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Analysis on translation strategies of selected articles on theguardian (an assignment on translation practice 3

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ACADEMY OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION Faculty of Foreign Languages Analysis on Translation Strategies of Selected Articles on Theguardian (An assignment on Translation Practice 3) By: La Chi Cuong – ETE 39 Supervisor: Ph.D Nguyen Thi Huong Ph.D Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong HANOI, 2022 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction of newspaper 1.2 Introduction of the translated articles ENGLISH – VIETNAMESE TRANSLATIOANS 2.1 Hard news 2.2 Soft news 23 ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIES USED IN THE TRANSLATIONS 49 3.1 Headline translation 49 3.1.1 Pragmatic translation 49 3.1.2 Syntactic strategies 50 3.1.3 Semantic strategies 51 3.2 Lead translation 53 3.2.1 Pragmatic strategies 53 3.2.2 Syntactic strategies 54 3.2.3 Semantic strategies 56 3.3 Body translation 58 3.3.1 Pragmatic strategies 58 3.3.2 Syntactic strategies 63 3.3.3 Semantic strategies 70 REFERENCES 74 APPENDIX 76 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction of newspaper 1.1.1 Brief introduction Tien Phong Newspaper is an internal newspaper and an online newspaper under the management of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Website Tienphong.vn is ranked 72nd by Alexa in the most visited websites in Vietnam Currently, Tien Phong Newspaper has two forms of publication, which are paper publications and electronic versions In terms of content, the newspaper always upholds the views and guidelines of the Communist Party of Vietnam providing information in all fields, such as politics, economy, sports, law, etc The target audience of the newspaper is readers who are in the working age ranging from 18 to 60 years old Tien Phong has become a newspaper agency with many types of publications including newspapers and magazines with high reputation, with publications widely distributed throughout the country and serving overseas Vietnamese: Tien Phong Daily, Sunday Tien Phong, Month-end Tien Phong, Beauty and Young Knowledge magazines 1.1.2 Newspaper sections All sections of Tien Phong Newspaper accept translated international news The sections include politics, economy, sports, law, entertainment, culture, health, technology, etc 1.2 Introduction of the translated articles 1.2.1 Types of news The assignment focuses on 12 articles, there are hard news and soft news 'Hard' news is typically used to refer to topics that are usually timely, important and consequential, such as politics, international affairs and business news Conversely, „soft‟ news topics include entertainment, celebrity, and lifestyle news 1.2.2 Topics of the selected articles The translated articles are mainly about:  Politics  Education  Economy  Culture  Sports  Lifestyle  Natural disaster 1.2.3 Rationale The reason why I chose these news articles to translate is that I want to translate news from different fields, thus enriching my knowledge in each of the selected areas Moreover, articles are from The Guardian are one the most prestigious news agencies in the UK and the world Therefore, choosing various topics means that I can learn their way of writing news in different aspects ENGLISH – VIETNAMESE TRANSLATIOANS 2.1 Hard news Hard news is typically used to refer to topics that are usually timely, important and consequential, such as politics, international affairs and business news 2.1.1 Hard news English Vietnamese Glossary Indonesian island of Java hit Trận động đất 5,7 độ richter by earthquake of at least 5.7 kinh hoàng đảo Java, magnitude No Indonesia immediate reports of Chưa có thống kê thương tremor: trận động đất casualties or major damage vong hay thiệt hại sau trận devastated: tàn phá after tremor shakes town of động đất tàn phá thị trấn Cianjur that was devastated Cianjur vào tháng trước last month A 5.7-magnitude earthquake Cơ quan Khảo sát Địa chất Hoa the United States has hit Indonesia‟s main island Kỳ (USGS) cho biết trận Geological Survey: of Java, the United States động đất mạnh 5,7 độ Richter Cơ quan Khảo sát Geological Survey (USGS) công hịn đảo Java Địa chất Hoa Kỳ said, shaking the same town Indonesia, làm rung chuyển devastated by another quake thị trấn bị tàn phá trận last month that left more than động đất khác vào tháng trước 330 people dead khiến 330 người thiệt mạng The quake struck on land at a Theo USGS, trận động đất xảy epicentre: tâm chấn depth of 112km (70 miles) and đất liền độ sâu 112 km epicentre was located 18km tâm