One of the tough challenges that firms face is the choice of capital structure
The capital structure decision is crucial as it directly influences a firm's financial performance According to Abor J (2005, p.438-45), a firm's capital structure refers to the specific combination of debt and equity utilized to fund its operations.
The modern theory of capital structure was firstly established by Modigliani and Miller (1958) Thirty-seven years later, Rajan and Zingales (1995, p 1421) stated:
Recent advancements in theory have enhanced our understanding of how capital structure impacts a firm's value, highlighting key deviations from the Modigliani and Miller assumptions However, the empirical significance of these various theories remains largely unexplored, as noted by Harris and Raviv (1991).
Numerous capital structure theories have identified various potential determinants; however, empirical studies have not clarified their significance across different contexts Most existing research focuses on developed countries, particularly G7 nations, leaving a gap in understanding capital structure in developing countries Recent studies, such as those by Booth et al (2001) and Huang and Song (2002), have begun to address this issue, but there is still a lack of research specific to Vietnam, especially regarding the Hochiminh Stock Exchange (HOSE) This thesis aims to address this gap by investigating the capital structure of listed firms in HOSE.
The remainder of this chapter provides general introduction about the research objectives, research methodology and the structure of the research.
Research objectives
This research focuses on firms listed on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE) in Vietnam, aiming to empirically investigate the relationship between various capital structure determinants and debt measures for non-financial companies during the period from 2006 to 2010.
The purpose of this research is looking for answers to the following questions:
The financial leverage of listed firms on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange, measured by total debt ratio, long-term debt ratio, and short-term debt ratio, is significantly influenced by various determinants of capital structure, including profitability, firm size, asset tangibility, growth opportunities, non-debt tax shields, and income variability Additionally, the effects of these determinants on financial leverage may vary over the years, reflecting changes in market conditions and firm strategies.
Q2.: What are the effects of industry dummies on those impacts?
Q3.: Are the determinants different in firms of different size (small, medium and large size)?
Research methodology
The research uses a firm-level panel data set of 77 publicly traded non-financial firms on Hochiminh Stock Exchange between 2006 and 2010
The empirical steps to examine the above mentioned research objectives proceed as follows :
Using random effects logistic regression model to test the determinants of capital structure
Stata software version 11 is used as an data analysis tool to implement this research.
The structure of the research
The structure of the study consist five chapters:
This chapter presents introduction of the thesis, as well as research objectives and research methodology
A summary of the literature review is provided, including the potential determinants of capital structure as well as some variables to explain the reasons for firms to choose debt measures
Based on the research objectives, research methodology concerned in chapter 1, and literature review presented in chapter 2, this chapter particularly presents the data and empirical model specifications
Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Findings
Chapter 4 presents the analysis of results from the study We use descriptive statistics to explore the features of explanatory variables and correlation matrix to present the relationship between explanatory variables Furthermore, we use regression analysis to explore the impacts of debt measures on the determinants of the capital structure of listed firms on Hochiminh Stock Exchange
Chapter 5 presents main conclusions and the limitations of this thesis From the results of the previous chapters as well as those limitations, some recommendations are suggested by the author.
This chapter summarizes the literature review on the determinants of capital structure, highlighting key variables that influence firms' decisions to adopt debt measures The aim of this review is to establish a foundational context for the research hypotheses.
Theoretical and Empirical Findings
Myers (2001) emphasizes that while a universal theory of the debt-equity choice is absent, several conditional theories provide insights into the capital structure decisions of firms These theories fall into two categories: static trade-off models, which suggest an optimal debt-equity ratio for each firm, and the pecking-order hypothesis, which posits that there is no clearly defined target capital structure.
Static trade-off models define the optimal capital structure as a balance between the tax shield benefits and the costs associated with financial distress According to trade-off theory, this optimal structure is reached when the marginal present value of tax benefits from additional debt equals the marginal present value of financial distress costs In signaling theory, a company's debt ratio serves as a signal of its quality, with a strong company needing a sufficient debt level to deter weaker firms from mimicking its signal Agency theory posits that the optimal capital structure minimizes agency costs, while free cash-flow theory emphasizes that a higher debt ratio compels managers to distribute excess cash rather than invest it inefficiently or waste it, particularly in firms with significant free cash flows.
The pecking-order theory posits that firms prioritize internal financing, such as retained earnings, over external funding When internal cash flow falls short for capital expenditures, companies opt to borrow rather than issue new equity Consequently, there is no clearly defined optimal leverage, as internal equity ranks higher than external equity in the financing hierarchy.
Most existing empirical studies primarily utilize data from developed nations, with notable research including Bradley et al (1984), Kim and Sorensen (1986), Friend and Lang (1988), and Titman and Wessels (1988), all focusing on U.S companies Additionally, Kester (1986) compares U.S and Japanese manufacturing firms, while Rajan and Zingales (1995) analyze firms from G7 countries Wald (1999) also contributes by examining data from G7 nations, excluding Canada and Italy.
Findings based on data from developing countries have appeared only in recent years, for example Booth et al (2001) or Huang and Song (2002)
Research on Vietnam's economic landscape is limited, with notable studies including San (2002), which examined the tourism industry in Thua Thien Hue Province, and Nguyen and Ramachandran (2006), which concentrated on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) In contrast, Vu (2003) provided insights into companies listed on the Ho Chi Minh City stock exchange, highlighting the diverse focus of these studies.
Listed companies, though fewer in number compared to unlisted firms, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), significantly contribute to economic activity, representing a larger portion of the economy In fact, the small business sector accounts for only around 25% of the gross domestic product (GDP).
This study aims to update Vu's (2003) analysis by examining the factors influencing leverage among companies listed on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange from 2006 to 2010.
Potential determinants of capital structure
This article explores key variables influencing firms' preferences for debt over equity financing According to Harris and Raviv (1991), the factors affecting capital structure decisions are vast and varied However, this paper will focus on the most frequently cited explanatory variables to provide a clearer understanding of these determinants.
Determinants of capital structure include various factors identified by researchers, such as Harris and Raviv (1991), who noted that leverage increases with fixed assets, non-debt tax shields, investment opportunities, and firm size, while it decreases with volatility, advertising expenditure, bankruptcy probability, profitability, and product uniqueness Titman and Wessels (1988) highlighted additional influences on leverage, including asset structure, growth potential, industry classification, and earnings volatility Despite a general consensus on a core set of determinants, the ongoing debate among scholars suggests that there is still significant scope for recognizing additional factors that may impact capital structure decisions.
In this thesis, following determinants will be used:
A short discussion of each of the determinants used in this thesis, their relationship to capital structure theories, and how they can be measured will be presented below
The pecking order theory, proposed by Myers and Majluf (1984), indicates that firms prioritize internal financing over external sources When external funds are necessary, companies first opt for debt, followed by hybrid securities like convertible bonds, and finally resort to equity as a last option (Brealey and Myers, 1991) This preference is influenced by the costs associated with issuing new equity, often stemming from asymmetric information and transaction costs The relationship between profitability and leverage is debated; while Myers and Majluf (1984) suggest a negative correlation, Jensen (1986) argues for a positive relationship in an effective corporate control market, but this shifts if the market is ineffective.
This study anticipates a negative correlation between profitability and leverage, suggesting that firms with higher profits tend to have lower leverage The hypothesis posits that increased leverage is inversely related to profitability, indicating that as profitability rises, leverage decreases.
Here, we use the ratio of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to total assets as a measure profitability
The relationship between firm size and leverage remains ambiguous, as larger firms may be less likely to face bankruptcy due to diversification, potentially allowing them to issue debt at lower costs and leading to a positive correlation between size and leverage Conversely, Fama and Jensen (1983) suggest that larger firms, which typically provide more information to investors, may prefer equity over debt, as indicated by Rajan and Zingales (1995) Thus, the hypothesis of this study posits that leverage is either positively or negatively associated with firm size.
In this study, the natural logarithm of sales is employed as a proxy for company size, a common practice in similar research Alternatively, the natural logarithm of total assets could also serve as a proxy, as both measures are highly correlated (0.68 in 2006, 0.63 in 2007, 0.65 in 2008, 0.70 in 2009, and 0.71 in 2010) However, sales are preferred over total assets to mitigate the risk of spurious correlation.
Tangible assets are considered effective collateral, as their higher tangibility reduces creditor risk and enhances asset value during bankruptcy According to Booth et al (2001), firms with more tangible assets can issue secured debt more easily, revealing less about future profits This suggests a positive correlation between asset tangibility and leverage, supported by empirical studies from Rajan and Zingales (1995), Friend and Lang (1988), and Titman and Wessels (1988) Consequently, the hypothesis posits that leverage is positively associated with asset tangibility.
In order to estimate the econometric models below, we use the ratio of fixed assets over total assets as a measure of tangible assets
Fixed assets TANG Total assets
Theoretical studies indicate a negative relationship between growth opportunities and leverage Jung, Kim, and Stulz (1996) suggest that when management focuses on growth, interests align for firms with strong investment prospects Conversely, for firms with limited investment opportunities, debt can help mitigate agency costs related to managerial discretion, as noted by Jensen (1986) and Stulz (1990) This disciplinary function of debt is further supported by Berger, Ofek, and Yermack (1997) However, Myers (1977) highlights that high-growth firms often possess more real options for future investments than their low-growth counterparts If these firms require additional equity financing to capitalize on such options, existing debt may hinder their ability to do so, as this could shift wealth from shareholders to debtholders Consequently, firms with significant growth opportunities are less likely to issue debt, reinforcing the expectation of a negative correlation between leverage and growth opportunities.
(1995) also argue that growth implies significant equity financing and low leverage
And in this study, the hypothesis is formulated to test growth opportunities as: The leverage is negatively associated with growth opportunities
Empirical studies, including those by Booth et al (2001), Kim and Sorensen (1986), Rajan and Zingales (1995), Smith and Watts (1992), and Wald (1999), largely support theoretical predictions regarding growth opportunities, with Kester (1986) being a notable exception Various proxies have been utilized to measure growth opportunities; for instance, Wald (1999) employs a five-year average of sales growth, while Titman and Wessels (1988) use capital investment relative to total assets and research and development scaled by sales.
Rajan and Zingales (1995) utilize Tobin’s Q, the market-to-book ratio of total assets, while Booth et al (2001) focus on the market-to-book ratio of equity to assess growth opportunities This study posits that while sales growth rate reflects past growth experiences, Tobin’s Q serves as a more accurate indicator of future growth potential Consequently, Tobin’s Q is adopted as the primary measure of growth opportunities in this research.
Equity market value + Total liabilities GRO Total assets
2.3.5 Non-debt tax shield (NDTS)
Modigliani and Miller (1958) suggest that interest tax shields strongly incentivize firms to increase leverage However, non-debt-related corporate tax shields, such as depreciation deductions and investment tax credits, may also influence leverage decisions DeAngelo and Masulis (1980) argue that these non-debt tax shields serve as substitutes for the tax benefits derived from debt financing Consequently, as non-debt tax shields like depreciation rise, the tax advantages of leverage diminish (Wanzenried, 2002) Therefore, it is anticipated that an increase in non-debt tax shields will have a negative impact on leverage, leading to the hypothesis that leverage is negatively associated with non-debt tax shields.
Titman and Wessels (1988) identify the ratio of tax credits to total assets and the ratio of depreciation to total assets as indicators of non-debt tax shields In this thesis, we will utilize the ratio of depreciation to total assets as our sole measure of the non-debt tax shield, due to the availability of data.
Income variability serves as a key indicator of business risk, with increased earnings fluctuations correlating to a higher likelihood of bankruptcy Consequently, companies exhibiting greater income variability tend to maintain lower levels of leverage This leads to the hypothesis that leverage is inversely related to income variability.
We will use the ratio of the standard deviation of EBIT over total assets as a measure of income variability
Standard deviation of EBIT INVAR Total assets
To enhance our regression models, we will incorporate a full set of time dummies for each year, excluding the base year of 2006 This approach allows us to analyze potential shifts in leverage over time while controlling for other observable factors The inclusion of time dummies effectively captures unobserved time-specific effects, facilitating a more nuanced understanding of leverage dynamics (Lửửf, 2003).
Bevan and Danbolt (2000) enhance panel data regression by incorporating time dummies that interact with both the constant term and all explanatory variables They propose that this method allows for the simultaneous analysis of two key factors.
Measures of capital structure/financial leverage
Capital structure refers to the combination of various securities, such as long-term debt, common stock, and preferred stock, that a firm utilizes to finance its assets A firm without debt is considered unlevered, while one with debt is classified as leveraged The two primary types of leverage are operational leverage, which pertains to fixed operating costs, and financial leverage, associated with fixed debt costs Operational leverage heightens business risk, whereas financial leverage amplifies financial risk Consequently, total leverage encompasses both fixed operating and debt costs, indicating that a firm's overall risk comprises both business and financial risk In this analysis of capital structure determinants, we focus specifically on financial leverage, also known as gearing.
