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TEST FOR UNIT 11 I PRONUNCIATION A Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others 1 a nation b cave c locate d park 2 a explore b tropical c orphan d transport 3 a[.]

TEST FOR UNIT 11 I PRONUNCIATION A Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others a nation a explore a toxic a established a threaten b cave b tropical b tourist b orphaned b ethnic c locate c orphan c feature c recognized c together d park d transport d threaten d endangered d southeast B Choose the word whose main stress is place differently from the others a establish a variety a expensive a toxic 10 a polluted b butterfly b recognize b tropical b ethnic b dangerous c orphanage c contaminate c release c explore c comfortable d national d abandoned d survival d threaten d temperate II VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSION Choose the word or phrase – a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase Of the six people in the plane when it crashed, only one a existed b lived c hurt d survived The cattle drank from a river polluted with toxic chemicals a waste b colorless c odorless d poisonous The charity is totally' dependent money from the public a from b in c upon d with When the wastes are poured into the atmosphere, the air becomes contaminated and unpleasant to breathe a dense b dirty c upon d with They were sent to a local ………… Right after their parents death a orphanage b hospital c park d prison Cuc Phuong National Park is ……… 160 km South West of Ha Noi a lied b established c abandoned d located Nearly 1,000 of the world's bird species are with extinction a threatened b endangered c protected d abandoned Many people come to the national parks to see the work being done to protect endangered species a plants or animals that may be dangerous to people b plants or animals that disappeared from the world c plants or animals that are about to die d plants or animals that may soon become extinct Scientists are now researching new measures to prevent levels from rising a pollute b polluted c polluting d pollution 10 This park is the orphanage where lots of orphaned and abandoned animals are taken care of a looked after b involved in c dealt with d moved in III GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE A Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence If the world's tropical forests continue to disappear at their present rate, many animal species extinct a became b would have become c will become d would become 2……… resigned, we would have been forced to sack him a Had he not b Hadn't he c He had not d He not had I won't lend you this money you' ……… promise to pay it back a in case b if c otherwise d unless If you …… us about the bad service, we'd have eaten there a didn't tell b wouldn't have told c hadn't told d had told Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer She since she was four a has been dancing b has been danced c has danced d was danced The door was locked ……… a five minutes ago by Ann b with Ann five minutes ago c by Ann five minutes ago d in five minutes ago by Ann It would have been a much more serious accident fast at the time a was she driving b she had driven c had she been driving d if she drove Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people …… the same language? a speak b will speak c spoke d had spoken The teacher was absent today, so class was canceled If she _ absent again tomorrow, class _ _tomorrow, too a is/ will cancel b is/ will be canceled c was/ would be canceled d was/ would cancel Hundreds of Species of Hawaiian flowers have become extinct or rare…… extensive land development a now that b due to c because d for 11 Marge's children are used to ……… after school every day They don i have to walk home a picking up b being picked up c be picked up d pick up 12 You'll a be met by my uncle at the airport b meet at the airport by my uncle c being met by my uncle at the airport d be met at the airport by my uncle 13 If I wasn't working for an accounting firm, I ……… in a bank: a had worked b will work c would have worked d would be working 14 If you …… to my advice in the first place, you in this mess right now a listen! won't be b listened/ wouldn't have been c will listened/ wouldn't be d had listened/ wouldn't be 15 'Have you ever played bridge? 15 Yes, we …… all the time when I was in college.' a would have played b had played c used to play d have played B Identify the one underlined word or phrase A, B C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct The dentist said to brush three times a day and don't eat candy A B C D Before the final decision is reached, the various possibilities should probably A B discussed by the whole team C D If we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we stop having lunch A B C D I've been studying French since I've started high school A B C D We could have given you a lift if we'd know you were coming this way A The car would survive the tornado, had it been parked on the other side of the road A B C D Virgin Island National Park features an underwater' preserve with coral reefs and colorfully A B C tropical fish D Among other reason, the Humane Society