In the context of this globalized world, English has become the leading language that rolls the wheel of international communication (Phillipson, 1992) It is generally learned as a second language and used as an official language of many countries and world organizations Vietnam is not the exception which is influenced on the expansion of English With the development of international businesses and trades, the capacity of communicating in English plays a key role in all fields To meet the new trends, the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training has made national projects on education, especially on English subject The latest national project is the Decision N 0 1400/QD-TTg on approving the 10-year National plan for “Teaching and Learning Foreign Language in the national Formal Education System in the Period of 2008 – 2020” which was issued on September 30 th , 2008 However, until now, the effort of changing in public education system is still not as good as it was expected To supply a service which meets students‟ needs, many English institutions mushroom all over the country, especially in big cities As a matter of fact, these institutions attract a lot of students at varied ages.
General statement of the problem
When teaching English for lower secondary students, I recognized that a lot of students at PCT Secondary school took private English courses after school although at the time
I conducted this research, students did not need to take part in an English test for their graduation exam I wonder what motivates them to take those courses I would like to find out whether there is any causal relationship between the formal teaching of English at the school and the students‟ motivation to take extra courses The understanding can be helpful to teachers and school administrators in their efforts to improve the teaching and learning of English at the school.
The significance of the study
The study makes benefits for English teaching and learning at lower secondary schools
From the result of the paper, teachers may adjust their teaching ways to meet students‟ needs in the international globalization
The findings of this study may enrich the theory of teaching and learning English at secondary schools The result of the research can also be used as a reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching and learning process.
Research question
The research study was conducted to survey secondary students from grade 6 to grade
9 in the academic year 2017-2018 at PCT Secondary school, Hanoi, Vietnam Its objective was to find the answers to the following question:
- What motivates students to take extra courses in English?
Context of the study
The study was conducted at PCT Secondary public school in Hanoi, Vietnam It is a public school which follows Ministry of Education and Training‟s programs There are nearly 1700 students in total from grade 6 to grade 9 The average number of students in each class is 45 students Students have three English class sessions every week.
Organization of the thesis
This study is organized into five chapters
Chapter one covers the background, the significance of the study, the research question, the context of the study and the organization of the thesis
Chapter two includes four main categories of literature: Definition of motivation, different motivational orientations in language teaching, motivation and the social context, and role of motivation in language teaching
Chapter three comprises of the methodology including participants, instruments, data collection procedures, and data analysis procedures
Chapter four presents the findings of collected data consisted of survey results and interview findings
In the last chapter, the paper covers the conclusion interpreted from collected data
Discussion, limitation of the study, pedagogical implications and further and future research are also mentioned in this chapter
Definition of motivation
Motivation is an essential component which has effects on teaching and learning process The effectiveness of this component is attested by a variety of theorists and scholars Dửrnyei (2004) proved that “motivation is one of the main determinants of second/foreign language learning achievement” Spolsky (1989) had the similar view when he assumed that motivation is one of 74 conditions for success in second language learning According to him, motivation is an important link to students‟ learning and “the more motivation a learner has, the more time he or she will spend learning an aspect of a second language” It explains the reason why some learners pay much attention to lessons or try their hard to finish all tasks with high quality while others do not Therefore, many theorists have put their time and effort into searching motivation which is a complex concept and is defined in multiple ways However, the definition of motivation often becomes confusing because researchers do not provide a uniform definition of motivation (Dửrnye, 2001) In fact, there is little consensus and much disagreement among researchers who involve in the study of motivation
Dửrnyei and Ottú (1998) defined motivation as “the dynamically changing cumulative arousal in a person that initiates, directs, coordinates, amplifies, terminates, and evaluates the cognitive and motor processes whereby initial wishes and desires are selected, prioritized, operationalised and (successfully or unsuccessfully) acted out.”
Gardner (2010) was in agreement with Dửrnye (2001) when he considered that motivation is a difficult-to-define construct He defined motivation as referring to a combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitudes towards learning the language Motivation is operationally defined by Gardner and his associates in a slightly different way for the purpose of measurement, as consisting of desire to learn the language, motivational intensity, and attitudes towards learning the language Pintrich & Schunk (1996:4) identified motivation as “the process whereby goal-directed activity is instigated and sustained”
According to them, motivation is a process which cannot be observed directly but can be inferred by behaviors as a choice of tasks, effort, persistence, and verbalizations
They explain that motivation involves goals that provide an impetus for and direction to action and that motivation requires physical or mental activity geared towards attaining goals Finally, these authors claim that motivation is an activity that is instigated and sustained; that is to say, starting toward a goal is important and often difficult since it requires taking the first step However, they suggest that motivational processes are critical to sustaining actions Although researchers have different views of motivation; most of them agree that this component concerns the direction and magnitude of human behavior like the choice of a particular action, the persistence with it or the effort expended on it Additionally, motivation is responsible for why people decide to do something, how long they are willing to sustain the activity, and how hard they are going to pursue it (Dửrnyei (2001)).
