Báo cáo Y học: Production and chemiluminescent free radical reactions of glyoxal in lipid peroxidation of linoleic acid by the ligninolytic enzyme, manganese peroxidase pot
Productionandchemiluminescentfreeradicalreactionsofglyoxal in
lipid peroxidationoflinoleicacidbytheligninolytic enzyme,
manganese peroxidase
Takashi Watanabe
, Nobuaki Shirai
, Hitomi Okada
, Yoichi Honda
and Masaaki Kuwahara
Laboratory of Biomass Conversion, Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Japan;
Industrial Research Center of Shiga
Prefecture, Ritto, Kamitoyama, Japan
Glyoxal is a key compound involved inglyoxal oxidase
(GLOX)-dependent productionof glyoxylate, oxalate and
by lignin-degrading basidiomycetes. In this paper, we
report that glyoxal was produced from a metabolite of
ligninolytic fungi, linoleic acid, bymanganese peroxidase
(MnP)-dependent lipid peroxidation. Inthe absence of the
parent substrate oflinoleic acid, the dialdehyde was
oxidized by MnP and Mn(III) chelate to start free radical
reactions with emission of chemiluminescence at 700–
710 nm. The spectroscopic profile ofthe light emission is
distinguishable from (a) singlet oxygen, (b) triplet carbonyls
from dioxetane and a-hydroxyperoxyl radicals, and (c)
biacyl triplet formed bythe coupling of two acyl radicals.
The photon emission ofglyoxalby MnP was activated by
co-oxidation of tartrate. The MnP-dependent oxidation of
glyoxal in tartrate buffers continued for 10 days without
addition of exogenous H
. The importance of these
results is discussed in relation to thefreeradical chemistry
of lignin biodegradation by wood rot fungi.
Keywords: Manganese peroxidase; lipid peroxidation;
Ceriporiopsis subvermispora; acyl radical.
Lignin biodegradation by white rot fungi is an extracellular
chemical event generating free radicals. Lignin-degrading
enzymes, lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase
(MnP) and laccase (Lac), play a key role in generating free
radicals from lignin and oxidizable fungal metabolites such
as oxalate, glyoxylate, malonate, hydroquinones and aryl
alcohols. Due to the participation of peroxidases in the
lignin breakdown, a supply of hydrogen peroxide is essential
to drive the extracellular enzymatic process. So far, several
oxidases have been proposed as the enzymes which carry
out this task. The finding that glyoxalandglyoxal oxidase
(GLOX) are secreted by white rot fungi strongly suggests
that the GLOX system plays a key role inthe extracellular
production [1–6]. As GLOX is activated by
peroxidases, the peroxidase-dependent lignin-degradation
can be controlled bythe combination of GLOX and its
substrate, glyoxal [2,7]. Thus, the importance of glyoxal
oxidation in wood decay has been recognized. However,
little is known about the biosynthetic route for the extra-
cellular productionofglyoxalby wood rot fungi. In this
paper, we first report that a ligninolyticenzyme, MnP, is able
to catalyze formation ofglyoxal from a metabolite of wood
rot fungi, linoleicacid [8], bylipid peroxidation. The
glyoxal produced by MnP can be converted to glyoxylate
and oxalate by GLOX [6] and these carboxylic acids are
further oxidized by MnP or LiP/VA to yield O
, which in turn reduce free radicals and transition
metals like Fe(III) [9–12]. Thus, the present result
highlights the new roles of MnP-dependent lipid peroxi-
dation infreeradical chemistry of wood rot fungi.
In lipidperoxidationof USFAs, it has been reported that
Mn(II) reacts with a chain-carrying radical, peroxyl radical
(LOO†), to terminate the chain reactions [13,14]. This
raises the question of how the MnP-lipid system generates
free radicals inthe presence of antioxidant, Mn(II).
Recently, we reported that the chain-braking antioxidative
activity of Mn(II) is suppressed by regeneration of free
radicals by breaking down of LOOH with MnP [15]. In this
process, we found that acyl radicals were predominantly
formed. This suggests that hydrogen abstraction from
aldehydes is involved inthe major chain propagation
reactions ofthe MnP-dependent lipid peroxidation. The
observation of acyl radicals inthe MnP/lipid system
prompted us to analyze whether MnP can directly oxidize
the aldehyde intermediate in order to carry chain-reactions
Correspondence to T. Watanabe, Laboratory of Biomass Conversion,
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto
611-0011, Japan, Fax: 181 744 38 3600,
E-mail: twatanab@kuwri.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Enzymes: manganeseperoxidase (EC; lipoxygenase
[linoleate:oxygenoxidoreductase (EC 1.11.13)]; glyoxal oxidase
(EC 1.2.3 ).
