vựng phần E Language focus trang 58 - 59 - 60 - 61 SGK Tiếng Anh 12 Unit Từ Phân loại/ Phiên âm Định nghĩa to fail the exam (v) thi

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2023, 01:11

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