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Bayesian optimization using multiple directional objective functions allows the rapid inverse fitting of parameters for chromatography simulations

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The modeling of chromatographic separations can speed up downstream process development, reducing the time to market and corresponding development costs for new products such as pharmaceuticals.

Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Chromatography A journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/chroma Bayesian optimization using multiple directional objective functions allows the rapid inverse fitting of parameters for chromatography simulations Ronald Colin Jäpel a , Johannes Felix Buyel a,b,∗ a b Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Forckenbeckstrasse 6, Aachen 52074, Germany Institute for Molecular Biotechnology, RWTH Aachen University, Worringerweg 1, Aachen 52074, Germany a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 24 April 2022 Revised 27 July 2022 Accepted 29 July 2022 Available online August 2022 Keywords: Ion-exchange chromatography Mechanistic model Numeric optimization Parameter estimation Steric mass action (SMA) model a b s t r a c t The modeling of chromatographic separations can speed up downstream process development, reducing the time to market and corresponding development costs for new products such as pharmaceuticals However, calibrating such models by identifying suitable parameter values for mass transport and sorption is a major, time-consuming challenge that can hinder model development and improvement We therefore designed a new approach based on Bayesian optimization (BayesOpt) and Gaussian processes that reduced the time required to compute relevant chromatography parameters by up to two orders of magnitude compared to a multistart gradient descent and a genetic algorithm We compared the three approaches side by side to process several internal and external datasets for ion exchange chromatography (based on a steric mass action isotherm) and hydrophobic interaction chromatography (a modified version of a recently published five-parameter isotherm) as well as different input data types (gradient elution data alone vs gradient elution and breakthrough data) We found that BayesOpt computation was consistently faster than the other approaches when using either single-core or 12-cores computer processing units The error of the BayesOpt parameter estimates was higher than that of the competing algorithms, but still two orders of magnitude less than the variability of our experimental data, indicating BayesOpts applicability for chromatography modeling The low computational demand of BayesOpt will facilitate rapid model development and improvement even for large datasets (e.g., > 100 proteins) and increase its suitability for research laboratories or small and medium enterprises lacking access to dedicated mainframe computers © 2022 The Authors Published by Elsevier B.V This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Introduction Chromatography is widely used for the purification of biopharmaceutical proteins [1–3] but can be a major cost driver during production and process development [4] Such costs can be limited by the model-driven optimization of chromatographic separation, which reduces experimental screening to the most relevant operational conditions Modeling can also improve process understanding and can facilitate adaptive process control [5] Chromatography models often consist of a mass transport component that can be simulated using the general rate model [6,7] and an adsorption component, describing protein interaction with ∗ Corresponding author at: Institute for Molecular Biotechnology, RWTH Aachen University, Worringerweg 1, Aachen 52074, Germany E-mail address: johannes.buyel@rwth-aachen.de (J.F Buyel) a stationary phase, using isotherms such as the steric mass action (SMA) model [8] Both components require the calibration of several parameter values so that the model results match the experimental data However, current calibration algorithms, such as multistart gradient descent, genetic algorithms and Markov chain Monte Carlo, require extensive computational time to identify appropriate sets of parameter values This is a bottleneck hindering the widespread application of model-based process development because the necessary computational infrastructure is often available only to specialized research facilities or large companies Accordingly, research laboratories as well as small and medium enterprises would be empowered to use chromatography modeling tools if the computational time could be reduced This could be achieved by combining Gaussian processes (GP) and Bayesian optimization (BayesOpt) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2022.463408 0021-9673/© 2022 The Authors Published by Elsevier B.V This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 A GP is a likelihood distribution over functions covering (multiple) continuous dimensions, such that every collection of values drawn from the GP is a multivariate Gaussian distribution [9,10] In GP regression, a GP can be used to approximate an unknown function by estimating the expected function values and the associated uncertainties based on a (small) set of known data points in the parameter space During BayesOpt, GP regression can therefore be used to identify extrema of unknown functions, which are called objective functions in this context First, a GP is fitted to a set of initial data points, i.e parameter combinations at which the objective function has been evaluated Then the mean and variance predicted by the GP for each point in the parameter space are combined using an acquisition function to select the next point at which the objective function should be evaluated [11] The acquisition function can balance exploitation, i.e focusing parameter improvement near the current optimal region, and exploration, i.e focusing on regions of the objective function where uncertainty is high and global optima might be hidden We reasoned that BayesOpt can therefore be applied to the inverse fitting of chromatography parameters to be used in simulations in a multi-step process First, one or more objective functions are defined that can capture the performance of a parameter fit For example, the time offset between the maxima of an experimentally determined protein elution peak and the corresponding simulated peak can reveal how well the parameters of the underlying model were estimated (e.g., isotherm and mass transport parameters) These objective functions are then evaluated for an initial set of points distributed across the parameter search space In the context of chromatography, an objective function evaluation is equivalent to simulating protein binding and elution and each point of evaluation corresponds to a combination of parameter value estimates for isotherm and mass transport Then, a GP is created for each objective function and each GP is fitted to the initial set of evaluation results Thereafter, the mean and variance estimates of the GPs are combined in a single acquisition function and a new set of parameter values is selected to be evaluated next The resulting new values of the objective functions (e.g., the offset between the experimental and simulated peak maxima) are then added to the data collection available to the respective GPs, the mean and variance estimates are updated and used to choose the next combination of chromatography parameter for evaluation through simulation This BayesOpt procedure has been shown to be advantageous over