Motivational orientations in language learning
In this section, I will outline prominent motivational orientations related to language learning field Orientation, according to Gardner‟s (1985) motivation theory, is not part of motivation, but it is sought through the acquisition of the second language and functions as motivational antecedents Its role is to help to arouse motivation and direct it towards a set of goals Gardner and Lambert (1959, 1972) categorized two classes of orientations which are integrative orientation and instrumental orientation The former refers to a desire to learn a second language in order to meet learners‟ need in communicating with people in the second language group or becoming a valued member of that language community In general, the integrative motivational orientation relates to a positive interpersonal attitude toward the second language group In addition, Gardner and Lambert (1972) also suggested that individuals with an integrative orientation would demonstrate greater motivational effort in learning a second language and then achieve greater second language competence By contrast, the latter refers to a desire to learn a second language for a specific purpose or practical goals like job promotion or progress in one‟s studies In fact, there was a variety of researches which involve in this formulation; however, the results of them have been inconsistent (Au, 1988; Gardner, 1985) While some early authors shared the view of the importance of the integrative orientation, others did not give approval to the model because the instrumental orientation predicted the second language outcomes or the integrative orientation had a negative correlation with proficiency (Chihara &Oller, 1978; Lukmani, 1972; Clément and Kruidenier, 1983) Among them, Clément and Kruidenier (1983) supposed that these discrepancies resulted from definitional problems and the influence of social milieu They suggested four other motivational orientations which are common to all groups of learners: (1) travel, (2) friendship, (3) knowledge, and (4) the instrumental orientations There were several similar studies of Dửrnye & Noels (1994), Belmechri & Hummel (1998) and Ozkut (1990) which had the same view with Clément and Kruidenier (1983) However, the desire for contact and identification with other members in second language group is not fundamental to the motivational process In fact, it is relevant to socio-cultural contexts Rather, these four orientations may be seen to sustain motivation Because this conceptual came to a standstill, scholars have paid much attention to the nature of language learning motivation One of the formulations which related to the nature of language learning motivation is the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the self- determination theory (Deci and Ryan (1985, 1995)) These theorists mentioned to two general types of motivation which are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation
According to Deci and Ryan (1985), intrinsic motivation is found on innate needs for competence and self-determination This kind of motivation refers to an individual‟s motivation to perform a particular activity because of internal rewards such as joy, pleasure and satisfaction of curiosity By contrast, for extrinsic motivation, the individual expects to achieve instrumental and extrinsic reward such as good grades or praise from others In line with the notion of autonomy and intrinsic motivation, the self-determination theory offers an interesting look at motivation by setting a different agenda for language teachers The focus should be on „how people can create the conditions within which others can motivate themselves‟ rather than focusing on „how teachers can motivate learners‟ In general, Deci and Ryan‟s theory of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation could explain and predict how orientations and learning outcomes are related to each other
Goal theories have also been a central feature if second language motivation research
According to Anderman & Midgley (1998), goal theories focus on the reasons or purposes that students perceive for achieving There are two goals theories (the goal- setting theory and the goal orientation theory) have influences on motivation The goal setting theory is mainly developed by Locke (1996) on three fundamental pillars First, it is philosophically sound for it is in line with the philosophical theories that assume individuals‟ control of their actions Second, it is in line with the introspective evidence revealing that human action is normally purposeful Lastly, it is practical The theory suggests that goals have two aspects: internal (ideas) and external (condition sought)
Locke (1996) and Locke & Latham (2002) assumed that individuals‟ characteristics could enhance their motivation as below:
• The more difficult the goal, the greater the achievement (easy tasks do not give a sense of achievement)
• The more specific or explicit the goal, the more precisely performance is regulated (general goals like „do your best‟ do not really cause individuals to do their best)
• The highest performance is yielded when the goals are both specific and difficult
• Commitment to goals is most critical when they are specific and difficult (commitment to general or vague goals is easy since general goals do not require much commitment and vague ones can be „manipulated‟ to accommodate low performance)
• High commitment to goals is attained when the individual is convinced that (a) the goal is important and (b) attainable
By contrast, the goal orientation theory was developed in a classroom where children‟s learning and performance could be explained (Dửrnyei, 2001) Pintrinch & Shunck
(1996) assumed that this theory is one of the most vigorous motivation theories in the classroom According to this theory, an individual‟s performance is closely related to his or her accepted goals There are two types of goal orientations (Ames & Archer, 1988; Ames, 1992): performance vs mastery (or learning) orientations Learners who are mainly related to looking good and capable posses performance orientation Those who are more concerned with increasing their knowledge and being capable possess the second one Dweck (1985) suggested a distinction between these two types of orientations “Put simply, with performance goals, an individual aims to look smart, whereas with the learning goals, the individual aims to becoming smarter”
However, it is possible to see that the goal theories correlate with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as well as the self-determination For instance, the integrative & instrumental motivation (from Gardner‟s theory) and the intrinsic & extrinsic motivation (from the self-determination theory), with some researchers, have no difference between them (e.g Soh, 1987) Additionally, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation in the self-determination somehow correlate with the goal orientation theory
In general, different motivational orientations in language learning that I have just described above make two latent assumptions which are learners could be driven by one motive at a time and a contextual stimulus can trigger only one type of motivation
Some researchers confirmed that learners could be simultaneously driven by different motives For example, to “foster sustained learning, it may not be sufficient to convince students that language learning is interesting and enjoyable; they may need to be persuaded that it is also personally important for them” (Noels, et al, 2000)
Keblawi (2006) also confirmed in Oxford's (1994) assumption that learners might have mixed motives In addition, he stated that a certain stimulus might trigger different motives at a time For example, a statement of the kind “I study English because I want to pursue my high studies” can involve instrumental aspects (boosting one‟s chances of a better career), intrinsic ones (feeling the satisfaction of knowing things and of being an educated person) or achievement motivation (getting high marks that enable one to get access to a university) The kinds of motives triggered depend on the intention of the learner.
Motivation and the social context
The intergroup model
According to Giles and Byrne (1982), the intergroup model offers a situated social psychological framework in order to investigate the conditions that people from groups of ethnic minorities in multi-culture acquire and use the dominant language The individual‟s self-concept is the main concept of this framework and a positive self- image is one of significant motivating force These two scholars adopted social identification theory as their guiding framework They also suggested that social identity related to not only significant linguistic processes and practices but also second language acquisition In their framework, they comprised concepts of “ethnolinguistic vitality”, “group boundaries” and multiple group membership” “Ethnolinguistic vitality” refers to factors like status factors, demographic factors, and institutional factors These factors determine a specific ethnic minority‟s distinctiveness as a collective entity “Group boundaries” determine the degree of ease or difficulty of individual mobility in and out of group membership “Multiple group membership” refers to different groups such as professional groups or organizations that individuals take part in besides their own ethnic group These multiple groups have influences on the prominence of an individual‟s identification in the ethnic category The intergroup model could explain the reason why a specific ethnic group still maintains their language while they are embedded in dominant groups However, some scholar does not support this framework because it does not indicate the way that the individual‟s quest for a positive identity relating to the group members‟ collectiveness (William, 1992).
Situated language identity
Situated language identity is the research on ethnic identity and ethnolinguistic vitality
According to Clément and Noels (1992), the main hypothesis of social identity theory is that individuals desire to view themselves positively and their image is determined socially Hence, the desire to build and maintain a positive social identity is closely related to the motivation of linguistic practices Clément, Noels and their colleagues also indicated a number of factors that have an impact on social identity such as the relative minority or majority of the speaker in the immediate surroundings; the private or public facet of language use; or the quality and quantity of connection with other ethnic group members
Social theory of motivation
Norton (2000; Norton Pierce, 1995), drawing on the social theory, initiates the term
“investment” instead of “motivation” to describe the “socially and historically constructed relationship of learners to the target language” According to this scholar, the term “investment” is explained as a process of acquiring a range of symbolic and material resources in order to promote the value of learners‟ cultural capital The main reason for learning is the desire to have a good return on that investment.Additionally, she assumed that different students do not have the same image communities, and that those imagined communities are best understood when they are put in the context of a learner‟s unique investment in the target language and the conditions that that learner speaks and practices it This scholar has introduced the concept of investment in Norton Peirce (1995) which signals the socially and historically constructed relationship of 166 Learner Contributions to Language Learning learners to the target language, and their often ambivalent desire to learn and practise it Additionally, Norton (2013, 50-51) also stated “The conception of instrumental motivation presupposes a unitary, fixed, and a historical language learner who desires access to material resources that are the privilege of target language speakers The notion of investment, on the other hand, conceives of the language learner as having a complex social history and multiple desires The notion presupposes that when language learners speak, they are only exchanging information with target language speakers, but they are constantly organizing and reorganizing a sense of who they are and how they relate to the social world… Thus an investment in the target language is also an investment in a learner‟s own identity, an identity which is constantly changing across time and space.”
