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GERUNDS & INFINITIVE - Tiếng Anh 11 - Phạm Khoa Nguyên - Thư viện Đề thi & Kiểm tra

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GERUNDS & INFINITIVES Grammar GERUNDS & INFINITIVES A) VERBS + GERUND and VERBS + INFINITIVE Moät ñoäng töø theo sau 1 ñoäng töø khaùc coù theå laø GERUND ( Verb ing = Danh ñoäng töø) hoaëc INFINITIVE[.]

Grammar: GERUNDS & INFINITIVES A) VERBS + GERUND and VERBS + INFINITIVE : Một động từ theo sau động từ khác GERUND ( Verb-ing = Danh động từ) INFINITIVE ( nguyên mẫu ) tùy theo loại động từ đứng trước nó: - I always enjoy reading books in my free time.( Enjoy + Gerund ) - I want to read as many books as possible.( Want + Infinitive ) Verbs + Gerund Admit (thừa nhận,coâng nhận), avoid ( tránh,né), delay( trì hoãn), deny( chối), detest, dislike( không thích,không ưa), consider( xem xét,cứu xét),enjoy( thưởng thức, hưởng), finish( hoàn tất,làm xong), give up (=quit: từ bỏ, thôi), imagine( tưởng tượng), keep( giữ), not mind ( không phiền), postpone ( hoãn lại, đình lại), practise ( thực hành), quit( bỏ, từ bỏ), suggest( đề nghị), can’t help( ngăn cản), can’t stand (không thể chịu đựng được), put off ( hoãn lại), ….etc Verbs + Infinitive Agree ( đồng ý,nhất trí), afford, appear ( xuất hiện), arrange( xếp,thu xếp), attempt( cố gắng), ask ( đòi hỏi,yêu cầu), choose ( chọn, lựa), decide ( định), demand ( lệnh), expect ( mong,trông ngóng), fail ( hỏng,không thành công, (thi) rớt), happen (xảy ra) , hope ( hy voïng), learn ( hay tin), manage ( xoay sở, tự lo được), offer ( dâng ,tặng), plan ( kế hoạch, dự tính), pretend ( giả vờ), promise (hứa hẹn), refuse ( từ chối), seem ( như, dường như), threaten ( đe dọa), want, wish ( ao ước), would like ( muốn),…etc -I always avoid making noise in class - I decide to study engineering at University -Have you finished writing the report ? - She’s expecting to get a reply from the company -Anne practised playing the piano at an early age - Do you agree to join us for the holyday ? - I don’t mind doing a lot of homework - We can’t afford to build a new house - He can’t stand working ten hours a day - Can you manage to get some tickets for the pop concert on Saturday ? - When did you give up smoking, Bill ? - Bob refused to lend me his car B) VERBS + GERUND or INFINITIVE : VERBS + GERUND or INFINITIVE VERBS + GERUND or INFINITIVE ( Ýùnghóa không khác ) Start ( bắt đầu, khởi động), begin ( bắt đầu), continue ( tiếp tục),intend ( tính, dự định), like, love, hate ( ghét), prefer (thích hơn,ưa hơn) Ex : - When did you start learning English ? - It began raining heavily - Does Pam continue writing to you ? - He intended making a film for children ( Cho yù nghóa khác ) Stop, try ( thử, cố gắng) , forget (quên), remember ( nhớ), need ( cần), go on ( tiếp tục), regret or or or or - When did you start to learn English ? - It began to rain heavily - Does Pam continue to write to you ? - He intended to make a film for children - He stopped smoking three years ago ( He doesn’t smoke any more now.) - He stopped to smoke a cigarette ( He stopped working in order to smoke ) - You should try to study harder ( try = cố gắng ) - You should try taking these tablets, ( try = thử ) - You need to practise English every day.( = You have to practise English every day) - Your shirt needs washing It smells ( = Your shirt needs to be washed ) C) VERB+PREPOSITIONS + GERUND : Động từ theo sau giới từ thường dùng dạng Gerund Approve of ( chấp thuận, tán đồng), argue about ( tranh cãi về…), complain about ( than phiền, phàn nàn về…), concentrate on ( tập trung vào…), depend on ( tùy thuộc vào…), decide on ( định về…), feel like ( cảm thấy thích, thiên về…), forget about ( quên về…) Look forward to ( trông mong, ngóng…), insist on ( nài nỉ…), keep on ( tiếp tục…), object to ( phản đối về…), plan on ( dự tính về…), rely on ( tin vào, dựa