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89 CẤU TRÚC CÂU TRONG TIẾNG ANH 100 CẤU TRÚC CÂU TRONG TIẾNG ANH ( made by Mr Tran Ngoc Tuan ) 1 S + V + too + adj/adv + (for sb) + to do something (quá cho ai không thể làm gì ) e g This structure is[.]

100 CẤU TRÚC CÂU TRONG TIẾNG ANH ( made by Mr.Tran Ngoc Tuan ) S + V + too + adj/adv + (for sb) + to something: (quá cho khơng thể làm ) e.g This structure is too easy for you to remember e.g He ran too fast for me to follow S + V + so + adj/ adv + that + S + V: (quá mà ) e.g This box is so heavy that I can not take it e.g He speaks so soft that we can’t hear anything S + V + such + (a/an) +adj + N(s) + that + S + V: (quá mà ) e.g It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it e.g It is such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all S + to be/V + adj/ adv + enough + (for sb) + to something : (Đủ cho làm ) e.g She is old enough to get married e.g They are intelligent enough for me to teach them English S + V + enough + noun+ (for sb) + to something : (Đủ cho làm ) e.g I have enough money to buy a new house e.g He has enough time to wait for her Chủ ngữ giả định + It + is/ was + adj + (for sb) + to + st adj : easy, difficult, possible, impossible, safe,unsafe, dangerous …… e.g It was dangerous for her to go out alone last night + It + is/ was + adj + (of sb) + to + st adj: kind, nice,good, silly, stupid, clever, intelligent,………… e.g : It was kind of him to help an old man ( anh thật tốt giúp đỡ ông già) Câu nhấn mạnh (cleft sentence) It + was/is + something/ someone + that/ who: (chính mà e.g: It is Tom who got the best marks in my class e.g It is the villa that he had to spend a lot of money last year It + be + time + S + V (-ed, cột 2) + O (đã đến lúc phải làm ) e.g It is time you had a shower It’s +time +for someone +to + something : (đã đến lúc phải làm ) e.g It’s time for me to ask all of you for this question It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to something: (tiêu tốn thời gian để làm ) e.g It takes me minutes to get to school e.g It took him 10 minutes to this exercise yesterday 10 It’s the first time + S + have ( has ) + Vpp + st ( Đây lần làm ) e.g: It’s the first time we have visited this place.( lần tới thăm nơi ) 11 It is + time + since +S + last+ Ved + O (đã kể từ lần cuối cùng….) e.g: It is 10 years since I last saw her 12 The last time + S+ Ved+ O + was + Time ( lần cuối đó…….là ……) e.g: The last time I met her was years ago.(lần cuối tơi nhìn thấy năm tr) 11 S + Would rather + V (bare) +O (ai thích làm gì) e.g They would rather go fishing 12 S + Would rather ('d rather)+V(bare) +than +V (bare): (thích làm làm gì) e.g She would play games than read books e.g I’d rather learn English than learn Biology 13 S + Would ( ‘d ) rather + sb + did + st ( Muốn làm ) e.g: I’d rather you ( he / she ) stayed at home today ( Tôi muốn bạn / anh / cô nhà tối ) 14 S + would like/ want/wish + to something: thích làm e.g I would like to go to the cinema with you tonight 15 S + had ( ‘d ) better + + smt ( Nên làm ) You’d better learn hard.( Bạn nên học chăm ) You’d better not go out.