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Application of hybrid surface technology for improving sensitivity and peak shape of phosphorylated lipids such as phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine

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The use of hybrid surface technology (HST), applied to the metal surfaces of an ACQUITYTM UPLCTM system and column, designed to mitigate the chelation, poor peak shape and analyte loss seen with acidic phospholipids was investigated.

Journal of Chromatography A 1669 (2022) 462921 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Chromatography A journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/chroma Application of hybrid surface technology for improving sensitivity and peak shape of phosphorylated lipids such as phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine Giorgis Isaac a,∗, Ian D Wilson b, Robert S Plumb a a b Scientific Operations, Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, 01757, USA Division of Systems Medicine, Dept Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College, South Kensington, London, SW7 2AZ, UK a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received November 2021 Revised 21 February 2022 Accepted 24 February 2022 Available online 25 February 2022 Keywords: Lipidomics Metal interaction Surface treatment Acidic phospholipids Phosphatidic acid Phosphatidylserine a b s t r a c t The use of hybrid surface technology (HST), applied to the metal surfaces of an ACQUITYTM UPLCTM system and column, designed to mitigate the chelation, poor peak shape and analyte loss seen with acidic phospholipids was investigated Compared to a conventional system significant improvements in both sensitivity, recovery and peak shape were obtained following UPLC on a CSH C18 column when the HST was used for the analysis of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), phosphatidic acid (PA), lysophosphatidylserine (LPS), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylinositol-monophosphates (PIP), ceramide phosphate (CerP) and sphingoid base phosphate (SPBP) The benefits in chromatographic performance provided by the HST were seen particularly at low concentrations of these analytes The HST system and column reduced peak tailing by 65–80% and peak width by 70–86% for LPA and PA Moreover, increased signal intensities of up to 12.7 times were observed for LPA with the HST approach compared to the equivalent untreated LC system and column The application of this methodology to the analysis of chicken egg PA and brain porcine PS extracts were accompanied by similar improvements in data quality © 2022 Waters Corporation Published by Elsevier B.V This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Introduction Phospholipids (PLs) are one of the main components of cell membranes and perform many important biological functions such as cell signaling, regulation of apoptosis, lipid synthesis and transport [1–5] The importance of PLs has led to an increased focus on analytical methods for the characterization of both lipid phenotypes (lipidomics) and the individual molecular species However, analysis of PLs is difficult because they exist in cells and biological fluids as complex mixtures of lipids formed from different combinations of polar headgroups and hydrophobic fatty acyl chains The extreme structural diversity of lipids in real biological samples is challenging for analytical techniques due to the large difference in physicochemical properties of the individual lipid species which may be present as acids or bases, and neutral, polar or non-polar forms Currently the two main analytical strategies used for lipidomics are direct infusion mass spectrometry (DIMS) and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC/MS) DIMS can provide high-throughput analysis but suf- ∗ Corresponding author at: Waters Corporation, USA E-mail address: Giorgis_Isaac@waters.com (G Isaac) fers from the inability to separate and resolve isobaric/isomeric species and to identify low abundant species due to ion suppression [6,7] For reasons of sample compatibility, specificity and selectivity LC/MS has become increasingly important for the identification, and/or quantification of lipids directly from biological extracts The chromatographic separation can be