CGP Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test Pupil’s name: Test date: School name: Date of Birth Please mark like this: Test EXAMPLE 1 EXAMPLE 9 Josh edited edited his his winning winning story EXAMPLE young mother old elderly new brother sad moan happy angry yell glad 25 10 Ayesha went went walking walking with with emus The cow cow entered entered the the field 22 small large cold run mark push walk sprint pull 26 The silver silver urn urn is is hot 21 10 15 20 25 23 big main ugly PAIN MAIN PRAM ARIA PAPA 16 We’re having having pizza pizza for for tea 20 50 60 70 80 90 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 11 1342 1542 2431 2341 1425 15 14 19 January February March April May June July August September October November December Year A B C D E 2534 5234 5432 2354 2435 10 12 Month A B C D E 13 18 14 20 21 28 3 9 TAGS SAYS SAGS OATS GOAT 17 9 12 10 12 A B C D E 6421 6412 4621 4261 4216 EXAMPLE A B C D E Yesterday Fred Fred broke broke this this hoe A B C D E 4153 2415 2435 4536 4561 A B C D E 6 Day School Number Pupil Number 15 16 17 19 21 24 run camp wet cold damp sleep pen sketch book leaflet paint draw most small huge little lots some 27 Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit © CGP 2018 28 29 A B C D E EXAMPLE A B C D E 30 LR LS NS NR MS HS HR IR GS GR 33 RV TV SU RU SW 35 EXAMPLE carriage ticket track 32 31 FE EF FG DF DG petrol wheel road GR HS MN MT GT 36 hand foot winter hair head warm 38 34 NQ NO FR NN NR 37 run ride fall walk drive play grow mow green blue cloud bird 39 brain hospital health EXAMPLE book library school 40 sap sip sit tie eat EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 46 s e a g t 42 tag sat tar tow sag 47 12 jelly kind set 56 48 49 53 12 24 32 55 59 Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit bet mat ham tab tea 50 vessel can capable n p r k w 45 fan tan nit fin fat 10 12 14 54 look spot stain 58 r b t m d 44 rat ram mat arm sad 10 12 16 hard easy uneven 57 h s p c r 43 can ask man men ace 16 18 20 21 52 51 summer cost fine EXAMPLE 41 tap amp pot top mat 10 12 ant mole badger bear deer elephant bat hurt hit 60 e s h a u t b r p s © CGP 2018 CGP Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test Pupil’s name: Test date: School name: Date of Birth Please mark like this: Test 2 Daneesh Glenda Jean Taylor Nadia Tim Georgia Max Charlotte Callum EXAMPLE ED BA EA FA GA EXAMPLE pen pencil paper card crayon EXAMPLE 24 14 9 3 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 QM QH OI QL HF apple carrot cabbage cauliflower strawberry 14 16 18 20 22 23 MAN AIR AND ATE AID 27 For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit Year 18 22 Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test January February March April May June July August September October November December LT VG JY SK LU 10 14 17 18 22 WERE HIRE PEER RIPE PEEP Month 13 earring scarf jumper necklace bracelet HOW SOW HOP HIP PIN 17 21 HT JS TI HR HN 10 14 18 26 1623 6123 1326 6412 1635 12 nose finger eye foot mouth 16 WON WIN OWN SUM NOW 9 11 12 13 18 20 ET EU FT FU FV 11 fox cat dog hamster badger PAD TAP PAT AID PAR 15 19 CD CF GE BA CG 10 14 25 1534 4334 1356 2623 1543 10 big huge mini tiny gigantic APE ALL ALE RAN ILL TF TE RF RE TG 10 12 14 15 18 EXAMPLE Day School Number Pupil Number HEN NOW HOW INN TOP 28 3243 4614 2334 3241 5123 29 1532 2634 1643 1622 4321 SOOT RUSE REST TOUR OURS © CGP 2018 30 EXAMPLE dog cat cow man boy lad 33 wind shine dark butter cake pan fly flour bowl 34 eye head nose brim brow foot ham ash arm ram has 37 cap ape rap car pea old shabby dusty 38 39 won son now own row 40 dip red rid par air 42 dawn night sunset sunrise sky dark 44 boot dock port sky lit air work know second watch hour clock mace slam meal lame came 41 EXAMPLE shiny new unused day song tomorrow eve party birth 35 