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QUICK TEST 2-C- ANH 12-TN 2021

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QUICK TEST 2 CHINH KSC QUICK TEST 2 CHINH KSC Question 1 A mate B pay C saw D prey Question 2 A worried B bored C disappointed D annoyed Question 3 A social B conduct C survey D value Question 4 A aca[.]

QUICK TEST 2-CHINH KSC Question A mate B pay C saw D prey Question 2: A worried B bored C disappointed D annoyed Question 3: A social B conduct C survey D value Question 4: A academic B disappointment C particular D education Question 5: She is ready to go, ? A is she B isn’t she C does she D doesn’t she Question 6: The Vietnamese participants always take part sports events with great enthusiasm A in B on C at D to Question 7: My boss _ for me when I came into the office A waiting B waited C was waiting D has waited Question 8: He was offered the job his poor qualifications A because of B although C in spite of D because Question 9: _, she will finish her work A After she had left B When she was leaving C As soon as she leaves D Until she left Question 10: hid own boss for such a long time, he found it hard to accept orders from another A To have been B To having been C Having been D Have been Question 11: Corona virus _ by a Chinese doctor named Zhang Jixian A was discovering B discovered C was discovered D discover Question 12: she studies for these tests, the better he will A The harder B The hardest C The more D The more hard Question 13: Butcher : “How much meat you want?” Buyer : “ _” A Sorry, there isn’t any B I can’t give you any C A kilo, please D It’s too much Question 14: Nancy and James are talking about their school days Nancy: "I think school days are the best time of our lives." James: " A I'm afraid so B I agree absolutely C That's nonsense D I doubt it Question 15 She gave me a/an _ book on my birthday A interesting new English B English new interesting C interesting English new D new interesting English Question 16 Information technology is very to our lives A useful B useless C use D usefully Question 17 expressions in our language have interesting background A Little B Many C Every D Much Question 18: The statue, was constructed between 1922 and 1931, is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone A why B that C who D which Question 19 Helen Killer, who was both blind and deaf, overcame her disabilities with the help of their A B C D teacher, Ann Sullivan Question 20 Last night, Susan doesn’t come to the party with her boyfriend because of bad weather A B C D Question 21 The whole matter is farther complicated by the fact that Amanda and Jo refuse to speak to each other A B C D Question 22 “Thank you very much for your help, John” said Daisy A Daisy thanked John for helping her B Daisy told John to help her C Daisy wanted John to help her and said thanks D Daisy would like John to help her Question 23 It’s possible that Joanna didn’t receive my message A Joanna mightn’t have received my message B Joanna should have received my message C Joanna mustn’t have received my message D Joanna must have received my message Question 24 She last went there when she was a child A She hasn’t gone there when she was a child B She didn’t go there when she was a child C She hasn’t gone there since she was a child D She didn’t go there since she was a child Question 25: Nam was so rude to them last night Now he feels regretful A Nam regrets to have been so rude to them last night B Nam regrets having so rude to them last night C Nam wishes he hadn’t been so rude to them last night D Nam wishes he weren’t so rude to them last night Question 26: Fortunately, Marie is _ her new roommate A calling on B talking over C getting along with D.getting in touch with Question 27 The more I tried my best to help her, _ she became A less lazy B the lazier C the more lazy D lazier Question 28: In the formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye with the interviewers A contact B touch C link D connection Question 29: The conference discussed issues A environment B environmental C environmentally D environmentalist Question 30: The government does not know what to with household rubbish in large cities A Little does the government know what to with household rubbish in large cities B It is unknown what to with household rubbish in large cities by the government C Rarely the government knows what to with household rubbish in large cities D Hardly any government knows what to with household rubbish in large cities Reading The first category of glaciers includes those massive blankets that cover whole continents, appropriately called ice sheets There must be over 50,000 square kilometers of land covered with ice for the glacier to qualify as an ice sheet, when portions of an ice sheet spread out over the ocean, they form ice shelves Less spectacular than large ice fields are the most common types of mountain glaciers: the cirque and valley glaciers Cirque glaciers are found in depressions in the surface of the land and have a characteristic circular shape The ice of valley glaciers, bound by terrain, flows down valleys, curves around their corners, and falls over cliffs Question 31 It can be inferred from paragraph that ice sheets are so named because A they cover large areas of land B they are confined to cirque glaciers C they are thicker in some areas than the others D they are identified by the landform that controls their flow Question 32 The word “their” in last paragraph refers to A valley glaciers B cirque glaciers C ice fields D valleys Question 33 All of the following are alpine glaciers which are NOT MENTIONED _ A valley glaciers B cirque glaciers C ice fields D ice caps

Ngày đăng: 18/12/2022, 16:48