performed using normal-phase (NP), reversed-phase (RP), hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) [6], or via supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC); (these different analytical approaches are summarized in reference [8]) NP methods, employing solvents such as hexane and chloroform are used for the separation of lipid classes However, NP separations often have long analysis times, can demonstrate limited analyte solubility, use toxic solvents, and lack solvent compatibility with mass spectrometry making the technique increasingly less attractive HILIC and SFC, have similar characteristics to NPLC and can be used for the separation of lipid classes with organic/water-based solvent systems for HILIC and liquid carbon dioxide as primary mobile phase with co-solvents for SFC, overcoming many of the challenges of the NP mode [8–10] The successful separation of phosphatidic acids (PA) and phosphatidylserines (PS) using HILIC has been previously reported [11– 18] and SFC has demonstrated advantages in short analysis time for the separation of lipid classes RPLC on the other hand is https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2022.462921 0021-9673/© 2022 Waters Corporation Published by Elsevier B.V This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) G Isaac, I.D Wilson and R.S Plumb Journal of Chromatography A 1669 (2022) 462921 widely used for the separation of individual lipid molecular species with separations based on their lipophilicity; a characteristic governed by the carbon chain length and number of double bonds [19–21] The PA and PS classes tend to elute as broad peaks under the RPLC conditions generally used in lipidomics studies [19–22] and this can, at least in part, be attributed to the metal-analyte interactions of these lipids, particularly the phosphate moieties, with the metal surfaces of the LC system and the column Thus, the lipid classes that show these poor chromatographic properties typically contain functional groups such as phosphate or carboxylate, groups that can form chelation complexes with iron and other transition metal ions Phosphorylated and carboxylate lipids encompass classes such as the PA, PS, phosphatidylinositols (PI), PI with mono-, bis and tris-phosphates, phosphatidylglycerols, phosphorylated sphingolipids including ceramide-phosphate (CerP) and sphingoid base-phosphates (SPBP) All these lipids are metal sensitive and readily adsorb to stainless steel surfaces present within the flow path of the chromatographic system via a Lewis acidbase interaction, leading to the aforementioned poor peak shape as well as low recovery and a reduced sensitivity compared to non-interacting lipids Mitigation of these interactions has, in the past, involved the addition of metal chelators to the mobile phase or sample Volatile chelators such as acetylacetone, citric, phosphonic or medronic acids have been used for LC/MS analyses [22–27] However, the use of these chelators can negatively impact both chromatographic selectivity and MS sensitivity Lee et al used carbamate-embedded C18 as the stationary phase to optimize peak tailing and separation efficiencies of acidic lipids [28] Alternatively, columns constructed from a metal free material such as polyether ether ketone (PEEK) have been described for e.g., the determination of SPBP and CerP [29] However, the application of PEEK is limited by its low-pressure tolerance and whilst coating stainless steel LC tubing and column walls with PEEK can provide a partial solution to this problem the issue of the poor pressure tolerance of frits prepared from PEEK would remain a challenge To address these issues, we have been encouraged by recent publications [30–32] to investigate the use of a hybrid surface technology (HST) applied to the metal substrates in UltraPerformance LC (UPLCTM ) instruments and columns This HST is based on an ethylene-bridged siloxane polymer which has been demonstrated to be well-suited for RP and HILIC For a detailed description and characteristics of the HST see reference [31] Based on our previous experience of the analysis of lipids [19] we have evaluated a UPLC system and ACQUITYTM CSH C18 column incorporating the HST and compared the results obtained against those from a conventional UPLC system and ACQUITY CSH C18 column for the analysis