( Bạn không nên ) 16 S+ prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing (Thích gì/ làm gì/ làm gì) e.g I prefer dog to cat e.g I prefer reading books to watching TV 17 S + suggested + V-ing + O ( gợi ý làm gì) e.g He suggested going to the cinema _ S + suggested that Sb + should + V + O ( đề nghị nên làm gì) e.g I suggested that he should go to the dentist S + suggested that Sb + Vbare + O ( đề nghị làm gì) e.g I suggested that he go to the dentist 18 S + wish(es) + to-verb + o (Ai mong muốn làm gì) S + wish(es) +Sb + could, would + Vbare +O ( ước điều tương lai) S + wish(es) +Sb + Ved +O ( muốn làm -điều khơng có thật tại) S + wish(es) +Sb + had + Vpp +O ( muốn làm -điều khơng có thật qk e.g She wishes to become a nurse in the future e.g She wishes she had a brother e.g She wishes he hadn’t come 19 Câu điều kiện a Điều kiện loại : xảy tương lai S1 + Vs,es + O, S2 + will/ shall/ can/may … + V + O e.g : If it rains tomorrow, we’ll delay the game b Điều kiện loại 2: khơng có thật S1 + Ved,II + O, S2 + would/could/should/might…+ V + O e.g: If The earth stopped going around the Sun, I wouldn’t love you c Điều kiện loại Khơng có thật q khứ S1 + had + Vpp + O, S2 + would/could/should/might…+ have + Vpp + O e.g: If he had gone to the meeting yesterday, He’d have seen her d Điều kiện pha trộn S1 + had + Vpp + O , S2 + would/could/should/might…+ V-infi + O e.g : If he hadn’t stayed up late last night, he wouldn’t feel tired now 20 But for + Noun, S + would + V-infi +O ( ko có đk loại2) = If it were not + for + noun, S + would + V-infi +O e.g : But for your daily help, I couldn’t finish my work = If it weren’t for your daily help, I ………… 21 But for + Noun, S + would + have + Vpp +O ( nÕu ko cã tloaijddk lo¹i 3…………) = If it hadn’t been for + noun, S + have + Vpp +O e.g But for her encouragement, he couldn’t have succeeded = If it hadn’t been for her encouragement, ……………… 22 Without + Noun, S+ would (not) + V-infi +O ( nÕu ko có đk loai 2) = If + S +MV + not +V-infi +O, S+ would (not) + V-infi +O e.g: Without your help, I wouldn’t pass the exam = If you didn’t help me, I wouldn’t pass the exam 23 Without + Noun, S+ would (not) +have + Vpp +O ( ko có đk loại 3) = If + S +had + not +Vpp +O, S+ would (not) + have + Vpp +O e.g: Without her encouragement, he wouldn’t have succeeded = If she hadn’t encouraged him, he wouldn’t … 24 S + waste + time/ money + V-ing: tốn tiền thời gian làm e.g He always wastes time playing computer games each day e.g Sometimes, I waste a lot of money buying clothes 25 S+ spend + time/ money + V-ing: dành thời gian làm e.g I spend hours reading books a day e.g Mr Jim spent a lot of money traveling around the world last year 26 S + spend + time/ money + on + something: dành thời gian vào việc e.g My mother often spends hours on housework everyday e.g She spent all of her money on clothes 27 S + hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/ suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing e.g I always practise speaking English everyday 28 S + afford/ agree/ arrange/ ask/ appear/ attempt/ choose/ decide/ ecpect/ manage/ offer/ promise/ refuse/ seem….+ to-V + O e.g : She managed to open the door 29 can’t stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing: Khơng chịu nỗi/khơng nhịn làm e.g She can't stand laughing at her little dog 30 Câu đoán a S + may/might + have + Ved,III + O ( có lẽ là……… điều chưa chắn lắm) e.g: She looks very tired, she may have stayed up late last night ( cô trông mệt, có lẽ thức khuya tối hơm qua) b S + must + have + Ved,III + O ( ……………) e.g: It is wet today, It must have rained last night ( Hôm trời ẩm ướt , hẳn đêm qua có mưa) 31 It’s not necessary for smb to smt = Sb + don’t need to smt ( Ai khơng cần thiết phải làm ) doesn’t have to smt e.g: It is not necessary for you to this exercise.