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Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES -*** MAI THI NGỌC UYỂN INSIGHTS FROM AN ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT ON EXTENSIVE READING FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS (Những nhận thức từ dự án nghiên cứu hành động việc đọc thêm nhà cho học sinh THPT) M.A MINOR THESIS FIELD : ENGLISH TEACHING CODE : 8140231.01 METHODOLOGY HANOI, 2018 Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST - GRADUATE STUDIES -*** MAI THI NGỌC UYỂN INSIGHTS FROM AN ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT ON EXTENSIVE READING FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS (Những nhận thức từ dự án nghiên cứu hành động việc đọc thêm nhà cho học sinh THPT M.A MINOR THESIS FIELD : ENGLISH TEACHING METHODOLOGY CODE : 8140231.01 Supervisor : Assoc Prof Dr Lê Văn Canh Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển K25 - QH2016.1.E3 HANOI, 2018 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A: INTRODUCTION 1.Rationale of the study 2.Aims of the study and research questions Scope of the research topic Significance of the study Method of the study Organization of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Attitude 1.2.1 Definition 1.2.2 The efffects of attitude in second language learning 1.3 A literature review on extensive reading in foreign language learning 1.3.1 Empirical studies on extensive reading 1.3.2 The role of extensive reading in language education 1.3.3 The principles for teaching extensive reading 11 1.4 Benefits of extensive reading 11 1.4.1 Improvement in L2 reading motivation and the development of positive L2 readingattitudes 12 1.4.2 Gains in VocabularyKnowledge 12 1.4.3 Improvement inWriting 13 1.4.4 The Development of ReadingStrategies 13 1.5 Chapter summary 14 CHAPTER 2: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 16 2.1 Research context 16 2.2 Research questions 16 2.3 Research approach 17 2.3.1 An overview of action research 17 2.3.2 Rationale for the use of an action research 18 Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students 2.4 Description of the research 19 2.4.1 Population 19 2.4.2 Data collection instruments 20 Questionnaires 20 2.4.3 The action procedures 21 2.4.4 Data collection procedures 23 Planning 23 Pre-questionnaire 24 Questionnaire 24 Post – questionnaire 24 2.4.5 Data analysis procedure 24 2.5 Summary 24 CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 26 3.1 Initial data and research question 26 3.2 Research question 27 3.3 Conclusion 37 PART C: CONCLUSION 38 Conclusion 38 Implications 39 Limitations of the study 40 Suggestions for further research 41 REFERENCES 42 Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students PART A: INTRODUCTION This study is aimed at gaining understanding students‟ perspectives on extensive reading on their learning of vocabulary, grammar,culture or background knowledge development This understanding is to help the teacher-researcher to gain insights into the opportunities and constraints resulted from an extensive reading project This chapter starts with the rationale of the study Then the aims, hypothesis, scope, significance and method of the study will be presented 1.Rationale of the study Reading is an activity that can be considered as a crucial aspect of one's language ability because this skill helps to develop other language skills and provides knowledge on the target language However, many students experience difficulties in comprehending the reading texts These difficulties appear because the students have low motivation and possess limited vocabulary Students today have become more passive and reluctant in regard to reading, doing no more than what is required Educators are concerned about students' disinterest and therefore, are endeavoring to find ways and sources to encourage students to read Moreover, time for reading lesson at high school is limited There are three English lessons every week and there is only one for reading which means there is not enough time for reading - the most important language skill That is the reason why teachers have to find ways to enhance students to read more That means students have to read extensively Furthermore, the books we read outside our narrow professional field can have an unpredictable effect on our practice within it So much of what we learn is learned sub-consciously Its effects spread more by infection than by direct injection And it is highly individual Individuals form associative networks among the books they read This results in a kind of personal intertextuality, where the patterns form and re-form as we read more different books This gives us a rich mental yeast which we can use to interact with others, while still retaining our individual take on the texts and the world Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students From the important role of exsentive reading, the author wanted to have insights from a extensive reading project for high school students This might help the author recognize the benefits and constraints to students learning English 2.Aims of the study and research questions In conducting this study, the researcher expects to explore the feasibility of using extensive reading as an out-of-class activity for high school students so that they can improve their English and the teacher-researcher can discover the effects of extensive reading to high school students It is hoped to improve students' extensive reading as well as their