“The laconic warfare (EW) dati i kay slment in re Army engong cot ebuild and ‘modem fs EW capi Ths pusicator, F336 the fr Any EW Goce fo be eeueo Ino decade as tal ass escent aditon to croc soppeing Weel EW
partons, FM 336s moving he Army = EN strategy no ©opecs andine eecUơnđoneie ‘Sena anda grat Sed ponding gtdane 1 ormander an lato." a Section makors prodes commanders ls concep nd dctne tal mexrze operational ttfecivenoss actos th ocrorlag-ete pocinm n bo vada ard eating ecologies “The gia rolermon of locyones and wiles ranamissons has avolved nto asgnteat
"echoigcal advantage lạ cư nen at e smutancowy coating toner dependence 9 ‘semolgy This dopenderce ao presen chatenges, ear aaversaten ae ees Shveoping he mann foe bese sre rele nalwrks leone orp twat id ‘Secwon wave capabstes tourer stacks anit un Tomoe! hose chlenges the Amy \Gtmolementng ana egratng network and clacton waar capaties fo coir te has (28 eyborepece, spac, arate Becwermagrate space,
413.96 pevides Army commanders arth lal guance on how he sacromaanetic tectum can mpuc er opens and how Mendy EW opeatons can be used Sah 29 ‘rentago This manual dscrbos the appt of EW in aupoet fl pecan operatons Sra proves & basen or raurng a covmon ane'sandig and operations conser) ‘itough new equgmant tectes taciigue end procecren canine oe develope, ne
Bryne of slacromagnetic ear romaine cana So, as ne satan a tates ‘Soviet meet ne eyberssace enrenmant fhe 2” cant, scene are remains & ‘heal componat of ur pal lee
‘Tvs updated doetine aa ner maticatns tthe Amy operational satel are tectinony {othe innovation and ees an whieh orn aos nese Goer Bevin
Laienat Geral, US Ary Decor Nahona Saculy Agenoy
Trang 3Fst Mal — Chapter Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter4 Chapter 5 FM 3-36 Dearne othe Amy
Electronic Warfare in Operations
Contents GR
'ELECTRONIC WARFARE OVERVIEM 22222sscsreeesrrree ĐT ‘Operational Environments 14 Information and the Elocromagnatic Spectrum 4
Dhisions of Eiectonie Watt nnn —
‘Actuites and Terminology tr
summary tủa
“The Applicaton of Elactonic Warare 23
Summary 27
‘Organizing Electronic Warfare Operations Planning and Coordinating Electronic Warare Activites „ a4
summary 36
“The Mi Decsonmaking Process
Decisionmaking ina Time-Constrained Environment “Tho inloaaling Processes and Continuing Actvies, Employment Considerations ‘Section I — Electronic Wifare Preparatien ‘Section il — Electronic Warfare Execution nn ‘Section IV — Electronic Warfare Assessment Summary
Trang 4chapter 8 chapter Appendix A Appendix 8 Appendix Appendix
Mubinatonal leconic Warare Operations 4
Summary ry
‘Senge Electronic Warfare Capabiiis, 7A
Exleral Support Agencies and Actes 7A
Summay' 73
Fg 11, The slectomagnets spect, 12 Favre 2 Eecromagnsc spectrum rats ta Fge 12 The thee suchions of laconic wate “ Faure 4 Moan aru fete 12 Fgue 21 conic warfare weight of fe ing operate 22 Fave 21, ectonc warfare coordination opmizatioal ewok + Faure 1 The operations rocket a Fae 4.2 Erol of ani or an anon Cs of rv, 43 Faure 43 Couree of acon deveonment 45 Faure 4 Coats oe caren 43 TPạre £5 Inognlng pocseee and contig acts a0
Figure 48 Electronic warfare suppor to inteligance preparation ofthe bates -11
Figure 47, Eloctonic warfare inthe targeting process Figure 51 Spectrum decontcton procedures 413, 53 Figure 0-1 Join fequency management coordination 6a que 6.2, Electonicwartare support request coordination, “
Figure A, The elactomagnaticspectum “2
Figure Appondic 4 (Electonic Warfare) to annex P (Ifrmation Operations) ‘suction: - Khi Figure C-1 Example ofan electronic warfare running estimate ca
Trang 5Figure C-2, Sample update information tothe eleconle waa tuning estimate Figue E-1 Guatdall commen sensor
Figure E-2 Aerial common sensor (concept, Figue E-, Prophet (vehiclemounted)
Figure E-4, ANMLO-268 mobile electronic warfare support system Figure E-5 EA6B Prowler
Figure E-6, C-120H Compats Call Figu E-7 RC-195VIW Rivet Joint Figure €-8 Navy EA68 Prowler Fgure E.9.EA-IB Growler
“Table 2:1, Two Army information Informaton pretecton asks: command and control warfare and “Table 22, Electronic warfare supporto two Amy information tasks
Table 3-1, Function af electronic warfare working groups “Table 41, Sample input to synchrorization matix
Table At, Rado and radar designators and frequency bands Table E, Amy and ot electronic warfare capabiies “Table €-2 Electronic warfare systems and platforms resources
This publication is available at os =2 c2 es Es es 8 E46 Em 24 25 33 47 AS e413 ="
Army Knowledge Online (AKO) (
and the Reimer Digital Library (RDL) at
Trang 6Preface PURPOSE
FM 3-36 poedes Arm dace for eenonke warfrs ()plaonng prpsation, exes, assent Án sp of fll scr operations Users of PM 3-36 tt he amar wth fll sperm operations "Sublahed in FM the mila decomabing press established i FM 5.0, the oprtione proces ‘stblabed in FMI 3.0 commanders wnvaraon dest ma FM) an learsie vwfwe deserted TH
F336 pair nt ote chapters and ss appends Bask shaper ables major asst of Ay EW operatont The oppenines adess pets OC EW operations th! smplemn ne operand deco A osu contin sled te + Chapter 1 dscuses the nae and spe of elacwosie ware and the dmpact of the
‘Sstomogneti caviar on Amy operat
+ Chay 2 offers a discasson of EW ppt to fll estan operation, coma power, the ‘watping functions ang nfomnahon take Chapter} inaduoes he ogunizuionl faneod fo onmand and conto of EW operons 4 Ghaplerd dite lw comments inerate EW sprains thot the aperatons roces + Caper š đồemees the œnlaeon sated to stshrnie and devote EW operons ste + Chapter 6 protides the baling for ntepating EW operations into jin an mulation! + Chapter 7 aiscuses the enabling etnies that support EW operations, sie as sonia end ‘mol elim, logistical spor and EW raning Appi A dace th electromagnet 1 Appendix 8 Ulsates a0 EW appends oan opertion oer
+ ˆ AppenlieC lBednlesa EẤ mi die
+ Aypooli ffs a erenee guilt Army and jst EW saphbiMds+ + ˆ AppenliyF êeensslPRfraleslloslchn raneer
FM 3-6 prides guidance on EW options for commander snd af all elon Tai FM eres as note eerste or personel eh — “+ Dovel doctite lamer piel an ates techies, aod prolate and + ˆ Dengp maitdieml su it tming
+ Dojlop standing operating reser wit opcatons
+ Conds panning, preparation, exection and ase of sonic wafire
TMM +36 splint he Acts Amy Amy Nana GuudAmy National Guard of the Uni State sad US Anny Renee, les thera sao
endures U.S Ay Taning te Decne Corman: the ropes for tis pubis: The pepring ‘pees ithe US) Army Fectonie Ware Propent US Army Combiol Arms Caner Send etn fhmments and rsommendations on = DA Form 2128 (Recommended Changes to ablations and nk Forms) to Commander US, Army Cambie! Ann Cone and Fest Levent ATTN ATZLSCSEW (EM 3⁄46, 980 hive Lane, Huldng 97, Fort Lemony KS 66027-2897 by email
Trang 9
