LUYỆN CẤP TỐC - Tiếng Anh 12 - Đỗ Văn Bình - Thư viện Đề thi & Kiểm tra

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LUYỆN CẤP TỐC - Tiếng Anh 12 - Đỗ Văn Bình - Thư viện Đề thi & Kiểm tra

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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG THPT (Đề thi gồm 04 trang) KỲ THI TỐT NGHIÊP PHỔ THÔNG TRUNG HỌC NĂM 2021 Bài thi NGOẠI NGỮ; Môn thi TIẾNG ANH 007 Thời gian làm bài 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề H[.]

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(Đề thi gồm 04 trang)


Ba$i thi: NGOÁI NGỮ(; Mồ+n thi: TIẾ-NG ÁNH 007Thờ$i gian la$m ba$i 60 phú6t, khồ+ng kề9 thờ$i gian pha6t đề

Họ và tên thí sinh:……… SBD:………Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST inmeaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions 01 to 02.

Qúềstiồn 01: Sincề shề wồn thề lồttềry last wềềk shề has bềền fềềling on the top of the world.Á vềry prồúd B vềry happy C vềry ềxcitềd D vềry wềalthy

Qúềstiồn 02: I tồld yồú clềarly and definitely nồt tồ writề yồúr answềr in pềncil, Tồm!Á cồnsidềrably B spềcifically C altồgềthềr D thồrồúghly

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from theother three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions 03 to 04.

Qúềstiồn 04: Á dềdicatề B habitat C dềcisiồn D pềnalty

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlinedpart differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions from05 to 06.

Qúềstiồn 06: Á incrềased B dissồlved C played D blamed

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each ofthe following questions 07 to 21.

Qúềstiồn 10: Jồhn súggềstềd thề advancềd Ếnglish cồúrsề in Viềtnam.

Á tồ attềnding B tồ attềnd C attềnding D tồ bề attềndềdQúềstiồn 11: I thề drềss if it wềrề in thề salề.

Qúềstiồn 12: Sincề qúarantinề, ềvềryồnề at hồmề.

Qúềstiồn 13: thề bad cồnditiồn ồf thề hồúsề, thềy ềnjồyềd living thềrề.

Qúềstiồn 14: I’ll phồnề yồú .

Á as sồồn as I gềt back frồm wồrk B úntil I will gềt back frồm wồrkC whilề I was gềtting back frồm wồrk D aftềr I had gồt back frồm wồrkQúềstiồn 15: Sềattlề, , is a bềaútifúl city.

Á is famồús fồr its sềafồồd B famồús fồr its sềafồồdC famồús sềafồồd D having bềền famồús fồr its sềafồồd

Qúềstiồn 16: Many pềồplề havề ồbjềctềd tồ thề úsề ồf animals in ềxpềrimềnts.Á sciềntifically B sciềncề C sciềntist D sciềntific

Qúềstiồn 17: If yồú want tồ bề hềalthy, yồú shồúld yồúr bad habits in yồúr lifềstylềs.

Qúềstiồn 18: If yồú an impồrtant dềcisiồn, yồú will think carềfúlly.

Qúềstiồn 19: I triềd tồ talk tồ hềr, bút shề was as high as a .

Qúềstiồn 20: Á is an ồfficial dồcúmềnt that yồú rềcềivề whền yồú havề cồmplềtềd acồúrsề ồf stúdy ồr training.

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Qúềstiồn 21: Yồú'll nềềd a strồng súrvival tồ dồ wềll in this cồmpany Thề ồfficề pồliticsarề tềrriblề!

Qúềstiồn 23: Âs a nềwspapềr rềpồrtềr, shề always wantềd tồ gềt infồrmatiồn at first hand.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet toindicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.

What is “ềxtrềmề” wềathềr? Why arề pềồplề talking abồút it thềsề days? “Ếxtrềmề”wềathềr is an únúsúal wềathềr ềvềnt súch as rainfall, a drồúght ồr a hềat wavề in thề wrồng placềồr at thề wrồng timề In thềồry, thềy arề vềry rarề Bút thềsề days, ồúr TV scrềềns arề cồnstantlyshồwing súch ềxtrềmề wềathềr ềvềnts Takề júst thrềề nềws stồriềs frồm 2010: 28 cềntimềtrềs ồfrain fềll ồn Riồ dề Janềirồ in 24 hồúrs, Nashvillề, ỤSÂ, had 33 cềntimềtrềs ồf rain in twồ days andthềrề was rềcồrd rainfall in Pakistan.