(Received 8 May 2001, revised 24 September 2001, accepted
27 September 2001)
, superoxide anion; CO
, formate anion
radical; MnP, manganese peroxidase; LiP, lignin peroxidase;
HRP, horseradish peroxidase; 13(S)-HPODE,
13(S)-hydroperoxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid; SFA, saturated fatty
acid; USFA, unsaturated fatty acid; 2,6-DMP, 2,6-dimethoxyphenol;
ESR, electron spin resonance; MDA, malondialdehyde; MSTFA,
N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyltrifluroacetamide; DFB, decafluorobenzene;
GLOX, glyoxal oxidase, TBARS, thiobarbituric acid reactive
substances; PFBHA, O-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl)hydroxylamine
hydrochloride; PFBO, pentafluorobenzyl oxime; CH
CN, acetonitrile;
MeOH, methyl alcohol; EtOH, ethyl alcohol; DM, n-dodecyl
b-maltoside; DHMA, dihydroxymaleic acid; EI/GC/MS, electron
ionization-gas chromatography-mass spectrometer; PAH, polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon.
Eur. J. Biochem. 268, 6114–6122 (2001) q FEBS 2001
without the aid ofthe other oxidizable substrates. We now
report the formation andchemiluminescent chain reactions
of glyoxalin MnP-dependent lipidperoxidationof linoleic
General methods
Manganese (II) sulfate and 1,2,3-trimethoxybenzene,
decafluorobenzene, 1-dodecanal, 1-decanal, 2,4-nonadienal,
1-hexanal, 1-nonanal, 1-pentanal, 1-octanal, 1-butanal,
glyoxlic acid, glycol aldehyde, glyoxal were obtained
from Wako Pure Chemical Industries (Tokyo, Japan).
trans,trans-2,4-Decadienal, cis-4-decenal was obtained from
Aldrich Chemical Company (Milwaukee, USA). trans-2-
Hexenal, 1-undecanal, 1-heptanal, trans-2-nonenal, 1-tride-
canal, 2-butanone, 3-buten-2-one, 3-pentanone, 2-pentanone,
2-heptanone, 2-hexanone, 2-octanone was obtained from
Tokyo Kasei Kogyo (Tokyo, Japan). Linoleicacid was
purchased from Nacalai Tescque (Kyoto, Japan). The linoleic
acid was purified by passing through a Sep-Pak
CN Light
cartridge (Waters, Milford, MA, USA). After dissolving in
n-hexane, the eluent from the cartridge was evaporated with a
gentle stream of N
gas. Milli-Q
water was used
throughout the experiments. All ofthe chemicals used were
of analytical reagent grade. 13(S)-Hydroperoxy-9Z,11E-oc-
tadecadienoic acid [13(S)-HPODE] was prepared as
described previously [15]. Malondialdehyde (MDA) was
synthesized as described previously [16].
Enzyme preparation
Crude MnP from Ceriporiopsis subvermispora FP-90031
was collected from 7-day-old cultures grown on a wood
medium composed of beech wood (5 g), glucose (0.7 g) and
peptone (0.7 g) at 28 8C. The culture filtrate was dialyzed
against 20 m
M sodium succinate buffer (pH 4.5). The
dialyzate was concentrated by ultrafiltration, precipitated
with (NH
and then purified by gel filtration on
Superdex 75 PG (1.6 Â 60 cm, Amersham Pharmacia
Biotech, Sweden) using 20 m
M sodium succinate buffer
containing 0.1
M NaCl as an eluent. Fractions showing MnP
activities were collected, and desalted with Centriprep
YM-30 (cut off, 30,000, Millipore, USA). MnP was further
purified by preparative IEF as described previously [15]
[pI 3.40, Reinheitzahl (RZ, A at l
/A 280) value: 3.0,
1.0 U ¼ 8.75 Â 10
mol]. Low molecular mass com-
pounds were removed by successive washings with Milli-
water with a Centricut N-10 ultrafiltration concentrator
(cut off, 10 000, Kurabo, Japan) before use. For the time
course experiments of aldehyde production, the enzyme
purified on Superdex 75 PG was desalted with distilled
water in Centricut N-10 and used without further
purification (15 U
). Laccase activity inthe partially
purified fraction was below 0.02 U
. Glyoxal oxidase
activity was not found in all the enzyme preparations.
Enzyme assay
MnP activity was measured with 2,6-DMP. The reaction
mixture contained 0. 2 m
M 2,6-DMP, 0. 5 mM MnSO
0. 1 m
,25mM sodium tartrate buffer (pH 3. 0) and
the enzyme solution. Reactions were started by adding H
and were quantified by monitoring the initial rate of
increase in absorbance at 470 nm inthe presence and
absence of manganese. One unit of enzyme activity is
defined as the amount of enzyme that oxidizes 1 mmol of
2,6-DMP in 1 min. Laccase activity was measured
with 2,6-DMP under the same conditions but without
. Lipoxygenase activity was measured by O
uptake in
a reaction system containing 1. 5 m
M linoleic acid, 1 mM
n-dodecyl b-maltoside (DM) and 20 mM Tris/HCl buffer
(pH. 9. 0). One unit of lipoxygenase activity is defined as
the amount of enzyme that absorbs 1 mmol of O
in 1 min.
