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The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2009, 3, 65-81 65
1874-8392/09 2009 Bentham Open
Open Access
Does theAlbertaTarSandsIndustryPollute?TheScientificEvidence
Kevin P. Timoney*
and Peter Lee
Treeline Ecological Research, 21551 Twp Rd 520, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada T8E 1E3;
Global Forest Watch
Canada, 10337 146 St, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5N 3A3, Canada
Abstract: The extent to which pollution from tarsands industrial activities in northeastern Alberta, Canada affects
ecosystem and human health is a matter of growing concern that is exacerbated by uncertainty. In this paper we determine
whether physical and ecological changes that result from tarsands industrial activities are detectable. We analyze a
diverse set of environmental data on water and sediment chemistry, contaminants in wildlife, air emissions, pollution
incidents, traditional ecological observations, human health, and landscape changes from the Athabasca TarSands region,
Canada. Increases in contaminants in water, sediment, and fishes downstream of industrial sources; significant air
emissions and major pollution incidents; and the loss of 65,040 ha of boreal ecosystems are documented. Present levels of
some contaminants pose an ecosystem or human health risk. The effects of these pollutants on ecosystem and public
health deserve immediate and systematic study. Projected tripling of tarsands activities over the next decade may result in
unacceptably large and unforeseen impacts to biodiversity, ecosystem function, and public health. The attention of the
world’s scientific community is urgently needed.
The extent to which pollution from tarsands industrial
activities in northeastern Alberta, Canada affects ecosystem
and human health is a matter of growing international
concern. In spite of that concern, there are to date no
comprehensive, peer-reviewed assessments of the
cumulative impacts of tarsands development. Issues of tar
sands development are dominated by ‘grey literature’ and
most fall into four categories: (1) collections of discipline-
specific reports [1, 2, 3]; (2) industrial monitoring reports
that present environmental data with a minimum of analyses
or context [4]; (3) collections of discipline-specific reports
by industrially-controlled consortia [5]; and (4) reports
commissioned by non-governmental agencies [6]. Less
frequently, graduate theses provide peer-reviewed data on
topics such as tailings pond seepage [7] and contaminant
effects on nesting birds [8]. Least common are peer-reviewed
papers in journals on topics ranging from tailings pond bird
landings [9] and sediment contamination [10] to
methanogenic bacteria in tailings ponds [11].
The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency has to
date not attempted to assess the environmental effects of
Alberta tarsands development. The Canadian Department of
Fisheries and Oceans has largely limited its involvement to
the issuance of permits and mitigation for the “harmful
alteration, disruption or destruction” of fish habitat. The
Cumulative Environmental Management Association has
similarly been unable to provide a robust synthesis of
cumulative impacts. Thescientific integrity of reports by the
Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (RAMP) has been
questioned [12]. RAMP was found unable to measure and
*Address correspondence to this author at the Treeline Ecological Research,
21551 Twp Rd 520, Sherwood Park, Alberta, T8E 1E3 Canada;
Tel: 780-922-3741; E-mail: ktimoney@interbaun.com
assess development-related change locally or in a cumulative
way. There were serious problems of scientific leadership
and lack of integration and consistency with respect to
approach, design, implementation, and analysis.
Concerns about tarsands industrial pollution are
exacerbated by uncertainty. Water flow through tarsands
geological deposits and peatlands leads to background levels
of some contaminants whose concentrations vary both
spatially and temporally. This presents challenges to
detection of anthropogenic influences. There is, furthermore,
a paucity of relevant data available to the public due in large
part to a decline in government monitoring in recent decades
that has coincided with rapid and major expansion of thetar
sands industry. Scientifically-independent data are difficult
to obtain because tarsands leases, while public lands, are
administered as private property, patrolled by security;
public ground access is prohibited. Minimum flight elevation
rules hinder meaningful aerial observations.
Pollution from tarsands activities derives from 11
sources: (1) permitted (licensed) discharges to air and land;
(2) seepage from tailings ponds; (3) evaporation from
tailings ponds; (4) leaks from pipelines; (5) major spills of
bitumen, oil, and wastewater; (6) stack emissions;
windblown (7) coke dust, (8) dry tailings, and (9) tarsands
dust; (10) outgassing from mine faces; and (11) ancillary
activities such as transportation, construction of mines,
ponds, roads, pipelines, and facilities, and landscape
There is an urgent need for information about the impacts
of tarsands activities. Much is at stake for the long-term
health of humans and ecosystems, the boreal forest, and the
world’s climate. Here we present analyses of datasets that
begin to answer the question: to what degree are tarsands
industrial activities detectable? Depending on the nature of
the data, the question is addressed in one of four ways. Do
present levels of contaminants, regardless of origin, present
66 The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2009, Volume 3 Timoney and Lee
an ecosystem or human health concern? Holding time
constant, is there evidence of increased levels of
contaminants when sites downstream of industry are
compared to sites upstream of industry? Holding sites
constant, is there evidence of increased levels of
contaminants over time? Are there documented incidents of
industrial pollution?
Study Area
The study area is located in northeastern Alberta’s Boreal
Forest Natural Region, primarily within its central
mixedwood sub-region [13]. The area currently undergoing
surface mining straddles the Athabasca River and extends
from roughly Ft. McMurray north to the Firebag River (Fig.
1). There the dominant vegetation is a mosaic of white
spruce (Picea glauca) and aspen (Populus tremuloides)
forests on fine-textured Gray Luvisolic upland soils; jack
pine (Pinus banksiana) forests on sandy Brunisolic uplands;
riparian balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) forests and
willow (Salix spp.) carrs on silty alluvial Regosols; and
open, shrub willow, and treed (Picea glauca, P. mariana,
and Larix laricina) fens and bogs on poorly-drained Organic
Mesisols and Fibrisols. The Athabasca River, incised to a
depth of about 60-70 m below the plain, is the dominant
landscape feature of the area. Recent average discharge of
the Athabasca River below Ft. McMurray is 503 m
(2000-2007, Water Survey of Canada data). Ft. McMurray
mean annual temperature is 0.1 C; annual precipitation is
444 mm (Environment Canada data, Ft. McMurray airport, n
= 60 and 59 years).