other regression methods and converges to the global optimum faster than these if a set of prerequisites is met [12,13] Specifically, (i) there are few data points available because the creation of data (i.e., objective function evaluation, here: simulating a chromatographic separation) is time consuming, (ii) estimates of uncertainty are of interest, and/or (iii) the shape of the objective functions are unknown but their smoothness is similar in all dimensions [11] In contrast, the performance of BayesOpt may suffer if (i) the number of data points increases because the computation of the GPs scales with O(n³), and/or (ii) if the objective functions are not smooth or their smoothness varies locally [14] Here we present a novel method for the calibration of chromatography models using GPs Specifically, we propose three new approaches for BayesOpt to mitigate the performance issues that arise if the objective function is not smooth, has regions varying in smoothness, or if large numbers of data points must be considered simultaneously First, we developed the concept of directional objective functions Second, we aggregated multiple directional objective functions into a combined objective function Third, we incorporated dimensional trimming to reduce the calculation time as the number of data points in the GP increases We applied these approaches to the simultaneous determination of mass transport and isotherm parameters in the context of protein chromatography simulations As an isotherm, we used either the well-established steric mass action (SMA) model for ion exchange chromatography [8] or a novel isotherm for hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) Materials and methods 2.1 Computational hardware All computations were run on Intel Xeon E5-2630 v3 computer processing units (CPUs) with 3.5 GB random access memory (RAM) per CPU core 2.2 Chromatography simulations All chromatography simulations were computed using CADET software [15,16,34,35] We compiled the binaries based on CADET release 3.1.2, adding a hydrophobic interaction isotherm modified from the original version [17] Individual simulations were set up in CADET as a three-unit-operation model comprising the inlet, column and outlet Target chromatograms were generated in CADET using the parameter values specified in Table S1 The calculated protein concentration at the outlet unit (mol per cubic meter over time) was saved to ∗ csv files The CADETMatch package v0.6.23 (commit 873a81c3b6f593313212c243018b7e5122d770c3) obtained from https://github.com/modsim/CADET-Match/releases was the latest available version at the time of this study and was used to handle genetic algorithm parameter fitting and multistart gradient descent parameter fitting [18,17] Hyper-parameters for these algorithms were taken from the examples distributed with CADETMatch in the “Example 2” folder The dextran example from the same source was used for the non-pore-penetrating tracer datasets, the NonBindingProtein example was used for the porepenetrating tracer datasets, and the Isotherm example was used for the SMA datasets For HIC parameter fitting, the hyper-parameters from the “Example 2/Isotherm” example were used with a genetic algorithm generation-population size of 50 instead of 20, based on the software creator’s advice We maintained two separate conda virtual environments for (i) our BayesOpt and gradient descent algorithms as well as (ii) the CADETMatch package to prevent package conflicts All calculations were started in the BayesOpt virtual environment For CADETMatch evaluations, we used the Popen class of the subprocess module to start a new process in which we activated the second environment and ran the CADETMatch calls in that process The additional overhead time (∼0.2 s) was subtracted from all CADETMatch results before comparing the performance with other algorithms 2.3 Algorithm performance comparison Algorithm performance was compared based on (i) duration, (ii) the parameter estimation error calculated as the Euclidian distance of fitted-to-target parameter values in a normalized (0–1) multiparameter space, and (iii) the relative sum squared error (rSSE) of a simulation using the fitted parameter values compared to the target curves The rSSE was calculated by taking the sum of squared errors (SSEs) and dividing it by the total sum of squares (TSS) of the target curve Eqs (1)–(3) rSSE = SSE T SS (1) n SSE = (yi − yi )2 (2) (yi − )2 (3) i=0 n T SS = i=0 R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 ˆ represents the simulaWhere y represents the target values and y tion results using the fitted parameter values for all n data points The sample size n ranged from 206 to 20,001 depending on the simulation Dividing SSE by TSS compensated for differences in signal scale between the elution and breakthrough experiments From this point onward, SSE always refers to the sum of squared errors between a target chromatogram and a simulated chromatogram 2.6 Calculation of objective functions The agreement between simulated and target chromatograms was quantified using three case-dependent objective functions Tracers and gradient elution peaks were assessed based on (i) the retention time difference between the peaks, (ii) the height difference at peak maximum, and (iii) the peak skew difference (Fig 1A) The retention time difference was evaluated by calculating the cross correlation between the target peak and the simulated peak using scipy.signal.correlate [20] The offset with the highest correlation coefficient was used as the time difference as previously explained [18,19] The height difference was calculated using Eq (9): 2.4 Example isotherms for performance testing Ion exchange chromatography was simulated using the SMA isotherm [8,15,16] that describes the change in protein bound to the stationary phase dqi over time dt while accounting for the salt concentration, number of protein–ligand interactions and shielded binding sites Eqs (4) and (5) dqi ν = ka,i c p,i (q¯ ) i − kd,i qi csνi dt Ncomp −1 q¯ = − νj + σj qj height = (max(ytarget ) − max(ysim ) )/max(ytarget ) (4) where max(ysim ) is the maximum value of the simulated peak and max(ytarget ) is the maximum value of the target peak The peak skew was calculated by first treating peaks as probability distributions, dividing them by the area under the curve and then applying Eq (10): (5) skew = (μ − ν )/σ j=1 dqi ν = keq,i c p,i (q¯ ) i − qi csνi dt skew = skewsim − skewtarget q m dq = keq (1 − ) c p − q · 0.1mβ dt qmax (6) = (ttarget − tsim )/ttarget (12) where is the value of the objective function, ttarget is the metric for the target chromatogram (e.g., the time taken to reach 50% of the maximum concentration) and tsim is the same metric for the simulated chromatogram The independent variables of all objective functions were scaled to [-1,1] using Eq (13) to improve the numerical stability of the algorithms (7) where m is the number of binding sites and β is the number of bulk-like water molecules that stabilize all m binding sites The parameter β is calculated using Eq (8): β = β0 exp(β1 cs ) (11) Breakthrough curves were compared based on (i) the difference in the maximum concentration, (ii) the difference in the time required to reach 50% of the maximum concentration, and (iii) the difference in the time required to increase from 50% to 98% maximum concentration (Fig 1B) All three values were calculated as percent differences relative to the target chromatograms Eq (12) For the simulation of HIC, a previously described isotherm [17] was modified (Eq (7)) to enable its integration into the CADET framework, which will be published separately kkin (10) where μ is the distribution mean, ν is its median and σ is the standard deviation The difference in skewness was calculated as the skew of the simulated chromatogramminus the skew of the target chromatogram as shown in Eq (11): where t is the time, qi is the concentration of the ith protein bound to the stationary phase, ka,i is the adsorption constant of the i-th protein, cp,i is the soluble concentration in the particle pores of the ith protein, q̅0 is the number of free binding sites on the stationary phase, ν i is the characteristic charge of the ith protein, kd,i is the desorption constant of the ith protein, cs is the salt concentration in the mobile phase, is the total ionic capacity of the stationary phase, and σ i is the shielding (steric) factor of the i-th protein It is useful to divide Eq (5) by kd and define ka /kd as keq and the reciprocal of kd as kkin , which results in Eq (6): kkin,i (9) x = x (|x| + ) (13) where x’ is the scaled independent variable of an objective function and x is the original unscaled variable The source code is available on github (https://github.com/ronald-jaepel/ChromBayesOpt) (8) where β is the number of bulk-like water molecules at infinite dilution and β is a scaling factor that describes the influence of the salt concentration on the number of bulk-like water molecules 2.7 Calculation of GPs in Python 2.5 Statistical testing We used the GaussianProcessRegressor class from sklearn.gaussian_process to calculate all GPs [21] To aggregate multiple objective functions, we modified a previously published [22] BayesOpt algorithm by overwriting its BayesianOptimization class with a class that can handle multidimensional objective functions This new class was created to hold a GP for each objective function while exposing only a single GP fit and a single GP predict method Python’s duck-typing allows for the new class to seamlessly replace the regular GaussianProcessRegressor class from sklearn.gaussian_process We also extended the new class to allow the transformation of the independent variable (x) space to a unit hypercube, which improves the numeric stability as discussed above The rational quadratic kernel was chosen for all subsequent optimizations because it generated the highest log marginal likelihood compared to all other available kernels, All groups of replicated results were assessed for normality using a Shapiro–Wilk test (α ≤ 0.05) as computed with scipy.stats.shapiro [20] Normally distributed data were analyzed using a two-sample, two-sided Welch’s t-test computed with scipy.stats.ttest_ind, whereas non-normally distributed data were analyzed using a Kruskal–Wallis H-test computed with scipy.stats.kruskal (α ≤ 0.05 in both cases) The sample sizes was n= when comparing durations and n= 12 when comparing parameter estimation errors In all figures, asterisks indicate significance: ∗ p ≤ 0.05 (significant), ∗∗ p ≤ 0.01 (highly significant), ∗∗∗ p ≤ 0.001 (most significant) In the figures and tables, a superscript w indicates the application of Welch’s t-test whereas a superscript k indicates the application of the Kruskal–Wallis H-test R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Fig Graphical representation of the six objective functions used to assess the quality of chromatographic simulation results, specifically the coincidence of experimental and simulated (gradient elution) peaks and breakthrough curves A Gradient elution peaks were compared based on differences in peak retention time, peak height and skew B Breakthrough curves were compared based on the difference in the maximum concentration peak height, the time to reach 50% of that concentration, and the time required to increase from 50% to 98% of the maximum concentration as calculated using the log_marginal_likelihood method of the GaussianProcessRegressor class of the scikit-learn python package [21] on several sample datasets [23,24] This is desirable because the log marginal likelihood describes the probability of the observed data given the assumed model, i.e., kernel rameters (Section 4.2) The “IEX Preliminary test” dataset was used as a reference task (Table S1) Non-significant parameters were eliminated from the model by automated backwards selection using a p-value threshold of 0.05 The final model achieved an R² of 0.699, an adjusted R² of 0.694 and a predicted R² of 0.688, indicating a suitable model quality (Table S2) Numerical minimization of the response (computational time) resulted in the optimal parameter settings shown in Table 2.8 Hyperparameter optimization Hyperparameters (Table 1) for the dimensional trimming algorithm (Section 3.4) were optimized using an I-optimal design of experiments (DoE) approach with 382 runs of third-order polynomial complexity built in Design-Expert v13 [25] DoE parameter ranges were chosen based on a set of scouting and screening experiments (data not shown) and the response was the computational time required by BayesOpt to estimate all SMA isotherm pa- 2.9 Testing BayesOpt with experimental chromatography data Exocellobiohydrolase (CBH1; UniProt ID P62694) derived from Trichoderma reesei preparation Celluclast 1.5 (Novozymes A/S, Bagsværd, Denmark) was purified from a 1:20 v v−1 dilution with equilibration buffer (25 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.5) Purifi4 R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Table DoE for hyperparameter optimization of dimensional trimming applied during BayesOpt Parameter [-] Symbol [-] Type [-] Minimum [-] Maximum [-] Predicted optimum [-] Number of initial candidate points Number of search points Starting value of the exploration-exploitation factor κ Best point threshold ncp nsp Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric 1.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 105.0 1.0 9.0 1.0 19.0 0.0 7.0 κ start nbp Theory and calculation cation was performed using a 46 mL Q Sepharose HP XK26/20 Column (GE Healthcare, Chicago, USA) mounted to an ÄKTA pure 25 M system (Cytiva, Marlborough, USA) The column was equilibrated with five column volumes (cv) of equilibration buffer, followed by loading 0.2 L (∼5 cv) of the Celluclast dilution We then applied cv of equilibration buffer for washing followed by a step-wise elution (25 mM sodium phosphate 1.0 M sodium chloride (∼50 mS cm−1 ), pH 7.5), including elution steps at 23.0, 26.0, and 50.0 mS cm−1 The flow rate was 10.0 mL min−1 (11.6 m h−1 ) and 4.0 mL fractions were analyzed by lithium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (LDS-PAGE) [26,1] Fractions containing CBH1 were pooled and had a purity of 98% as per densitometric analysis The pooled sample was buffer exchanged into sample buffer (25 mM sodium phosphate, 25 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0, 7.00 mS cm−1 ) using Vivaspin filter (Sartorius, Göttingen, Germany) and the CBH1 concentration was 3.78 mg L−1 based on a microtiter-plate Bradford assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA) [27,2] We loaded 1.0 or 35.2 mL of purified CBH1 for gradient elution and frontal experiments respectively using a mL Q Sepharose HP pre-packed column (Cytiva) mounted to a dedicated ÄKTA pure 25 L system (Cytiva) The column had been equilibrated for 10 cv in the modeling equilibration buffer (25 mM sodium phosphate, 25 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0) before sample loading and was washed for cv using the same buffer after sample loading Linear gradient elutions of CBH1 were carried out over 5, 30 or 120 cv up to 100% elution buffer (25 mM sodium phosphate, 500 mM sodium chloride, pH 7.0) Protein elution was monitored as ultraviolet light adsorption at 280 nm The