This study focuses on the firms' capital structure, also known as financial leverage, as its dependent variable Since Modigliani and Miller's seminal 1958 paper, numerous articles have explored the determinants of capital structure Various measures of capital structure are available, each capable of being assessed in multiple ways Generally, these measures fall into two primary categories: those based on the market value of equity and those based on the book value of equity (Lửửf, 2003) For example, research by Titman and Wessels highlights these distinctions.
In their 1988 study on capital structure choice, the authors identify six measures of financial leverage, including long-term, short-term, and convertible debt, analyzed in relation to both market and book values of equity However, due to data constraints, most empirical research has predominantly utilized leverage measures based on book values instead of market values.
Indeed, for this study, market data is not available enough, implying that we have to measure leverage in terms of booked values only
The issue of insufficient market data in empirical studies on capital structure determinants is significant, yet a comprehensive analysis is beyond this paper's scope When both book and market values are accessible, they are utilized together due to the distinct information each provides (Lửửf, 2003) Titman and Wessels (1988) reference Bowman's (1980) findings, which highlight a strong correlation between book and market values of debt Brealey and Myers (2003) contend that relying solely on book values may not be problematic, as market values often reflect intangible assets from research, development, and advertising that are not easily liquidated Consequently, the potential for misspecification from using book values alone may be minimal or negligible.
Selecting the appropriate leverage measure as a dependent variable is crucial, regardless of market or book value Rajan and Zingales (1995) emphasize that the choice of leverage measure should align with the analysis's objective They conclude that the ratio of total debt to capital—defined as total debt plus equity—most effectively reflects the impact of past financing decisions.
Harris and Raviv (1991) highlight the complexities in measuring leverage and its related variables, emphasizing that the interpretation of empirical study results requires caution Different studies adopt various methods for measuring leverage, such as using the book value of debt relative to book or market value of equity, which can lead to inconsistent findings Moreover, the challenges in measurement are compounded by typical issues encountered in interpreting statistical results.
In this study, we will analyze leverage measures, specifically focusing on the ratio of total debt to total assets, to provide a comprehensive understanding of their implications.
2.4.2 Decomposition of total debt into short-term and long-term debt ratios
Examining the sources of debt is crucial, particularly for Vietnamese firms, where total liabilities are categorized into short-term and long-term debt, equating total liabilities with total debt Understanding the specific components of these categories, such as the size of trade credit within short-term debt, would provide valuable insights A cross-sectional analysis by Bevan and Danbolt (2000) highlights significant differences in the determinants of short-term and long-term debt among UK companies, where short-term debts, including trade credit, constitute over 62% of total debt This finding underscores the importance of including short-term debt in leverage measures, as it can greatly influence the results.
Hence in line with their findings, Bevan and Danbolt argue that analysis of corporate structure is incomplete without a detailed examination of corporate debt
A study by Michaelas et al (1999) on the capital structure of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) reveals that key determinants such as size, profitability, and growth significantly affect both short-term and long-term debt ratios Additionally, the research indicates that time and industry factors play a crucial role in shaping the maturity structure of debt for SMEs By examining the coefficients of time dummies from 1988 to 1995, the study correlates these changes with fluctuations in real GDP.
A study by Michaelas et al revealed that short-term debt ratios in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are negatively correlated with fluctuations in economic growth, whereas long-term debt ratios show a positive correlation with economic growth changes.
This article analyzes the factors influencing corporate debt by examining both short-term and long-term debt ratios, resulting in two distinct leverage measures The findings, detailed in Table 2.1, reveal that the average short-term debt ratio is significantly higher, approximately four times greater than the long-term debt ratio.
Between 2006 and 2008, there was a notable decline in both the mean and median values for short-term leverage, while the long-term debt ratio remained stable without a distinct downward trend.
Table 2.1 Short-term vs long-term debt For convenience, the figures for total debt to total assets are shown here too
Mean Median Mean Median Mean Median
Building on the insights gained from the decomposition of total debt and the conflicting results from Bevan and Danbolt (2000) and Michaelas et al (1999), we will incorporate two new leverage measures into our econometric analysis.
While we lack specific data on the size of trade credit, it is reasonable to speculate that it constitutes a significant portion of short-term debt due to its role in facilitating immediate business transactions and supporting cash flow.
Trade credit and similar components make up a significant portion of short-term debt, indicating a strategic corporate debt policy According to Bevan and Danbolt (2000), companies may prefer trade credit due to its lower associated costs compared to other borrowing options.
The capital structure of firms in emerging markets, such as Vietnam, differs significantly from that of developed markets in terms of nature, characteristics, and efficiency A review of existing literature highlights various factors influencing capital structure determinants and financial leverage, which vary considerably across countries This study focuses on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange to identify which theoretical frameworks and empirical studies are applicable to Vietnamese firms, as there is currently a lack of clarity regarding their capital structure dynamics.
This chapter outlines the research data collection process and the applied research hypothesis and methodology used to test the research objectives, drawing from the research objectives and methodology discussed in Chapter 1 and the literature review presented in Chapter 2.
Data specifications
This thesis analyzes the accounting and market data of 77 companies listed on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange (HOSE) from 2006 to 2010 The comprehensive dataset includes detailed information such as balance sheets, income statements, and depreciation figures, all of which are legally required to be publicly available The data was sourced from reputable websites, and
The study analyzed a sample of 77 non-financial firms listed on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange between 2006 and 2010 The selection criteria included the exclusion of financial firms such as banks and securities companies due to their highly regulated nature, as noted in previous research by Fama and French (2001) and DeAngelo et al (2006) Additionally, all selected firms had to have complete financial data and uninterrupted trading activities, ensuring compliance with Hochiminh Stock Exchange regulations.
The data has been collected from the web of Hochiminh Stock Exchange for the period 2006 to 2010, specified as follows :
This study analyzes the relationship between various explanatory variables—PROF, SIZE, TANG, GRO, NDTS, and INVAR—and dependent variables such as TDTA, SDTA, and LDTA The data was derived from the Audited Annual Financial Statements of 77 firms over a five-year period from 2006 to 2010.
The classification of industries has been adjusted with reference of the
“Market Review” report of Vietnam International Securities Company (
Panel structure is by year
This study examines eight explanatory variables: profitability (PROF), firm size (SIZE), asset tangibility (TANG), growth opportunities (GRO), non-debt tax shields (NDTS), income variability (INVAR), along with time and industry dummies These variables were introduced and defined in the previous chapter, providing a comprehensive framework for analysis.
This research identifies three key dependent variables: Total Debt to Total Assets (TDTA), Short-Term Debt to Total Assets (SDTA), and Long-Term Debt to Total Assets (LDTA).
Empirical model specifications
There are eight hypotheses which will be the same for our three models, and all are stated in table 3.1 below
Table 3.1 Potential determinants of capital structure, corresponding measures, and expected effect on financial leverage
Hypotheses Determinant Measure (proxy) Expected effect on leverage
H1 Profitability EBIT / Total assets Negative
H3 Tangibility Fixed assets / Total assets Positive
H4 Growth Market-to-book ratio of Negative total assets H5 Non-debt tax shield Depreciation / Total assets Negative H6 Income variability Standard deviation of EBIT / Negative
In this study, we employ a random effects generalized least squares (GLS) regression model to analyze a cross-sectional time-series dataset across three distinct models Additionally, we conduct robustness tests to verify the reliability of our findings.
This model tests the impacts of the financial leverages on determinants of capital structure of listed firms in Hochiminh Stock Exchange over period 2006-2010
The functional form of our model is as follows:
LEV it = α + β 1 PROF it + β 2 SIZE it + β 3 TANG it + β 4 GRO it + β 5 NDTS it + β 6 INVAR it + γ n T ni + ε it
LEV: TDTA, SDTA and LDTA of firm i at year t
i = 1… 77 cross-sectional observation unit in the sample
n = 2 … 5 time period (except 2006 as base year)
ε it is residual error for firm i in year t
This model tests the effects of industry dummies on the impacts of the financial leverages on determinants of capital structure of listed firms in Hochiminh Stock Exchange
The functional form of our model is as follows:
LEV it = α + β 1 PROF it + β 2 SIZE it + β 3 TANG it + β 4 GRO it + β 5 NDTS it + β 6 INVAR it + υ n X ni + ξ it
n = 2 … 11 industries (except MS as base coefficient)
ξit is residual error for firm i in year t
This model tests the difference of determinants of capital structure of listed firms in Hochiminh Stock Exchange with different size (small, medium, large)
The functional form of our model is as follows:
LEV it = α + β 1 PROF it + β 2 TANG it + β 3 GRO it + β 4 NDTS it + β 5 INVAR it + μ it
μit is residual error for firm i in year t
We estimate the above equation for TDTA, SDTA and LDTA We repeat each estimation with different definitions of size: Small, medium and large.
Descriptive statistics
Among 77 selected companies in the study, there are 12 companies in Basis Materials sector, 11 companies in Constructions and Materials sector, 7 companies in Consumer Discretionary sector, 18 companies in Consumer Staples sector, 8 companies in Industrials sector, 1 company in Information Technology sector, 1 company in Multi-Scope Business and Group sector, 5 companies in Oil/Gas sector, 3 companies in Real Estate sector, 7 companies in Transportation sector, and 4 companies in Utilities sector The percentage of Consumer Staples sector is 23.38 percent, highest in the industry structure The percentage of Information Technology sector and Multi-Scope Business and Group sector is 1.30 percent for each, lowest in the industry structure Table 4.1 will show more
Table 4.1 Summary of the industry structure
Multi-scope business and group (MS) 1 1.30% 75.32%
Between 2006 and 2010, a study of 77 non-financial listed firms on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange revealed key descriptive statistics of explanatory variables The average total debt ratio (TDTA) was 43.08%, indicating a reliance on debt to finance assets Asset tangibility averaged 29.67%, suggesting limited investment in fixed assets Profitability averaged 29.31%, with a minimum loss of -41.38% The average firm size was 11.74, reflecting a lack of significant investment in assets among listed firms Additionally, the average growth rate for these firms was 172.66%.
Table 4.2 Descriptive statistics of the variables used in the study for the non- financial firms listed on HOSE for the period 2006 to 2010
Determinants Mean Median Minimum Maximum Standard
Table 4.3 presents a comparison of mean levels among firms of varying sizes The analysis reveals that small firms exhibit the highest mean in profitability, income variability, and short-term debt ratio In contrast, medium-sized firms lead in tangibility, non-debt tax shields, and total debt ratios Meanwhile, large firms not only have the highest mean in size but also boast the greatest growth opportunities.
Long-term debt ratio of large firms is also biggest
Table 4.3 Comparative means for different size of firms
All Small Medium Large PROF 0.2931 0.3028 0.2864 0.2448
Correlation matrix of explanatory variables
Table 4.4 presents correlations between the dependent and independent variables
Asset tangibility shows a positive correlation with the total debt ratio, aligning with expectations that fixed assets can serve as collateral, thereby increasing debt levels This relationship extends to long-term debt, although asset tangibility negatively correlates with short-term debt Conversely, the non-debt tax shield positively correlates with total debt, contrary to expectations Profitability is inversely related to the total debt ratio, supporting Pecking Order theory, which suggests that profitable firms prefer internal financing Additionally, firm size positively correlates with total debt, indicating that as firms grow, their debt levels rise, specifically with an increase in short-term debt and a decrease in long-term debt Growth negatively correlates with all three leverage measures, while income variability shows an inverse relationship with total and long-term debt ratios, but a positive correlation with short-term debt.
Table 4.4 Correlation coefficients among the explanatory variables PROF SIZE TANG GRO NDTS INVAR TDTA LDTA SDTA
Results of Model 1
Model 1 aims to shed the light on the impacts of the financial leverages (TDTA, SDTA and LDTA) on determinants of capital structure, and find out whether those impacts shift over years
Table 4.5 reveals that at the 99% confidence level, profitability, firm size, asset tangibility, and income variability are statistically significant variables affecting the dependent variable TDTA Conversely, growth opportunities and non-debt tax shield are deemed insignificant, leading to the conclusion that hypotheses H4 and H5 are not supported by the data from the 77 non-financial firms analyzed in this study.
The findings from Model A indicate a negative association between profitability and the total debt ratio (TDTA), with similar negative correlations observed for both long-term debt to total assets (LDTA) and short-term debt to total assets (SDTA), supporting hypothesis 1 (H1) This suggests that profitability is inversely related to all three leverage measures, aligning with the pecking-order theory, which posits that firms prefer to use internally generated surplus profits for financing investments Additionally, the results imply that companies generally favor internal funding over external financing, regardless of the type of asset being financed, whether tangible or intangible.
Table 4.5 The reported results of Model 1
Model A Model B Model A Model B Model A Model B
Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics
Non-debt tax shield (NDTS) 0.0373 0.43 -0.0356 -0.41 -0.0430 -0.90 -0.0600 -1.23 0.1109 1.37 0.0631 0.78
Notes : The dependent variable is TDTA, LDTA and SDTA of firms listed on HOSE Base year is 2006
Model A is the model without time dummies and Model B is with time dummies
The findings indicate that firm size significantly influences leverage, showing a positive correlation with total debt and short-term debt ratios, while exhibiting a negative correlation with long-term debt ratios, though this latter result is not statistically significant Although the data does not permit a detailed analysis of short-term debt, the research by Bevon and Danbolt (2000) is noteworthy, revealing that larger firms tend to have greater access to trade credit and short-term securitized debt, yet smaller firms face constraints in short-term bank borrowing This suggests that smaller firms may lack the necessary creditworthiness for long-term borrowing, aligning with hypothesis 2 (H2).