Chapter 1
Electronic Warfare Overview This chapir provides an overview of gieo fosniion tha le inapet on Aemy op rite 10 understand the sletomagnaie environment a wwarfite and the concep! OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS
1-L Aa operate emironmen iss
tet the tuglotet of opus and ter onthe decison of he coneasder UP 3) An opens ‘ment Ineudes pial arene sz, lad, min, sl spae demas Tt lg sod the Fnrmatioa that shapes the operaonaleovtent as wll us ene, aveauy end, and nea ‘Stems rvat o 4 jt option, St planners anal operational cavonments in tes of ik ineelacd epson varible paled, míitay: cemtone, xeid, nlunauian aod if these ables Army datine de two more by seal eneronment and te (See PM) for aloo
infomation on the optional arale) Ans} ales a epestioal varbles to understand and tly he bs enreniet wich the cooing epson, —
L8 Ams leaders us mission vanable Yo syetesize operon vanes ane ta evel oration "rưlgq eo spec element that drety sect ter misann, Upon resin of # wang onset or ison, ‘Amaya Tener aro ros o SN mio variable Hen se METI-TC: They ae ison ‘rom, ean and eater, toops and supped al, te svanble and cl eonserations The rresho aisle oan the steam av apples species en
1-3 Commanders cep and grate sie u's eases si aelege within ter personal vionment fo alte dese end sae Tioygh nh ng hy operon ent eam, antes ‘ders how the eats of ren, adversary, and abl ache cay ipl ht end te Daeg tay operations, Doh facndy sn enemy cocwmanders depend oo he flow of inert tome Tnfomied vies THs Now of infosnatioedeyends op the decuense Sous and devises Wed 6
[4 Comnaoderspin for and operate cleric sens a the weapon ayes tht penton the in
tegtmel loc their doeisimmaking (Appemis A Relher doeteses lhe cleeomegndhe ewsommem)
‘Wilh he cie<remsdmalie etiresmca cedtuniz sidem tmÌ ae tyarae ơ thế cegevmageede spec Ses gel pupe 12)
1-5 The dosuomgntie spon hes oon wl for commercial and miry applies foe over a eon However tefl pen fr tune the pray enalrof ay operations it yc aly ipsa New tshnologien ae expanding beyond he tmltienl rao Eotea vestum Thợ itelde highspower misrraves and duetl-cergy Weapons These new lecligies te pat of a tlestoie warfare (EW) revatio by slit, Ree Ast fey free leverage te cecorapste Spectr fhe advange, no cupble enemies sscoragactc spt to siete fens
ftnce operons The fet ts onounded by The grb of 4 icles worl aad te ocrcssngy ‘pitted un of coer of-hesl teclages
Trang 10
chapter van
| The electromagnetic spectrum
1.6 Adweanes ad enemies, fom smal and single actors o age sae, mulation, and ontte sawrs ua the tos eer tchacogy Such txtoology is ncving ile the cela and sli Sommnuncaons aes Most mis an conmeeal operations rly om electromag tesnologis and ‘ie stocepbl to he khoe vainenbiiEo aocii ii hci oe, Thi rclaace optes Any Cres at the damboe raltuadl land Warfare opraions Emerging eleromagactic ehnologes ele ttbaidal EW caebiitet They dynamically affect the cletromagnee speci teugh detvey and {negation wih ote peso eneging weapons and capablites Exanpler are ditelsienrty wepocs it pemeelrmieowatex beerxidiwsi-ericietn-nal nd iret eka el devces
Trang 12Chaper+
1.8, Elecronie warfare is define ss malay ation avlving the we of eleetomapnte sad dicted outa to onl te elacuemapacic specu ot atk he ea Flecuoae Was cons of Ue lon loctoni ate lest protectin, aad cecum warfare suppot UP 3131) (See ewe 13) vườn sang Be Tơ — spoke ase xen
xpendbs uth os FE docomunpmiet one ane
‘sana act cons) Bi Soa
Figure 1-3 The thee subsivisions of electronic warfare
1.9 _Alcrme atck is dion of eetnk tre ntohing the me nŸ sEviomaglet cho “ito ener, antiation weapons atk persimel (ollie đagsng, neưnlsàng ur êofmyin ene sunbl cạnh Hy am ly sontiesf s am dí fe UP 3 sảng krt 9H te nơi sĩ
1D Hlostone tsk clade ” ns en 19 preven! oe race ab enon eevee ofthe eletwmagetie spect, pring nd lesan dation
‘© Enoplijment of Geapos tal we citer ekwtromesnetic of dinate enero a thet pinay ‘estucive mec cers nib egies Seapons,partice bens) © Otani snd deem ties acai counters
1-10 Cannon pes of is oi glaeE ntole spt arage and sweep clesrsgnetic jamming leronicetack aos do ieide varus electorate deep egies Sih Tae get oF dliete tết generation (Soe Pưagabs LờY lo Lồi R hưồer deơnSiem of ectomi aac
1-11 Dieced energy ian unbrels tam covering cope ht rate othe proton of ean -20eeMeselcleetdraynede energy or mic sc ơcted hơn pronase a dnt mms to dager deste on ena seep men fies nd or substrates UP 102) distensry weapon Perens! In olin to dearactve elf dnec-enrg weapon sions mayor tes dena and ‘rd emt (Se appends for more nfmmation vo crest ener)
1-12 up of offensive eoctonic ata incade— {© Janming ene radar ceitni omnand and eno yt
Using mtadnon mises to sopres enemy air defenses aati weapons ented snc emied fom te ange ht echo for dnc ono aged etnies)
‘8° Vang tetrune.deteglion thee 0 calioe eeg melipees =tnlhôei
0° Ug Heed pe I ela aS Ce 7.004
113 Defersive elevonie ota ues te clcwomgoetic specu to potet personne, faites ‘copula equysnen Fsampls clade se petvtion a leo net och as we of ‘sfonde (les and ave doops amor, hed doves, decedeneray nr coueesare Stems, apd coumteraliocontolled unyuonsalaplasverdovie sven (Sce TP 3181 for mae — ELecrromie Protection
1-14 2lecronic protein i division ofelaroie
Trang 14Chapter +
1.15 Daring patios, cat potdtion nce bu di line le pedio wining and rocelurs or eunlenny enemy cleric lk Arm cane an force niersand hee a ‘Tenby of ticdlyelectoai equipment to cecny eleorone stack aod take appeopite actos Jnepusd Ivey coms cpus tom explolaion sn mi Fleeoic protection mesures ‘minimize heen abil to condi elcome resort (lcs Wifes sported tn paaprph I-80 120) an elven lack peation steely au onl Tees To pater nay combat epi wait
{© sre hat ckronie apsem capsblitics ae segunda! dang exis wodapx end reeplv ent aang ._ CharBndsand đeemfieteketrunagrehespesron uc
1 Provide tring damp rine Home sao planing aid same actos on prope lets poston active an! pasive meee “© Take aproprit ations to mitmie he vncnbilt of rely rcevers to ener jamming aac arraoed per, revit of epson ahd denn lemme) L-lé, Eletrude mecies da nude set tanagcment The pect manager wks fr the xá ‘$6 and hs š bạ cự the cenlmuot ai decoficUonvf specu recurs ested the Tove Spotu maar or hie điedreresitlxei patikipleimtienlemin for EW opens, 1.17 The development sod asgoston of sommuncstions and leo sy4enx ints clsronic rots regtemens 0 slants perormanse praneters Amy Toces dein tec equpoe oUt Inherent wuabties TP ceeHmme wti lneraiies me Sts then unt Mt ree thee rogroms (See DODI 463011 for information onthe aps eration pest al etomagnes empty)