chấn cách thành phố south-east of city of Banjar, Banjar 18 km phía đơng according to the USGS There nam Khơng có báo cáo were no immediate reports of thương vong casualties or major damage thiệt hại lớn The country‟s meteorological Theo nhà báo Agence agency gave a higher France-Presse, quan khí magnitude of 6.4 for the quake, tượng nước đưa which also shook buildings in trận động đất mạnh 6,4 độ Indonesia‟s capital, Jakarta, richter, trận động đất làm according to an Agence France- rung chuyển tịa nhà thủ Presse journalist Jakarta Indonesia The agency said the tremor had Cơ quan cho biết trận động aftershock: dư chấn caused buildings to shake in the đất khiến tòa nhà thị town of Garut, in West Java trấn Garut, tỉnh Tây Java rung province, and warned residents chuyển, đồng thời cảnh báo cư near the epicentre to beware of dân gần tâm chấn đề phòng potential aftershocks However, dư chấn xảy Tuy it said there was no threat of a nhiên, quan cho biết tsunami khơng có nguy xảy sóng thần Indonesia experiences frequent Indonesia thường xuyên phải seismic: địa chấn seismic and volcanic activity hứng chịu hoạt động địa because of its position on the chấn núi lửa nằm Pacific “ring of fire”, where “vành đai lửa” Thái Bình tectonic plates collide Dương, nơi mảng kiến tạo va chạm vào Last month a shallow 5.6- Một trận động đất mạnh 5,6 độ magnitude tremor hit the town richter công thị trấn of Cianjur in West Java, killing Cianjur Tây Java vào tháng 331 people, injuring thousands trước, khiến 331 người thiệt and leaving tens of thousands mạng, hàng nghìn người bị homeless after buildings collapsed thương hàng chục nghìn it triggered người nhà cửa sau and landslides làm sập tòa nhà gây lở đất Many were found buried under Nhiều người tìm thấy rubble in the days after the bị chôn vùi đống đổ nát quake, with successful several ngày sau trận động only reported, đất, có số giải cứu rescues including an operation to free a thành công báo cáo, bao six-year-old boy that gồm ca phẫu thuật giải cứu emergency workers described cậu bé sáu tuổi mà as a “miracle” nhân viên cấp cứu mô tả "phép màu" Residents of the town were Cư dân thị trấn lại bị rung shaken again by Saturday‟s chuyển trận động đất hôm quake and it caused some roofs thứ Bảy khiến số mái to be military lightly official damaged, told broadcaster Kompas a nhà bị hư hại nhẹ, quan local chức quân nói với đài truyền hình địa phương Kompas “It made us feel like we were “Nó khiến chúng tơi cảm thấy swaying We could see hanging lắc lư Chúng lamps swaying,” he said tơi nhìn thấy đèn treo đung đưa”, anh nói A 6.2-magnitude quake that Trận động đất mạnh 6,2 độ shook Sulawesi island in richter làm rung chuyển đảo January last year killed more Sulawesi vào tháng năm than 100 people and left ngoái giết chết 100 người khiến hàng nghìn thousands homeless người nhà cửa 2.1.2 Hard news English Vietnamese Glossary flood-water Nhiều thị trấn Italy hứng chịu Deadly „tsunami‟ sweeps through trận lũ kinh hoàng quét qua Italian towns At least nine people have Các trị gia buộc phải đặt died and four are missing vấn đề khủng hoảng khí after dramatic storms hậu trước tổng tuyển cử provoked severe flooding in mà bão gây lũ lụt Italy‟s central Marche nghiêm trọng vùng trung tâm region, forcing politicians to Marche nước Ý khiến it finally raise the topic of the người chết người tích climate crisis a week before general elections Dozens of others are reported Hàng chục người khác cho apocalypse: ngày to have saved themselves by tự cứu cách trèo tận climbing on to rooftops and lên mái nhà cối, viễn trees, in scenes described as cảnh mô tả giống being akin to an “apocalypse” "ngày tận thế" Năm mươi người Fifty people are being treated điều trị bệnh in hospital viện Heavy rain began to lash the Từ chiều thứ Năm, mưa lớn bắt region on Thursday afternoon, đầu trút xuống khu vực, with streets turning into rivers phố biến thành sông Cantiano and 420mm of rain falling in thị trấn bị ảnh hưởng nặng nề the worst-hit town, Cantiano, với 420mm nước mưa, within a few hours, half the vòng vài giờ, nửa amount that fell on the town lượng mưa đổ xuống thị trấn throughout the whole of 2021, suốt năm 2021, Corriere della Sera đưa tin Corriere della Sera reported Mario Tozzi, a geologist, told Mario Tozzi - nhà địa chất La Presse that six months‟ học, nói với La Presse lượng worth of rain had fallen across mưa sáu tháng giảm the region within three hours The regional capital khắp khu vực vòng ba of Thủ phủ khu vực Ancona Ancona and areas surrounding khu vực xung quanh bị it were also badly affected ảnh hưởng nặng nề “It‟s a tragedy,” said Manuela Manuela Bora - ủy viên hội the centre-left Bora, a local councillor with