The analysis reveals that the coefficients of tangibility are statistically significant for both total debt and long-term debt ratios, indicating a positive relationship with these metrics, which aligns with hypothesis 3 (H3) Conversely, tangibility is found to have a negative relationship with the short-term debt ratio These findings corroborate previous research by Bevan and Danbolt (2000), Hutchinson et al (1999), Chittenden et al (1996), and Van der Wijst and Thurik (1993), further supporting the maturity matching principle.
Long-term debt forms are used to finance fixed (tangible) assets, while non-fixed assets are financed by short-term debt (Bevan and Danbolt, 2000)
Table 4.5 shows a positive relationship between income variability and debt, contradicting hypothesis 6 (H6), yet remains statistically significant Lửửf (2003) supports this finding, suggesting it may stem from a period of robust economic recovery and overall increasing revenues Consequently, hypothesis 6 (H6) is rejected in this analysis.
The analysis of growth opportunities and non-debt tax shields reveals insignificant results that contradict hypotheses 4 and 5 (H4 and H5) The regression indicates that both variables positively influence capital structure determinants, affecting the ratios of total debt, short-term debt, and long-term debt Consequently, this study rejects hypotheses H4 and H5.
In brief, there is only profitability has negative impact on the determinant of capital structure of 77 firms listed on Hochiminh Stock Exchange in the period 2006 –
2010 Other factors such as firm size, assets tangibility, grow opportunities, non- debt tax shield and income variability have positive effect
According to Michaelas et al (1999), the regression coefficients for the time dummies illustrate unobserved time-specific effects In Model B of Table 4.5, it is evident that nearly all time dummies are statistically significant, with the base year serving as the reference point.
The analysis indicates a decline in total and long-term debt ratios, as shown in Table 2.1, yet the consistently negative time dummy coefficients, even for short-term debt, remain unclear despite its stability from 2006 to 2010 This decrease in debt ratios may be attributed to the effects of the global financial crisis on the Vietnamese economy, prompting banks to restrict and eliminate prior loans, as evidenced by the negative coefficients across the board.
Results of Model 2
Model 2 aims to analyze the influence of industry dummies on the effects of three financial leverages concerning capital structure determinants This model includes two variations: Model A, which remains consistent with Model 1, and Model B, which incorporates industry dummies The purpose of Model B is to compare its results with Model A, thereby revealing the impact of industry dummies on the overall findings.
Table 4.6 The reported results of Model 2
Model A Model B Model A Model B Model A Model B
Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics
Non-debt tax shield (NDTS) 0.0373 0.43 0.0035 0.04 -0.0430 -0.90 -0.0564 -1.14 0.1109 1.37 0.0940 1.14
Multi-Scope Business and Group Omitted Omitted Omitted
Notes : The dependent variable is TDTA, LDTA and SDTA) of firms listed on HOSE
Model A is the model without industry dummies and Model B is with industry dummies
Table 4.6 demonstrates that both models yield comparable results for most significant variables; however, the inclusion of industry dummies reduces the significance of income variability in the LDTA test from 99% to 95%.
Moreover, the assets tangibility variable in the test of SDTA becomes positive in model B (with industry dummies), and this result still insignificant as that with Model A
In Model B, all industries, excluding Multi-Scope Business and Group omitted, exhibit a positive influence on the total debt ratio (TDTA), although these results are not statistically significant However, five industries—Basic Materials, Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Industrials, and Transportation—show a negative association with the long-term debt ratio (LDTA) Additionally, the oil and gas sector is the only industry that demonstrates a negative value in the short-term debt ratio (SDTA).
Results of Model 3
In our analysis, we investigate whether the determinants of capital structure vary across different firm sizes, categorizing our sample into small, medium, and large firms The findings are detailed in Table 4.7, which illustrates the results for each size category, highlighting the distinct capital structure influences pertinent to small, medium, and large enterprises.
We will consider the results of each explanatory variables (profitability, assets tangibility, grow opportunities, non-debt tax shield and income variability) by order of firms sizes: Small – Medium – Large
Table 4.7 The reported results of Model 3
Small firms Medium firms Large firms
Assets tangibility (TANG) Coef 0.0775 0.2281*** -0.1019 0.1573* 0.3651*** -0.1909** 0.2881 0.1977*** 0.0904 t-statistics 0.94 6.73 -1.34 1.91 7.30 -2.41 1.20 3.77 0.36
Grow opportunities (GRO) Coef 0.0083 0.0015 0.0042 0.0095 0.0051 0.0056 0.0313 0.0051 -0.0262 t-statistics 1.15 0.42 0.62 1.04 0.90 0.64 0.70 0.52 0.56
Non-debt tax shield (NDTS) Coef 0.0090 0.0401 0.0323 0.6017*** -0.0378 0.6634*** -1.1113 0.7447** -1.8557 t-statistics 0.08 0.92 0.31 3.14 -0.32 3.64 -0.67 2.06 -1.08
Income variability (INVAR) Coef 0.1096* -0.0507 0.1600* -0.7232 0.1143 -1.0536 -40.1276 -39.9909*** -0.1255 t-statistics 1.64 -1.60 2.57 -1.07 0.28 -1.63 -1.17 -5.35 -0.00
Notes : ***,**,* significant at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively
Profitability shows a negative correlation with leverage measures across small, medium, and large firms, supporting the pecking-order theory, which suggests that firms prefer using profits for investment financing This negative relationship is particularly pronounced in medium firms' Total Debt to Total Assets (TDTA) and Short-term Debt to Total Assets (SDTA), as well as in large firms' Long-term Debt to Total Assets (LDTA) Notably, the significance of these negative results is evident in both TDTA and SDTA for small and medium firms, while large firms exhibit significance only in LDTA Overall, these findings align with Hypothesis 1 (H1).
Profitability is expected to effect negative on leverage
The analysis reveals that tangibility coefficients are statistically significant for the long-term debt measures across three firm sizes While tangibility positively correlates with the total and long-term debt ratios, it shows a negative relationship with the short-term debt ratio, except in large firms This finding aligns with previous studies by Bevan and Danbolt (2000), Hutchinson et al (1999), Chittenden et al (1996), and Van der Wijst and Thurik (1993), reinforcing the maturity matching principle.
Long-term debt is typically utilized to finance tangible fixed assets, whereas short-term debt is employed for non-fixed assets This supports the hypothesis that asset tangibility positively influences leverage.
The analysis indicates an unexpected positive relationship between growth opportunities and leverage, as the coefficient estimate for growth is insignificant and positive across three firm sizes, with the exception of short-term debt in large firms This suggests that as the economy expands, leverage tends to rise, contradicting hypothesis 4 (H4), which posits that growth opportunities should negatively impact leverage.
The findings indicate that non-debt tax shields do not correlate with the leverage of small firms In medium-sized firms, there is a significant positive relationship with both total and short-term debt ratios, contradicting Hypothesis 5, which posits that non-debt tax shields negatively impact leverage Similarly, large firms show a significant positive relationship with long-term debt ratios.
The income variability coefficient shows significant results only for large firms at LDTA, indicating that hypothesis 6 (H6: Income variability is expected to negatively affect leverage) is not supported.
The determinants of capital structure exhibit notable differences between small and medium-sized enterprises and large firms Collateral plays a crucial role for all firms in securing debt financing, adhering to the maturity matching principle Additionally, firms prioritize internal financing, following the pecking order theory Profitability does not influence short-term debt financing for either small or large firms, nor does it affect long-term debt for small and medium enterprises The tangibility of assets significantly impacts long-term debt across all firm sizes, while growth opportunities remain unaffected by firm size The non-debt tax shield significantly influences total debt, particularly short-term debt for medium firms and long-term debt for large firms Furthermore, income variability affects the long-term debt of large firms.
Robustness tests
Robustness tests are conducted to validate the results, utilizing Model 1 (which is identical to Model 2) and Model 3, focusing specifically on the variable TDTA across three different firm sizes.
Table 4.8 Results of Model 1 : Fixed Effects versus Random Effects
Fixed Effects Random Effects Fixed Effects Random Effects Fixed Effects Random Effects
Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics Coef t-statistics
Non-debt tax shield (NDTS) -0.1314 -1.21 0.0373 0.43 -0.2245*** -3.58 -0.0430 -0.9 0.0931 0.92 0.1109 1.37
In both Model 1 and Model 2, the choice between Fixed and Random Effects does not impact the study's findings regarding the total debt ratio (TDTA), as profitability, firm size, asset tangibility, and income variability remain significant in both models (refer to Table 4.8) Additionally, in the Fixed Effects model, growth opportunities emerge as a significant variable.
The inclusion of time dummies in Model 1 and industry dummies in Model 2 does not render profitability, firm size, asset tangibility, and income variability insignificant, as demonstrated in Tables 4.5 and 4.6.
Consequently, suggesting that Model 1 as above presented is reliable with the four significant explanatory variables: PROF, SIZE, TANG and INVAR
In Model 3, the choice between Fixed Effects and Random Effects significantly impacts the study, as the variables PROF, TANG, and NDTS remain consistent across both models However, Fixed Effects reveals that GRO and INVAR for medium firms become significant, as illustrated in Table 4.9.
In many instances, the coefficients derived from Fixed Effects models appear inconsistent with economic theory, whereas those produced by Random Effects models align more closely with expected outcomes.
Table 4.9 Results of Model 3: Fixed Effects versus Random Effects
Small firms Medium firms Large firms
Non-debt tax shield (NDTS)
This chapter presents main conclusions and recommendations for further study based on the results of the previous chapters, as well as the limitations of this study.
This study analyzes the factors influencing the capital structure of Vietnamese firms listed on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange from 2006 to 2010, using panel data analysis The research employs three leverage measures based on book values: total debt ratio, long-term debt ratio, and short-term debt ratio The findings reveal significant differences in the determinants of these leverage measures, with all three being notably influenced by income variability Additionally, profitability and firm size impact total and short-term debt, while asset tangibility affects total and long-term debt Notably, growth opportunities and non-debt tax shields do not correlate with any of the three debt measures.
Firm profitability negatively influences total debt to total assets (TDTA) and short-term debt to total assets (SDTA), aligning with the pecking order theory proposed by Myers and Majluf (1984), which suggests that firms prioritize internal funds before resorting to debt and equity Conversely, firm size positively affects leverage measures, supporting Rajan and Zingales' (1995) assertion that size is a crucial determinant of corporate capital structure Additionally, firm asset tangibility significantly impacts TDTA and long-term debt to total assets (LDTA), corroborating findings from Titman and Wessels (1988) and others, who argue that tangible assets enhance lenders' willingness to provide loans However, firm growth opportunities and non-debt tax shields do not significantly influence leverage measures, contradicting the views of Myers (1977) and DeAngelo and Masulis (1980), which suggest that high-growth firms typically avoid debt issuance.
In 2002, it was posited that non-debt tax shields serve as substitutes for the tax benefits associated with debt financing, suggesting that the advantages of leverage diminish when other tax deductions, such as depreciation, increase Additionally, firm income variability was found to have a significant positive impact on Total Debt to Total Assets (TDTA) and Short-term Debt to Total Assets (SDTA), while exhibiting a significant negative impact on Long-term Debt to Total Assets (LDTA) This finding contrasts with Loof's 2003 study, which analyzed data from 1991 to 1998—a period marked by strong economic recovery and rising revenues—where the effect of income variability on debt was approximately zero, yet still statistically significant.
This study reveals significant differences between short-term and long-term debt ratios across three cases Notably, firm size shows a positive correlation with both total debt and short-term debt ratios, while exhibiting a negative correlation with long-term debt ratios This trend may be attributed to the high interest rates observed over the past three years, which have discouraged long-term borrowing.
Assets with higher tangibility are positively associated with long-term and total debt, while showing a negative correlation with short-term debt Additionally, while income variability positively impacts both total and short-term debt ratios, it exhibits a negative relationship with the long-term debt ratio.
Future analyses of leverage determinants should consider both long-term and short-term debt ratios, as the latter plays a significant role in total debt, particularly in the context of Vietnam.
Vietnamese firms exhibit a low long-term debt ratio primarily due to their preference for equity financing, especially after going public, as many benefit from favorable stock prices Additionally, the nascent stage of the Vietnamese bond market limits access to alternative financing options, making banks the predominant, if not sole, source of external debt for these companies.
To enhance financing options for Vietnamese firms, it is essential to accelerate the development of the bond market, as many companies currently depend on equity financing and trade credit, which involves mutual debts in the form of accounts payable.