1.1K Bleconic wake sypor i dixon of elestonie watareinvoling etn asked by, or onder "hee sont! of apt sore 4 search for ares, ey and seo li -Rrsss f lemon sod inne rated ceeromngnetic eer for tbe pune of snes ‘hea engin, rgting, Pang ond conduct of fue operations GP 3-131) 1.19 Blctonic warfare spon stems ae 2 sours of ifn fr smmeate Sesion inning clestome slack elastic potetion, atuutnce, ngeting and lb ok employments of forsee hon afr upp sens cll! dasa produce mormon oligos fo '¢Coreborse oe sree of inrmation or inlignse
1 Conductor dret leone tik pesos, © itates-prtectin meas, ‘© Tosk weapon ses, ` — (© Suppor infomation tis
1-20 Elcom warfare suport and sigs imteligene missions we the same resources The two ifr In tbe decid informations mended se, the depres of atlsical lft expended, the del of infomation povided, andthe Une lines equied Lite ttl signals iteligence,eleewone ware "ppm nssne espn! 49 the meds requirements of tsa commander Signals inelges ove the tcdel level is under the operational cotal of fhe Natnal Seuss Agnes and dey ‘pp te overeching national owl mission, Resuecsha cll tee level elton wae ‘por dts can simatanconsy cle atone sgoale aneligenge See FM 2-0 for more Infomation on sgl ineligene
Trang 15
1.21 Atioagh new oyspment and tactics, lchoktes and provedies ctinse lỡ be develop the Đi of elecrmagnatie coer remome cotant ene, effestve EW tates remain the ame ‘espe chings a hanbware and tase Principal EW avis ee sss i the flloing parsers,
Principat Acriviries
1-22 Principal EW sstsites apport fall spor operations by exiting the oppotanies and viMeniihiet imhrenl n úc ve o te cletrmggnet spevium The nanan EW ssi ae Estepona! by the EW svinions si which they me mins! closely sseadel: decren dat Slooone warfare appr, ml ckestoni pretest P 5-13 | nce ese palettes a
lectronie Attack Activities
1.23 Actes relat lesan stack ae irene or defense and lade 1 Hlecimspte desertion
© Fleerumagnetc jamming fe Hecuenspetc pulse 1 Exeoronc probing
1-24 Coumermeauors ar tat form of miary scene ta, by the enginymenl Ÿ deees andlor Xelniguex lúc Re abeclive the impart ofthe operon festive of enemy atiity OP 1-02) “They cin be deed prosper eine, Dees snd testis me for EW couemcsses Ince eetm-piak- nar coantermessses andra que cưmdemmenser
1.28 Alecrepicabinfured coutermcasres const of any device ce techie employing loco cqdeikiniuel nmizkl ow temoloy that c lexlel I5 mg r song lư scihenee nŸ cơn sus partly wk eet to fecison guided neapoe and sense stars Elo epic aaed 1 the pan ofthe cleaomagnete apecrum tetneen the Bug ctl ofthe fa inffate and the los ead of Hhiahti Eleocopteabnared, catnenneaves fa) tse net and” bound ines ‘solevenunls sgastte seprenanl, deco) piroechmlpyrephoies heer mer of eed ‘ged ents cotienteosizes UP 3-13 1
1.28 Rao fcquenay cotermeosres const of en Hee cự kelnigue cngigin rio fequeny ronenals o¢ techology tat inlended to impair te eectveness of sountr chemy ati TRnlsls wih espe pression guided weapons nd cso systems (IP 131)
letramaguete Deception
LLET Eisramagoote dcepon tthe deere radon cease, arson suppression, bon kin enhancement eles of ekestomagoetic energy ma mann iene a convey making tnfamaton to a0 eneny or 1 enemy clesromagnticdepenent weapons erst) Sprang oF ealzing tbe enemy's coon sapbliy P 313) Aroon ie pe of deetromrgtcideeepimt se the ion, l9 Mangelsine clecromapetic deception immghsr ngiưnc lở chninde reveling, of conse
soul, elestromapet late datos ht ae a hy Rosle ce,
4 3imdleine ckekomsgeeic deception invavesacons capable to mlead heat eee, to ximulate Chelly, moto acta
Trang 16
Chapter +
TEkntramsgnci Immeiom
1.28 Alecremagetic ition is he isenelisetion of eetnnagntic energy ito tension pats in any snr ih te objective of tevin pets or of eusig contoca UP 1-02)
Blocramagnetic Lamang
1.29 Elerondgheie jamming + te deliberate tudta,re-tudon, aự rfksim d cleehonuetefE -stggy the p0tseaƒĐưe\cttagr toluene festive ue of te elena fea Wilke ttt of dering or nealing he ees ona capably UP 2) tetromagnstic Pure
1.30 Alecromoguene pube i the cleawomognetc ealition fom a stone cecrenis yulse, most -sommonly eased ty msi epleduo Đạt nạ cake vi seetal ocleetule emo prodice ‘drszing caren sl wltage surges UP 1-02),
lecteoie Proing
LBL Eton prone he oentional ration designe ta Be iưode sổ Ho he devises oe stem ‘of pel enemies forthe purse of tcnang the fenton an nperatinal apes the dence P 112) This sty scorn ehroagh or nariency chan alse hy Ara forces Electronic Warfare Support Activities
132 Actntes relate lsc waist sade — 1 Blecics sey HlestronicReconmasance 1.22 Electronic revnnaintnee is the detect Sestomognci ditions UP 1-2), Isao, HMenifealen, aod elution of forign Blecronic eligence
1.34 Atcrowe tigen is echnical and geclocuton inteligence deed tom frien toncetmuncatons ekctomagneic rlitions emanating from ober than buscar dcenaons or fadouctive somes UP 1-13,
tectonics Secity
138 Etro sect 1s the protection esoing fron all msvsres digo io dey nator Ferons infomation of vahe thai migh be devel from Git imerepon and shah of m1
Trang 17
Elsetronic Pruteeion Activities 2 BCmreseodkimdee 2 Bnvemaund 2 ermnsgee 2 Wumteeemde, tectromaatie Hardening
1.37 Blcramagnetic hardening omit fain ke ape pesonel ces andr uit te fitering, alent, sound honing lor sding sgảmH undeniable fle of cdoebommanee toc OF 14)
1K Alecromagretic ierfrence any chưng danitetoe tit inept oben, oe caberwise depres or ints the efexive pernce of cksionis aod deste equpet It can be ince lehioadyc sen vang forms of eletrenie wate, or useaonally a area of spas ‘ian and responses intarnodulton oducts andthe like GP 1-02)
Plecteamic Masking
1.39 Elconic mashing ithe cooled abation of clstromagneti encry en ren recs ina manner to pote the emissions of toeollycemmuntetns and cletnie jes gata ency ewonie Warfare stypot mestuesigalsllhgence, walt sgalicanly degrading the pein a Frey stems (102) Blecrone Warfare Reprogrammi
140 Etcnomie warfre programming 8 he delivers seston or mien of electrons warfare ‘tet sensing em, ot cies proces ht ep te,m rene owned changes in epapment ic, othe clestommagnet environment These changer tase the rol of dra "cont om the pat of feels, avers or ths pres: or my be bought sho by eersmagreie Interference or her inadvertent phenomens The pune of electonc sara rpegranming i © Tin enhance túc si@clieehea d7 cedfvhe wufsv vi tạ xương suươn eqUME ctonie wwfre epmtgnunng loi change lọ eÏEdefoe deme nfemnhe Msapome ỹ đons mdinigete ealecio don P XIš
Enision Contra
Trang 18Chapter +
“Elsroghdit Spcviui Mangement
I-43.Baerooaghrie speinen management i pasting, evertnating, aed managing it we of the lesromagnci spectra hough operaionl, engineering and admin posetrer The thiet ‘of sperm maopemert to enable secon nyt to perfor thei fnstons ithe lee “cvoen! ve mưa ø ft enaeeptile mzđocree 6),
Warne Reserve Modes