đồng địa phương đảng Dân Democratic party: the centre-left Democratic chủ trung tả cho biết: “Đó Đảng Dân chủ trung party “But there was no thảm kịch Nhưng điều đáng nói tả warning, which leaves us không cảnh báo speechless – we weren‟t lời hay chuẩn bị prepared for such intense rain điều cho trận mưa dội It started yesterday and by Sự việc hôm qua about 9pm I was receiving đến khoảng tối, nhận videos where you could see video mà bạn thấy the disaster the storms were thảm họa mà bão gây causing It‟s a bit more under Hiện tại, thành phố Ancona control now in Ancona city kiểm soát nhiều but in some towns it is very chút số thị trấn, tình serious, like an apocalypse.” hình nghiêm trọng, giống ngày tận thế” Carlo Manfredi, the mayor of Carlo Manfredi – thị trưởng Castelleone di Suasa, told Rai Casrelleone di Suasa, chia sẻ News on Friday morning that với Rai News vào sáng thứ Sáu rescuers were still searching đọi giải cứu for an eight-year-old boy tìm kiếm tung tích cậu bé tuổi “Last night we found his “Chúng tìm mẹ cậu mother alive,” he said “She bé vào tối qua Cô was in her car when she saw xe dòng nước kéo đến ôm the water coming and she got trai nhảy khỏi xe out with the child in other họ bị tách ra”, Carlo arms But then they got nói dragged away.” A 17-year-old girl and her Các nhà chức trách tin mother are believed to have thiếu nữ 17 tuổi mẹ 10 where you could see the disaster the storms were causing It‟s a bit more under control now in Ancona city but in some towns it is very serious, like an apocalypse.” Carlo Manfredi, the mayor of Castelleone di Suasa, told Rai News on Friday morning that rescuers were still searching for an eight-year-old boy “Last night we found his mother alive,” he said “She was in her car when she saw the water coming and she got out with the child in other arms But then they got dragged away.” A 17-year-old girl and her mother are believed to have been swept away by flood waters near the town of Senigallia as they tried to flee the area by car Francesco Acquaroli, the governor of Marche, which is led by the far-right Brothers of Italy, the party on the verge of national power after elections on 25 September, said he had received calls of solidarity from President Sergio Mattarella and the prime minister, Mario Draghi “The pain over what has happened is deep, but the Marche community is strong and will know how to react,” he said Giorgia Meloni, the Brothers of Italy leader who could become Italy‟s prime minister, offered “full solidarity” to those affected The climate crisis has been largely absent from the debate in the run-up to the elections, despite scientists launching a petition in August that was signed by more than 120,000 people urging politicians to make the issue a priority Enrico Letta, the leader of the centre-left Democratic party, announced on Friday that he was suspending campaigning over the tragedy, adding that he was “stunned and speechless” “How can you think that the fight against climate change is not the first priority?” he said Francesco Rocca, the president of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, wrote on Twitter that he was “very concerned by the growth of extreme weather events” 78 Italy‟s longest river, the Po, this year suffered its worst drought in seven decades In early July, 11 people were killed when a huge mass of ice from a glacier on the north side of the Marmolada mountain in the Dolomites broke away, causing a fatal avalanche 5.3 Hard news https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/30/people-killed-india-bridge-collapsegujarat-state At least 81 people dead after bridge collapses in India‟s Gujarat state Rescue operation under way following failure of pedestrian suspension bridge in city of Morbi At least 81 people were killed when a pedestrian bridge over a river in the western Indian state of Gujarat collapsed, plunging hundreds of people into the water, officials have said Authorities said that more than 150 people were on the suspension bridge over the Machchhu River in the city of Morbi at the time of the collapse TV footage showed dozens of people clinging on to the cables and twisted remains of the bridge as emergency teams struggled to rescue them Some clambered up the broken structure to try to make their way to the riverbanks, while others swam to safety Prateek Vasava, who swam to the riverbank after falling from the bridge, told 24 Hours local news channel that he witnessed several children fall into the river “I wanted to pull some of them along with me but they had drowned or got swept away,” he said The bridge had collapsed in just a few seconds, he said 79 Gujarat‟s home minister, Harsh