of phosphorylated and carboxylate lipids (mainly PA, PS, lysophosphatidic acids (LPA), lysophosphatidylserines (LPS), CerP, SPBP and PI-monophosphate (PIP)) egg chicken PA and brain porcine PS extracts were purchased from Avanti Polar Lipids (Birmingham, AL, USA) 2.2 Standard solutions A stock solution was prepared for PA 16:0/18:1, LPS 18:1/0:0 and PS 16:0/18:1 in chloroform at mg/mL The stock solution for LPA 16:0/0:0 was prepared at a concentration of 0.5 mg/mL in –CHCl3 -MeOH-H2 O (80:20:2, v/v/v) with gentle heating at 40 °C and sonication to facilitate complete dissolution A working mixture dilution series of 5, 50 and 250 pg/μL was prepared in IPAACN (50:50, v/v) for the lipid standards CerP 18:1;O2/16:0 and SPBP 18:1;O2 were prepared in CHCl3 -MeOH (1:1, v/v) and PIP (4 ) 18:1/18:1 in –CHCl3 -MeOH-H2 O (1:1:0.3, v/v/v) Powdered egg chicken PA and brain porcine PS extracts from Avanti Polar Lipids (Birmingham, AL, USA) were dissolved in CHCl3 at a concentration of mg/mL Working solutions of the egg chicken PA and brain porcine PS extracts were prepared in IPA-ACN (50:50, v/v) at a concentration of 10 ng/μL The differential ion mobility system suitability Lipidomix lipid standards contained mg/mL of each lipid and (0.25 mg/mL PI) in CHCl3 -MeOH (1:1, v/v) It contained a certified mixture of 14 lipids comprising LPC 18:1/0:0, PC 14:1/14:1, PE 14:1/14:1, PS 14:1/14:1, PG 14:1/14:1, PI 14:1/14:1, PA 14:1/14:1, SM d18:1/18:1, Cer d18:1/18:1, cholesterol, CE 19:0, DG 14:1/14:1, TG (18:1/18:1/18:1) and CL 14:1/14:1/14:1/14:1 A stock solution was prepared in IPA-ACN (50:50, v/v) at 0.05 mg/mL for each lipid and 0.0125 mg/mL for PI A working Lipidomix lipid standard 100 pg/μL solution (25 pg/μL PI) was prepared in IPA-ACN (50:50, v/v) All operations involving preparing CHCl3 -based solutions were carried out in a fume hood 2.3 Chromatographic separation and mass spectrometry conditions Chromatographic separations were performed using two separate, but similar, chromatography systems Either a conventional ACQUITY UPLC I-Class chromatography system coupled with ACQUITY CSH C18 column (2.1 × 100 mm, 1.7 μm, p/n 186005297) or an ACQUITY Premier UPLC System with ACQUITY Premier CSH C18 Column (2.1 × 100 mm, 1.7 μm, p/n 186009461) constructed with HST (both columns packed with the same batch of stationary phase) were employed Both systems were equipped with a binary solvent delivery system and flow through needle (FTN) autosampler (Waters Corporation, Milford, MA) The mobile phase consisted of (A) –ACN-H2 O-1 M aqueous ammonium formate (600:390:10, v/v/v) in 0.1% FA and (B) IPA-ACN-1 M aqueous ammonium formate (900:90:10, v/v/v) in 0.1% FA The chromatography columns were operated at a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min and eluted using a multiphase gradient (Table S1) where the initial conditions were 1:1 A:B the mobile phase composition B was then gradual increased over 11 using the following profile; 50–53% B from to 0.5 min, 53–55% B 0.5–4 min, 55–65% B 4–7 min, held at 80% B 7–7.5 min, 80–99% B 7.5–10 min, held at 99% B 10–11 min, followed by returning to the starting conditions for re-equilibration giving a total run time of 12 Various injection volumes were used, with a sample and column temperature of 10 °C and 55 °C respectively The column effluent was monitored using a SYNAPTTM XS mass spectrometer (Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK) operated in “V” mode and negative electrospray ionization (ESI) using the following instrument settings: capillary 2.5 kV, desolvation temperature 500 °C, desolvation gas 800 L/h, cone gas 50 L/h, cone voltage 30 V, and source temperature 120 °C The MS data were acquired using data independent acquisition in resolution and continuum mode with a mass range 10 0−120 m/z The lock mass was acquired and applied using a solution of 200 pg/μL leucine enkephalin The low collision energy was set to eV, and for high energy, a transfer linear ramp of 25−45 eV was used LC/MS data acquisition and pro- Experimental 2.1 Chemicals and standards Acetonitrile (ACN), isopropanol (IPA), formic acid (FA), chloroform (CHCl3 ), methanol (MeOH) and ammonium formate (LC/MS grade) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) Total recovery vials were supplied by Waters Corporation (Milford, MA, USA) Ultrapure water was