[AS Hirime eere moder se sharers aml operating procaine of senses, conemnicatons aviation da, het recon, spon a enlist ay ‘tection urknown on mumdetoad Yy oposite curses floc ey pe od ba ould be TAplodel er peusabved af kaown i advance, Wate ương odes af debe bế eave be ‘Wari arenes teal sid, evr applied o rcp orto sich use UP 1-02),
Plecrmngetic Compatiiis
1 Elcromagieric compatitay isthe sbiliy of systems, equipment and devi tht lize he cleeHofRugteee spoceum to opeate ip Ue ilonlal opel easeonnets Wout sifoieg tebeesphile deạnhhtơn or caUdng hgmlotkoal sgraiiun heeadr Ÿ cleqHonugtele eabation of St UN0csÖe gp]cdtøef se cietutlgnsie peetam oPdgemet se cgupeet tnd doce design cnfigurton tense inertence ce opera od lear const dosti that mane operabonsleffivences UP 1-13,
161s EW capabilites are apie ham te i tad, set abd pce by manned, womanoed, attend, or tated sitems Us epley EW capes io ave the deste led ce nonlet efls ot ‘tes tae, Una atin oor of stain the lestenagat pectin wal coiling tease “Hy thecreng, Regselcesof le gleaiza.vnis nyin ng E cạpbil8es mu we peop eels ff canuol ab potato ofthe eleezmnagatiespettm a Uns Wa) ey void adversely iaeing tendly toeet [lapuper EW seions nu e winded lens hey tay ese fea or ebniae ma
1.46 nthe conte! of EW appiction, ot se several tens ate conta protestion of he slesromagnets spect Tens nso! in EW appistion isis eat, detection, dena, deption, Seton ad depron, golecton, al desicon The fe sshvnkns of Elton ack tleetoierulenln ai lsgnrie ai spa resfiei viBn the follemg deoiytnne Control
[LAT Ia the contest of EW, contol of he cleworsgetie spestm is achieved by flee ‘ordinaing fend stems wie sant enemy dam TieeEone ae hrnt chemy 0 the tÄeetomugreh sreenat T[evUone nalecisa xe 6e nể te le£tonngosie pec ee fey Toren and elvis wri mpl eublerlú command's acciate see! of fhe seen Thre ane iegrtel for eflechvenesCommaners eqsie mason integration of Sorina Inlignce sven, an resoonassnce; and noration asks
1-48 nthe content EW, detest the ative a passive mont he operational ensrnent Thy reÖo ữetetet, Seo ores lượn cưa sổ ost letromogneti hens Deletion the Fin sep in EW foresplotnntrglng am dlsosne phinDE Fdonly Ecee mang te upthy ts det an chu nfirgte sẻÌontlejanmnng or extention ledrusognce mlơteeree
Trang 19Desist
1.49 nh comext of EW, denis omiling the informatie ao enemy eecRvria te cietospnele specu and preventing Ihe mapession of acute infomation shot Ie forces Degradation se ANNoral jamning techniques, eypendble eomlememires deemeee memwree or ngờ ‘ction These range fom bint eet opt compe den age
1-50 Inthe sores of EM, dosepon isnt oF milange tng ne combiabon sử human grodssed, mesial, ot elcome means Thongh te ofthe skcomagnett spsrun EW sein ranpulitesthe enon 's deco Top, lng A sist to etl soemte tonal Disruption and Degradation
1.51 in he conte! oF EW, druption att deralsto techogies nerfs wi the enemys use the elconomagnetc spot tnt enemy soba cables Thí vẻ With ttn ME ‘estrone destin, an levine inuson These ents aks Rose Recer and st fre Foie ty inoresing nen ance whe reducing ocean for toed forsn Adaond ‘estronie stack fesmgver offer The eppetundy 9 nondesoctvely inp se degmúc cy
1.52 nine cones of BW, proteson the ws phys popes opens tacos ledrigee and ‘rocedues, ant plmning ml mglenot pseeeexln ease frend vse of Ihe elsromagmets Teen, The clues eosin th fensne EM pttes do pot elect destroy nr Sead Trey nelgense senor oy cominictions sams Pots fs asteved By component Hoenig, reo Incnde the capably to dete csi, gence aod mite eactemagnae iedexese ai côn sai ketecDer manngenene vú deơllchen Frequency management mid Sect tess njratns Prtocton oeìwex he nen voterdti fet ene ems onto the wecttmngnctc sper, Alona, organs sh a oi ee commander's EW sao jet EW ecoornation cll enhance leetrne muleciot ly decov]cung P do
1.33 Desrston nthe emfest of EW, i the linnstion of targeted enemy systems Sensors and command nd onl Sve re eave ages Pes hie estan srmgly nce the eet Fereeptions sd abit to cosine actone Vane weap ne elms ranging rom eet Frinione and dered energy weapons to actuerk tack con Đeonyy chen mem tai mẹ te Cestromagneic spesiunlecvome rare sop prices age ction and elt informa ‘Wht desying enemy spipoen an elective dan the enemy eof the compere seca ‘he daration of denial wil depen on tena hit toresonaite (He IP T3 11
Trang 20chapter
[LS4_ EW means ar appli aginst targets rata al ange fetal and nonleDalifets (Sseñtre 4) Choosing a specie EW capublty depends on the desied effet on the target apd ter ensderatons such 3s une seas or iting oar damage EW eapalites provide commanders Wid sdional option fr achieving thei objectives Dung sje combat operons the may be Ssstnsances where commanders sant lo lit the physica Jamage on a given target Under ch ‘ivumsaees, the EW salt ance leary tothe smandc the lal 4nd nnlehdi effets EW Blue ean achieve For example, a age might bebe radar mounted ona fixed over Two EW ‘pons to defeat the ror could be to jon the radar oe estoy wth antidton mss 1 the ‘Shmmaniee sear 1 limi damage tothe tower, mn eleetone tack jomiing pstorn wool! be Prefered Insiramsances her commandes cannot fice init andere eet sich clara Shoge.tey may be consnlned Tem applsing py seal fre The EW sta afeultessucenty how EW capaliies can suppor acioas oacieve desired eet and provide eh and none options for
ben ti —s E1 th aera ve de ym)
face" Men as Serena eons ul ond Tres) Figure 1-4, Means versus effects SUMMARY
1-58 Asthe mae hated feces ore tcelogcllysopbistieted tas options coatinue lobe cxccted nan incesstel compl cecremogneic en\stoment There, comand and stalls mới thonghlynderdan sel ariel bow the cechomapeetc txvitnmed pecs Beit Sperations and how Bens EW operations cn be alo gai an vantage Commanders ah alse tắc enodloy peedel ìn đứa say describe the licaita of EW Ths eames a conned tdleptuehng snlcuesseney win plans, des, nding operating pocsrc, n retNes
Trang 21
Chapter 2
Electronic Warfare in Full Spectrum Operations Information technology i besoming universally aiable, Most enemies rely on onimuniations and eompoter networks to make ad myplement decisions, Rakes romain she backhoe of taeeal milly command and caneol arehieeultsv However, mast ommunicatns relayed exer ead networks ae becoming digit 38 more computers link nesworks though vansmied frequencies Thotefore, the ails to dominate the eltomagnetie sperm i ental ofall spectrum operations, Ths shaper desesibes how commanders apply electronic warfare capabilites to suppomt fal spectrums operations
Anny slectooic walue (2W) operons seck w provide the and fee commander ih Capables to soper fll sevrum operations Fol spectrin options sonst of tbe epost Smollaneoos combination offense, defense, an sb or ee ppt The goa of fal spt ‘perton st change the prt enone tat seta process ae dosnt Nancie, ‘Spertimalenvinnmene are comple: comune: mst cmt operons arcs he etre spt of ‘Shnfit‘The Army mints esl orcs with snc coated eapustice These Hebe od level oven renin ale et major operations SH ewevfng me dạy eo đẹp mnale-seic pert (SSEM30)