vào…), succeed in ( thành công việc…), think about ( nghó về…), worry about ( lo nghó về…, lo lắng về…) Ex : - I’m interested in listening to music on the radio - He’s bored with staying at home day after day - Some people are afraid of driving in rush hours - Many overweight people try to lose weight by going on a diet - Don’t forget to turn off the gas before going out D) ADJECTIVE + TO infinitive: Afraid ( sợ, e sợ ), ashamed ( xấu hổ ), considerate ( tế nhị ), disappointed ( thất vọng ), eager ( hăm hở), foolish ( điên rồ), fortunate ( may mắn, hên ), happy ( sung sướng ), lucky ( may mắn ), pleased ( hài lòng), proud ( hãnh diện), qualified ( có đủ tư cách ), ready ( sẵn sàng), sorry ( ân hận) surprised ( ngạc nhiên) Ex: - I’m afraid to drive alone at night - The actress seems eager to go on stage - Citizens ought to feel lucky to be able to vote - I’m looking for someone qualified to type a thesis - Were you disappointed not to win the race ? - The parents are proud to have a healthy child - He was not at all surprised to hear the news - E) ADJECTIVE + PREPOSITION + GERUND: Các tính từ kèm giới từ theo sau Gerund Accustomed to ( quen với…), afraid of ( lo sợ, e sợ về…), ashamed of ( xấu hổ về…), capable of ( có khả năng, có thể… ) bored with ( chán với…), disappointed in / with ( thất vọng về…), fond of ( thích về…), hopeful of ( hy vọng về…), intent on ( đeo đuổi, chăm về…), interested in ( quan tâm về…), opposed to ( chống đối với…),proud of ( hãnh diện về…), responsible for ( có trách nhiệm về…), sorry about ( ân hận về…), successful in ( thành công trong…), surprised at ( ngạc nhiên về…), tired from ( mệt nhọc vì…), tired of ( chán với…), worried about ( lo lắng về….).used to ( quen với…) Ex : - Police soon get accustomed to arresting criminals - Are you capable of completing the work within an hour ? - Eli Whitney is famous for inventing the cotton gin - The driver was intent on passing the other car - The treasurer is responsible for keeping the books ***** o0o ***** EXERCISES : A) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form : GERUND or INFINITIVE ( In some sentences, both forms are correct ) I’m not in a hurry I don’t mind……………………………………………….( wait ) for you I’ll lend you the book when I’ve finished……………………………………… ( read ) it How old were you when you learnt …………………………………………….( drive ) My father gave up …………………………………………….( smoke ) three years ago Would you mind ……………………………………… ( keep ) silent ? I’m trying ………………………………………………( study ) I always try to avoid………………………………………( borrow ) money from my friends The traffic was very heavy this morning, but I managed ……………………………… ( get ) to school on time Could you please stop ……………………………………….( make ) so much noise ? I hope ……………………………………… ( run ) in the marathon next month 10 Look ! It’s started …………………………………….( rain ) again 11 It was too late, so we decided………………………………….( take ) a taxi home 12 My sister always enjoys …………………………………( listen ) to classical music 13 I’ve put off …………………………………( write ) the letter so many times I really must it today 14 Sarah gave up ………………………( try ) to find a job in this country and decided………………( go ) abroad 15 You can’t stop me ……………………… ( ) what I want 16 They don’t have much money They can’t afford……………………………………( go ) out very often 17 I’m still looking for a job but I hope…………………………… ( find ) something soon 18 My mother can’t stand……………………………………( stay ) at home without doing anything 19 How long have you been able……………………………………………(swim), John ? 20 You must promise…………………………………………….( not / be ) late again 21 When I saw her in that funny hat, I couldn’t help……………………………………( laugh) 22 They refused……………………………………………… ( lend ) him the money although he needed it badly 23 Please, don’t forget………………………………………………( post ) the letter for me today ! It’s urgent 24 Some people strongly dislike……………………………………….