- , 357 UML (Unified Modeling Language), 395, 410, 412 unshift( ) method, 306 update( ) method, 377–378 URL Bar, 41–43, 47–48 usability, 30–31, 36–40 ergonomics and, of mobile devices, inspection, 372 optimization, 371–375 test, 372 ubiquitous computing, 429–430 usability engineering (UE) phase, 14–15 Usability Problems study, 374 use-cases, 394–398 Textual, 395–397 Use-Case Diagram, 397–398 user experience effect of problems with usability on, 373–375 improving with passive negative space, 137 limitations of iPhone, 181 user experience phase See UX User Interfaces See UIs users cognitive resources of, 181 interaction with, 159, 168–169 limiting mistakes of, 24–25 mood of, color psychology and, 140–144 needs of, 21 Index UX (user experience) phase, 14 finger-friendly development, 110–111 Webapps vs native apps, 71–72 ■V valueOf( ) method, 306, 308 variable scope, Javascript, 304–305 variables for evaluating tests, 405–411 collecting feedback, 407–409 ETA, 406–407 number of mistakes, 406 number of touches, 405 techniques, 409–411 global, in JavaScript language, 104 Javascript, 296–298 vectors, versus pixels, 252–253 version history, 416 vibrating alerts, 35 tag, HTML5, 249 video tutorials, YouTube, 418–419 Viewport Metatag properties, 322 viewports, defining, 321–322 Virzi, Robert, 373 visible option, 35 visual tension, eliminating with passive negative space, 133–134 voice control, 34 VoiceOver feature, 33 ■W WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative), 23, 32 waterfall lifecycle, 389–390 WDM (Web Development Model), 51, 61–62 Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 23, 32 web applications, 390–391 web development introduction to, 51 lifecycles, 389–390 mobile applications, 60 model for pros and cons of, 62 web standards, 73, 106 Webapps, 66–69 SDK, 115–119 development for iPhone using web standards, 118–119 models for, 115–118 tools and frameworks for mobile development, 119 tools for, 60 development frameworks, 52–59 mobile website, 60 Web Development Model (WDM), 51, 61–62 web fonts, in CSS 3, 92 Web Fonts property, CSS 3, 282 Web Inspector tool, for Safari browser, 113 Web optimization, 361–388 iPad and iPhone compatibility, 361 Offline feature, WebApp with, 375–378 performance, 361–375 application compressing, 369–371 code optimization, 362–366 image optimization, 366–369 usability optimization, 371–375 SEO, 378–387 resources on optimization and, 387 search engine oriented design, 380–387 search engines, 379–380 web sites, for promoting WebApps, 415–417 web standards, 243–318 browser support for, 106–115 being finger-friendly, 110–111 limitation and constraints, 108–110 progressive enhancement, 111–113 resources and tools for Safari, 113–114 tools for mobile Safari, 114–115 code complaint with, 362–363 453 454 Index comparing iPhone and iPad for web presentation, 244 CSS 3, 272–289 Animation property, 286–287 Background Origin property, 279 Background Size property, 278 Border Images property, 274 Box Shadow property, 277 Box Sizing property, 276 Gradients property, 275 keyframes, 289 Multiple Background property, 279 Multiple Columns property, 283 new features of, 78, 102 Outline property, 278 Reflection property, 289 Rounded Borders property, 274 Spanning Columns property, 284 Tap Highlights property, 282 Text Overflow property, 281 Text Shadow property, 280 Transform property, 285–286 Transition property, 284 Web Fonts property, 282 Word Wrapping property, 281 development for iPhone using, 118–119 HTML, new features of, 74–78 HTML5, 244–272 < audio> tag, 251 tag, 252 tag, 249 Canvas, 252–272 definitions, 246 markup syntax, 244–246 semantics, 246–247 SVG, 252–253 Javascript, 290–317 adding to webpage, 292 arrays, 305–307 best practices, 103–106, 316–317 BOM, 309–310 conditional statements, 300–302 data categories, 293–295 DOM, 310–316 functions, 303–304 loop statements, 302–303 objects, 308–309 operators, 298–300 reserved words, 295–296 strings, 307–308 structure, 293 variable scope, 304–305 variables, 296–298 resource on web standards, 317 WebApp mode, 321, 323 WebApp portal, 419–420, 422, 426 Webapps, 66–69, 414–423 Beta Invitation testers, 414–415 compatible approach to, 66 dedicated approach to, 67–68 email marketing, 417–418 vs native apps, 69–73 HCI, 72–73 UI, 69–71 UX, 71–72 native-like approach to, 68–69 with Offline feature, 375–378 optimized approach to, 67 press releases, 415 social networks, 422–423 submitting to WebApp portals Apple, 419–420 eHub, 420–422 OpenAppMkt, 420–422 web site for, 415–417 webpage, adding Javascript to, 292 websites, mobile, 60 white, color psychology and user mood, 143 white on black effect, 34 whitespace, 130 window.applicationCache, 377–378 wireframes, 23–24, 26–29, 38 word wrapping, in CSS 3, 91 Word Wrapping property, 281 Wordpress theme, 414 Index ■X Xcode IDE, 115 XD (experience design) phase, 13–14 ■Y yellow, color psychology and user mood, 141 YouTube video tutorials, 418–419 ■Z Z-shaped reading patterns, 149–151 zen software, 184 ZenWare, 184 zenware program, 184 zoom function, 34 455 ... Development HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript with Safari ■■■ Andrea Picchi i Pro iOS Web Design and Development: HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript with Safari Copyright © 2011 by Andrea Picchi All rights reserved... levels of approach to designing and developing a WebApp xxv ■ INTRODUCTION NOTE: This book is focused on design and development for iOS, using web standards like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript; ... present pros and cons of hybrid and dedicated webpages We will approach the web standards like HTML5, presenting the re-defined tags from HTML4 and the brand new ones like , , and