( Bạn không cần phải làm tập này) 32 S + find+ it+ adj + to something: (thấy để làm ) e.g I find it very difficult to learn about English e.g They found it easy to overcome that problem 33 S+ be/get + used to + V-ing +O: (quen làm gì) e.g I am used to eating with chopsticks 34 S + used to + V (infinitive): (đã làm qk không làm nữa) e.g I used to go fishing with my friend when I was young e.g She used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day 35 S + be + able to smt = S + be + capable of + V_ing ( Có khả làm ) e.g: I’m able to speak English = I’m capable of speaking English.(Tơi nói tiếng A) 36 S + prevent/stop + someone/st + from + V-ing: (ngăn cản ai/ làm ) e.g He prevented us from parking our car here 37 S + protect + sb/st + from + V-ing + O ( bảo vệ khỏi làm gì) 38 to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing: giỏi / e.g I am good at swimming e.g He is very bad at English 39 To be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing: ngạc nhiên e.g I was amazed at his big beautiful villa 40 To be angry at + N/V-ing / with sb tc gin v điều gì, với e.g Her mother was very angry at her bad marks 41 by chance = by accident (adv)= come across tình cờ e.g I met her in Paris by chance last week 42 to be/get tired of + N/V-ing: mệt mỏi e.g My mother was tired of doing too much housework everyday 43 to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing : thích làm e.g My younger sister is fond of playing with her dolls 44 to be interested in + N/V-ing: quan tâm đến e.g Mrs Brown is interested in going shopping on Sundays 45 to give up + V-ing/ N: từ bỏ làm gì/ e.g You should give up smoking as soon as possible 46 To be interested in + N / V_ing ( Thích / làm ) e.g: We are interested in reading books on history.( Chúng tơi thích đọc sách lịch sử ) 47 To be bored with ( Chán làm ) e.g: We are bored with doing the same things everyday.( Chúng chán ngày làm việc lặp lặp lại ) 48 To succeed in V_ing (Thành cơng việc làm gì)\ S +be+ successful in doing st e.g: We succeeded in passing the exam.(Chúng thi đỗ ) 49 To be busy doing smt ( Bận rộn làm ) e.g: We are busy preparing for our exam.( Chúng bận rộn chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi 50 To want sb to st = To want to have+ st + PII ( Muốn làm ) ( Muốn có làm ) She wants someone to make her a dress.( Cơ muốn may cho váy = She wants to have a dress made.( Cơ muốn có váy may ) 51 To look forward to V-ing ( Mong chờ, mong đợi làm ) e.g: We are looking forward to going on holiday.( Chúng mong nghỉ ) 52 To provide sb with V_ing ( Cung cấp cho ) e.g : Can you provide us with some books in history?( Bạn cung cấp cho số sách lịch sử không?) 53 To fail to smt (Không làm / Thất bại việc làm gì) e.g: We failed to this exercise.(Chúng tơi khơng thể làm tập ) 54 To borrow smt from smb (Mượn ai) e.g: She borrowed this book from the liblary.( Cô mượn sách thư viện ) 55 To lend smb smt (Cho mượn gì) e.g: Can you lend me some money?( Bạn cho tơi vay tiền không? 56 To make sure of smt that + CN + động từ ( Bảo đảm điều ) I have to make sure of that information.( Tôi phải bảo đảm chắn thơng tin 57 To have no idea of smt = don’t know about smt ( Khơng biết ) e.g: I have no idea of this word = I don’t know this word.( TƠI khơng biết từ ) 58 To advise smb to (not) smt ( Khuyên làm e.g: Our teacher advises us to study hard.( Cơ giáo khuyên học chăm ) 59 To plan/ to intend to smt ( Dự định / có kế hoạch làm ) e.g: We planed to go for a picnic.( Chúng dự định dã ngoại ) 60 To invite smb to smt ( Mời làm ) e.g: They invited me to go to the cinema.( Họ mời xem phim ) 61 To offer smb smt ( Mời / đề nghị ) e.g: He offered me a job in his company.( Anh ta mời làm việc cho công ty ) 62 To rely on smb ( tin cậy, dựa dẫm vào ) VD: You can rely on him.