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generalized Clausius-Mossotti relation describing the dielectric permittivity of a semi-infinite artificial periodic structure The obtained expressions include the spatial dispersion and permit defining resonant conditions for propagating waves Introduction Periodicity changes the dielectric properties and, consequently, determines the propagation of electromagnetic waves in periodic structures of various types [1-3] Periodic structures are widely used in different applications, e.g., in new and perspective class of materials – photonic crystals and metamaterials [4], for producing high-performance filters, in resonators, signal dividers, microwave electronics, etc Photonic crystal is a periodic structure which allows controlling light by opening a bandgap within a range of forbidden frequencies Theoretical calculations of a light propagation in photonic crystals are based on the general theory for periodic structures [5] In this work we develop the so called local field theory for the case of semi-infinite artificial periodic structure In our recent paper [6] we considered an infinite structure and now demonstrate that existence of the surface leads to the additional anisotropy and, thus, changes the tensor structure of the dielectric permittivity The method we use is based on the direct solving Maxwell's equations, and it is known that in case of amorphous medium the natural changing of the dielectric properties near the surface occurs [7, 8] Dielectric properties of semi-infinite artificial periodic structure We consider the semi-infinite periodic structure occupying half-space z composed of N anisotropic particles with the same polarizability ij : ij ij ei e j ei e j (1) Let the external field E act on this structure One can write a solution of the Fourier transform of Maxwell's equations in a medium in the dipole approximation The microscopic field acting on the a th particle can be written as [6, 9]: Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd CORSCS2015 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 740 (2016) 012012 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/740/1/012012 Eimic R a , Ei0 R a , 2 d lS l, E R , expil R ij mic k jk b b R a , (2) b where Sij l, k 2 ij li l j (3) , l k i0 k c, (4) where index b corresponds to all the other particles of this structure with the exception of a -th particle Equation (2) can be solved only approximately because of N The addend in equation (2) is formed by the sum of the fields of the rest particles of matter The contribution of any particle depends on its position relative to the a -th particle It determines the dependence of the effective field on the mutual arrangement of the particles, i.e in fact the structure of matter Let w R ba be the probability density of finding the b -th particle at the distance R ba R b R a k 1, N 1 from the a -th one: N (5) R ba R m N m 1 Let us replace Emic in the first approximation in equation (2) with its averaged over other particles value called the local field Eloc : N Eiloc R, Ei0 R, Sij R m , jk Ekloc R R m , , (6) 2 m 1 where Sij R , d 3l Sij l, exp ilR (7) w R ba We take into account that all the particles are located only in the region z One can find the macroscopic field by averaging equation (2) over the coordinates of all the particles: Ei R, Ei0 R, (8) d 3lSij l, jk Ekloc R b , exp il R b R , 2 b where N (9) b Ekloc R b , expil Rb R V d 3REkloc R, expil R R Z Then, the macroscopic field can be obtained in form Ei R, Ei0 R, n d RSij R, jk Ekloc R R, (10) 2 Z Z 0 The macroscopic field is expressed through the local field using equations (6) and (10): Ei R, Eiloc R, n d RSij R, jk Ekloc R R, 2 Z Z 0 (11) N loc Sij R m , jk Ek R R m , 2 m 1 Equation (11) can be written in variables q, , z : CORSCS2015 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 740 (2016) 012012 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/740/1/012012 Ei q, z, Eiloc q, z, 2 n d R exp iqR Sij R, jk Ekloc q, z Z , N S R , jk Ekloc q, z Z m , exp iqR m 2 m 1 A relation between