flow rate was 0.50 mL min−1 (7.80 m h−1 ) at all times The resulting chromatograms were preprocessed by removing the salt-induced drift in the UV measurements A linear correlation between the UV adsorption and the conductivity signal was estimated based on the data points during the wash steps both before and after the gradient elutions Based on this correlation, the UV signal was corrected for each data point based on the conductivity measured at that point An exponentially modified Gaussian distribution Eqs (14) and (15) [28,3] was fitted to the chromatogram to remove noise and impurities from the signal f (x; h, x−μ μ, σ , τ ) = h · e−0.5( σ ) x−μ σ π π · · erfcx √ − τ σ τ erfcx(x ) = exp x 2 ∞ · √ ∫ e −θ d θ π 3.1 Directional objective functions As stated above, BayesOpt performs best using smooth objective functions The objective function most often chosen for the inverse fitting of chromatography models is a minimization of the SSE of the protein elution concentration profile between the experiment and the simulation [19] The SSE objective function has multiple localminima and multiple abrupt changes in slope For example, running simulations with varying keq and a true keq of 1.00 (other parameters follow the “IEX Preliminary test” in Table S1) resulted in a local minimum of SSE at a keq of 10−4 and a sharp drop towards the global keq minimum at 1.00 (Fig 2A and D; note the log10 scale of the x-axis) Accordingly, the SSE objective function is not well suited for BayesOpt Alternatively, the absolute value (i.e., the magnitude) of the time difference between the simulated and target peak may be used to assess the quality of fitted parameter values (Fig 2B and E) This function contains only a single global minimum to which minimizing algorithms will converge regardless of the starting conditions However, the function cannot be differentiated in that minimum, which is characterized by an abrupt change in slope This property compromises the objective function’s smoothness and thus impedes the performance of GPs, as discussed above In contrast, the actual value of the time offset forms a smooth objective function (Fig 2C and F) and has the additional benefit of providing information whether a simulated peak appears “earlier” or “later” than the target peak with the optimum being zero Here, we introduce the term ‘directional objective function’ for objective functions whose optimum is zero and that yield suboptimal values in both the negative and positive number space Hence, they provide additional information showing in which direction a parameter value should be modified for optimization However, directional objective functions introduce a computational challenge because their optimum is not a minimum or maximum and thus cannot be identified effectively using any optimizer available to use A new optimization algorithm is therefore required to identify the optimum, specifically the parameter value(s) that optimize the agreement between simulated and experimental data Therefore, we developed an option to construct such an algorithm (14) 3.2 Adapting the acquisition function to directional objective functions (15) x During BayesOpt, an acquisition function is used to choose the next point in the parameter space for evaluation using the objective function(s) Common examples include the upper confidence bound, the expected improvement, and the probability of improvement [11] The probability of improvement is the likelihood that the objective function at a point in the parameter space that has previously not been evaluated will yield a better parameter value estimate than the best value known up to that iteration in the optimization process The expected improvement quantifies the result by multiplying the likelihood by the relative improvement that can be gained compared to the previous optimum Both probability Where x is the retention time, f(x) is the UV signal, μ is the mean of the Gaussian component, σ is the standard deviation of the Gaussian component, h is the height of the Gaussian component, τ is exponent relaxation time, θ is the pseudo variable over which erfcx is integrated and erfcx is the scaled complementary error function The distribution parameters were estimated using the curve_fit method from scipy.optimize [20] The resulting distribution was used as a concentration profile and was subjected to the same parameter fitting described for synthetic data above R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Fig Objective functions for parameter estimation and their approximations using a Gaussian process during Bayesian optimization with SMA parameter keq as an example A and D Sum squared error (SSE) between the elution concentration profiles of simulated and target peaks B and E Absolute value of the relative time difference between the simulated and target peaks C and F Relative time difference between the simulated and target peaks The top row represents the beginning of the parameter fitting when coverage of the parameter space is sparse (four data points), whereas the bottom row represents a state close to the end of the optimization with nine data points (including three close to the optimum) added to the Gaussian processes functions return zeros for large fractions of the parameter space if BayesOpt is close to completion (i.e., the actual optimum), because the probabilities of improvement in certain regions approach zero Specifically, the ratio of the GP uncertainty to the objective function’s output range becomes very small Accordingly, the function in these regions does not have a slope that would point to the optimum, which is therefore difficult to identify at this stage because new points for evaluation are identified inefficiently In contrast, the upper confidence bound does not suffer from this limitation because it returns non-zero values even within undesirable regions We therefore used the upper confidence bound as an acquisition function for the BayesOpt algorithm but replaced its default formula (Eq (16)) with the one of the lower confidence bound (LCB) as shown in Eq (17), which allowed us to construct the objective functions as minimization tasks (Section 2.6) f ( μ, σ ) = μ + σ · κ (16) f ( μ, σ ) = μ − σ · κ (17) its experimental counterpart Using the absolute value of the GP mean would create a minimum at the optimal function value but this absolute value function cannot be differentiated when the dependent variable is zero, effectively impeding the performance of the gradient-based local optimization of the acquisition function We therefore approximated the absolute value function by Eq (18), which is differentiable in each point and has a maximum deviation from the true absolute value of × 10−9 This difference was considered negligible because the range of the objective functions was scaled to span from –1.0 to 1.0 in order to maximize the numerical stability of the algorithm (see above) f ( μ, σ ) = μ2 μ2 + 10−8 − σ · κ ≈ |μ| − σ · κ (18) We chose not to transform the standard deviation of the objective functions into the statistically correct folded normal distribution because the latter compromised key aspects of the acquisition function when the normal distribution’s range crossed below zero Specifically, regions with high uncertainty were deemed less favorable for exploration by the acquisition function when using the folded normal distribution, effectively contradicting the purpose of exploration (Fig 3A) Instead, we used the untransformed uncertainty of the objective function(s) Even though this caused some results to predict negative error values that should be impossible in theory (Fig 3, shaded areas below zero), the