PieroDellaFrancesca was an early Italian renaissance artist with an individual
style and perspective that linked geometry and art together to create works of
intense religious value. He believed that forms should have the purity of
geometry, and was dubbed the "monarch of painting" by Luca Pacioli. His
theories and perspectives have been studied by artists all over the world.
Piero was born in Borgo San Sepolcra, Italy around 1415. His father
worked as a wool and leather merchant, and his mother lived in the nearby town
of Monterchi. PieroDellaFrancesca began his career in art by taking an
apprenticeship with Antonio d'Anghiari, although it is believed that he was
strongly influenced by Domenico Veneziano. PieroDellaFrancesca applied a
deep understanding of Florentine art to his paintings that is common to many of
Veneziano's great works. It is thought that Piero worked as an assistant to
Domenico Veneziano for painting the fresco "History of the Virgin" for the
church of Saint Egidio. Some of Piero's earlier works display lucid colors and
brilliant sunlight which is very similar to the techniques in Veneziano's works.
Piero Della Francesca's artwork has also shown similarities to that of Massacio's.
Massacio was one of the first great artists of the renaissance whose depiction of
natural light influenced some of Piero's works. Later, around 1440, Piero worked
for Marquis Leonello d'Este, one of the most clarified patrons of the renaissance.
All most all of PieroDella Francesca's works are related to religion. He
has created dozens of altarpieces and church frescoes. One of his most famous
religious Frescoes was the series "Legend of the True Cross" which was
completed for the Church of San Francesco in Arezzo. Some of Piero's later
works show an influence of Flemish art principals like intricate details and
complex still life pieces.
Piero spent his career working in numerous cities such as Rome, Ferrara,
Arezzo, Urbino, and Rimini. His work was too individual to have a dramatic
impact on Florentine art, but certain aspects of his work were significant to the
later Bellini and Raphael. PieroDellaFrancesca died in Borgo San Sepelcron on
July 5th in 1492.
. Piero Della Francesca was an early Italian renaissance artist with an individual
style. leather merchant, and his mother lived in the nearby town
of Monterchi. Piero Della Francesca began his career in art by taking an
apprenticeship with Antonio