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is leishmania viannia braziliensis parasite load associated to disease pathogenesis

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Accepted Manuscript Title: Is Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis parasite load associated to disease pathogenesis? Authors: Luiza de Oliveira Ramos Pereira, Regina Barbosa Moreira, M´arcia Pereira de Oliveira, Soraya de Oliveira Reis, Manoel Paes de Oliveira Neto, Claude Pirmez PII: DOI: Reference: S1201-9712(17)30039-5 http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2017.01.036 IJID 2861 To appear in: International Journal of Infectious Diseases Received date: Revised date: Accepted date: 29-11-2016 16-1-2017 27-1-2017 Please cite this article as: de Oliveira Ramos Pereira Luiza, Moreira Regina Barbosa, de Oliveira M´arcia Pereira, de Oliveira Reis Soraya, de Oliveira Neto Manoel Paes, Pirmez Claude.Is Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis parasite load associated to disease pathogenesis?.International Journal of Infectious Diseases http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2017.01.036 This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain Is Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis parasite load associated to disease pathogenesis? Luiza de Oliveira Ramos Pereira1#*, Regina Barbosa Moreira2#, Márcia Pereira de Oliveira2, Soraya de Oliveira Reis2, Manoel Paes de Oliveira Neto3 and Claude Pirmez2 Laboratório de Pesquisas em Leishmaniose, IOC, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil; Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Pesquisas Médicas, IOC, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil; Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil # equally contributed *corresponding author: luizaper@ioc.fiocruz.br HIGHLIGHTS: - Parasite burden is not a good predictor of disease progression - Real time qPCR revealed reduction of parasitism with time - Parasite load was higher in cutaneous compared to mucous sites ABSTRACT Introduction: Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis is the main etiological agent of tegumentary leishmaniasis in Americas Parasite molecular diversity and host immune status contribute to extensive variances in its clinical presentation within endemic areas of Brazil Pentavalent antimonials have been used for more than sixty years as the first line drug for all cases despite the potential for severe side effects and refractoriness In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, most L (V.) braziliensis infections correspond to benign infections with scarcity of parasites, although metastasis and refractoriness can arise Objective: In this scenario, the use of novel molecular tools can be useful for diagnosis, to access tissue parasitism and benefit clinical and therapeutic management Methods: Herein parasite load was accessed with real time PCR based on leishmanial small subunit ribosomal RNA gene Results and conclusion: Our data revealed a tendency of higher tissue parasitism in skin compared to mucous lesions sites and its reduction with disease progression Parasite load was lower in poor compared to good responders to antimonials, and was also reduced in recurrent lesions compared to primary ones However, it became higher with sequential relapses, pointing to an immune system inability to control the infection Therefore the parasite burden does not seem to be a good predictor of disease progression Key words: parasitic load, small subunit ribosomal RNA gene, Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis, therapeutic failure INTRODUCTION Tegumentary leishmaniasis (TL) is a group of infectious diseases with a broad diversity in clinical presentation Caused by parasites of the genus Leishmania that are transmitted by sand flies, Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis is the main etiological agent of leishmaniasis in the Americas1 Brazil has the highest incidence of TL worldwide2 with autochthony confirmed in all regions of the country3 Most TL cases correspond to cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), which are characterized by a single ulcer on the skin that can regress spontaneously However, some patients may develop mucosal leishmaniasis (ML), a destructive and diffuse metastatic infiltration of nasal/oral/nasopharyngeal mucosa that occur months or several years after the primary lesion resolution Pentavalent antimonials have been used for more than sixty years as the first line drug for treatment for all clinical presentations of leishmaniasis, although it has several limitations such as severe side effects and drug resistance Most cases in Rio de Janeiro state correspond to benign infections but a poor response to treatment can occur with a failure rate of 16% and the development of mucosal forms4,5 There are several arguments to explain the differences in clinical and therapeutic outcomes of TL It is now clear that both parasite molecular diversity and host immune response contribute to the extensive clinical polymorphism in endemic areas Although Glucantime® treatment mostly accelerates