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Aspectroscopicstudyoftheinteractionof isoflavones
with humanserum albumin
H. G. Mahesha
, Sridevi A. Singh
, N. Srinivasan
and A. G. Appu Rao
1 Department of Protein Chemistry & Technology, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India
2 Molecular Biophysics unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Isoflavones ) naturally occurring oestrogen-like mole-
cules ) play a beneficial role in the prevention of
osteoporosis. Light is yet to be thrown on the cellular
mechanisms through which dietary isoflavones enhance
the retention of calcium in the bone [1]. They offer
alternative therapies for a range of hormone dependent
conditions such as cancer, menopausal symptoms, car-
diovascular disease and osteoporosis [2]. Isoflavones
have also been demonstrated to act as oestrogen mim-
ics via classical mediated signalling, apart from func-
tioning as tyrosine kinase inhibitors [3,4] and can
interact with oestrogen receptors. It is believed that
their structural similarity to 17b-oestradiol molecule
bears explanation for this mimicry [5]. These molecules
share several features in common withthe oestradiol
structure (Fig. 1), including a pair of hydroxyl groups
separated by a similar distance. One ofthe hydroxyl
groups is a substituent ofthe aromatic A ring, while
the second lies at the opposite end ofthe molecule [6].
However, theinteractionwiththe receptors is not
equivalent, since both the occupancy time and affinity
are significantly less for isoflavones. In addition, small
differences in the structures of individual isoflavones
drastically alter their oestrogenicity.
daidzein; genistein; serum albumin;
interaction studies; binding pocket
Dr A.G. Appu Rao, Department of Protein
Chemistry & Technology, Central Food
Technological Research Institute,
Mysore 570 020, India
Fax: +91 821 2517233
Tel: +91 821 2515331
E-mail: appurao@cftri.res.in
(Received 5 October 2005, accepted
22 November 2005)
Genistein and daidzein, the major isoflavones present in soybeans, possess
a wide spectrum of physiological and pharmacological functions. The bind-
ing of genistein to humanserumalbumin (HSA) has been investigated by
equilibrium dialysis, fluorescence measurements, CD and molecular visuali-
zation. One mole of genistein is bound per mole of HSA witha binding
constant of 1.5 ± 0.2 · 10
. Binding of genistein to HSA precludes
the attachment of daidzein. The ability of HSA to bind genistein is found
to be lost when the tryptophan residue ofalbumin is modified with
N-bromosuccinimide. At 27 °C (pH 7.4), van’t Hoff’s enthalpy, entropy
and free energy changes that accompany the binding are found to be
)13.16 kcalÆmol
, )21 calÆmol
and )6.86 kcalÆmol
, respectively.
Temperature and ionic strength dependence and competitive binding meas-
urements of genistein with HSA in the presence of fatty acids and 8-ani-
lino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid have suggested the involvement of both
hydrophobic and ionic interactions in the genistein–HSA binding. Binding
measurements of genistein with BSA and HSA, and those in the presence
of warfarin and 2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid and Fo
rster energy transfer
measurements have been used for deducing the binding pocket on HSA.
Fluorescence anisotropy measurements of daidzein bound and then dis-
placed with warfarin, 2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid or diazepam confirm the
binding of daidzein and genistein to subdomain IIA of HSA. The ability of
HSA to form ternery complexes with other neutral molecules such as war-
farin, which also binds within the subdomain IIA pocket, increases our
understanding ofthe binding dynamics of exogenous drugs to HSA.
ANS, 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid; HSA, humanserum albumin; TIB, 2,3,5-tri-iodo benzoic acid.
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 451–467 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 451
Genistein, daidzein and glycitein are the major iso-
flavones of raw soybeans. Both ingestion and injection
of genistein can affect the development ofthe repro-
ductive system, decrease thymic weight and delayed
type hypersensitivity response, modulate immune
response or reduce thyroid peroxidase [7]. Soybeans
are the only natural dietary source of these diphenolic
compounds. These molecules function as antioxidants
in plants and act as partial agonists of oestrogens in
mammalian tissues [8]. Genistein exerts its influence on
oesteoblast-like cells, at dietarily achievable concentra-
tions. The beneficial effects of genistein may be partic-
ularly related to the inhibition of oesteoclastogenesis
(mediated by cytokine production in oesteoblasts) [9].
Daidzein and genistein share similarity in structure
except for an additional hydroxyl group on theA ring
of genistein. However, genistein may have up to five-
to sixfold greater oestrogenic activity in some assays
[10]. Genistein, in micromolar concentrations, alters
the function of numerous ion channels and other mem-
brane proteins [11].
Binding ofisoflavones to serumalbumin can be an
important determinant of pharmaco-kinetics that
restricts the unbound concentration and affects dis-
tribution and elimination. Humanserum albumin
(HSA) ) a 585-residue monomeric protein ) is the
major component of blood plasma and other intersti-
tial fluid of body tissues [12]. The binding sites for
both endogenous and exogenous ligands on HSA are
limited. Binding of drug to the protein may be affected
by a variety of factors and genetic polymorphism
could be one of them.