Sanghavi, said that more than 150 people were on the narrow cable-stayed bridge, a tourist attraction that draws many sightseers during the festive season when Diwali and Chhath Puja are celebrated The 230-metre-long (750ft) bridge was built during British rule in the 19th century It had been closed for renovation for six months and was reopened to the public last week India‟s prime minister, Narendra Modi, who was in his home state of Gujarat for a three-day visit, said he had directed the state chief minister to urgently mobilise teams for the rescue operation The state government has formed a five-member special investigation team to conduct an investigation into the disaster Morbi is one of the top areas of ceramic manufacturing in the world and accounts for more than 80% of India‟s ceramics output The incident comes before elections in Gujarat that are expected to be held by the end of the year, with the current term of Modi‟s ruling party ending in February 2023 5.4 Hard news https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/11/thousands-of-iranians-protest-insouth-east-to-mark-bloody-friday Thousands of Iranians protest in south-east to mark „Bloody Friday‟ Thousands of Iranians protested in the restive south-east to mark a 30 September crackdown by security forces known as “Bloody Friday” as the country‟s rulers faced persistent nationwide unrest Amnesty International said security forces unlawfully killed at least 66 people in September after firing at protesters in Zahedan, capital of flashpoint Sistan and Baluchistan province Authorities said dissidents had provoked the clashes 80 A video posted by the widely followed 1500tasvir activist Twitter account purported to show thousands marching again in Zahedan on Friday Reuters could not verify the authenticity of the footage Another video that 1500tasvir said was from the town of Khash in the south-east showed protesters trampling and breaking a street sign carrying the name of top general Qassem Suleimani, who in 2020 was assassinated by a US drone attack in Iraq Public anger before the 30 September shooting was fuelled by allegations that a police officer raped a teenage girl Authorities have said the case is being investigated Anti-government demonstrations also erupted that month after the death of a Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, who had been detained by morality police for allegedly flouting the Islamic Republic‟s strict dress code imposed on women Nationwide, demonstrations have since turned into a popular revolt supported by students, doctors, lawyers, workers and athletes, with fury directed mostly at the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Women have been at the forefront of the protests, with many removing their hijabs On Friday, video emerged of the archer Parmida Ghasemi removing her hijab during an awards ceremony in Tehran In the video, Ghasemi, standing along with other athletes on a podium, lets her headscarf fall while unseen people in the audience clap and shout “bravo” The athlete next to her tries to pull up Ghasemi‟s scarf, but she moves her head away Reuters could not verify the authenticity of the video The government, which has blamed Amini‟s death on preexisting medical problems, has said the protests are fomented by Iran‟s foreign enemies, including the US, and has vowed to reestablish order It accuses armed separatists of perpetrating violence and seeking to destabilise the Islamic Republic 81 Some of the worst unrest has been in areas home to minority ethnic groups with longstanding grievances against the state, including Sistan and Baluchistan and Kurdistan Sistan and Baluchistan, near Iran‟s south-eastern border with Pakistan and Afghanistan, is home to a Baluch minority with an estimated million people They have faced discrimination and repression for decades, according to human rights groups 5.5 Hard news https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/15/irish-soldier-killed-lebanon-unpeacekeeping-mission Irish soldier killed on UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon Convoy of two armoured utility vehicles travelling to Beirut came under small arms fire, Ireland‟s defence forces said An Irish soldier was killed on a UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon on Wednesday when a convoy of two armoured utility vehicles travelling to Beirut came under small arms fire, Ireland‟s defence forces have said Another Irish member of the United Nations interim forces in Lebanon (Unifil) is in a serious condition having undergone surgery after the incident, the statement said Two other soldiers are being treated for minor injuries The