Maehr and Braskamp (1986) have a similar construct when they mentioned the term
“personal investment” to “capture the underlying meaning of the disparate behavioural patterns commonly associated with motivation”
“It is important to remember that motivation is a dynamic process Personal investment occurs as part of a continuous stream of ever –changing events … Personal investment is both a product and a producer of dynamic interaction with a variety of persons, situations, and events The effects of one‟s personal investment feed back to affect the continuing investment of oneself We can take a picture of the variables in motivation at any given moment, but such a static portrayal seldom does justice to what in reality is a very dynamic and continuous flow of events.”
Motivational impact of learning situation
Gardner (1985) suggested that parents play a significant role in shaping student motivation He classified two main dimensions (an active role and a passive role) that parents play in children‟s learning process An active role includes encouragement, support and monitoring In contrast, a passive role comprises indirect modeling and communicating attitudes which relating to second language learning and the second language community This theorist also indicated that these two above roles are in harmony in many cases; however; when they are in conflicts, the passive role has more effect on students‟ learning process Additionally, he confirmed that parental encouragement closely related to the development of learning attitudes and effort in the learning the foreign language of children (Gardner et al., 1999)
Clark and Trafford (1995) stated that the relationship between teacher and students play a significant role in learners‟ attitudes towards language learning as well as group characteristics in class Dửrnyei (1994) offered a model of teacher-specific motivational components comprises three main parts which are affiliative motive (to satisfy the teacher), authority type (controlling and autonomy supporting) and direct socialization of motivation (modeling, task presentation and feedback) What is more, Noels and his colleagues confirmed that the teacher‟s support and positive feedback positively affect learner‟s learning attitudes (Noels et al (1999))
Learner group is one of the vital factors has a close relationship with the study of foreign language as well Clément et al (1994) investigated that groups contributed to the learners‟ motivation Dửrnyei supported this theory by his finding that maintenance of effective group norms showed a connection with written home assignment preparation and homework completion Hotho – Jackson (1995) shared this view when he examined the effect of the group context in the learners‟ tendency to give up their language study
The research on school effects on learners‟ motivation has been developed in educational psychology Dửrnyei (2001) indicated that by conducting researches on characteristics, educational psychology found reasons why in specific learning contexts, public schools do not succeed in promoting learners‟ second language competence while institutions like language schools or universities or colleges achieve significant success.
Role of motivation in language learning
The aim of this part is to examine which exactly the role of motivation in second language learning is In fact, there is a variety of factors which have effects on second language learning However, motivation is considered an influential role in language learning A lot of studies show many that teachers and researchers have stated that motivation which is one of the key factors has effects on the success of second/foreign language learning Among these studies, Masgoret and Gadner (2003) affirm the
“responsible for achievement in the second language” which means that motivation is the most influential and direct factor that affect language achievement Dửrnyei (2001) has the same view when he states that “Most teachers and researchers would agree that it has a very important role in determining success or failure in any learning situation”
In a study which carried out by Dửrnyei in 1990, he also indicated that achievement was clearly influenced by motivation At this point, in fact, Dửrnyei, Masgoret and Gadner share the view but they use different words to express their perspectives
Furthermore, Dửrnyei (1998) shares Spolsky‟s view when he assumes that motivation provides urge to learning of second language and then the driving force to maintain the learning process It seems that motivation determines the extent of active, personal involvement in second language learning Additionally, Oxford & Shearin, (1994) show that motivation directly influences on how often students use second language learning strategies, how much students interact with native speakers and how long they persevere and maintain second language skills after language study is over An individual with the most outstanding abilities without motivation cannot complete long long-term goals, and suitable curricular as well as good teaching method cannot ensure students‟ achievement (Dửrnyei & Csizộr, 1998)
This study was carried out to examine secondary students‟ motivation to take extra classes in English Data was collected by means of a questionnaire and interviews
According to Silverman (2000), using multiple methods in a research design would also help to “give a fuller picture and address many different aspects of phenomena”
Therefore, I decided to use both questionnaire and interviews to explore the same issue (learners‟ motivation) with the purpose of confirming the validity and reliability of the process (Tellis, 1997) The interviews were conducted based on the results from questionnaire analysis, and the findings from in-depth interviews supported me explaining the results of the questionnaire.
The target students‟ population in this study was students who took part in extra English classes after school in the academic year 2017-2018 at PCT Secondary school, Hanoi, Vietnam The total number of students did the survey were 794 male and female students in grade 6, 7, 8 and 9 Among them, only 22 students were involved in the interviews.
The primary method used in this study was a questionnaire It comprised 2 sections: I and II In the first section, 6 items were used to collect information relating to students‟ extra classes and motivation that they joined these classes Additionally, students needed to answer a question on which English class they prefer (class at school or the extra one) and what the reasons were The second section included questions which aimed to identify learners‟ feelings of their extra classes
All the questions were written in Vietnamese in order that they were comprehensible to young learners and they could express their ideas about the target issue
Interviews were followed the questionnaire to add depth to the quantitative results.
Data collection procedures
In the late of February, 2018, I started delivering the survey to students at PCT Secondary school It took me about 15 minutes for each class (There are 33 classes in total) Before administering the questionnaire, I informed the participants of the objectives and significance of the study as well as encouraged them to do the survey truthfully When they finished the questionnaire, they were asked to check whether their answers were incomplete or not The total number of questionnaire papers delivered to students was 800 Among them, 794 papers were collected, and 728 papers were analysed 66 papers were excluded from analysis because students did not finish more than 5 questions These papers may not contain true answers because they did not really want to do the survey Therefore, I removed them from the data analysis to guarantee the validity of the data
After collecting data from the questionnaire, I selected a number of students to continue with interviews These students were involved in the interviews because their reasons belong to four most mentioned reasons why they take extra classes Before interviews were conducted, students were encouraged to expose their own views honestly and they were guaranteed that their answers would not affect their equal treatment at school Furthermore, a comfortable atmosphere was created during the interviews to ensure valid results To record the interviewees, a notebook was used.