( hear ) foul language 25 If you want……………………………( improve ) English , you should practise……………………………( speak ) it more often B) Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets Jane enjoyed……………………………… ( work ) for Brinkman However, she did not plan…………………………………( be ) a secretary all her life She didn’t mind……………………………… ( be ) a secretary for a few years But she couldn’t imagine…………………………… ( ) the same job for years and years She hoped ……………………………………….( become ) a lawyer herself The only thing that prevented her from………………………………….( study ) law was a lack of time and money She often remembered …………………………… ( talk ) to her father before he became ill She couldn’t help………………………………………( think ) about him as she worked ‘I must remember…………………………………….( phone ) the hospital ,‘she thought 10 He had always urged her ……………………………………………….( think ) of her future 11 he used………………………… ( talk ) about the value of a good education when she was younger 12 ‘ Men will have to get used to ………………………………… ( think ) of women as equals, and not just as housewives or pretty faces,’ he often said 13 You must remember …………………………………( buy ) some sugar We haven’t got any now 14 Did you remember…………………………………… ( post ) the letter for me this morning ? 15 Don’t forget……………………………………………… ( wake ) me up before six o’clock tomorrow C/ Complete each sentence with one of these verbs: Answer 10 11 12 apply be listen make see try use wash work write He tried to avoid …………………………………… my question Could you please stop……………………………… so much noise ? I enjoy………………………………………to music I considered……………………………for the job but in the end I decided against it Have you finished………………………………your hair yet ? If you walk into the road without looking, you risk …………………………… knocked down Jim is 65 but he isn’t going to retire yet He wants to carry on………………………………… I don’t mind you…………………………the phone as long as you pay for all your calls Hello ! Fancy………………………….you here ! What a surprise ! I’ve put off………………………… the letter so many times I really must it today What a stupid thing to ! Can you imagine anybody……………………… so stupid ? Sarah gave up………………………………to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad D/ Put the verb into the correct form, - ing or to……….Sometimes either form is possible They denied…………………………… the money ( steal ) I don’t enjoy…………………………….very much ( drive ) I don’t want……………………………….out tonight I’m too tired ( go ) I can’t afford………………………………out tonight I haven’t got enough money ( go ) Has it stopped………………………… yet ? ( rain ) Can you remind me………………………… some coffee when we go out ? ( buy ) Why you keep………………………… me questions ? Can’t you leave me alone ? ( ask ) Please stop…………………………….me questions! ( ask ) I refuse……………………………any more questions ( answer ) 10 One of the boys admitted…………………………the window ( break ) 11 The boy’s father promised…………………………for the window to be repaired ( pay ) 12 Ann was having dinner when the phone rang She didn’t answer the phone, she just carried on ……(eat) 13 “ How did the thief ger into the house ? “ “ I forgot……………… the window ( shut ) 14 I’ve enjoyed………………………… you.( meet ).I hope ……………………you again soon.( see ) 15 The baby began……………………in the middle of the night ( cry ) 16 Julia has been ill but now she’s beginning…………………………… better ... nhiên) Ex: - I’m afraid to drive alone at night - The actress seems eager to go on stage - Citizens ought to feel lucky to be able to vote - I’m looking for someone qualified to type a thesis - Were... quen với…) Ex : - Police soon get accustomed to arresting criminals - Are you capable of completing the work within an hour ? - Eli Whitney is famous for inventing the cotton gin - The driver was... about ( tranh cãi về…), complain about ( than phiền, phàn nàn về…), concentrate on ( tập trung vào…), depend on ( tùy thuộc vào…), decide on ( định về…), feel like ( cảm thấy thích, thi? ?n về…),

Ngày đăng: 18/12/2022, 16:34