The short-term debt ratio of Vietnamese firms remains unclear due to data limitations that prevent a detailed decomposition of short-term debt into its fundamental components To understand the reasons behind the high short-term debt ratios, it is essential to obtain data on trade credit, short-term securitized debt, and short-term bank borrowing As Bevan and Danbolt (2000) suggest, a comprehensive analysis of capital structure and its determinants necessitates an in-depth examination of all types of corporate debt.
The study reveals that the inclusion of time and industry dummies does not alter the significant relationship between three forms of debt ratios and the determinants of capital structure However, time dummies indicate a decline in total and long-term debt ratios, highlighting the impact of the global financial crisis on the Vietnamese economy Notably, within the industry dummies, only firms in the Industrials sector exhibit a significant relationship with the short-term debt ratio.
This study analyzes a sample of 77 non-financial firms listed on HOSE, deliberately excluding financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, and securities firms Additionally, examining firms not listed on HOSE could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the determinants of capital.
The absence of comprehensive information has led to the oversight of intriguing proxies that could influence capital structure Future research should consider including institutional holdings, which reflect ownership structure, and managerial holdings, represented by the number of shares held by top managers, directors, and supervisors relative to total shares outstanding.
This study serves as an academic exploration of the factors influencing the capital structure of firms listed on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange The findings provide a foundation for researchers and corporate managers to conduct further investigations, aiming for a more accurate understanding of the determinants of capital structure in Vietnamese companies.
To address the limitations identified in this study, we recommend utilizing dynamic panel data regression in future research This approach could uncover significant relationships between short-term and long-term leverage, facilitating important discussions on the interplay between financial systems, corporate debt structures, and economic growth.
This study focuses on the factors influencing the debt structure within firms' capital structures, which comprise both debt and equity It highlights the necessity for further research into the determinants of equity structure Additionally, it addresses the impact of the Vietnamese stock exchange's development on capital mobilization and examines how factors affecting share capital dilution influence the determinants of both debt and equity increases.
From the findings of this study it would also be useful to consider the following directions for future research :
What determines the capital structure of financial listed firm on HOSE as well as HASE?
Are determinations of capital structure of firms listed on HOSE different with those of firms listed on HASE? What is the difference? (if any)
Are determinations of capital structure of listed firms different with those of non-listed firms? What is the difference? (if any) Evidence from Vietnam
How firms capital mobilization impacted by the development of Vietnamese stock exchange?
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Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.0996 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.0635 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.0711 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(6) = 37.70 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- TDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.1274117 0452949 -2.81 0.005 -.2161881 -.0386352 SIZE | 0961388 0302128 3.18 0.001 0369228 1553548 TANG | 2344476 0540872 4.33 0.000 1284387 3404564 GRO | 0067422 0051163 1.32 0.188 -.0032857 01677 NDTS | 0372805 0876876 0.43 0.671 -.1345839 209145 INVAR | 1803685 0685531 2.63 0.009 0460068 3147301 _cons | -.7713777 3617205 -2.13 0.033 -1.480337 -.0624186 -+ - sigma_u | 14313379 sigma_e | 09960351 rho | 67374334 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.1541 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.4847 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.3917 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(6) = 115.11 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- LDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.016954 0262278 -0.65 0.518 -.0683596 0344515 SIZE | -.0189841 015961 -1.19 0.234 -.0502672 0122989 TANG | 2873018 0299069 9.61 0.000 2286853 3459183 GRO | 0020151 0029459 0.68 0.494 -.0037588 007789 NDTS | -.0430396 0479524 -0.90 0.369 -.1370247 0509454 INVAR | -.1119397 0389302 -2.88 0.004 -.1882415 -.0356378 _cons | 25002 1912764 1.31 0.191 -.1248749 6249148 -+ - sigma_u | 06730633 sigma_e | 05774169 rho | 5760429 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.0590 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.1712 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.1415 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(6) = 33.55 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- SDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.1128882 042172 -2.68 0.007 -.1955438 -.0302326 SIZE | 1142357 0277576 4.12 0.000 0598318 1686396 TANG | -.0452955 0500392 -0.91 0.365 -.1433706 0527796 GRO | 0045292 0047594 0.95 0.341 -.004799 0138575 NDTS | 1108764 0809619 1.37 0.171 -.047806 2695588 INVAR | 2781727 0636527 4.37 0.000 1534157 4029297 _cons | -1.016046 332369 -3.06 0.002 -1.667477 -.364615 -+ - sigma_u | 12915218 sigma_e | 09275327 rho | 65973124 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.1908 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.0972 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.1176 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(10) = 76.64 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- TDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.1150134 0434229 -2.65 0.008 -.2001207 -.0299061 SIZE | 1173817 0310533 3.78 0.000 0565183 1782451 TANG | 2553605 052414 4.87 0.000 1526309 3580902 GRO | -.0070466 0062178 -1.13 0.257 -.0192332 0051401 NDTS | -.0356491 08636 -0.41 0.680 -.2049116 1336135 INVAR | 054497 0713739 0.76 0.445 -.0853932 1943872
2010 | -.0769823 0214228 -3.59 0.000 -.1189703 -.0349943 _cons | -.9098693 3667514 -2.48 0.013 -1.628689 -.1910498 -+ - sigma_u | 14376926 sigma_e | 09491716 rho | 69644167 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.1710 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.5029 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.4081 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(10) = 123.95 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- LDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.0120859 0262635 -0.46 0.645 -.0635615 0393897 SIZE | -.0092481 0165717 -0.56 0.577 -.041728 0232319 TANG | 2908748 0299825 9.70 0.000 2321103 3496393 GRO | -.0030914 0037335 -0.83 0.408 -.0104089 004226 NDTS | -.059985 0486396 -1.23 0.217 -.155317 0353469 INVAR | -.1484895 0421402 -3.52 0.000 -.2310827 -.0658963
2010 | -.0329764 0127484 -2.59 0.010 -.0579628 -.0079899 _cons | 1700199 196364 0.87 0.387 -.2148465 5548864 -+ - sigma_u | 06736594 sigma_e | 05739309 rho | 57942933 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.1284 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.1782 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.1628 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(10) = 59.14 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- SDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.1052109 0411222 -2.56 0.011 -.1858089 -.0246129 SIZE | 1228843 0287312 4.28 0.000 0665723 1791964 TANG | -.026026 0491623 -0.53 0.597 -.1223824 0703304 GRO | -.0048812 0058812 -0.83 0.407 -.0164083 0066458 NDTS | 0631355 0807128 0.78 0.434 -.0950587 2213296 INVAR | 1857873 0673154 2.76 0.006 0538516 317723
2010 | -.0454141 0202198 -2.25 0.025 -.0850441 -.0057841 _cons | -1.040725 3395216 -3.07 0.002 -1.706175 -.3752746 -+ - sigma_u | 12956492 sigma_e | 08982901 rho | 67536422 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.1025 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.1784 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.1606 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(16) = 49.85 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- TDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.1259082 0451853 -2.79 0.005 -.2144698 -.0373466 SIZE | 1193526 0333239 3.58 0.000 0540389 1846663 TANG | 2609647 0563678 4.63 0.000 1504858 3714436 GRO | 0082605 0051654 1.60 0.110 -.0018635 0183845 NDTS | 0035437 0904121 0.04 0.969 -.1736608 1807482 INVAR | 2119646 0701562 3.02 0.003 0744611 3494682
MS | (omitted) _cons | -1.181748 4328016 -2.73 0.006 -2.030024 -.3334726 -+ - sigma_u | 14383665 sigma_e | 09960351 rho | 67589318 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.1594 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.5314 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.4442 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(16) = 135.94 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- LDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.0194094 0260379 -0.75 0.456 -.0704428 0316239 SIZE | -.0208721 0177717 -1.17 0.240 -.0557041 0139598 TANG | 2622638 0313794 8.36 0.000 2007613 3237662 GRO | 0015084 0029635 0.51 0.611 -.0042999 0073167 NDTS | -.0563641 0492589 -1.14 0.253 -.1529098 0401816 INVAR | -.1009903 0398718 -2.53 0.011 -.1791375 -.022843
MS | (omitted) _cons | 2795246 2277873 1.23 0.220 -.1669302 7259794 -+ - sigma_u | 06662179 sigma_e | 05774169 rho | 57104218 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.0639 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.3250 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.2672 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(16) = 54.74 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- SDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.1111079 0419033 -2.65 0.008 -.1932368 -.0289789 SIZE | 1406313 0302376 4.65 0.000 0813668 1998959 TANG | 0025677 0517902 0.05 0.960 -.0989392 1040745 GRO | 0063388 0047839 1.33 0.185 -.0030376 0157151 NDTS | 0940136 0825212 1.14 0.255 -.0677249 2557522 INVAR | 302825 0648148 4.67 0.000 1757903 4298598
MS | (omitted) _cons | -1.465162 3909832 -3.75 0.000 -2.231475 -.6988486 -+ - sigma_u | 12538959 sigma_e | 09275327 rho | 64633442 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 199 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 54