Data analysis procedures
The data which was collected in this paper consisted of quantitative and qualitative
The quantitative data in the questionnaire was analysed by using SPSS (Statistical
Package for Social Sciences) as well as percentages, and the qualitative data from the survey was tallied To analyse the qualitative part of the data in the interviews, a content analysis was used The interviewee‟s responses in Vietnamese for each question were transcribed and then translated into English These responses then were finally analysed in terms of themes which was related to the target issue of the research
Questionnaire results
Table 4.1 Number of students in extra English classes
Table 4.1 depicts numbers of students in extra classes Overall, the figures for small size classes are higher than those for classes with more than 20 students 43.5 % of extra classes consist of equal or less than 10 students while the percentage of classes from 11 to 20 students is slightly lower, at 43.3 % The proportion of classes containing from 21 to 30 students is 8.5 % while the figure for those which have more than 30 students is lowest, at 4.7%
Table 4.2 Teacher(s) in extra English classes
Cumulative Percent Valid Vietnamese teacher 469 64.4 64.4 64.4
Vietnamese teacher and native teacher 186 25.5 25.5 100.0
Table 4.2 shows the data on the proportion of Vietnamese teachers or native teachers or both involved in English extra classes The percentage of Vietnamese teachers working in extra classes is highest, at 64 %, compared to the figures for classes involving native teachers and both, at 10 % and 25.5 % in consequence
Table 4.3 The frequency of extra English classes
Table 4.3 illustrates the frequency of English extra classes per week 1-2 class-session English extra classes are the most preferred by students at this secondary school The figure for these classes is highest, at 90% By contrast, 3-4 class-sessions, 5-6 class- sessions and others are lower, at 6%, 0.7% and 3.3% respectively
Table 4.4 Length of each class session
Table 4.4 describes the data on the percentage of the length of each class session The percentage of students joining 2h-2.5h class sessions is highest, at 41.8% The proportion for 1h-1.5h class sessions and 3h-3.5h class sessions is lower, at 36.1% and 16.6% respectively
5.5 % of class session lasting for different periods is lowest, at 5.5%
Table 4.5 Reasons for participating in extra English classes
Studying English in extra classes is more effective than at school 229 14.9% 31.5%
Teachers in extra classes teach better than those at school 145 9.5% 20.0%
Teacher creates more chances for us to speak English compared to at school 167 10.9% 23.0%
I want to get high marks in English at school 424 27.7% 58.4%
I want to be good at English to study abroad 261 17.0% 36.0%
My parents ask me to join it 209 13.6% 28.8%
Table 4.5 illustrates the data on reasons that students involved in English extra classes
Among six reasons was listed on the survey questionnaire, the reason that students desire to get high marks in English at school is chosen most, at 27.7% The figures for
“I want to be good at English to study abroad” and “Studying English in extra classes is more effective than at school” are lower, at 17% and 14.9% respectively The reason involving parents in student‟s decision accounts for 13.6 % while the figure for that relating to chances of speaking is 10.9% The proportion of the reason relating to the quality of teachers is lowest, at 9.5%, compared to 6.4% of other reasons which were added by students The table below shows a list of reasons most added by students
Table 4.6 Additional reasons for choosing extra English classes
1 To better my English level/ broaden knowledge
3 To practice my speaking skill
4 To study at a good high school
6 My friend asks me to join it
7 To go abroad / study abroad/ settle abroad
8 To pass a gifted high school access exam
9 I want teachers to pre-teach English lessons
11 To play games in English
14 I want to be the best student in my class at school
15 There is a lot of homework to do
17 To easy to get a job in the future
18 To work and co-operate with other countries
19 I want to review my English knowledge
20 To follow my dream (football)
Reasons which were added by students in the above table mostly origins from social impact, and the data shows that students take extra classes in order to become qualified people to satisfy their expectation in the future
Valid Do not like both 15 2.1 2.1 2.1
Table 4.7 shows the percentage of classes that students prefer joining Students in this secondary school are most attracted by English extra classes The figure for those is highest, at 63.9% The percentage of students who prefer English class at school and those who like both accounts for significantly lower, at 22.4% and 11.7% respectively, a difference of 10.7% The figure for those who do not like both is lowest, only at 2.1% Chart 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.44 explain reasons for students‟ choices In this survey, students also explain reasons for their choices I listed most referred reasons for their answers below
Chart 4.1 Reasons for preferences of extra English classes
According to the results from chart 4.1, there are a lot of factors that make students prefer their extra classes to ones at school Factors which were referred in chart 1 are most mentioned by students in the survey Comfort, freedom and no stress on marks are most attracted by students who took part in extra courses The figure for that accounted for 12.7 In addition, lesson easy-understandings, fun and extensive knowledge, communication in English and some other factors that created by teachers in classes also interest students a lot Besides, the quality of English teaching at school also affects students‟ choices The results show that not effective teaching quality or low-level English teachers at school push students to find extra learning courses
Besides, some other factors at the lower number (I did not put them on the chart) that mentioned by students were an active atmosphere, English programs that match students‟ levels, much grammar practice, looking after and mentoring students, etc
Chart 4.2 Reasons for preferences of English class at school
Chart 4.2 depicts reasons why students like English classes at school better than extra courses Lesson easy-understandings are voted at the highest number, at 15.8
Moreover, there are a lot of other factors relating to fun, knowledge sharing among friends, comfort, learning through playing, etc Other factors (not in the chart) were referred at a lower number in the survey were exciting atmosphere, good teachers, or effectiveness in teaching and learning, etc
Chart 4.3 Reasons for choosing both classes
Chart 4.3 describes why students like both classes According to the data from the chart, knowledge and skill complement as well as similarities between two classes (new knowledge, fun, good lessons, etc) were 50 and 32.1 in consequence The figure for students who love studying English only accounted for 2.4
Similarities between two classes (new knowledge, fun, good lessons, etc)
Chart 4.4 Reasons for disliking both classes
Chart 4.4 shows the data on reasons why students dislike both classes They mentioned two main reasons for their choices These students do not like this subject (English is difficult) or do not want to go to classes The figures for those were 33.3 and 16.7 in consequence
Dislike English Do not want to go to classes
Table 4.8 Evaluation of English extra classes
Evaluation of English extra classes
Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree Mean ± S.D
1 It is easy to understand teachers‟ lessons 0.4% 0.8% 10.6% 45.2% 43.0% 4.3±0.721
2 I feel comfortable when coming to class 1.2% 2.1% 19.5% 38.2% 39.0% 4.12±0.875
3 English class is funny and exciting 1.9% 5.2% 15.9% 30.9% 46.0% 4.14±0.992
4 I am interested in group activities in class 7.0% 7.1% 29.5% 26.5% 29.8% 3.65±1.178
5 I have chances to communicate in English with teachers and friends
6 Teachers only speak English in class 7.7% 27.9% 27.3% 21.3% 15.8% 3.1±1.193
7 I have chances to do advanced exercises 8.1% 16.2% 27.3% 28.3% 20.1% 3.36±1.202
8 Teachers check and give students marks for homework regularly
Chart 4.5 Evaluation of English extra classes
Table 4.8 and chart 4.5 depict the data on learners‟ evaluation of English extra classes
Overall, the means of Evaluation 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 are above the average mean at 3.82
The mean of Evaluation 1 (It is easy to understand teachers’ lessons) is highest, at 4.3
The figures for that of Evaluation 3 (English class is funny and exciting) and Evaluation 2 (I feel comfortable when coming to class) are slightly lower, at 4.14 and 4.12 in consequence The mean of evaluation 8 (Teachers check and give students marks for homework regularly) is 4.03, compared to the number of Evaluation 5 (I have chances to communicate in English with teachers and friends) is 3.84 Means of other evaluations are below the average mean Among them, the mean of Evaluation 6 (Teachers only speak English in class) is lowest at 3.1
In the last part of the survey, students were asked to write down what they like and what they do not like in English extra classes
I listed some most mentioned opinions in the table below
MeanS.DAverage meanLinear (Mean)
Table 4.9 Students’ comments on English extra classes
Teacher does not scold me, she encourages me a lot
Teacher is very enthusiastic and funny, and she creates an active learning atmosphere
We can communicate in English a lot with teachers and friends
We can communicate in English with native teachers
Teacher organizes a lot of language games that makes us be relaxed
We have chances to learn about pronunciation, and teacher corrects our pronunciation a lot
Teacher teaches us advanced English and we have a lot of exercises to practice
We can share our opinions or inquiries with teachers
We have chances to take extra-curricular activities
Be funny and comfortable in class
I do not have many friends in class
I have a lot of homework to do, so I do not have enough time to finish my homework at school
Teacher sometimes talks too fast, I do not understand what he is talking about
Sometimes teacher uses mobile phones in class or goes out for her business
Students in class make noises a lot
Teacher just teaches us grammar, she does not teach us how to communicate in English
Native teachers‟ lessons are boring and sleepy
I have to learn too much of knowledge, I cannot acquire them all
Teacher scolds me when I do something wrong
Qualitative data from the survey describe that learning situation have effects on students‟ learning motivation Most mentioned factors that students like in their English extra classes can be categorized in learning atmosphere, teachers‟ encouragement, English communication, extensive knowledge and skills, inquiries‟ explanation Factors in learning situation may demotivate students in learning the second language such as much homework, long learning time, noises from other students, teachers‟ reproof, and interrupted teaching procedures.