lesion healing, it does not induce the total clearance of the parasites and a low number are likely to persist in the cutaneous scars over the patient’s lifetime6 The scarcity of tissue parasitism has been described as a common observation in patients infected by L (V.) braziliensis7, which underlies the need for highly sensitive molecular approaches to confirm a diagnosis8 Additionally, for different species, parasite load could be related to the severity of lesions Mice models that mimics L (L.) major natural transmission revealed that a high-dose inoculum leads to larger lesion development, while low doses of parasites resulted less severe pathologies, regardless of higher parasite titers in the chronic phase9 The aim of this study was to further investigate the association between the parasite load measured in patient lesions to diverse clinical presentations and their response to therapeutic interventions for L (V.) braziliensis tegumentary leishmaniasis cases in Brazil MATERIALS AND METHODS Patients A total of 126 patients with leishmaniasis were studied All patients were from Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, an endemic area for L (V.) braziliensis Cases with any comorbidity were excluded from the study Diagnosis was confirmed by at least one of the following methods: histopathology, Leishman’ stained imprint of the lesions, culture and/or PCR In addition, all patients were submitted to Montenegro skin test TL positive patients were treated with 10 to 20mg/kg/day of N-methyl-glucamine (Glucantime®, Rhodia Laboratories, Antony, France) for 20 to 30 days Patients were reevaluated three months after the end of the treatment, and were considered as clinically cured if lesions reached complete epithelization and absence of erythema, induration or papules Poor responders were defined if healing was incomplete Response was also considered poor if reactivation or secondary metastatic lesions, either cutaneous or mucosal, appeared For parasite load analysis, patients were divided into different groups according to their clinical presentations: cutaneous (CL, n=71), recurrent CL (REC, n=15), mucosal lesion (ML, n=18), mucocutaneous patients (MCL, defined as cases presenting concomitant active mucous and cutaneous lesions, n=14) and cutaneous scars (n=8) When appropriate, total CL group was divided according to treatment response or time of disease evolution: 1) good response to treatment (GR, n=54) and poor response (PR, n=17) or 2) duration of disease: up to months (early, n=43), between and 12 months (intermediary, n=18) and higher than 12 months (late, n=10) Biopsies were taken with a punch at the border of the lesions and submitted to diagnostic procedures, which included nucleic acids isolation for real time PCR quantification assays All specimens were taken before treatment, except for recurrent cases Dermatitis cases were included as negative controls Parasites and human cell cultures Leishmania (V.) braziliensis reference strain (MHOM/BR/1975/M2903) was obtained from the Leishmania Collection of Oswaldo Cruz Institute (CLIOC) Promastigotes were grown at 25°C in Schneider’s Drosophila medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum (Cultilab, Campinas, SP, Brazil), 100 UI/ml penicillin and 50 μg/ml streptomycin (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) Human acute monocyte leukemia cell line (THP-1, obtained from Rio de Janeiro Cell Bank, ATCC TIB-202 (American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, MD) was maintained at 37°C and 5% CO2 in RPMI 1640 medium (Sigma Chemicals, St Louis, MO) supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (Cultilab, Rio e Janeiro, Brasil), mM L-glutamine (Pharmacia Biotech, Piscataway, NJ), 100 UI/ml penicillin, 50 μg/ml streptomycin, 10 mM HEPES and 0.05 mM 2-mercaptoethanol (Sigma Chemicals, St Louis, MO) Nucleic acids purification DNA was purified from parasites, human cultured cells and biopsy specimens using Illustra Tissue & Cells Genomic Prep Mini Spin Kit (GE Healthcare, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, UK) following manufactures instructions Extracted DNA was quantified by NanoDrop (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) and diluted in TE buffer to 25 ng/μl if necessary and stored at -20°C Parasite quantification assay Absolute quantification real-time PCR (qPCR) was performed using StepOne Real Time System (Applied Biosystems Foster City, CA, USA) with Power SYBR-Green® PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) The thermal profile was 95°C for 10 minutes, followed by 40 cycles of 95°C for 30 seconds, 60°C for minute and 75°C for 30 seconds as reading step10 Additional melt curve was performed to check amplification products specificity from 65°C to 95°C Leishmania small subunit RNA gene (SSR) (accession number M80292) was used to access parasite load11,12,13 and human β-actin (ACT) (accession number NM001101.3) was included to correct DNA content variations and inhibitors interference among samples Oligonucleotides at 500nM were used (5’ to 3’): ACT, TAATGTCACGCACGATTTCCC and TCACCGAGCGCGGCT14 and