IRJMSH Volume Issue [Year 2014] online ISSN 2277 – 9809 A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON PERSONALITY TRAITS OF MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS STUDYING BACHELOR OF EDUCATION COURSE Mrs Gunwati Lecturer in Education Shri Shiv Chaitanya College of Education Bhora Kalan, Gurgaon-122413 Abstract : A trait is a stable quality of behaviour Describing personality in terms of traits is better than describing it in any other means Teachers are known as social engineers and they are an inseparable organ of a school He plays in significant role in modifying child's behaviour Teacher's own personality which includes his attitudes affected the behaviour pattern of children In the simplest sense by trait we mean a mode of behaviour which is manifested in a number of life situations consistently Trait may be defined as, ''a property within the individual that accounts for his unique but relatively stable reactions to environment'' Objectives of the Study are to study the personality traits of B.Ed Students and also to compare the personality traits of male and female B.Ed Students In the present study personality traits and gender of B.Ed students were considered as the variables Descriptive survey method was used and in this study 83 English medium student teachers studying B.Ed course in Kottayam district, Kerala were randomly selected The sixteen personality factor questionnaire'; FORM A, prepared by R.B was used as the tool Percentages, Arithmetic Mean and 't' test were used as the statistical techniques The present study showed that majority of the student teachers is having a moderate level of each factors of personality This means that maximum number of student teachers belongs to average and a very few student teachers process both high and low personality factors The study further find out that male student teachers are more tough minded and less intelligent than that of their counterparts but females slightly tend to have shrewd character compared to male student teachers Introduction: International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity Page 98 IRJMSH Volume Issue [Year 2014] online ISSN 2277 – 9809 ''Personality is the dynamic his unique Adjustment to his psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment'' defined G.W All port, a renowned personality theorist Trait approach of understanding personality views personality in terms of various traits Traits is a relatively permanent and relatively consistent general behaviour pattern that an individual exhibits in most situations The personality of a child or adult is but a combination or sum total of these personality traits that can be discovered through the continuous and objective observation of his behaviour Teachers within and outside the classroom can be extremely effective as models in students learning, particularly in the socializing functions within a school As a famous psychologist said ''I don't know where the influence of teacher is going to end.'' The behaviour of a teacher can have reassuring or discouraging effects It is important to understand the teacher's personality traits, or characteristics This will help in inferring what type of role are they playing or will help in inferring what type of role are that playing or will play in shaping child's behaviour by through by through studies on the personality traits of teachers, decisions can be taken with regard to counselling or programming the eradication of undesirable traits in them It will also help the selection committees in selecting individuals with desirable traits to service Where there is importance there is need Many researches have been conducted on the personality of student Arora (1980), Singh R.D (1984), Rajaram (1994), N.L Gupta (1995) not many researches have been done on the personality characteristics of working teachers or teacher trainees By the review of literature it was found that Ashok Kumar Parida (2007) conducted a study on personality traits and academic achievement in relation to sociometric status of tribal students in varying school settings Arun Kumar gautam (2008) studied about personality factors of responsible high school teachers S.P Anand (1981) has studied the personality of teachers Rajeshwari Dubey (1986) has done a researcher on pupil teachers with respect to personality traits and other variables There is a need for more research in this regard Hence the researches took up the present study to know the present trend of teachers' personality factors Objectives of the Study : The study the personality traits of B.Ed Students To compare the personality traits of male and female B.Ed Students Hypotheses Tested : There is no significant difference between personality factor A of male and student teachers female International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity Page 99 IRJMSH Volume Issue [Year 2014] online ISSN 2277 – 9809 There is no significant difference between personality factor B of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor C of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor D of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor E of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor F of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor G of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor H of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor I of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor L of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor M of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor N of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor O of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor Q1 of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor Q2 of male and female student teachers There is no significant difference between personality factor Q3 of male and female student teachers International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity Page 100 