Interview Findings
Interviews were conducted among students based on the questionnaire results
Interviewees were asked to explain their answers which they mentioned in the paper, especially reasons for their preferences of classes Among four most mentioned reasons, there are two reasons (Comfort and Fun) that I would like to explore Other reasons which are lesson easy understanding, knowledge sharing among friends and extensive knowledge are quite clear, so I did not want to include them in the interviews I merged Comfort and Fun into one term named Learning as Fun was interested in exploring what differences between Learning as Fun in extra English classes and English classes at school
* English extra classes Leaning as fun
- I feel comfortable when joining English extra classes because teachers organized language games, we can learn English through play games Furthermore, teachers are not too serious in lessons, they make us laugh or give us quizzes relating to the target language
- English extra class comforts students a lot because we are able to exchange knowledge in class, teachers go around and explain to students what they do not understand
- I do not have to wear uniforms, so I feel more comfortable and active
- We do not have to follow strict rules (like at school) in extra classes We join this class without being afraid of being invited parents to class for our mistakes or being written our names on class‟s diaries
- We do not feel stressed on marks or teachers do not minus out points when we make noises in class
- Funny teachers make me laugh a lot during lessons
- We spend a half of each period participating in language games then doing exercises
Moreover, teachers organize a lot of extra-curricular activities such as going for a picnic, joining events, etc
- We feel funny because we can spend the time to chat and chit in English with friends a lot during lessons
- I have chances to learn English through games and software on computers or smart phones
- We are encouraged by rewards (snacks, candies, etc…) if we win the game
* English classes at school Learning as fun
- Our teacher is not strict and she sometimes checks if some students in class did their homework or not In class, we have chances to play language games, and English program in class is very easy Moreover, there is not much homework to do after lessons
- We do not have to learn much We do not have to learn all time of the period; teacher spends much time for us to talk and play with friends Additionally, English tests are always very easy
- We do not feel stressed when we take part in English classes at school because we are not under much pressure because English program is not difficult and we do not have much homework to do
- I prefer English class at school because I can learn new things with my friends and we can express our opinions to our teacher
- The classroom is bigger and we can learn English through head projectors, so it‟s comfortable
- I can learn English with a lot of my best friends, and we can exchange knowledge with each other
- I have chances to do projects (Lesson 7 every unit) in groups
- We can communicate with my friends at school
- My teacher told us a lot stories about good people and her trips to other countries
- I am familiar with more friends in class at school, so it is easier for me to communicate with them.
In this part, I will present a discussion of the study findings For ease of reference, the findings are discussed based on the survey objective First, to find out the answer for what motivates students to join English extra classes after school, we go back to the findings relating to reasons that push students to learn in these classes A lot of reasons were mentioned and added by students in the survey The findings of this paper show that the origin of motivation is mostly from social impact Spolsky (1989) confirmed this issue in his words: “A language may be learned for anyone or any collection of practical reasons The importance of these reasons to the learner will determine what degree of effort he or she will make, what cost he or she will pay for the learning A significant part of these reasons and of this potential cost involves socially determined factors: in other words, the social dimension may be seen as spreading itself over the other” In general, students‟ motivation in learning English is resulted from social impact It means that students have perception of the importance of English in modern world Hence, they join English extra classes with the purpose of being qualified enough to response social‟ requirements It is similar to the study of Clément and Noels (1992) when they assumed that students desire to conserve and develop their image socially (they want to be best students in class or they would like to get good marks, etc) The data of this paper also proves Norton‟s idea (2001) of motivational investment and imaged communities The findings on reasons why students join English extra classes describe their expectation in future imaged communities They learn English to be able to study abroad, settle aboard, communicate with foreigners or work and collaborate with people in other countries, etc Their imagination urges themselves to invest in English because they believe that English will support them making their dream come true Therefore, they want to invest in English from now to receive their target achievements or goals in the near future like good high schools, IELTS scores or far future like well-paid jobs, abroad study, abroad life, etc
Moreover, learning situation which belongs to social circle has significant effects on students‟ motivation like parents (parents forced students to join these extra classes), teachers (teachers bring students comfort, fun, knowledge, etc), learner groups (learners‟ friends create familiar, funny and comfortable atmosphere for learning), school (modern equipments, interesting English programs which match students‟ levels, etc) Follow these social impacts, if English classes at school do not support them enough to satisfy their needs, they take part in extra classes to make them qualified in future world The result from the questionnaire describes a fact that students prefer their English extra classes to ones at school In fact, the collected data depicts that preferences of English extra classes are nearly 3 times more than those of the ones at school According to the result which was shown on table 4.1 and 4.2, students are attracted by a lot of factors in these classes Among them, I focused much on two elements – comfort and fun which was put in learning as fun I wonder what create comfort and fun for students in each class and they are the same or different
After conducting interviews among students, I realize that students‟ feelings result from different factors in each class In English extra classes, teachers did not make students feel stressed because of their teaching methods (learning English through games or quizzes, providing students with much freedom when taking part in learning activities in classroom, being caring teachers in class) In addition, fun in English extra classes was brought to students by language games and activities, rewards for winners or modern equipments However, in English class at school, students feel comfortable in English classes at school because teachers did not give students much homework and the English program did not challenge students enough Additionally, fun in English class at school was created by their friends or groups It seems that there is a causal relationship between the formal teaching of English at the school and the students‟ motivation to take extra courses and English teaching at school should be adjusted to satisfy students‟ learning needs It is also shown that English extra classes are more preferred than those at school because students are much more motivated in those classes.