Structural studies have helped map the locations of
fatty acids and primary drug binding sites on the pro-
tein [12,13]. Fatty acid binding sites are distributed
throughout the protein and involve all six subdomains
while many drugs bind to one ofthe two primary
binding sites on the protein known as drug sites I and
II [14]. These investigations have used competitive
binding methods to arrive at the selectivity ofthe pri-
mary drug-binding site. Drug site I, where warfarin
binds, has been characterized to be conformationally
adaptable with up to three subcompartments [15]. Fur-
ther work on site I and site II drugs is needed to build
a more comprehensive picture of drug interactions
with HSA, which may provide a structural basis for a
rational approach for drug design to exploit or exclude
the impact of HSA on drug delivery [16]. Most ligands
are bound reversibly and the typical binding constants
) range from 10
to 10
Proteins ⁄ enzymes are often the target molecules for
all the isoflavones’ interactions. We have explored the
interaction ofisoflavoneswith HSA at the molecular
level using direct ligand binding measurements ) equi-
librium dialysis and intrinsic protein ⁄ isoflavone fluo-
rescence ) as a probe, for both quantitative and
qualitative perspectives, in detail. The energetics of
interactions has been followed by varying binding con-
stant with temperature. The nature ofthe interaction
was identified by temperature and ionic strength
dependence of binding constant, competitive ligand
binding measurements with fatty acids and 8-anilino-
1-naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS). The binding pocket
for isoflavones on HSA has been identified based on
binding measurements of warfarin or 2,3,5-tri-iodo
benzoic acid (TIB), in the presence of genistein, Fo
energy transfer measurements and binding of genistein
with HSA and BSA. Based on the experimental work
the possibility of simultaneous binding of warfarin and
17 b
Fig. 1. Structures of 17b- oestradiol, warfarin, genistein and daidz-
ein. Daidzein does not have a hydroxyl group at position 5 ofthe A
ring compared to genistein. The positions ofthe A, B and C rings
and the functional groups are indicated for genistein. TheA and C
rings oftheisoflavones are similar to theA and B rings of oestra-
diol. The actual distance between the two hydroxyl groups on both
the molecules is nearly identical; these hydroxyl groups are critically
located to enable binding to the estrogen receptor protein.
Interaction ofisoflavoneswithhumanserumalbumin H.G. Mahesha et al.
452 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 451–467 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
genistein has been raised. It is important to check if the
binding site of HSA has space and appropriate shape
and residues to accommodate both warfarin and geni-
stein. A crystal structure of HSA bound to warfarin is
available (PDB no. 1h9z and 1 ha2) [16]. We used this
complex structure to explore the accommodation of
genistein and to generate a 3D model ofthe ternary
complex of HSA–warfarin–genistein.
Equilibrium dialysis
To determine the classes and number of genistein bind-
ing sites, saturation of these sites on HSA is required.
The binding data are given in Fig. 2. The number of
genistein molecules bound by a mole of protein (m)is
plotted against free genistein concentration [L]. Human
serum albumin was saturated at 50 lm genistein
(Fig. 2A). Scatchard plot [17] ofthe above data shows
only one high affinity binding site for genistein with a
binding constant of 1.0 ± 0.2 · 10
(Fig. 2B).
Non-linear fitting algorithms for the data given in
Fig. 2A (m versus [L]) were given similar results for the
maximum number of binding sites and binding con-
stant for single occupancy.
Fluorescence measurements
Human serum albumin, when excited at 295 nm, has
an emission maximum at 333 nm (Fig. 3). The absorp-
tion spectra ofisoflavones overlap in the emission
region of HSA. Genistein and daidzein have absorp-
tion peaks at 325 and 340 nm, respectively (Fig. 3,
inset). Withthe addition of genistein, there is a
quenching of fluorescence intensity, indicating efficient
rster type energy transfer. The overlap integral J
has been calculated by integrating the spectra in the
wavelength range 310–400 nm to be 8.5 · 10
9.28 · 10
for genistein and daidzein,
respectively. The energy transfer efficiency E (k
2 ⁄ 3, N ¼ 1.45 [18], F ¼ 0.118 [19]) for genistein and
daidzein was 0.05 and 0.022, respectively. The Fo
distance R
, was 2.26 and 2.29 nm for genistein
and daidzein, respectively. The distance between the
Fig. 2. Humanserumalbumininteractionwith genistein: equilib-
rium dialysis. One mililitre of HSA (63.64 lm) was dialysed against
3 mL of genistein (10–100 l
M)in50mM Tris ⁄ HCl pH 7.4 for 24 h
at 27 °C. Corresponding blanks containing 1 mL ofthe above buffer
were dialysed against 3 mL of 10–100 l
M genistein. The tubes
were kept in a water bath at 27 °C with shaking at 100 r.p.m.
for the entire period. The concentrations of free genistein in
equilibrium were determined by molar absorption coefficient
37.3 · 10
. (A) A plot of m (moles of ligand bound to pro-
tein) vs. free ligand concentration (L). (B) Scatchard plot depicting
the plot of m ⁄ (L) versus m.