remaining four personnel from the convoy were not injured “It is with deep regret that Óglaigh na hÉireann [the Irish defence forces] can confirm the death of one of our peacekeepers in a serious incident in Lebanon last night,” the defence forces said, adding that a full investigation would commence The Irish defence minister, Simon Coveney, who is in New York for a UN security council meeting, said he would meet the UN secretary general, António Guterres, later on Thursday to discuss the incident 82 “As a people, we take great pride in our unbroken record of peacekeeping with the United Nations However, we must never forget the dangers that come with this work,” said the Irish president, Michael D Higgins, in a statement 5.6 Soft news https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/27/thai-transgender-tycoon-buys-missuniverse-organization-for-20m Thai transgender tycoon buys Miss Universe Organization for $20m Jakapong „Anne‟ Jakrajutatip has spoken about her experience as a transgender woman and advocated for trans rights A Thai celebrity media tycoon who is transgender woman has bought the Miss Universe Organization for $20m, marking the first time the beauty pageant organiser will be owned by a woman, her company has said The annual beauty contest run by the Miss Universe Organization, which was coowned by Donald Trump between 1996 and 2002, is broadcast in 165 countries and has been running for 71 years Jakapong “Anne” Jakrajutatip, the chief executive and biggest shareholder of JKN Global Group, is a celebrity in Thailand, starring in local versions of reality shows Project Runway and Shark Tank She has spoken about her experience as a transgender woman and also set up the Life Inspired For Thailand Foundation to advocate for the rights to dignity and opportunities for transgender people A profile of Jakapong in the Bangkok Post newspaper earlier this year said that she studied at an all-male school where she was harassed for identifying as female The acquisition is “a strong, strategic addition to our portfolio,” said Jakapong, adding that Miss Universe, with its content, licensing and merchandising opportunities, plans to expand in Asia 83 JKN said it has established a subsidiary in the United States, JKN Metaverse, to own the Miss Universe Organization JKN produces its own shows and distributes content in Thailand from abroad including documentaries and Bollywood dramas Thailand enjoys a positive international reputation, but when it comes to the rights and lifestyles of LGBTQ communities, the absence of a procedure for transgender people to change their legal gender, coupled with insufficient legal protections and social stigma, limits transgender people‟s access to services and exposes them to daily indignities, Human Rights Watch said in a report last year 5.7 Soft news https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/08/us-agency-block-mergermicrosoft-activision-blizzard-video-games US agency moves to block landmark merger of Microsoft and Activision Blizzard Regulators voted 3-1 to stop the biggest acquisition in video game history, citing concerns over thwarting of competition The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has moved to block Microsoft‟s takeover of video game company Activision Blizzard, citing concerns that the deal would thwart competition by denying rivals access to popular gaming content Microsoft, which owns the Xbox video game console system, said in January 2022 that it would buy Activision for $68.7bn, which would make it the biggest gaming industry deal in history Activision is the maker of popular games including Call of Duty and World of Warcraft The FTC voted 3-1 on Thursday to issue its complaint after a closed-door meeting, with the three Democratic commissioners voting in favor and the sole Republican voting against 84 The US agency, which enforces consumer protection and antitrust laws, said the merger could suppress competitors to its Xbox game consoles and its growing games subscription business The agency said that Microsoft had a record of buying valuable gaming content and using it to stifle threats from rival consoles The deal had also raised concerns with the UK‟s competition regulator, which said it “could substantially lessen competition in gaming consoles, multi-game subscription services, and cloud gaming services” “Microsoft has already shown that it can and will withhold content from its gaming rivals,” said Holly Vedova, director of the FTC‟s bureau of competition “Today we seek to stop Microsoft from gaining control over a leading independent game studio and using it to harm competition in multiple dynamic and fast-growing