Pedagogical implications
The study suggests some implications in language teaching at public school First, it suggests teachers that it is effective to create comfort and fun in language classroom in order that students freely express themselves in miniature communities (classroom)
Additionally, “imaged communities” may be explored to help students having chances to follow practical English Language situations in classroom or extracurricular activities may have positive effects on students‟ imaged communities Norton (2001:170) also suggested that “teachers might encourage learners to think of themselves as living in multiple communities, including the classroom community, the target language community and the imagined community As teachers help learners interrogate their investments in their imagined community, with its unique possibilities and limitations, they may simultaneously address the risk of non-participation in the language classroom.”
Moreover, it is necessary to notice of teachers‟ caring and sharing attitudes because they can motivate students in learning a lot Data from the survey shows that many of students mentioned to the issue that they would be motivated if they could express their inquiries with teachers
Furthermore, English teaching at schools needs to base on Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training‟s English programs Additionally, students‟ English levels are not the same These programs may be suitable for these students but others The duty of teachers is to create a variety of activities with multiple levels and intelligences to match students‟ needs and strengths The view was confirmed by Tomlinson (2014)
This scholar stated that “a teacher‟s proactive response to learner need, shaped by mindset and guided by general principles of differentiation” In these classrooms, it is more effective if teachers not only focus on the content in instruction and a covering the curriculum but also make satisfaction in learning They can organize different activities based on students‟ interests The focus should be on how teachers teach and how students learn but not what teachers teach and what students learn Tomlinson
(2014) also argues that “ teachers who practice differentiation accept as a given that they will need to create a variety of paths toward essential learning goals and to help students identify the paths that work best in achieving success […] They know that some students who are learning English will do so as a matter of course, while others must struggle mightily.” Thus it is necessary for teachers to be flexible when teaching in order to match both high-level students and low-level ones
It also suggests that English knowledge and skills are delivered to students base on Krashen‟s (1982) theory This theorist refers to i relating to the knowledge we already know in a language, both in terms of linguistic competence and to put gained knowledge in context Learners go from i to i+1 by understanding an input (messages, information etc.) which contains new knowledge It means that teachers should start from what students already know, and the teaching and learning process happens when students absorb something new from the language they already know
Data on reasons why students prefer their English extra classes in this study show a finding that students have chances to communicate more in English at their extra classes English communicative classes support students a lot in learning English It is similar to Swain‟s (2001) view that students cannot acquire language skills only by input, they must produce output to know how the language is used A student speaks the target language means that he or she is being pushed in the learning process
Students need more effort to produce output than input or they are more active in their learning process During the output process, a learner may realise their strengths or weaknesses by themselves or from the feedback of teachers and friends Hence, it is possible to know what they need to focus and promote to make progress in their learning
In addition, teachers in public schools need to improve their English proficiency by themselves so that they have enough English knowledge and skills to teach better and better students As a matter of fact, students have a variety of sources to learn English nowadays, knowledge does not just exist in books anymore If teachers‟ English levels are not qualified enough and their students do not trust their knowledge, teaching and learning cannot be effective in classrooms Moreover, it is also suggested that teaching methods and strategies should be updated with new generations of students
In this study, I explored the motivation that lower secondary students take extra English courses Results of the study show that social impact is the origin of the fact that more and more students involved in extra classes after school hours Students are affected by the globalized world; hence, they invest time and energy to learn English in order to meet the needs of the society in the future It means that their motivation is rooted in their own imagination to become influential people in the community
Additionally, the results of the paper also show that English extra courses are much more preferred by students and it seems that these classes have more positive effects on students‟ learning compared to English classes at school It means that there is a relationship between English teaching at school and students‟ motivation to take extra courses Factors belonging to learning situation like teachers‟ methods, teachers‟ knowledge and skills, chances of communicating in English, learners‟ groups may contribute to students‟ motivation in the learning process.
Limitation of the study
There were a number of limitations to this study which is going to be mentioned in order to avoid misinterpretations of the results First, the study was conducted in a public secondary school in Hanoi; therefore, the results of this study may not be true to other schools In addition, interviews were conducted among 22 students while the total students who take part in the survey are 794; consequently, the generalization from the findings of interviews should be made with caution.
Recommendations for future and further research
The study investigates secondary students‟ motivation in taking part in English extra courses It further contributes to the research on motivation in learning a foreign language Future research may base on the findings of this paper to conduct researches relating to what motivate and demotivate students in classrooms or the English teaching and learning at secondary public schools
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APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 (Survey_Vietnamese version)
Họ và tên: Lớp: Trường:
I Đánh dấu vào ô đúng với trường hợp của em
1 Lớp học thêm tiếng anh của em có bao nhiêu học sinh(h/s)?
2 Giáo viên lớp học thêm của em là :
Giáo viên Việt Nam Giáo viên nước ngoài Giáo viên Việt Nam và Giáo viên nước ngoài
3 Em đi học thêm tiếng Anh mấy buổi / tuần?
1-2 buổi/ tuần 3-4 buổi/ tuần 5-6 buổi/ tuần Khác
4 Mỗi buổi học kéo dài bao lâu?
5 Em tham gia các lớp học thêm tiếng Anh vì ….? (em có thể chọn nhiều lý do khác nhau) việc học tiếng Anh ở các lớp học thêm hiệu quả hơn
cách dạy của giáo viên hay hơn giáo viên ở trường giáo viên cho chúng em nhiều cơ hội để nói tiếng Anh hơn so với ở trường em muốn đạt điểm cao môn tiếng Anh ở trường
em muốn giỏi tiếng Anh để đi du học bố mẹ bảo em đi học
6 Em thích học tiếng Anh ở đâu hơn?
Lớp ở trường học Lớp học thêm
II Đánh dấu vào ô đúng với ý kiến của em về các buổi học tiếng Anh tại lớp học thêm
1 Thầy/ cô dạy dễ hiểu
2 Em thấy thoải mái khi đến lớp học thêm
3 Lớp học sôi động, vui nhộn
4 Em hứng thú với các hoạt động làm nhóm trong lớp
5 Em được giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh với thầy/ cô và các bạn
6 Thầy/ cô chỉ nói tiếng Anh trong lớp
7 Em được làm nhiều bài tập nâng cao
8 Thầy/ cô chấm và chữa bài tập về nhà thường xuyên
Nhận xét của em về các buổi học thêm tiếng Anh:
Những điều em thích Những điều em không thích
I Tick on the answer that is true to you
1 How many students in your extra English class?
2 Teacher(s) in your extra English class is/ are
Vietnamese teacher Native teacher Vietnamese teacher and native teacher
3 How many class sessions (cls) are there in your extra English classes?
1-2 css /week 3-4 css/ week 5-6 css/ week others
4 How long is each class session?
5 What are your reasons when you participate in extra English classes? (You can tick more than one answer)
Studying English in extra classes is more effective than at school
Teachers in extra classes teach better than those at school
Teacher creates more chances for us to speak English compared to at school I want to get high marks in English at school