Fig. 3. Resonance energy transfer from HSA to genistein and daidz-
ein. Emission spectra of HSA in 50 m
M Tris ⁄ HCl pH 7.4. Excitation
wavelength was 295 nm. Emission range was 300–400 nm with
slit widths of 5 nm for excitation and 10 nm for emission. Protein
concentration was 1 l
M. Temperature was maintained at 27 °C
using a water bath. Inset, absorption spectra of genistein (n)and
daidzein (s) showing peak at 325 and 340 nm for genistein and
daidzein, overlapping the emission maxima of 333 nm for HSA.
H.G. Mahesha et al. Interactionofisoflavoneswithhumanserum albumin
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 451–467 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 453
compounds studied and the tryptophan residue was
obtained and the r
, distance between acceptor and
donor was 3.6 and 4.35 nm for these compounds,
respectively. The maximal critical distance for R
from 5 to 10 nm [20] and the maximum distance
between donor and acceptor for r
is in the range
7–10 nm [21]. The values of R
and r
for genistein
and daidzein suggested that nonradiation transfer
occurred between these isoflavones and HSA. A com-
parison ofthe J, Ro and r-values of different ligands
bound to HSA is given in Table 1.
Fluorescence quenching studies with genistein
Interaction of genistein with HSA has been monitored
following the quenching of relative fluorescence inten-
sity of HSA. Quenching of fluorescence by genistein
does not lead to detectable changes in wavelength of
maximum emission or the band shape. Quantitation
of genistein–HSA interaction is shown in Fig. 4A. A
maximum quench of 17% has been observed at 12 lm
of genistein, representing 59% completion ofthe reac-
tion as deduced from the linear double reciprocal plot
of Q versus genistein concentration to be 28 ± 3
(Fig. 4B). The stoichiometry ofthe genistein–HSA
complex has been estimated from the Job’s plot [22]
(Fig. 4C) to be 1 : 1 ± 0.2. The mass action plot, pre-
sented in Fig. 4D has been constructed (using the
value of n ¼ 1 and the extent of reaction calculated
from Fig. 4B). The binding constant given by the slope
of this plot is 1.5 ± 0.2 · 10
. However, trypto-
phan-modified HSA did not interact with genistein in
the concentration range studied. Genistin and daid-
zin ) the glycosylated forms of genistein and daidz-
ein ) did not interact with HSA as shown by the
fluorescence quenching measurements.
Binding energetics
The effect of temperature on theinteractionof geni-
stein with HSA has been followed in the range
17–47 °C. The binding constant, K, exhibits a recipro-
Table 1. Comparison ofthe genistein (ligand) distance to trypto-
phan (HSA) measured by Forster nonradiative energy transfer with
other ligands bound to HSA.
Ligand J (cm
) R
(nm) r (nm)
Shikonin [51] 3.76 · 10
2.08 2.12
Bendroflumethiazide [52] 5.86 · 10
1.55 1.47
3-hydroxy flavone [53] 1.64 · 10
2.54 2.55
1.35 · 10
3.35 3.78
1.56 · 10
3.43 5.61
1.57 · 10
3.44 5.05
6.58 · 10
2.97 4.46
Chlorogenic acid
1.32 · 10
2.53 3.57
Ferulic acid
2.76 · 10
1.95 2.45
Genistein (present study) 8.35 · 10
2.25 3.68
Daidzein (present study) 9.28 · 10
2.29 4.35
From [54].
From [55].
Fig. 4. Quantitation oftheinteraction of
HSA with genistein by fluorescence quench-
ing. HSA (1 l
M)in50mM Tris ⁄ HCl pH 7.4
was titrated with increasing aliquots of
stock genistein solution (2 lL equivalent to
1 l
M genistein per aliquot) in 80% methanol
and the percentage quench was recorded.
Blank titrations with N-acetyl tryptophana-
mide of equivalent absorbance at 280 nm as
HSA in presence of varying concentration of
genistein were carried out. (A) Percentage
quench of fluorescence intensity, as a func-
tion of constituent genistein concentration.
(B) Double-reciprocal plot of data in A;
¼ 28 ± 3 (± indicates probable error in
all cases). (C) Job’s plot, C
10 l
M showing the stoichiometry of 1 : 1.
(D) Mass action plot of data (in A) in accord-
ance with [47].
Interaction ofisoflavoneswithhumanserumalbumin H.G. Mahesha et al.
454 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 451–467 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
cal relationship with temperature (Fig. 5A). Thus,
van’t Hoff enthalpy, DH°, is determined to be
)13.16 kcalÆmol
. The binding reaction is entropy
driven. DS° has been determined as )21.0 calÆmol
and DG° is found to be )6.86 kcalÆmol
at 27 °C.
Effect of ionic strength on binding of genistein–
HSA interaction
To determine whether ionic interactions play a role in
the genistein–HSA interaction, the ionic strength of
the buffer was increased by the addition of potassium
chloride (0–200 mm). It was observed that Q
remained unaltered on increasing the ionic strength of
the buffer implying no change in the binding geometry.
The binding constant decreased with increasing ionic
strength (Fig. 5B), establishing the role of ionic inter-
action in the binding.
The Stokes radius of HSA in the presence of
increasing concentrations of potassium chloride in buf-
fer was measured by size exclusion chromatography.
The elution volume ofthe protein increased with
ionic strength indicating a decrease in Stokes radius
(Fig. 5B, inset). The decreased Stokes radius of the
molecule could also contribute to the observed
decrease in affinity.