GLOX activity was measured by O
uptake in a
reaction system containing 3 m
M glyoxalin 20 mM sodium
tartrate (pH 3. 0), acetate (pH 4. 5) or phosphate (pH 6. 0)
Electron ionization/gas chromatography/mass
spectrometetry (EI/GC/MS) analysis of oxidation
products by MnP
Linoleic acidand aldehydes were reacted with 250 mU of
the purified MnP, 0.5 m
M of Mn(II) and 50 mM of H
20 8C for 1–24 h in 10 m
M acetate, formate, lactate and
tartrate buffers (pH 4.5). After the reaction, 0.5 mL of
aqueous PFBHA (0.05
M, 200 mL) was added and reacted at
35 8C for 0.5 h [17]. To this solution, 10 mL of a 10-m
methanol solution of decafluorobenzene (DFB) and a
drop of 18-N-sulfuric acid were added andthe mixture
was partitioned between n-hexane and H
O twice. The
hexane layer was dried over Na
, evaporated with a
gentle stream of N
gas and directly injected into an EI/GC/
MS system. The EI/GC/MS analysis was done with a
Shimadzu QP-5050 A GC/MS with ionization energy of
70 eV on CP-Sil-8 (50 m  0.25 mm internal diemeter,
Chrompack, Netherlands) using helium as a carrier gas. The
column oven temperature was raised from 80 8C to 250 8C
at 5 8C
, and maintained at 250 8C for 20 min. The
time course ofglyoxalproductionby MnP was analyzed as
described above after the reaction with and without linoleic
acid in formate and tartrate buffers. EI/GC/MS analyses of
authentic aldehydes and ketones were carried out using a
M methanol solution after derivatization with PFBHA
under the conditions described above. Tetramethylsilation
by N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyltrifluroacetamide (MSTFA)
was carried out as described previously [18].
Chemiluminescence measurements
Chemiluminescence was measured by an ultra-high sensi-
tive photon counter (ARGUS-50/VIM, Hamamatsu Photo-
nics, Hamamatsu, Japan) equipped with a charge-coupled
device (CCD) camera connected with an image intensifier
and ARGUS-50 image processor. The wavelength range of
the detector was 350–650 nm, 512 Â 483 pixels, and the
noise count was 0.15 c.p.s. Thereactions were carried out in
a cuvette for a 96-well microplate reader. The conditions for
each experiment are described inthe figure legends.
Inactivation of MnP was carried out by heating the MnP
in a boiling water bath for 10 min
The chemiluminescence spectra were measured by a
simultaneous multiwavelength analyzer CLA-SP2 (Tohoku
Electronic Industries Co. Ltd, Sendai, Japan) with an
q FEBS 2001 Productionofglyoxalinlipidperoxidationby MnP (Eur. J. Biochem. 268) 6115
incident slit width of 1.0 mm. The wavelength range of the
spectrometer was 370–820 nm. Experimental conditions
are described inthe legend of each figure.
Formation ofglyoxalinthe reaction oflinoleic acid
with MnP
Lipid peroxidationby MnP is a freeradical process capable
of decomposing recalcitrant PAH and nonphenolic lignin
model compounds [19 – 21]. We previously reported that the
oxidation oflinoleicacidby MnP produced acyl radicals in
both tartrate and acetate buffers [15]. The formation of acyl
radicals strongly suggests that hydrogen abstraction from
aldehyde [22,23] is involved inthe oxidative process. To
analyze the aldehydes formed by this reaction, linoleic acid
was reacted with MnP for 19 h at 20 8C in sodium acetate,
formate, lactate and tartrate buffers andthe oxidation
products were analyzed by EI/GC/MS after derivatization
to pentafluorobenzyloxims (PFBO) with PFBHA [17]. EI/
GC/MS analysis ofthe reaction products and authentic 19
aldehydes and seven ketones demonstrated that glyoxal,
1-hexanal and 1-pentanal were formed from linoleic acid
by MnP in any ofthe buffer systems (Fig. 1). Syn and
anti-isomers of these PFBO derivatives were separated on
the GC/MS column. The mass spectrum of PFBO
derivatives ofglyoxal formed from linoleicacid is shown
in Fig. 2, together with that of authentic standard. MDA, a
major peroxidation product derived from polyunsaturated
fatty acids was not detected inthe reaction products of MnP
in contrast to the oxidation oflinoleicacidby xantine/
xanthinoxidase/Fe(II) [24]. The mass fragments of PFBO
derivatives characteristic to saturated aldehyde (m/z 239),
2-enal (m/z 250), 2,4-dienal (m/z 276) and saturated
2-ketones (m/z 72) [25], were not observed inthe spectra
of unidentified carbonyl compounds, indicating that the
MnP/Mn(II)/lipid system proceeds by complex radical
reactions involving the formation of unusual carbonyl
species. Tetramethylsilation with MSTFA did not change
the mass chromatogram at m/z 181 that originates from C–O
bond cleavage products of pentafluorobenzyl oxime [26]
(data not shown).