acquisition function successfully chose the expected locations of interest and the algorithm converged to the correct parameter values where μ is the mean of the GP, σ is the GP standard deviation and κ is the exploration–exploitation tradeoff factor, with high values of κ favoring the exploration of regions with high uncertainties over regions close to the values currently yielding the best results with respect to the objective function(s) However, in the form of Eq (17), the mean GP value can be negative for sub-optimal parameter conditions, e.g a simulated peak appearing earlier than R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Fig Evaluation of the lower confidence bound (LCB) acquisition function in three scenarios of Gaussian processes (GP) using either an untransformed uncertainty (normal distribution, green) or the formally correct folded normal distribution (orange) A Scenario with a constant mean (blue line) and varying uncertainty (shaded area) The LCB with a folded normal distribution disregards regions of high uncertainty in the GP and is therefore not useful to identify the next parameter value to be evaluated B Scenario with a varying mean and constant uncertainty Both acquisition functions correctly identify the location where the next parameter values should be evaluated C Scenario with a varying mean and varying uncertainty The minimum of the LCB with unmodified uncertainty (normal distribution) is closer to where the mean approaches zero than the minimum of the LCB with folded normal distribution Note that a scenario with constant mean and constant uncertainty is not shown because the GP starts after an initial iteration has been performed and there is a non-uniform prior of the objective function 3.3 Multiple objective functions and their aggregation ple directional objective functions can resolve this ambiguity when multiple parameters need to be optimized at the same time, which is the case for an SMA isotherm, especially when mass transport is also considered We therefore built a new optimizer that maintains individual GPs for each objective function and combines all GP estimates of the objective functions into a single, aggregated objective function during the evaluation step performed by the acquisition function We selected the arithmetic mean to aggregate the individual objective functions (Eq (19)), with the option to add weightings to A single directional objective function is typically capable of identifying an optimum for only a single independent parameter to be fitted However, when multiple parameter values need to be optimized, a single directional objective function will probably result in a set of indistinguishable optima: instead of a single root (intersection with the objective function at zero value) there will be a line or area of roots in the multi-dimensional parameter space for which the objective function adopts a zero value Combining multi- R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 the individual objective functions present in the code but unused for the results in this paper (Eq (20)) For example, the weightings can help to fine-tune the fitting process, for example by placing emphasis on peak height and skew over retention time (Fig 1) Similarly, alternative aggregation functions may also be used to introduce a weighting between individual directional objective functions, such as the geometric mean or the harmonic mean f (x ) = n n x2i x2i + 10−8 i=1 f (w, x ) = n n i=1 ≈ n best data points were identified, where np is the number of parameters to be fitted, and the boundaries of the parameter space were shrunk to the ranges spanned by these points Thereafter, the procedure entered the next iteration until a termination-threshold score of 0.005 was achieved, which was equivalent to an average error of 0.5% across the multiple objective functions This threshold can be reduced if higher precision is required at the cost of longer computation times Alternative termination criteria may be specified, such as a fixed number of CADET evaluations The method can rapidly shrink the parameter space in the case of simple optima (Fig 5) Should multiple local optima exist for one or several of the parameters to be fitted, the range of the corresponding parameter(s) will shrink only as far as possible while still including these optima n |xi | (19) i=1 (wi · xi )2 (wi · xi )2 + 10−8 ≈ n n |wi · xi | (20) i=1 Where f(x) is the aggregated objective function, n is the number of individual objective functions to be aggregated, xi is the value of the ith objective function and wi is the weighting assigned to the i-th objective function An estimate of the combined uncertainty of the aggregated objective function is also required to solve the acquisition function (Eq (18)) Calculating this uncertainty in a closed form was impractical, because the form depends on the number of objective functions involved and would require adaptation if the number and/or nature of the functions change Estimating the combined uncertainty using a Monte Carlo method instead [29] increased the calculation costs about 40-fold (data not shown) Therefore, the individual standard deviations were combined using the rules of error propagation (Eq (21)), which can also be adapted to the use of weightings (Eq (22)) f (σ ) = n i=1 σi2 3.5 Algorithm termination condition We chose a stall threshold of less than stall (here 0.001) improvement over nstall data points with respect to the combined score functions to define a termination criterion for the algorithm As the score functions were formulated as percentage differences between the target values and the simulated values, a delta of 0.001 corresponded to an error of 0.1%, which we deemed acceptable For nstall we chose nsp , the number points determined for the dimensional shrinking section As a result, if an entire iteration of the dimensional shrinking procedure elapses without further improvement, the algorithm ended as it had most likely converged to the best possible solution given the respective data input Results and discussion (21) n 4.1 Inverse fitting of transport and porosity parameter values f (w, σ ) = n i=1 ( w i · σi ) n Transport parameters and porosities must be determined to set the boundary conditions for the modeling of packed-bed chromatography columns [31] We assumed that experimental conditions such as the column length and volumetric flow rate would be known We used the lumped rate model with pores to fit values for the column porosity (i.e., inter-particle porosity), particle porosity (i.e., intra-particle porosity), axial dispersion coefficient, and film diffusion coefficient [7,32] We used two types of input data to fit these mass transport parameters: (i) non-pore-penetrating tracer data to determine the column porosity and the axial dispersion coefficient, and (ii) pore-penetrating tracer data to determine the particle porosity and the film diffusion coefficient For subsequent experiments to determine the transport parameters, the adsorption constant ka was set to zero to eliminate interactions between the components and the stationary phase For the experiments with non-pore-penetrating tracers, the particle porosity and film diffusion were also set to zero We compared the performance of BayesOpt, a multi-start gradient descent algorithm, and a genetic algorithm using four datasets (Figs 6A, S1, Table S4) that captured the variability of singleprotein peak shapes that we have previously encountered during the determination of SMA parameters [33] If restricted to one CPU core, BayesOpt was on average 15 % faster than the multi-start gradient descent algorithm and 4.3-fold