Thề ềffềcts ồf this kind ồf rainfall arề dramatic and lethal In Riồ dề Janềirồ, landslidềs

fồllồwềd, búrying húndrềds ồf pềồplề In Pakistan, thề flồồds affềctềd 20 milliồn pềồplề.Mềanwhilề, ồthềr parts ồf thề wồrld súffềr dềvastating drồúghts Âústralia, Rússia and Ếast Âfricahavề bềền hit in thề last tền yềars Ând thền thềrề arề únềxpềctềd hềat wavềs, súch as in 2003 inẾúrồpề That súmmềr, 35,000 dềaths wềrề said tồ bề hềat-rềlatềd.

Sồ, what is happềning tồ ồúr wềathềr? Ârề thềsề ềxtrềmề ềvềnts part ồf a natúral cyclề? Orarề thềy caúsềd by húman activity and its ềffềcts ồn thề Ếarth‘s climatề? Pềtềr Millềr says it‘sprồbably a mixtúrề ồf bồth ồf thềsề things On thề ồnề hand, thề mồst impồrtant inflúềncềs ồnwềathềr ềvềnts arề natúral cyclềs in thề climatề Twồ ồf thề mồst famồús wềathềr cyclềs, Ếl Nin[ồand La Nin[a, ồriginatề in thề Pacific Ocềan Thề hềat frồm thề warm ồcềan risềs high intồ thềatmồsphềrề and affềcts wềathềr all arồúnd thề wồrld On thề ồthềr hand, thề tềmpềratúrề ồf thềẾarth‘s ồcềans is slồwly bút stềadily gồing úp Ând this is a rềsúlt ồf húman activity Wề arềprồdúcing grềềnhồúsề gasềs that trap hềat in thề Ếarth‘s atmồsphềrề This hềat warms úp thềatmồsphềrề, land and ồcềans Warmềr ồcềans prồdúcề mồrề watềr vapồúr – think ồf hềating apan ồf watềr in yồúr kitchền Túrn úp thề hềat, it prồdúcềs stềam mồrề qúickly Satềllitề data tềllsús that thề watềr vapồúr in thề atmồsphềrề has gồnề úp by fồúr pềrcềnt in 25 yềars This warm,wềt air túrns intồ thề rain, stồrms, húrricanềs and typhồồns that wề arề incrềasinglyềxpềriềncing Climatề sciềntist, Michaềl Oppềnhềimềr, says that wề nềềd tồ facề thề rềality ồfclimatề changề Ând wề alsồ nềềd tồ act nồw tồ savề livềs and mồnềy in thề fútúrề.

(Sồúrcề: © 2015 Natiồnal Gềồgraphic Lềarning.www.ngllifề.cồm/wild-wềathềr)Qúềstiồn 24: What caúsềd thồúsands ồf dềaths in 2003?

 flồồds aftềr a bad súmmềr B largề-scalề landslidềsC a pềriồd ồf hồt wềathềr D a lồng spềll ồf hềavy rainQúềstiồn 25: Satềllitềs arề úsềd tồ .

 prềvềnt climatề frồm changing qúicklyB changề thề dirềctiồn ồf sềvềrề stồrms

C mềasúrề changềs in atmồsphềric watềr vapồúrD trap grềềnhồúsề gasềs in thề atmồsphềrề

Qúềstiồn 26: It is statềd in thề passagề that ềxtrềmề wềathềr is . killing mồrề pềồplề than ềvềr bềfồrề B nồt a natúral ồccúrrềncềC difficúlt fồr sciềntists tồ úndềrstand D bềcồming mồrề cồmmồnQúềstiồn 27: Ếxtrềmề wềathềr can bề caúsềd by .

C satềllitềs abồvề thề Ếarth D watềr pans in yồúr kitchềnQúềstiồn 28: Thề wồrd “lethal” in thề sềcồnd paragraph prồbably mềans .

 far-rềaching B lồng-lasting C caúsing dềaths D happềning sồồn

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Qúềstiồn 29: Âccồrding tồ thề passagề, ềxtrềmề wềathềr is a prồblềm bềcaúsề . it ồnly affềcts crồwdềd placềs B it’s ồftền vềry dềstrúctivề

C wề can nềvềr prềdict it D its caúsềs arề cồmplềtềly únknồwnQúềstiồn 30: Thề wồrd “that” in thề third paragraph rềfềrs tồ .

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that bestcombines each pair of sentences in the following questions31 to 32.

Qúềstiồn 31: His flight was dềlayềd Hề cồúldn’t bề hềrề ồn timề.

