Taoism: Action Versus Inaction The Star Trek The Next
Generation episode: "Booby Trap" shows a perfect example of Taoist
thought. The crew of the Enterprise is always taking some action in order
to achieve a specific goal. This episode shows that through inaction you
can sometimes achieve far more than you could through action. The mind
of the physical senses cannot grasp the concepts of the unnameable.
The crew of the Enterprise learn a valuable lesson on the nature of
decision making and how to do without doing anything. The
Enterprise is caught in an ancient trap that uses the starships own power
supply to destroy its occupants. The answer to the trap is to shut down
the engines; by generating no power the trap is overcome. Taoism is a
philosophy based on inaction: "Therefore the Master acts without doing
anything and teaches without saying anything."(Tao Te Ching pg. 2)
When the true nature of the trap is revealed, Ryker states "If we
resist we die. If we don't resist we die." Neither action nor inaction was
the key to salvation. Ryker's statement was based on a physical world;
the Tao goes beyond action or inaction of a physical sense. The Tao Te
Ching states, "the Master does nothing, yet leaves nothing undone."(pg.
38) The Master does not rely on the world of the senses to decide her
action.Everything the crew of the enterprise tried to do was based on
overpowering the trap. "More energy, faster adjustments. But that's
exactly what we can't do because that's what we're supposed to do."(Star
Trek La Forge) All of the attempts to overcome the trap were based on
action, trying to do something about the problem. The Tao teaches us to
"Stop thinking and end your problems." The answer to all things
surrounds us; but cannot be grasped by the physical senses. The trap
was symbolic of life; no action will bring the desired end; why worry about
what we do or do not do? The end will always be the same. Taoism goes
beyond the functions of sensual perception. The mind without the senses
is at one with all things. Geordi La Forge states that "the answer is our
own computer the mind is the best piece of engineering we'll ever need."
Geordi La Forge grasped the idea that the mind or Zen is infinitely
greater than any physical object. This revelation allows Geordi to look at
the trap through different eyes and thus find a solution. One of the
ideas for escaping the trap was to turn control of the ship over to the
computer. The Tao tells us to "stay at the center of the circle and let all
things take their course." (pg. 19) Piccard and Ryker, who have spent
their lives chasing after things of a physical nature, worked against the
Tao. Their inability to relinquish control of the ship and "let all thing take
their course"(pg19) showed that they could not embrace the meaning of
the Tao. Their faith rested only in what they could see. At the end of
the episode La Forge says "I always thought that technology could solve
almost any problem. It enhances the quality of our lives. Lets us travel
across the galaxy. Even gave me my vision; but sometimes you just have
to turn it all off." Geordi had finally embraced the idea that his actions in
this world are useless. His vision, his technology, are all just
manifestations of perception. Truth lies far beyond what can be seen or
felt, but it can be found deep within by casting aside all we have learned
and grasping the "unnameable." MLA Documentation "Booby
Trap." Star Trek The Next Generation Dir. Gabrielle Beaumont.
Paramount, 1989. Tzu, Lao. Tao Te Ching Translated by
Stephen Mitchell Bantam books 1986
. die." Neither action nor inaction was
the key to salvation. Ryker's statement was based on a physical world;
the Tao goes beyond action or inaction of. some action in order
to achieve a specific goal. This episode shows that through inaction you
can sometimes achieve far more than you could through action.