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U lS O B 13 ELECTRONIC BANKING (NGHIỆP VỤ NGÂN HÀNG T ự ĐỘNG) TỪ VựNG !I to retire - to stop working, leave one’s job because of age (về hưu) technology - the use of scientiílc advances in practical ways (công nghệ học) device - a machine (thiết bị; máy móc) electronỉc funds transfer - the use of electronic devices to record money moved from ,, one account to another (chuyển ngân quỹ hệ thống tự động) automatic teller machỉne - an electronic device that períorms simple bank operations such as deposits and withdrawals (máy trả tiền tự dộng) code number - a number th a t a bank customer uses to work the autpm atic teller (mã số) instant retrieval - immediate recovery of iníorm ation (phục hồi nhanh) Social Security - a System of government pensions for retired persons (ở nước Mỹ: tổ chức an sinh xã hội) far - reaching - having a great and deep effect (có tác dụng; kết lớn) storage - keeping in a safe place for future use (tàng trữ; bảo quản) mailing - to reduce - to lower, lessen, make less or fewer, make smaller (làm nhỏ đi; bớt đi) to item ize - sending through the postal System (gởi qua hệ thống ,ưu điện) to make a list of the items or details of som ething (liệt kê) 177 CÂU HỎI How oíĩend is High Technology Groiuth Stocks pubỉished? W hat does H igh Technology Groivth Stocks concentrate on? W hat is th e range of sales in these high technology companies? W hat are th e major sections in th e publication? W hat does the m aster list in (8) show? W hat does each recom mendation include? W hat you know about th e editor of th e publication from th is advertisem ent? W hat is th e price of a one-year subscription to High Technology Grouìth Stocks W hat does it cost to try H igh Technology Groiuth Stocks for th ree m onths? 10 Are you billed by mail for th e subscríption and back issues? a film an which reoards are photographed in reduoee size (phim cực nhỏ) Banks uae microíĩlm in check saíekeeping said of a check when it is collected and paid (thanh toán; trả nạ) to c le a r check-clonring p ro c e s s - there steps necessary for a check to clear (bước xử lý việc toán chi phiếu) It takes one week for a check drawn on a local bank to clear THựC HÀNH TỪ VựNG L ự a c h ọ n c â u t r ả lời đ ú n g You can’t withdraw the money until the check _ a) clears term c) entry b) instant retrieval c) check truncation I hope the credit departm ent _ my loan application quickly a) processes b) The computers provide _ of bank transaction a) technology c) retires The last _ recorded in the passbook is a deposit on Septem ber 28 a) device' b) reduces b) projects c) item ừes AU these changes in banking procedures are a) check safekeeping b) far-reaching c) handling ELECTRONIC BANKING (NGHIỆP VỤ NGÂN HÀNG Tự ĐỘNG) M arta Conway 65 tuổi, dã hưu sau 40 năm làm thủ quỹ ngân hàng Bridgevvater Savings Bank Bà ta dang dùng trưa với Penny Nichols, thủ quỹ trẻ làm việc ngân hàng Penny M arta, you m ust know this bank better than anyone has changed a lot since you started working here ru bet banking 179 tcniỉ te rm ■ ■■ -'.'.ý Ạ ■■■ r Y - ‘, n - - w un or phrase word (ngôn từ), c h e c k t r u n c a ti o n - an electronic System used by bank to reduce the work and cost of Processing ohecks (hệ thống kiểm tra điện tử) i, payer the person who pays, the person who writes the check (người ti ■ !# Ị; tiền; người ký phát), - MỞ RỘNG p ro c e d u re - oíĩicial way of doing som ething (trình tự; thủ tục) There are special prócedures for openỉng and closing accounts e n tr y - an item or transaction recorded on paper or by an electron device (đăng bạ; ghi vào) Each deposỉt or w ithdraw al custom er’s passbook w age - m eans a new entry in th money th a t an employer pays to a v/orker for his or her wor (tiền cơng) Wages arẹ usually íigured on daily or họurly basỉs sa lary - payment òf work made at regulaí intervals such as weekly monthly (lương bỗng) ; I He’s looking for a job w ith a high salary b ill - note or letter demanding payment for goods oi; Services (hố đơi, hối phiếu) í ; - -li I pay my bills on th e íìrs t of every month to p ro ce ss - to peiíorm the necessary steps or operations to dó (T h e /d ) , like a higher saiary I You use th e autom atic Would He teller machine? No, She wou!dn’t (would not) We They , b) CÁC CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN If th e boss pays higher wages, she’ll have better workers If Bob retires th is year , he’ll have nothing to keep him busy The bank would save tim e and money if it used electronic devices (But it doesn’t use them ) You’đ have accurate records if you itemized everything (But you don’t item ize every thing) If I had reduced my