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UNIT 10: JOBS I WARM-UPS: * In five minutes, write down two jobs which: can be done by robots no longer exist require absolutely no intelligence have low salaries but high prestige require very long training will be most needed in the future are overpaid young children typically want to can be done from home 10 you would really hate to For example: a builder, a traffic warden a fire- cracker maker a cleaner, a baby-sitter a doctor, a teacher a doctor, a pilot a computer progammer, an architect working on space an air steward/ stewardess a singer, a TV speaker a house wife, a writer 10 a cleaner, an assembly line worker * Discuss and dispute your answers and the reasons why you have chosen those jobs II WHAT IS WORK? Read the quotation by Andy Warhol, the American pop artist and then brainstorm on the concept of “work” Answer question - Discuss the questions 2, and in groups Writing: Choose one of these titles and write an argument on it a My ideal job 28 b A day in the life of a (famous person, farmer, etc.) c How I would resolve unemployment? III WHICH JOB? Listening: - Discuss the questions and only Do the first part of the listening (i.e as far as “ for me that would be the most boring job”) Compare your opinions with the speakers Listen again to focus on the language used and pick out some expressions For example: I think probably, obviously, overall, actually, would have to be, would certainly be, what about, so definitely that would be for me - Continue discussing questions 3, and 5, trying to use some of the expressions used by the native speakers Play the last part of the listening Note down the choice of job and the reasons given for this Answer: baby-sitter ( likes kids any way, not hard work) assembly line worker (repetitive, looking at the same thing over and over day after day, doing the same task over and over day after day; your day is broken up into periods that are always the same) doctor (your time is never your own, work terrible hours) (not mentioned) soldier (might end up having to kill someone) IV DIRTY JOBS? Discussion: - Cover question - Make your decisions individually and the discuss in groups - Reformulate your decisions on the basis of the follow - up question Vocabulary: - Pharmaceutical (a): of, engaged in, pharmacy; of medicinal drugs - Multinational (n): company, usu very large, that does business in many different countries - Oppress (v): cause to feel troubled; keep down by unjust or cruel government Writing: Choose one of the following tasks: 29 a Write a letter to the managing director of one of these companies, trying to convince him/her to change the company policy b Write a press release from one of these companies which want to set up in your area The statement should justify why, for example, testing beauty products on animals is needed and not immoral V INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL Some information: An industrial tribunal is a court of justice, whose job is to deal with cases related to work They have a legally qualified chairperson and two lay members who have knowledge or experience of employment in industry or commerce Read all the four situations without discussing them The four people believe that they have been unfairly dismissed by their employer Imagine that you are members of a jury (body of persons who swear to give a decision on issues of facts in a case in a court of justice) whose job is to decide: a what the real motivations for the dismissals were b whether they really have been unfairly dismisses c if so what kind of compensation should be given to them Vocabulary: - Host (v): act as a person who entertains guests - Assemble (v):gather together - Topical (a): of present interest; of subject for discussion of the day - Revelation (n): revealing; making known of sth secret or hidden - Execution (n): infliction of punishment by death Hành hình tội nhân - Precision (n): accuracy; freedom from error Listening: * Hear two people arguing about one of the industrial tribunal cases Your task is simply to identify which case is being talked about, and whether the two speakers agree that the person was unfairly dismissed Answer: case (the captain): The woman thinks he should have been dismissed (he’s the one that history dictates that he has to stay there); the man doesn’t (why on earth should the captain die?) * Play the tape again and pick out some relevant phrases, which you would like students to use in your own discussion Some relevant phrases: - absolutely 30 - I’m sure - I’m in absolute agreement that - I agree with it - That’s absolute nonsense I’m afraid, I’m sorry - which is absolutely right - I would have done exactly the same thing * Decide which of the two people in the listening you agree with and proceed to discuss the other three cases Some information: 1, and are based on real situations, but and were not actually taken to an industrial tribunal; lost his case on the grounds that he was fully aware of what he was doing when he signed the contract In America, where some companies pay for their employees’ ever-increasing health insurance costs, some employers think they should be able to dictate what their workers both at work and at home This ranges from discouraging workers not to have high calorie diet to prohibiting workers from smoking at home, and stopping their managers from using motorbikes Are these kinds of impositions