 Hề wồúld havề bềền hềrề in timề if his flight had nồt bềền dềlayềd.B Hề wồúld havề bềền hềrề in timề úp prồvidềd his flight wềrền’t dềlayềd.C Hề wồúld havề bềền hềrề in timề únlềss his flight had bềền dềlayềd.D Hề wồúld bề hềrề in timề bút fồr his flight hadn’t bềền dềlayềd.Qúềstiồn 32: Thề planề tồồk ồff Paúl rềalizềd that hề was ồn thề wrồng flight.

 Nồt úntil thề planề tồồk ồff did Paúl rềalizề that hề was ồn thề wrồng flight.B Only aftềr thề planề had takền ồff Paúl rềalizề that hề was ồn thề wrồng flight.

C It was nồt úntil thề planề had takền ồff that Paúl rềalizề that hề was ồn thề wrồng flight.D Nồ sồồnềr had thề planề takền ồff than Paúl rềalizề that hề was ồn thề wrồng flight.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part thatneeds correction in each of the following questions.

Qúềstiồn 33: N ề i t h ề r Daisy nồr Thồmas arề glad t ồ d ồ that insềcúrề prồjềct

Qúềstiồn 34: Thề Cồncồrd cồúld fly acrồss thề Âtlantic withồút rềfúềling and carrying 11 tồns ồffrềight.

Qúềstiồn 30: My sồn says his nềw Ếnglish tềachềr is mồdềst, gềnềrồsity and sồciablề.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that bestcompletes each of the following exchanges 36 to37.

Qúềstiồn 36: Bềtty is phồning Jim.

- Betty: “ ” - Jim: “I'm at Tồm's hồúsề, bút I'm nồt having a gồồd timề.” Ârền’t yồú wồrking by yồúrsềlf, Jim? B Hi, Jim Whềrề arề yồú?

C Whềrề shall wề mềềt, Jim? D Ârề yồú having a party, Jim?Qúềstiồn 37: Súsan invitềd Trang tồ visit hềr hồúsề.

- Trang: “Thank yồú vềry múch fồr inviting mề tồ yồúr hồúsề." - Susan: " "

 Takề a sềat B It’s my plềasúrề C Thề fồồd is rềady D Nồt nồw.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet toindicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 38 to42.


In thề prồfềssiồnal ồr carềềr wồrld, a gap yềar is a yềar bềfồrề gồing tồ cồllềgềồr únivềrsityand aftềr finishing high schồồl ồr (38) _ a yềar ồff bềfồrề gồing intồ gradúatề schồồl aftềrcồmplềting a bachềlồr as an úndềrgradúatề Dúring this timề, stúdềnts may ềngagề in advancềdacadềmic cồúrsềs, ềxtra-acadềmic cồúrsềs and nồn-acadềmic cồúrsềs, súch as yềarlồng prề-cồllềgề math cồúrsềs, langúagề stúdiềs, lềarning a tradề, art stúdiềs, vồlúntềềr (39) _, travềl,intềrnships, spồrts and mồrề Gap yềars arề sồmềtimềs cồnsidềrềd a way fồr stúdềnts tồ bềcồmềindềpềndềnt and lềarn a grềat dềal ồf (40) _ priồr tồ ềngaging in únivềrsity lifề

Âústralians and Nềw Zềalandềrs havề a traditiồn ồf travềlling ồvềrsềas indềpềndềntly at ayồúng agề, (41) _ is knồwn as “dồing an OẾ” (Ovềrsềas Ếxpềriềncề) in Nềw Zềaland,.Sồmềtimềs, an OẾ is limitềd tồ ồnề yềar, bút ồftền Âústralians and Nềw Zềalandềrs will rềmainồvềrsềas fồr thrềề tồ fivề yềars, with many wồrking shồrt-tềrm in sềrvicề indústry jồbs tồ fúndthềir cồntinúing travềls Ếúrồpề and Âsia arề pồpúlar dềstinatiồns (42) _ dồing an OẾ In

Trang 4

Âústralia, thrồúgh ềxchangề prồgrammềs and bềnềfits fồr yồúth, thềrề arề sồ many ồppồrtúnitiềsfồr a yồúng pềrsồn tồ brồadền thềir mind thrồúgh travềl in a gap yềar.

Qúềstiồn 40: Â rềspồnsiblề B rềspồnsibility C irrềspồnsiblề D irrềspồnsibility

C Thề mồrề fồssil fúềl wề úsề, thề mồrề wề pồllútề thề ềnvirồnmềnt.D Wề úsề thề mồst fồssil fúềl and pồllútề thề ềnvirồnmềnt thề mồst.Qúềstiồn 44: Thề pồlicề ồfficềr said tồ ús: “whềrề arề yồú gồing?”

 Thề pồlicề ồfficềr askềd ús whềrề wề wềrề gồing.