cost, my proíit would have been higher (But I didn’t reduce my cost so my proíĩt w eren’t higher) We’d have purchased a house if we had gotten a mortgage (But we didn’t get m ortgage so we didn’t purchase a house) 184 Private equity íinance / Beteiligungsfinanzierung / íinancement par prise de participations / finanziamento di partecipazioni Equity íinancing provided by the bank to newly established or fast-growin companies with a sound credit rating Also reíerred to as: equity banking Protessional traders/Beruíshandel proíessionali / opérateurs proíessionnels ị operatori The banks (Switzeriand) and brokers directly represented on the securitie markets and stock exchanges and vvhich trade in bonds and stocks for their ow| account or that of clients * Protit and loss account (UK); income statement (USA) / GewinnVerlustrechnung / compte de pertes et proíits / conto proíitti e perdite }■ unc A list comparing all expense items and all income items of a company for the past tinancial year Provisions / Rũckstellungen / provisions / accantonamenti Liability item in the balance sheet charged to the proíit and loss account to cover tuture liabilities or anticipated losses Frequently listed under other liabilities in the balance sheet Provisions for risks in the lending business, and in toreign exchange trading are of particular signiticance for banks Specitic provisions are set aside to cover particular risks, while continaencv (del credere) reserves or provisions cover general expected losses which cannot yet be specified in detail Contrary to reserves, provisions are not allocated from the net protit but from operating protit Proxy voting right / Depotstimmrecht der Banken / droit de vote des banques afférent aux actions en dépôt / diritto di voto per azioni in deposito Proxy given to banks to vote the shares of third parties lodged with them for satekeeping, administration and management at the meetings of shareholders Quasi-bank / Parabank / Etablissement parabancaire / Istituto parabancario An institution which offers bank-like Services, e.g asset management and loans, but which does not have a banking licence and is thus not accountable to the s supervisory authorities Quotation list / Kursblatt / cote des valeurs mobilières / listino di borsa Publication listing the stock exchange prices of shares and bonds 262 Retrocession / Retrozession / rétrocession / retrocessione ‘ Assignment by a bank of part of the commission received to another bank or to an agent (intermediary) which has participated in the transaction Retrocession is common in bond undenvríting and syndicate operations Revolving credỉt / revolvierender Kredit / crédit renouvelable / credito revolving A credit which can be automatically renewed without additional negotiation ị Rho / Rho / Rhữ / Rho , ik A measure of an option's sensitivity to changes in interest rates (or changes in dividend payments), i.e the extent to which the option's value changes as a result of a shift in interest rates on risk-free investment Instruments Ring bank / Ringbank / banque admise la corbeỉlle / banca ammessa alla corbeille ■ Bank licensed to trade securities on a stock market ring The bank is represented on the rịng by its rina traderís) stock exchanae bank Risk concentration / Klumpenrislko / Gros risque / Grande rischio ! / The granting concentration resulting from investors (risk of an excessively large loan to a single bank Client (risk on the asset sidẹ), or the rìsk of a massive outflow of liquidity a shift from multiple smaller creditors to a few large institutional concentratlon on the liability side) Risk paper share Risk spread / Risikoverteilung / répartition des risques / ripartizione dei rischi I Distributing the risks of losses or reductions in income by spreading the Capital investments or the loans granted to third parties among a number of investment objects or borrowers The aim is to minimize risk exposure by scattering investments (or loans) vvidely among different countries, regions, currencies, industries and indlvidual companies diversitìcation ROE return on eauitv Roll-over credit / Roll-over-Kredit / crédit roll-over / credito roll-over Medium- to long-term credit with a tloating interest rate which is usually reset every 3, or 12 months The basis for the periodic interest rate adjustment is, for instance, the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBORt for short-term bonrowing on the Euromarket - 265 will buy a specific quantity of Securities for a set period and subsequentl) i sell them back to the bank it bought them off Also called repos The acceptance of securities (such as equity paper) by a bank or tin a n cirg I institution for a limited