Fluorescence ofalbumin bound daidzein
Daidzein is the only intrinsically fluorescent isoflavone
among those studied. This property has been exploited
to studythe nature of binding to HSA. There is a shift
of the emission maxima ofthe daidzein bound albumin
towards shorter wavelengths (from 465 to 457 nm)
compared to unbound daidzein (Fig. 6). This indicates
that daidzein is binding on the hydrophobic pocket in
Fluorescence quenching studies with defatted
HSA and BSA have similar folding witha well-known
primary structure. The important difference is that
BSA has two tryptophan residues (W
and W
located in domain I and domain II, respectively, while
HSA has only one tryptophan at position 214 in
domain II. This property is used to identify the bind-
ing pocket for isoflavones in HSA. Primary quenching
curves of both HSA and BSA and the defatted HSA
are plotted (Fig. 7A). The different intercepts of the
double reciprocal plots (data not shown) correspond
to different Q
values. The overlap ofthe mass
action plots (Fig. 7B), indicates that the binding con-
stant for genistein is the same for both HSA and BSA,
both of which are known to contain bound fatty acid.
The quenching curve for genistein with fatty acid-free
Fig. 5. (A) Effect of temperature on the binding constant of geni-
stein to HSA: van’t Hoff’s plot. HSA (1 l
M)in50mM Tris ⁄ HCl
pH 7.4 was titrated with increasing aliquots of stock genistein solu-
tion (2 lL equivalent to 1 l
M genistein per aliquot) in 80% meth-
anol at different temperatures (17, 27, 37 and 47 °C and the
percentage quench was recorded. Blank titrations were carried out
as described for Fig. 4. van’t Hoff’s plot was constructed to obtain
the thermodynamic parameters. (B) Effect of ionic strength on the
binding constant of genistein to HSA. A plot ofthe binding constant
as a function of ionic strength to show the effect of ionic strength
on the binding constant of genistein. Humanserumalbumin (1 l
in 50 m
M Tris ⁄ HCl pH 7.4 was titrated at different ionic strengths
adjusted by using potassium chloride (0, 50, 100 and 200 m
M) with
increasing aliquots of stock genistein solution (2 lL equivalent to
1 l
M genistein per aliquot) in 80% methanol. The percentage
quench ofthe intrinsic fluorescence of HSA was recorded. Blank
titrations were carried out as described for Fig. 4. Inset, Stokes
radius of HSA at different molarities of KCl (0–200 m
M) was deter-
mined by size exclusion chromatography on HPLC using a TSK SW
2000 column (300 · 4.6 mm, 4 l). The column was pre-equilibrated
at the required ionic strength attained using KCl of buffer 50 m
Tris ⁄ HCl pH 7.4. Equilibrated samples (20 lL) ofthe protein
(1 mgÆmL
) were injected at 27 °C at a flow rate of 0.2 mLÆmin
The protein was eluted isocratically using the same buffer and
detected at 280 nm.
H.G. Mahesha et al. Interactionofisoflavoneswithhumanserum albumin
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 451–467 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 455
HSA (Fig. 7A) shows that fatty acid-free HSA binds
genistein witha lower affinity (1.25 · 10
) than
the control. Bound fatty acid may enhance the affinity
of genistein to HSA.
Studies with fatty acid
Among the various ligands, fatty acids alone can
attach to the primary binding site of HSA. Experi-
ments have been conducted using palmitic acid and
defatted HSA to understand the affinity characteris-
tics of genistein bound HSA. The increase in the
fluorescence of genistein bound protein with the
increase in fatty acid concentration evidences the dis-
placement of genistein by palmitic acid (data not
shown). It has been suggested that hydrophobic inter-
actions are the dominant contributing factors to the
affinity of fatty acid to HSA apart from electrostatic
interactions [13].
ANS binding studies
ANS, known to bind to hydrophobic pockets of pro-
teins, is a much-utilized fluorescent ‘hydrophobic
probe’ for examining the nonpolar character of pro-
teins and membranes [23]. To examine systematically
the role of hydrophobic interactions in the binding of
genistein to HSA, ANS-bound HSA was titrated with
genistein. The replacement of ANS by genistein in
the protein indicates that ANS and genistein bind to
the same site. This is corroborated by the decrease in
ANS-bound HSA fluorescence with increasing
concentrations of genistein. The binding constant,
estimated by the competitive ligand binding measure-
ments is (1.27 ± 0.2 · 10
), very similar to that
of the genistein–HSA interaction. The hydrophobic
amino acid residues in HSA that form hydrophobic
cavities in each domain interact withthe alkyl
chain of fatty acids whereas two to three basic amino
acid residues at the entrance ofthe hydrophobic
Fig. 6. Emission spectra of daidzein showing blue shift on binding
to HSA. Daidzein (2.75 l
M)in50mM Tris ⁄ HCl pH 7.4 was titrated
against increasing concentrations of HSA in the same buffer. The
final concentration of HSA was 14.75 l
M. Stock HSA (835 lM)was
added in 5 lL aliquots and the spectra recorded between 400 and
550 nm after excitation at 340 nm, the excitation maxima for daidz-
ein. Excitation slit width was 5 nm and emission slit width was
10 nm. Dotted line, free daidzein; dashed line, daidzein bound to
HSA. Concentration of HSA is 14.75 l
Fig. 7. (A) Interactionof genistein with HSA, defatted HSA and
BSA. HSA (1 l
M) was titrated with increasing aliquots of genistein
and the percentage quench was recorded. Humanserum albumin
was defatted by the procedure described previously [41] and the
effect of fatty acid removal on genistein binding was followed
by fluorescence quenching measurements. Humanserum albumin
(– O-), defatted HSA (– x-), BSA ()m-). The excitation and emission
slit widths were at 5 and 10 nm, respectively. Conditions were
same as described for Fig. 4. (B) Mass action plot of HSA and
BSA. HSA (1 l
M) or BSA in 50 mM Tris ⁄ HCl pH 7.4 was titrated
with increasing aliquots of genistein and the percentage quench in
fluorescence was recorded as described for Fig. 4. The mass action
plot was constructed from the double reciprocal data to obtain the
binding constant. d, HSA; h, BSA.