36 EXAMPLE 32 31 sun crowd car was low how has all 43 sad huge heavy cry dense tiny human boy woman girl young child 45 pudding evening sleep tea morning breakfast 46 EXAMPLE s p e l l 47 r i d e r 48 elderly new brother p a n t s 50 t r a s h 52 fish shore cliff beach wave certain 54 49 t r a i n 51 EXAMPLE young mother old warm harvest winter summer month dry f l o o d 53 taste drink meal fork menu lunch crown jewel gold ring rock gem 55 coat skirt trousers EXAMPLE DF EB GH ED EF jacket scarf socks grin frown laugh chew smile wink 56 57 OP NV MH MG MI 58 KO LO KP PK JP 59 FT FU GT JQ JU Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit 60 GB PL PM OW QK JV JS FV FR JR © CGP 2018 CGP Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test Pupil’s name: Test date: School name: Date of Birth Please mark like this: Test EXAMPLE summer cost fine EXAMPLE FINE FIVE FATE HIVE LIVE EXAMPLE s e a g t 9 9 RAT DOG ROD DIM DOT 29 e g b m l 15 31 Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit DENT DINE BIDE BIND DIET ST RT SU SV RS 26 OLD COD CAP BAG OAK n s y w p 16 3451 2614 5341 5432 3245 21 25 30 e y t n p A B C D E DK DL EK EO EL SHELL SHELF SHAPE SHARP SHOAL 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 10 20 24 January February March April May June July August September October November December Year talent gift wrapping A B C D E HX GX HY HW GW 3 2436 3264 3462 2346 2364 19 23 Month watch time view A B C D E HY HX FZ FY FX INDUU INCUT IMCUU IMCUT INCUU 14 18 28 NEXT ANTI TENT TINT TEEN IN EN FO FN IO 22 13 17 expel bring fire A B C D E 6512 6215 6152 6312 6132 EA FA AE DA EB A B C D E 12 EXAMPLE rap music throw adapt pocket change 2452 2342 2432 2542 2142 EXAMPLE A B C D E 11 Day School Number Pupil Number 27 HOOPS LOOPS LOOPY LOONY LOGOS SLIT SLIM SLAP SLIP SLAM 32 r m t w b n p t g d © CGP 2018 33 EXAMPLE sap sip sit tie eat him sip hem hop his ear air ate aim sad 38 EXAMPLE 35 34 10 12 44 ram arm gag oar got 39 11 12 14 16 36 ate tea bad aid tab 40 17 19 25 29 33 37 raw ear war wad wan 42 41 47 48 52 60 67 43 14 16 18 20 22 12 13 14 15 18 45 A B C D E A B C D E 47 46 EXAMPLE Yesterday Fred Fred broke broke this this hoe Who opened opened the the biscuit biscuit tin 49 48 Alec rowed rowed the the wooden wooden boat Suzi finished finished all all her her broccoli Aluminium drinks drinks cans cans are are recyclable 50 I know know what what Grandpa Grandpa thinks EXAMPLE carriage ticket track 51 petrol wheel road 54 52 young loud man old mother woman 53 drink cold winter hot summer chestnuts happy sad timid young assured big cry water shout whisper hear video 55 ground eat supermarket library page park EXAMPLE shiny new unused old shabby dusty milk field herd flock dog graze 56 57 between far towards front beyond near 58 pause go wait try stop gone 60 59 tall short slim skinny young lofty speak own teach listen you word Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit © CGP 2018 CGP Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test Pupil’s name: Test date: School name: Date of Birth Please mark like this: Test EXAMPLE 1 9 3 10 12 14 15 20 cup glass plate spoon beaker 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 10 19 January February March April May June July August September October November December Year c a p e r 16 2356 3256 2365 6352 6532 5421 5241 4521 4512 2541 kitchen garden garage bedroom study Month 14 18 work think sing shout chat 9 CALF CAKE CAFE LACE FEEL 17 b l o w n 13 6443 3446 4336 6334 3224 3624 1234 1644 6253 3264 23 4 12 f r a m e pen pencil paper card crayon f a r e d 10 12 14 15 18 EXAMPLE b r a i n 11 s p e l l EXAMPLE Day School Number Pupil Number 21 badminton netball tennis football basketball THIS THIN HITS SOON SHOT 22 hail steam air rain snow man girl boy lady child 24 Charlotte Nikhil Hannah Carlos Jamie Tom