language proficiency In addition, this paper was carried out to find out advantages and disadvantages of extensive reading activity Specifically, two main research questions was following addressed: What are the students‟ attitudes towards extensive reading? What are the students‟ perceived benefits and challenges of extensive reading? How they overcome those challenges? Scope of the research topic The research project was conducted with a group of 46 students of Grade 10 in Nguyen Binh Khiem high school located in Ha noi The project lasted one school-year (nine months) The research limited itself to the students‟ perceptions of the benefits of extentive reading to their learning English Significance of the study Once completed, the study is aimed to provide empirical information about the feasibility of extensive reading with EFL high school students via their perceptions of how useful extensive reading was to their learning English This information is helpful to high school teachers who wish to provide more exposure to English for their students by means of extensive reading Method of the study An action research approach was adopted in this study because its aim is to provide understanding of how extensive reading works in a particular context of the researcher‟s classroom and students In order to get data, a combination of different Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students instruments, namely questionnaire, focus group interviews, is used The data collected through the sets questionnaire will be analyzed by quantitative method, using an ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance) through SPSS (Statistical Packages for Social Science) To complete the research effectively and logically, and researcher‟s diaries are also used to take notes the process carefully Organization of the study The study consists of three parts: Part A – Introduction: presents the rationale, aim, scope, significance and method of the study Part B – Development: comprises three chapters: - Chapter 1: Theoretical Background and Literature Review covers the overview of the literature which includes relevant theoretical background and reviews of related studies concerning extensive reading skill and its effectiveness in language teaching - Chapter 2: Research Method continues with the research method including the participants of the study, the instrumentation, the methods and procedures of data collection and data analysis - Chapter 3: Findings and Discussion demonstrates the findings accompanied by data analysis and discussion Part C: Conclusion: recapitulates the major findings of the study and represents further recommendations Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Introduction Reading activity can be regarded as a important aspect to develop the ability in language as well as social interaction, this skill; moreover, helps to develop other language skills and provides knowledge on the target language However, many students seem not to recognize the role of reading activity, they have low motivation and possess limited vocabulary Students today have become more passive and reluctant in regard to reading, doing no more than what is required In this paper, a review of literature in theory and practice on reading is provided First, the definition and role of reading, especially extensive reading in language teaching are introduced Second, benefits were reveales before by some researchers Next, the definition and effect of attitude on language learning are discussed Following this, the studies related to the subject conducted are reviewed 1.2 Attitude 1.2.1 Definition According to Longman’s Dictionary of Contemporary English, attitude is "a way of feeling or thinking about someone or something, especially, as this influences one‟s behavior" Language attitudes, however, are different from other general attitudes in the sense that they are specifically about language We normally believe that language attitudes are concerned with attitudes with regard to the language itself – its variety, its sound system, its semantic quality and so on and so forth In fact the term language attitude as it is applied by sociolinguists today, includes the outlook and stance towards speakers of a particular language as also a variety of behavior concerning language Ellis (2000) mentioned that positive attitudes towards the L2 and its speakers can be expected to enhance learning while negative attitudes impede it Therefore, learner attitudes have an impact on the level of L2 proficiency achieved by individual learners who are themselves influenced by this success Thus, learners with positive attitudes, who experience success, will have these attitudes reinforced Similarly, learners‟ negative attitudes may be strengthened by lack of success (Ellis 2002) Baker (1988) suggested that attitudes are complex constructs; there may be both positive and negative feelings attached to a language situation According to Lambert (1967), attitudes consist of three components - the cognitive, affective and conative (related to action) components The cognitive component refers to an Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students individual‟s belief structure, the affective to emotional reactions and the conative component includes the tendency to behave in a certain way towards the attitude Wenden (1991) as cited in Atez & Munir (2009) gave a broader definition of the concept "attitude" He claimed that the term "attitudes" includes three components