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Dialog® Database Selection Guide ppt

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Dialog ® Database Selection Guide >> T HOMSON SCIENTIFIC Dialog ® Database Selection Guide >> T HOMSON SCIENTIFIC DA TASTAR, DIALOG, DIALINDEX, DIALOG OnDisc, DialogLink, DIALORDER, First Release, OneSearch, ONTAP, PROFOUND and TOXFILE are registered trademarks of The Thomson Corporation in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other jurisdictions. Chronolog, DIALOG Headlines, DIALOG Homebase, DIALOGSelect and SourceOne and SitePrints are trademarks of The Thomson Corporation. All other brand and pr oduct names ar e trademarks of their r espective owners. Publication Number CO 018002 MI I nformation in this document is current through December 31, 2007. Editorial: Raymond Niro, Beverley Crane, Louise Dagit ©2008 The Thomson Corporation in the US . 1 DIALOG DATABASE SELECTION GUIDE I ntroduction 3 Dialog Databases 5 Kinds of databases 5 Database updates 5 Database sources 6 Choosing the right database 6 Dialog Bluesheets 6 Dialog OneSearch ® : Database Subject Categories 7 Dialog OneSearch Categories 7 Dialog OneSearch Categories by Topic 7 Dialog OneSearch Categories by Identifier 8 Create your own Dialog OneSearch category using the Alias feature 12 Dialog Command Language: SET ALIAS Command 12 DialogLink 5: Searcher Preferences – Alias 12 Database Finding Tools: DIALINDEX ® 15 Dialog Command Language: DIALINDEX Sample Search 16 DialogLink 5: Sample Search 20 DIALINDEX Supercategories 21 Dialog OneSearch/DIALINDEX Categories 23 Dialog Databases by Name 51 Dialog Databases by Number 57 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 DIALOG DATABASE SELECTION GUIDE More than 600 databases are available on the Dialog service. Each database is a compilation of authoritative data provided by the most reputable publishers, professional societies, scientific organizations, and Thomson. The breath and depth of information on Dialog guarantees you will find relevant information for almost any topic imaginable. This Database Selection Guide is intended to > help you identify Dialog databases that are relevant to a particular research topic > illustrate how to use the time-saving, pre-selected subject groupings of databases known as OneSearch categories > introduce the Alias feature, a tool for creating your own, customized OneSearch categories > provide step-by-step instructions for using the DIALINDEX finding tool in Dialog Command Language ( DialogClassic) and DialogLink 5 About Dialog Dialog is the premier online retrieval service with the most comprehensive content collection and most powerful search language available. From concept testing, to clinical trials, to product launches, to patent protection, Dialog delivers accurate, relevant, trustworthy results with amazing speed. Choose web, text or customized interfaces, or integrate just the content you need into your own applications. Thomson Scientific has developed a comprehensive suite of online search tools for Dialog to fit the needs of any researcher or information user, regardless of research focus, skill level or preferred interface. Combining flexible pricing options and up-to-date Web Services tools, you can also create your own content set and interface derived from the entire Dialog collection. Integrate content with Web Tools for Dialog Content can be integrated into portals and other tools using the Dialog Application Programming Interface ( Dialog API), an XML-based web service that enables Dialog’s extensive content collection and renowned search engine to be integrated transparently into websites, enterprise portals, corporate intranets and extranets, software applications and other interactive services. Dialog API supports Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) for integrating Dialog content into compatible platforms. Applications created using the Dialog API can utilize the entire Dialog content set, enabling the creation of comprehensive information solutions. And, since the Dialog API interfaces with the powerful Dialog search engine, applications can be created for novice users and expert searchers alike. Let Thomson Scientific handle your research needs If you are short on time, staff or expertise in a subject area, the Search Services professionals from Thomson Scientific can help. We understand the art of patent, literature, competitive intelligence and market data searching and possess the br eadth and depth of knowledge necessary to fulfill your requests, on time and within budget. We can provide research assistance in many areas, including: > Clearance / Right-to-Use / Freedom-to-Operate Searching > Collection / State-of-the-Art Sear ching > Competitive / T echnical Intelligence Sear