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advanced exercises grade 12UNIT 123

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ADVANCED PRACTICE EXERCISES GRADE 12 – UNIT 1,2,3 1 The events and changes in the stock trading market have great on markets around the world A influent B influence C influential D influenced 2 We nee.

ADVANCED PRACTICE EXERCISES GRADE 12 – UNIT 1,2,3 The events and changes in the stock trading market have great _ on markets around the world A influent B influence C influential D influenced We need to inspire young women _ expansively and courageously about the impact they can have on the world A to think B thinking C to thinking D to be thought _ , Mike, remember to fork over that one - hundred dollars you owe me before Dec A By the way B On the way C On the way to D By way of Windsor is one of the UK’s top comperes and has a natural _ to create a relaxed, friendly atmosphere in any room A probability B ability C possibility D responsibility Between 1888 and 1906, Doyle wrote seven historical novels, which he and many critics _ his best work A as regards B regarded as C regardless of D with regard to Alexandre Yersin, who had quite a distinguished career in medicine, _ his life to the poor and sick people in Viet Nam A mounted B excited C devoted D interested Studios are rushing out monster movies to _ our new-found enthusiasm for dinosaurs A take advantage B take advantages of C take advantage of D take advantage in The security system will not permit you _ without the correct password A to enter B entering C being entered D to be entered The Worldwide Fund for Nature has been accused _ helping to cover _ a report _ the damage done by illegal logging A with - with - in B on - by - of C by - on - about D of - up - on 10 You have to insert an additional piece of material _ the waistline _ the dress to make it large enough for her A into - of B upon - in C from - for D up - over 11 Small children are often told that it is rude to point _ other people A out B to C at D up 12 Even where parents no longer live together, they each continue to be _ for their children A response B responsive C responsible D responsibility 13 The company has worked its way up from humble _ to become the market leader A beginnings B departures C arrivals D entrances 14 In the movie, he plays a concerned and sensitive father trying to _ two teenage children on his own A bring up B grow up C bring out D take after 15 He was away in the army and always _ for news for home A starves B starved C has been starved D had been starving 16 After the awful meals we had last Christmas, I vowed _ more of the cooking myself A to B doing C having done D to have done 17 The runway lights flashed on, and the first models _ from behind the stage set A existed B developed C emerged D arose 18 While the teacher was talking, her assistant _ pens and paper for us all 1|Page A filled in B handed out C divided into D worked up 19 I trusted Brennan sufficiently to reveal Julie’s _ and the burglary A identity B identify C identical D identification 20 Unfortunately, the snail _ across the island and caused widespread destruction to crops A spread B is spread C has been spread D was spreading 21 You should learn how to give wisely in order for other people not to your generosity A take advantage of B take care of C take after D take over 22 is when large numbers of people move from urban areas into surrounding countryside or rural areas A Industrialization B Mechanization C Counter urbanization D Commercialization 23 Nguyen Trai, also known under his style name Ức Trai, was a philosopher, poet, and encyclopaedist A unremarkable B indifferent C commonplace D distinguished 24 In mega-cities, sometimes we can see faces of people migrating from the countryside A well-known B time-saving C co-effective D weather-beaten 25 While Michael has ability to musical instruments skillfully, Mozart can compose his work at the age of five A make B accompany C play D sing 26 Traffic congestion increases as a large percentage of the commutes to work every day A immigrant B emigrant C settler D expatriate 27 Ho Chi Minh, one of greatest presidents in the world, lived and his life to our country’s sake A dedicated B allowed C pursed D supported 28 Monaco is the most country in the world, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division A sparsely populated B densely populated C thinly populated D clearly populated 29 Larry Stewart was brought up by grandparents in Mississippi in 1948 and devoted his life to work A charity B charitably C charitable D charitableness 30 The government have carried out strategic policies so that the poor can approach houses with a long-term view to ending homelessness A cost-effective B down-market C high-speed D down-to-earth 31 Doyle was influenced by his mother, who was a well-educated woman A strongly B highly C spontaneously D heavily 32 A is a deprived area within a city, lacking adequate access to water, sanitation and proper housing, and often characterized by high levels of poverty and overcrowding A hotel B villa C motel D slum 33 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had his original work by age five A composed B disturbed C comprised D marshaled 34 The lack of adequate and services, unsafe housing, inadequate and poor health services can turn natural hazard into a disaster A groundwork B infrastructure C telecommunication D foundation 35 