( Bạn tin anh ) 63 To keep promise ( Gĩư lời hứa ) VD: He always keeps promises 64 To apologize for doing smt ( Xin lỗi làm ) VD:I want to apologize for being rude to you.( Tơi muốn xin lỗi bất lịch với bạn 65 Try to ( Cố làm ) VD: We tried to learn hard.( Chúng cố học chăm ) 66 Try doing smt ( Thử làm ) VD: We tried cooking this food.( Chúng tơi thử nấu ăn ) 67 Somebody + need to smt ( cần làm ) VD: You need to work harder.( Bạn cần làm việc tích cực ) 68 Something + need doing (cái cần làm ) VD: This car needs repairing.( Chiếc ôtô cần sửa ) 69 To remember doing ( Nhớ làm ) VD: I remember seeing this film.( Tôi nhớ xem phim ) 70 To remember to ( Nhớ làm ) ( chưa làm ) VD: Remember to your homework.( Hãy nhớ làm tập nhà )) 71 To mind doing smt ( Phiền làm ) VD Do / Would you mind closing the door for me?( Bạn đóng cửa giúp không? 72 To stop to smt ( Dừng lại để làm ) VD: We stopped to buy some petrol.( Chúng dừng lại để mua xăng ) 73 To stop doing smt ( Thôi không làm ) VD: We stopped going out late.( Chúng không chơi khuya ) 74 S + have/has + something + to-Verb: có để làm e.g I have many things to this week 75 S + have/ get + something + done (past participle): (nhờ thuê làm ) e.g I had my hair cut yesterday e.g I’d like to have my shoes repaired 76 S + has/ have + sb + V(bare) + O ( yêu cầu làm gì) I have him carry my luggage into my room 77 S + make + sb + V(bare) + O ( u cầu làm gì) e.g I made him close the door S + be + made + to-verb + O ( yêu cầu làm gì) e.g He was made to close the door 78 Let smb smt ( Để làm ) VD: Let him come in.( Để vào ) 79 S + regret + doing +st (lấy làm tiếc làm điều gi) S + regret + to +st ( tiếc phải thông báo điều không may cho ai) 80 S + recommend + that + Sb + V(bare ) + O (đề nghị làm gì) e.g: I will recommend that the student speak to the director Câu đảo ngữ (inversion) 81 S + V + O, So + MV + S ( …… , Ai vây.)(câu khẳng định) e.g: Peter went to the her party,so did I ( peter dự tiệc cô vậy) S + not +V + O, neither + MV + S ( …… , Ai vậy.)(câu phủ định) e.g: Peter didn’t go to the her party,neither did I ( peter khong dự tiệc cô vậy) 82 Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện a ĐK loại 1: Should + S + V + O, S + will/can/may… + V + O b ĐK loại 2: Were + S + ( to-V) + O, S +would/could/should…+V+ O c ĐK loại 3: Had +S + Ved,III + O, S + would/could/should…+ have+ Ved,III + O 83 Đảo ngữ mệnh đề hệ a So + adj/adv + MV + S+ V + that + S + V + O ( mà……………) e.g: So angry was he that he couldn’t speak b Such +(a,an) + adj + noun + MV + S+V+ that + S + V + O ( mà………) e;g: Such a beautiful girl is she that every one looks at her 84 Seldom ( …………………….) Rarely + MV + S +O ( Ít ……………………….) Never ( khơng …………….) e.g: Rarely had we seen a man look so unhappy ( It lại trông thấy người trông đau khổ đến vậy) 85 Hardly + had + S + Ved,III + when + S +Ved + O ( vừa ……… … ) Scarecely + had + S + Ved,III + when + S +Ved + O ( vừa ……… … ) No sooner + had + S + Ved,III + than+ S +Ved + O ( vừa ……… … ) e.g: Hardly had I arrived when I heard a terrible explosion ( Tơi vừa đến nghe tiếng nổ khủng khiếp) 86 Only + time + MV + S +O ( ………………………….) e.g: Only after a few days did I begin to see the results of my work ( sau vài ngày thấy kết việc làm) 87 Not only + MV +S +V+ O ,but also + S +V +O.