The reactionsof MnP in four different buffers clearly
demonstrate that the formation ofglyoxal was significantly
stimulated bythe presence of tartrate. Therefore, the
reaction was carried out with and without linoleicacid in
sodium formate and tartrate buffers (Figs 1 and 3). GC/MS
analysis demonstrated that glyoxal was explosively
produced after 6 h in tartrate buffer containing linoleic
Fig. 1. Mass chromatograms of PFBO derivatives of products oflipidperoxidationby C. subvermipora MnP and soybean lipoxygenase at
m/z 181. (A) Products ofthe oxidation oflinoleicacidby MnP in sodium acetate buffer for 19 h. The reaction system (500 mL) contained 3 m
linoleic acid, 500 mM MnSO
,50mM H
, 0.02% of Tween 20, 250 mU of purified MnP and 10 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.5). (B) As (A) but
10 m
M sodium formate buffer (pH 4.5) was used instead of acetate buffer. (C), As (A) but 10 mM sodium lactate buffer (pH 4.5) was used instead of
acetate buffer. (D) As (A) but 10 m
M sodium tartrate buffer (pH 4.5) was used instead of acetate buffer. (E) As (B) but the reaction was carried out
without addition oflinoleic acid. (F) As (D) but the reaction was carried out without addition oflinoleic acid. (G) Products ofthe oxidation of linoleic
acid with soybean lipoxygenase. Linoleicacid (3 m
M) was reacted with soybean lipoxygenase (10 U) in 40 mM Tris/HCl buffer (pH 9.0) containing
0.02% of Tween 20 for 24 h at 20 8C. (H) Products ofthe oxidation of 13(S )HPODE by MnP in sodium lactate buffer (pH 4.5). for 3 h. The reaction
system contained 3 m
M 13(S )HPODE, 500 mM MnSO
,50mM H
, 0.02% of Tween 20, MnP (250 mU) and 10 mM sodium lactate buffer
(pH 4.5).
6116 T. Watanabe et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 268) q FEBS 2001
acid. However, direct formation ofglyoxal from tartrate was
also observed. In formate buffer, theproductionof glyoxal
was dependent on the presence oflinoleic acid. The same
results were obtained with lactate and acetate buffers (data
not shown). In contrast to the oxidation oflinoleic acid,
oxidation of 13(S )HPODE with MnP selectively produced
1-hexanal for 1–3 h (Fig. 1H). No PFBO-derivatives were
detected after the prolonged reaction of 13(S )HPODE. Thus
it was found that the formation ofglyoxal was not catalyzed
by the direct oxidation of 13(S )HPODE with MnP.
Oxidation oflinoleicacid with soybean lipoxyegnase
produced 1-hexanal and 1-pentanal (Fig. 1G).
Emission of chemiluminescence inlipid peroxidation
The chemiluminescence detector is a powerful tool for
analyzing the oxidation of aldehydes due to its high
sensitivity and emission spectra characteristic to chemically
excited species. Therefore, oxidation of aldehydes and
linoleic acidby MnP was analyzed by a chemiluminescence
detector, in comparison with light emission by lipoxygenase
and the Fenton reaction (Fig. 4). Lipoxygenase is an enzyme
that abstracts hydrogen from the bis-allylic position of
unsaturated fatty acids containing cis,cis-1,4-pentadienyl
moiety. Inthe reaction with linoleic acid, the fatty acid is
oxidized to yield a pentyl radical [27] and 12-oxododecyl-
cis-9-enoic acid [28] via b-scission of hydroperoxide
intermediates, leading to productionof 1-hexanal [29] and
1-pentanal as shown in Fig. 1G. When linoleicacid was
oxidized by soybean lipoxygenase, emission of chemilumi-
nescence was close to the background level, both in the
presence and absence of Fe(II). Inthe Fenton system,
chemiluminescence was also below the background level,
except for a weak emission of light from linoleicacid after 2
days (Fig. 4).