acceptable? If you were employers, are there certain categories of people who you would not want o give a job to, or who you would be prepared to dismiss if they infringed (break a rule; violate) some of your “regulations”? Writing: Choose one of the four people and write a letter of complaint to your ex-boss You should try and justify what you did and why you should be reinstated (replaced) VI HONESTY AT WORK Rank the situations in terms of how dishonest they are Then discuss your ranking in pairs Vocabulary - Inadvertent (a): not paying or showing proper attention; (of actions) done thoughtlessly or not on purpose UNIT 11: KINDNESS I WARM-UPS: Pre- discussion: 31 - Have you ever given or would you give any of the following to an unknown person: your blood, parts of your body, your sperm (fertilizing fluid of a male animal) your time, your money? - How much money would you spend on: + a wedding present for a close friend? + a leaving present for a teacher? + mother’s birthday present? + sister/brother’s Christmas (or equivalent) present? II LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR Read the text and answer question What would you have done in such situations? Vocabulary: - Assailant (n): attacker - Transfix (v): pierce through; cause (sb) to be unable to move, speak , think, etc - Stab (a): pierce or wound with sharp-pointed weapon or instrument; push (a knife, etc) into sb Listening: Listen to some native speakers discussing the two situations Decide which explanations in questions a-f are mentioned, and if the speakers believe they are true or false Answer: a T b T c T d no mentioned, but this is confirmed by the footballer example (the player in question was Cantona) e don’t know, but probably not f T Listen again and take notes of some conditional constructions and other useful vocabulary Use these to discuss question Some conditional constructions and vocabulary from the listening: - I ‘m afraid I ‘m of a school that think - If you hear , you nothing - I think I tend to agree with that actually - I have an idea of Writing: “Charity begins at home.” Discuss Some suggested ideas: - If you want to show your kindness, should so first to people living near you: your family, your relatives and your neighbours 32 - Your charity should be expressed the least things such as carrying heavy bags for an elderly lady to a bigger thing like building a fence between the two houses or protecting a neighbour when he/she was attacked by a bad person III ARE YOU AN ALTRUIST? Vocabulary: + Altruist (n): person who follows the principle of considering the well-being and happiness of others first - Do the quiz individually and then predict what you think your friend would in such situations Compare your predictions with your friend - Write your own quiz and ask your partner your invented questions IV MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA Pre-discussion: Think of names of people who appear to be motivated by pure altruism - Think of Mother Teresa How much have you known about her? Why did she start to help poor people? What did she do? Listening: Listen to a brief history of the life of Mother Teresa and answer some very simple questions a Where and when was she born? b Who was her father? c Where was her first missionary work? d When did she move to Calcutta? e When did she win the Nobel Peace Prize? f How many saris does she possess? Some useful words from the listening text: - Accuse (v) of: say (sb) has done wrong, broken the law, is to be blamed - Ulterior (a): situated beyond; beyond what is first seen or said - Motive (n): that which causes sb to act Ulterior motive: motive other than what is expressed or admitted - Spur (v) on: urge on with, or as with greater activity - Missionary (n): person sent to preach his/her religion, esp among people who are ignorant of it - Leper (n): person suffering from leprosy (a skin disease that forms silvery scales on the skin, causes local insensibility to pain, etc and the loss of fingers and toes 33 - Intersperse (v): place here and there - Sari (n): length of cotton or silk cloth draped round the body, worn by Hindu women - Devotional (a): used in prayers; for use in worship Answer to the listening questions: Serbia, 1910 A rich merchant In Ireland In 1928 In 1979 6.Two Discussion: - Look at the statements on your page and discuss whether the first statement is true of Mother Teresa - Then discuss the other statements - Think of other famous people who charitable work Are the statements and true for them? How does the media present such people to us? Some information: Not everyone sees Mother Teresa as a saintly figure In 1995, a TV documentary suggested she had been receiving money from dubious sources Writing: Choose one of the following titles and write an argument a If everyone spent one hour a day helping someone worse off than themselves, the world would be a better place Discuss b Every human being deserves a share of the world’ s resources Discuss V THE RED CROSS Pre-discussion: - What is the Red Cross? - How and when was it founded? Discussion: Read the text Discuss the questions Vocabulary: - Bazaar (n): (place where there is a)sale of goods for charitable purposes - Car boot (n): place for luggage at the back of a motor-car - Trace (v): follow or discover (sb or sth) by observing marks, tracks, bits of evidence, etc 34 - Carnage (n): killing of many people - Appalling (a): full of fear or