SSR, TACTGGGGCGTCAGAG and GGGTGTCATCGTTTGC11 Standard curves were prepared with log dilutions of number of cultured Leishmania and DNA mass (ng) of human cells (immortalized THP-1 human monocyte linage), for SSR and ACT analyses, respectively Parasite load (PL) was defined as the number of parasites equivalents per mass of DNA host cells (ng) No more than 50ng of total DNA were analyzed per reaction Negative samples were classified as undetermined SSR quantification cycle (Cq) if values that corresponded to ACT Cq were superior to limit of detection (LOD) Data analyses were carried out using Excel Ethical issues The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee from FIOCRUZ (protocol: 0033.0.011.346-11) Written informed consent was obtained from all patients Diagnostic tissue fragments were obtained from the border of ulcer by biopsy, under sterile conditions after local anesthesia Normal skin samples were obtained from esthetics surgery Leishmania Collection of Oswaldo Cruz Institute (CLIOC, http://clioc.fiocruz.br/) is registered in the World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCCWDCM 731) and is recognized as a Depository Authority by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (D.O.U 05.04.2005) RESULTS Clinical profile of the patients Age, Montenegro skin test results (MTN), number of lesions and duration of disease are compared in figure ML or MCL is a reactivation process of CL that often occurs in patients with compromised immune system These scenarios are frequently related to older patients and thus ML and MCL showed higher mean ages than CL that exhibited wider age range (figure 1A) Intradermal Montenegro skin test revealed higher responsiveness for ML patients compared to CL and MCL (figure 1B) MCL patients presented higher number of cutaneous lesions compared to CL and reactivations (REC) (figure 1C) Highest time of disease progression was observed for ML and MCL (figure 1D) Additionally, the same criterion was longer on reactivations than on primary CL cases (figure 1E) Both results showed relationship between poor prognosis and elevated healing time after treatment Parasite quantification assay Standard curves for both targets (quantification cycle versus logarithm of the Leishmania cell numbers or mass of human DNA) showed similar efficiencies (96.66% for SSR and 99.25% for ACT), good linear correlation (r2 of 0.99 for both) and linear dynamic range Efficiency for parasite curves was not affected by the presence of human DNA Melting temperatures (Tm) were 78.0 ± 0.5 °C for SSR assay and 81.0 ± 0.5 °C for ACT Negative controls provided undetectable SSR amplification values Undetected parasite loads were not plotted Tissue parasitism in different clinical forms and treatment outcomes There was a tendency of lower tissue parasitism for mucous cases (ML) compared to cutaneous lesions (CL), although there was no statistical difference (figure 2A) This observation is in agreement with previous study from Peru with Leishmania (Viannia) cases15 Nevertheless, this data diverged from histopathological consensus that mucous lesions present significantly lower parasitism levels than cutaneous ones7 Scars showed very low and mostly undetectable values (figure 2A), indicating that treatment and patient’s immune system has been able to reduce parasites number Skin samples from mucocutaneous lesions (MCL) (n=11) presented significantly higher parasite loads (PL) than mucous samples from MCL (n=7), following the same pattern observed for CL and ML, according to the tissue localization (figure 2B) When total CL group was classified into good and poor responders the last group showed statistically lower parasitism levels (figure 2C) But analyzing relapse group apart from poor responders a different scenario was delineated Only first reactivation group (1stREC) presented statistically lower tissue parasitism than all others (figure 2D), compared to primary lesions from good (GR) and poor responders (primPR) and first (1stREC) and second recurrences (2ndREC) Lesions from multiple relapses showed high parasite load, pointing immune system exhaustion possibly derived from chronic disease Additionally, new analysis of a small number of samples, including paired primary and first recurrent lesions from the same patient was conducted (n=8) (data not shown) But no statistical differences and no correlation (Spearman r=0.16, p=0.7) were observed, corroborating parasite persistence Parasite load is inversely correlated to time of disease progression Recurrent infections showed significantly higher times of disease progression than primary lesions (figure 1E) It was observed an inversely and light but significant correlation between time of disease progression and parasite load when all cutaneous lesions were assayed, with recurrences (Spearman r=-0.35, p=0.002) (figure 3A) Also when CL group was classified according to disease progression times as early (n=43, up to months), intermediate (n=18, between and 12 months) and late CL (n=10, older than 12 months), higher disease duration led to downgrade parasite loads, significantly (figure 3B) DISCUSSION L (V.) braziliensis