I was getting ready for school one morning when my father said
that my cousin Jennifer was on the phone and she wanted to know if I
wanted a ticket to the NeilYoung concert coming up in Halifax. I said I
did and I kind of forgot about it. It was Halloween night and I was
listening to an old Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young album when I looked at
the release date when I realized that in a mere five days I was going to
witness a legend in his finest form. Some say the NeilYoung is
playing the finest guitar of his life these days. Some people say that he¹s
just an old man who can¹t sing, never could sing and should have retired
a long time ago. I on the other hand see him differently. He is man
who doesn¹t care about his appearance, doesn¹t care about what other
people think about him. He is an entertainer. He is a healer. He is a
Canadian. He is a man. When I picture myself at fifty I picture myself
like him. We left for the concert on Tuesday morning and we arrived
in the city at about noon. My uncle drove me and my cousin Edward up.
We bummed around the city for a while and then we went to Jen¹s place
where we were staying. There were a few other people from Inverness
staying there as well. My uncle, Edward and I left for the concert at
around quarter to seven. We kind of got lost. We got to the show at
around seven thirty. While we were in line waiting to get in I could here
the band that was performing. It was then that I realized what I was
about to experience. I stumbled to my seat, half looking a my feet, half
looking at the band on stage. I can¹t remember their name but they were
good. As soon as we sat down the band ended their set and the lights
came on. Then we just sat their for a while and I saw a lot of people that I
knew from Mabou. The lights went out and the place started to rumble
with excitement. Moist came out on stage and started playing their set.
When the band started to play Push I ran down to the front along with just
about everyone else. But we were pushed back by 12the security. So
we just sat in our seats for the rest of their set. The lights came back on
and their were a bunch of guys on stage who were messing with stuff.
One guy had on a big white jump suit and everyone thought he was Neil
Young so when he would appear on the stage everyone would start to
scream. NeilYoung did come out on the stage once to tune his guitar.
He just stood there and looked out at us all. He played a few things and
he handed his guitar to the man in the white jump suit. He left the stage
and didn¹t return for about a half hour. I was talking to Brandon McNeil
when the lights went out again. Neil started his set with a real hard rocker
which just sent everyone into a frenzy. Everyone was standing on their
seats which meant that if you wanted to see anything you had to as well.
They jammed for what seemed like hours. Neil would be leaning
forward just beating the tar out of that old guitar. It¹s same guitar he¹s
used for over 28 years. It¹s the same guitar he played at Woodstock. It¹s
all black except for the back of the neck where his hand has rubbed off all
the paint so it¹s just the color of the wood. His stage presence is like
nothing I¹ve ever seen before. He¹s not the most gracious person I¹ve
ever seen but he¹s got a real quality to him. A true quality. He would just
rock back and forth and crunch up his face and let his guitar sing. At one
point, Neil Young, the bass player and the other guitar player were
huddled around in a circle and they were all rocking back and forth. It
looked as though they were going to butt heads. It reminded me of a
tribal dance of some sort. The concert mesmerized me. I paid no
attention to the idiots in front of me smoking pot or the guy who kept
falling off his chair a few seat down. For the entire time I was in a world
of my own. Just me and Neil. He didn¹t talk much. At one point he
said into the mic ³How ya doin¹?² But that was pretty much it.3 He
played a lot of songs of his latest album which I didn¹t know. But he
played a lot of old songs too like ³needle and the damage done² and
³heart of gold² which were crowd pleasers. But when he played ³rocking
in the free world² I ran down to the front of the stage. I was about four
feet away from NeilYoung and this giant hand grabbed me from behind.
That giant hand was attached to a giant security guard which asked me
for my ticket so he could escort me back to my seat. And since I gave my
ticket to someone so they could get on to the floor I didn¹t have any ticket
to show him. I said that my mom was holding on to my ticket and I ran
from him before he decided whether he believed my story or not. When
Neil was done with ³rocking in the free world² they just went bananas for
about two minutes. They would build up all this musical tension and then
release it and build up this tension again that was just asking to be
resolved. I just kept getting louder and louder and louder and Neil Young
sang the chorus to ³rocking in the free world² one more time by himself
and he addressed the crowd saying ³Thank you and good luck². Which
seemed to sum it up pretty well. He left the stage but everyone knew he
would be back again so we all just stood there and screamed at the
empty stage. He came on again and played for another twenty minutes
or so. The encore wasn¹t anything I knew but it was still good. By
this time I realized I was very tired and my feet hurt. But what I left the
concert with wasn¹t pain or tiredness it was inspiration. I went to see a
man who was doing what I hope to do myself some day. He showed me
that I can. That night while I laid in bed I kept thinking of what he had
said, ³Thank you and good luck². It made so much sense then. He was
thanking us because if we weren¹t there he wouldn¹t be where he is right
now. He was wishing us luck on our own journeys whether they be in
music or business or engineering. This concert was one which I will
remember for the rest of my life. I¹m going to 4look back at this as a
millstone in my own musical career. The day I realized what truth really is
and how I can achieve it.
. when I realized that in a mere five days I was going to
witness a legend in his finest form. Some say the Neil Young is
playing the finest guitar of his. tension again that was just asking to be
resolved. I just kept getting louder and louder and louder and Neil Young
sang the chorus to ³rocking in the free