R-sq: within = 0.0722 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.0030 avg = 3.7 overall = 0.0006 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(5) = 8.34 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.1385
- TDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.0957267 0491782 -1.95 0.052 -.1921142 0006608 TANG | 0774692 0820436 0.94 0.345 -.0833333 2382718 GRO | 0083394 0072689 1.15 0.251 -.0059074 0225862 NDTS | 0090441 1144356 0.08 0.937 -.2152457 2333338 INVAR | 1096016 0666747 1.64 0.100 -.0210784 2402816 _cons | 3867639 0411229 9.41 0.000 3061645 4673633 -+ - sigma_u | 15621598 sigma_e | 10012811 rho | 70880313 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 199 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 54
R-sq: within = 0.0776 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.4725 avg = 3.7 overall = 0.3446 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(5) = 53.82 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- LDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.0214971 0250234 -0.86 0.390 -.070542 0275478 TANG | 228094 033885 6.73 0.000 1616807 2945074 GRO | 0014929 0035141 0.42 0.671 -.0053945 0083804 NDTS | 0401003 0436601 0.92 0.358 -.0454718 1256725 INVAR | -.050698 0317811 -1.60 0.111 -.1129878 0115918 _cons | -.0023793 0154274 -0.15 0.877 -.0326165 0278579 -+ - sigma_u | 03525812 sigma_e | 05203407 rho | 31466359 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 199 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 54
R-sq: within = 0.0771 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.0296 avg = 3.7 overall = 0.0282 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(5) = 12.80 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0254
- SDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.0775568 0460489 -1.68 0.092 -.1678111 0126974 TANG | -.1019057 0762418 -1.34 0.181 -.2513368 0475255 GRO | 0041818 006793 0.62 0.538 -.0091321 0174958 NDTS | 0323389 1056166 0.31 0.759 -.1746659 2393437 INVAR | 1599968 0622372 2.57 0.010 0380141 2819795 _cons | 3702648 0378853 9.77 0.000 2960109 4445187 -+ - sigma_u | 14169338 sigma_e | 09438379 rho | 69266161 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 170 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 51
R-sq: within = 0.1404 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.1081 avg = 3.3 overall = 0.1132 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(5) = 24.79 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0002
- TDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.5585298 143063 -3.90 0.000 -.8389281 -.2781315 TANG | 157307 0821514 1.91 0.056 -.0037068 3183207 GRO | 0095279 0091619 1.04 0.298 -.0084291 027485 NDTS | 6017323 1915113 3.14 0.002 2263771 9770875 INVAR | -.7232225 6741004 -1.07 0.283 -2.044435 59799 _cons | 4737906 0507543 9.33 0.000 374314 5732672 -+ - sigma_u | 14073628 sigma_e | 09334932 rho | 69446523 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 170 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 51
R-sq: within = 0.1428 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.4911 avg = 3.3 overall = 0.3714 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(5) = 59.13 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- LDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.0509128 0887345 -0.57 0.566 -.2248292 1230037 TANG | 3650507 0500134 7.30 0.000 2670261 4630752 GRO | 0050833 0056397 0.90 0.367 -.0059703 0161369 NDTS | -.0378133 117741 -0.32 0.748 -.2685815 1929548 INVAR | 1142722 4114127 0.28 0.781 -.6920819 9206263 _cons | 0119846 0309231 0.39 0.698 -.0486236 0725929 -+ - sigma_u | 08204968 sigma_e | 05827758 rho | 66467875 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 170 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 51
R-sq: within = 0.0906 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.1317 avg = 3.3 overall = 0.0819 max = 5
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(5) = 17.63 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0034
- SDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.4986416 1346302 -3.70 0.000 -.7625119 -.2347712 TANG | -.1908732 0791031 -2.41 0.016 -.3459123 -.0358341 GRO | 0055756 0087121 0.64 0.522 -.0114998 0226511 NDTS | 6634056 1823378 3.64 0.000 3060301 1.020781 INVAR | -1.053583 6477236 -1.63 0.104 -2.323098 2159319 _cons | 4583687 0489076 9.37 0.000 3625117 5542258 -+ - sigma_u | 13487612 sigma_e | 08195416 rho | 73034888 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 16 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 6
R-sq: within = 0.5534 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.6147 avg = 2.7 overall = 0.5298 max = 4
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(5) = 11.27 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0463
- TDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.2414707 7148842 -0.34 0.736 -1.642618 1.159677 TANG | 288093 239958 1.20 0.230 -.1822161 7584021 GRO | 031256 0449119 0.70 0.486 -.0567697 1192817 NDTS | -1.111313 1.653082 -0.67 0.501 -4.351293 2.128668 INVAR | -40.12762 34.17211 -1.17 0.240 -107.1037 26.84849 _cons | 6425562 2344042 2.74 0.006 1831324 1.10198 -+ - sigma_u | 0 sigma_e | 04295678 rho | 0 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 16 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 6
R-sq: within = 0.7828 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.9965 avg = 2.7 overall = 0.9544 max = 4
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(5) = 209.21 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
- LDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.8306161 1563936 -5.31 0.000 -1.137142 -.5240903 TANG | 1976657 0524951 3.77 0.000 0947773 3005542 GRO | 0050644 0098253 0.52 0.606 -.0141928 0243215 NDTS | 7447124 3616409 2.06 0.039 0359094 1.453516 INVAR | -39.99091 7.475754 -5.35 0.000 -54.64312 -25.3387 _cons | 4231811 0512801 8.25 0.000 322674 5236882 -+ - sigma_u | 0 sigma_e | 03995725 rho | 0 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 16 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 6
R-sq: within = 0.3711 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.2197 avg = 2.7 overall = 0.1598 max = 4
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Wald chi2(5) = 1.90 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 = 0.8626
- SDTA | Coef Std Err z P>|z| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | 5891259 742824 0.79 0.428 -.8667824 2.045034 TANG | 090413 2493363 0.36 0.717 -.3982772 5791033 GRO | 0261668 0466672 0.56 0.575 -.0652992 1176329 NDTS | -1.85571 1.717689 -1.08 0.280 -5.222319 1.510899 INVAR | -.1254819 35.50766 -0.00 0.997 -69.71923 69.46826 _cons | 2193357 2435655 0.90 0.368 -.2580438 6967152 -+ - sigma_u | 0 sigma_e | 04944592 rho | 0 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.1099 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.0187 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.0322 max = 5
- TDTA | Coef Std Err t P>|t| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.0958076 0449383 -2.13 0.034 -.1842395 -.0073758 SIZE | 0898892 0424008 2.12 0.035 0064508 1733275 TANG | 2768856 0610665 4.53 0.000 1567159 3970553 GRO | 0102959 0052387 1.97 0.050 -.0000131 020605 NDTS | -.1313954 1081803 -1.21 0.225 -.3442781 0814872 INVAR | 2162198 0725225 2.98 0.003 0735065 3589331 _cons | -.6992873 5053059 -1.38 0.167 -1.693654 295079 -+ - sigma_u | 17535686 sigma_e | 09960351 rho | 75606978 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.1850 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.1493 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.1566 max = 5
- LDTA | Coef Std Err t P>|t| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.0185095 0260514 -0.71 0.478 -.0697748 0327558 SIZE | -.0152809 0245804 -0.62 0.535 -.0636514 0330896 TANG | 2334498 0354012 6.59 0.000 1637855 303114 GRO | 0016932 003037 0.56 0.578 -.0042831 0076695 NDTS | -.2244712 0627138 -3.58 0.000 -.3478826 -.1010598 INVAR | -.0415858 0420424 -0.99 0.323 -.1243189 0411473 _cons | 2482395 2929336 0.85 0.397 -.32821 824689 -+ - sigma_u | 09675858 sigma_e | 05774169 rho | 73739624 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 385 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 77
R-sq: within = 0.0690 Obs per group: min = 5 between = 0.0715 avg = 5.0 overall = 0.0708 max = 5
- SDTA | Coef Std Err t P>|t| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.0772969 0418477 -1.85 0.066 -.1596468 005053 SIZE | 1052207 0394847 2.66 0.008 0275208 1829206 TANG | 0434406 0568667 0.76 0.446 -.0684645 1553457 GRO | 0086013 0048784 1.76 0.079 -.0009987 0182013 NDTS | 09305 1007402 0.92 0.356 -.1051917 2912916 INVAR | 2578313 0675347 3.82 0.000 1249331 3907295 _cons | -.9481239 4705535 -2.01 0.045 -1.874103 -.0221451 -+ - sigma_u | 1592153 sigma_e | 09275327 rho | 74661295 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 199 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 54
R-sq: within = 0.0963 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.0121 avg = 3.7 overall = 0.0060 max = 5
- TDTA | Coef Std Err t P>|t| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.0726671 0483636 -1.50 0.135 -.1682845 0229503 TANG | 1507059 0920465 1.64 0.104 -.0312749 3326867 GRO | 0105927 0074037 1.43 0.155 -.0040448 0252301 NDTS | -.2805732 1594748 -1.76 0.081 -.5958634 034717 INVAR | 1861582 0710583 2.62 0.010 0456722 3266442 _cons | 3862842 0399649 9.67 0.000 3072715 465297 -+ - sigma_u | 1988086 sigma_e | 10012811 rho | 79766828 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 170 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 51
R-sq: within = 0.1962 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.0052 avg = 3.3 overall = 0.0211 max = 5
- TDTA | Coef Std Err t P>|t| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.4681942 1474365 -3.18 0.002 -.7602648 -.1761236 TANG | 278584 1059091 2.63 0.010 068779 4883891 GRO | 0287929 0111485 2.58 0.011 0067078 0508781 NDTS | 7148499 235073 3.04 0.003 2491721 1.180528 INVAR | -2.728057 915804 -2.98 0.004 -4.542258 -.9138563 _cons | 4367562 0534968 8.16 0.000 3307794 5427329 -+ - sigma_u | 20335286 sigma_e | 09334932 rho | 82594952 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
Fixed-effects (within) regression Number of obs = 16 Group variable: ticker1 Number of groups = 6
R-sq: within = 0.6575 Obs per group: min = 1 between = 0.1949 avg = 2.7 overall = 0.1061 max = 4
- TDTA | Coef Std Err t P>|t| [95% Conf Interval]