In contrast to these oxidation systems, reactionsof glyoxal
with MnP in tartrate buffer emitted strong chemilumines-
cence. As shown in Figs 5 and 6, intensive light emission
was observed immediately after the reaction started. The
photon emission reached a maximum (35 000 counts
within 30 min, and then decreased, but chemiluminescence
of < 9000 counts
was observed even after 1 h. In
lactate, formate and acetate buffers, the photon emission
was also observed within 30 min but the intensity was much
lower than that ofthe tartrate system. Inthe tartrate system,
the photon emission continued for 10 days, both in the
presence and absence of exogenous H
added initially
(Fig. 6). The photon emission from glyoxal was dependent
on the presence of Mn(II) and active enzyme. However, it
was found that the emission of chemiluminescence
continued for around 10 days when the reaction was started
without addition of glyoxal. This can be explained bythe in
situ formation ofglyoxal from tartrate with MnP (Fig. 1,3).
In the MnP-catalyzed oxidation oflinoleicacidandthe other
aldehydes, the light emission was not observed when Mn(II)
was omitted from the reaction system (data not shown).
When linoleicacidand seven different aldehydes were
reacted with Mn(III)–tartrate complex, strong light emission
was observed inthe reaction system with glyoxal (Fig. 7).
The maximum photon emission intensity from glyoxal
reached 12 000 counts
. The photon emission was also
Fig. 2. Mass spectra of PFBO derivatives ofglyoxal formed by the
oxidation oflinoleicacid with MnP (A) and authentic standard (B).
(A) Glyoxal formed bythe oxidation oflinoleicacid with MnP for 19 h.
The reaction system (500 mL) contained 3 m
M linoleic acid, 500 mM
,50mM H
, 0.02% of Tween 20, MnP (250 mU) and 10 mM
sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.5). (B) Authentic standard of glyoxal.
* 1/10 ofthe original signal intensity.
Fig. 3. Time course ofglyoxal formation by MnP. (A) Glyoxal formed bythe reaction oflinoleicacid with MnP in sodium tartrate buffer. The
reaction system (500 mL) contained 3 m
M linoleic acid, 500 mM MnSO
,50mM H
, 0.02% of Tween 20, MnP (250 mU) and 10 mM sodium
tartrate buffer (pH 4.5). (B) As (A) but linoleicacid was omitted. (C) As (A) but 10 m
M sodium formate buffer (pH 4.5) was used instead of sodium
tartrate bufer. (D) As (C) but linoleicacid was omitted.
q FEBS 2001 Productionofglyoxalinlipidperoxidationby MnP (Eur. J. Biochem. 268) 6117
Fig. 4. Time course of light emission during
oxidation oflinoleicacidby soybean
lipoxygenase (I) andthe Fenton reaction (II).
(I): (A) The reaction system (200 mL) contained
M linoleic acid, 10 U of lipoxygenase, 0.05%
of Tween 20, 10 m
M Tris/HCl buffer (pH 9.0). (B)
As (A) but lipoxygenase was omitted. (C) As (A)
but 0.5 m
was added. II: (A) The reaction
system (200 mL) contained 4 m
M linoleic acid,
0.1 m
, 0.2 mM H
, 0.05% of Tween 20.
(B) As (A) but glyoxal was added instead of
linoleic acid. (C) As (A) but trans-2-nonenal was
added instead oflinoleic acid. (D) As (A) but
1-dodecanal was added instead oflinoleic acid. (E)
As (A) but 1-hexanal was added instead of linoleic
acid. (F) As (A) but 2,4-nonadienal was added
instead oflinoleic acid. (G) As (A) but MDA was
added instead oflinoleic acid. (H) As (A) but
linoleic acid was omitted.
Fig. 5. Chemiluminescence emitted by the
oxidation of aldehydes andlinoleicacid with
MnP in sodium tartrate buffer. (A) The reaction
system (200 mL) contained 4 m
M linoleic acid,
250 mU of MnP, 500 m
, 0.2 mM H
0.05% of Tween 20 and 10 m
M sodium tartrate
buffer (pH 4.5). (B) As (A) but glyoxal was added
instead oflinoleic acid. (C) As (A) but
trans-2-nonenal was added instead oflinoleic acid.
(D) As (A) but 1-dodecanal was added instead of
linoleic acid. (E) As (A) but 1-hexanal was added
instead oflinoleic acid. (F) As (A) but
2,4-nonadienal was added instead oflinoleic acid.
(G) As (A) but MDA was added instead of linoleic
acid. (H) As (A) but linoleicacid was omitted.
Inset shows the time course ofthereactions (A–H)
during 2.5 h.
Fig. 6. Chemiluminescence emitted by the
oxidation ofglyoxal with MnP. (I): (A) The
reaction system (200 mL) contained 4 m
M glyoxal,
250 mU of MnP, 500 m
, 0.2 mM H
0.05% of Tween 20 and 10 m
M sodium acetate
buffer (pH 4.5); (B) As in (A) but 10 m
M sodium
formate buffer (pH 4.5) was used instead of
sodium acetate bufer. (C) As (A) but 10 m
sodium tartrate buffer (pH 4.5) was used instead
of sodium acetate bufer. (D) As (A) but 10 m
sodium lactate buffer (pH 4.5) was used instead
of sodium acetate buffer.