faster than the genetic algorithm (Fig 6B) When parallelizing over 12 CPU cores, the BayesOpt algorithm was on average 37 % slower than gradient descent and % faster than the genetic algorithm (Fig 6C) Overall, the time required for BayesOpt calculations was less than and was thus compatible with model updating on a daily basis even for large collections of chromatography data featuring more than 100 individual calculations, for example representing different proteins and chromatography conditions The parameter estimation error in (22) Where n is the number of individual objective functions with uncertainties to be aggregated and σ i is the standard deviation of the ith objective function 3.4 Dimensional trimming As described in the introduction, a caveat of BayesOpt is the increasing computational cost of the fitting and evaluation of GPs as the number of data points increases For example, the time required to fit and evaluate the GPs for each search step compared to the time required for the CADET simulations during each step increased substantially over the course of parameter estimation runs (Fig 4A and B) Therefore, it would take more time to compute the parameter values used to execute the next chromatography simulation using CADET than to conduct that simulation We therefore modified our algorithm to trim down the parameter dimensions after a certain number of GP evaluation steps, effectively limiting the duration of GP computation (Fig 4C and D) The trimming procedure (Fig 5) used a pre-optimized set of hyperparameters (Table 1, Section 2.8) and started by filling the parameter space with an initial set of candidate points (ncp ) to be evaluated using CADET These points were distributed throughout the parameter space using the Enhanced Stochastic Evolutionary algorithm from the python surrogate modeling toolbox (SMT) package, which produces low-discrepancy Latin hypercube sampling distributions [30] Once these points had been evaluated by CADET, BayesOpt used the GP estimates to select a fixed number of search points (nsp ) with κ decreasing from a starting value (kstart ) to zero, effectively shifting the focus from exploration to exploitation during search point selection Thereafter, the np × nbp R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Fig Computation time required for chromatography parameter estimation and its dependence on isotherm complexity and the size of the parameter search space A SMA parameter estimation (ka , kd , ν and σ ) and the resulting change in duration of CADET and GP computation times using a fixed parameter space throughout the process B HIC parameter estimation (keq , kkin , m, β and β ) and the resulting change in duration of CADET and GP computation times using a fixed parameter space throughout the process C As in A, but including a dimensional trimming step for the GP D As in B, but including a dimensional trimming step for the GP The trimming procedure (Fig 5) causes abrupt changes in the GP duration of operation in panels C and D the BayesOpt method was at least 100-fold lower than the standard deviation of the same parameters in replicated experiments [33] (Table S3) Overall, we deemed the BayesOpt error acceptable for the estimation of transport parameters in chromatography models, even though it was significantly (p ≤ 0.001) higher than the multi-start gradient descent error for all datasets except the external pore-penetrating dataset (Fig 6D) sults because the actual parameter values of real proteins are unknown However, we can compare the standard deviations of the parameter estimates, produced by the algorithms on artificial data, to the standard deviation of the same parameters obtained from replicated experiments We found that at worst the standard deviation of BayesOpt (4.14 × 10−3 , n= 12) was ‘only’ two orders of magnitude lower than the experimental standard deviation obtained for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (RuBisCO) (7.21 × 10−1 , n= 3) on mL Q Sepharose HP column fitted by gradient descent (Table S5) Therefore, the error introduced by BayesOpt was only 0.6% of the experimental uncertainty, which we consider acceptable Furthermore, the differences between the predicted and target chromatograms were marginal in all cases (Figs S2–S5) Therefore, we deemed BayesOpt suitable for the estimation of SMA parameters in chromatography models based on combined breakthrough and gradient elution data but concede that multistart gradient descent and the genetic algorithm can achieve higher parameter certainties 4.2 Inverse fitting of SMA isotherm parameter values Calibrating an SMA model based on experimental data can be achieved by (i) estimating ka , kd , ν and σ based on gradient elution and a breakthrough data, or (ii) estimating keq (i.e., the ratio of ka and kd ) and ν based on several gradient elutions [8,31] When testing the three algorithms on in silico generated datasets in the first scenario (gradient elution and breakthrough data, Fig 7), we found that convergence was achieved on a single CPU core on average ∼12-fold faster using BayesOpt compared to the multistart gradient descent algorithm and ∼22-fold faster compared to the genetic algorithm (Fig 7C, Table S6) When parameter fitting was executed on 12 CPU cores in parallel, BayesOpt was still 3-fold faster than the multi-start gradient descent algorithm and 4-fold faster than the genetic algorithm (Fig 7D) Similarly to the results for the transport parameters, BayesOpt generated higher parameter estimation errors and larger rSSE values compared to the multistart gradient descent algorithm on all datasets except for the external dataset (Fig 7E and F) We cannot compare the parameter estimation errors to experimental re- 4.3 Inverse fitting of SMA isotherm parameters keq and ν based on gradient elution data More than 500 mg of pure protein is typically required for breakthrough curve experiments [33], which is difficult to obtain during early downstream process development Because the information derived from these curves (i.e., an estimate of σ and thus column capacity) is not usually required at that development stage, estimating keq (i.e., the ratio of ka and kd ) and ν based on gradient R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Fig Graphical representation of the steps in the algorithm used for dimensional trimming A An initial set of candidate points (ncp ) is distributed throughout the parameter space using the Enhanced Stochastic Evolutionary algorithm B GP estimates are used to select additional search points (nsp ), initially focusing on exploration – the sampling of high-uncertainty regions in the parameter space C By iteratively reducing the exploration–exploitation factor κ for each search point, GP selections favor exploitation (i.e., investigate regions close to the current optimum) in the course of search point selection D The top np × nbp points in terms of the objective function value are identified to form the basis of a new parameter range, where np is the number of parameters to be optimized and nbp is the best point threshold E The parameter range spanned by the np × nbp points is used to define new boundaries for the values of the parameters to be fitted F–H The new boundaries are applied and the search is reiterated until a termination condition is reached (see Section 3.5) Each dot in the panels represents an aggregated objective function score for a given set of parameter values (e.g., SMA parameters) Objective function scores were calculated as described in Section 2.6 and aggregated as described in Section 3.3 elution experiments alone is another relevant task in chromatography modeling