People can money, rice, and old clothes so that these flood victims have food and shelter A withdraw B remove C donate D retract 36 Many people have moved to cities to better-paid jobs and have a better standard of living A look after B look up C look over D look for 37 People can lose all or part of an arm or leg for a number of reasons but the device, which is called a , can help you to perform daily activities such as walking, eating, or dressing 2|Page A prosthesis B prosthetic C prostheses D prosthetically 38 The decrease in rural populations means a shortage of workers who will be able to produce A agriculture B industry C commerce D mechanics 39 The purpose of secondary education is to give students common knowledge to _ either higher education or vocational education A prepare for B capable of C acceptable to D suffer from 40 He had not parked in front of the house because he had no desire to _ attention to himself A draw B come to C show D pay 41 When troubled, kids are more prone to misbehave and less able to concentrate, and it can be a struggle keeping learners _ in such cases A posted B informed C engaged D occupied 42 You should _ what the interviewer is saying and make a real effort to answer all the questions A liable for B concentrate on C emerge from D suspicious of 43 If you’re both going to lie, at least _ the same story and don’t contradict each other! A stick out B stick on C stick in D stick to 44 Mr Obama is scheduled to arrive in the Danish capital early Friday, in time to make a _ to the voting members of the International Olympic Committee A presentation B presentative C presentable D presentational 45 They normally give new employees a little while to settle _ before they overload them _ work A up - at B in - with C down – by D of - of 46 I could tell my students were starting to _ during my class, so I brought out the projector and started using old cartoons to illustrate my points A switch off B shut down C showed up D count on 47 The area is a fantastic place to _, Pastron says, because of its immigrant history and rapid settlement in the 19th century A research B take amiss C make allowance D get tough 48 Most financial advisers _ that you buy individual life insurance, at least as a supplement A recommence B recommend C recommendation D recombination 49 The English campaign against Scotland was planned _ , with a force of around 23,350 men A onomastic B on a hunch C on a par D on a massive scale 50 The issues discussed in this section _ to how reliably and validly these functions can be fulfilled A relate B relative C relational D relationship 51 Some people refuse to buy goods that are overpackaged because they feel that it is _ to the environment A harmful B harmfully C harmless D harmfulness 52 The causes of child labour include poverty, the lack of _ to education, and weak government institutions A excerpt B except C access D excess 3|Page 53 Jocks respect physical prowess and _ unfit people for being weak and lazy A look forward to B look as if C look down on D look up to C jumped D lost 54 We _ a campaign to fight world hunger A launched B sent 55 We used to be friendly _ some people who worked at the Swedish Embassy A on B about C of D with 56 The school sees its job as preparing students to _ a contribution to society A bring B show C make D say 57 As a move towards _ green I’ve recently stopped providing plastic bags for my customers A going B thinking C breaking D setting 58 We haven’t got any sugar, I used _ the last of it when I made a cake A from B out of C down D up 59 I can’t wait to _ rid of that ugly old couch A grow B get C follow D catch 60 I’ve been meaning _ see that new movie everyone is talking about A to B at C by D through 61 Researchers may be unaware _ their uncritical acceptance of categories and consequent results A up B as C of D in 62 He was economical with the truth In other _ he lied A names B comments C words D news 63 "Mental handicap" should be replaced _ the broader concept of "learning difficulties" A with B about C through D around 64 _ conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today A In B From C Upon D Onto 65 Mr Warshaw, who specialises exclusively in conservation work says the _ benefits are both financial and aesthetic A near B straight C open D immediate 66 The car slowed _ when they saw the police A up B behind C next D down 67 Drunken drivers _ a serious threat to other road users A pose B sit C play D create C out D by C urged on D lit up 68 Dinosaurs died _ millions of years ago A of B through 69 Whole villages have been by the floods A turned down B wiped out 70 When Fran moved to China, she struggled to adapt _ her new surroundings 4|Page A about B from C to D with 71 I resent it that my job is starting to _ on my family life A eat B break C carry D encroach 72 Sets out an _ plan, with practical advice on managing changing demand at the neighbourhood level A action B acting C active D actinium 73 Some medical experts have declared that she is in a persistent vegetative state _ no hope _ recovery A in - for B with - down C with - of D at - in 74 People think that _ in the downtown area is due to the increasing number of private cars A no traffic both ways B two-way traffic C traffic warden D traffic congestion 75 The transport service cannot _ the strain of so many additional passengers A blessed with B cope with C shake with D impressed with 5|Page

Ngày đăng: 30/11/2022, 22:36