period, with the depositor or a third party u n d ertakin l to repurchase the relevant securities after a stipulated period Rescheduling agreement / Schuldenkonsolidierungsabkommen consolidation / accordo di consolidamento / accord di Agreement reached with borrowers, usually heavily indebted developini countries, to lengthen maturities, defer loan Principal payments or reduce thi interest rate of existing debt, especially by transtorming short-tẹrm credits inti medium- or long-term lendings moratorium ệ Rescriptions / Reskriptionen / rescriptions / rescrizioni Swiss Treasury notes issued by the Federal Government and Treasury bills issued by the cantons and communities They can run for up to years Generally employed by public authorities to raise íunds temporarily Used in part also to achieve cyclical or Capital market objectives, e.g if the Contederation sells sterilization rescriptions to the banks in order to mop up liquidity Suchi rescriptions can sometimes be pledged by the bank with the Swiss National Bank for short terms (rẹpurchase ạgreements) or discounted like other rescriptions during their remaining life of three months Reserve for bad debts / Debitorenreserve / réserves pour débiteurs douteux / fondo perdite su crediti A reserve set aside in the books of a business to provide for the normal or expected amount of bad debt losses which may be incurred over a period of time Also known as provision for doubttul accounts (del credere) \ Residual purchase price íinancing / Kaufpreisrestfỉnanzierung / financement du solde du prix de vente / finanziamento del prezzo d'acquisto residuo Instalment (hire-purchase) loan obtained by the buyer for tinancing medium-term investment aíter downpayment Mostly with ovvnership reserved by the bank Retail banking / Retail-Geschátt / affaires grand public / operazioni retail Bulk bank business The main objective of retail banking is to provide low-cost li banking Services in line with customers' needs by offering standardized Products í and simpliíying sales processes Also reterred to as consumer banking Retained correspondence; correspondence held by bank I banklagemd / banque Ẹ restante / fermo banca Correspondence from the bank to the customer retained at the bank at the H customeris written instructions Mail retained in this manner is handed out or forwarded to the customer only at his request : 264 iríngs bank / Sparkasse / caisse cTépargne / cassa di risparmio Depository íinancial institution that mainly accepts interest-bearing savings deposits of varying amounts Swiss Bank CorDoration chedule of creditors / Kollokationsplan / état de collocation / graduatoria Schedule of creditor ranking, prepared by the bankruptcy trustee or the debt collection offìce rip certitlcate / Lleferschein / bulletin de livraison / bollettino dl consegna Written obligation on the part of the bank acting as paying agent to hand over the dinitive certitìcates to the subscriber as soon as they have been issued I.E & o Latin "salve errore et omissione" (errors and omissions excepted) Request addressed to the customer to examine the bank statement caretully, with the bank reserving the ríght to correct omissions and errors at a subsequent date Sealed satekeeping account / geschlossenes Depot I dépôt fermé / deposito chiuso Saíekeeping account where valuables or documents are deposited, as a rule vvrapped and sealed, exclusively for safe custody Opposite: ọpẹn safekeepina account Seasonal loan / Saisonkredit / crédlt saỉsonnỉer / credito stagionale Credit granted to bridge seasonal needs for funds as experienced by certaín types of enterprises, e.g íashion houses Special form of working Capital credit | ecom Sega Communication System Online settlement System devised as a joint technical plaưorm for SEGA and Intersettie In conjunction with the SỊC banking clearing System it allows the fully automatic settlement and clearing of exchange ỏrders ecurities eligible for discount by and/or accepted as collateral by the Swiss ational Bank / natlonalbanktãhige Wertpapiere / titres admis au nantlssement par la Banque nationale / titoli accettatl in pegno dalla Banca nazionale g ,' Bills/securítíes discounted and accepted as collateral by the Swiss National Bank bill eliaible for National Bank discount % 267 Safe deposit box / Tresoríach / compartiment de coffre-fort / cassetta di sicurezza ý Lockable deposit box which is located in the vault and can be leased out to thí bank's customers Safekeeping account; custody account / Depot / dépôt / deposito An account used to sateguard valuables or securities In a sealed satekeepinq account the valuables are surrendered for safe custody, wrapped or sealed Thiá kind of