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regional peculiarities of energy saving development during the exploitation of housing and underground housing and utility sector objects

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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1229 – 1232 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development” Regional peculiarities of energy saving development during the exploitation of housing and underground housing and utility sector objects Arkadiy Larionov a,*, Yulia Larionova b, Ludmila Selivanova b a National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Yaroslavskoye sh 26, Moscow, 129337, Russia b State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law, and Technology, Roschinskaya str 5, Gatchina, 188300, Russia Abstract The paper is dedicated to the identification and consideration of regional energy saving peculiarities during the exploitation of housing and underground housing and and utility sector objects The absence of effective energy saving management system in housing and utility sector was detected in various regions of the Russian Federation, and for the development of such system the ideas of goal-oriented approach should be used It is proved that the energy saving implementation ideas requires changes in the minds of inhabitants on the one hand and on the other hand requires to form an ideology of a rational consumption, not constantly economical one At the same time considering of regional specifics should become the foundation stone of the rational and balanced approach to energy consumption during the housing construction period as well as during the exploitation of the building and its services 2016The TheAuthors Authors Published by Elsevier © 2016 © Published by Elsevier Ltd Ltd This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Peer-review under scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Urbanisation as aresponsibility Prerequisite of forthe Sustainable Development Prerequisite for Sustainable Development Keywords: housing and utility sector, underground objects, regions, energy saving, regional peculiarities, goal-oriented approach, exploitation Introduction Nowadays energy efficiency during the housing construction, as well as during its exploitation is a priority of the * Corresponding author Tel.:.+7-916-342-23-40 E-mail address: proflarionov@mail.ru 1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors Published by Elsevier Ltd This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.11.844 1230 Arkadiy Larionov et al / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1229 – 1232 regional economy for any territorial entity of the Russian Federation, irrespective of their fuel and energy complexes development level However, there are some regional peculiarities in regional energy saving The results of researches [2, 4, 13, 14, 15, 17, etc.] indicate that the nominal fuel consumption for the heating of m2 of living space in Russia is three times higher than in countries with similar climatic conditions, for example, in Norway or in the north of Canada Water consumption is higher up to times due to the losses Fixed assets for heating is currently worn by more than 60%, and by 58% for electricity supply Average physical deterioration of boiler stations in Russia is 55.5%, waterlines - 65.3%, sewerage - 62.5%, heating lines - 62.8%, transformer substations – 57%, power grids - 58.1% Water and heat losses in piping and heating systems are from 20% to 40% The number of accidents per 100 kilometers of utility systems in the mid-1990s increased from 15-20 in the to 70 for water supply and sewage systems, and up to 200 for heaing lines, heat losses between the station and the consumer are about 30% However, about 30% of fixed assets for housing and utility services have already exhausted regulatory depreciation periods Exhaustion continues to grow every year increasing the chance of technological, ecological, and social catastrophes after all Today about 500 billion rubles are needed only for the modernization of networks and heating output power improvement (including underground facilities) [19, 20, 21] In order to solve these problems, in our papers we substantiate the need for implementation of methodological principle in economic practice, based on the effective use of resources in the housing and utilities sector, taking into account regional peculiarities of each territorial entity of the Russian Federation The implementation of this principle includes achieving the industry maximum results with minimal costs due to the rational use of all resources and corresponds to main directions of the state's energy policy [5] in accordance with the Federal Law № 261 "On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation "[3] Materials and Methods Effective energy saving management system in housing and utility sector of Russian Federation which will correspond to the requirements of regional economy is yet to be developed on a rigorous scientific basis In order to this, it is necessary to use a goal-oriented approach [7, 8, 14, 15, 17] In addition, we propose [13, 14, 15, etc.] to consider the subject and object of management in each region as a whole and in conjunction with the environment This requires the development of a regional complex targeted program of effective management object (energy saving) integration in the housing and utility sector in accordance with certain terms in order to achieve this goal Accounting allows to represent the actual situation for energy saving implementation to the activity of management companies in every particular territorial entity of the Russian Federation, taking into account its regional peculiarities [12] This analysis, which is based on planned and actual data provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of dynamic changes in the management object according to a defined program The analyze allows to select the options of management decisions aimed at eliminating the causes of negative deviations and to create favorable conditions for progressive development of energy saving in the housing sector and for improving housing energy efficiency [6, 9, 10, 11, 16, 18] Unused or additionally appeared internal reserves could be revealed which allows or accelerate the development of a management object, or put it on a more efficient functioning mode Experimental part Based on the understanding of the current situation and many years of practical experience, we consider that the main selection criterion of the winner in the tender for the modernization of housing and utility sector (including underground objects) should be achieving maximum energy savings and the maximum work with a reasonable payback period of projects This will allow to maximize the use of innovative technologies available on the market, and allow housing and utility sector objects (including underground ones) to become a successful implementation model of energy-saving technologies At the same time the money refund to the investor should be performed