established to shelter animals, educate animal owners, A C D and influence legislation regarding the protection of animals D The oceans contain many forms of life that has not yet been discovered A B C D 10 If Nick hadn't come along, I don't know what would happen A B C D IV SPEAKING Choose the appropriate sentence to complete this conversation., Daniel: (1)…… Rachel: This looks all right (2) …… Emma Oh: I've forgotten the sausages They're in the car Matthew: (3) …… Emma Oh thanks, Matthew Vicky: (4) … It looks nicer over there Rachel : No, it's fine here Daniel: Yes, (5) ……… Emma: Would you like a sandwich, Vicky? Vicky :(6) Emma: (7) ……… Matthew: And here are the sausages (8) …… A Will you have one, E Would anyone like one? B Shall I get them? F Let's sit here C I'd love to, but I'm still full G it's better here, I think D Where should we have our picnic, then? H We could sit by those trees V READING COMPREHENSION A Choose the words or phrases that best complete this passage Cuc Phuong, the first national park in Viet Nam, was (1)_……… opened 1960 It (2) …… 160 kilometers south west of Ha Noi spanning Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa (3) …… Cuc Phuong National Park (4) …… over 200 square kilometers of rainforest It attracts (5) …… tourists and scientists In 2002, nearly 100,000 visitors (6) …… their way to Cuc Phuong Tourists come there to study butterflies, visit caves, hike mountains and lo at the (7) …… tree Many come to see the work (8) …… to protect (9) ……… species According, to scientists, there are about 2,000 different species (10) …… and 450 species of fauna in the park a recently b probably a locates b located a: provinces b towns a covers b contains a neither b either a had b made a 1,000-year-old a done b to be done a dangerous b wild b flora a trees c specially c is located c districts c abandons c both c got b 1,000-years-old c been done c rare c vegetation d officially d is locating d cities d controls d every d lost c 1,000 year old d 1,000 years d being done d endangered d flowers B Read the passage In the United States and its territories alone, there are more than 40 national parks, varying considerably in landscape and mood Each park was chosen for its unique features, representative of a particular region of the country Everglades National Park, for example, at the southern tip of Florida is a huge subtropical swamp, which provides refuge for such unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties of birds including the graceful pink flamingo In sharp contrast to the Everglades are the arid, dusty parks of the West Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado for example, preserves the ruins of an Indian civilization which 'flourished in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Today, tourists can wander through the awesome cliff dwellings that the Indians carved out of the steep rock What is the main idea of the passage? a The large number of nation parks b National parks as a wildlife refuge c The diversity of the national parks d The differences between Mesa Verde National Park and the Everglades National parks in the US ……… a are a lost different from each other b change a lot in landscape and mood c are made more interesting d are completely different from other parks in the world Everglades National Park is ………… a in the south of the United States b home to alligators and many varieties of birds c an area of land that is full of water d all are correct The word 'which' in line refers to a Mesa Verde National Park b ruins c Indian d civilization Which of the following statements is false? a Every national park in the US has its special features b Everglades Park has a cold climate a The ruins of an Indian civilization are being, preserved c Some of the dwellings in Mesa Verde are accessible only by ladder VI WRITING Choose the sentence (a, b, c, or d) which is closest meaning to the sentence above Were it not for the money, this job wouldn't be worthwhile a This job is not rewarding at all a This job offers a poor salary b Although the salary is poor, the job is worthwhile c The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money If we don't protect wildlife now, there will be nothing left for future generate a Wildlife is being protected now in case there will be nothing left future generations b There will be nothing left for the future generations unless we protect wildlife c Only if we protect wildlife, there will be nothing left for the future generations d It's important to protect wildlife now or there will be nothing left for the future generations If we had left any later, we would have missed the train a We left too late to catch the train b When we arrived, the train had already left c We: missed the train because it was late We almost missed the train 'Why don't we go to Nam Cat Tien National Park?' he said a He asked why we didn't go to Nam Cat Tien National Park b He offered to go to Nam Cat Tien National Park c He suggested going to Nam Cat Tien National Park d He advised us to go to Nam Cat Tien National Park We are planning on spending the weekend in the country as long as weather stays fine a We are spending the weekend in the country because of the