2:2 Figoe 21 (page 2-2) how he if ee
ihe slanels of fall specu epeatons (offense dens, aml saihy of el support) as dein a FM 70" Overseas, Amt foes cout fll species perabons (ltnae, delete and sti) rae the ad ore comarir wih apes stupor fall spectey operations Atte sanyo woof EW capes i sop of spon options fp
Trang 22
Electronic Warfare Focus of Effort + + + tectonic Bearone| | rleeweme |Ereweie| | Elaeteme |=ecosne Electronic Warfare Focus of Effort
Figure 21 Electronic warfare weight of effort during operations
23, Full goctum operons involve more thn essing all clement of operations simultaneous ‘hey reise tat camimandes an Sas conser iui’ capabilites an apace lative to each of the sloments of Till spectnan operations Commanders consider ow much can be doomplsbed Simullancoush how sash can be psd, and what sonorgnic resources may be avaable 9 save Problems ‘The sane apples to EW in support of fll spesium operations Cmdr aol stalls ‘Sterne whieh esd and joint fore EW capalties 1 eveage mt suport of each ekemet of fll ‘pesinm operations Weighing the FW focus of effort win each of the elemeals asi commanders td thei sas n visting bow EW capabies ean suport thi opertions Commanders somite ‘ensive defensive, and stability or cv stppot operations wo siz, etn ad expat the naive AS they apps the appropriate eel oC EW efoto supor ths elenent cemindes ca ez, ren and ‘le th ntve ihn fhe elestomagetsevonmest
Trang 23
3-4 To spor fl spectrom operations aod achive the goal of elestomngnte serum dominance, ‘semmander fll intgite EW epubies and appv them sow fe cements nf carb power Leageship an! itormation ae apptio! tough ant mil the effets ofthe hers clement of omit power Parris 25 trough 216 dnc the clents of ombst poser and bow EW “rplites en spt he,
2.5 Leaeship itis the coins or sscess Commanders balance the aby 9 mass he ffs of in! and oma syste th he oguemens To doy and sain De ett empl tos ‘Stem Generating and maintaining sanh power Hơngho an operation is essed Ty's ‘Spertion) enionments re lentes hn are somtent smd and informed in wing ant protcing combet copies thal opeese hin The eeeronnprtic sperm, Commanders plan, Prepare exec, and acess EW opeaions to domnite the clesmoygiche pest sath their ‘Sperlon]ensonment To assompa thie domination, sorimandes ffeil pp al nepis EW ‘Spettins sao the thihlng nelone
2-5 Informtion is he slement of sombat poser consisting of memingl fst, data and inpresons ‘ed to develop a common suntondt unersanding, to ele Bate compu, end to alet the Speratonal enone (Soe FM 0 fort dacs of spt power) Tr moder coals pining Infomation supenoniy has become as nora etal won a dtemning the ecm of operations Informarn shpcrorty the operons ante died fom the aby to sll, prec and ‘Soseminte an milemjtelivy Ffonnhon wl explong or deying a veri ay od the eine UP '-13) To achiev dhs operon advantage, Any commande et tot that onto ‘nfamaton super These for flit our pros arsx Am enformatio ks nen, Ssneilne an Teupnasswcc konvlsge nwnsgeneo vi loi mamggnen (See FM 0 for {dscssion of normstion sper)
Trang 24
2:8, Command and sntol warfare it he ile ae of piel ate, eecton va and erany"s coral and stale syn ot deny ifertin to 7M 3-0) cludes opestoos intended to dea, des, and expo an ene ot adver’ abiy fo se 0o ceendgasie foci Hài choputr tad tlsomemuicatons astwinks formation preteen ke xinh tr tương tod levis end inforaaion.Ifration pưokrLee denies ences alveasica, ad thers th tai là oglot HienHy tongalua and mau xy des for th Own purposes (FM 20 Table 21 sho epubitiestlened eleta sat espnsitsition a upc cells fc he comand wl contd are apd nlumabonpulecon tse (Por lhe wirmaton on dhe loeion ns RànleRM 1Ó) ‘Table 2-1 Two Army information tasks: command and contrl warfare and information rocton HE —¬E= = ae ae, samiiat | ị verison: nc i i —— =e] anders nse EW is coocdiatsd negate snd
2:9 To support thes information tus
Trang 25Electtonic Warfare in Full Spectrum Operations ‘Table 2-2 Electronic warfare supporto two Army information tasks Selena oon a
2-10 BW capabilites sppoct each of the sx waging factions Eanples of spec ating Movement and Manewver
211 The movement and manener wart function jhe rela tes andy sas thal ro free ‘omit (FM 3.0) EW expats tint enable he meerent nid mane of A fares lade
Denil of enemy noemation stems nd iuligene srvelance, ad esenaance me Proton fom oft of spy and enemy EW
Lethal and tonsa fess apsins) enemy combat capably (perimne, fei, and ¬ Tre cng and ect mông
1 Uof the eleiemtagetc pei to cour imped expla devoe options Target design sedrange finding,
Trang 26chapter 2 atelisenee
3 The intgence waren econ the eae nd dong hat fate tndertmdng ‘he operatimal ovrosnent enemy ean, ane snskderons (FM 3.0) Tints ass scat ‘eth nteligece, srveilance an recnnassice EW copies ht eb the telgene er ghng
Fencton te 1 sree acces fr ilelhgence colleen assets tne and persone!) by neieong nes, aniersntl a tne treats
© neremee eapuity lo seach fe ine, enh and late sources of caled lechumsgoeti energy i supp of geting, frost td Ete operations ‘stn spay in providing thet eoogiton andes waning to the eee
4 Ingteatons and wang of tet enters anda
‘© Desial and dosrction af couner-itlipsee, <ul, el -ecmsissace sem Fires
23 The fine wavfhling fonction x the cclated tks ant systems that provide collective and Scorsese of Amy ine! ie jomt Tues, and comand ad cote ware, ling tele Fires, hough the tering process FM 30) aca isk assed ih nepiing command snd ‘Songl wari EW capabilites tht enbl th fies warfighig funtion ined ‘© Desevo ad oetion fags aang electromagnetic eure
1 Dispton,ceaation sml de tochontptnrelur snefg tyyet, Thi nies norton systems targets reuing presen sn (wich asm sildơnl dannge sc mint ‘respons sights, hard ant dacply hae angels, wpe a mass Sesteto, ood power enrson ml intact gels ‘© Cantal, dipension, or netlizatin of conbitid sai sóneonhasdt peiemal with sonpernset fects nm collateral damage (ae letil) © Ars delcapbiies pant veils cesses nd art
2214, The smtaomeit warfighting faction i the relied tks an jes ha provide spent a Senvcs onsite feo of acto, exend personal tech, and feolang eaduace FM 30) EW ‘apis hat enble the sae War ging intone ‘+ Potosi of name fares fom fro and như té of EW in static or sie Enhanced cksomsgnstic covtoament sinuional awareness teh thề ideopi dlsccioe, deputcsen, apd lost of ates) elcomognetc onions and by proving Indistons sod varmgs (The formation ean as 0 conv plang act Wicking end largtng of poten tes sunt pettons) Countering imprvised explosive densest spot ground lines of commaniaton Goss uanterradosonolled inprvie-esposvedviee ment and sumtrng eter st Bggee rough the clectomagoeti sper, sich as ase) Sposa deconitition and erisions eto procedures support of sosammeat comand dont