-+ - PROF | -.2967699 4099512 -0.72 0.502 -1.350583 7570431 TANG | -1.556313 1.602654 -0.97 0.376 -5.676065 2.56344 GRO | 0005723 0243095 0.02 0.982 -.0619173 0630618 NDTS | -.9303355 1.144246 -0.81 0.453 -3.871714 2.011043 INVAR | -28.05196 11.15354 -2.52 0.053 -56.72304 619116 _cons | 1.177158 5737961 2.05 0.095 -.297832 2.652148 -+ - sigma_u | 49459628 sigma_e | 04295678 rho | 99251317 (fraction of variance due to u_i) -
1 ABT Ben Tre Aquaproduct Import & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.3875 0.0079 0.3795 0.3630 11.5203 0.2080 3.4162 0.1501 0.3493
2 AGF An Giang Fisheries Import & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.3587 0.0030 0.3556 0.2449 12.0779 0.3996 2.2452 0.1367 0.0878
3 BBC Bien Hoa Confectionary Corp Consumer Staples 0.2454 0.0131 0.2323 0.5289 11.5354 0.2660 1.7993 0.4247 0.1692
4 BHS Bien Hoa Sugar JSC Consumer Staples 0.4000 0.2736 0.1263 0.3284 11.8853 0.3921 1.7404 0.2410 0.0697
5 BMC Binh Dinh Minerals JSC Basis Materials 0.1771 0.0000 0.1771 0.5066 10.7223 0.2217 1.4057 0.1451 0.7334
6 BMP Binh Minh Plastics JSC Basis Materials 0.0975 0.0000 0.0975 0.5669 11.7021 0.1071 4.9614 0.3307 0.0983
7 BT6 620 Chau Thoi Concrete JSC Construction & Materials 0.5266 0.0874 0.4392 0.1614 11.6684 0.0907 1.4305 0.1021 0.0675
8 CII Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment JSC Real Estate 0.6590 0.4489 0.2101 0.4504 11.2217 0.5255 1.9784 0.4009 0.0377
9 CLC Cat Loi JSC Industrials 0.5880 0.0006 0.5874 0.9346 11.8478 0.1429 1.9737 0.8196 0.1439
10 COM Materials - Petrolium JSC Oil/Gas 0.4606 0.0560 0.4046 0.2551 12.2318 0.3537 1.8092 0.1575 0.2805
11 CYC Chang Yih Ceramic JSC Construction & Materials 0.5287 0.0371 0.4915 0.3019 11.1793 0.4494 1.1293 0.3339 0.1819
12 DCT Dong Nai Roofsheet & Construction Matarial JSC Construction & Materials 0.1661 0.0004 0.1656 0.3767 11.2280 0.2233 1.8678 0.3765 0.2141
13 DHA Hoa An Stone Exploitation JSC Construction & Materials 0.0405 0.0081 0.0325 0.2857 10.9242 0.1744 2.4110 0.1301 0.2136
14 DHG Hau Giang Pharmaceutical JSC Consumer Staples 0.6470 0.0441 0.6029 0.2523 11.9411 0.3068 4.7063 0.0720 0.0851
15 DIC DIC Investment & Trading JSC Construction & Materials 0.4767 0.0000 0.4767 0.1183 11.6412 0.1106 1.7107 0.0330 0.4064
16 DMC Domesco Medical Import - Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.4192 0.0102 0.4090 0.2170 11.8208 0.2768 4.3028 0.0749 0.1081
17 DRC Da Nang Rubber JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.7226 0.2628 0.4598 0.7237 11.9689 0.2792 2.4496 0.6148 0.0808
18 DTT Do Thanh Technology Corp Basis Materials 0.1361 0.0010 0.1351 0.2908 10.7073 0.3905 3.4121 0.1286 1.3072
19 FMC Sao Ta Foods JSC Consumer Staples 0.4794 0.0000 0.4794 0.6783 11.9662 0.2363 2.9170 0.5319 0.1887
20 FPT The Corp for Financing & Promoting Technology Information Technology 0.5046 0.0370 0.4676 0.2416 13.3304 0.0879 8.7096 0.0629 0.0121
21 GIL Binh Thanh Trading JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.2334 0.0070 0.2264 0.1952 11.6199 0.1530 1.4799 0.0587 0.2186
22 GMC Saigon Garment Manufacturing Trade JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.6746 0.1363 0.5383 0.4783 11.3494 0.4185 1.7195 0.3787 0.3385
23 GMD General Forwarding & Agency Corp Transportation 0.5294 0.2151 0.3143 0.4306 12.0835 0.4251 3.9250 0.2730 0.0295
24 HAP Hai Phong Paper JSC Basis Materials 0.3480 0.1347 0.2133 0.1653 11.2415 0.5769 1.1367 0.0845 0.1558
25 HAS Ha Noi Post Construction & Installation Co Construction & Materials 0.6729 0.0355 0.6375 0.1313 11.2050 0.0767 1.3470 0.0326 0.2033
26 HAX Hang Xanh Motors Service JSC Transportation 0.5891 0.0091 0.5800 0.1636 11.3690 0.2640 1.7256 0.1151 0.7147
27 HBC Hoa Binh Construction & Real Estate Corp Construction & Materials 0.4740 0.0051 0.4689 0.1550 11.3131 0.2517 4.6245 0.0646 0.3086
28 HMC Hochiminh City Metal Corp Basis Materials 0.5837 0.0025 0.5812 0.0651 12.2428 0.3335 1.8148 0.0147 0.0942
29 HRC Hoa Binh Rubber JSC Basis Materials 0.2128 0.0139 0.1989 0.4774 11.5059 0.2241 4.5193 0.0785 0.1131
30 HTV Ha Tien Transport JSC Transportation 0.1630 0.0018 0.1612 0.4580 10.9383 0.3278 1.4120 0.2864 0.4178
31 IFS Interfood Shareholdings Co Consumer Staples 0.3633 0.0017 0.3616 0.2752 11.8178 0.3657 2.0343 0.1569 0.0658
32 IMP Imexpharm Pharmaceutical JSC Consumer Staples 0.2314 0.0016 0.2298 0.3529 11.7220 0.1151 2.9885 0.1982 0.1349
33 ITA Tan Tao Industrial Park Corp Real Estate 0.6101 0.1212 0.4888 0.1339 11.5653 0.0306 3.3301 0.0078 0.0281
34 KDC Kinh Do Corp Consumer Staples 0.3749 0.0505 0.3244 0.2963 12.0008 0.2753 4.9244 0.1147 0.0439
35 KHA Khanh Hoi Import - Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.2467 0.0512 0.1955 0.1895 11.1290 0.1860 1.3727 0.0905 0.2889
36 KHP Khanh Hoa Power JSC Utilities 0.5079 0.2167 0.2912 0.8347 11.8108 0.5799 1.6783 0.7613 0.1096
37 LAF Long An Food Processing & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.5122 0.0035 0.5087 0.0043 11.8451 0.1447 1.0872 0.0968 0.2870
38 LBM Lam Dong Building Materials JSC Construction & Materials 0.7217 0.1920 0.5297 0.3630 10.8428 0.4097 1.3842 0.3104 0.5912
39 LGC Lu Gia Mechanical Electric JSC Industrials 0.6229 0.0811 0.5418 0.1992 10.6068 0.2681 1.5715 0.1462 0.8742
40 MCP My Chau Printing & Packaging Holdings Co Basis Materials 0.3838 0.0922 0.2916 0.8434 11.1833 0.2800 1.6250 0.7751 0.4475
41 MCV Cavico Vietnam Mining & Contrucstion JSC Industrials 0.8306 0.1658 0.6648 0.2921 11.0792 0.4488 1.5963 0.2477 0.2034
42 MHC Hanoi Maritime Holding Co Transportation 0.4549 0.2018 0.2531 0.6447 11.3500 0.2915 1.5041 0.5515 0.2116
43 NAV Nam Viet JSC Construction & Materials 0.6279 0.0012 0.6268 0.3567 11.2451 0.1678 3.1886 0.1642 0.3759
44 NSC National Seed JSC Consumer Staples 0.3493 0.0137 0.3356 0.1641 11.0333 0.1089 1.9803 0.0693 0.4297
45 PAC Dry Cell & Storage Battery JSC Industrials 0.5368 0.0434 0.4934 0.5923 11.8287 0.2724 2.4634 0.4864 0.1543
46 PGC Gas Petrolimex JSC Utilities 0.4952 0.1171 0.3781 0.2204 12.1059 0.2583 2.1756 0.1599 0.0595
47 PJT Petrolimex JS Tanker Co Oil/Gas 0.5555 0.0013 0.5542 0.1764 11.8935 0.2187 2.0476 0.0860 0.3712
48 PNC Phuong Nam Cultural JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.6066 0.0042 0.6024 0.1844 11.2533 0.1835 1.1781 0.1433 0.2510
49 PVD Petrovietnam Drilling & Well Services JSC Oil/Gas 0.6359 0.3249 0.3110 0.1096 12.1299 0.6857 5.8591 0.0353 0.0189
50 RAL Rang Dong Light Sources & Vacuum Flask JSC Industrials 0.6838 0.1714 0.5124 0.4606 11.7627 0.2461 2.6784 0.3555 0.0933
51 REE Refrigeration & Electrical Engineering Corp
Multi-Scope Business and Group 0.2825 0.0642 0.2182 0.2134 11.9214 0.1196 3.2548 0.0157 0.0272
52 SAM Saigon Cables & Telecommunications Material JSC Industrials 0.5801 0.0175 0.5627 0.2373 12.2190 0.0372 3.7329 0.1121 0.0234
53 SAV Savimex Economic Cooperation and Import-Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.4638 0.0203 0.4434 0.1591 11.5808 0.1192 1.3023 0.1029 0.1147
54 SCD Chuong Duong Beverages Co Consumer Staples 0.2643 0.0079 0.2564 0.2895 11.2943 0.1137 3.1761 0.1457 0.2710
55 SFC Saigon Fuel JSC Oil/Gas 0.4444 0.1068 0.3376 0.4099 11.8093 0.3584 1.4746 0.2784 0.6075
56 SFI Sea & Air Freight International Transportation 0.6911 0.0006 0.6904 0.2101 10.9494 0.1451 1.5772 0.0674 0.2908
57 SJD Can Don Hydroelectric JSC Utilities 0.7889 0.6493 0.1396 0.1735 11.3775 0.9334 1.4421 0.1250 0.0318
Song Da Urban & Industrial Zone Invesment & Development
59 SMC SMC Trading Investment JSC Basis Materials 0.7433 0.0200 0.7232 0.0616 12.2810 0.0192 1.3024 0.0045 0.1035
60 SSC Southern Seed JSC Consumer Staples 0.1710 0.0266 0.1444 0.2745 11.1529 0.3202 3.2253 0.1045 0.2906
61 TAC Tuong An Vegetable Oil JSC Consumer Staples 0.5175 0.0583 0.4593 0.2923 12.1808 0.2782 2.7713 0.2088 0.0751
62 TCR Taicera Enterprise Co Construction & Materials 0.5088 0.2380 0.2708 0.3603 11.8328 0.4746 1.5086 0.2953 0.0392
63 TDH Thu Duc Housing Development Corp Construction & Materials 0.3582 0.1961 0.1620 0.1214 11.1614 0.0353 4.0107 0.0135 0.0478
64 TMS Transforwarding & Warehousing JSC Transportation 0.3835 0.0893 0.2942 0.4495 11.1080 0.6522 2.3666 0.3034 0.2794
65 TNA Thien Nam Import & Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.7090 0.0126 0.6964 0.1209 11.3837 0.0452 1.4225 0.0233 0.5711
66 TRI Saigon Food & Beverage JSC Consumer Staples 0.7043 0.0111 0.6933 0.3617 11.4803 0.1158 1.5394 0.3049 0.1945
67 TS4 Seafood Import Export JSC No 4 Consumer Staples 0.4317 0.0894 0.3422 0.1965 11.1816 0.2736 1.4402 0.1223 0.4386
68 TTP Tan Tien Plastic Packaging JSC Basis Materials 0.4353 0.0651 0.3702 0.8092 11.8844 0.1931 3.1595 0.6343 0.1297
69 TYA Taya Vietnam Electric Wire & Cable JSC Industrials 0.7308 0.0447 0.6861 0.1407 12.1100 0.2092 1.7608 0.1119 0.0354
70 VFC Vinafico JS Corp Transportation 0.7516 0.1304 0.6212 0.2803 11.5359 0.4042 1.3191 0.2192 0.1418
71 VID Vien Dong Paper JSC Basis Materials 0.5101 0.0696 0.4404 0.2120 11.4245 0.2936 3.9949 0.1557 0.1861
72 VIP Vietnam Petrolium Transport JSC Oil/Gas 0.3404 0.2972 0.0432 0.6472 11.9256 0.4329 3.2391 0.4983 0.0595
73 VIS Vietnam - Italy Steel JSC Basis Materials 0.8507 0.2090 0.6417 0.1403 12.1052 0.2742 1.3621 0.1191 0.0528
74 VNM Vietnam Dairy Corp Consumer Staples 0.2395 0.0299 0.2095 0.4171 12.7986 0.2977 5.7595 0.2330 0.0114
75 VPK Vegetable Oil Packing JSC Basis Materials 0.4190 0.1926 0.2264 0.1188 11.0233 0.5486 1.6485 0.0587 0.2660
76 VSH Vinh Son Song Hinh Hydropower JSC Utilities 0.2900 0.2232 0.0668 0.7681 11.6120 0.9086 3.5808 0.6247 0.0218
77 VTB Viettronics Tan Binh JSC Industrials 0.5567 0.0681 0.4886 0.2562 11.5971 0.0249 2.2941 0.1510 0.1981
1 ABT Ben Tre Aquaproduct Import & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.3075 0.0001 0.3074 0.1549 11.6350 0.1121 1.6718 0.0502 0.0989
2 AGF An Giang Fisheries Import & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.2635 0.0008 0.2627 0.1455 12.0956 0.3803 1.5278 0.0945 0.0487
3 BBC Bien Hoa Confectionary Corp Consumer Staples 0.4541 0.0822 0.3719 0.3870 11.6598 0.3941 3.2947 0.2991 0.1084
4 BHS Bien Hoa Sugar JSC Consumer Staples 0.4318 0.2778 0.1539 0.3464 11.8084 0.4130 1.6776 0.2662 0.0614
5 BMC Binh Dinh Minerals JSC Basis Materials 0.1852 0.0871 0.0981 0.6506 11.0520 0.2576 14.0072 0.1261 0.4349
6 BMP Binh Minh Plastics JSC Basis Materials 0.1530 0.0011 0.1519 0.5512 11.8327 0.2988 4.8074 0.3277 0.0826
7 BT6 620 Chau Thoi Concrete JSC Construction & Materials 0.5561 0.1247 0.4314 0.1719 11.8388 0.1144 1.4818 0.1027 0.0581
8 CII Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment JSC Real Estate 0.5372 0.4291 0.1082 0.0629 11.2490 0.3011 2.0337 0.0003 0.0240
9 CLC Cat Loi JSC Industrials 0.6027 0.0006 0.6021 0.8813 11.9106 0.2113 2.0411 0.7414 0.1173
10 COM Materials - Petrolium JSC Oil/Gas 0.1428 0.0215 0.1212 0.1315 12.3197 0.2805 1.5387 0.0784 0.1237
11 CYC Chang Yih Ceramic JSC Construction & Materials 0.6055 0.0836 0.5219 0.3415 11.2207 0.4823 1.1886 0.3283 0.1472