namely, cognitive, affective, and behavioural A cognitive component is comprised of the beliefs and ideas or opinions about the object of the attitude The affective one is made up of the feeling and emotions that one has towards an object, "likes" or "dislikes", "with" or "against" Finally, the behavioural component refers to one's consisting actions or behavioural intentions towards the object To sum up, attitude is a mental and neural state, expressing the individual's responses to an object, a person, a thing or an event 1.2.2 The efffects of attitude in second language learning The concept of learners' attitude has been the focus of attention in explanation and investigation of human behavior offered by social psychologists Attitude is usually defined as a disposition or tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain thing such as an idea, object, person, or situation A large number of studies have investigated the relationship between attitude and proficiency in the language (Bachman, 1990; Coleman, Strafield, and Hagan, 2003) Gardner (1985) believed that attitude and other affective variables are as important as aptitude for language achievement According to Ismet (2005), attitude is one of "the determinants of success in EFL learning" Depending on the learners' attitudes, learning language can be a source of enrichment or a source of resentment Positive attitudes towards L2 is beneficial to L2 learners because positive attitudes help to create motivation to achieve success in acquiring that language (Holmes, 1992); whereas, negative attitudes towards the foreign language and group which often comes from stereotypes, can impede the learning of that language (Brown, 2000) In sum, from these studies into the learners' attitudes towards L2 learning, it can be concluded that learners' attitudes play a significant role in enabling learners effectively Having positive or negative attitudes towards a certain language can exert considerable influence upon their performance on the language itself Consequently, L2 teachers need to take learners' attitudes into consideration Teachers should be aware of a positive correlation between language learners' attitude and language proficiency This awareness can help language teachers make decision about their Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students teaching, and this decision making can call for some teaching implications which refer to teaching practice orientation to learners' attitudes 1.3 A literature review on extensive reading in foreign language learning Extensive reading, free reading, book flood, or reading for pleasure is a way of language learning, including foreign language learning, through large amounts of reading As well as facilitating acquisition and learning of vocabulary, it is believed to increase motivation through positive affective benefits The promotion of extensive reading in foreign language learning is based on the assumption that extensive exposure to language input willhelp develop many aspects of language Ithas now been well-established that ER has a positive impact on cognitive and affectivedomains of reading in L2 (Yamashita, 2015) Scholars (e.g Krashen,1989) claim that reading alone will increase encounters with unknown words, bringing learning opportunities by inferencing The learner's encounters with unknown words in specific contexts will allow the learner to infer and thus learn those words' meanings While the mechanism is commonly accepted as true, its importance in language learning is disputed (Cobb 2007) In language learning, extensive reading is contrasted with intensive reading, which is slow, careful reading of a small amount of difficult text – it is when one is "focused on the language rather than the text" Extensive and intensive reading are two approaches to language learning and instruction, and may be used concurrently Intensive reading is however the more common approach, and often the only one used Both intensive and extensive readings are important and necessary for effective readings, and they are complementary to each other To be an efficient reader, one must carry on both these two processes, as Williams (1986: 44) suggests, “For every hour of intensive reading, a learner should be doing at least another hour of extensive reading.” Davis (1995: 329) defines an extensive reading as a supplementary class library scheme, attached to an English course, in which pupils are given the time, encouraged, and materials to read pleasurably, at their own level, as many books as are only competing against themselves As for extensive reading as an informal reading habit, it is something that the educated blend and stretch their formal-educationinduced ER into their future lives for profit (in terms of gaining knowledge) alone or pleasure alone or both (Lakshminarayanan 2015) Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students DIFFICULTIES IN UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT CONTENT 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Survey Survey Survey Content difficulties Lexical difficulties Difficulties in using English No answer/ No idea Survey Survey Grammatical difficulties Difficulties in using English had few number, they even didn‟t mention in the survey and and the quite low percent in the rests : 6% in the 1st survey , 13% in th 3rd and 11% in the 4th one There were quite a lot of students who didn‟t give their idea about difficulties in understanding the text content In the last survey, 81% of them didn‟t mention