Ch 14 PropertyInvestment
Capital Budgeting Techniques
Applied to Investments In Land
And Buildings
Analytical Ideas in Property
The standard concepts and techniques
of capital budgeting analysis can be
applied to property investment.
Private investors may find it desirable
to evaluate the equity cash flows
separately from the property cash
flows within an investment analysis.
Cash Flow Concepts for
Private Investors
Private investors may need to isolate
their cash flows to debt , usually only a
single mortgage, from the cash flows to
equity, usually their savings.
Private investors may need this
information to record any shortfall
between rent received and loan interest,
for personal income tax measurement.
Two Styles of PropertyInvestment
1. Property cash flows - the standard concepts from
previous chapters are applied- the property cash
flows do not include financing flows. These flows
are accounted for in the discount rate.
2. Equity cash flows – financing cash flows are
explicitly included in the cash flows. These flows
are not accounted for in the discount rate.
Both styles can employ cash flows on either a
before, or, after-tax basis.
Types of Property Decisions
Slide 4 showed two types of property
analysis: there are also three distinct
types of property decisions:-
1. Acquisition of an income-producing
property (or an industrial property).
2. Evaluation of premises to be used by
3. Property development purchase and
development of sites.
Acquisition Of An Income-
Producing Property
There are three methods of evaluating the
cash flow streams in such an investment:-
1. Property cash flows before, and after, tax:
example 14.1, and workbook 14.1.
2. Equity cash flows before tax:
example 14.2, and workbook 14.1
3. Equity cash flows after tax:
example 14.3 and workbook 14.1
Evaluation of Premises to Be Used
By A Business
There are three distinct types of decisions
in this evaluation:-
1.To purchase an industrial property for
operations: Example 14.4 and Workbook
2.To lease or buy industrial property for
operations: Example 14.5 and Workbook
3.Whether to sell and lease back a property
for operations: Workbook 14.2.
Property Development- Purchase
and Development of Sites
There are three phases to this decision:-
1. The initial screening of the project:
example 14.6, and workbook 14.3.
2. Defining and forecasting the project
cash flows: example 14.7 and workbook
3. Defining and forecasting the equity cash
flows: example 14.8 and workbook 14.3.
Property Investment- Summary
Property investmentanalysis requires the standard set of
techniques used for any capital budgeting decision.
Some analyses require a distinction between the project cash
flows and the equity cash flows to measure the tax positions
of private investors.
There are three types of commercial property decisions:
1. acquisition of income producing property
2. evaluation of owner occupied business premises
3. development of real estate.
The NPV is used for sound managerial decision making.
. 1
Ch 14 Property Investment
Capital Budgeting Techniques
Applied to Investments In Land
And Buildings
Analytical Ideas in Property
. measurement.
Two Styles of Property Investment
1. Property cash flows - the standard concepts from
previous chapters are applied- the property cash