12 DCT Dong Nai Roofsheet & Construction Matarial JSC Construction & Materials 0.1954 0.1102 0.0852 0.3043 11.1971 0.1171 1.5030 0.2028 0.1077
13 DHA Hoa An Stone Exploitation JSC Construction & Materials 0.1220 0.0069 0.1150 0.3171 11.0058 0.2536 1.8267 0.1155 0.1741
14 DHG Hau Giang Pharmaceutical JSC Consumer Staples 0.3085 0.0009 0.3076 0.1976 12.1090 0.2428 5.2755 0.0614 0.0436
15 DIC DIC Investment & Trading JSC Construction & Materials 0.6846 0.0065 0.6781 0.1123 11.7747 0.0828 1.7555 0.0297 0.2130
16 DMC Domesco Medical Import - Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.2336 0.0058 0.2279 0.1753 11.9102 0.2167 3.9378 0.0687 0.0682
17 DRC Da Nang Rubber JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.6432 0.1952 0.4480 0.7423 12.0727 0.2444 3.3874 0.6210 0.0703
18 DTT Do Thanh Technology Corp Basis Materials 0.0480 0.0004 0.0475 0.1006 10.7393 0.1554 1.7072 0.0554 0.3880
19 FMC Sao Ta Foods JSC Consumer Staples 0.5747 0.0013 0.5734 0.4144 11.9999 0.1673 1.6156 0.3419 0.1073
20 FPT The Corp for Financing & Promoting Technology Information Technology 0.5777 0.0124 0.5652 0.2624 13.1309 0.1198 4.4221 0.0703 0.0077
21 GIL Binh Thanh Trading JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.1331 0.0034 0.1297 0.1233 11.6531 0.1075 1.4253 0.0346 0.1069
22 GMC Saigon Garment Manufacturing Trade JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.4004 0.0184 0.3820 0.3921 11.5518 0.3139 1.8405 0.2957 0.2263
23 GMD General Forwarding & Agency Corp Transportation 0.2960 0.1340 0.1620 0.1846 12.0689 0.3586 2.2182 0.1041 0.0125
24 HAP Hai Phong Paper JSC Basis Materials 0.3059 0.1584 0.1475 0.1870 11.3288 0.3620 1.8797 0.0537 0.0561
25 HAS Ha Noi Post Construction & Installation Co Construction & Materials 0.4830 0.0135 0.4695 0.0923 11.1819 0.1060 1.6399 0.0273 0.1380
26 HAX Hang Xanh Motors Service JSC Transportation 0.6866 0.0000 0.6866 0.2159 11.6838 0.2022 2.0810 0.1085 0.4638
27 HBC Hoa Binh Construction & Real Estate Corp Construction & Materials 0.4346 0.0679 0.3666 0.0464 11.6584 0.3204 2.1291 0.0150 0.0437
28 HMC Hochiminh City Metal Corp Basis Materials 0.5778 0.0105 0.5673 0.0983 12.4474 0.3345 2.0461 0.0157 0.0888
29 HRC Hoa Binh Rubber JSC Basis Materials 0.1651 0.0090 0.1561 0.4244 11.4713 0.2024 7.2896 0.0979 0.1010
30 HTV Ha Tien Transport JSC Transportation 0.0585 0.0005 0.0580 0.2424 10.8813 0.1299 2.0909 0.1550 0.1997
31 IFS Interfood Shareholdings Co Consumer Staples 0.5457 0.0017 0.5440 0.2192 11.8797 0.2426 1.7915 0.1368 0.0469
32 IMP Imexpharm Pharmaceutical JSC Consumer Staples 0.1247 0.0012 0.1235 0.2359 11.6575 0.0780 3.9605 0.1246 0.0723
33 ITA Tan Tao Industrial Park Corp Real Estate 0.2908 0.0691 0.2217 0.1015 11.9806 0.1469 2.8975 0.0032 0.0087
34 KDC Kinh Do Corp Consumer Staples 0.1935 0.0410 0.1525 0.1198 12.0928 0.1426 3.1659 0.0473 0.0134
35 KHA Khanh Hoi Import - Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.3441 0.0996 0.2445 0.0828 10.8740 0.0576 1.4463 0.0365 0.1147
36 KHP Khanh Hoa Power JSC Utilities 0.5423 0.1622 0.3801 0.7958 11.8802 0.4316 2.0242 0.6968 0.0877
37 LAF Long An Food Processing & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.4455 0.0033 0.4422 0.2555 11.7970 0.1200 2.3343 0.1032 0.2526
38 LBM Lam Dong Building Materials JSC Construction & Materials 0.4474 0.1480 0.2994 2.5280 10.7604 0.2782 1.9550 0.2461 0.3793
39 LGC Lu Gia Mechanical Electric JSC Industrials 0.6940 0.2020 0.4920 0.0364 10.7703 0.6189 1.8689 0.0200 0.1521
40 MCP My Chau Printing & Packaging Holdings Co Basis Materials 0.7153 0.2245 0.4908 0.4039 11.2202 0.3614 1.2932 0.3515 0.1812
41 MCV Cavico Vietnam Mining & Contrucstion JSC Industrials 0.7048 0.1239 0.5809 0.2862 11.1056 0.2873 1.2287 0.2427 0.1491
42 MHC Hanoi Maritime Holding Co Transportation 0.4905 0.1636 0.3269 0.5796 11.3844 0.4928 2.2223 0.4372 0.1516
43 NAV Nam Viet JSC Construction & Materials 0.3724 0.0008 0.3716 0.3429 11.3273 0.1397 5.1867 0.1423 0.2868
44 NSC National Seed JSC Consumer Staples 0.3987 0.0102 0.3885 0.1720 11.1699 0.0981 1.9555 0.0586 0.3451
45 PAC Dry Cell & Storage Battery JSC Industrials 0.5576 0.0043 0.5533 0.4394 11.9956 0.1495 2.4023 0.3213 0.0929
46 PGC Gas Petrolimex JSC Utilities 0.3509 0.0748 0.2760 0.2189 12.1751 0.2213 1.8335 0.1547 0.0488
47 PJT Petrolimex JS Tanker Co Oil/Gas 0.5757 0.0016 0.5741 0.2059 11.8650 0.2156 2.4529 0.1022 0.3172
48 PNC Phuong Nam Cultural JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.4214 0.0121 0.4093 0.1806 11.3348 0.1576 1.5304 0.1313 0.1885
49 PVD Petrovietnam Drilling & Well Services JSC Oil/Gas 0.4547 0.2994 0.1552 0.1851 12.4375 0.5854 4.3211 0.0512 0.0095
50 RAL Rang Dong Light Sources & Vacuum Flask JSC Industrials 0.5155 0.0676 0.4479 0.2627 11.8968 0.1861 1.9196 0.1957 0.0512
51 REE Refrigeration & Electrical Engineering Corp
Multi-Scope Business and Group 0.2198 0.0361 0.1837 0.1416 11.9980 0.0186 2.9452 0.0060 0.0142
52 SAM Saigon Cables & Telecommunications Material JSC Industrials 0.2096 0.0020 0.2077 0.1435 12.2313 0.0413 2.6355 0.0714 0.0134
53 SAV Savimex Economic Cooperation and Imp.-Exp JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.4625 0.0122 0.4503 0.1174 11.6642 0.1068 1.4027 0.0773 0.0768
54 SCD Chuong Duong Beverages Co Consumer Staples 0.2182 0.0095 0.2087 0.3566 11.3810 0.1738 2.3980 0.1874 0.2637
55 SFC Saigon Fuel JSC Oil/Gas 0.4756 0.0002 0.4753 0.2177 11.9037 0.4060 1.9111 0.1508 0.2868
56 SFI Sea & Air Freight International Transportation 0.7665 0.1108 0.6557 0.1550 10.9930 0.3243 1.2607 0.0450 0.1512
57 SJD Can Don Hydroelectric JSC Utilities 0.7206 0.5965 0.1241 0.3985 11.3834 0.9382 1.5567 0.1908 0.0339
58 SJS Song Da Urban & Industrial Zone Inv & Dev JSC Real Estate 0.1786 0.0207 0.1579 0.2547 11.8501 0.5158 6.6417 0.0225 0.0266
59 SMC SMC Trading Investment JSC Basis Materials 0.6547 0.0291 0.6256 0.0797 12.4771 0.0693 1.7089 0.0088 0.0722
60 SSC Southern Seed JSC Consumer Staples 0.1981 0.0442 0.1538 0.2682 11.2261 0.3252 4.2297 0.1117 0.2630
61 TAC Tuong An Vegetable Oil JSC Consumer Staples 0.5682 0.1236 0.4446 0.2956 12.4075 0.2694 3.3572 0.1466 0.0491
62 TCR Taicera Enterprise Co Construction & Materials 0.4937 0.2270 0.2666 0.3769 12.0606 0.4455 1.3218 0.3079 0.0354
63 TDH Thu Duc Housing Development Corp Construction & Materials 0.3050 0.1317 0.1733 0.1826 11.2770 0.0436 2.4188 0.0141 0.0370
64 TMS Transforwarding & Warehousing JSC Transportation 0.1531 0.0474 0.1057 0.3599 11.1310 0.5112 2.5945 0.2522 0.1928
65 TNA Thien Nam Import & Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.4744 0.0075 0.4670 0.0986 11.6725 0.0259 1.4885 0.0115 0.2383
66 TRI Saigon Food & Beverage JSC Consumer Staples 0.7429 0.2937 0.4492 0.0463 11.5996 0.4121 1.2546 0.0148 0.0612
67 TS4 Seafood Import Export JSC No 4 Consumer Staples 0.2196 0.0610 0.1585 0.1224 11.2391 0.5274 1.8231 0.0694 0.2853
68 TTP Tan Tien Plastic Packaging JSC Basis Materials 0.1980 0.0006 0.1974 0.5959 11.9338 0.2724 3.3787 0.4728 0.0839
69 TYA Taya Vietnam Electric Wire & Cable JSC Industrials 0.6939 0.0384 0.6555 0.1664 12.1391 0.2565 1.5691 0.1591 0.0410
70 VFC Vinafico JS Corp Transportation 0.5685 0.1178 0.4507 0.3339 11.7752 0.3777 2.1619 0.2716 0.1443
71 VID Vien Dong Paper JSC Basis Materials 0.4269 0.0905 0.3363 0.1663 11.6441 0.2837 1.9373 0.1055 0.0953
72 VIP Vietnam Petrolium Transport JSC Oil/Gas 0.4925 0.4183 0.0742 0.3551 12.0216 0.6441 2.5704 0.2601 0.0264
73 VIS Vietnam - Italy Steel JSC Basis Materials 0.7798 0.1566 0.6232 0.1835 12.1703 0.2799 1.9767 0.1511 0.0521
74 VNM Vietnam Dairy Corp Consumer Staples 0.1978 0.0258 0.1720 0.3529 12.8245 0.3036 5.5610 0.1768 0.0076
75 VPK Vegetable Oil Packing JSC Basis Materials 0.4838 0.2286 0.2552 0.1517 11.2161 0.5391 1.4870 0.0859 0.2260
76 VSH Vinh Son Song Hinh Hydropower JSC Utilities 0.1777 0.1277 0.0501 0.6427 11.5684 0.6565 2.7885 0.5385 0.0167
77 VTB Viettronics Tan Binh JSC Industrials 0.3528 0.0037 0.3491 0.1871 11.7138 0.0149 1.7044 0.0981 0.1231
1 ABT Ben Tre Aquaproduct Import & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.1115 0.0000 0.1115 0.1304 11.6753 0.1281 0.5708 0.0679 0.1064
2 AGF An Giang Fisheries Import & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.5260 0.0349 0.4911 0.0912 12.0956 0.3909 0.6691 0.0592 0.0305
3 BBC Bien Hoa Confectionary Corp Consumer Staples 0.1950 0.0173 0.1778 0.2490 11.7366 0.2828 0.5515 0.2132 0.0669
4 BHS Bien Hoa Sugar JSC Consumer Staples 0.4466 0.2613 0.1853 0.4286 11.8989 0.4711 0.9637 0.3566 0.0687
5 BMC Binh Dinh Minerals JSC Basis Materials 0.0579 0.0016 0.0563 0.5204 11.1145 0.5014 4.3892 0.1311 0.3123
6 BMP Binh Minh Plastics JSC Basis Materials 0.1372 0.0013 0.1359 0.5524 11.9199 0.3844 1.0479 0.3508 0.0726
7 BT6 620 Chau Thoi Concrete JSC Construction & Materials 0.4943 0.1282 0.3660 0.2020 11.9265 0.1344 1.4921 0.1294 0.0632
8 CII Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment JSC Real Estate 0.5705 0.4559 0.1146 0.3718 11.3599 0.3143 1.1075 0.2991 0.0204
9 CLC Cat Loi JSC Industrials 0.5742 0.0004 0.5737 0.9022 11.9655 0.1850 1.1035 0.7608 0.1107
10 COM Materials - Petrolium JSC Oil/Gas 0.1193 0.0196 0.0997 0.1693 12.4874 0.2986 1.0666 0.0901 0.1245
11 CYC Chang Yih Ceramic JSC Construction & Materials 0.6304 0.3191 0.3113 0.3849 11.4364 0.4295 0.8904 0.3339 0.1243
12 DCT Dong Nai Roofsheet & Construction Matarial JSC Construction & Materials 0.1495 0.0415 0.1080 0.3602 11.2945 0.1892 0.5652 0.2345 0.1162
13 DHA Hoa An Stone Exploitation JSC Construction & Materials 0.0711 0.0057 0.0654 0.2627 11.2007 0.3880 0.7034 0.1001 0.1377
14 DHG Hau Giang Pharmaceutical JSC Consumer Staples 0.3537 0.0140 0.3397 0.2129 12.1814 0.2089 2.5538 0.0788 0.0380
15 DIC DIC Investment & Trading JSC Construction & Materials 0.6705 0.0322 0.6383 0.0912 11.8245 0.2122 0.9062 0.0427 0.1272
16 DMC Domesco Medical Import - Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.2237 0.0027 0.2210 0.2148 11.9737 0.3041 1.3417 0.0932 0.0671
17 DRC Da Nang Rubber JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.6485 0.1551 0.4933 0.7210 12.1196 0.2916 1.0691 0.6367 0.0669
18 DTT Do Thanh Technology Corp Basis Materials 0.0494 0.0002 0.0492 0.1418 11.0503 0.3995 0.5383 0.0786 0.3903
19 FMC Sao Ta Foods JSC Consumer Staples 0.5411 0.0016 0.5395 0.4662 12.0075 0.2414 0.8131 0.4295 0.1226
20 FPT The Corp for Financing & Promoting Technology Information Technology 0.5168 0.0008 0.5160 0.2926 13.2156 0.1569 1.6677 0.0901 0.0067
21 GIL Binh Thanh Trading JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.1605 0.0035 0.1570 0.1467 11.6603 0.2515 0.5454 0.0432 0.1097
22 GMC Saigon Garment Manufacturing Trade JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.3938 0.0023 0.3915 0.4333 11.6281 0.4223 0.7501 0.3145 0.2210