account is suitable for valuables vvhich not require management J administration, such as jewelry or documents In an ọpen satekeeping accounti the safe custody íunction is combined with an agreement with the bank t( manage or administer the contents, usually securities manaaed account 'ị Saíekeeping account analysis; custody account analysỉs Depotbewertung / analyse de porteteuille / analisi di portatoglio / Depotanalyse; Analysis of a securities saíekeeping account according to market value, income and industry-, country- and currency-specitic risk exposure Satekeeping account bookkeeping / Depotbuchhaltung / comptabilité titres / contabilità titoli Keeping a record of all securities deposited with a bank by satekeeping account number and within the satekeeping accounts by securities number la Satekeeping account charges; custody charges / Depotgebiihr / droit de garde / diritti di custodia custodv price Salary account I Gehaltskonto; Salãrkonto / compte salaire / conto salario b Current account for persons regularty receiving a vvage/salary or retirement benetit Salary accounts carry higher interest rates than regular current accounts Savings account for young people / Jugendsparkonto / compte d'épargne» I Jeunesse ị conto di risparmio Gioventù Savings account for young people offering a preíerential rate of interest, a special youth card, and extra benehts Savings account for vested pension beneíits / Freiziigigkeitssparkonto / compte de ||L libre passage / conto di libero passaggio L Preterential rate savings account for occupational pension assets Principal and rjiỉ interest are tax-free until paid out; interest is exempt from withholding tax Benetits ‘f paid out are subject to a reduced tax rate Principal may be used to purchase ì resỉdential property for the beneficiary's own use or to amortize mortgages ế Swiss National Bank ocial accounting; social report / Sozialbilanz / bilan social / bilancio sociale * The reporting of the cost incurred in complying with anti-pollution, safety and health and other socially beneticial requirements, and, more generally, the impact of a business entity on, and its endeavours to protect, socìety, its amenities and the environment 3) OFFEX f (Soffex) Swiss Options and Financia! Futures Exchange AG, Zurich Subsidiary of the Swiss Exchanae SOFFEX operates an exchange and a clearing house for the electronic trading and settlement of derivative instruments Merged with DTB in 1998 to form Eurex Switzerland QDtions exchanae Eurex » ỉoft currency; weak currency / weiche Wáhrung / devise íaible / valuta debole Currencv representing a less desirable períormance on the torex markets than other currencies Soft currency countries tend to vvitness trequent currency devaluations, balance of payments difficulties or political instability Contrast with Hard or strona currencv ỉovereign English gold coin with a nominal (face) value of GBP Coins minted after 1974 with the picture of Queen Elizabeth II are known as "new sovereigns" Special dravving right (SDR) / Sonderziehungsrecht (SZR) / droit de tirage spécial (DTS) / Diritto speciale di prelievo (DSP) ị r Payment medium and reserve assets used intemationally for transactions between Central banks and issued by the International Monetarv Fund (IMF) ỉo its member nations An SDR does not have the character of an actual currency unit but is primarily a neutral unit of account The value of the SDR is tixed daily on the basis of a basket of exchange rates on the London spot currency market The currency basket is presently made up as follows: USD (40% weighting), DEM (21%), JPY (17%), FRF (11 %), GBP (11 %) SPI Swiss Pertormance Index Spot market cash market 269 Securities investment fund / Wertschriftenfonds ị fonds de placement en vale mobilières / fondo d'investimento in valori mobiliari Investment fund other securities whose assets are invested in stocks, bonds and/( Securities lending and borrovving The lending of securities for an indeíinite or deíinite period of time again collateral and at a discount This form of íinancial transaction is especial suitable for large clients In Europe, CEDEL and Euroclear provide administrativ and technical Services for securities lending operations Securities porttolio / Wertschriftenportefeuille / porteíeuille titres / portaíoglio titoli The total security holdings of an individual customer for whose account they ar deposited at the bank Securitization / Securitization / mobiliérisation / securitization ĩh e growing trend of corporate borrowers to issue marketable securities o the íinancial markets as opposed to raising bank loans and credit from othe tinancial institutions Short-term liabilities / kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten / dettes court terme / debiti I breve termine i liabilitỉes SIC Swiss Interbank Clearing System Electronic interbank clearing svstem It processes to payment transíers among the banks under the supervision of the SNB p Signature card / Unterschriftenkarte / carte de signatures / cartoncino delle firme The document deposited at the bank which bears the signature of the account |< deposit holder, together with those of the authorized agents It also deíineỂ' powers of signature Silent coníirmation / stille Bestãtigung / coníirmation tracite / coníerma tacita Expresston used in connection with letters of credit A notitying bank appends itạ‘1 coníirmation to a transaction without being instructed to so by the opening bank documentarv credit Snake * to European currencv snake 268 I Subordínated issues / nachrangige Anleihen / emprunts de rang postérieur / jL ĩrestĩto dl rango posteriore * f Issues whose holders rank last in the event the borrovver goes bankrupt Banks in Switzerland can count up to 100% of subordinated issues with a residual term of years as part of their equity Capital; this percentage decreases as the term gets shorter Sub-participation / Unterbeteiligung / sous-partition / sottopartecipazione )tj Switzerland: where a bank which is not a member of the underwriting syndicate participates in an issue; a syndicate member transters part of its quota to the sub-participating bank Eurocapital market issues: the banks and brokers with sub-participations are called selling group members and are not mentioned in the prospectus Lending, e.g financial loans: sub-participations are created by the assianment of credit tranches (in Switzerland pursuant to Article 164 ff of the Svviss Federal Code of Obligations) Sa j Jaị Ịi im &■ ị0l| Subscription period / Zeichnungsfrist / période de souscription / periodo di 8ottoscrizione y , The period during vvhich subscriptions to a new securities issue can be accepted by the subscribing agent (usually a bank) / Summary blll entorcement procedure / Wechselstrenge / poursuite pour effets de change / rigore camblario e| ! Especially rapid summary bankruptcy proceedings brought against bill and check debtors whose names are entered in the commercial reaỉster Supervisory authoritles / Autsichtsbehõrde / autorité de surveillance / autorità di vigilanza Legally appointed body whose remit is to supervise the activities of íinancial institutions In Switzerland, the Swiss Federal Banking Commission (FBCI is responsible for monitoring banks and investment funds íi Surety credit; guarantee credit / Avalkredỉt / crédit d'aval / credito di avallo A credit for which a bank assumes liability under a bill guarantee up to a certain amount (guarantee line) A credit for vvhich the bank assumes liability to third parties for the obligations of its customers (such as work períormed by craítsmen) up to a specitied amount Ị 271 stand-by credit / Stand-by-Kredit / crédit stand-by / credito stand-by Credit line granted against payment commission) for a speciíied term of compensation Bridging loan extended to a country or Central bank facing balance-of payments difficulties (e.g the stand-by tacilities of the ỊMF) (commitmei stand-by letter of credit A common form of bank guarantee in the USA and Asia May be used for a types of guarantee, in particular as a payment guarantee It also serves as security for the event a third party fails to meet a promised obligatipn V ẽ standing order / Dauerauttrag / ordre permanent / ordine permanente Instruction issued by the customer for the regular payment by the bank (usuallyl until expressly revoked) of certain obligations, such as rent, Insurance premiums and the like Sterilization rescriptions / Sterilisierungsreskriptionen / rescriptions de stérilisation / rescrizioni di sterilizzazione Short- to medium-term monev market paper issued by the State or the centra bank in order to mop up excess liquidity stock exchange bank/Bồrsenbank/banque opérant en bourse/banca operante in borsa Bank that trades in securities on the stock exchange In the case of a stocki exchange that trades under the la criée System, the term ring bank is used, i.e.í a bank authorized to trade on the rịng ị Ịỉ Stock index tutures Forward contracts based on the development of specitic stock exchange indexes í tinancial tutures STOXX (Dow Jones STOXX) Group of European eauitv indices developed by the Swiss ĩ Exchanae Deutsche Bùrse AG and Euronext Paris jointly with Dow Jones and ĩ Company Inc In addition to a Total Market Index and blue chip indices íoric vvestern Europe and the Eurozone, STO XX also has 18 cross-border sector

Ngày đăng: 14/12/2022, 22:36