I want to be good at English to study abroad My parents ask me to join it
6 Which class do you prefer?
English class at school English extra class Reason:
II Tick on the answer that is true to your English extra classes
N Content Totally agree Agree Neutral Disagree Totally disagree
1 It is easy to understand teachers‟ lessons
2 I feel comfortable when coming to class
3 English class is funny and exciting
4 I am interested in group activities in class
I have chances to communicate in English with teachers and friends
6 6 Teachers only speak English in class
7 I have chances to do advanced exercises
Teachers check and give students marks for homework regularly
Your comments about your English extra class
1 Lớp học thêm tiếng anh của em có bao nhiêu học sinh(h/s)?
2 Giáo viên lớp học thêm của em là:
Valid Giáo viên Việt Nam 469 64.4 64.4 64.4
Giáo viên Việt Nam và giáo viên nước ngoài
3 Em đi học thêm tiếng Anh mấy buổi / tuần?
4 Mỗi buổi học kéo dài bao lâu?
5 Em tham gia các lớp học thêm tiếng
Việc học tiếng Anh ở các lớp học thêm hiệu quả hơn
Cách dạy của giáo viên hay hơn giáo viên ở trường
Giáo viên cho chúng em nhiều cơ hội để nói tiếng Anh hơn so với ở trường
Em muốn đạt điểm cao môn tiếng Anh ở trường
Anh để đi du học 261 17.0% 36.0%
Bố mẹ bảo em đi học 209 13.6% 28.8%
Total 1533 100.0% 211.2% a Dichotomy group tabulated at value 1
6 Em thích học tiếng Anh ở đâu hơn
Lớp ở trường học và lớp học thêm 85 11.7 11.7 100.0
Hoàn toàn không đồng ý Không đồng ý
Phân vân/Không rõ Đồng ý
Thầy/ cô dạy dễ hiểu 0.4% 0.8% 10.6% 45.2% 43.0%
Em thấy thoải mái khi đến lớp học thêm 1.2% 2.1% 19.5% 38.2% 39.0%
Lớp học sôi động, vui nhộn 1.9% 5.2% 15.9% 30.9% 46.0%
Em hứng thú với các hoạt động làm nhóm trong lớp
Em được giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh với thầy/ cô và các bạn
Thầy/ cô chỉ nói tiếng
Em được làm nhiều bài tập nâng cao 8.1% 16.2% 27.3% 28.3% 20.1%
Thầy/ cô chấm và chữa bài tập về nhà thường xuyên
Thầy/ cô dạy dễ hiểu 728 4.30 721 027
Em thấy thoải mái khi đến lớp học thêm 728 4.12 875 032
Lớp học sôi động, vui nhộn 728 4.14 992 037
Em hứng thú với các hoạt động làm nhóm trong lớp
Em được giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh với thầy/ cô và các bạn
Thầy/ cô chỉ nói tiếng
Em được làm nhiều bài tập nâng cao 728 3.36 1.202 045
Thầy/ cô chấm và chữa bài tập về nhà thường xuyên
1 Number of students in extra English classes
2 Teacher(s) in extra English classes are
Cumulative Percent Valid Vietnamese teacher 469 64.4 64.4 64.4
Vietnamese teacher and native teacher 186 25.5 25.5 100.0
3 The frequency of extra English classes
4 Length of each class session
5 Reasons for participating in extra English classes
Studying English in extra classes is more effective than at school 229 14.9% 31.5%
Teachers in extra classes teach better than those at school 145 9.5% 20.0%
Teacher creates more chances for us to speak
English compared to at school 167 10.9% 23.0%
I want to get high marks in English at school 424 27.7% 58.4%
I want to be good at English to study abroad 261 17.0% 36.0%
My parents ask me to join it 209 13.6% 28.8%
Valid Do not like both 15 2.1 2.1 2.1
Reasons for preferences of English class at school
Chart 4.2 depicts reasons why students like English classes at school better than extra courses Lesson easy-understandings are voted at the highest number, at 15.8
Moreover, there are a lot of other factors relating to fun, knowledge sharing among friends, comfort, learning through playing, etc Other factors (not in the chart) were referred at a lower number in the survey were exciting atmosphere, good teachers, or effectiveness in teaching and learning, etc
Reasons for choosing both classes
Chart 4.3 describes why students like both classes According to the data from the chart, knowledge and skill complement as well as similarities between two classes (new knowledge, fun, good lessons, etc) were 50 and 32.1 in consequence The figure for students who love studying English only accounted for 2.4
Similarities between two classes (new knowledge, fun, good lessons, etc)
Reasons for disliking both classes
Chart 4.4 shows the data on reasons why students dislike both classes They mentioned two main reasons for their choices These students do not like this subject (English is difficult) or do not want to go to classes The figures for those were 33.3 and 16.7 in consequence
Dislike English Do not want to go to classes
Table 4.8 Evaluation of English extra classes
Evaluation of English extra classes
Totally disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Totally agree Mean ± S.D
1 It is easy to understand teachers‟ lessons 0.4% 0.8% 10.6% 45.2% 43.0% 4.3±0.721
2 I feel comfortable when coming to class 1.2% 2.1% 19.5% 38.2% 39.0% 4.12±0.875
3 English class is funny and exciting 1.9% 5.2% 15.9% 30.9% 46.0% 4.14±0.992
4 I am interested in group activities in class 7.0% 7.1% 29.5% 26.5% 29.8% 3.65±1.178
5 I have chances to communicate in English with teachers and friends
6 Teachers only speak English in class 7.7% 27.9% 27.3% 21.3% 15.8% 3.1±1.193
7 I have chances to do advanced exercises 8.1% 16.2% 27.3% 28.3% 20.1% 3.36±1.202
8 Teachers check and give students marks for homework regularly
Chart 4.5 Evaluation of English extra classes
Table 4.8 and chart 4.5 depict the data on learners‟ evaluation of English extra classes
Overall, the means of Evaluation 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 are above the average mean at 3.82
The mean of Evaluation 1 (It is easy to understand teachers’ lessons) is highest, at 4.3
The figures for that of Evaluation 3 (English class is funny and exciting) and Evaluation 2 (I feel comfortable when coming to class) are slightly lower, at 4.14 and 4.12 in consequence The mean of evaluation 8 (Teachers check and give students marks for homework regularly) is 4.03, compared to the number of Evaluation 5 (I have chances to communicate in English with teachers and friends) is 3.84 Means of other evaluations are below the average mean Among them, the mean of Evaluation 6 (Teachers only speak English in class) is lowest at 3.1
In the last part of the survey, students were asked to write down what they like and what they do not like in English extra classes
I listed some most mentioned opinions in the table below
MeanS.DAverage meanLinear (Mean)
Table 4.9 Students’ comments on English extra classes
Teacher does not scold me, she encourages me a lot
Teacher is very enthusiastic and funny, and she creates an active learning atmosphere
We can communicate in English a lot with teachers and friends
We can communicate in English with native teachers
Teacher organizes a lot of language games that makes us be relaxed
We have chances to learn about pronunciation, and teacher corrects our pronunciation a lot
Teacher teaches us advanced English and we have a lot of exercises to practice
We can share our opinions or inquiries with teachers
We have chances to take extra-curricular activities
Be funny and comfortable in class
I do not have many friends in class
I have a lot of homework to do, so I do not have enough time to finish my homework at school
Teacher sometimes talks too fast, I do not understand what he is talking about
Sometimes teacher uses mobile phones in class or goes out for her business
Students in class make noises a lot
Teacher just teaches us grammar, she does not teach us how to communicate in English
Native teachers‟ lessons are boring and sleepy
I have to learn too much of knowledge, I cannot acquire them all
Teacher scolds me when I do something wrong
Qualitative data from the survey describe that learning situation have effects on students‟ learning motivation Most mentioned factors that students like in their English extra classes can be categorized in learning atmosphere, teachers‟ encouragement, English communication, extensive knowledge and skills, inquiries‟ explanation Factors in learning situation may demotivate students in learning the second language such as much homework, long learning time, noises from other students, teachers‟ reproof, and interrupted teaching procedures
Interviews were conducted among students based on the questionnaire results
Interviewees were asked to explain their answers which they mentioned in the paper, especially reasons for their preferences of classes Among four most mentioned reasons, there are two reasons (Comfort and Fun) that I would like to explore Other reasons which are lesson easy understanding, knowledge sharing among friends and extensive knowledge are quite clear, so I did not want to include them in the interviews I merged Comfort and Fun into one term named Learning as Fun was interested in exploring what differences between Learning as Fun in extra English classes and English classes at school