To date, most development has focussed on extracting
bitumen through surface mining of Cretaceous McMurray
Formation deposits. Bitumen is a viscous mixture of
hydrocarbons that contains about 83% carbon, 10%
hydrogen, 5% sulphur, 1% oxygen, 0.4% nitrogen, and trace
quantities of methane, hydrogen sulphide, and metals. The
deposits are referred to as “tar sands” or “oil sands”,
although the technically correct term is bitumen sands. By
area, about 20% of the Athabasca deposits can be surface
Fig. (1). Athabasca tarsands industrial footprint (hachured) as of March 2008. Inset shows the study area within the regional context;
abbreviations: AB = Alberta, FM = Fort McMurray, NWT = Northwest Territories, PAD = Peace-Athabasca Delta and Fort Chipewyan, SK
= Saskatchewan.
Alberta TarSands Pollution The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2009, Volume 3 67
mined. The remainder requires in situ well-based methods
such as steam-assisted gravity drainage to recover bitumen in
deposits lying too deep to surface mine.
The Muskeg River [14] is a brown-water stream; calcium
and bicarbonate are its major ions. Peatlands cover 50-90%
of the area of some sub-basins and are the main source of the
river’s high levels of dissolved organic carbon. The river is
somewhat alkaline and well-buffered; suspended solids and
turbidity are low; dissolved oxygen is low during the period
of ice cover. The majority of the river’s discharge appears to
derive from shallow groundwater, much of which may flow
through shallow organic soils at the peat/mineral interface.
Discharges to the Muskeg River from tarsands activities in
2006 were estimated at 2.53 billion L [5]. The proportion of
this volume represented by tailings was not specified, but
such a discharge represented about 3.6% of total flow of the
Muskeg River in 2006.
Suncor’s Tar Island Pond One (tailings pond) and theTar
Island Dyke (TID) separating it from the Athabasca River
were the first such built in the industry. A tar sand tailings
pond contains the residue or tails left after bitumen is
extracted from the sand, which consists of process water,
sand, fines (silts and clays), residual bitumen (1-5%), and
associated chemicals. TID was constructed over the period
1965 to 1980 to a height of ~91 m and a length of 3.5 km
perched above the Athabasca River (Fig. 1). Sand tailings
were placed hydraulically to build the dyke while fine
tailings and process-affected water were discharged into the
pond [7]. A shallow layer of process water covers the pond
which overlies fine tailings that become more consolidated
with depth. Tailings process water, thin layers of
consolidated fine tailings, and residual bitumen are found
within the dyke [7]. The dyke is constructed on a weak
foundation of alluvial clay and, in response to high thrust,
has undergone a history of lateral creep [15]. The tailings
pond covers ~ 145 ha, 1.2% of the total area of tailings
ponds as of spring 2008.
Analyses and Data Sources
A Muskeg River polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)
dataset was analyzed [raw data from 5]. Semipermeable
membrane devices (SPMDs) were deployed at two sites in
the Muskeg River during summer 2006 from 25 July to 27
August. Site MUR-6 was located upstream of development;
Site MUR-5 was located downstream of tarsands industrial
development. Data were edited to avoid double-counting of
some PAHs. Corrected PAH concentrations were the
observed values minus the corresponding trip blanks. For
analytes in which the trip blank was greater than either of the
observed values, corrected values were not calculated.
Analytes that failed to meet quantification criteria were
deleted. Day 0 and trip blanks were the mean of two values
standardized to 4 SPMDs per sample. For sites MUR-5 and
MUR-6, values are the mean of four SPMDs. The effect of
upstream vs. downstream position was quantified in two
ways: by the ratio of downstream (MUR-5) concentration to
upstream (MUR-6) concentration, and by the difference
between downstream and upstream concentration.
A spreadsheet of RAMP sediment PAH concentrations
from sites in the Athabasca River Delta was obtained
courtesy of the Mikisew Cree First Nation. Values were
calculated by summing the concentration of the individual
alkylated PAH species. Concentrations of mercury in Lower
Athabasca River walleye tissue were obtained in tabular
form from the literature. For both PAHs and mercury,
statistics were calculated from the raw data.
Data on the concentrations of 24 dissolved analytes from
porewater in the sediment of the Athabasca River upstream
and downstream of Tar Island Pond One provided a test of
whether tailings pond seepage effects could be detected in
Athabasca River sediments. For Tar Island Pond One, Sites 1
and 6 [raw data from 16] were used to test for an influence
of the pond on the porewater chemistry of the Athabasca
River. Site 1 was upstream of the pond; Site 6 was
downstream of the pond and upstream of the Suncor
wastewater pond outfall. Porewater data were gathered from
a depth of 0.3 m beneath the sediment near the west bank of
the Athabasca River.
The areal extent of habitat loss was determined for the
study area through overlay of thetarsands mining footprint
(March 2008) onto pre-disturbance land cover polygons
from three datasets: (1) theAlberta Peatlands Inventory [17].
Wetlands were mapped and digitized from the most recent
available 1:40,000 black and white airphotos. Fens and bogs
dominated the wetland types in the peatland inventory;
marshes and swamps were too limited in extent to be
mapped as individual polygons. (2) For lands disturbed after
2000, Earth Observation for the Sustainable Development of
Forests (EOSD, Canadian Forest Service, vintage circa 2000;
scenes 07D_lc_1, 07E_lc_1). Shrublands and undifferen-
tiated wetlands classified in the EOSD data that did not
correspond to a wetland polygon in theAlberta peatland
inventory data were retained as a separate category. (3) For
non-wetlands disturbed prior to 2000, Global Forest Watch
Canada digitized EOSD land cover type polygons onto six
black and white vertical airphotos, scale 1:63,360, vintage
1949-1951, Alberta Dept. of Lands and Forests images
74E03, 04, 05, 06, 74D13, 14). The surface mining footprint
includes only mines, tailings ponds, facilities, and
infrastructure local to those. It excludes wells, pipelines, and
most roads as those disturbances extend beyond the single
Landsat scene analyzed at multiple dates. As such, the
estimate is conservative. Nomenclature for plants follows
Moss [18]; that for birds follows AOU [19]; and that for
fishes follows Scott and Crossman [20].