‘+ Hlecuomagntic spam obcuabin, lowes end mises ea Thee ses powders lưnng aha pean)
Trang 27
in Full Spectrum Operations Command and Contrl
215 "The commun? and conta warfighting function ts the ree tasks and stems th spor ‘ommanders m exesing soi deson (FM 30) EW vapdituer ht eb the ommend nd ‘onl wring © Protection of ren ert ifemation stems command and contol andes, pers oct ce
ufc fr he ets of en and nian EW operations Conta of enh EW cams ugh
«_ Rngeeno desefieton 2 Asset ieking
4 ployment xceton `
"¬— withthe seca manager (Gath prior deployment and when ne senso devon ae nde te deployed « The development of EW command inl cool one oem ee oman been Ana a omt EW operations EW operations stesraon,cooninion,daceiion, an sochronization thoagh he EW working sp ase tata 3) © creaed commander stutind understand Uvough aipoved common operations pitte ‘spat electonagnte sect and EW tll erin,
EW operations monitoring and sere
216, The protection warfging fiction eG elated tasks nl ses ha esse he fc 20 the femmnander can apply mun combat poser (FMC 30) EW capalics sử mon bat ene the —¬- s ` Pnhossd ckeuaEtie spe-nnt sialond awareness trough the interception, deletion,
estat, nd lenton of adversary lesan ess se oping intone fan warnings otal itr andres
© Denial, hrption, ar dexrosti of eleevomngntcspstrin-inggered pred expe devices and enemy a deense es Deception of ray frees
"lectomegnctc petrum osc, ober and lips eh EW coumtemeates for pln 2uv vey (ar aed gud)
Aes dei capabilities tal and oat) agit esac, an sen
Praccton of tically pentnns, equipment /aohiex oi T8enHy an encný ceetsic ‘Mack, slg end ination tự ven and iformaton, This clades the eee Sn wie of Both srome at ounce elect tack with higher adjacent nis)
217 Anny EW opsiions provide the land foros coaumunder capil 1 apport fall apes ‘erations (ofesie, defen, ad ttt) eit supper eperaens) EW sopporsfall spect ‘pero by appling EW capable dls, deny debe, dee o deine end dextoy een ‘chat epaality and ty conling und poten tcl use of te ebcternagnsti heulm These apabies—ihen appl acres the WarihngTentons~ealeconubundts to aca ea St of oswomogacioapccrmslacd let Wo pat au maa 2 alenlge Wid the elawonagnetic ¬
Trang 29Chapter 3
Electronic Warfare Organization
A Mleible organizational framework and espable, profisient electronic wasfare prs enable the commander's electrons warfare sapabii on the bated This chapter discusses a fraeysork that ensues coordination, sneloization, and integration af clesvomic warfare into fall spectrum oporMlone Ths electric \watfie organizational Gamessork suppats current operations an is sfapible for Fae operations
1-1 Operational challenges sores the clvtomagnstic scum ate expanding rapidly AS Army locusts wc (EW) capitis expand o met thee cllengs, he ngantatonal design rege corte, oshrnive, intgrit and devon thse capes mis tansonn a pT met Someit an (oture rornents command and esto of EW operons iBall run he eonoop of EW wvking poops Figure, page 32, hetmte the EW conrdnaton orginal eanewerk
CĐ working grow i «temporary srouping of pelstermingd sa ngưesedldive kho net teostinste and povie recinmendstion for a unkblar purpose of Reeie MI 501) The EW ‘orking soup, when ean esespoible to the Ge tng he Ties el An EW working ep ual inolios representation Yon the G2, G3, Us, Coe, and Ge? tin dewne elle this ‘cganetion the EW suodlodion eel) The EW working grup depicted in figure 31 page 32) Tue the intemal (Am) and eXeoal Goi uteraien, schon, and Gesnfieldn of EW WeluDe with fires sommand aml sưu]: moveme{ wl maneiver tHelhgeke, xadinmet ood Wedeelon wargting Răaoiuet Nounaly, EW wuldng ghaps & not ald aden sruede te ơn {sisting orgniation As eietedT ñgưe 3l, working eoups Vay in tas and smpsion háo base os
X4 When Amy farses te employe os pt of jot or minnionl fre, dey normaly have EW ‘epreseatves sporting bigher headquarters’ EW ceeds ogaiZuiobs The oan tay ince te joint free cmanca's Sometimes 3 conpeecet EW ergantion ni be degated a th jut EW coiton el (Caper EW sao he nfrmaton operas cel wi» om tak force
Trang 32
Baicape Live
6, Atthehdgsde leo te EW ofer ben the EW working groap and Ss scouts othe 8 for imegrting EW roqatermnts Additonal af representation vabin EW working groups athe Bogats
‘cont fa lve may ince the fie suppt srw, EW targeting tsa, 2, 8, spe manager $7, and ion ofr rere 147 The BW working up tthe rig coal ein oot wit te higher shalom EW working ‘oud EW stpyor al ape te bignke'sngaic EW “ght wah the en cll TRE EW acer ‘orks as pt the brigade cena te sa in hs pon, the EW oie same: neg tol deco bnigule Combat tea EW achons wih the EW working group at vin level hong FEW fallen he cool of 3, EW efcrs re fMy meuened mien pc an gang 18 trate proper ean earl of EW See uble 3-1, poge 2, for am line of he fnchion of e Feige coal tam EW working pop
{LA Atte ation evel the EV lier oncominsin fier ete EW wonking ropa te accountable othe 8 for iterating EW requirements Additional stl! tepreentition sie EW ‘terkang ue athe baton level nay ace the 2 6, Gre spp officer and a jon fea ac sonler when asset The fataion EW weekiogfooupcomdinats alalion EW operas ‘ede he gud crs tom EW working roup Soe ble: pape 3 fort thas of he Fn th balaon BW working rp
Company Leven
#9 Atthe company level tine! EW peromel oldng an aédionl sil Menierof 1K (acti EW ‘sprains oe LI (operational EB operations) perm several ase They adr he commande on the ftoloymet of EW eau ack EW eau nein operas he Ue and stern FEW eps, nd canal wil higher beudquers PW working fp, PLANNING AND COORDINATING ELECTRONIC WARFARE, ACTIVITH 3-10, Key psa involved in the plang and coordination of EW ates te— = 3 d S3 ma + BWolier ¬ $ 6ud6xa + _ Elettotinghcie spedlnon manger = Liason G-308%3 SrarE
4-11, The G2 on $2 salt regaaBle Tự the oral planing, cosine stv, esp for alligence The EW elie spat he Ged or 3 sll The G3 or S4 HP = Plans for and inconoats EN’ ino operon pls and onde, partir witb the Fie spp plan ade inferaton operas pla in it operation)
Tasks EW action to assigned and stare nite
© Exercises contol over clsrmis atc, acini steyraton oF sketmagoetic deception plone
Trang 33
Electronic Warfare Organization
irs ceermic protest messes the va wil ke based a mentions fo (or Ss tbe BW ofier se PW vuldng gmuep
(Cordes end sy aches EM mang vi núi in
Coasts and rchonices EW ining eth lhe nit ining reurements Teves EW sappoc tasks nghe thet sligene, svelane, aot rcommsisance pi These tasks ae seco wo he collet plan tel te ialigence vyadldeooshon wai Aeveopo by the Cor $2 ae elects mange,
“Coonlaste wit the EW working group tense planned EW operations suport the overall tact pla, riegnlss detnyle tick a oo cs withthe finest ELECTRONIC WARFARE OFFiceR x