gaming markets.” Microsoft president Brad Smith said the company would fight the FTC “While we believed in giving peace a chance, we have complete confidence in our case and welcome the opportunity to present our case in court,” he said 5.8 Soft news https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/03/bonfire-night-fireworkscause-major-distress-to-wild-geese-study-finds Bonfire night fireworks cause major distress to wild geese, study finds Researchers recommend that displays not take place in areas with large wildlife populations Though fireworks on bonfire night bring joy to many people, it is likely to be a night of terror and distress for the UK‟s geese Research by Anglia Ruskin University has found that firework displays cause wild birds to suffer significant distress, and researchers have recommended that displays not take place in areas with large wildlife populations 85 A study, published in the journal Conservation Physiology, is one of the first carried out into the effects of fireworks on wildlife It found that the heart rate of geese increases by 96% when they are subjected to firework displays It is unclear whether it is the noise that upsets them, or the flashing lights, or a combination of both Scientists have said they will conduct further studies The study involved 20 wild greylag geese (Anser anser) fitted with temporary transmitters to record their heart rate and body temperature, which are measures of physiological stress The geese, at Almsee lake in Upper Austria, were monitored during the annual New Year‟s Eve celebrations, which involve midnight fireworks displays from villages around the lake Claudia Wascher, who led the research, found that the average heart rate increased from 63 to 124 beats per minute, and their average body temperature increased by 3%, from 38C to 39C, in the first hour of January It took the geese about five hours before the birds displayed normal body temperatures, with average readings returning by 5am Geese not seem to become used to fireworks over time, as they were a range of ages and there was no significant difference in response correlated to age Wascher, associate professor in the school of life sciences at Anglia Ruskin, said: “Ours is one of the first scientific studies to examine whether fireworks disturb wildlife There have been previous studies showing that fireworks can cause anxiety in pets, for example in dogs, but little research has been done into how animals in the wild respond “In Austria, New Year‟s Eve fireworks begin at midnight and last for several minutes We believe the increase in physiological stress recorded over a number of hours is a combination of increased physical activity caused by the geese taking flight while the fireworks are being set off, and psychological stress This causes the birds to expend additional energy at a time of year when food is scarce 86 “We need to carry out further research to conclusively tell whether the geese are responding to the noise or the light pollution from the fireworks, or a combination of both Many people get a lot of enjoyment from fireworks but it‟s important that we consider animals – both pets and wildlife – whenever planning a display It‟s clear from our study that we should certainly avoid using fireworks in areas with large wildlife populations.” 5.9 Soft news https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/nov/15/football-fans-will-have-to-pay-12for-a-beer-at-world-cup-in-qatar Football fans will have to pay £12 for a beer at World Cup in Qatar Limit of four drinks per order amid fears of binge drinking Football fans will have to stump up nearly £12 for a beer at the World Cup – despite pre-tournament promises by organisers to keep prices modest There will also be a limit of four drinks per order amid fears that some supporters could binge drink Alcohol is usually restricted in Qatar, a conservative Muslim country, with the few hotel bars allowed typically charging about £12-£15 for a beer or glass of wine It had been indicated by Nasser al-Khater, the chief executive officer of the 2022 World Cup, that prices for beer in the fan zones and at stadiums would be much lower for fans, with others indicating it would be about £7-£8 per pint However it has emerged that a 500ml glass of Budweiser, the only official beer of the World Cup, will cost 50 riyals – about £11.60 A non-alcoholic version will be 30 riyals (£7) and water will cost 10 riyals (£2.30) Budweiser has stated that fans, who must prove they are older than 21 to buy alcohol, will be limited to a “maximum purchase of four Budweiser units per person” Supporters are also being told: “Drink wiser, cheer