Introduction to Microarray Analysis Introduction to Microarray Analysis Uma Chandran PhD, MSIS Department of Biomedical Informatics chandranur@upmc edu 412 623 7841 12/17/08 mailto chandranur@upmc edu[.]
Introduction to Microarray Analysis Uma Chandran PhD, MSIS Department of Biomedical Informatics 412-623-7841 12/17/08 My Background Bioinformatics Analysis Service UPCI Department of Biomedical Informatics Clinical Genomics Facility – Runs expression, SNP and microRNA microarrays Bioinformatics tightly integrated with data analysis Expression, SNP, proteomic, integration of proteomic and genomic data Workshop Objectives Introduction to microarray analysis Understand general principles BRB Array Tools from NCI HSLS also offers Array Assist, Genespring GX Not an advanced analysis course – offered through DBMI and Biostatistics Not a statistics course Will discuss some statistical issues Should consult literature, statistician to understand methods in detail What is a microarray Probes on chips Detect target RNA in samples High throughput 10000s of specific probes Measure global gene expression Glass beads, chips, slides Bioinformatic approaches for analysis Tumor Measuring 10000s of data points simultaneously High dimensional data 10 Exp x 50K = 500K How to find real differences over the noise Statistical approaches Normal Bioinformatic approaches for analysis Tumor Class Comparison Class Discovery Which genes are up or down in tumors v normal, untreated v treated Within the tumor samples, are there subgroups that have a specific expression profile? Class prediction, pathway analysis etc Normal Challenges in microarray analysis Different platforms Ilumina, Affymetrix, Agilent… Many file types, many data formats Need to learn platform dependent methods and software required Analysis How to get started? Which methods? Which software? Many freely available tools Some commercial How to interpret results Public databases Many sources for public data – labs, consortia, government Publications require that data files including raw files be made public GEO – geo/ Array Express press/#ae-main[0] What tools to use Gene Spring GX (HSLS) Today’s exercise using BRB arrays tools from NCI Excel Interface First install R statistical package from Bioconductor Fairly easy to use if you don’t have access to commercial tools Analysis is robust, display and graphics are minimal Learn concepts using BRB