Tar Sands Development and the Concentration of PAHs
in the Muskeg River
Of the 28 species of PAHs for which differences in
upstream and downstream concentrations could be
calculated, 26 increased in concentration downstream (Table
1, Fig. 2). Low molecular weight PAH species (n=17)
increased downstream of development by factors of 6.1
(mean) and 4.7 (median). The largest increases in concen-
tration ratios were observed for C2 and C3 dibenzothio-
phenes, C2 and C3 fluorenes, and C2 phenanthrenes/
anthracenes, in which downstream concentrations were 9-15
times higher than upstream concentrations. Typical increases
in concentrations of individual PAHs downstream of
development were 348 ng/sample (mean) and 171 ng/sample
68 The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2009, Volume 3 Timoney and Lee
Table 1. Concentrations of PAHs in Water Upstream (u/s) and Downstream (d/s) of Development in the Muskeg River, Summer
Analyte / Nanograms per Sample MUR-6 (u/s) MUR-5 (d/s) Effect Ratio Difference
Low Molecular Weight PAHs
Acenaphthylene 2.5 2.2 0.9 -0.3
Anthracene 85.1 18.2 0.2 -66.9
C1-Dibenzothiophenes 27.4 197.9 7.2 170.5
C2-Dibenzothiophenes 81.5 966.8 11.9 885.3
C3-Dibenzothiophenes 58.3 874.6 15.0 816.3
C1-Fluorenes 50.3 193 3.8 142.7
C2-Fluorenes 81.8 1008.8 12.3 927.0
C3-Fluorenes 83.2 1007.2 12.1 924.0
C2-Naphthalenes 30 110 3.7 80.0
C3-Naphthalenes 70.8 277.8 3.9 207.0
C4-Naphthalenes 117.08 549.08 4.7 432.0
Phenanthrene 38.8 142.6 3.7 103.8
C1 Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 84.6 587.6 6.9 503
C2 Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 85.03 775.93 9.1 690.9
C3-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 10.8 63.0 5.8 52.2
C4-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 315.2 337.2 1.1 22.0
Retene 315.2 337.2 1.1 22.0
Mean Effect for LMW PAHs (+/- sd) 6.1 +/-4.6 347.7 +/- 365.9
Median Effect for LMW PAHs 4.7 170.5
High Molecular Weight PAHs
Benzo[a]pyrene 0.6 1.7 3.0 1.2
Benzo[e]pyrene 3.7 11.2 3.0 7.5
Benzo[b,j,k]fluoranthene 0.5 1.2 2.6 0.7
Fluoranthene 31.7 47.6 1.5 15.9
Pyrene 45.6 223.4 4.9 177.8
Chrysene 36.0 143.8 4.0 107.8
Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]-pyrene 0.2 1.7 6.6 1.4
C1-Fluoranthenes/Pyrenes 12.0 70.3 5.9 58.3
C2-Fluoranthenes/Pyrenes 14.7 108.2 7.4 93.5
C3-Fluoranthenes/Pyrenes 3.9 30.4 7.9 26.5
C4-Fluoranthenes/Pyrenes 8.7 33.5 3.9 24.8
Mean Effect for HMW PAHs (+/- sd) 4.6 +/-2.1 46.8 +/- 57.3
Median Effect for HMW PAHs 4.0 24.8
Mean Effect for Alkylated PAHs (+/- sd) 7.2 +/- 3.8 356.2 +/- 356.9
Median Effect for Alkylated PAHs 7.0 170.5
Mean Effect for Non-Alkylated PAHs (+/- sd) 2.9 +/- 1.9 33.7 +/-68.4
Median Effect for Non-Alkylated PAHs 3.0 7.5
^raw data from [5]; “<” values are assumed equal to the value for purposes of calculation.
*Effect Ratio is the ratio of downstream/upstream PAH concentrations; if > 1, concentration increases downstream by that factor; Difference is the change in concentration from the
upstream to the downstream site; Site MUR-6 (u/s) was located at 57º 20’ 47.9’’N, 111º 07’ 53.0’’W; Site MUR-5 (d/s) was located at 57º 18’ 40.9’’N, 111º 23’ 51.4’’W.
Alberta TarSands Pollution The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2009, Volume 3 69
Fig. (2). (a) Relationship between concentrations of 28 PAHs in the Muskeg River upstream and downstream of industrial oil sands
development (raw data from [21]). Some points overlap; axes are log10 transformed. (b) Ratio of downstream : upstream alkylated PAH
concentrations. (c) Difference in concentration for alkylated PAHs between downstream and upstream sites (n = 17).
(median) for low molecular weight PAHs. The largest
increases in concentration (432-885 ng/sample) were
observed for C2 and C3 dibenzothiophenes, C4
naphthalenes, and C2 phenanthrenes/anthracenes. For
alkylated species (n=17), PAH concentrations increased
downstream of development by factors of 7.2 (mean) and 7.0
(median); increases in concentrations downstream of
development were 356 ng/sample (mean) and 171 ng/sample
(median) (Fig. 2). Increases in concentrations downstream of
development were statistically significant for all PAHs as a
group (Mann-Whitney test, U = 565, p = 0.005, n = 28). A
strong relationship existed between low molecular weight
PAH concentrations and tarsands development (U = 236, p
= 0.002, n = 17). The strongest relationship existed between
alkylated PAH concentrations and tarsands development (U
= 246, p = 0.0005, n = 17); the relationship for non-alkylated
PAHs was not significant (U = 72, p = 0.450, n = 11).
Lower Athabasca River PAHs and Mercury
Over the period 1999-2007, concentrations of alkylated
PAHs increased in Athabasca River Delta sediment (Fig. 3).
Alkylated PAH concentrations were correlated significantly
with both year and Athabasca River annual discharge
(Pearson r = 0.38, 0.52, p = 0.03, 0.005), indicating that both
a temporal trend and a hydrologic relationship may be in
effect. Reconstruction of PAH concentrations through
analysis of dated sediment cores is needed to elucidate trends
in lower Athabasca River sediment PAHs.
Mean mercury concentrations in lower Athabasca River
walleye increased over the period 1976 to 2005 (Fig. 4).