ching Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIALOG, LLC DIALOG 4 Introduction > Infringement Searching > Novelty / Patentability / Prior Art Searching > Patent Watches and Alerts > Validity / Invalidity Searching Our team of advanced-degree specialists has extensive knowledge of business methods, chemicals, intellectual property, mechanics, pharmaceuticals, science and more. Knowledgeable, global customer support In addition to sophisticated precision tools and accurate, authoritative content, Thomson Scientific solutions are supported by best-in-class customer service and training. Highly skilled and knowledgeable consultants from a wide variety of educational and professional backgrounds s taff our worldwide Knowledge Center, 24 hours a day, every business day. As an extension of your organization, the Knowledge Center offers peer support through specialists with backgrounds as librarians, IT specialists, scientists, attorneys and business professionals. Combine our Knowledge Center search and product expertise with your own knowledge and understanding of your research needs for the optimal search outcomes. For more information, go to support.dialog.com, email dialogcustomer@thomson.com or call +1 800 334 2564 (inside North America) or 00 800 33 34 2564 (outside North America). customer@dialog.com DIALOG 5 DIALOG DATABASE SELECTION GUIDE Dialog Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A database or file is a collection of information on a particular subject and contains a number of separate documents all with the same structure. Each database on Dialog is identified by a number (e.g., U.S. Patents Fulltext is “File 654”).The content in a database may be an online version of something previously published in print, entirely new material or a compilation of information a ppearing in many different publications. Databases are sometimes divided up into several file segments. Each file segment, most commonly divided by dates of coverage, contains a different p iece of the database. An example is EMBASE ® : File 72 covers 1993 to the present; File 73 covers 1974 to the present; File 772 covers 1947 to 1973. Available databases are described more fully i n the D ialog • DataStar Database Catalog . Kinds of databases Each unit in a database is referred to as a record or document. Exactly what makes up a record differs from database to database. There are four general types of databases: Bibliographic, Numeric, Directories and Complete text. > Bibliographic databases. Each record in a bibliographic database is a reference or citation (many also include a summary or an abstract) to a publication, magazine or journal article, news story, patent, conference paper, etc. (e.g., MEDLINE ® [File 154], Inspec ® [File 2], Derwent World Patents Index ® [File 351]). > Numeric databases. Each record in a numeric database is a table of statistical data, often with text added (e.g., TableBase ™ [File 93]). > Directory databases. Each record gives factual information about companies, organizations, products, chemical compounds, etc. (e.g., D&B—European Financial Records [File 523], (TRADEMARKSCAN ® —U.S. State [File 246], Merck Index Online SM [File 304]). > Complete text databases. Each record includes the complete text of magazine articles, newswire stories, patents, etc. (e.g., The San Jose Mercury News [File 634], U.S. Patents Fulltext [File 654]). In addition, some databases contain a mix of several different kinds of data, such as bibliographic and fulltext records (e.g., Business & Industry ™ [File 9] and Gale Group PROMT ® [File 16]); graphics (e.g, chemical structures in Beilstein Database—Facts [File 390], drawings in Derwent World Patents Index ® [File 351] ); and links to original sour ce documents (e.g., in Fr ost & Sullivan Market Engineering [File 767]). Database updates Databases are updated regularly, usually according to a fixed schedule, such as daily, weekly or monthly. Some databases are updated annually, or whenever there is a new version produced. Update frequencies are sometimes different from when articles appear in print versus online. A database noted as having an Update Frequency of “Archive” contains backfiles covering a specific time period. Curr ent upates ar e added to a differ ent file segment. For example, Dialog NewsRoom (NE04) is listed as “Archive” with data from 2004. Other databases are listed as “Closed” in that they contain a finite time period and are no longer updating. Most databases update cumulatively, that is new records are added to the existing contents of the database. News databases ar e common examples of cumulative updates. Updates to some databases, however, replace some or all of the database contents. Company and other types of directories are examples of replacement updates. 