(II): (A) The reaction system (200 mL) contained
M glyoxal, 250 mU of MnP, 500 mM MnSO
0.2 m
, 0.05% of Tween 20 and 10 mM
sodium tartrate buffer (pH 4.5). (B) As (A) but
was omitted. (C) As (A) but H
omitted. (D) As (A) but glyoxal was omitted. (E)
As (A) but inactivated MnP was used instead of
native MnP.
6118 T. Watanabe et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 268) q FEBS 2001
observed with MDA, trans-2-nonenal andlinoleic acid, but
the intenisity was less than 1/10 of that observed in the
oxidation of glyoxal. Light emissions from 1-dedecanal,
1-hexanal, 2,4-nonadienal were almost at the same level as
that observed without addition oflinoleic acid/aldehyde. No
photon emission was observed inthereactionsof these
oxidizable substrates with Mn(II)–tartrate complex (data
not shown). These results demonstrate that MnP catalyzes
oxidation of Mn(II) to Mn(III), which in turn reacts with
glyoxal to generate electronically excited species. Co-oxida-
tion of tartrate is essential to carry the chemiluminescent
chain reactions over several days.
Figure 8 shows emission spectra obtained by glyoxal
oxidation with (A) Mn(III)–lactate complex, and (B) MnP/
in tartrate buffer. The spectra showed a broad
single peak with emission maxima at 700 and 710 nm,
respectively. Figure 2C is the chemiluminescence spectrum
of singlet oxygen formed bythe reaction of HClO
. The spectrum showed two sharp emission maxima at
634 and 704 nm as reported [30]. Inthe spectra obtained by
the glyoxal oxidation by MnP and Mn(III)–lactate, no
shoulder peaks ofthe dimol emission of singlet oxygen was
Formation and oxidation ofglyoxalinlipid peroxidation
of linoleicacidby MnP
It has been widely recognized that selective white rot fungi
such as Ceriporiopsis subvermispora can delignify wood
without penetration of their extracellular enzymes into wood
cell walls. Therefore, there is increasing interest inthe roles
of low molecular mass compounds that generate free
radicals capable of decomposing lignin at a site far from
enzymes. Lipidperoxidationbymanganese peroxidase
(MnP) is one candidate for this system because diffusible
Mn(III) chelate can react with lipidandlipid hydroperoxides
to generate free radicals [15]. When C. subvermispora was
cultivated on wood meal medium, the fungus produced
saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and unsaturated fatty acids
(USFAs) including linoleicacid at an incipient stage of
cultivation and consume them with concomitant formation
of lipid hydroperoxide and TBARS during prolonged
cultivation [8]. Inthelipidperoxidation process, titres of
MnP reached a maximum around day 4 and then gradually
decreased, coincident with theperoxidationofthe fatty
acids. Thus, accumulated data supports the involvement of
MnP-dependent lipidperoxidationin wood decay by white
rot fungi.
With regard to the radicals produced inthe lipid
peroxidation by MnP, we reported that MnP oxidized
linoleic acid to generate acyl radicals in acetate and tartrate
buffers inthe presence of Mn(II) [15]. The formation of acyl
radicals strongly suggests that hydrogen abstraction from
aldehydes is involved inthe chain propagation cycle of the
MnP-dependent lipid peroxidation. Therefore, aldehydes
formed bythe MnP/linoleic acid/Mn(II)/H
were analyzed by EI/GC/MS after derivatization to PFBO
(Figs 1–3). The GC/MS analysis demonstrated that
oxidation oflinoleicacid with MnP produced glyoxal,
1-hexanal and 1-pentanal. Time course experiments of the
MnP reactions showed that glyoxal was not formed on
initiation ofthelipidperoxidation but after 6 h (Fig. 3). In
contrast to the oxidation oflinoleic acid, the reaction of
MnP with 13(S)-HPODE selectively produced 1-hexanal,
indicating that theglyoxal formation is not catalyzed by the
direct breakdown oflipid hydroperoxide with MnP and
Mn(III) chelates.
In wood decay, a supply of extracellular hydrogen
peroxide is essential to initiate peroxidase-dependent free
radical processes. An extracellular oxidase, GLOX, has been
identified from wood decay fungi and is considered as an
enzyme that catalyzes extracelular H
However, little is reported about the biosynthetic pathway
of glyoxalin wood rot fungi. In 1994, Hammel et al.