Interaction ofisoflavoneswithhumanserumalbumin H.G. Mahesha et al.
456 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 451–467 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
pocket interact withthe carboxy group of fatty acids
Effect of genistein on tertiary and secondary
structure of HSA
The effect of increasing genistein concentration on the
tertiary and secondary structure of HSA has been
studied by measuring CD spectra in near and far UV
region, respectively. The characteristic patterns in the
near UV region, caused by the asymmetric environ-
ment of tryptophan, tyrosine and phenyl alanine resi-
dues in the native structure, are not affected in
presence of genistein, upto a concentration of 50 lm.
This indicates that genistein has no effect on the ter-
tiary structure of HSA. There are no changes in the
far UV CD bands up to a concentration of 50 lm
genistein, indicating that genistein had no effect on the
secondary structure of HSA. These results helped to
establish that genistein does not affect the conforma-
tion of HSA.
Warfarin binding using induced CD
CD spectra in the near UV region (250–350 nm) were
recorded for genistein (0–50 lm), HSA in presence of
varying concentrations of genistein (0–50 lm), HSA
(15 lm) in the presence or absence of warfarin
(50 lm), withthe concentration of genistein varying
from 0 to 50 lm. Genistein does not exhibit any CD
bands in the above wavelength region. Human serum
albumin does not induce any CD band for genistein (0
to 50 lm). However, the addition of warfarin to HSA
induced a CD band at 310 nm and 255 nm (Fig. 8A).
There was no decrease in the CD signal when genistein
was added to the warfarin bound HSA; there was an
additional CD band at 270 nm (Fig. 8B), which is not
observed in the absence of warfarin. Warfarin, report-
edly, binds to subdomain IIA [16]. It is evident that
genistein does not replace warfarin but binds alongside
warfarin to HSA.
Binding of genistein in the presence of daidzein
The fluorescence of daidzein was found to increase on
binding to HSA as mentioned earlier. The saturation
was reached at 14.75 lm HSA (Fig. 9A). Quenching of
fluorescence was observed on adding genistein to the
daidzein bound HSA (Fig. 9B) indicating the replace-
ment of daidzein by genistein. The quench was maxi-
mum at 27 lm of genistein. The binding constant of
the competing ligand (Fig. 9C) was evaluated from a
plot of F
⁄ F vs. molarity of genistein [25]; the
binding constant of genistein was calculated to be
5.63 · 10
Fluorescence anisotropy measurements
Fluorescence anisotropy measurements were made for
the daidzein–HSA system by exciting at 340 nm (max-
ima for daidzein) and emission at 465 nm. There was
an increase in fluorescence anisotropy of daidzein on
binding to HSA. Anisotropy of daidzein increased
from 0.01 to 0.25 on binding (Fig. 10). The increase in
anisotropy could be due to the restriction imposed by
Fig. 8. Competitive ligand interactions of HSA: warfarin and geni-
stein. CD measurements were carried out in the near UV region of
250–350 nm in 50 m
M Tris ⁄ HCl pH 7.4. The cell path length was
1 cm and spectra were recorded at a speed of 10 nmÆmin
scans are an average of three runs. A mean residue weight of 115
was used for calculating the molar ellipticity values. (A) Effect of
warfarin on the near UV CD of HSA. The concentration of HSA was
15 l
M and those of warfarin 0–50 lM. Dashed line, HSA in buffer;
solid line, HSA with 10 l
M warfarin; dotted line, HSA with 50 lM
warfarin. (B) Effect of genistein on near UV CD of warfarin-bound
HSA. Spectra were recorded after genistein (50 l
M) was added to
HSA with 50 l
M warfarin. Dashed line, HSA in the presence of
warfarin (50 l
M); solid line, 50 lM genistein in the presence of war-
farin (50 l
M)-bound HSA.
H.G. Mahesha et al. Interactionofisoflavoneswithhumanserum albumin
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 451–467 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 457
the binding on the rotation around the daidzein mole-
The anisotropy of daidzein bound to HSA remained
constant in the presence of diazepam. Diazepam is
known to bind to the domain IIIA of HSA, which is
the primary binding site for fatty acids. Warfarin also
did not affect the anisotropy of daidzein bound to
HSA. TIB decreased the anisotropy of daidzein from
0.16 to 0.08. The anisotropy of free daidzein was 0.02.