difficulties, it was much higher than that in survey 1,3,4 with 35%, 17% and 20 in relatively According to the author‟s observation, the students had no idea or no answer about difficulties in understanding text content because they didn‟t like answering any questions in the surveys and they felt bored with writing anything more They only tried to subjugate and understand the main content of text and some strange words they cared about Table Solutions to the difficulties As presented in the table 3, lexical difficulties was the most constraint to students while reading texts To give solutions to this problems, most of them used dictionary or searched google to have word meaning Over half of students in survey 1,2,3 and used this method, it is in detail: 52% in the 1st survey, 74% in the 2nd survey , 65% in Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển 31 K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students the 3rd one and the 4th survey was with 60% Only the survey has less 50 % due to the shorter and easier text Table Solutions to the difficulties 1st survey 2ndsurvey 3rdsurvey 4thsurvey 5thsurvey Number of student Percent (%) Number of student Percent (%) Number of student Percent (%) Number of student Percent (%) Number of student Percent (%) 52% 34/46 74% 30/46 65% 28/46 60% 20/46 43% Asking teacher‟s 15/46 32% guide Reading again 5/46 11% many times 14/46 30% 8/46 17% 7/46 15% 5/46 11% 4/46 9% 5/46 11% 3/46 6% 3/46 6% 3/46 7% 5/46 11% 2/46 4% Solutions Using dictionary / 24/46 search google Guessing meaning 3/46 6% SOLUTIONS TO THE DIFFICULTIES 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Survey Survey Using dictionary/ search google Survey Survey Survey Asking teacher's guide/ better people Reading again many times Guesing meaning Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển 32 K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students Asking the help of the teacher or people who know English was the second choice in all surveys, about 30% of students asked the guide from teacher in the survey and survey However, the figures fell significantly in the next texts : 17% in the survey 3, 15 in the survey and 11% in the last one Reading again many times was alsoone of the methods for students to solve the difficulties although the number of user was not much The figure fluctuated from 6% to 11% in all sets of questionaire The last solution students mentioned in surveys was guessing word meaning, however; a few of them used this way, it was only from 4% to 11% , evenly no students reminded it in the survey Table : THE DATA TABLE AFTER AGGREGATING SURVEYS The numer of titles Benefits from the texts students can remember Number of titles Number of student Percent (%) 1-2 titles 1/46 2% 3-4 titles 2/46 4% Number of student Percent (%) Backgroud knowledge 14/46 30% 28/46 Extensive reading should Finding the topics for be continued or not extensive reading Number of student Percent (%) Number of student Percent (%) 1.Continued 26/46 56% By yourself 30/40 66% 60% Stopped 13/46 28% By teacher 14/46 30% No idea 7/46 16% idea 1/46 2% Vocabulary titles in English 15/46 33% grammar 15/46 33% titles in Vietname se titles in key words of English 14/46 30% the use of English 4/46 13% 14/46 30% No As we can see from the table 5, it was conducted with parts, they were “the numer of titles students can remember”, “Benefits from the texts”, “Extensive reading should be continued or not” and “Finding the topics for extensive reading” Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển 33 K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students The first one was about The numer of titles students can rememberafter finishing extensive reading texts, this partwas used to investigate the participants‟ evaluative attitudes towards the program and they really gained the interests in reading It was a positive thing that most of the experimental group (nearly 94%) could remember 5/5 titles they had been asked to read ( in English with 33%, in Vietnamese was the same as in English key words with 30%.) there was only one students ( 2%) remembered 2/5 titles and students (4%) gave out 3/5 titles In the second part, benefits from ER were confirmed one more time although there was a small difference In the table 2, expanding students‟ background knowledge was the most benefit from ER but it became the second most benefit in the table with 30 % The largest profit students mentioned here was expanding their vocabulary or lexical field with 60% The third benefit pointed out was grammartical structures ( 33%) and the last was the use of English (13%) Chart 6: Benefits from extensive reading Chart Title 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Benefits Backgroud knowledge Vocabulary Grammar The use of English Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển 34 K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students Nevertheless, the noticed information was lying in the part and part shown in pie chart and pie chart A question was given whether students wanted to continue with extensive reading programme or not after finishing this project It was interesting to find that 56% of the students confirmed that they wanted to be continued with it and 28 % of them said that they wanted to stop because they wanted to spend more time studying their specialized subjects, others stated that they wanted to relax and enjoy the outdoor activities The rest 16% were undecided ( shown in in pie chart 7) Pie chart 7: Students wanted to continue