obtained, in-house, from an Elga PURELABTM Flex water purification system (High Wycombe, England, U.K.) LPA 16:0/0:0, PA 16:0/18:1, LPS 18:1/0:0, PS 16:0/18:1, CerP 18:1;O2/16:0, SPBP 18:1;O2, PIP (4 ) 18:1/18:1 and differential ion mobility system suitability LipidomixTM lipid standards, G Isaac, I.D Wilson and R.S Plumb Journal of Chromatography A 1669 (2022) 462921 Fig Negative ion ESI mode base peak extracted ion chromatograms at a concentration of 50 pg/μL (A) LPA 16:0/0:0 m/z 409.2355 using the conventional system/CSH C18 column (B) LPA 16:0/0:0 m/z 409.2355 using the HST system/CSH C18 column (C) PA 16:0/18:1 m/z 673.4808 using the conventional system/CSH C18 column and (D) PA 16:0/18:1 m/z 673.4808 using the HST system/CSH C18 column Inset figures show the chemical structure of LPA and PA cessing were performed using MassLynxTM V4.2 software (Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK) 16:0/18:1, at a concentration of 50 pg/μL, are displayed in Figs and As these figures show the HST system/column showed significant improvement in peak tailing, sensitivity and recovery of these lipids compared to the conventional system/column The average (n = 3) peak tailing factor (PTF) and full width at half maximum (FWHM) of LPA 16:0/0:0, PA 16:0/18:1, LPS 18:0/0:0 and PS 16:0/18:1 were calculated for the standard solution prepared at a concentration of 250 pg/μL These data are provided for both HST and conventional systems in Table showing that the HST system/column reduced peak tailing by 65–80% for LPA 16:0/0:0, PA 16:0/18:1, LPS 18:0/0:0 and PS 16:0/18:1 compared to the conventional configuration The peak width at FWHM was reduced by 70– 86% for LPA and PA; and by 25–50% for LPS and PS using the HST system/column combination compared to the conventional configuration These improvements in chromatographic performance for these acidic phospholipids are most probably due to the elimination of the interactions of phosphate and carboxylate groups with the metal surfaces provided by the metal surface barrier [31] Interestingly both LPA and LPS showed a significantly greater improvement in PTF and peak width compared to their corresponding PA and PS respectively with the HST system/column These improvements in chromatographic performance can be attributed to the fact that the phosphate groups in LPA and the carboxylate group in LPS are, due to their chemical structure, more exposed to metal surfaces compared to PA and PS respectively LPA and LPS eluted earlier than PA and PS and, due to the shallow gradient in the region where the LPA and LPS eluted, they would be expected to have reduced PTF’s and peak widths at FWHM Results and discussion As noted in the introduction, in order to investigate the potential benefits of the HST for the phosphorylated and carboxylated lipid classes we took a previously optimized method developed using the ACQUITY CSH C18 phase [19] as our starting point The initial experiments were conducted to compare the conventional and HST systems, using the differential ion mobility system suitability Lipidomix (described in the experimental section) as a standard mixture This enabled the lipid separation to be evaluated and provided a benchmark for instrument performance when changing between conventional and HST systems For the purposes of this comparison all the samples were prepared in one vial and divided into separate vials for the conventional and HST systems/columns In addition, the same batch of mobile phase and stationary phase was employed for all of these analyses with the same chromatographic conditions employed for all instrumental configurations The three configurations evaluated were: (i) conventional LC system with conventional CSH C18 column, (ii) conventional LC system with HST CSH C18 column and (iii) HST LC system with HST CSH C18 column 3.1 Peak shape and tailing factor comparison Under the RP LC conditions generally used in lipidomic studies the acid phospholipids LPA, PA, LPS and PS tend to elute as quite broad peaks However, with suitable modification of the mobile phase, using mobile phase additives such as phosphoric acid [22], this peak tailing can be attenuated or eliminated However, these mobile phase additives such as phosphoric acid can compete with analyte ionization, especially in negative ion mode thus the approach of