Hence, TIB partially displaced the daidzein in HSA
(Table 2).
The anisotropy of warfarin bound to HSA was
measured in the presence of genistein. The anisotropy
of warfarin bound to HSA (5 lm bound to 10 lm
HSA) was found to be 0.5. This was unaltered with
the addition of genistein even up to 100 lm revealing
that warfarin was not displaced by genistein (Table 3).
Fig. 10. Variation in fluorescence anisotropy of daidzein as a func-
tion of HSA concentration. Daidzein (2.75 l
M) was titrated against
increasing concentrations of HSA. The excitation and emission
wavelengths were 340 and 465 nm, respectively. Slit widths were
at 5 and 10 nm for excitation and emission, respectively.
Fig. 9. Competitive ligand binding interactions of HSA, genistein
and daidzein (fluorescence measurements). Daidzein (2.75 l
titrated against increasing concentrations of HSA to a final concen-
tration of 14.75 l
M)in50mM Tris ⁄ HCl buffer pH 7.4. The excitation
wavelength was 340 nm and emission range was 400–550 nm.
Excitation slit width was 5 nm and emission slit width was 10 nm.
To the above solution, 5 lL of stock genistein in 80% methanol
(1.4 m
M) was added in aliquots and the spectra recorded at 27 °C.
The final concentration of genistein was 27 l
M. (A) Emission spec-
tra of daidzein with increasing micromolar concentration of HSA
(solid line 0; dashed line, 1.66; dotted line, 4.98; dashed ⁄ dotted
line, 8.26; + + + +, 11.52; short dashed ⁄ dotted line, 14.75). (B)
Emission spectra of daidzein–HSA complex with increasing micro-
molar concentration of genistein (solid line, 0; dashed line, 5.48;
dotted line, 10.92; dashed ⁄ dotted line, 16.29; )±)±), 21.64; ++
26.94). (C) Fmax ⁄ F vs. genistein concentration to obtain the binding
constant ofthe competing ligand—genistein.
Interaction ofisoflavoneswithhumanserumalbumin H.G. Mahesha et al.
458 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 451–467 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
The characteristic ofalbumin to allow a variety of lig-
ands to bind to it is amazing. Albumin is the principal
carrier of fatty acids that are otherwise insoluble in the
circulating plasma. Humanserumalbumin is com-
posed of three homologous domains (I, II and III).
Each domain, in turn, is the product of two subdo-
mains, which are predominantly helical and extensively
cross-linked by several disulfide bridges [26]. The
typical binding constants for various ligands range
from 10
to 10
. The vast majority of ligands bind
reversibly on one or both sites within specialized cavit-
ies of subdomains IIA and IIIA of albumin. The bind-
ing property ofthe subdomain IIIA ofalbumin is
general, whereas that of subdomain IIA is more speci-
fic. The amino acid residues that line the cavities are
quite similar in charge distribution for both the sub-
domains IIA and IIIA. Yet, they impart desired selec-
tivity. In each ofthe two subdomains, there is an
asymmetric charge distribution, leading to a hydropho-
bic surface on one side and a basic or positively
charged surface on the other. This explains the dis-
criminatory affinity ofalbumin for small anionic com-
pounds. The van der Waals’ surface ofthe binding
pocket in IIA appears like an elongated sock wherein
the foot region is primarily hydrophobic and the leg is
primarily hydrophilic. The opening to the pocket is
clearly accessible to the solvent. The affinity of flavo-
noids for HSA is in line with its general ability to bind
small negatively charged ligands [12,26,27].
Results ofthe present study indicate that the binding
of genistein to HSA by equilibrium dialysis is charac-
terized by the equilibrium constant 1.0 ± 0.2 · 10
(Fig. 2B). The binding constants obtained by fluo-
rescence quenching measurements for genistein and
daidzein to HSA are 1.5 ± 0.2 · 10
1.4 ± 0.2 · 10
, respectively. Thus, there is good
agreement in the binding constants obtained for geni-
stein–HSA interaction by both direct and indirect
methods. The binding oftheisoflavones to HSA is
similar and the R
group at position 5 ofthe aromatic
A-ring does not play a significant role in the binding
of either genistein or daidzein (Fig. 1). The B-ring of
the flavonoids is electron richer than the A-ring, ren-
dering it more susceptible to ionization at physiologi-
cal pH [28]. The reported plasma concentrations of
daidzein and genistein are in the range of
50–800 lgÆL
[2]. Thus, the concentrations used to
determine the equilibrium constant are physiologically
relevant. Theinteractionof genistein and daidzein with
HSA could not be followed by isothermal calorimetry
due to the limited solubility ofthe above in aqueous
buffers used in the study.
The decrease in the binding constant with increase
in temperature (Fig. 5A), suggests the involvement of
noncovalent interactions and a major role for ionic
interactions in the binding of genistein to HSA, which
is further corroborated by the observed decrease in the
binding constant on the addition of potassium chlor-
ide. The negative free energy values indicate that the
binding is spontaneous and that it is energetically more
favorable for genistein or daidzein to link to HSA.