(2 Ava meter ofthe G3 o Ss, he EW oie plans coon, and muppets he esestion FEW The EW otfcer— Leas the EW working gr
Pion, coordinates, nd asses EW offensive, dle an sippor requirement Suppetsthe G-2 05:2 during inllipnce preparation of he tlic
Sappet the fe spat conetinalo to epaecetoni sik fies ae integrate wih all ster ets Pans, asses and plement endl econ seciy essues,
Prionizes EW effects nd tarts wah te fie suport esr
Pune and soovdintes EW operations gon into and inetaing calls Devons EW gpentune th he sperm mgs
Maintains cere! szesnent of sulle EW esc: Petites thr clls pt work pos a eq ese EW itera Severus EW sabjet materesperton extn EW reo expose
“Whe desis serve she janming conta authors
Pq, sabmis fo pyre, and saps the suing and spenontain of agecatay one or EW operations
G2 onS2starF
3.13 The G-2 or $2 sal vise the commander and sa eae intelligence specs o
— Provides teat dat to sport programing of unit EW syns and dso thoi ose 1 tle EW working grown
Ensues tht lenient of hale pirertelr re tilo nthe inti calleston plan
Ơi ae Tamine sen W vingrbilec mổ hgÌ die ogtte
Assoc eect of endl EW options othe ene Holy propa th mtligene sled porno the EW runing stint
Provides apa to he restricted fequeney list by reopening guarded reuenes Providerupdnte on the pid elects nde athe
Mantinsapptmi thai D dtsbases
‘Works wath the EW working gap to ensr that lige collet i iehunized si EW regerements and decnniited sk panned 1 actons mes Iba EW threat dats i scone on enly leconapntis specu nests
Trang 34chapter 3
S14 ‘The naonk options lier the 6 8 ta) conte the onan ewe fr Ihe elowing sic 1 Prepare lecnic section pice baal ofthe conser
1 Astting in preparing EW plans ad ones
e ÂeBodig di eren) clecmie gud: seÚMiÿ deelel by endl cmmunictions ad cletamicsclenesolle EYV inggeqg To enudrneion Assisting the mit EW offer with resting EW systems muctenanoe snd conmuneaons Fated problems
315 The specrum manner cooelises clevooageie spctrum use for a wide vane of ‘comics a lon soars The aps manager 1 Iswerthe signal opecsingsracons
Provide al specu ressrae th tsk fore
© Conran usage Wil ipherecelon C6 oF $6, a spice atta interagency © Coordastes the pepsin of erected rogues) tal uae of enisuns contol mabaee &- Coonlodeñiageteslolen sedpstenk lu, sanlusielecrnstagteledeoxpio plans and operations a wich signed communists
‘eee parte
1 Cournites nus a roduc clestromagneticinererenee
1 Coors tht eat be ese erally with higher ch spsovum mages for electomugnets inference reson fos the EW nem ơnng gamee in he unt (hghrlng shurdnale clenenu) “Rg998ng deeonfisoe sndreolohơn 0Ÿ ptecvense roBlem baween EW syste at her realy tem
© Haticpates the EW working oup uy decolct fiend) ectopic sped requremets wit planed EW penton an mtlgense cco
116 The ompniatio framework for EA coordina Sonstons vrs hy elon, The asessty on a EW workin group args based on the eral sete of he sembatn oce a the eve ‘FEW in be condoted Dar sto! tat, thar Sarae EW rica, spl lelgete ocr ton EW som epresentlves ate meviable to Army EW working prays nthe paming pearson ‘secitim, an comet of EW operons As Amy EW eaabities and conespn for enposen Srnfiue tele 0 do the rptiztimal design at ens her eectve contour son ond “AssHhon m eppMf foperseme
Trang 35
Chapter 4
Electronic Warfare and the Operations Process The p0 process consists of the major com
psvformeddoring operations planning, preparing, esceuing, and continuo #ssoing the operation The commander dives the operations peosss (FM 3 ‘These aeivies occur coitinuously tvoughout an operation, overlapping and recurring as tequiod (80 Tighe el} The sla electronic warfae office #6 sstely involved in the operations process Electonie warfare planning, preparation, exseuion, and assessment require colletive expertise from operations, nlligence Signal, and baile command The cleetronie warfare offcer—through the uii’s conic warfare working groap—inegraes efforts across the warfighing Functions This ensucs that lesrome warlare operations suppoe the commande’ 1 " yeni rs ao "À2 tin cao 2g $ SISSY
Figur 44."oe operon proces SECTION | — ELECTRONIC WARFARE PLANNING
SL Hlestone wafice (EM) phoming sod om thee asin consists The fst os ping te "mltay deidonnaking musee (DMP) EW planacs understand ad alles seve step, ine Const enuonmort ey sl allow all een ‘Additonal EW planes pply EW inferating process Tay indrstand how EW ations sont sep alles the MMP proces popeaely to operons They migrate and sachronice EWC acts saning wid pacing an sunining rouge epeations: Fay EW plasters apply EW euploynent cenideraions
thane of EW cspaiiics
Trang 36Shapers
42 BW planning minimizes frtsside and optimizes opertonl ffectvenes dining section ‘Therefoe, EW phinng oesrx cwneunenly wth tte openMoma pling dog the MOMP The MDMP synchronizes sever process, cling nelgcoe prepantion ofthe ballet IP) (see FM LIM, the tng proses ace FM 211, aod nak mưnngepemt (se F 319) The press row contnuwcly dang operons
443 Depending on the oganizaionl echelon, th a EW oie ea EW planing thagh the EW ‘toring wre (The EW king fia scl be ride i sorties fered tat EW ‘eowfiation ell} An EW woking grup nora supported by repeats tom the G2 or 2 (05 08-3 Os eS, ad ther salt a og, Othe all eens can nce the ie spp feundinatoe ore suport ce spar manger aha er space fcr abd baxae liars Paget 4 trough 4-9 tine Bey EW conte othe proces ne plein se tia sư srg he son eps of the MDMP (FM 5.0 diseases the MMP)
{44 Commuters ean the MOMP upon reiung ní anierstag s nơ mÌsiem Tưng he ir sep fovtntade ve the aa) idee wad taal information toques or commander's ced
k5 Upon sip of mision, he al EW office ltt di nenbex dpDsein te EW ơdông ‘poop The EW off aad super suff hep to gaher he estes requ fr son ane Resoazen mig che higher hearts operaion oder or plan, rape of te ate of sprains, tleeone databases, required Tied mantals and standg operating rowers, curentranwing estes wd eacbck resures (ace appa F) The EW offer als pevides input tothe tas inl "Mosse and ups the EW inning exiate As pat of ths opt, th EMV offen l Trendy EW sss ant resoes att ein situs The EW offer iso take 0c tnmulon Prvaghout he operations process Thisinclnes mentoring tacking and seek ost mai luing {SEW operation fo asst the consbander ad all
446 Planing icudes a onnugi ison analysis Beth the proces and products of mision sal is telpconimandets refine ier daatura uale-ting aaldeernie tết sedcd mo, (Xe PM SA) for more deals) The EW ace ai song menen sĩ đe PP wuđtng goup ctolhle toc ‘rl ison analysis hy putting in (PE am ươơgh the planing iewt eeoxed r pưngrphe TẾ hop 14 (Paragraphs 435 44 dear EW np to TPE ing operons)
47, The BW ofc an EW working group member Convene the appara EW kins ey
1 Dace na at, tuts codons of fves capable Of EW apes a defied in ‘he commie planting osumenis sah asa Narn dere ope er ‘© entity EW planing support equiements and develop supp segues a now