with extensive reading programme or not Sales Continued Stopped No idea ER can be accomplished by the students themselves or their teacher, one more question was concerned whetherthe experimental group students liked to it Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển 35 K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students themselves or they wanted to be leaded by their teacher, this was presented in pie chart Pie chart 8: Finding the topics for extensive reading Sales By yourself By teacher No idea The results showed that the majority (~ 67%) of the experimental group students comfired that they liked discovering reading sourses by themsevels because they could enjoy any topics they interested in 31% of them wanted to be given the tasks by their teachers as they thought that their teacher would know to introduce standard sources to them Only few students accounted for 2% did not give a clear opinion about it To sum up, the result of the post-questionnaire has revealed that most of the students in the experimental group found ER interesting and useful for them to improve their English The majority of them agreed that, thanks to real-life reading texts, their reading skills and their background knowledge were much improved Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển 36 K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students Nevertheless, some of them believed that they had difficulty in dealing with these texts Some items were to examine the effects of the course on the students‟ motivation and interest in reading; and the rest on their language competence 3.3 Conclusion To conclude, learners‟ exposure to extensive reading was found to be relatively effective in the reading subject as well as in increasing interest Overall, the learners had positive opinions about it; however, they sometimes had difficulty in understanding the texts because of some new and difficult language items The results of the surveys showed that the students who took part in doing ER project with their teacher‟s guiding were aware of the benefits from it in reading skills Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển 37 K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students PART C: CONCLUSION This final part presents some conclusions drawn from the study, comments on the limitations of this action research, and makes some suggestions for further studies as well as the author‟s professional development after the research Conclusion Findings of this study could partly explain Nuttal‟s (1996) description of the good reader Students who read alot improve their word reading fluency which reflects in their passage reading fluency Fluentreading means larger amounts of L2 input and increased reading fluency This saves studentsmore time and energy, and enriches their language background knowledge, encouraging them to read even more If L2 readers cannot achieve this fluency, they will read less and receiveless print exposure Developing reading culture has been encouraged on over the world and it has played a vial role for people to widen their knowledge In learning foreign language as a second language, it also helps learnerslearn many thing in using the target language such as using words in sentences or lexcial resource, grammartical sentence structures, raising backgroud knowledge ,ect However, to create a reading culture in a secondary school or high school it's important that all teachers understand the importance of reading for pleasure in supporting learning in all school subjects in general and English in particular After ten-week course with extensive reading texts was not much time, but it was a successful term because the researcher‟s aim has been achieved: improving students‟ reading skills and investigating students‟ attitudes toward ER The students‟ positive attitude, comments or feetback on ER have encouraged the researcher-teacher a lot Firstly, the results of the study revealed that ER brought students quite a lot of benefits, the first benefit mentioned was explanding their background knowledge, the next point was that the students‟ lexical resource was widened significantly through ER, learning more grammartical structures the experimental group students could also exploit thoroughly and the last one is about improving English reading skills Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển 38 K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students Secondly, the data obtained from the questionnaire indicated that students were eager to read texts in natural contexts such as news reports, articles … They believed that with such an instruction, they will naturally develop their reading as well as other language skills and background knowledge, which will lead them to the fluent acquisition of the language closer to the native speaker fluency Their attitudes toward the use of authentic materials were mostly positive; however, it was seen that some students found this type of materials difficult and challenging because they might have problems in dealing with the difficult language presented in these texts Another significant point about the findings based on this questionnaire was that some students were willing to be exposed to authentic materials by themselves more than by others or their teacher with the reason that we could have freedom of choice about the titles or topics they intersted in In conclusion, from the questionnaire showed a positive effect of ER on students‟ language competence Additionally, the