Table 2. Corrected fluorescence anisotropy values ofthe daidzein
HSA complex, when different aliquots of warfarin, diazepam and
triiodobenzoic acid were added.
Concentration (l
M) Anisotropy values
0 0.160
16 0.162
32 0.157
48 0.158
64 0.158
80 0.154
96 0.152
0 0.160
20 0.162
40 0.158
60 0.157
80 0.159
100 0.157
Triiodobenzoic acid
0 0.160
11 0.149
23 0.142
35 0.136
46 0.127
57 0.120
69 0.116
92 0.109
115 0.097
137 0.092
160 0.080
Table 3. Corrected fluorescence anisotropy values ofthe warfarin–
HSA complex, when different aliquots of genistein were added.
Concentration (l
M) Anisotropy values
0 0.500
20 0.503
40 0.502
60 0.503
80 0.501
100 0.503
H.G. Mahesha et al. Interactionofisoflavoneswithhumanserum albumin
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 451–467 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 459
Negative entropy indicates a loss in the degree of free-
dom of genistein when embedded in the HSA cavity.
The effect of KCl and temperature point to the pres-
ence of electrostatic interactions apart from the hydro-
phobic interactions.
The blue shift of daidzein bound protein fluores-
cence (Fig. 6) is indicative ofthe role of hydrophobic
interactions in the binding of this aglycone to HSA
with the emission maxima shifting from 465 to
457 nm. The binding of daidzein to a hydrophobic
pocket in HSA may be a cause for this phenomenon.
Further, fluorescence ofthealbumin bound ANS is
found to be quenched by the addition of either geni-
stein or daidzein. The observed concentration depend-
ence of quenching of fluorescence indicates that the
binding sites of ANS and genistein are the same
apparently leading to possible replacement of ANS
by the isoflavones. These experiments suggest the
involvement of hydrophobic interactions in the bind-
ing of genistein or daidzein to HSA. Isoflavones,
genistein and daidzein (Fig. 1), have a flavone nucleus
made up of two benzene rings (A and B) linked
through a heterocyclic pyrane C ring. These aromatic
rings may be involved in hydrophobic interactions
with hydrophobic pockets of domain IIA of HSA.
The complete three-dimensional structure of HSA has
recently been determined by X-ray crystallography,
and the binding sites for several drugs have been
identified. ANS reportedly binds to two sites on
HSA, IIA and IIIA, witha binding constant of
7.9 · 10
and 8.7 · 10
, respectively. Subdo-
main IIIA is the site where ANS binds to HSA with
a higher affinity [29].
The intrinsic fluorescence ofalbumin is due to the
tryptophan residue (W
) [26], conserved in all mam-
malian albumins and located strategically in the
domain IIA for developing van der Waals’ interactions
with ligands bound at that site [30]. Domain IIA has
five lysine residues (positions 203, 210, 220, 231 and
241) and one arginine residue at position 218. These
residues are positively charged at the pH used in the
present study and could contribute to ionic inter-
actions with genistein or daidzein. Genistein and
daidzein have a phenolic structure with conjugated
double bonds. Albumin is known to reversibly com-
plex with phenols via hydrogen bonding and hydro-
phobic interactions [31].
The increase in anisotropy of daidzein bound HSA
with increase in protein concentration (Fig. 10), indi-
cates the reduction of freedom of rotation of daidzein
bound HSA. Increase in anisotropy could be due to
decreased Brownian motion or energy transfer between
identical chromophores. The high value of anisotropy
(0.25) indicates that daidzein is binding at a motionally
restricted site on HSA.
Identification ofthe binding pocket for
isoflavones on HSA
The binding pocket on HSA for isoflavones was identi-
fied through: (a) Fo
rster energy transfer measurements;
(b) binding of genistein with HSA and BSA; and (c)
competitive ligand binding measurements using war-
rster distance (R
) and the distance between
acceptor and donor ( r
) for the genistein and daidzein
were in the range known to prove that nonradiation
transfer occurred between these isoflavones and HSA.
The quenching of intrinsic fluorescence measure-
ments of HSA and BSA by genistein (Figs 7A,B) assist
in identification ofthe binding site on the albumin
molecule. The Q
for HSA is 28% compared to
53% with BSA. The difference between HSA and BSA
is the presence of an additional tryptophan in BSA at
position 134. This is at site II, the interface of domain
IA and IIA of HSA [27]. The conserved tryptophan is
at position 214. The binding constants for genistein
with BSA and HSA are same, the stoichiometry for
binding being 1 : 1. The isoflavone has an identical
binding site on both the molecules. Hence, the binding
site on both the albumins for genistein is the same.
Our extrinsic CD measurements of genistein binding
in presence of warfarin suggest that the binding is
inclusive. There is enough conformational flexibility in
domain IIA of HSA to accommodate both warfarin
and genistein. The binding of warfarin and its crystal
structure with HSA–myristic acid is reported [16].