terror; dismaying; shocking deeply - Vision (n): power of seeing or imagining, looking ahead Answer: Q1: Being totally independent non-political will help the Red Cross work more advantageously in any country, support any group of people without being restrained by any political authority Q a Apart from wartime activities, this is probably the most well-known form of aid that the Red Cross offers b These are money raising activities as the Red Cross is a self-financed charity c One of the tragedies of war and natural disasters is the separation of families Using its worldwide network centred in Geneva, the Red Cross is constantly striving to reunite families, no matter how long the separation The British Red Cross, for example, manages to trace, on average, one person every day of the year d Again in war or natural disasters, many people are cut off from the families because normal communications have broken down Relatives may be taken prisoner-ofwar or moved to refugee camps or shelters In these circumstances the Red Cross Message Service is often the only means for families to keep in touch e The Cosmetic Camouflage service aims to help people cope with disfigurement (spoiling the appearance or shape of) and blemishes (mark, etc that spoils the beauty or perfection of sb or sth), including scars, birthmarks and conditions such as vitiligo (Bệnh bạch biến, bệnh lang trắng) The Red Cross also offers beauty care techniques fro the blind Volunteers demonstrate to women with impaired vision how to apply their makeup The service is intended to give confidence to visually handicapped people, offer independence and provide an interest which can be shared with other women UNIT 12: LOVE I WARM-UPS - Think of different types of love (not just for people, but for nations, places, things, activities) and different ways of showing love Suggested ideas: love, friendship, family feelings, patriotism, comradeship, brotherhood, love for work, etc 35 - Write a list of three things you love and hate doing Then read your list to a partner who has to guess if it’s love or hate II THE THINGS WE DO FOR LOVE Discussion: Read the text (fictional) Read and tick the items 1-7 that you yourself would for love Vocabulary: - Neo-Fascist: New / Modern Fascist - Satanic (a) of Satan, of the Evil One, of the Devil - Cult (n): system of religious worship Listening: - Hear two friends talking about what they would for love in relation to the questions you have just answered Try to find out which of questions 1-7 are asked and whether the answer is yes or no Answer: yes no no - Were you prepared to all the things for love? III MARRIAGE CONTRACTS - Listen to the extract What you think a marriage contract might be? What clauses might be in it? A marriage contract is a pre-nuptial agreement where both partners would have to stipulate exactly what they were prepared to give up for the other one and how far they were prepared to go - Read the passage for confirmation of what came up during the class discussion Vocabulary: - Pre-nuptial (a): before marriage or wedding - Contention (n): quarrelling or disputing - Stipulate (v): state, put forward, as a necessary condition Some information: A number of famous people have or have had marriage contracts Henry VIII, Mick Jagger (with Bianca), Aristotle Onassis with Jackie Kennedy This practice is also quite common with modern French couples IV ARE YOU A GOOD LOVER? Discussion: 36 - Read the questions on your page, answer true or false and discuss them in groups - Discuss different attitudes to love, deciding which questions indicate a a romantic approach to love b a realistic approach c a cynical approach - Write a score/ analysis for the test - Compare your analyses with the others Writing: Choose one of these titles and write: a It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all Discuss b All is fair in love and war Discuss V A KISS IS JUST A KISS? Pre-discussion: - Think of how people give formal kisses in your country, i.e where on the face, how many times, and what it means Discussion: Read the text and discuss the statements Vocabulary: - Repulsive (a): disgusting - Scruple (n): (hesitation caused by) uneasiness of conscience - Unstuck (a): not stuck or fastened - Mandatory (a): of, conveying, a command; compulsory, obligatory - Cheek-peck (n): hurried, unemotional kiss on the cheeks Information: The article says people kiss twice in France, but a lot of French actually kiss three times UNIT 13: MONEY I WARM-UPS - Collect coins and notes from different countries Compare the currencies and try to set parameters ( characteristic or determining feature) for ideal coins and notes Factors involved: Notes: number of denominations + related colour and differences; aesthetics, size coins: shape, weight, size, aesthetics, help for the blind 37 ... feel troubled; keep down by unjust or cruel government Writing: Choose one of the following tasks: 29 a Write a letter to the managing director of one of these companies, trying to convince him/her... revealing; making known of sth secret or hidden - Execution (n): infliction of punishment by death Hành hình tội nhân - Precision (n): accuracy; freedom from error Listening: * Hear two people arguing... kindness, should so first to people living near you: your family, your relatives and your neighbours 32 - Your charity should be expressed the least things such as carrying heavy bags for an elderly

Ngày đăng: 05/12/2022, 20:50