employing a metal surface barrier was an attractive alternative To evaluate whether or not the chromatographic performance was improved using the HST system and CSH C18 column we measured the lipid standards LPA 16:0/0:0, PA 16:0/18:1, LPS 18:1/0:0 and PS 16:0/18:1 and compared the results with those obtained using a conventional system and CSH C18 column Representative negative ion ESI mode base peak extracted ion chromatograms of LPA 16:0/0:0, PA 16:0/18:1, LPS 18:1/0:0 and PS 3.2 Peak signal intensity and sensitivity comparison The increase in sensitivity obtained with the HST system/column can be clearly seen for the analysis of LPA 16:0/0:0 shown in Figs 1A and B at a concentration of 50 pg/μL As these figures clearly show there was a noticeable improvement in peak intensity for these analytes when the HST system/column was used compared to the conventional system Similarly, Figs 1C and D (PA), 2A and B (LPS) and 2D and C (PS) also showed improved sensitivity, peak shape and recovery obtained with the HST system/column compared to the conventional system/column The chromatographic performance of the two systems was compared at 5, 50, and 250 pg/μL for LPA 16:0/0:0, PA 16:0/18:1, LPS 18:1/0:0 G Isaac, I.D Wilson and R.S Plumb Journal of Chromatography A 1669 (2022) 462921 Fig Negative ion ESI mode base peak extracted ion chromatograms at a concentration of 50 pg/μL (A) LPS 18:1/0:0 m/z 522.2832 using the conventional system/CSH C18 column (B) LPS 18:1/0:0 m/z 522.2832 using the HST system/CSH C18 column (C) PS 16:0/18:1 m/z 760.5129 using the conventional system/CSH C18 column (D) PS 16:0/18:1 m/z 760.5129 using the HST system/CSH C18 column Inset figures show the chemical structure of LPS and PS Table Calculated average (n = 3) peak tailing factor (PTF) and full width at half maximum (FWHM) for LPA 16:0/0:0, PA 16:0/18:1, LPS 18:0/0:0 and PS 16:0/18:1 at a concentration of 250 pg/μL using the conventional system and CSH C18 column compared to the hybrid surface technology (HST) system and CSH C18 column LPA 16:0/0:0 System ∗ PTF ∗ PA 16:0/18:1 FWHM # LPS 18:1/0:0 PS 16:0/18:1 PFT FWHM PFT FWHM PFT FWHM Conventional system and CSH C18 column 7.67 39.70 6.48 43.96 6.25 10.86 4.07 10.84 HST system and CSH C18 column 1.82 5.3 2.25 12.78 1.23 4.94 1.25 8.08 The tailing factor was calculated as the ratio of the full width at 5% of peak height and two times of the front half width [33] The full width at half maximum is the peak width, measured in seconds, at 50% of the maximum peak height # and PS 16:0/18:1 molecular species (Figures S1-S4) and at 250 pg/μL for CerP 18:1;O2/16:0, SPBP 18:1;O2 and PIP (4 ) 18:1/18:1 (Figures S5) The LPA and PA were undetectable at pg/μL with the conventional system/column due to analyte loss caused by interaction with metal surfaces This result contrasts with the results for the HST system/column where these low concentration injections gave peaks that were clearly visible Even though the increased sensitivity provided may not be required for quantification at high concentrations of these analytes the improved peak shape is still helpful in reducing peak overlap The peak intensities obtained for LPA 16:0/0:0 at a concentration of 250 pg/μL using either a (i) the conventional LC system/CSH C18 column or (ii) the conventional LC system with HST CSH C18 column or, (iii) the HST LC system with HST CSH C18 column were compared in negative ion ESI mode (m/z 409.235) The extracted ion chromatograms obtained using these three separate configurations are displayed in Fig The increase in intensity obtained using the HST for LPA 16:0/0:0 is also given in Figure S6 as bar graph with the average (n = 3) of the total ion intensity for each system configuration used Using the conventional LC system, a marked increase in signal intensities was observed for the HST column rather than the untreated column However, the greatest increase in response was obtained for the HST system/column configuration which showed a 12.7 fold increase over the conventional sys- tem/column combination Use of the HST CSH C18 column and the untreated conventional LC system also provided increased intensities for the phosphorylated and carboxylate lipid standards evaluated However, these increases were modest when compared to the HST system/column configuration (Figure S6) 3.3 Application