Lower Athabasca River walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) and
lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) sampled in
September 2005 posed a human health risk (Table 2).
Virtually all walleye longer than 40 cm or weighing more
than 500 g contained more than 0.20 mg/kg of mercury, the
Health Canada subsistence fisher guideline. Under US EPA
standards, all walleye, all female whitefish and ~ 90 % of
male whitefish exceeded subsistence fisher consumption
Fig. (3). Trends in alkylated PAH concentrations from Athabasca
River Delta sediment. Raw data from RAMP. Some data points
overlap; line is a least-squares linear regression.
Fig. (4). Trend in mean mercury concentration (+/-1 SE) in muscle
of mature walleye of the lower Athabasca River. Raw data: 1976, n
= 59, from [94]; 1992, n = 12, from [95]; 2005, n = 25, from [21].
70 The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2009, Volume 3 Timoney and Lee
Table 2. Concentration of Mercury (mg/kg, Wet Weight) in Muscle of Mature Lake Whitefish and Walleye from the Lower
Athabasca River, September 2005^
Whitefish (Hg mg/kg) Walleye (Hg mg/kg)
Male Female Male Female
Mean 0.081 0.106 0.352 0.510
Median 0.073 0.105 0.259 0.464
Maximum 0.170 0.160 0.765 0.694
Minimum 0.034 0.058 0.078 0.391
S.D. 0.037 0.040 0.237 0.110
95% CI, upper 0.101 0.133 0.478 0.595
95% CI, lower 0.061 0.079 0.225 0.425
Normality (p)* 0.445 0.850 0.246 0.709
N 15 11 16 9
^Raw data from [21].
*Kolmogorov-Smirnov one-sample normality test, two-tailed p.
Table 3. Porewater Dissolved Analyte Concentrations at Depth of 0.3 m in the Sediment of the Athabasca River at Site 1
(Upstream) and Site 6 (Downstream) of Tar Island Pond One
Analyte Site 1 (mg/L) Site 6 (mg/L) Site 6 – Site 1 (mg/L) Effect (Site 6 / Site 1) CCME (2007) Guideline*
Ammonia as N 2.16 7.8 5.64 3.6 1.37 at pH 8, 10 C #
Aluminum 0.02 0.14 0.12 7.0 0.10 at pH>6.5
Antimony 0.0006 0.004 0.0034 6.7
Arsenic 0.0029 0.0147 0.0118 5.1 0.005
Barium 0.475 0.477 0.002 1.0
Bismuth <0.00005 0.00005 0.000025 2.0
Boron 0.034 0.028 -0.006 0.8
Chromium 0.0006 0.0014 0.0008 2.3
0.0089 trivalent, 0.001
Cobalt 0.011 0.006 -0.005 0.5
Copper <0.0006 0.0012 0.0009 4.0 0.002-0.003^
Iron 10.6 24.5 13.9 2.3 0.3
Lead <0.0001 0.0014 0.00135 28.0 0.002-0.004^
Lithium 0.0117 0.0195 0.0078 1.7
Manganese 7.28 7.54 0.26 1.0
Molybdenum 0.0054 0.0043 -0.0011 0.8 0.073
Nickel 0.0102 0.0048 -0.0054 0.5 0.065-0.110^
Selenium <0.0004 0.0006 0.0004 3.0 0.001
Silver <0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 2.0 0.0001
Strontium 0.449 1.69 1.241 3.8
Titanium 0.0045 0.0129 0.0084 2.9
Uranium 0.0003 0.0032 0.0029 10.7
Vanadium 0.0064 0.0025 -0.0039 0.4
Zinc 0.02 0.088 0.068 4.4 0.030
Naphthenic Acids <1 1 0.5 2.0
Site 1 at 56º 55’ 56.1’’N, 111º 26’ 44.3’’W (sampled 9 Oct 2004); Site 6 at 56º 59’ 58.3’’N, 111º 27’ 29.0’’W (sampled 13 Oct 2004). Raw data from [16].
*CCME freshwater aquatic life protection guideline [22]; indicates no CCME guideline;
data from [23]; ^depends on hardness (= 77-160 mg/L for Athabasca R. near Donald Cr.).
Alberta TarSands Pollution The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2009, Volume 3 71
Influence of Tar Island Pond One on Athabasca River
Porewater Dissolved Analytes
Of 24 analytes, the concentration of 19 analytes increased
downstream of the pond while that of five decreased (Table
3). Overall, median and mean increases in concentration
downstream of the pond were 2-fold and 4-fold, respectively.
In terms of water quality guidelines, analytes of primary
concern were ammonia, arsenic, iron, and zinc. Nine
analytes increased three- or more-fold downstream of the
pond; none decreased three- or more-fold. Analytes that
increased at least three-fold were ammonia, aluminum,
antimony, arsenic, copper, lead, strontium, uranium, and
Landscape, Habitat, and Wildlife Losses
The Athabasca tarsands industrial footprint as of spring
2008 was 65,040 ha, composed of 12,058 ha of tailings
ponds and 52,982 ha of pits, facilities, and infrastructure
(Fig. 1, Table 4). Boreal coniferous and deciduous upland
and riparian forests, water bodies, exposed/disturbed soils,
and a diverse array of bog and fen wetlands and shrublands
have been lost. Within the industrial footprint, most of the
native biota, composed of thousands of species and millions
of individuals, have been extirpated. By proportion of the
footprint, the largest losses have been to coniferous forest
(36.0%) and deciduous forest (24.6%). Between 1992 and
2008, the extent of tailings ponds grew by 422% while the
extent of mine pits, facilities, and infrastructure grew by
383% (Table 5).
Based on typical Canadian western boreal bird densities
by habitat [24, 25], the observed loss of deciduous forest
translates to a permanent loss in the range of 24,918 to
83,060 birds, a coniferous forest loss of 24,832 to 146,178
birds, and a fen, bog, and shrubland/undifferentiated wetland
loss of 8,301 to 173,102 birds, for a total 58 to 402 thousand
birds lost from the regional population. These losses are in
addition to the annual bird mortalities due to tailings pond
exposure (see Impacts Upon Birds).
