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Financial Services Guide 11.12 potx

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Financial Services Guide 11.12 indd 1 i n d d d 1 1 13/09/ 1 3 /09 /0 /0 9 / / Introduction T his Financial Services Guide is designed to assist you in deciding whether to use any of the financial services offered by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ). It provides you with an understanding of what to expect from your interactions with ANZ. T he ANZ Group includes a number of companies that provide financial services, insurance, superannuation and investment services . You should refer to the section headed “ANZ’s business interests and associations” on page 14 for m o r e inf o rm at i o n . AF S L 2 3 4 5 2 7 indd 2 i n d d 2 13/09/ 1 3 /0 /0 9 / / Financial Services Guide (FSG) T his guide contains information about : t S ervices and products provided by ANZ – it o utlines the kinds of services and products ANZ is authorised to provide under its Australian Financial S ervices Licence as well as other services and products ANZ offers ; t Remuneration received by ANZ and related persons – it outlines the remuneration ANZ, its staff and o ther related persons receive in connection with the financial services ANZ provides; and t A NZ’s Complaints Process – this describes how A NZ deals with an y complaints y ou ma y have about its services or products as well as providing ke y contact details to communicate a complaint . You will t y picall y receive an FSG when ANZ provides you with f inancial product advice or sells you a financial p roduct. Some p arts of the ANZ Grou p have their own FSG. You will t y picall y receive their FSG when the y provide you with f inancial product advice or sell you a f inancial product. 2– 3 indd 3 i n d d 3 13/09/ 1 3 /0 /0 9 / / Other documents you may also receive You may also receive other documents when ANZ provides services or products to you . t Statement of Advice (SoA ) – This is a record o f personal advice you receive as well as the inf o rm at i o n t h at ad vi ce w as based o n . You will receive an SoA when ANZ provides personal advice to you. You will not receive an SoA where the advice was provided during a telephone instruction given by you to ANZ to deal in a p roduct listed on a market or where the p roduct in question is a basic deposit product, a non-cash pa y ment f acilit y , a travellers’ cheque, or a general insurance p roduct . t Product Disclosure Statement ( PDS ) – T his contains general information about the product including : t T he terms and conditions f or the product; t An y significant risks associated with holding the p roduct ; t In f ormation about the cost o f the product; and t Details of fees and charges the product provider receives f or issuing the product . You ma y receive a PDS when ANZ issues y ou with a product, offers to issue a product to y ou, or recommends a product to y ou as part of personal ad vi ce. indd 4 i n d d d 4 4 13/09/ 1 3 /09 /0 /0 9 / / Contacting Us You can contact and find out more about ANZ in the following wa y s: B y Mail : Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limite d ABN 11 005 357 522 PO Box 537 E M ELBOURNE VIC 300 1 Telephone: 1 3 1 3 14 TTY: 1300 366 255 I nternet : anz.com 4– 5 indd 5 i n d d 5 13/09/ 1 3 /0 /0 9 / / Products and services ANZ is licensed to provide ANZ holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL). Under this licence, ANZ deals in and provides advice and services in relation to the following products : Banking t Basic deposit product s t T erm deposit s t Electronic Bankin g facilities such as Automated T eller Machines ( ATMs ) Phone and Internet Banking t Non-cash pa y ment facilities such as direct debits and che q ue facilitie s Insurance t Life and general insurance product s International t Foreign currenc y accounts and foreign exchange co n t r acts t T ravellers’ cheque s Investments t C a p ital markets investment p roducts t C ustodial arrangement s t D ebe n tu r es t Derivative s t M anaged fund s t M arket makin g for debt securities, derivatives and foreign exchang e t M arg i n Loan s indd 6 i n d d 6 13/09/ 1 3 /0 /0 9 / / t Un d erwriting securities an d interests in manage d investment sc h emes Investment schemes t M iscellaneous f inancial investment product s Superannuation t E mp l oyer-sponsore d t P ersona l superannuatio n t Self-mana g e d As well as p roducts and services p rovided under this l icence, ANZ is a l so aut h orise d to provi d e t h e followin g : Consumer lending t C r ed i t ca r ds t Home l oans, resi d entia l investment l oans an d equity l oans t P e r so n al loa n s t P e r so n a l o v e r d r a f ts Business lending and Services t B us in ess l oa n s t B us in ess o v e r d r afts t C ash management services t Leasin g and asset based finance t T r ade se rvi ces Investment lending t Co mm e r c i a l b ill f in a n ce t Protecte d equity pro d ucts 6– 7 indd 7 i n d d d 7 7 13/09/ 1 3 /09 /0 /0 9 / / Miscellaneous financial risk products Bank drafts and bank cheques Domestic and international telegraphic transfers. ANZ may offer products of other issuers Not all products offered by ANZ are issued by ANZ . ANZ often acts on behalf of other product issuers including other ANZ Group members. ANZ acts on behalf of other issuers when it sells the following products : t Life and General Insurance ; t Investment and su p erannuation p roducts; t T ravellers’ cheques; an d t Miscellaneous f inancial risk products . I f y ou need to know the name o f the issuer o f a product that ANZ offers y ou, and therefore who ANZ acts for when it offers y ou that product, please