* English extra classes Leaning as fun
- I feel comfortable when joining English extra classes because teachers organized language games, we can learn English through play games Furthermore, teachers are not too serious in lessons, they make us laugh or give us quizzes relating to the target language
- English extra class comforts students a lot because we are able to exchange knowledge in class, teachers go around and explain to students what they do not understand
- I do not have to wear uniforms, so I feel more comfortable and active
- We do not have to follow strict rules (like at school) in extra classes We join this class without being afraid of being invited parents to class for our mistakes or being written our names on class‟s diaries
- We do not feel stressed on marks or teachers do not minus out points when we make noises in class
- Funny teachers make me laugh a lot during lessons
- We spend a half of each period participating in language games then doing exercises
Moreover, teachers organize a lot of extra-curricular activities such as going for a picnic, joining events, etc
- We feel funny because we can spend the time to chat and chit in English with friends a lot during lessons
- I have chances to learn English through games and software on computers or smart phones
- We are encouraged by rewards (snacks, candies, etc…) if we win the game
* English classes at school Learning as fun
- Our teacher is not strict and she sometimes checks if some students in class did their homework or not In class, we have chances to play language games, and English program in class is very easy Moreover, there is not much homework to do after lessons
- We do not have to learn much We do not have to learn all time of the period; teacher spends much time for us to talk and play with friends Additionally, English tests are always very easy
- We do not feel stressed when we take part in English classes at school because we are not under much pressure because English program is not difficult and we do not have much homework to do
- I prefer English class at school because I can learn new things with my friends and we can express our opinions to our teacher
- The classroom is bigger and we can learn English through head projectors, so it‟s comfortable
- I can learn English with a lot of my best friends, and we can exchange knowledge with each other
- I have chances to do projects (Lesson 7 every unit) in groups
- We can communicate with my friends at school
- My teacher told us a lot stories about good people and her trips to other countries
- I am familiar with more friends in class at school, so it is easier for me to communicate with them
In this part, I will present a discussion of the study findings For ease of reference, the findings are discussed based on the survey objective First, to find out the answer for what motivates students to join English extra classes after school, we go back to the findings relating to reasons that push students to learn in these classes A lot of reasons were mentioned and added by students in the survey The findings of this paper show that the origin of motivation is mostly from social impact Spolsky (1989) confirmed this issue in his words: “A language may be learned for anyone or any collection of practical reasons The importance of these reasons to the learner will determine what degree of effort he or she will make, what cost he or she will pay for the learning A significant part of these reasons and of this potential cost involves socially determined factors: in other words, the social dimension may be seen as spreading itself over the other” In general, students‟ motivation in learning English is resulted from social impact It means that students have perception of the importance of English in modern world Hence, they join English extra classes with the purpose of being qualified enough to response social‟ requirements It is similar to the study of Clément and Noels (1992) when they assumed that students desire to conserve and develop their image socially (they want to be best students in class or they would like to get good marks, etc) The data of this paper also proves Norton‟s idea (2001) of motivational investment and imaged communities The findings on reasons why students join English extra classes describe their expectation in future imaged communities They learn English to be able to study abroad, settle aboard, communicate with foreigners or work and collaborate with people in other countries, etc Their imagination urges themselves to invest in English because they believe that English will support them making their dream come true Therefore, they want to invest in English from now to receive their target achievements or goals in the near future like good high schools, IELTS scores or far future like well-paid jobs, abroad study, abroad life, etc
Moreover, learning situation which belongs to social circle has significant effects on students‟ motivation like parents (parents forced students to join these extra classes), teachers (teachers bring students comfort, fun, knowledge, etc), learner groups (learners‟ friends create familiar, funny and comfortable atmosphere for learning), school (modern equipments, interesting English programs which match students‟ levels, etc) Follow these social impacts, if English classes at school do not support them enough to satisfy their needs, they take part in extra classes to make them qualified in future world The result from the questionnaire describes a fact that students prefer their English extra classes to ones at school In fact, the collected data depicts that preferences of English extra classes are nearly 3 times more than those of the ones at school According to the result which was shown on table 4.1 and 4.2, students are attracted by a lot of factors in these classes Among them, I focused much on two elements – comfort and fun which was put in learning as fun I wonder what create comfort and fun for students in each class and they are the same or different
After conducting interviews among students, I realize that students‟ feelings result from different factors in each class In English extra classes, teachers did not make students feel stressed because of their teaching methods (learning English through games or quizzes, providing students with much freedom when taking part in learning activities in classroom, being caring teachers in class) In addition, fun in English extra classes was brought to students by language games and activities, rewards for winners or modern equipments However, in English class at school, students feel comfortable in English classes at school because teachers did not give students much homework and the English program did not challenge students enough Additionally, fun in English class at school was created by their friends or groups It seems that there is a causal relationship between the formal teaching of English at the school and the students‟ motivation to take extra courses and English teaching at school should be adjusted to satisfy students‟ learning needs It is also shown that English extra classes are more preferred than those at school because students are much more motivated in those classes
The study suggests some implications in language teaching at public school First, it suggests teachers that it is effective to create comfort and fun in language classroom in order that students freely express themselves in miniature communities (classroom)
Additionally, “imaged communities” may be explored to help students having chances to follow practical English Language situations in classroom or extracurricular activities may have positive effects on students‟ imaged communities Norton (2001:170) also suggested that “teachers might encourage learners to think of themselves as living in multiple communities, including the classroom community, the target language community and the imagined community As teachers help learners interrogate their investments in their imagined community, with its unique possibilities and limitations, they may simultaneously address the risk of non-participation in the language classroom.”
Moreover, it is necessary to notice of teachers‟ caring and sharing attitudes because they can motivate students in learning a lot Data from the survey shows that many of students mentioned to the issue that they would be motivated if they could express their inquiries with teachers