Muskeg River PAHs
Tarsands development increases the concentrations of
PAHs in the Muskeg River, particularly of the alkylated
forms characteristic of petrogenic sources. Withdrawal of
Muskeg River water by tarsands operations between sites
MUR-6 and MUR-5 was considered as a possible
explanation for increased PAH concentrations. During 2006,
discharge at the downstream site was about three times
greater than discharge at the upstream site. Withdrawal of
water is not a factor in the higher PAH levels observed at
Tarsands mining is the most parsimonious explanation
for elevated PAH levels between sites MUR-6 and MUR-5.
MUR-5 lies near the Syncrude Aurora North Mine and
tailings pond and downstream of Stanley Creek, a tributary
disturbed by active tarsands mining. Stanley Creek receives
drainage from, and flows through, a portion of the open pit
mine; it then flows along the north and east sides of the
Aurora North tailings pond before joining with the Muskeg
River upstream of MUR-5. When observed from a helicopter
by Timoney during August 2006, Stanley Creek was
undergoing diversion. Sediments collected from Stanley
Table 4. Areal Extent (ha, % of total) of Habitat Loss Due to Tar Sand Industrial Activities in the Athabasca TarSands Region as
of 19 March 2008
Pre-Mining Cover Type Extent (ha, %) Comments
Water 490, 0.75
rivers, ponds, lakes
Exposed 735, 1.13
sparsely vegetated mudflats, sandbars, recent cutblocks and burns
Coniferous Forest 23,426, 36.02
Deciduous Forest 15,973, 24.56
Fens 10,556, 16.23
Bogs 449, 0.69
Shrublands, Undifferentiated Wetlands
13,411, 20.62
10,719 ha shrublands and 2,692 undifferentiated wetlands; total wetland loss (fens, bogs,
shrublands, undifferentiated wetlands) = 24,416 ha, 37.54%
Table 5. Athabasca TarSands Industrial Footprint by Year*
Year Tailings Ponds (ha) Pits, Facilities, Infrastructure (ha)
Total Footprint (ha)
1974 230 3,726 3,956
1992 2,855 13,849 16,704
2002 10,329 23,194 33,523
2008 12,058 52,982 65,040
*Scenes: 1974, Multi-spectral scanner, p046r20_1m19740820, 20 August 1974 1992, Landsat thematic mapper, P042R20_5T920611, 11 June 1992 2002, Landsat enhanced
thematic mapper, p042r020_7t20020514, 14 May 2002 2008, Landsat thematic mapper, 4220_080319, 19 March 2008.
72 The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2009, Volume 3 Timoney and Lee
Creek in 2003 were high in total hydrocarbons, organic
carbon, retene, and many alkylated PAHs [26]. The tailings
pond “Muskeg River Sump” is located about 250 m
northwest of the MUR-5 site [4].
The most abundant PAHs in the Aurora North tailings
pond [4, in fine tails 21 m zone] correspond closely with the
Muskeg River PAHs whose concentration increased the most
downstream of the pond. C2 phenanthrene/anthracene was
the most abundant PAH in the Aurora North tailings pond,
C3 dibenzothiophene was the second, C2 dibenzothiophene
was the fourth, and C2 fluorene was the sixth most abundant
PAH in the tailings pond (no data were presented by
Syncrude [4] for C3 fluorene).
Lower Athabasca River PAHs and Mercury
PAH concentrations in sediment cores from Richardson
Lake and Lake Athabasca were determined by Evans et al.
[27] for 1950 and 1998. Total PAH levels increased with
time in Richardson Lake and decreased with time in Lake
Athabasca. Unfortunately, those data are now a decade old
and much development has taken place since 1998.
Sediments from the lower Athabasca River and its delta have
been found toxic to several species of invertebrates [28] and
contain high levels of PAHs and metals [21]. There are
presently no Canadian guidelines for total PAHs in sediment.
A study conducted for the US National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration [29] recommended a threshold
of 1 mg/kg dry weight of total PAHs in marine sediment for
protection of estuarine fish populations. Above 1 mg/kg total
PAHs, there was a substantial increase in the risk of liver
disease, reproductive impairment, and potential effects on
growth. The PAH signature in ARD sediments is consistent
with that of tarsands bitumen. Levels of PAHs in sediment
of the Athabasca River are about twice that observed to
induce liver cancers in fishes [30].
The cumulative landscape disturbance resulting from
clearcutting, burning, excavation and stockpiling of peat, and
wetland dewatering associated with the expanding tarsands
operations may account for the increasing methylmercury
levels observed in lower Athabasca River walleye. Disturbed
wetlands and soils are recognized as important sources of
methylmercury, and fish mercury concentrations in boreal
lakes have been correlated with areal extent of watershed
disturbance [31, 32]. Recent determinations of tissue
mercury in other fish species are also cause for concern.
Fillets of lake whitefish, sucker (Catostomus), and goldeye
(Hiodon alosoides) contained 0.18-5.9 mg/kg of mercury
(n=28) while fillets of northern pike (Esox lucius), walleye,
burbot (Lota lota), and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
contained 0.1-3.4 mg/kg of mercury (n=45) [33]. Under US
EPA subsistence fisher guidelines, all of these fishes would
be considered unsafe to eat.
Tailings Pond Seepage
Tar Island Pond One seepage affects the concentrations
of a host of dissolved analytes in the sediment porewater of
the Athabasca River by a factor of 2-4-fold. Eight analytes
bound to sediments at Site 6 exceed maximum ambient
concentrations: C2 naphthalene, barium, beryllium, boron,
strontium, thallium, titanium, and uranium. At an Athabasca
River surface water site adjacent to Site 6 (PD1-93-13-SW),
six dissolved analytes have been found to exceed either
water quality guidelines or maximum ambient concentrations
(beryllium, chromium, manganese, strontium, vanadium, and
naphthenic acids; [16]).
Seepage of tailings water from theTar Island Pond One
into groundwater hydraulically connected to the Athabasca
River has been quantified at 5.5-5.7 million L/day [7, 34].