Arushi Lily Abdul Elsie EXAMPLE dog cat cow man boy lad 25 26 sheep lamb cow dog cat pig 27 bang pop lemon Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit aid corn drink picture camera photo chart frame graph © CGP 2018 28 29 great grand big EXAMPLE brother father sister 30 31 10 12 EXAMPLE 32 12 24 32 14 27 28 32 35 ONE ALL ATE ARK ALE case card carpet red birthday stair 36 LIP LAD LAG LOP LAP elderly new brother bizarre funny boring alarmed tedious usual employ chore faster 46 47 ignore curious clock 10 12 EXAMPLE FINE FIVE FATE HIVE LIVE EXAMPLE ham ash arm ram has task slower lazy cup fork eat plate dinner mug 10 12 15 53 HEAD HEAL HARD TERM TASK 57 50 38 40 42 44 48 SPOIL SPILL SPELL SPELT PELTS 38 40 42 46 48 55 54 58 cod led doe ode old remember concern horror 49 34 48 62 64 74 NFLQ NKLV MFKQ MKFQ NFLR tale able late bale teal think forget worry 48 52 56 angry drowsy yawn 45 32 35 37 38 39 51 42 excited loud tired 44 EXAMPLE ORE ALL ACE ANT AID ARK ART ARM LAY RAT 41 interested inform look young mother old 43 39 38 ORE RIP IMP AIM INK 40 EXAMPLE 18 10 12 15 37 ANT ONE OWN FOE ORE 34 33 10 11 12 14 WAND VEND WASH VOID WALK 59 rip pip pen pin pie Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit HNKZ INJZ RDSO INKY HNIY 60 tail sail rail ails rats deaf face fade cafe feed © CGP 2018 CGP Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test Pupil’s name: Test date: School name: Date of Birth Please mark like this: Test 1 9 9 Day School Number Pupil Number 9 9 9 3 9 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 A B C D E A B C D E 1335 5331 2335 5332 1334 3564 3465 6354 3654 6534 EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 20 m n d f l EXAMPLE petrol wheel road picture sun jewellery 18 22 g m n p w 24 RE RH QF QE QH 23 m g k d s camel abandon sand Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit t w b c f 26 25 floor window water coin pink pine poke oink UV US VT VS UT 21 d t f m p LOSS BASS BOSS BALL SOBS 13 17 JS JR IR IS TI 6236 5325 3263 4234 6326 lot dot rot rod old 16 NX NY MY MZ MX 19 12 men sin dim den din 15 EN GM EM GN FM s e a g t carriage ticket track 11 map nap nip kin pin 14 6514 4651 5641 6154 5654 10 fed led den fin din EA FA AE DA EB EXAMPLE DAWN DONE NONE NEON NEED sap sip sit tie eat ice cold holiday massive small quiet quick slim minute © CGP 2018 27 28 first dart success EXAMPLE sad failure slow 30 31 EXAMPLE A B C D E 35 ONE ALL ATE ARK ALE 40 41 10 15 18 30 elderly new brother answer repeat react question agree reply 39 ILL LEE LIT LIE ARM 44 43 12 20 24 45 12 24 47 relieve motivate attend acquire expire inspire 49 A B C D E PIN PAN LIP RIP LAP 42 46 EXAMPLE young mother old 38 ACE ICE RAY EYE INN 16 48 60 34 A B C D E 37 ILL LID OLD LAD ODD storm drift flake 33 A B C D E 36 APE CAR AGE AGO AND 10 12 drop umbrella cloud 32 A B C D E A B C D E EXAMPLE 29 cow pork winter chop sheep spring 10 20 21 48 forget tedium debris residue cost remind lack plenty poverty enough abundance generous 50 find pursue meet over turn print bit board learn hat line hay bale rim wire 51 EXAMPLE dog cat cow search run chase man boy lad 54 52 53 branch up root beat tree beet day morning time brake light night 55 whose if how EXAMPLE FE EF FG DF DG won ever when 56 58 57 WP OP OH WH OQ ZZ ZA AY AZ BY 59 OL OM ML MM MR Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit 60 HX FX HW HV FW PK PL QK QL QJ © CGP 2018 CGP Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test Pupil’s name: Test date: School name: Date of Birth Please mark like this: Test 1 9 9 Day School Number Pupil Number 9 9 9 9 3 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Mark Lucy Molly Alice Declan EXAMPLE Jenni Becky Edward Mark Luke 12 15 16 18 20 10 12 EXAMPLE Yesterday Fred Fred broke broke this this hoe EXAMPLE Steph ate ate her her green green cabbage