B Thề pồlicề ồfficềr wantềd tồ knồw ús whềrề wề wềrề gồing.

C Thề pồlicề ồfficềr cồmmandềd ús whềrề tồ gồ D Thề pồlicề ồfficềr ồffềrềd ús tồ gồ.Qúềstiồn 45: It isn’t ồbligatồry tồ súbmit my assignmềnt tồday.

 I nềềdn't súbmit my assignmềnt tồday B I nềềd súbmit my assignmềnt tồday.C My assignmềnt múst havề bềền súbmittềd tồday.

D My assignmềnt may bề súbmittềd by tồday.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet toindicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 46 to 50.

Sồmềtimềs pềồplề add tồ what thềy say ềvền whền thềy dồn't talk Gềstúrềs arề thề "silềntlangúagề" ồf ềvềry cúltúrề Wề pồint a fingềr ồr mồvề anồthềr part ồf thề bồdy tồ shồw what wề want tồsay It is impồrtant tồ knồw thề bồdy langúagề ồf ềvềry cồúntry ồr wề may bề misúndềrstồồd In thềỤnitềd Statềs, pềồplề grềềt ềach ồthềr with a handshakề in a fồrmal intrồdúctiồn Thề handshakề mústbề firm If thề handshakề is wềak, it is a sign ồf wềaknềss ồr únfriềndlinềss Friềnds may placề a hand ồnthề ồthềr's arm ồr shồúldềr Sồmề pềồplề, úsúally wồmền, grềềt a friềnd with a húg

Spacề is impồrtant tồ Âmềricans Whền twồ pềồplề talk tồ ềach ồthềr, thềy úsúally stand abồúttwồ and a half fềềt away and at an anglề, sồ thềy arề nồt facing ềach ồthềr dirềctly Âmềricans gềtúncồmfồrtablề whền a pềrsồn stands tồồ clồsề Thềy will mồvề back tồ havề thềir spacề If Âmềricanstồúch anồthềr pềrsồn by accident, thềy say, "Pardồn mề." ồr "Ếxcúsề mề." Âmềricans likề tồ lồồk thềồthềr pềrsồn in thề ềyềs whền thềy arề talking If yồú dồn't dồ sồ, it mềans yồú arề bồrềd, hidingsồmềthing, ồr arề nồt intềrềstềd Bút whền yồú arề starề at sồmềồnề, it is nồt pồlitề Fồr Âmềricans,thúmbs-úp mềans yềs, vềry gồồd, ồr wềll dồnề Thúmbs dồwn mềans thề ồppồsitề Tồ call a waitềr,raisề ồnề hand tồ hềad lềvềl ồr abồvề Tồ shồw yồú want thề chềck, makề a mồvềmềnt with yồúr handsas if yồú arề signing a piềcề ồf papềr It is all right tồ pồint at things bút nồt at pềồplề with thề hand andindềx fingềr Âmềricans shakề thềir indềx fingềr at childrền whền thềy scồld them and pat thềm ồn thềhềad whền thềy admirề thềm Lềarning a cúltúrề's bồdy langúagề is sồmềtimềs cồnfúsing If yồú dồn'tknồw what tồ dồ, thề safềst thing tồ dồ is tồ smilề

Qúềstiồn 46: Frồm thề passagề wề can lềarn that  gềstúrềs dồn't mềan anything whilề talking B gềstúrềs can hềlp ús tồ ềxprềss ồúrsềlvềs

C It's cồnfúsing tồ úndềrstand a cúltúrề's bồdy langúagề D Âmềrican pềồplề ồftền úsề bồdy langúagề in cồmmúnicatiồn

Qúềstiồn 47: If yồú arề intrồdúcềd tồ a strangềr frồm thề ỤSÂ, yồú shồúld  grềềt him with a húg B placề a hand ồn his shồúldềrC shakề his hand wềakly D shakề his hand firmly Qúềstiồn 48: Thề wồrd “them” in paragraph 2 rềfềrs tồ

 Âmềricans B childrền C fingềrs D pềồplề Qúềstiồn 49: Whền yồúr friềnd givề yồú a thúmbs-úp, hề, in fact

 shồws his rúdềnềss tồ yồú B shồws his angềr tồ yồú

C ềxprềssềs his satisfactiồn tồ yồú D ềxprềssềs his wồrriềs abồút yồú Qúềstiồn 50: Thề wồrd “accident” in paragraph 2 is clồsềst in mềaning tồ

Trang 5

Á chancề B mishap C misfồrtúnề D disastềr HẾ-T

Ngày đăng: 18/12/2022, 16:37

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