Leakage rates would be higher were it not for a low
permeability silt and clay layer underlying the pond. Total
flow through the sand aquifer to the river is estimated at
4,250 L/sec [7]. Leakage from the pond appears to be
primarily “process affected water” that was introduced into
the dyke during its construction. As part of an assessment of
the ecological risk posed by Tar Island Pond One, Komex
[16] identified chemicals of potential ecological concern as
arsenic, ammonia, barium, chromium, bismuth, iron, lithium,
manganese, naphthenic acids, selenium, strontium, tin,
vanadium, zinc, methylnaphthalene and C2 naphthalene.
Alberta government technical staff [35] acknowledged
escape of tailings from the Aurora North tailings pond when
it advised Syncrude that it hoped construction of a soil-
bentonite wall would reduce or eliminate further seepage of
process water. The seepage occurs adjacent to Stanley Creek,
a tributary of the Muskeg River. On the Suncor lease, the
pond known as “Natural Wetland” contains elevated levels
of hydrocarbons, naphthenic acids, and salinity due to
seepage of tailings water through the adjacent containment
dyke [36].
Seepage from the Syncrude Mildred Lake site is implied
in the high concentration of naphthenic acids found in
Beaver Creek [37] and in high and increasing levels of
naphthenic acids downstream of the “lower seepage dam”
[38]. Government correspondence with Syncrude shows that
the government suspects seepage off the Syncrude site [39].
Excerpts: “Explain the increasing chloride concentration (76
mg/L) at sample location BRC in 2007 Wells continue
to clearly show increasing chloride concentrations not
reflective of background chemistry This is all indicative of
an advancing plume Wells with elevated chloride
indicate increasing chloride concentrations Explain the
increasing naphthenic acid concentration (60 mg/L) in
monitor well OW98-09 ”
The total seepage rate for all tailings ponds has recently
been estimated under five scenarios that differed in
assumptions of how seepage rates change over time. The
‘report’ scenario released to the public estimated a current
escaped seepage rate of 11 million L /day and a projected
peak seepage rate of 26 million L /day in the year 2012 [40].
The other four scenarios estimated current escaped seepage
rates of from 7 to 36 million L / day [41]. Current production
of tailings from all facilities is 1.8 billion L/day [6]. Leakage
of toxins from tailings ponds may be a concern for decades if
not for centuries.
Wildlife, Landscape, and Habitat Losses
The effect that such habitat conversion has had on
wildlife populations has not been assessed. In 2005, 51 black
bears (Ursus americanus) were destroyed at tarsands
facilities and their work camps, 14 of which were destroyed
at the Petro-Canada Mackay River project [42]. Ancillary
wildlife losses may be significant, but as with bird
Alberta TarSands Pollution The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2009, Volume 3 73
mortalities, the lack of systematic monitoring raises more
questions than answers. Mammal mortality data gathered
through industrial self-monitoring were released to Timoney
(23 February 2009) under a government freedom of
information request. During 22 combined years of operation
(at Suncor, Syncrude, and Shell Albian Sands), the
companies reported a total of 162 dead individuals, including
one marten (Martes americana), one southern red-backed
vole (Clethrionomys gapperi), and one “weasel” (Mustela
sp.). Clearly such ad hoc observations present a gross
underestimate of actual mortality.
Wildlife impacts independent of habitat conversion can
result from landscape fragmentation, increased access, and
industrial noise. Areas near noiseless energy facilities in
Alberta can have a total passerine bird density 1.5 times
higher than that in areas near noise-producing energy sites
[25]; the abundance of one-third of the species was reduced
by noise. The impacts of wholesale landscape transformation
on regional populations, diversity, and provision of
ecosystem goods and services remain uninvestigated.
The proportion of landscape converted to tarsands
mining varies by watershed from <1% to 5-10% (e.g.,
Muskeg River) to >10% (e.g., Beaver, McLean, and Tar
watersheds) [5]. Major reaches of streams have been diverted
(e.g., Beaver River, McLean Creek). Entire reaches of the
Beaver, Tar, and Calumet Rivers and Poplar and McLean
Creeks have been obliterated. The harmful alteration,
destruction or disruption (“HADD”) of 1.28 million m
fish habitat within the Muskeg River and its tributaries by
Imperial Oil has been approved by the federal Dept. of
Fisheries and Oceans (HADD permit ED-03-2806).
Other Evidence of Environmental Impacts and Pollution
in the Lower Athabasca River Region
Impacts Upon Birds
Spring migration in northeastern Alberta poses a serious
threat to birds. The area is located along a convergence zone
of migratory bird flyways en route to the Peace-Athabasca
Delta, the most important waterfowl staging area in Canada
[43]. As of spring 2008, the areal extent of tailing ponds
within the study area exceeded the extent of natural water
bodies by 42%. Warm effluent in tailings ponds creates open
water attractive to waterfowl and shorebirds while natural
water bodies remain frozen. At least 16,000 birds were
observed visually flying over one tailings pond during spring
migration [9] and single-day counts at (natural) McClelland
and Kearl Lakes have reached 1,154 and 2,700 ducks [44].
Relative to a non-deterrent control, the odds of landing at a
tailings pond protected by industry-standard bird deterrents
are unacceptably high (38% for ducks and 69% for
shorebirds [9]).
Schick and Ambrock [45] considered development of the
Athabasca tarsands to constitute a serious threat to
migratory birds and to the Peace-Athabasca Delta. They
noted that much waterfowl use during migration occurs at
night which would make observation and monitoring
difficult; surmised that tailings ponds could cause changes in
migration habits; and noted that heavy losses of waterfowl
have been observed at Wyoming, USA oil sumps and over
petroleum reservoirs in the (former) USSR. Cree hunters in
Ft. Chipewyan suspect that tailings ponds may be causing
changes in waterfowl migration patterns [46].
Nesting tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) suffered
reproductive failure, high mortality, reduced body weight,
elevated hepatic 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)
and thyroid hormone levels, and higher nestling parasitism
rates in process-affected wetlands relative to reference
wetlands [8], a result attributed to PAH exposure. Tree
swallow hatching success, nestling weight, and fledging rate
were lower at a tailings-affected wetland at Suncor than at
reference sites [36]. After emerging from affected wetlands,
adult insects retained PAHs, possibly through feeding or
slow depuration, and thus provided a source of PAHs to
insectivores such as tree swallows.