better, hydrate between Buds.” In a sign that there may have been discussions with Fifa and the Qatari government before the final pricing policy was reached, the company added in its statement: 87 “Budweiser is proud to be served in compliance with the local rules and regulations by Fifa‟s appointed concessionaire.” On Sunday it emerged that Budweiser had been told to move its beer stations to less visible sites outside stadiums, with the New York Times reporting that the order came from Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the brother of Qatar‟s ruler 5.10 Soft news https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/dec/16/barbie-first-trailer-greta-gerwigmargot-robbie Barbie: first trailer for Greta Gerwig‟s movie starring Margot Robbie The Little Women writer-director has re-teamed with Noah Baumbach to write a new take on the much-loved doll character The teaser trailer for the much-anticipated new take on Barbie has landed, giving us our first official look at Margot Robbie in action The Suicide Squad star takes on the role of the divisive doll, originally launched in 1959, in a satirical film directed by Greta Gerwig based on a script she wrote with Noah Baumbach The two previously collaborated on scripts for Frances Ha and Mistress America “People immediately have an idea of, „Oh, Margot is playing Barbie, I know what that is,‟ but our goal is to be like, „Whatever you‟re thinking, we‟re going to give you something totally different – the thing you didn‟t know you wanted,‟ Robbie said to the Hollywood Reporter She added that she hoped the film will “provoke a thoughtful conversation” The starry cast also includes Ryan Gosling as Ken as well as Will Ferrell, Issa Rae, Kate McKinnon, Simu Liu, Michael Cera, America Ferrera, Ncuti Gatwa, Emerald Fennell, Rhea Perlman and Kingsley Ben-Adir Ferrell, who plays a Mattel CEO, has called the film “the ultimate example of high art and low art” and “an amazing comment on male patriarchy and women in society” 88 Barbie had originally been in the works in 2015 with Oscar-winning Juno screenwriter Diablo Cody before it moved to Amy Schumer in 2016 who was set to star and cowrite She dropped out in 2017 and later said: “They definitely didn‟t want to it the way I wanted to it, the only way I was interested in doing it.” It was then set to star Anne Hathaway before it finally went to Robbie, who asked Gerwig to get involved The film is set to be followed by another Mattel adaptation, a take on Polly Pocket written and directed by Lena Dunham and starring Lily Collins Dunham confirmed in October she is still working on the script Other Mattel films in development include Masters of the Universe and Hot Wheels Gerwig made her directorial debut with Lady Bird, which earned five Oscar nominations before she brought a new adaptation of Little Women in 2019, which garnered six Oscar nods Robbie‟s latest film, Babylon, co-starring Brad Pitt, hits cinemas this month and she will be next seen in Wes Anderson‟s Asteroid City alongside Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson and Tilda Swinton Barbie is set to land in cinemas in July 2023 5.11 Soft news https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/03/beauty-queens-miss-puerto-ricomiss-argentina-married Beauty queens Miss Puerto Rico and Miss Argentina marry in a secret ceremony Fabiola Valentín and Mariana Varela posted a video highlighting their two years together and their courthouse wedding The former pageant queens Miss Puerto Rico and Miss Argentina have revealed a romantic secret: not only have they been in a relationship, but last weekend they tied the knot 89 After two years together, Fabiola Valentín of Puerto Rico and Mariana Varela of Argentina posted an Instagram reel celebrating their romance “After deciding to keep our relationship private, we opened the doors to you on a special day,” the caption said, surrounded by heart and ring emojis The video showed highlights from their time together, including travel, cuddles and the wedding proposal The couple got married on 28 October in a Puerto Rico courthouse dressed in white The post has received almost 10,000 comments “Omg congratulations MGI brought together a beautiful union,” said Miss Grand International 2020 winner Abena Akuaba, referring to the international beauty pageant “Congratulations beautiful, God bless your union and long live love!!!!” wrote Valentina Figuera, the previous year‟s winner The pair appears to have met while competing at the Miss Grand International pageant in Thailand, reported NBC news They both made it to the Top 10 Same-sex marriage is legal in Argentina and has been legal in