r efe r to t h e Pr oduct Di sc l osu r e State m e n t o r Statement of Advice (if y ou receive either of these) or ask y our adviser . ANZ p rovides all other services and p roducts on its o wn be h a lf . Arrangements with external service providers ANZ may from time to time engage a third party to provide financial services on its behalf. Where that third party does not hold its own AFSL, it will provide the financial services as ANZ’s ‘authorised re p resentative’ . indd 8 i n d d 8 13/09/ 1 3 /0 /0 9 / / Aut h orise d re p resentatives can b e eit h er in d ivi d ua l s or b o d ies corporate. ANZ may aut h orise a company or an in d ivi d ua l to act as ANZ’s authorised representative f or sales and mar k eting activities. For examp l e, ANZ may aut h orise an external call centre and its staff to sell ANZ products or authorise external contractors to wor k in ANZ branches or call centres on a temporary basis. ANZ is responsible for the conduct of these authorised representatives when they act on behal f o f ANZ . Benefits ANZ may receive Fees and charges You ma y be charged fees for financial services or products that y ou receive f rom ANZ or other ANZ Group Mem b ers . Details o f f ees and charges that any ANZ Group member receives for issuin g products will be co n ta in ed in t h e Pr oduct Di sc l osu r e State m e n t f o r t hose products. Other benefits In general, ANZ may receive benefits (including from other ANZ Group members) related to the f ollowing: t Insurance policies or re f errals ANZ may receive commissions or other bene f its f rom insurers f or selling their insurance policies or successfull y referring a customer to the insurer. T hese pa y ments ma y take various forms including : - a bulk payment per policy opened; o r - a proportion of the first and/or subsequent years’ premium pa y ments. 8–9 indd 9 i n d d 9 13/09/ 1 3 /0 /0 9 / / Commission pa y ments f rom insurers are generall y receive d b y ANZ on a mont hl y, quarter l y or h alf-yearly basis . t Investment an d superannuation pro d ucts ANZ may also receive commission payments for se ll in g investment an d superannuation pro d ucts, which can be made up o f: - a percentage of the amount initially invested; o r - a percenta g e of the on g oin g value of the i nvestment . Commission payments ma d e b y superannuation or investment companies are genera ll y receive d b y ANZ on a monthly, quarterly or hal f -yearly basis. t Securities, derivatives, f oreign exchange products and warrants over mana g ed investment scheme s ANZ may : - buy and sell secu r ities a n d w a rr a n ts o v e r mana g ed investment schemes ; - issue derivatives, f oreign exchange product s o r warrants over interests in manage d investment sc h emes ; a n d - u n de rwri te t h e i ssue o f secu ri t i es o r in te r ests in managed investment schemes . When ANZ provides f inancial services in respect o f the above products, ANZ may bene f it by receiving either of the followin g: - a margin representing the amount above which ANZ sourced or funded the p roduct; o r - a percenta g e of the value of the first instalment of the product plus an annual percentage of the value of the final instalment of the product . indd 10 i n d d d 10 1 0 13/09/ 1 3 /09 /0 /0 9 / / [...]... 16–17 Financial Services Dispute Resolution Schemes If you are not satisfied with the steps taken by ANZ to resolve the complaint, or with the result of ANZ’s investigation, you may wish to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd which is an amalgamation of the Banking and Financial Services Ombudsman, Financial Industry Complaints Service Ltd and the Insurance Ombudsman Services Limited Financial. .. some circumstances, into another account specified by the staff member Non-monetary benefits can include shares, options, prepaid holiday accommodation, airline tickets, gift vouchers, discounts on financial services products and study assistance You may request particulars of any benefits payable to your adviser in respect of a particular product or service If you receive personal advice, more detailed... provision of such advice and should be directed to your nominated representative Providing instructions to ANZ You can contact ANZ by using the contact details set out at the front of this guide Some products and services may have their own rules around how to provide instructions or carry out certain transactions Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for your product for these details Compensation... AFSL ANZ’s insurance arrangements cover claims relating to the services and products it offers and the conduct of current and former ANZ staff (where ANZ is responsible for the conduct of the staff member at the time of the relevant conduct) indd 15 13/0 / 13/09/ /09/ Making a complaint If you have a complaint about any of our products or services, ANZ has established complaints resolution procedures... year The amount of the payment and whether ANZ receives the payment depends on the total face value of travellers’ cheques sold by ANZ in that year Miscellaneous financial risk products ANZ may receive a commission for selling miscellaneous financial risk products Commission payments are generally received by ANZ on a monthly, quarterly or half yearly basis You may request particulars of any remuneration, . Financial Services Guide 11. 12 indd 1 i n d d d 1 1 13/09/ 1 3 /09 /0 /0 9 / / Introduction T his Financial Services Guide is designed. 2 i n d d 2 13/09/ 1 3 /0 /0 9 / / Financial Services Guide (FSG) T his guide contains information about : t S ervices and products provided by ANZ – it o utlines the kinds of services

Ngày đăng: 23/03/2014, 02:20