infections correspond to lesions with scarcity of parasites In this scenario, molecular tools could be useful to confirm diagnosis, to identify species and also to access parasite load, assisting clinical and treatment management In the present study we have used qPCR to investigate parasite loads in tegumentary leishmaniasis lesions from different clinical forms, treatment responses and times of disease progression Among our data, skin from cutaneous and mucocutaneous clinical forms exhibited the highest parasite loads compared to mucosal sites These observations suggest that the microenvironment of different anatomical sites might be the key for a specific host response16 Our data corroborates the findings described by Jara and colleagues (2013) in Peru in spite of using a different target In the present work we have used multi-copy small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU or SSR)11,17,12 and not kDNA, since its accuracy might be compromised by mini-circles heterogeneity and copy numbers variation among species, strains and isolates18,19 Moreover, the SSR region used herein is very conserved among Trypanossomatidae family enabling the use with other trypanosomatids clinical samples to access parasitism variations In scars, sparse or undetectable parasite levels were observed, warranting a role for the immune response in the healing process Parasitological cure, however, does not seem to occur at least for L (V.) braziliensis cases, since kDNA is present in almost 80% of scarred tissue from treated patients6 In the present work, regardless of using a different and less sensitive target than kDNA, we have confirmed parasite persistence in the scars In Rio de Janeiro endemic areas, good treatment response and spontaneous cure is often observed, but a few cases may evolve with a poor response, corresponding to delay to healing or recurrent events Poor responders showed lower tissue parasitism than those with a good response When infection doses were evaluated in murine model for L (L.) major, the low dose group resulted in chronic infections that required longer periods to heal, in spite of the minor pathology observed in acute phase9 These results suggest that reduced parasite titers could be related to chronic disease outcome However, when primary poor response lesions were analyzed separated from recurrences a new scenario was revealed Parasite loads from primary good and poor responders were undistinguishable, but significantly lower in the first episode of recurrence, indicating some the host has some control on parasite growth A TH-1 response is key for the clinical resolution process, and is indeed expressed either in cutaneous or mucosal lesions20-23 However, this response does not seem to be sufficient to induce a parasitological cure, since parasites remain in a very low quantity within the scars6,24 Additionally secondary recurrences showed parasite loads undistinguishable from primary lesions, reflecting parasite persistence, and indicating host immune system inability to solve the infection and/or possibly drug refractoriness On the other hand, recurrent and mucosal diseases have both a long duration as compared to single cutaneous disease An inverse and light negative correlation was observed between tissue parasitism and the duration of the disease Also, when all cutaneous cases were split according to duration of disease, lower parasite titers were observed for oldest lesions Our group previously demonstrated for Rio de Janeiro endemic area that poor responders exhibited high pro-inflammatory cytokines ratios (high ratio of with IFN-γ:TGF-β) and metaloproteinases activity characteristic of poor wound healing, in contrast to antiinflammatory good responders profile (low ratio of IFN-γ:IL-10), associated with lower gelatinase activity in their lesions22,25 This pro-inflammatory cytokines balance could also explain recurrent lesions tendency of high evolution times, regardless of lower parasite titers Then patient refractoriness that resulted in recurrent infections could be related to immune system exhaustion and parasite persistence Finally, our data provided precious contribution to previous statement that chronic L (V.) braziliensis infections corresponded to scarce parasitism26 Furthermore, parasitism in mucosal forms was statistically undistinguishable to cutaneous lesions, despite of 10 tendency to lower values These observations counteract histopathological consensus, that mucosal disease has a scarce parasitism7 Ultimately, the synergistic effect of treatment and host immune system often result in a good response and parasite reduction In this endemic area, the majority of cases evolve to cure However, few cases may exhibit cutaneous recurrence or mucous lesions, corresponding to metastatic events In this study, it was demonstrated that patients with multiple relapses had high tissue parasitism, suggesting treatment refractoriness and/or immune system exhaustion leading to parasite persistence FUNDING: This work was supported by FIOCRUZ, Conselho 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Ngày đăng: 04/12/2022, 15:04