To date, birds representing 43 species and 51 taxa have
died due to tailings pond exposures in the area. Although
waterfowl and shorebirds have been the most-affected, dead
birds of prey, gulls, passerines, and other groups have been
observed also [47, 48, 49, 44]. Dyke et al. [48] noted 54
species of birds at a 0.4 ha tailings pond; Gulley [49] noted
198 species in the Suncor lease area. In April 2008, an
anonymous tip alerted authorities to the death of migratory
waterfowl at the Syncrude Aurora North tailings pond [50].
At that time, Syncrude admitted to the death of about 500
ducks. By July 2008, Syncrude and government were aware
that 1,606 ducks had died but it was not until March 2009
that the public was informed; no information has been
released to date on mortalities of other birds. Due to self-
monitoring by industry, the annual bird mortality due to
tailings pond exposure is not known with certainty; it has
been estimated to range from 458 to 5,037 birds (Timoney
and Ronconi, unpubl. data). The problem should be
considered serious until credible monitoring proves
Air Quality
Releases of five criteria air contaminants (PM
, PM
total particulates, sulphur dioxide, and volatile organic
compounds (VOCs), such as benzene, xylene, ammonia, and
formaldehyde) and hydrogen sulphide in 2006 indicate that
tar sands facilities are major polluters (Table 6). Nationally,
the Syncrude Mildred Lake plant ranked in the top six of
polluters for all six air contaminants in 2006. For VOCs,
Canada’s top four national polluters were tarsands facilities
north of Ft. McMurray, the primary source of which is
evaporation from tailings ponds.
Rapid increases in air emissions are predicted for the
Alberta tarsands industry. By 2010, PM
emissions are
predicted to reach 11,200 tonnes / year (87% above 2005
levels), while emissions of oxides of sulphur increase 38%
(from 118,000 to 163,000 tonnes/year), VOCs increase
119% (from 130,000 to 285,000 tonnes / year), and nitrous
oxides increase 78% (from 90,000 to 160,000 tonnes / year)
[52]. North of Ft. McMurray, ambient hydrogen sulphide
increased 15-68% from 1999 to 2006 depending on the
location [53]. For sulphur dioxide, the trends are equally
troubling: 2-62% increase for areas north of Ft. McMurray,
including a 24% increase at Ft. Mackay since 1999 and a
10% increase at Ft. Chipewyan since 2000, 200 km north of
the tarsands facilities. While peak SO2 concentrations have
reportedly decreased for most of Alberta since 1990, north of
74 The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2009, Volume 3 Timoney and Lee
Ft. McMurray they have increased 8-122% since 1999 [53].
Similarly, peak PM
concentrations have decreased for
most of Alberta since 1990, but north of Ft. McMurray they
have increased 17-79% since 1999.
Aluminum, potassium, sulphur, titanium, and vanadium
concentrations in three lichen species were determined at 69
sites in the Athabasca tarsands by Addison and Puckett [54].
Atmospheric deposition patterns indicated by lichen thallus
metal concentrations matched deposition patterns measured
by physical and chemical methods. Lichen morphological
damage, growth impairment, and levels of pollutants in
lichen tissue are consistently highest near the major tarsands
facilities [54, 55, 56]. With decreased distance to a point
equidistant from the main Syncrude and Suncor plants,
concentrations of sulphur, nitrogen, aluminum, chromium,
iron, nickel, and vanadium show large increases in lichen
tissues [57].
Some air pollutants enter the Athabasca River watershed
through local deposition while others are dispersed over
greater distances, e.g., east into Saskatchewan or north to the
Peace-Athabasca Delta. Funneling of air pollutants by the
Athabasca River valley has been documented by scientists
[54, 57] and observed by people in Ft. Chipewyan (Fig. 5f).
In Ft. Chipewyan, high gaseous mercury concentrations are
often associated with a south-north airmass trajectory
through the Ft. McMurray area [58]. In March 2006,
southerly winds carried a mass of polluted air at least 200
km north from thetarsands facilities. Air trajectory analyses
by Environment Canada [59, 60, 61] tracked the air to a
source in the industrial tarsands area north of Ft. McMurray.
Air quality monitoring in Ft. Chipewyan detected the event
during which PM
concentration spiked from a background
of 3-5 g /m
to 25 g/m
. Near Suncor, N to NNE and S to
SSE winds predominate and coincide with the orientation of
the Athabasca River valley [62].
During the nearly six-month period from November to
late April, aerial deposition of particulate dust results in
accumulations on the region’s ice- and snow-covered
landscape. With snowmelt in late April, accumulated
pollutants are mobilized en masse in meltwater and carried
into soil, ground water, and surface water. The impact of the
spring pulse of pollutants requires study. Environmental and
human health impacts from tarsands related air pollution
will, at minimum, be regional rather than local.
Globally, the impact of tarsands development may be
most evident for greenhouse gas production. Exclusive of the
greenhouse gases liberated from conversion of peatlands and
uplands to a mined landscape, and those liberated from later
burning the synthetic fuel, annual production of carbon
dioxide due to Albertatarsands production in 2007 was
estimated at 40 million tonnes [63]. Bacterial production of
methane from tailings ponds increases greenhouse gas
production and may impact tailings reclamation options [11].
At the Mildred Lake Settling Basin (MLSB), 60-80% of the
gas flux across the pond’s surface is due to methane; the
pond produces the equivalent methane of 0.5 million
cattle/day [11].
Water Quality: Arsenic
Levels of arsenic in water and sediment near Ft.
Chipewyan may be rising and are high in comparison to
regional values. Over the period 1976-2003, lower
Athabasca River dissolved arsenic mean concentration
(above the detection limit) was 1.5 g/L; the 95
was 5.0 g/L (n = 488) [64]). Arsenic levels in water near Ft.
Chipewyan and in the lower Athabasca River exceeded those
for western Lake Athabasca. In 2007, dissolved arsenic
levels near Ft. Chipewyan (2.6 g/L at the town water
intake); in the Rochers River near Mission Creek (3.4 g/L);
and in the Fletcher Channel (1.6 g/L) exceeded their
historical medians (~0.6 g/L, 1976-87 [28]).