Warfarin has only one binding site in domain IIA hav-
ing tryptophan at 214. The structures of genistein and
warfarin are similar (Fig. 1). Tryptophan residue
) is in domain IIA, which explains the quenching
of protein fluorescence due to genistein binding. In the
case of BSA, the additional tryptophan W
, is very
near to W
[27]. The accommodation of genistein at
site I may therefore quench the fluorescence due to
both tryptophans in BSA, corroborating the higher
quenching observed in case of BSA. The modification
of tryptophan residues on HSA has resulted in the loss
of interactionof genistein with albumin. Quercetin
(3,5,7,3,‘4’-pentahydroxy flavone, a plant derived flavo-
noid compound) binds to HSA with an association
constant of 1.46 · 10
at 37 °C in the large hydro-
phobic cavity of subdomain IIA and the protein
microenvironment of this site is rich in polar (basic)
amino acid residues which are able to help to stabilize
the negatively charged ligand bound in nonplanar
Interaction ofisoflavoneswithhumanserumalbumin H.G. Mahesha et al.
460 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 451–467 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
[...]... space and suitable residues for interaction are available at the binding site Interactionofisoflavoneswithhumanserumalbuminof HSA in order to accommodate genistein in addition to accommodating warfarin Results obtained from theinteractionof genistein and warfarin to HSA by CD measurements indicate that both ligands bind simultaneously to subdomain IIA of HSA Stoichiometric analysis indicates that... ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 461 Interactionofisoflavoneswithhumanserumalbumin H.G Mahesha et al phanamide, Trizma base, Palmitic acid and N-bromosuccinimide were from Sigma Aldrich (St Louis, MO, USA) ANS was from Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwawkee, WI, USA All other reagents were of analytical grade Purification of HSA The higher molecular weight aggregates associated with commercial... potential residues and cavities within subdomain IIA Based on the experimental work the possibility of simultaneous binding of warfarin and genistein has been raised It is important to check if the binding site of HSA has space and appropriate shape and residues to accommodate both warfarin and genistein The main purpose ofthe computational analysis of 3D structure and modelling is to ensure that the space... respectively Daidzein concentration was 2.5 lm and 10 lL of 0.6 mm HSA was added in increments Anisotropy ofthe daidzein bound HSA was measured in the presence of warfarin and TIB (bind to domain IIA) and diazepam (marker to domain IIIA, primary fatty acid binding site) Daidzein and HSA, 10 lm each, were complexed and titrated with 2 lL increments ofthe marker ligands (warfarin, 17 mm; triiodobenzoic acid,... spectropolarimeter and calibrated with d-10-camphor sulfonic acid Dry nitrogen gas was purged before and during the course of measurements All measurements were obtained using a 10-mm path length quartz cell An average of three scans at a speed of 10 nmÆ min)1 witha bandwidth of 1 nm and a response time of 1 s were recorded The HSA concentration was 15 lm, warfarin concentration was in the range of 0–50... Carter DC (1992) Atomic structure and chemistry ofhumanserumalbumin Nature 358, 209– 215 Bhattacharya AA, Grune T & Curry S (2000) Crystallographic analysis reveals common modes of binding of medium and long-chain fatty acids to humanserumalbumin J Mol Biol 303, 721–732 Sudlow G, Birkett DJ & Wade DN (1975) The characterization of two specific drug binding sites on humanserumalbumin Mol Pharmacol... 824–832 Kragh-Hansen U (1988) Evidence for a large and flexible region ofhumanserumalbumin possessing high affinity binding sites for salicylate, warfarin, and other ligands Mol Pharmacol 34, 160–171 Petitpas I, Bhattacharya AA, Twine S, East M & Curry S (2001) Crystal structure analysis of warfarin binding to humanserumalbumin anatomy of drug site I J Biol Chem 276, 22804–22809 FEBS Journal 273 (2006)... space and optimal residues congenial for interactionwith genistein exist in HSA structure even when it is bound to warfarin Thus the modelling study results are consistent withthe experimental findings and support the idea of simultaneous binding of warfarin and genistein in HSA Experimental procedures Materials Humanserumalbumin (A- 1653), BSA (A- 7638) warfarin (A- 2250), diazepam, triiodobenzoic acid... 451–467 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 465 Interactionofisoflavoneswithhumanserumalbumin H.G Mahesha et al 17 Scatchard G (1949) The attractions of proteins for small molecules and ions Ann NY Acad Sci 51, 660–672 18 Berde CB, Hudson BS, Simoni RD & Sklar LA (1979) HumanserumalbuminSpectroscopic studies of binding and proximity relationships for fatty acids and bilirubin... complexed with fatty acid reveals an asymmetric distribution of binding sites Nat Struct Biol 5, 827–835 Maruyana T, Link CC, Yamasaki K, Miyoshi T, Mai T, Yamasakii M & Otagiri M (1993) Binding of Suprofen to humanserumalbumin Biochem Pharmacol 45, 1017–1026 Laemmli UK (1970) Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly ofthe head of bacteriophage T4 Nature 277, 680–685 Clark P, Rachinsky MR . A spectroscopic study of the interaction of isoflavones
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H. G. Mahesha
, Sridevi A. Singh
, N. Srinivasan
and A. G. Appu. Bound fatty acid may enhance the affinity
of genistein to HSA.
Studies with fatty acid
Among the various ligands, fatty acids alone can
attach to the primary