cabbage quickly This year year nobody nobody skied skied in in France 13 EXAMPLE old shabby dusty 20 21 22 23 24 10 Janet chose chose steak steak at at the the café g s y d w 19 lose race trophy medal second win They taught taught yoga yoga in in small small groups 17 16 k e l c r 18 12 11 We are are going going to to the the park 15 g m d s p 28 37 38 40 43 p d n f t 20 beside above next down below inside offer borrow deliver bring lend post 22 21 selfish thoughtless rude 14 t k c s m 32 36 42 48 96 s e a g t shiny new unused 18 22 24 28 34 popular generous greedy museum antique relic modern ancient remains Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit © CGP 2018 23 24 6354 2356 2345 2354 2534 1342 1432 1324 1234 1423 EXAMPLE summer cost fine EXAMPLE tour plunge trip 35 EXAMPLE FINE FIVE FATE HIVE LIVE 37 41 45 46 50 56 MUVLG MWULG MVULG MVULF MUVLF 57 CLAIM CLICK CLOAK CLIPS CLOCK RLLQO RMLQO RMLRO RLLRO RLLQN raid grid ring grin rang 49 54 53 58 p i p e r 10 20 21 23 11 59 SLUMP SHEET SHEEP WHEAT WINKS For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit 55 10 11 12 Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test mould whittle spoil 44 48 52 20 24 26 28 30 34 free hollow cavern tot let lot bet toe 14 15 16 17 18 POLE POOL LOOP LOPE POPE 39 43 47 51 3556 6553 3665 5663 3446 b r e a d tan any tag nag ant 12 24 24 25 27 29 30 38 42 28 33 fast hasty slim f l o a t let pig lip pit pet 12 28 32 32 small clock minute c r a s h mad sad son man nod 10 12 14 15 18 EXAMPLE stretch spell charm 27 1642 1246 1265 1562 1632 31 36 40 10 12 EXAMPLE VALE VEAL DEAL LEAD LOVE m i n e r ham ash arm ram has 26 30 29 s p e l l EXAMPLE 25 17 18 19 20 21 60 YOUNG WHISK YIELD WIDER WHIPS © CGP 2018 CGP Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test Pupil’s name: Test date: School name: Date of Birth Please mark like this: Test EXAMPLE 1 9 9 10 12 14 15 18 12 14 16 17 18 old shabby dusty 9 9 3 9 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 5 11 10 14 stranger separate together deserted hermit alone 9 10 16 EXAMPLE shiny new unused Day School Number Pupil Number keen watch delayed early time lazy frown laugh grin happy sulk smile 10 rain cloud windy EXAMPLE rainbow mist still 11 A B C D E EXAMPLE EXAMPLE pen pencil paper card crayon 12 A B C D E 16 APE ALL ALE RAN ILL asleep drowsy snore awake arise tired 13 A B C D E 17 OUR ORE ARE RAN NOR 22 lake pond river stream reservoir A B C D E 18 TEA TAN NET TEN VAN 23 mouse television monitor stereo keyboard 15 14 A B C D E 19 ACE RAT ACT CAN FIR 24 20 NAN AND NAP MAP LOT 25 wellingtons anorak shawl umbrella fan Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit A B C D E limerick hymn lullaby sonnet haiku 21 HEN WIN GIN INN PIN RAN MAN MAP RAM MAN 26 England France India Spain China © CGP 2018 EXAMPLE 27 28 ED BA EA FA GA EXAMPLE QX OY QY PZ VW 34 b r u s h HS JG JS LM JR 36 d r a f t s t o m p 38 cheery fear calmness shock morning jump 40 35 c l o t h 37 petrol wheel road 31 ST SR TR TS SS JH VK VC VF WE 33 t r u s t EXAMPLE carriage ticket track KC KD JD JB KG 32 s p e l l 30 29 open space liberty 39 prison confinement fear good honesty free recline sincere deception 41 car market stop 42 go loan forward past present tomorrow 43 44 1463 6413 5236 6431 6314 48 1224 1332 1446 5331 2663 today after future 45 46 47 4125 1234 3456 1543 6221 5516 4432 5513 1146 3354 TILT TILL TOOT LIFT LOFT EASE SEAL LESS SEAS DUES 49 A B C D E EXAMPLE A B C D E 50 ham ash arm ram has EXAMPLE FE EF FG DF DG 51 hat red rat tea tad 55 52 man and ode doe den 56 XF YT YS ZR UT 53 rig war wig ear raw 57 BQ CP DN BY BR 54 earn near neat eats tear 58 XC YL FA XP XL Verbal Reasoning (Ages 9-10) Assessment Test For unbeatable 11+ Verbal Reasoning books visit lead wade dale deal lewd 59 HU GT GR FU FT 60 YP WA DS WR ZA QJ PK PL OK OJ © CGP 2018