the Fourier transforms of the local and macroscopic fields [10]: tik q, z, Ekloc q, z, Ei q, z, , where tik q, z, ik n d R exp iqR Sij R, jk 2 Z Z 0 (12) Z Z ij m N (13) (14) expiqR m Sij R m , jk 2 m 1 Let us make some auxiliary manipulations: Sij R, d 3l Sij l, exp ilR a R ij b R Thus, tensor tik q, z, has the form: Ri R j R2 RiRj d R exp i qR a R b R jk ij 2 Z Z R 2 Rim R mj N exp iqR m a Rm ij b Rm jk , 2 m 1 Rm2 tik q, z, ik (15) n (16) where a R 2 2k sin kR 2 cos kR ; R2 R3 2k 2k 2 b R cos kR sin kR cos kR R R R As a result, we find expression for the dielectric permittivity: ik q,z. ik 4 nij t jk1 q,z, , where z Let us neglect the anisotropy of individual particles, i.e.: 1 ik We can find a tensor t q, z, (19) qi qk q2 c3 q, z, ei ek c4 q, z, ei qk c5 q, z, qi ek one can see that (18) by presenting tensor tik q, z, in the form: tik q, z, c1 q, z, ik c2 q, z, From the condition (17) (20) tik q, z, tki q, z, , (21) c4 q, z, c5 q, z, (22) Therefore, equation (20) goes to CORSCS2015 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 740 (2016) 012012 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/740/1/012012 tik q, z, c1 q, z, ik c2 q, z, qi qk q2 c3 q, z, ei ek c4 q, z, ei qk qi ek (23) Comparing equations (16) and (23) we find the coefficient c1 q, z, : c1 q, z, a1 q, z, a2 q, z, , (24) where a1 q, z, 2 n d R exp iqR a R ; Z Z (25) N exp iqR m a Rm 2 m 1 The other coefficients can be obtained by multiplying equation (23) by ki , ek ei , ek qi : a2 q, z, c2 q, z, b1 q, z, b2 q, z, ; c3 q, z, b3 q, z, b4 q, z, ; (26) c4 q, z, b5 q, z, b6 q, z, , where Z 2 d R exp i qR b R ; 2 R Z Z N Z 2 b2 q, z, exp iqR m b Rm 1 m2 ; 2 m 1 Rm b1 q, z, n b3 q, z, n 2 d R exp iqR b R Z Z Z 2 b4 q, z, exp iqR m b Rm m2 ; 2 Rm m 1 b6 q, z, 2 2 (27) N b5 q, z, Z 2 ; R 2 n d R exp iqR b R Z Z N exp iqR m b Rm m 1 qR Z k ; q R 2 qR Z m q Rm2 Tensor tik1 q, z, has the same structure as tik q, z, in equation (23): tik1 q, z, d1 q, z, ik d q, z, qi qk q2 d3 q, z, ei ek d q, z, ei qk qi ek (28) For finding the coefficients d1,2,3,4 q, z, in equation (28) it is necessary to carry out some additional calculations: (29) tki1 q,z, tij q,z, kj To make the calculations easier, let us put c q,z, c ; d q,z, d , where 1,2,3,4 The tensor coefficients in equation (29) are grouped: (30) CORSCS2015 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 740 (2016) 012012 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/740/1/012012 qq kj d1c1 kj d1c2 d c1 d c2 d 4c4 q k j d1c3 d 3c1 d 3c3 d 4c4 q ek e j q d1c4 d3c4 d c1 d c2 ek q j d1c4 d c4 d c1 d c3 qk e j , after which one can write the system of equations for unknown coefficients: d1c1 1; d1c2 d c1 d c2 d c4 q 0; d1c3 d3c1 d3c3 d c4 q 0; d c d c d c d c 2 4 It is easy to solve this system: d1 ; c1 d2 d3 c1c2 c2 c3 q c42 c1 c12 c1c2 c1c3 c2 c3 q 2c42 c1c3 c2 c3 q c42 c1 c12 c1c2 c1c3 c2 c3 q 2c42 (31) (32) ; (33) ; c4 c c1c2 c1c3 c2 c3 q 2c42 According to equations (18) and (28) the coefficients obtained determine the dielectric permittivity d4 Discussion The results obtained here describe the dielectric properties of semi-infinite artificial periodic structure, which consists of particles These particles can be of different nature: atoms, molecules, nanoparticles, quantum dots, etc equations (16) - (18) and (28), (33) describe this structure in the transparency band of the optical frequency range in the dipole approximation The expression for the dielectric permittivity is obtained taking into account the spatial dispersion Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the project 3.1110.2014/K and the Competitiveness Program of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI References [1] Zhang Z and Satpathy S 1990 Phys Rev Lett 65 2650 [2] Crisostomo J, Costa W A and Giarola 1993 A J IEEE 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recent paper [6] we considered an infinite. .. We obtain from the first principles a generalized Clausius- Mossotti relation describing the dielectric permittivity of a semi- infinite artificial periodic structure The obtained expressions include