Fig. 7. Chemiluminescence emitted by the
oxidation of aldehydes andlinoleicacid with
Mn(III)–tartrate complex. (A) The reaction
system (200 mL) contained 4 m
M linoeic acid,
0.05% of Tween 20, and 2.5 m
M Mn(III)–tartrate.
A Mn(III) – tartrate solution (10 m
M) was prepared
by dissolving 0.1 m mol of Mn(III)–acetate in
10 mL of 0.1
M sodium tartrate buffer (pH 4.5).
The reaction was initiated by adding 50 mL of this
solution. Therefore, the final concentration of
tartrate inthe reaction system was 25 m
M. (B) As
(A) but glyoxal was added instead oflinoleic acid.
(C) As (A) but trans-2-nonenal was added instead
of linoleic acid. (D) As (A) but 1-dodecanal was
added instead oflinoleic acid. (E) As (A) but
1-hexanal was added instead oflinoleic acid. (F)
As (A) but 2,4-nonadienal was added instead of
linoleic acid. (G) As (A) but MDA was added
instead oflinoleic acid. (H) As (A) but linoleic acid
was omitted.Time course ofthe photon emission
from glyoxal is shown separately from that of the
other oxidizable compounds due to the difference
of emission intensity.
q FEBS 2001 Productionofglyoxalinlipidperoxidationby MnP (Eur. J. Biochem. 268) 6119
reported that lignin peroxidase deomposed a b-O-4 lignin
model compound with productionof glycol aldehyde, a
substrate of GLOX [6]. The glycol aldehyde formed by this
process was converted to oxalate with theproductionof 2.8
equivalent of H
. Therefore, they proposed a pathway
producing oxalate from the b-O-4 lignin model compound
via glyoxaland glyoxylate. However, there has been no
direct evidence for theglyoxal formation from lignin by the
LiP/GLOX system. The finding ofglyoxal formation by
MnP-dependent lipidperoxidation indicates that MnP and
Mn(III) chelate part inthe formation of glyoxal, leading to
the enzymatic productionof glyoxylate, oxalate and H
by GLOX. Mn(III) stabilized bythe former two carboxylic
acids can diffuse into the wood cell wall region. At the same
time, glyoxylate and oxalate are oxidized by Mn(III) to
produce CO
and O
[11,12]. The same reaction was
also catalyzed by LiP/VA [9,10]. Due to the high reduction
potential of CO
, theradical catalyzes reduction of
Fe(III) [12] and reductive dehalogenation of recalcitrant
aromatic halides [31]. O
catalyzes oxidation of Mn(II)
and reduction of Fe(III) in addition to disproportionation
yielding H
. A combination ofthe iron reduction and
formation generates hydroxyl radicals. Thus, MnP-
dependent lipidperoxidation provides the substrate of
GLOX to produce active oxygen species in combination
with redox cycle of transition metals.
Oxidation ofglyoxalby MnP
In lipidperoxidation involving aldehyde oxidation, it has
been postulated that acyl radicals are formed from aldehydes
by hydrogen abstraction with radicals (X†) [22] or transition
metals [23] according to:
X† 1 RVCHO ! XH 1 RCO† ð1Þ
Þ 1 RCHO ! M
Þ 1 RCO† 1 H
With regard to the light emission from acyl radicals, four
different pathways can be discussed (Fig. 9). As shown in
Fig. 9 (pathway 2) two acyl radicals can recombine to
produce a biacyl triplet [32]. The light emission reported in
excited biacyl compounds like biacetyl (l max at 515 and
560 nm) [32] is different from the emission spectra observed
in the MnP reactions. a-Oxidation of aldehydes via a
dioxetane intermediate also produces excited triplet
carbonyls (Fig. 9, pathway 1) but the absorption maximum
of the light emission is inthe range of l max 450–550 nm
[28,32]. Singlet oxygen can be formed by disproportionation
of two a-hydroxyperoxyl radicals (Fig. 9, reaction 4).
However, there are no shoulder peaks ofthe dimol emission
from singlet oxygen (l max 634 and 703 nm) [30] in the
spectrum ofglyoxal oxidation by MnP (Fig. 8), indicating
is not the major excited species formed by the
MnP/glyoxal system. The other possible route for
Fig. 8. Chemiluminescence spectra of (A) oxidation ofglyoxal by
MnP in tartrate buffer (B) oxidation ofglyoxalby Mn(III)–lactate
complex and (C) singlet oxygen formed bythe reaction of ClO
with H
. (A) The reaction system (500 mL) contained 3 mM glyoxal,
250 mU of MnP, 500 m
,50mM H
, 0.02% of Tween 20
and 10 m
M sodium tartrate buffer (pH 4.5). (B) The reaction system
(500 mL) contained 3 m
M glyoxal, 0.02% of Tween 20, and 2 mM
Mn(III)–lactate. A Mn(III)–lactate solution (10 mM) was prepared by
dissolving 0.1 m mol of Mn(III)–acetate in 10 mL of 0.1
M sodium
lactate buffer (pH 4.5). The reaction was initiated by adding 100 mLof
this solution. Therefore, the final concentration of lactate inthe reaction
system was 20 m
M. (C) The reaction was started by adding 1 mL of
30% H
and 3 mL of 10% NaClO solution. Scanning time for (A) (B)
(C) were 20, 15, and 5 min, respectively.