We evaluated all three algorithms on three in silico datasets using three elution curves of 5, 30 and 120 column volumes (cv) each (Fig 8) The external dataset was not used because it contained only a single gradient elution profile On a single CPU core, we found that BayesOpt was on average 25.0-fold faster than the multi-start gradient descent algorithm and 37.9-fold faster than the genetic algorithms On 12 CPU cores, BayesOpt was on average ∼7-fold faster than both alternative algorithms (Table S7) As before, the peak shapes of the simulated and target chromatograms were very similar for all approaches (Figs S6–S8), even though BayesOpt had significantly (p ≤ 0.001) higher parameter estimation errors and rSSE values compared to the gradient descent algorithm on two of the three in silico datasets and significantly lower (p ≤ 0.001) errors on the internal dataset The variability introduced by BayesOpt never exceed 1.3% of the standard deviation of the parameter values experimentally determined by replicated measurements (Table S5) We therefore considered BayesOpt 10 R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Fig Performance of transport parameter estimations for three inverse fitting algorithms using non-binding tracer experiments Algorithm performance was evaluated on two datasets (internal and external) each for non-pore-penetrating tracers to determine the column porosity and column dispersion, as well as pore-penetrating tracers to determine the particle porosity and film diffusion A In silico target chromatograms representing the target curves to be fitted based on representative parameter values (Table S1) B Violin plots of the duration of the inverse fitting calculation using a single CPU core (n= 6) C As in B, but for parallel computing on 12 CPU cores D Violin plot of the parameter estimation error after fitting, calculated as the Euclidean distance between the true and fitted parameter values in a normalized four-dimensional (inter-particle porosity, intra-particle porosity, axial dispersion coefficient, and film diffusion coefficient) parameter space (n= 12) E Violin plot of the sum squared error (SSE) between the target and fitted chromatograms divided by the sum squared total of the target chromatogram, yielding the relative SSE (rSSE) (n= 12) Asterisks in B–E indicate significance: ∗ p ≤ 0.05, ∗ ∗ p ≤ 0.01, ∗ ∗ ∗ p ≤ 0.001 Superscript w indicates the use of Welch’s test whereas superscript k indicates the use of the Kruskal–Wallis H-test to assess statistically significant differences The violin plot whisker bars show the full range of the distribution, and the width of the shaded area shows the distribution density 11 R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Fig SMA parameter (ka , kd , ν and σ ) estimation performance of three inverse fitting algorithms using a gradient elution and a breakthrough curve Algorithm performance was measured over four reference datasets differing in column dimensions and flowrates (external data vs internal data) as well as the corresponding SMA binding parameters (different for all datasets) (Table S1) A In silico as well as experimental target chromatograms of gradient elutions for each of the five datasets using a representative gradient length of 30 cv B Breakthrough curves of the datasets as in A C Violin plot of the duration of the inverse fitting calculation using a single CPU core (n= 6) D As in C, but using 12 CPU cores in parallel E Violin plot of the parameter estimation error calculated as the Euclidean distance between the true and fitted parameter values in a normalized four-dimensional parameter space (n= 12) F Violin plot of the sum squared error (SSE) between the target and simulated chromatograms divided by the sum squared total of the target chromatogram yielding the relative SSE (rSSE) (n= 12) Asterisks in B–E indicate significance: ∗ p ≤ 0.05, ∗ ∗ p ≤ 0.01, ∗ ∗ ∗ p ≤ 0.001 Superscript w indicates the use of Welch’s test whereas superscript k indicates the use of the Kruskal–Wallis H-test to assess statistically significant differences The violin plot whisker bars show the full range of the distribution, and the width of the shaded area shows the distribution density 12 R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Fig SMA parameter (keq and ν ) estimation performance of three inverse fitting algorithms using data based on three elution gradients of 5, 30 and 120 column volumes (cv) The performance of each algorithm was determined using three datasets, which differed in their transport parameters (Table S1) A In silico as well as experimental target chromatograms for each of the three datasets calculated for a 30 cv gradient B Violin plot of the duration of the inverse fitting calculation using a single CPU core (n= 6) C As in B, but using 12 CPU cores in parallel D Violin plot of the parameter estimation error calculated as the Euclidean distance between the true and fitted parameter values in a normalized two-dimensional parameter space (n= 12) E Violin plot of the sum squared error (SSE) between the target and simulated chromatograms divided by the sum squared total of the target chromatogram yielding the relative SSE (rSSE) (n= = 12) Asterisks in B–E indicate significance: ∗ p ≤ 0.05, ∗ ∗ p ≤ 0.01, ∗∗∗ p ≤ 0.001 Superscript w indicates the use of Welch’s test whereas superscript k indicates the use of the Kruskal–Wallis H-test to assess statistically significant differences The violin plot whisker bars show the full range of the distribution, and the width of the shaded area shows the distribution density 13 R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Fig HIC binding parameter (keq , kkin , m, β and β ) estimation performance of three inverse fitting algorithms based on data from three gradient elutions over 5, 30 and 120 column volumes (cv) as well as a breakthrough curve The performance of each algorithm was determined on one dataset, which was generated using the only binding parameter combination we could find that allowed precise parameter identification (Table S1) A In silico target chromatogram calculated for a 30 cv gradient B In silico breakthrough curve for an HIC isotherm C Violin plot of the duration of the inverse fitting calculation using a single CPU core (n= 6) D As in C, but using 12 CPU cores in parallel E Violin plot of the parameter estimation error calculated as the Euclidean distance between the true and fitted parameter values in a normalized two-dimensional parameter space (n= 12) F Violin plot of the sum squared error (SSE) between the target and simulated chromatograms divided by the sum squared total of the target chromatogram, yielding the relative SSE (rSSE) (n = 12) Asterisks in C–F indicate significance: ∗ p ≤ 0.05, ∗ ∗ p ≤ 0.01, ∗ ∗ ∗ p ≤ 0.001 Superscript w indicates the use of Welch’s test whereas superscript k indicates the use of the Kruskal–Wallis H-test to assess statistically significant differences The violin plot whisker bars show the full range of the distribution, and the width of the shaded area shows the distribution density 14 R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 suitable to estimate SMA binding parameters for chromatography models based on multiple gradient elution data Conclusions We have developed a new algorithm for chromatography parameter fitting using a Bayesian optimization approach The fitting of all transport and SMA isotherm parameters based on three gradient elutions or a gradient and a breakthrough curve was ∼10fold faster with BayesOpt than a gradient descent algorithm using a single CPU core (46 vs 478 min) This improvement in speed is particularly relevant if multiple calculations