Puerto Rico since 2015 following a US supreme court ruling 5.12 Soft news https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/oct/12/netflix-to-reveal-for-first-time-howmany-people-watch-its-shows-in-the-uk Netflix to reveal for first time how many people watch its shows in the UK Streaming service‟s decision to sign up to independent ratings agency is world first and will give insight into its cultural power Netflix will finally reveal exactly how many people watch its programmes in the UK, giving an insight to the true cultural power of the streaming service and its impact on British viewing habits 90 Until now it has been possible to know that 13 million people tuned in for the finale of the BBC‟s Line of Duty or that 31 million viewers watched England in the Euro 2020 final – but Netflix has closely guarded the numbers of people who stream its hit shows such as Squid Game or Heartstopper In a change of direction, the streaming service agreed to sign up as a full member of the British ratings agency, Barb, meaning it will publish independently audited viewing figures that can be compared with traditional channels As a result, when the fifth series of The Crown is released next month, it will finally be possible to see whether the cultural coverage around Netflix‟s royal show actually attracts more eyeballs than a less-hyped programme on a traditional television channel Preliminary figures from September showed how Netflix is already used by two-thirds of the British television viewing public in a given month Netflix currently accounts for 8% of all television viewing in the UK, making the company larger than Channel 4, Channel 5, and Sky – but still far behind the BBC and ITV The decision to go public with viewing data for individual programmes suggests Netflix is confident that it will be seen in a good light Reed Hastings, Netflix‟s cochief executive, said he was following up on a promise to the British television industry while speaking at a Royal Television Society event in 2019 “We‟ve kept in touch with Barb since then and are pleased to make a commitment to its trusted measurement of how people watch television in the UK,” he said Netflix‟s traditional hoarding of viewing data was long a bone of contention within the television industry, with the company selectively releasing viewing figures only when it suited the business It would trumpet the tens of millions of people who had watched particular shows but used its own unusual definition of a viewer as someone who had watched just a few minutes of a programme Rivals would often snark that the company never published the figures for its expensive flops, while programme creators could be unsure if their shows were being watched – or why they had been cancelled 91 As a result the BBC‟s former head of television strategy, Becky Marvell, warned in 2019 that traditional British broadcasters were “not competing on a level playing field” She argued that the lack of Netflix viewing figures made it harder for show creators “to make the right decisions about who to work with” Netflix now believes that customers like to see what other people are watching and that it reinforces the company‟s cultural standing It has already introduced “top 10” viewing charts on its apps around the world, although the Barb deal makes the UK the first country in the world where Netflix has signed up to an independent ratings agency The company‟s latest UK accounts showed it took £1.4bn in revenue from British customers, equivalent to almost 40% of the BBC‟s licence fee income However, subscriber numbers have started to plateau and it is planning to introduce a cheaper advertising-supported subscription Television ratings are calculated using a panel of tracking devices and data monitoring software installed in thousands of British homes From these data points, estimates of television viewing are produced, such as the peak audience of 29 million people who tuned in to watch Queen Elizabeth‟s funeral – or the 28,000 viewers who watched Monday‟s night‟s episode of Piers Morgan‟s programme on talkTV 92 ... 2.2 Soft news 23 ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIES USED IN THE TRANSLATIONS 49 3. 1 Headline translation 49 3. 1.1 Pragmatic translation 49 3. 1.2 Syntactic strategies. .. 50 3. 1 .3 Semantic strategies 51 3. 2 Lead translation 53 3.2.1 Pragmatic strategies 53 3.2.2 Syntactic strategies 54 3. 2 .3 Semantic strategies. .. Semantic strategies 56 3. 3 Body translation 58 3. 3.1 Pragmatic strategies 58 3. 3.2 Syntactic strategies 63 3 .3. 3 Semantic strategies 70 REFERENCES

Ngày đăng: 27/12/2022, 09:08

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