to PA and PS lipid extracts This new HST technology was also applied to the analysis of egg (chicken) PA and brain (porcine) PS extracts and the results compared to those obtained with the conventional system/column (Figs 4A-D and 5A-D) The results of this comparison clearly show that the PA lipid species at m/z 671.47 (16:1_18:1 and 16:0_18:2) and 673.48 (16:0_18:1) eluted with very broad tailing peaks using the conventional system and column (Fig 4A) These results were compared to the data acquired with HST system/column (Fig 4B), where the peaks showed significant improvements in shape and intensity The identities of the fatty acid constituents were confirmed via fragment ion information using the HST negative ion ESI mode LC/MS data independent acquisition where lipid identification was performed based on low energy exact precursor ion mass and corresponding high energy characteristic fragment ions The molecular species level information was provided only when the presence of the fatty acyl chain was confirmed using fragment ion G Isaac, I.D Wilson and R.S Plumb Journal of Chromatography A 1669 (2022) 462921 duced an average peak width of only 10.8 s (n = 3) (Fig 4D) Similarly, the data displayed in Fig shows the results obtained for the analysis of the porcine brain PS extract, analyzed using both conventional and HST systems In this application the HST system/column not only provided reduced peak tailing compared to the conventional system/column but also allowed the visualization of three additional peaks eluting with retention times of 5.3, 5.6 and 7.9 These additional peaks were identified based on exact mass, fragment ions and theoretical isotopic distribution as PS 38:2 m/z 814.55, PS 40:3 m/z 840.577 and PS 44:2 m/z 898.654 respectively In contrast, these minor PS species were not detected using the conventional system/column The peak width at half height from the two systems was calculated for PS 18:0_18:1 m/z 788.545 (Figs 5C and D) with the conventional system/column having produced a peak FWHM of 10.8 s (n = 3) (Fig 5C) compared to value of 7.4 s (n = 3) for HST system/column (Fig 5D) As can be seen from these examples, and in contrast to previous methods using conventional RP columns [19–21], the HST system/column enabled the simultaneous analysis of phosphate and carboxylate-containing lipid species in biological extracts without evidence of significant binding or peak tailing and without compromising the determination of other lipid classes The HST system/column increased the sensitivity, recovery, and coverage of these biologically important lipids Previous RP LC approaches have not sufficiently addressed the simultaneous analyses of these acidic lipids (LPA, PA, LPA, PS, CerP, SPBP and PIP) with other phospholipid classes The application and performance of the HST system/column to other lipid classes was evaluated using the differential ion mobility system suitability Lipidomix that contains PA and PS lipid species together with other lipid classes The data displayed in Fig shows a representative negative ion ESI-base peak extracted ion chromatogram of LPC 18:1/0:0, PE 14:1/14:1, SM d18:1/18:1 and Cer d18:1/18:1 analyzed using conventional system/column versus the HST system/column These results showed that, for non-phosphorylated lipid classes, the HST system/column provided comparable retention behavior in terms of peak tailing, shape, and signal intensity to the conventional system/column configuration (Table S2) As we have noted, the complexity of the lipid profile in biological matrices makes the RPLC/MS analysis of phosphorylated and carboxylated lipids challenging due to metal-analyte interactions However, the accurate measurement of these lipids may well be Fig Overlayed negative ESI base peak extracted ion chromatogram of LPA 16:0/0:0 at a concentration of 250 pg/μL using the conventional system/CSH C18 column, the conventional system/HST CSH C18 column or the HST system/CSH C18 column information (Figure S7) The HST system/column provided four additional baseline separated peaks at retention times of 3.1, 3.3, 4.7 and 5.8 respectively which were not observed with the conventional system Based on exact mass and negative ion ESI mode high energy fragment ion information these peaks were identified as PA 38:6 m/z 719.46, PA 36:4 m/z 695.46, PA 