{ES Toe EW offer and EW working grup meter spport the G-2 a8 9 IP by © Deserining th vets dependence on the lesniagetic ena Disc he sets EW eas
Trang 37
Elecone Ware and the Operations Process 1 Detemining the tres itligece te ston api
{Daten which eal vlneablites elie he elaviemapetic pecker
1 Detenning hi the period envianest aft EW opens ening apouioil whble: ml asin vamble taper 1 nating main and veda erton squirrel request fr inrmtion, 49, The EW ofecrand EW working group merers— & Decnmie ben ad dovelopneccaurysesinptions rewal to BW such a the ate of BW
copbiy al probable xccaton and tone sesble
‘+ Any the commander's mission and tet om ax BM perspective ests cont leant to W— Actions EW operons mus peor
+ Astons EW operons ann! perf, + oer eomsaiais
Aly nissen, enemy, tein end weather oops nd sper aval, te able ad ‘se comidratons rom the EW perspesine
4410, The EW oie aml EW wanking ng menbes deEmuie ey ried center of rity tl ist their cial capabilites surement, and valeeiien rom an EW penmpecive (They ‘Staring how EW capabilites Gan be tak an enemys coutand and coal syste) The en of Tran analyte proee uined in igre 42 help HdenH} su lụt te erdal tdMeniiie of coeny Seles of rai The EW olier and EW working edp menbee) ho lợ 0e che regmnbneda ‘Gea wi th denied command and contol ental capably (or stad seo noes) ed thes ea he eal ulster ast ith he ential eee Thouph ths pose the EW ofce sai PM washing group reas bap dtaraise whieh vlacrabies cat be eaged ty EW ‘Sipabilies wo pues deetsveoueone ery aa ihe Se \ \\ Sera | \ Sees: | \ \"Store: propane \ ven comme we deans ieee | / [Fran [peer pa 20 fos pre | / fe oh
Figure 42, Example of analysis for an enemy center of gravity
Trang 38Shapers
‘outs defend priest Rena cenlrs fey fan em tack Key this potion of the ali fo sex the potent iapoct of EW operations on fend information sym mich 9
‘estrone interference
412 The EW ofticer and EW sesking group members dent) al List 4 Highvatac targets tat canbe engaged ty EW cxpailiis
Tasks thi EW forces peat acceding 9 EW aibivison (letone auc, else are support and elcooicpeteton! in support of the Waging Tuneoas These ine 1 Deering spesod EW tasks 4+ Determine mplied EW tasks
413, The BW oticr and EW working groupmenbes— Conduct inal EW forse stetie ana dst faucet ans te aval to ‘fora che ened EW tas lf enganie mace ae ict hy at ries Re © Conde an sal EW rik assent amd revi the Hak asestent dane by the ene working group, 4 Provide EW perspective inthe development fhe comadersresed mission
1 Assim development of the mission sss rfing fo the constr
4-14 By the conlosin of mission anys the EW officer and EW werking group embers generac ther the fllowine posts ad aloratn 4 Theil infomation requtenent for EW epee
A ndimenluy cưnơan and col aol aa of teeny 1 sto Ets reir! suppor the mission ‘hts of assnpinsn somite to EW operations, be paoning ganic fer PW operations [EW persone amention or appt einen
‘Anse of th EW running extn EW potion er ijt tothe caanders esd isin,
(Course oF Actioy DEVELOPMENT
mm 11 Staff develop counes of seca (COM) forthe eotanders approval Figuse 43 depict the ae input te COA develope al Mein tn hay conus aude byte EW officer and EW working ong mecbers dsiog the process abl ouput sles (ona au gh of Tigre 43) The ans the EW ‘tier and EW working gowp members peso to mig COA devloet sce diceea! in more ‘eu paragraphs 16 dough $20
Trang 39
Electronic Warae and the Operations Process INPUT PROCESS QUTEUT
Figure 43 Course of action development
1-16 The EW offer and EW working group members conte ts COA development though the following lamang otons— © Dexsmicing hich frend EA capabtes ae avalable to suppor the person, ishing
orgie and ono capa
«- DaaminingpesBje [rendh sn# snemy TÂY cpemtims melolng enHộing den and 4.17 AdiMtsodl, thẻ EM oir and EW working group members lp deep al COA opns Mộ =_ HediBing CỦA options that may be feasible hoi on thất Baeional expertise (while —¬ = Providing Wi © COA enable ssomplishing «seinen! win the EW ae
ening nformston (lating 4 EW options tht may spit other fictional ess and shunng tat infomation nett
+ Testing he Fl
KHE The EW offecr sad EW working group onbars dtennine tbe Fores segue for mission ƒm te Daemnig te VÀ tasks tit suport cach COA ant haw ptm those sks bse ơn salable forces and capabiliien, (able speci techie opertons capabilities re
‘Stoidted inthis aalysi}
{Proving ingot nd sipport to proposed desepon options
© Borsring the EW options provided in support of all posable CDAS inet the established 419, The EW officer and EW weeing group meer identify EW sappoting ts ad the aps i ‘sépoding ay decisive shaping ad sani Opcntins at euch COA is develope Thee EW tas
Trang 40Shapers
4.20, The EW officer and EW woking proup member eie developing the COA being 3 eared By the cmclason of COA developmen the EW acer an EW senting group memes genes or ther te following posts ad nora
© fbitof BW chetve nd dane fects laa othe EW tank
1 Alistof EW candies roid o prom thes EW tsk fo each COA
{The iatrmaton sd itligence eguetet o prting tho EW ts in upset of enc © Agsplste tothe EW runing estimate
#2 The COA analysis lows thes tw pocrizethe kamen of som rine for cach CO and toi te COA that st seeanglnhe 'Descmine ow o masini the effets of comb ower while rect fcndly fees ad the son ele comune and tl to
mining elle danage
4 Faner dcop wsiization of he ate
© Ampae hati events Desc conditions and esrces rer or acess, 1 Descmine when ad where apg for cxpabition
‘Foote onus costs ade to duce syncoized IP on even strengths nd wenknetea aswell she dei nd ste ests © _Descmine te mot fexble COA,
Purgrpbs 122 403 dacs ations Be EW officer and EW working gtoup ators petra sport COA analyse (SeeFM 5 for mare infomation on wargaming
4.22 Dug COA arly the EW offi and EW working mp members sochronice BW ations and en the sal infesting EM eapabities ao each COA The EW offer and EW working omy
sso ses on hE iy rect CON They gp) aes as
"me ny, eel evcate and dein pots the smdvonishof ma®dx be Bưk 1) Ong his pling ps the EW fice ang neki op memes i
ecormend any EW ask reanzation ajusneats Ment Key EW dso pots,
Prove EW dats for soshromtstion ts Reenramend EW pont ntelpsns equreacts ens EW suppring tasks to any branches an sels len potent EW high se ets
‘Acne EW re edt lgrping intentions, loving ine for ene to iia oft, upd ees leerome tack an hep! fae Chi hon
4-25, By the concason of COA analy arguing, the EW officer and EW working eoup snobs svete or uh the flowing pris and nemo The BW data forthe rachranzton mat
The EW portion of the ranches ad esi Ai high ae tga o EW
he sk assess! or EW options a support of each COA 1 Alii comminde's eal fora niet elated 6 EW © Aduplse tobe EW runing eins