IRJMSH Volume Issue [Year 2014] online ISSN 2277 – 9809 There is no significant difference between personality factor Q4 of male and female student teachers Variables of the Study : Variables are one which assumes more than one value The variable of the study were personality traits and gender of B.Ed students Methodology of Research : The method of research of this study is descriptive survey method Sample The population of this study is the student teachers studying B.Ed course in Kottayam district, Kerala 83 students were randomly selected from various training colleges of Kottayam district, Kerela Date Gathering Tool The sixteen personality factor questionnaire'' FORM A, Prepared by R.B Cattell was the tool used This questionnaire contains 183 test items of multiple choice type Any item in the test contributes to the score on one and only factor The first and natural answer has to be marked on the relevant box of choice for that item on the answer sheet Each item specifies situations in life 16 dimensions of personality are measured represented by alphabetical symbols A,B,C,E,F,G,H,I,L,M,N,O,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q,4 This questionnaire has been widely used by many researchers As the study was done on B.Ed students, a questionnaire was preferred to assess their personality traits Collection of Data Prior permission for administration of questionnaire from the head of respective college was obtained in person Two hours of time period was requested at each college The student was made to sit comfortably in class room After that a good report was established with the examines the instructions were reinforced orally Each examinee was given a questionnaire and a response sheet The test is untimed but the examinees were instructed to give immediate and natural answer Data was collected using the questionnaire from 83 students in a period of days Statistical Techniques Used for Analysis International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity Page 101 IRJMSH Volume Issue [Year 2014] online ISSN 2277 – 9809 Percentages, Arithmetic Mean and 't' test were used Percentage of male and female students falling in each level of every personality factor were calculated Mean of male students' scores and mean of female student's were calculated for comparison 't' test was used to test the significance of mean difference among the factors between male and female student teachers, Findings of the Study : About 60% of student teacher falls in the moderate level on each factor (This is in line with the result of research conducted by S.P Anand 1980) On factor A, G, L, N and O a greater percentage of teachers are found on higher levels of these personality traits Greater percentages of teachers are found to be possessing the following traits-outgoing, conscientious, suspicious, shrewd, apprehensive About 50% of teacher tends to be less intelligent This is proved by low score on factor B 16% of student teacher are affected by feelings as indicated by the low score percentage on factor C.On factors E, D, H, I, M, Q1,Q2,Q3,Q,4 a comparatively greater percentage of student teachers have scored low This means they are Humble, Sober, Shy, Tough-minded, Practical, Conservative, Undisciplined self conflict, relaxed Male students slightly have a tendency of being outgoing than female students Female student teachers slightly tend to be more intelligent than male student teachers Males tend to be tough-minded slightly more than females Females slightly tend to have shrewd character compared to male student teachers Conclusion : ''The destiny of the Nation is being shaped inside the four walls of the classroom'' This is the opening statement of Kothari Commission Report By employing different means, working like a potter the teacher shapes the future citizens Unlike a earthen vessel the child imitates the potter/teacher The results of this research reveals that many teachers are outgoing, conscientious, practical, relaxed in nature This is a welcoming result The result also show that a few percentage of future teachers will be affected by feelings, sober, with undisciplined self conflict These traits may negatively influence child's behaviour A person with considerably large number of such undesirable traits should not be admitted for training At the same time the International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity Page 102 IRJMSH Volume Issue [Year 2014] online ISSN 2277 – 9809 working teachers whose personality reveals such traits should bring changes in themselves voluntarily The study is further helpful for administrators that they can organize personality development programmes in this direction Bibliography Ashok kumar pandia (2007) Study of Personality Traits and Academic Achievement in Relation to Socio-Metric Status of Tribal Students in Varying School Settings Kursethra University, Kureksethra Arun Kumar gautam (2008) Personality Factors of Responsible High School Teachers Dr B.R.A University, Agra Best John, W Khan James, Research in Education 1986, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi Buch, M.B III & IV Survey of Educational Research 1983 and 1988, NCERT, New Delhi Chaube S.P and Akhilesh Chaube Education Psycholgoy, 1996, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, Pages 368-379 International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity Page 103 ... port, a renowned personality theorist Trait approach of understanding personality views personality in terms of various traits Traits is a relatively permanent and relatively consistent general... teacher trainees By the review of literature it was found that Ashok Kumar Parida (2007) conducted a study on personality traits and academic achievement in relation to sociometric status of tribal... questionnaire has been widely used by many researchers As the study was done on B.Ed students, a questionnaire was preferred to assess their personality traits Collection of Data Prior permission