6 Dialog Databases A few databases are reloaded on a regular basis. A database reload means that the entire contents of the database are replaced with revised content. MEDLINE ® is a database that is reloaded each y ear to reflect revised medical terminology applied by the National Library of Medicine to all the records in the database. Database sources Dialog databases come from many sources, including publishers, professional societies, research centers, government agencies, and from sources within Thomson. Thomson Scientific licenses the d ata from these providers for redistribution though its online services. The copyright usually belongs to the provider, and each provider may impose some conditions for how their data is used. For this r eason, some data may be available only via an annual subscription (e.g., Elsevier’s EMBASE Classic [File 772]) or may be available in certain geographic areas (e.g., the U.S. Government’s World News C onnection [File 985]). Choosing the right database The success of an online search depends in large part on the database(s) chosen. The following Database Selection Checklist will help you in determining the appropriate database. > What is the general subject? (e.g., business, science, environmental, etc.) > What is the perspective of the question? (e.g., technical, consumer-oriented, academic, etc.) > How much information is desirable? (e.g., overview, comprehensive, etc.) > What type of database is needed? (e.g., directory, complete text, etc.) Several tools are avilable to help you identify the best database(s) for your research, including this Guide. In particular, DIALINDEX is highly recommended as the best online tool for discerning the most relevant databases for a given topic. Additional online and print tools are available and are described in the Dialog Command Language Pocket Guide. Dialog Bluesheets While many databases are focused on similar subjects, each database is unique. Differences may result from types of publications covered, data included, indexing standards, the presence of a thesaurus, or special formatting options. Details of each database are documented in its Bluesheet. A Dialog Bluesheet contains a description of the database content, pr ovider contact information, terms of use, specific data available for searching, tagging, output formats, and other important featur es specific to the database. Bluesheets are available in PDF format online at librar y.dialog.com , or as searchable text online in Dialog File 415. DIALOG, LLC 7 DIALOG DATABASE SELECTION GUIDE D atabases with related content are grouped into predefined subject categories and given a four- to eight-character identifier. The identifier, or OneSearch category, may then be used in Dialog C ommand Language searches as a shortcut to open all of the databases in the OneSearch category with a single BEGIN command. Any search entered will execute in all of the databases in the category. The OneSearch categories may also be used with the DIALINDEX finding tool. See the DIALINDEX section for more details. The list below includes most of the available OneSearch categories. You are not limited to these categories: use SET ALIAS to create your own database groups. SET ALIAS is explained and i llustrated on page 12. Dialog OneSearch Categories The titles or names of Dialog OneSearch categories appear below in alphabetical order followed by its OneSearch category identifier or mnemonic. Use the identifier as a shortcut rather than individual file numbers. Variant names for the same category are included in the list. The list of databases included in OneSearch Categories may be found in the explanded list of Categories beginning on page 23. Dialog OneSearch Categories by Topic OneSearch categories are listed below by topic in alphabetical order. Dialog OneSearch: Database Subject Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIALOG ONESEARCH CATEGORIES BY TOPIC Topic Identifier Topic Identifier Advertising and Media Industry News ADVERTBU Aerospace AEROSPAC Aerospace and Defense Industry AEROBUS Africa News MIDEASTN Agriculture AGRI Agriculture Industry News AGRIBUS All T r ademarks TMKS Alternative Medicine AL TMED American Patents PATAMER Aquatic Sciences WATER Ar chitectur e ARCHITEC Arts and Humanities ARTS Asia/Pacific Company Directories ASIACO Asia/Pacific News ASIANEWS Asia-Pacific Patents PATASIA Astronomy ASTRON Automotive Research A UT O Banking and Financial Services FINB US Biochemistry BIOCHEM Biosciences BIOSCI Biosciences and Biotechnology Industry BIOB US Biotechnology BIOTECH Book Reviews REVIEWS Brand Names BRANDNMS Business Economics BUSECON Business Opportunities , Procurement, and Contracts GO VTPROC CAS Registry Numbers–Chemical and Medical Files CASREGNO CAS Registry Numbers–Chemistry Files RNCHEM CAS Registry Number s–Medical Files RNMED Cer amics and Composites CERAMICS Ceramics and Composites COMPOSIT Chemical Engineering CHEMENG Chemical Files with CAS Registry Number s RNCHEM Chemical Industry News CHEMBUS Chemical Literature CHEMLIT Chemical Patents CHEMPAT Chemical Properties CHEMPROP Chemical Regulation CHEMREGS Chemical Structure Sear ch CHEMSTRC Chemical Substances CHEMSUB Civil Engineering CIVILENG Coatings CO A TINGS P aints and Coatings P AINT Company Directories CODIR [...]