fine weather b If the weather is fine, we'll spend our weekend in the country c If the weather was fine, we would spend our weekend in the count d We won't spend the weekend in the country unless the weather is fine I didn't have an umbrella with me, so I got wet a If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn't get wet b If I had an umbrella, I wouldn't get wet c If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn't have got wet d If I have an umbrella, I won't get wet d TEST YOURSELF I Choose the words that best answer the following questions Which of the following words is stressed on the first syllable? a conserve b organism c interact d erosion Which of the following words is stressed on the second syllable? a biodiversity b national c orphanage d survival Which of the following words has the final pronounced lid!? a eliminated b established c conserved d threatened Which of the following words has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others? a pair b rain c afraid d straight Which of the following words has the letter p is silent? a protect b camping c cupboard d people II Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes each sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase New laws have been passed to ……… wildlife in this area., a establish b conserve c produce d endanger They were seeking a solution to the ……… of the rain forests a destroy b destroying c destroyer d destruction Although he didn't have a ticket, Ken ……… come in a could b can c might d was allowed to Nearly 1,000 of the world's bird species are threatened with a appearance b protection c extinction d destruction 10 We really ought to make a start on campaigns to ……… our polluted rivers and seas a clean up b clear away c wipe out d tidy up 11 He came running …… the room and threw his books …… the floor a into/ at b in/ to c to/ on d into/ onto 12 Rare species of plants or ……… can be found in this region a fauna b flora c flowers d vegetation 13 The hydroelectric plant provides electricity for half the island's population a using hydrogen to produce electricity b using radiating energy to produce electricity c using water power to produce electricity d using tidal power to produce electricity 14 Thy water is so contaminated that it is not suitable for drinking a toxic b salty c dangerous d polluted 15 Without plants, mast water would ……… as soon as it falls a run out b run off e run of d run away III Choose the correct answer - a, b, c, or d that best completes each sentence 16 if Al had come sooner, he …… dinner with us a could have eaten b would being eaten c was eating d could eat 17 'Are you still employed at the bank?' 'Yes, I ……… there since 19S: a have working b worked c have been working d had been working 18 Orlando, a city in Florida, ……… for its main attraction - Disney a which is well-known b well-known c which well-known d is well-known 19 'What's wrong with your stereo?' `The needle needs ……… a to replace b replacing c to be replace d replace 20 All the students ……… well in writing a whom Mr Davis teaches them b which Mr Davis teaches c that Mr David teaches them d Mr Davis teaches 21 The world ………….a better place if we had known a hundred years what we know today about the earth's environment a will be b was c should be d might be 22 If water is heated to 212 degrees F ……… as steam a it can boil and escape b it is boiled and escaped c it boils and escapesd it would boil and escape 23 ……… resigned, we would have been forced to sack him a Had he not b Hadn't he c He had not d If he had 24 television to the exclusion of all other activities is not a heal ……… habit for a growing child a To be watched b Being watched c Watching d Watch 25 It's against the law to kill the black rhinoceros They …… extinct a became b have become c become d are becoming IV Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that be changed for the sentence to be correct 26 Scientists suggest that only one percent of the world’s extinct animals and plants has identified A B C D 27 Some underground water is enough safe to drink, but all surface water must treated A B C D 28 Because the expense of traditional fuels and the concern that they might run out many countries A B C have been investigating alternative sources of power D 29 Would you mind bringing your camera in the graduation party tomorrow? A B C D 30 Biochemists have solved many of the mysteries about photosynthesis, the process which plants A B C make food D 31 Many people who live near the ocean depend on it as a source of food, recreation, and to have A B C D economic opportunities 32 Geothermal energy is enemy to obtain by using heat from the Earth's interior A B C D 33 Most types of dolphins will live at least twenty-five years, and some species may reach 50 years A B C D of 34 Isle Royale National Park in Lake Superior can only be reached by their preys A B C D 35 Sharks can detect minute electrical discharges come from their preys A B C D V Choose the one option - a, 6, c or d - that best completes the passage, Yellowstone National Park, the first US national park, was (36) …… in 1872 It is one of the largest parks It (37) ………… about 3, 500 square (38) ……… or 9, 063 square kilometers (39) …… north-west Wyoming and parts of Idaho and Montana It has many wild animals, (40) ……… bears, buffalo, elk, deer, antelope, coyotes, and lynxes, and is famous (41) its tine scenery, hot springs and (42) ………… (underground hot spring that shoot hot water or steam up into the air) There are about seventy geysers in the park The famous is old Faithful The park is a (43) ……… tourist attraction It has about three million (44) ……… a year It was (15) …………a World Heritage Site in 1978 36 a started b established c constructed d introduced 37 a contains b involves c covers d spreads 38 lands 39 a in 40 a containing 41 a to 42 a waterfalls 43 a interesting 44 a visitors 45 a called b feet b of b including b as b torrents b favorite b foreigners b opened c distances c from c adding c with c geysers c fashionable c migrants c made d miles d at d consisting d for d chutes d popular d trippers d formed VI Choose the best answers Rainforests circle the globe for twenty degrees of latitude on both sides the equator In that relatively narrow band of the planet, more than half of all the species of plants and animals in the world make their home Sever hundred different varieties of trees may grow in a single acre, and just one of those trees may be the habitat for more than ten thousands kinds of spiders ants, and other insects More species of amphibians, birds, insects, mammals and reptiles live in rainforests than anywhere else on earth Unfortunately, half of the world's rainforests have already been destroyed and at the current rate, another 25 percent will be lost by the year 200 Scientists estimate that as many as fifty million acres are destroyed annually In other words, every sixty seconds, one hundred acres of rainforest is cleared When this happens, constant rains- erode the former forest floor, thin layer of soil no longer supports plant life, and the ecology of the region is altered forever Thousands of species of plants and animals are condemned to extinction and since we aren't able to predict the ramifications of this loss o a delicate global ecology, we don't know what we may be doing to the future the human species as well 46 'What is the point of view that the author expresses in this passage? a The author believes that the rainforest will survive b The author believes that preserving the rainforest is important to global ecology c The author believes that he can predict the future of global ecology d The author believes that the extinction of species is a natural process 47 According to the passage, more than half of all the species of plants and animals a live in twenty rainforests b live in several hundred different varieties of trees c live in a forty-degree band of latitude d live in areas where the rainforest has been cleared 48 How many of the worlds rainforests are projected to be destroyed by the year 2000 if the current rate continues? a All of them will be gone b Three-quarters of them will be gone c Half of them will be gone d One-quarter of them will be gone 49 The word 'this.' in line 12 refers to …………… a the destruction of the acres b the reading of the passage c the erosion of the forest floor d the constant rains 50 What will not happen if the rainforest continues to be cleared? a The land will be eroded by the rains b Many species of plants and animals that depend on the rainforest will become extinct c The future of the human species may be changed d The rainforest will glow, but at a much slower rate KEY TEST FOR UNIT 11 I A 1d, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5c B 1a, 2b, 3b, 4c, 5a II 1c, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6d, 7d, 8a, 9b, 10a, 11d, 12a, 13d, 14d, 15a III A 1c, 2b, 3d, 4c,5a, 6c, 7c, 8c, 9b, 10b, 11b, 12d, 13d, 14d, 15c B 1C (not to), 2C (be discussed), 3D (to have), 4C (I), 5C (‘d known), 6A (would have survived), 7C (coloful), 8B (was established), 9C (have), 10D (would have happened) IV 1d, 2f, 3d, 4h, 5g, 6c, 7a, 8e V A 1d, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6b, 7a, 8d, 9d, 10b B 1c, 2a, 3d, 4d, 5b VI 1d, 2d, 3d, 4c, 5b, 6c TEST YOURSELF I 1b, 2d, 3a, 4a,5c II 6b, 7d, 8d, 9c, 10a, 11d, 12b, 13c, 14d, 15b III 16a, 17c, 18d, 19b, 20d, 21d, 22c, 23b, 24c, 25d IV 26D (has been identified), 27B (safe enough), 28A (Because of), 29C (to), 30C (process by which), 31D (economic), 32B (obtained), 33B (live), 34D (boat), 35C (coming) V 36b, 37c, 38d, 39a, 40b, 41d, 42c, 43d, 44a, 45c VI 46b, 47c, 48b, 49a, 50d ... KEY TEST FOR UNIT 11 I A 1d, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5c B 1a, 2b, 3b, 4c, 5a II 1c, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6d, 7d, 8a, 9b, 10a, 11d, 12a, 13d, 14d, 15a III A 1c, 2b, 3d, 4c,5a, 6c, 7c, 8c, 9b, 10b, 11b, 12d, 13d,... protection c extinction d destruction 10 We really ought to make a start on campaigns to ……… our polluted rivers and seas a clean up b clear away c wipe out d tidy up 11 He came running …… the room... Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa (3) …… Cuc Phuong National Park (4) …… over 200 square kilometers of rainforest It attracts (5) …… tourists and scientists In 2002, nearly 100 ,000 visitors (6) ……

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2023, 00:47