must be carried out in parallel on a single computer, for example when fitting parameters for multiple proteins (as would be required to simulate the behavior of a crude host cell protein mixture containing a product) Although the speed of BayesOpt was partially offset by a higher variability of the parameter estimates, it was nevertheless two orders of magnitude lower than the variability in replicate experimental measurements indicating that the fitting quality was sufficient for applications such as predicting the separation of protein mixtures during in silico process development In this context, we have not observed relevant solution instabilities using isotherms of the SMA and HIC complexity However, if the number of parameters and proteins to be fitted simultaneously were to be increased in future model setups, the condition of the optimization problem will require re-examination to ensure BayesOpt can be applied successfully Specifically, BayesOpt can be more demanding in terms of the mathematical problem being well conditioned as discussed above [12,13] For example, if the slope around the optimum of the objective function is shallow and in the same order of magnitude as the termination threshold of the algorithm, the latter may prematurely terminate in a region that is not as close to the actual optimum as it should be An additional benefit of BayesOpt is that it provides estimates of the relevant ranges for the fitted chromatography parameters, e.g for isotherms, thus facilitating an analysis about the reliability of the corresponding model predictions The current BayesOpt algorithm was optimized to estimate chromatography parameters based on experimental data obtained with pure compounds (e.g., purified proteins) The next step is therefore to expand the approach and apply it to parameter estimation based on multicomponent competitive binding experiments The same applies to handling combined breakthrough and gradient elution data as inputs for the program Further tuning may also be required to deal with heavily tailing peaks (e.g., for experiments with dextran) as well as the automated pre-processing of experimental data (e.g., smoothing) as described in [19] In this context, further testing BayesOpt with experimental data containing various degrees of noise will be important Like a genetic algorithm, BayesOpt returns an estimate of the influence of the fitted parameters over all objective functions and across the entire parameter space, whereas gradient descent returns only a single optimum Combined with the short computation time, BayesOpt is a valuable tool for the screening of parameter space, providing insights into the influence of parameters on the experimental results BayesOpt will be especially rewarding when handling large datasets (e.g., > 100 proteins) 4.4 Preliminary verification of BayesOpt performance on experimental data Testing BayesOpt on synthetic data in silico (Sections 4.1 to 4.3) was necessary to obtain absolute performance measures, i.e compare the results achieved by the algorithm with those from competing approaches against known target values, e.g for isotherm parameters, which are unknown for experimental data However, experimental data contain several ‘features’ that potentially interfere with a smooth execution of parameter fitting and that can therefore deteriorate the performance under authentic conditions For example, noise, drift and shift in the (UV) signal of a chromatogram can reduce the fidelity of an exponentially-modified Gauss fit, which is often used to approximate an experimental elution peak before starting the actual mass transport and isotherm parameter fitting [33] Furthermore, impurities such as aggregates, degradation products or other proteins can cause peak shoulders, tailing and fronting additionally aggravating the aforementioned problem Because the types and manifestations of such noise features are diverse, an exhaustive assessment of the performance of BayesOpt on experimental data is beyond the scope of this study Here, we have limited our testing of BayesOpt using experimental input data to CBH1 as a representative protein in terms of peak shape based on our current experience We find that the duration of BayesOpt for the fitting of all SMA binding parameters was 44.4 ± 15.7 (± standard deviation; n= 6) using CPU core (Fig 7) This was ∼7-times faster than multi-start gradient descent and ∼11-times faster than a genetic algorithm The fitting of only keq and ν took 24.4 ± 6.7 (n = 6) using CPU core (Fig 8) This was ∼2times faster than multi-start gradient descent and ∼60-times faster than a genetic algorithm Furthermore, we found that BayesOpt converged consistently with a small variability in the fitted chromatography parameters (Table S5) and reached significantly lower rSSE results than both other algorithms (Figs 7F and 8E as well as Figs S9 and S10) We concluded that, based on the limited data tested so far, BayesOpt can successfully identify isotherm and mass transport parameters using experimental input data 4.5 Inverse fitting of HIC isotherm parameters In contrast to the SMA isotherm, the modified (Eq (7)) HIC isotherm used binding parameters keq , kkin , m, β and β [17] Here, we estimated the five parameters based on three gradient elutions and one breakthrough curve (Fig 9) Due to time constraints the multi-start gradient descent and the genetic algorithm could not be evaluated on a single CPU core for datasets and and will only be compared to BayesOpt on the 12 CPU core setup When using 12 CPU cores, BayesOpt accelerated the calculation by 6.0-fold compared to the multi-start gradient descent algorithm and 4.0-fold compared to the genetic algorithm on average over three in silico datasets (Fig 9C and D, Table S8) For datasets and 3, there were no visible difference between the simulated and target chromatograms (Fig S9) for the three methods, despite BayesOpt resulting in significantly (p ≤ 0.001) higher parameter estimation errors compared to the other algorithms On dataset 2, multi-start gradient descent failed to converge on the global optimum during all iterations, which causes the high parameter estimation error and rSSE results (Fig 9E and F, Figs (S11–13) Consent for publication All authors have seen a draft version of the manuscript and concur with its submission Data availability statement The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request 15 R.C Jäpel and J.F Buyel Journal of Chromatography A 1679 (2022) 463408 Funding [14] J Mockus, Bayesian Approach to Global Optimization: Theory and Applications, Springer Science & Business Media, 1989 [15] S Leweke, E von Lieres, Chromatography analysis and design toolkit (CADET), Comput Chem Eng 113 (2018) 274–294, doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2018.02 025 [16] E von Lieres, J Andersson, A fast and accurate solver for the general rate model of column liquid chromatography, Comput Chem Eng 34 (2010) 1180– 1191, 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BayesOpt performs best using smooth objective functions The objective function most often chosen for the inverse fitting of chromatography models is a minimization of the SSE of the protein elution... performed and there is a non-uniform prior of the objective function 3.3 Multiple objective functions and their aggregation ple directional objective functions can resolve this ambiguity when multiple. .. is the value of the objective function, ttarget is the metric for the target chromatogram (e.g., the time taken to reach 50% of the maximum concentration) and tsim is the same metric for the

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