6120 T. Watanabe et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 268) q FEBS 2001
chemiluminescence emission from acyl radical is a forma-
tion of triplet carbonyls from a-hydroxyperoxyl radicals
(Fig. 9- [3]) that has been reported inthe oxidation of
aetaldehyde with xantine oxidase [33]. However, the
emission maximum ofthe chemiluminescence by this
mechanism was lower than 500 nm [33] (Fig. 9). Thus, the
MnP-dependent light emission from glyoxal at 700 nm is a
new chemical event difficult to explain bythe excited
species from acyl radicals reported before.
As shown in Fig. 8, the reaction of Mn(III)–lactate with
glyoxal emitted the chemiluminescence similar to that
observed inthereactionsof MnP. Therefore, it can be
concluded that Mn(III) chelate is capable of abstracting
hydrogen from glyoxal to form the electronically excited
species, which spontaneously decay to emit the chemilumi-
nescence. As shown in Fig. 1, peroxidationoflinoleic acid
with MnP produced glyoxal. However, the chemiclumines-
cence from linoleicacid was much less intensive than that of
the direct oxidation ofglyoxal with MnP. This suggests that
the excited species from glyoxal react with peroxidation
intermediates from linoleic acid, leading to quenching of the
excited compound [34].
Oxidation of tartrate by MnP
In this study, we also found that tartrate is oxidized by MnP
and Mn(III) chelates in aqueous solutions to produce glyoxal
with emission of chemiluminescence. Although tartrate is
not a metabolite ofligninolytic fungi, this carboxylic acid is
widely used in studies on MnP. For tartrate, unlike oxalate
and malonate, there has been no report of MnP-catalyzed
degradation. For instance, the ratio of H
consumption vs.
oxidation of Mn(II) by MnP in tartrate buffer is reported to
be nonstoichiometric due to reduction of H
to O
Mn(III)–tartrate complex [35,36]. However, no special
attention was paid to the oxidation of tartrate itself in these
studies. This may be due to the understanding that the
reactivity of tartrate is too low to be involved inthe free
radical reactionsby Mn(III). For instance, Perez reported
that veratryl alcohol oxidation by LiP is not affected by the
presence of tartrate inthe presence or absence of Mn(II) and
Mn(III) [37]. More recently, Collins reported that the rate
of 2,2
-azinobiz(3-ethylbenzo-6-thiazolinesulfonic acide)
) reduction is enhanced bythe presence of
malonate, glyoxylate and oxalate but no stimulating effects
of tartrate on the ABTS†
reduction was observed [38]. In
contrast, the results obtained inthe present study clearly
indicate that tartrate itself was oxidized by MnP to produce
glyoxal (Figs 1–3), thereby assisting chain reactionsof the
aldehyde accompanied by photon emission (Fig. 7,8). In
lipid peroxidationoflinoleicacidby MnP, the consecutive
formation of aldehydes and acyl radicals was observed in
acetate and formate buffers as well as in tartrate buffer.
Therefore, we propose that the enzymatic process produces
counterpart compounds like tartrate to assist the chain
propagation reactionsof acyl radicals in combination with
redox cycle of Mn(II)/Mn(III).
In conclusion, the first evidence for theproduction of
glyoxal from linoleicacidin MnP-dependent lipid peroxi-
dation has been presented. Glyoxal formed by this process
can be used as a substrate of GLOX and MnP to participate
in the extracellular freeradicalreactionsof wood rot fungi.
In addition to the interest on lignin biodegradation, the
analysis of manganese-dependent glyoxal oxidation associ-
ated with tartrate oxidation will lead to the understanding of
cellular injury caused bythe carcinogenic aldehyde in the
presence of catalytic amount of manganese.
This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan. We
are grateful to Ms M. Nakagawa for technical assistance inthe analysis
of aldehydes. We also thank Dr Rie Yamada, Tohoku Electoric Co. Ltd,
for the measurement of chemiluminescence spectra.
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6122 T. Watanabe et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 268) q FEBS 2001
. Production and chemiluminescent free radical reactions of glyoxal in
lipid peroxidation of linoleic acid by the ligninolytic enzyme,
manganese peroxidase
Takashi. explained by the in
situ formation of glyoxal from tartrate with MnP (Fig. 1,3).
In the MnP-catalyzed oxidation of linoleic acid and the other
aldehydes, the