Sediment arsenic concentrations in Lake Athabasca
increased over the period 1970-1990, from 2 mg/kg to 10
mg/kg [65]. Levels of arsenic in 2000 in Athabasca River
sediments at Big Point Channel, Flour Bay, in the Rochers
River near Mission Creek, and at the Ft. Chipewyan water
intake were about 44%, 35%, 112%, and 114%, respectively,
above the historical median levels (1976-99) reported in
RAMP [28]. In 2007, sediment arsenic concentration in Lake
Athabasca at the Ft. Chipewyan water intake was 9.2 mg/kg
while that at the nearby Rochers River site was 9.1 mg/kg
[64]. The interim freshwater guideline for protection of
aquatic life is 5.9 mg/kg [66].
Water Quality: Drainage from the Alsands Ditch
Mine drainage waters carried by the Alsands Ditch into
the Muskeg River resulted in water quality declines. The
Alsands Ditch was constructed in 1980 in order to dewater
overburden and to draw down groundwater prior to tarsands
Table 6. Air Releases of Particulates, Sulphur Dioxide, Volatile Organic Compounds, and Hydrogen Sulphide in 2006 from
Syncrude and Suncor (with Alberta and National Rank for Amount Released)*
Tonnes Released
Parameter/ Site Syncrude Mildred Lake
Suncor Energy Inc.
Other Sites
PM2.5 1774 (1
, 2
) 698 (3
, 12
PM10 3011 (1
, 3
) 1116 (3
, 15
Total particulates 4987 (1
, 5
) 1913 (3
, 16
Sulphur Dioxide 80863 (1
, 4
) 24118 (4th, 14
VOCs 11519 (3
, 3
) 26492 (1
, 1
) Syncrude Aurora North 16385 (2
, 2
); Shell Albian Sands 5006 (4
, 4
Hydrogen Sulphide 83 (3
, 6
) 32 (6
, 24
) Suncor Firebag 64 (4
, 9
*Data from NPRI [51]; facility numbers: Syncrude Mildred Lake site = 2274, Suncor Energy Inc. Oil Sands = 2230, Syncrude Aurora North Mine = 6572, Shell Albian Sands
Energy Muskeg River Mine = 6647; Suncor Firebag = 19181.
[...]... sudden, I can AlbertaTarSands Pollution see this foam coming out right about the middle of the river There’s a pump house there Suncor These guys seen me getting close, they went inside [the pump house] They shut it down They were discharging foam Again [in 2007] there was all kinds of foam right after [spring] break-up.” Observations of traditional elders about ecological and other changes from... saw a leak from the Syncrude lease that made an oil slick in the Athabasca River He recalled the big oil spill in the early 1980s and the shutting down of the fish plant in Ft Chipewyan due to pollution Ray Ladouceur remembered winter fishermen angling through the ice on Lake Athabasca during the 1980s When they cut holes in the ice they observed oil in the water About 15 years ago [in the 1990s], Jumbo... 1982 in the wastewater pond; one witness described the flames as reaching about 90 m in height On 16 February, an Alberta Fish and Wildlife Officer “saw a cloudy area and then we saw a sheen on the open water, an oil sheen on the open water.” “There is no evidence that in the initial period these increasing rates of emissions into the Athabasca River gave any concern to the employees of Suncor.” The spill... from three sites on the Steepbank River The reference site was located upstream of both natural and industrial sources of tarsands contaminants The ‘natural’ site was located in an area of tarsands deposits unaffected by mining The ‘developed’ site was located in an area of tarsands mining Relative to the reference site, EROD activity at the natural site was elevated two-fold; at the developed site,... hour preceding the cardiac arrest [86] The highest PM2.5 concentrations in Alberta in 2006 were observed at the Suncor Millennium tarsands mine (66 g/m3, 99th percentile) [51] Particulates are derived from stack emissions, combustion, and windblown coke dust, dry tailings, and tarsands (Fig 5) Both the quantity and the chemical constituents of the particulates pose health concerns, as they contain... degree are tarsands industrial activities detectable in the ecosystems of northeastern Alberta? ” was addressed in four ways [7] NRBS (Northern River Basins Study) Northern River Basins Study: The legacy The collective findings Edmonton: Alberta Environmental Protection 1997 MRBB (Mackenzie River Basin Board) State of the Aquatic Ecosystem Report 2003 Ft Smith, NT: Mackenzie River Basin Board Secretariat... Syncrude Aurora North Mine; drainage to the Muskeg River reportedly ceased in late 2002 [26] Drainage from the Muskeg River Oil Sands Project into the Muskeg River via the Alsands Ditch began in 1998 [26] Over the period 1997 to 2001, mean pH in the lower Muskeg River declined from 7.8 to 7.3 “for reasons that are not clear” [14] Relative to the Muskeg River, the Alsands Ditch contained elevated levels... periodically exceeded guidelines in the Alsands Ditch [26] PAHs were exported from the Alsands Ditch to the Muskeg River; a “petroleum-like odour” was noted in the Alsands Ditch [14] Higher sulphate levels in the lower Muskeg River in 1998 and 1999 were attributed to drainage from the Alsands Ditch, which carried affected waters from Albian Mine Pond 2, drainage from other lease areas, and plant site... about 1,163] There’s something wrong There has to be something wrong It’s killing the fish too [About five years ago] right here at Goose Island [in the Athabasca River Delta], one spring, after breakup, there were maybe 10,000 fish floating on [Goose Island] creek don’t know what the cause was they were rotten, must have happened in the winter there was whitefish, northern pike in there.” “Our... on 8 September the water level of Pond D fell below the intake of the transfer pumps, at which time bitumen and other contaminants were pumped into Pond A Materials then flowed through Ponds B and C and into the Athabasca River; a sheen was observed on the Athabasca River below the Pond C outfall The impact and extent of the 2007 Suncor wastewater discharge spill may never be known The wastewater spill . about the middle of the river.
There’s a pump house there Suncor. These guys seen me
getting close, they went inside [the pump house] They shut
it down They. The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 2009, 3, 65-81 65
1874-8392/09 2009 Bentham Open
Open Access
Does the Alberta Tar Sands Industry Pollute?