program received favorable opinions and positive attitudes from most of the students Based on these findings, the implications, limitations of the study and some suggestions for further research will be presented in the next section Implications The study showed that extensive reading may be an effective method to enhance the students‟ success in learning English Yet, the proper time arrangement and choice of topics to perform ER for students is necessary because they can increase the students‟ interest, but they might also reduce it Students‟ needs and interest should primarily be considered If the students not like the subjects of the texts, for example, it will be impossible to make them engaged in the study And the texts should not be too easy or too difficult or too long They should be appropriate to the students‟ achievement levels It is also suggested that learner autonomy should prioritize more the teacher‟s force in choosing authentic material in class or at home When students are allowed to deal with the texts by themselves or by interacting with the other students very Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển 39 K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students often, they will become more efficient speakers of the language because the language is an instrument to express yourself to the others Therefore, students should be encouraged to become better users of the target language Another suggestion is about the time spent for extensive reading class To be able to help students make every point very clear while analyzing the text, sufficient time should be used to give students a chance to comment and ask There might be some exceptional and complicated structures in the text which need to be explained Finally, extensive reading should also be combined with other skills and vocabulary instruction Reading texts are good and positive sources for developing student‟s thinking and Based on a text, a variety of activities and tasks can be designed in integration with each other, which aims to develop students‟ language skills – listening, speaking and writing – and some other additional areas such as pronunciation and vocabulary Limitations of the study The study makes some beneficial contributions to the reading skill teaching and learning Still, it has some limitations as follows Firstly, as an action research with its typical characteristics defined as “situational”, this study is prone to lack generalization The research had been done with a rather small number of participants (The number of students receiving the treatment was only 46) The sets of questionaire which were conducted carefully to investigate the students‟attitude, benefits as well as difficulties from ER, were also executed closely with the researcher‟s observation,thus ; the result can be said it was successful and accurate in researcher‟s class However; the author is not sure whether it may be applied to other classes at other levels, and in other contexts This research, therefore, has unavoidable limited application Secondly, since the researcher could not control all the variables and constructs (such as the students‟ interest and their amount of time on each text…) during the research Students‟ improvement may result from other factors such as their positive Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển 40 K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students attitudes, time devotion, or learning from other skills, etc…Thus,the answer to two given questions may not be fully satisfied Finally, there are still some questions that whether the author should ask students to extensive reading at home, how to arrange time- table for their ER plant properly or how not to make students bored with the same activities Suggestions for further research The study has opened some directions for future research: - This study may movivate students‟ intererst in reading extensive - Similar studies can also be conducted with varying language proficiency levels and wider ranges of ages - There can be a study on the effects of extensive reading on the teaching and learning of the use of target language or developing students‟ vocabulary Student: Mai Thị Ngọc Uyển 41 K25 - QH2016.1.E3 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students REFERENCES Alderson, J.C & Urguhart, A.H (1984) Reading in a Foreign Language London: Longman Alderson, J.C (2000) Assessing Reading Cambridge: CUP Anderson, N.J (1999) Exploring Second Language Reading - Issues and Strategies Canada, Heinle & Heinle Arnold, N (2009) Online extensive reading for advanced foreign language learners: An evaluation study Foreign Language Annals, 42(2),340-366 Bell, J (1998) Extensive Reading: Why? and How? 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MAI THI NGỌC UYỂN INSIGHTS FROM AN ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT ON EXTENSIVE READING FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS (Những nhận thức từ dự án nghiên cứu hành động việc đọc th? ?m nhà cho học sinh THPT M. A. .. by many other names, including participatory research, collaborative inquiry, emancipatory research, action learning, and contextural action research, but all are variations on a theme Put simply,... LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Insights from an action research project on extensive reading for high school students Cohen and Manion (2007) state that the aim of action

Ngày đăng: 06/12/2022, 08:56


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