(khơng những,……… mà cịn) e.g : Not only did we lose all our money,but we also come close to losing our lives 88 Not until + S + V+ O, MV + S + V + O ( …………thì) e.g: Not until the war ended, did he return to his village 89 At no time +MV + S + V………… ( chưa lúc nào…………) e.g: At no time did he suspect that his money was stolen 90 Only by + V-ing/ noun + MV + S + V + O ……( cách ………….) e.g: Only by training hard, can you become a good teacher 91 It was only when + S + Ved + O , MV +S +V + O ( ………….,thì …….) e.g: It was only when I saw the photograph, did I realize he was 92 No longer + MV + S + V + O…… ( khơng cịn ………….) e.g: No longer women in developed countries bear many children ( khơng cịn phụ nữ nước phát triển sợ sinh nhiều con) 93 Đảo trạng từ địa điểm lên đầu ta đảo động từ lên trớc chủ ngữ Adverbial of place + V + S +O e.g: There is a small house at the top of the hill = At the top of the hill is there a small house 94 As far as theo như…………… As long as miễn là,với điều kiện …… As soon as ………… As much as nhiều tốt………… As early as từ ………… As good as gần ………… e.g: As early as the first time I met John, I recognized his hummour ( Ngay từ lần gặp John nhận hài ước anh ấy) 95 Adjective + as +S + V + O, S + V + O ( ………………………) Much as I admire his courage, I think he is foolish 96 If only + S + V(past tense) + O ( ………………………(ở tại……….) e.g if only my son were good at math If only + S +had + V(pp) + O ( …………………………( khứ…….) e.g if only he had taken my advice 97 Các cụm từ với out of S + be +out of date hết hạn sử dụng S + be +out of doors trời S + be +out of order bị hỏng = break down S + be +out of reach tầm với S + be +out of stock hết hàng S + be +out of work thất nghiệp = jobless = unemployment S + be +out of fashion lỗi thời, lỗi mốt 98 However + adj/ adv + S+ V + , S + V + O ( dù ) e.g However fast he runs, we can catch up with him Dù chạy nhanh nữa, đuổi kịp anh 99 Whatever + S + V+ , S + V + O ( dù ) Wherever+ S + V+ , S + V + O ( dï ni ) Whenever + S + V+O , S + V + O ( dï ) Whoever+ V+ O , S + V + O ( dï …ai ®i ) Whom + S + V+ O , S + V + O ( dï …ai ®i ) 100 To be made of = consist of làm bằng- giữ nguyên chất liệu ban đầu e.g This table is made of wood To be made from làm bằng- không giữ nguyên chất liệu ban đầu e.g Wine is made from grapes To be made out of làm bằng- đề cập đến trình làm vật e.g His cake was made out of flour, butter, sugar, eggs and milk 101 Cấu trúc: Neither … nor…: không … không… Neither Danh từ Đại từ Nor Danh từ Đại từ Eg: Neither I nor you are right (Tôi không đúng, bạn khơng đúng) Mr Hùng likes neither wine nor beer (Ơng Hùng khơng thích rượu khơng thích bia) ->Câu viết lại là: Mr Hùng doesn’t like either wine or beer 102 Cấu trúc: Either … or …: (hoặc) … … Either Danh từ Đại từ Or Danh từ Đại từ Eg: Hung wants to ask either you or me to help him repair his computer (Hùng muốn nhờ bạn giúp anh sửa máy vi tính) Either her parents or she is invited to the party tonight.( Cô cha mẹ cô mời dự tiệc tối nay.) Lưu ý: -Khi câu có cấu trúc động từ phải chia theo danh từ sau or nor Nếu danh từ số động từ chia ngơi thứ ba số ngược lại - Nếu or nor xuất câu (khơng có either neither) áp dụng quy tắc trên: theo danh từ theo sau để chia động từ ... khơng thích rượu khơng thích bia) - >Câu viết lại là: Mr Hùng doesn’t like either wine or beer 102 Cấu trúc: Either … or …: (hoặc) … … Either Danh từ Đại từ Or Danh từ Đại từ Eg: Hung wants to ask... nhờ bạn giúp anh sửa máy vi tính) Either her parents or she is invited to the party tonight.( Cô cha mẹ cô mời dự tiệc tối nay.) Lưu ý: -Khi câu có cấu trúc động từ phải chia theo danh từ sau or... cake was made out of flour, butter, sugar, eggs and milk 101 Cấu trúc: Neither … nor…: không … không… Neither Danh từ Đại từ Nor Danh từ Đại từ Eg: Neither I nor you are right (Tôi không đúng,

Ngày đăng: 31/12/2022, 18:19