36.2 m/z 699.49 and PA 18:0_18:1 m/z 701.51 lipids In contrast, it was difficult to make confident molecular species identification with the data obtained using the conventional system/column (Fig 4A) as there was a large amount overlap of the fragment ions because of peak tailing as well as very low MS signal intensity The data displayed in Figs 4C and D show extracted ion chromatograms for the lipid PA 16:0_18:1, from which it can be seen that an average peak FWHM of 34.0 s (n = 3) was obtained with the conventional system/column (Fig 4C) whereas that for the HST system/column pro- Fig Avanti polar lipids egg chicken PA extract (10 ng/μL) measured using (A) the conventional system/CSH C18 column or (B) the HST system/CSH C18 column Corresponding extracted ion chromatograms for PA 16:0_18:1 at m/z 673.481 using (C) the conventional system/CSH C18 column with average peak FWHM 34.0 s (n = 3) or (D) the HST system/CSH C18 column with average peak FWHM 10.8 s (n = 3) G Isaac, I.D Wilson and R.S Plumb Journal of Chromatography A 1669 (2022) 462921 Fig Avanti polar lipids porcine brain PS extract (10 ng/μL) measured using (A) the conventional system/CSH C18 column or (B) the HST system/CSH C18 column Corresponding extracted ion chromatograms for PS 18:0_18:1 at m/z 788.545 using (C) the conventional system/CSH C18 column with average peak FWHM 10.8 s (n = 3) or (D) the HST system/CSH C18 column with average peak FWHM 7.4 s (n = 3) Fig The Avanti Differential Ion Mobility System Suitability standard Lipidomix Kit was used to evaluate the effect of the HST system/column on other lipid classes Negative ESI base peak extracted ion chromatograms of LPC 18:1/0:0, PE 14:1/14:1, SM d18:1/18:1 and Cer d18:1/18:1 at a concentration of 100 pg/μL using (A) the conventional system/CSH C18 column (B) the HST system/CSH C18 column critical for the evaluation of their dysregulation in disease states Elimination of these unwanted interactions is especially important for low abundant signaling lipid classes such as LPA, PA, LPS, PS, CerP, SPBP and PIP where the systemic concentrations are in the low ng/mL range and metal chelation can result in significant attenuation of the signal, or even its complete loss, as illustrated in the examples shown here As discussed, metal free materials have been used to replace the metal components in chromatography systems Thus, PEEK components have been successfully employed for the analysis of phosphate-containing sphingolipids [29] and mobile phase additives are also an option [22–27] However, the limitations of these approaches are clear, and there are obvious advantages to simply eliminating the problem from the system, removing the need for the analyst to investigate and mitigate these unwanted analyte-surface interactions creased the recovery of phosphorylated and carboxylate lipids compared to a conventional system/CSH C18 column The HST system/column combination reduced peak tailing by 65–80% and peak width by 70–86% for LPA and PA Moreover, increased signal intensities of up to 12.7 times were observed for LPA with the HST approach compared to the untreated system This methodology can be applied to other phosphorylated and carboxylated lipid classes, such as PIP with mono, di and tri phosphates, CerP and SPBP In contrast to most of the previous methodologies using conventional RP columns the HST allowed for the simultaneous analysis of these acidic phospholipid classes at the same time as other lipid classes without adverse effects on the coverage of these biologically important lipids Conclusions We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication and there has been no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome Author declaration of interest statment The HST system/column combination clearly provided a significant improvement in sensitivity, reduced peak tailing and in6 G Isaac, I.D Wilson and R.S Plumb Journal of Chromatography A 1669 (2022) 462921 We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved by all named authors and that there are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed We further confirm that the order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all of us We confirm that we have given due consideration to the protection of intellectual 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