... 411) is a unique database that contains in a single file the indexing for most of the databases on Dialog By entering a search query in DIALINDEX, the Dialog system will report how many matching records or “hits” are found, and in which databases DIALINDEX is a tool for determining which databases have relevant content based on your search query Using DIALINDEX before conducting a database search you... (1976+) Chemical Properties CHEMPROP 303 Chapman and Hall Chemical Database 304 The Merck Index Online 306 Pesticide Fact File 307 Dictionary of Substances and Their Effects (DOSE) 321 PLASPEC Materials Selection Database 322 Polymer Online 332 Material Safety Data Sheets–OHS 337 CHEMTOX Online 390 Beilstein Database Facts 391 Beilstein Database Reactions Chemical Regulation CHEMREGS 16 Gale Group PROMT... V23, P146, EUR RESPIR J 19 Database Finding Tools: DIALINDEX® DialogLink 5: DIALINDEX Sample Search The search illustrated below shows how to start your search in DIALINDEX using DialogLink 5, select relevant databases, then carry the search into the selected database, remove any duplicate records, then display the results Topic: Use DIALINDEX to locate the best databases in which to research the... PATAMER Architecture ARCHITEC 8 Ei Compendex 35 Dissertation Abstracts Online 47 Gale Group Magazine Database 61 Civil Engineering Abstracts 88 Gale Group Business A.R.T.S 118 ICONDA–International Construction Database 134 Earthquake Engineering Abstracts 148 Gale Group Trade & Industry Database 179 Architecture Database 190 The Bibliography of the History of Art 335 Ceramic Abstracts/World Ceramic Abstracts... can > be certain which databases have relevant content > choose only the database( s) that have the most coverage for your topic > avoid wasted time searching irrelevant databases > scan the Dialog collection when the topic is obscure or does not fit into a well-defined subject area > refine your search strategy by testing and comparing the number of hits When you’re not sure which database( s) might have... Industry News Database (PHIND) (One month ago) Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry News Database (PHIND) (Current month) Gale Group Trade & Industry Database Gale Group PROMT (1972–1989) AGROProjects PIRA (Packaging, Paper, Printing and Publishing, Imaging and Nonwovens Abstracts) BioBusiness Gale Group Globalbase Gale Group New Product Announcements/Plus Business Dateline Gale Group Newsletter Database. .. Search The search illustrated below shows how to start your search in DIALINDEX using Dialog Command Language, select relevant databases, then carry the search into the selected databases, remove any duplicate records, then display the results Topic: Use DIALINDEX to locate the best databases in which to research the uses of adenovirus in gene therapy to treat cystic fibrosis BEGIN (B) DIALINDEX ?b 411... screen 13 Dialog OneSearch: Database Subject Categories 4 On the Set Preferences screen, enter the Alias Name (meddbs) and “Values”, i.e., the database numbers that you want to search with this Alias (154, 73, 5, 434); then click OK 5 Finally, exit the Configuration menu by clicking OK back through the screens above 14 D I A L O G D ATA B A S E S E L E C T I O N G U I D E Database Finding Tools:... Select box and click the button A list displays of the databases with “hits” and the number of records in each containing your search strategy To sort the list with the greatest number of records at the top of the list, click the Hits column header twice Next, click Select All to search all databases with records on the topic or check specific databases you want to search Then click Begin Hits to search... the databases you chose 20 D I A L O G D ATA B A S E S E L E C T I O N G U I D E The resulting set (S1) shows 23 records were retrieved Use the REMOVE DUPLICATES (RD) command to remove duplicate records before viewing them TYPE out one or two records FROM EACH database using Format 8 to see the title and descriptors and the KWIC (K) format to see keywords in the context of the articles Note: Some databases . US . 1 DIALOG DATABASE SELECTION GUIDE I ntroduction 3 Dialog Databases 5 Kinds of databases 5 Database updates 5 Database sources 6 Choosing the right database. Dialog ® Database Selection Guide >> T HOMSON SCIENTIFIC Dialog ® Database Selection Guide >> T HOMSON SCIENTIFIC DA TASTAR,

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