using a specially created Guarantee investment refund foundation within a reasonable payback period for the investors (according to our estimates, an average period is 7-8 years) Arkadiy Larionov et al / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1229 – 1232 However, while studying regional peculiarities of providing energy saving in housing and utility services in Moscow, St Petersburg and also in Moscow, Leningrad and Tver regions [13, 14, 15, etc.], we paid attention to the fact that the leadership of those regions, developers, builders, power engineers, officials in housing and utility services and inhabitants have different attitudes to the idea of energy efficiency and energy saving This situation appeared largely due to the quality of federal and regional legislation in this sphere, which, in turn, is low because of its low-skilled developers Not least in this list of problems are misunderstanding, and therefore a rejection of most energy efficiency and conservation ideas by significant part of the population The results of our researches show that there is a confrontation between the energy companies and the managers of housing and utility sector companies in many regions and municipalities of our country The point is the fact that the above-mentioned sides have opposite economic interests: the more energy will be produced and encashed, the more is their revenue and profit; the more housing and communal services will be rendered to the population and the more money management companies will save, the higher their profits Managers and officials of public authorities are drawn into the opposition of above-mentioned lobbies, as well as prosecutors, court officials and other structures Regarding this, we believe that the searching for solutions to this problem should be approached in realms of science related to the economy, for example, in philosophy From our point of view, it will allow to properly reveal the phenomenon explaining the problem Perhaps the emphasis on the philosophy aspect of the problem we study is quite unsetted for the traditional scheme of conducting the economic research However, the above-mentioned thesis presented above helps to understand and explain the main paradox of Russian economy development: the most energy resource rich country of the world is not among the most developed national economies We consider the position of N Vlasyuk, who believes that we create an environment for life by ourselves, relevant in this context According to him, the city - it is a complex living organism It may drag people or push them off, it is possible to love, or to endure City can have a powerful energy, or it can be "empty", it can provide the opportunities or restrict them, affect our lifestyle and worldview Like a sponge, it absorbs and represents the entire history of political, social and economic life of the country Each city has its own air and own identity [1, p 28] From our point of view, lifestyle of various citizen categories in Russia is worth studying, as well as economic interests of builders, power engineers, developers, public authorities, their energy needs during the construction of housing and during its exploitation In particular, we believe that the government program of the total reduction in energy consumption, without taking into account regional specifics and peculiarities of construction and, above all, exploitation of modern living, is a dead-end policy Results On the one hand, we should agree with the fact that the modern house demands giant energy consuption, primarily due to the centralized heating systems, electricity, losses in energy transportation through underground facilities, etc But on the other hand, in terms of freelance development the workplace of a homeworking man should be equipped with office appliances (pc, printer, scanner), all internet resources, mobile phone, fax and telecommunications, nanotech Thus, obviously there is a need for significantly more energy than earlier, and more than for average inhabitant It should be considered that the freelancer doesn’t have to come to the office or to the manufacture every day, most of the time he will work at home We are confident that the workspace transfer of the most office workers to their residence place will give a definite economic benefit due to reducing the consumption of energy required to deliver people from home to office and back again, running costs for maintenance (rent) of the offices The same principle goes for students and teachers of universities and colleges, school students and their teachers, government officials, the maintenance of government and educational institutions In the context of the global internet web, a traditional form of education and work will mostly give way to the remote form in a few years already According to our estimates, the global regional economic effect from energy saving due to the remote workplaces of office workers, school students, university students and teachers in cities such as Moscow and St Petersburg (considering transport and educational process energy saving) compared to traditional form of study and work will 1231 1232 Arkadiy Larionov et al / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1229 – 1232 multiply exceed the increase of energy consumption by a “workplace at home” Such calculations could and should become a subject of an independent scientific study Conclusions To sum up, it should be noticed that the most important task right now is a forming of an ideology of rational, not always economical energy consumption, education of the population, public officials, managers and decision-makers of construction and development companies, educational institutions according to this new ideology At the same time taking into account regional peculiarities should become the foundation stone of the concept of a rational and balanced approach to energy consumption in the period of housing construction, and in its exploitation period References [1] N Vlasyuk, Planirovanie gorodov s vysokim kachestvom sredy, Аrkhitektura i stroitel'stvo (2013) 28-31 [2] А.P Kudryavtsev, Deyatel'nost' RААSN po razvitiyu fundamental'nykh issledovanij v oblasti arkhitektury, gradostroitel'stva i stroitel'stva, Moscow, 2012 [3] Ob ehnergosberezhenii i o povyshenii ehnergeticheskoj ehffektivnosti i o vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federatsii : feder zakon ot 23 noyab 2009 g № 261-FZ: [prinyat Gos Dumoj 11 noyab 2009 g.: odobren Sovetom 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(including underground objects) should be achieving maximum energy savings and the. .. at eliminating the causes of negative deviations and to create favorable conditions for progressive development of energy saving in the housing sector and for improving housing energy efficiency... produced and encashed, the more is their revenue and profit; the more housing and communal services will be rendered to the population and the more money management companies will save, the higher their

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