23 GMD General Forwarding & Agency Corp Transportation 0.4191 0.2247 0.1944 0.0881 12.2817 0.4689 0.8211 0.1291 0.0116
24 HAP Hai Phong Paper JSC Basis Materials 0.3547 0.1120 0.2427 0.0018 11.5065 0.3726 0.6841 0.0971 0.0610
25 HAS Ha Noi Post Construction & Installation Co Construction & Materials 0.4047 0.0034 0.4013 0.0983 11.0537 0.0789 0.6437 0.0351 0.1545
26 HAX Hang Xanh Motors Service JSC Transportation 0.4114 0.0034 0.4080 0.1654 11.7519 0.2347 0.7466 0.0713 0.2356
27 HBC Hoa Binh Construction & Real Estate Corp Construction & Materials 0.4927 0.0948 0.3978 0.0326 11.8426 0.2174 0.7032 0.0234 0.0353
28 HMC Hochiminh City Metal Corp Basis Materials 0.6466 0.0008 0.6457 0.0730 12.6322 0.2436 0.9561 0.0120 0.0505
29 HRC Hoa Binh Rubber JSC Basis Materials 0.1693 0.0093 0.1600 0.3523 11.4624 0.2271 1.2495 0.1253 0.1060
30 HTV Ha Tien Transport JSC Transportation 0.0402 0.0010 0.0392 0.2213 10.9354 0.1681 0.5138 0.1917 0.2146
31 IFS Interfood Shareholdings Co Consumer Staples 0.8419 0.0243 0.8176 (0.0383) 11.9624 0.7525 1.0230 0.1420 0.0332
32 IMP Imexpharm Pharmaceutical JSC Consumer Staples 0.1351 0.0032 0.1319 0.2567 11.7551 0.2213 1.6012 0.1380 0.0689
33 ITA Tan Tao Industrial Park Corp Real Estate 0.1901 0.0674 0.1227 0.0701 12.1332 0.0301 0.8141 0.0029 0.0072
34 KDC Kinh Do Corp Consumer Staples 0.2802 0.0577 0.2225 0.0524 12.1662 0.2511 0.8460 0.0731 0.0138
35 KHA Khanh Hoi Import - Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.3540 0.0123 0.3417 0.1899 11.3598 0.0808 0.7877 0.0438 0.1185
36 KHP Khanh Hoa Power JSC Utilities 0.7051 0.5346 0.1706 0.7506 11.9257 0.6259 0.9341 0.6848 0.0515
37 LAF Long An Food Processing & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.5850 0.0016 0.5834 0.1169 11.7537 0.1313 0.8440 0.0941 0.1893
38 LBM Lam Dong Building Materials JSC Construction & Materials 0.5565 0.2627 0.2938 0.4077 11.1185 0.4433 0.8938 0.3259 0.2449
39 LGC Lu Gia Mechanical Electric JSC Industrials 0.5913 0.3534 0.2379 0.0770 10.9527 0.7142 1.0992 0.0125 0.1210
40 MCP My Chau Printing & Packaging Holdings Co Basis Materials 0.3969 0.2240 0.1729 0.5445 11.3182 0.4313 0.7809 0.4413 0.2007
41 MCV Cavico Vietnam Mining & Contrucstion JSC Industrials 0.5996 0.0803 0.5193 0.2927 11.1687 0.2378 0.8102 0.2580 0.1269
42 MHC Hanoi Maritime Holding Co Transportation 0.5614 0.2058 0.3556 0.3789 11.3615 0.5324 0.7961 0.3784 0.1049
43 NAV Nam Viet JSC Construction & Materials 0.3537 0.0000 0.3537 0.2958 11.2478 0.1504 0.8912 0.1709 0.2847
44 NSC National Seed JSC Consumer Staples 0.2878 0.0031 0.2847 0.1762 11.3492 0.0781 0.9260 0.0363 0.2022
45 PAC Dry Cell & Storage Battery JSC Industrials 0.3865 0.0029 0.3836 0.4893 12.0940 0.1501 1.4920 0.3102 0.0812
46 PGC Gas Petrolimex JSC Utilities 0.3162 0.1240 0.1922 0.2051 12.2279 0.3233 0.6501 0.2008 0.0549
47 PJT Petrolimex JS Tanker Co Oil/Gas 0.5021 0.0014 0.5008 0.1316 11.9035 0.3841 0.9707 0.0926 0.2274
48 PNC Phuong Nam Cultural JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.5822 0.0450 0.5372 0.1277 11.4410 0.1778 0.7860 0.1075 0.1416
49 PVD Petrovietnam Drilling & Well Services JSC Oil/Gas 0.6960 0.2452 0.4508 0.1538 12.5716 0.7266 1.9973 0.0462 0.0048
50 RAL Rang Dong Light Sources & Vacuum Flask JSC Industrials 0.5340 0.0000 0.5340 0.2531 11.9233 0.2292 0.7858 0.1985 0.0459
51 REE Refrigeration & Electrical Engineering Corp
Multi-Scope Business and Group 0.1951 0.0404 0.1547 (0.0462) 12.0698 0.0174 0.8414 0.0081 0.0158
52 SAM Saigon Cables & Telecommunications Material JSC Industrials 0.0309 0.0002 0.0308 0.0701 12.1128 0.0828 0.4176 0.1034 0.0180
53 SAV Savimex Economic Cooperation and Import-Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.4953 0.0215 0.4738 0.1184 11.7503 0.1143 0.7350 0.0840 0.0714
54 SCD Chuong Duong Beverages Co Consumer Staples 0.2592 0.0023 0.2569 0.3891 11.4385 0.1924 1.0525 0.2106 0.2404
55 SFC Saigon Fuel JSC Oil/Gas 0.3717 0.0013 0.3704 0.3546 12.0808 0.6714 1.5696 0.1887 0.3042
56 SFI Sea & Air Freight International Transportation 0.5123 0.0006 0.5116 0.1909 11.0838 0.3534 0.8528 0.0499 0.1415
57 SJD Can Don Hydroelectric JSC Utilities 0.6738 0.4519 0.2219 0.2939 11.3810 0.9381 1.0488 0.2628 0.0360
58 SJS Song Da Urban & Industrial Zone Inv & Dev JSC Real Estate 0.2782 0.0819 0.1963 0.1323 11.4971 0.6485 1.6357 0.0234 0.0258
59 SMC SMC Trading Investment JSC Basis Materials 0.6523 0.0383 0.6140 0.1373 12.6248 0.1629 0.9565 0.0269 0.0547
60 SSC Southern Seed JSC Consumer Staples 0.1790 0.0279 0.1511 0.3242 11.3270 0.2946 1.2298 0.1252 0.2424
61 TAC Tuong An Vegetable Oil JSC Consumer Staples 0.5498 0.1142 0.4356 0.2266 12.4761 0.4013 1.2019 0.2057 0.0598
62 TCR Taicera Enterprise Co Construction & Materials 0.4787 0.1517 0.3271 0.4073 12.0364 0.4933 0.7189 0.3731 0.0356
63 TDH Thu Duc Housing Development Corp Construction & Materials 0.2873 0.1471 0.1402 0.2115 11.7841 0.0535 0.7667 0.0146 0.0287
64 TMS Transforwarding & Warehousing JSC Transportation 0.1357 0.0287 0.1070 0.4636 11.2428 0.7180 1.2523 0.3066 0.1816
65 TNA Thien Nam Import & Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.5240 0.0141 0.5099 0.1037 11.8501 0.0619 0.7862 0.0082 0.2016
66 TRI Saigon Food & Beverage JSC Consumer Staples 0.9894 0.2467 0.7427 (0.4138) 11.7790 0.2190 1.1678 0.0312 0.1261
67 TS4 Seafood Import Export JSC No 4 Consumer Staples 0.3564 0.1948 0.1616 0.0911 11.2635 0.6192 0.6749 0.0486 0.1680
68 TTP Tan Tien Plastic Packaging JSC Basis Materials 0.1368 0.0004 0.1364 0.7038 12.0219 0.2338 0.6663 0.5429 0.0849
69 TYA Taya Vietnam Electric Wire & Cable JSC Industrials 0.6994 0.0315 0.6680 0.4568 12.0742 0.3494 1.1470 0.2858 0.0622
70 VFC Vinafico JS Corp Transportation 0.1921 0.0431 0.1490 0.2803 11.6511 0.1927 0.6169 0.2411 0.1213
71 VID Vien Dong Paper JSC Basis Materials 0.4593 0.1023 0.3570 0.1684 11.7447 0.2516 0.8566 0.1110 0.0819
72 VIP Vietnam Petrolium Transport JSC Oil/Gas 0.4547 0.4060 0.0488 0.3932 12.0970 0.6461 0.8721 0.3410 0.0284
73 VIS Vietnam - Italy Steel JSC Basis Materials 0.6493 0.3145 0.3347 0.2950 12.2346 0.3153 1.0014 0.1468 0.0402
74 VNM Vietnam Dairy Corp Consumer Staples 0.1935 0.0305 0.1630 0.4172 12.9233 0.3246 2.6315 0.1874 0.0069
75 VPK Vegetable Oil Packing JSC Basis Materials 0.5351 0.1686 0.3664 0.1434 11.2796 0.5532 0.8749 0.1225 0.2162
76 VSH Vinh Son Song Hinh Hydropower JSC Utilities 0.1373 0.0906 0.0466 0.7432 11.6846 0.5952 1.6876 0.5941 0.0166
77 VTB Viettronics Tan Binh JSC Industrials 0.2360 0.0289 0.2071 0.2271 11.3406 0.1297 0.8739 0.1295 0.1563
1 ABT Ben Tre Aquaproduct Import & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.1798 0.0000 0.1798 0.2507 11.7357 0.0977 1.2778 0.0603 0.0765
2 AGF An Giang Fisheries Import & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.4818 0.0068 0.4750 0.1278 12.1291 0.3298 0.8347 0.1129 0.0340
3 BBC Bien Hoa Confectionary Corp Consumer Staples 0.2898 0.0765 0.2134 0.2912 11.8007 0.0497 0.8863 0.2040 0.0558
4 BHS Bien Hoa Sugar JSC Consumer Staples 0.5156 0.1406 0.3751 0.4216 12.0760 0.2981 1.1231 0.2767 0.0465
5 BMC Binh Dinh Minerals JSC Basis Materials 0.2075 0.0722 0.1353 0.3350 11.0084 0.3754 3.8780 0.1657 0.2705
6 BMP Binh Minh Plastics JSC Basis Materials 0.1781 0.0013 0.1769 0.6410 12.0630 0.3222 1.5596 0.2950 0.0499
7 BT6 620 Chau Thoi Concrete JSC Construction & Materials 0.4768 0.0606 0.4162 0.2895 11.8966 0.2072 1.2973 0.1659 0.0495
8 CII Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment JSC Real Estate 0.5116 0.4257 0.0860 0.4194 11.3066 0.2617 1.6909 0.2770 0.0164
9 CLC Cat Loi JSC Industrials 0.5910 0.0004 0.5906 0.7704 12.0607 0.0945 1.2941 0.6540 0.0875
10 COM Materials - Petrolium JSC Oil/Gas 0.2641 0.0115 0.2526 0.2515 12.4504 0.2607 1.3934 0.0723 0.0873
11 CYC Chang Yih Ceramic JSC Construction & Materials 0.6573 0.0875 0.5697 0.3890 11.4160 0.3723 0.8885 0.3802 0.1180
12 DCT Dong Nai Roofsheet & Construction Matarial JSC Construction & Materials 0.5606 0.3288 0.2318 0.1860 11.4963 0.6794 0.9360 0.1236 0.0571
13 DHA Hoa An Stone Exploitation JSC Construction & Materials 0.0821 0.0051 0.0769 0.3275 11.2847 0.4401 1.3506 0.0926 0.1180
14 DHG Hau Giang Pharmaceutical JSC Consumer Staples 0.3260 0.0094 0.3166 0.3439 12.2481 0.1557 2.3231 0.0748 0.0270
15 DIC DIC Investment & Trading JSC Construction & Materials 0.6858 0.0006 0.6851 0.0908 11.8662 0.0733 1.1201 0.0391 0.1008
16 DMC Domesco Medical Import - Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.2931 0.0213 0.2717 0.2636 12.0302 0.3128 1.7723 0.1056 0.0579
17 DRC Da Nang Rubber JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.2886 0.0552 0.2334 1.0423 12.2684 0.2973 2.6794 0.5398 0.0524
18 DTT Do Thanh Technology Corp Basis Materials 0.0802 0.0000 0.0802 0.0996 10.9029 0.4854 0.8224 0.0874 0.3282
19 FMC Sao Ta Foods JSC Consumer Staples 0.7561 0.0009 0.7552 0.2790 11.9732 0.1380 0.9409 0.2538 0.0659
20 FPT The Corp for Financing & Promoting Technology Information Technology 0.6423 0.1839 0.4585 0.2366 13.2653 0.1576 1.7333 0.0733 0.0040
21 GIL Binh Thanh Trading JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.2243 0.0030 0.2213 0.2053 11.7502 0.2841 1.0118 0.0459 0.0934
22 GMC Saigon Garment Manufacturing Trade JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.4206 0.0021 0.4185 0.5196 11.5493 0.3383 1.6100 0.3188 0.1949
23 GMD General Forwarding & Agency Corp Transportation 0.4100 0.2324 0.1776 0.2166 12.2491 0.3956 1.2312 0.1368 0.0091
24 HAP Hai Phong Paper JSC Basis Materials 0.2940 0.0838 0.2102 0.1973 11.4601 0.3717 0.8126 0.1194 0.0594
25 HAS Ha Noi Post Construction & Installation Co Construction & Materials 0.3594 0.0034 0.3559 0.0765 10.9278 0.0918 0.8008 0.0422 0.1705
26 HAX Hang Xanh Motors Service JSC Transportation 0.4977 0.0030 0.4947 0.1690 12.1185 0.2050 1.0803 0.0789 0.1759
27 HBC Hoa Binh Construction & Real Estate Corp Construction & Materials 0.5271 0.0310 0.4960 0.0826 12.2464 0.2679 0.9110 0.0360 0.0308
28 HMC Hochiminh City Metal Corp Basis Materials 0.6694 0.0528 0.6166 0.0467 12.4489 0.2755 1.1147 0.0140 0.0445
29 HRC Hoa Binh Rubber JSC Basis Materials 0.1550 0.0247 0.1303 0.2887 11.3067 0.2254 1.6245 0.1249 0.0941
30 HTV Ha Tien Transport JSC Transportation 0.0846 0.0003 0.0843 0.3282 10.9875 0.1447 1.0952 0.1975 0.1881
31 IFS Interfood Shareholdings Co Consumer Staples 0.8395 0.2180 0.6216 0.2402 12.0182 0.5809 1.2226 0.2785 0.0575
32 IMP Imexpharm Pharmaceutical JSC Consumer Staples 0.2573 0.0148 0.2425 0.2359 11.8219 0.2083 1.6042 0.1258 0.0562
33 ITA Tan Tao Industrial Park Corp Real Estate 0.3017 0.1654 0.1363 0.0743 12.1313 0.0272 1.2989 0.0034 0.0057
34 KDC Kinh Do Corp Consumer Staples 0.4161 0.0317 0.3844 0.1994 12.1873 0.1545 1.5344 0.0647 0.0097
35 KHA Khanh Hoi Import - Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.2457 0.0088 0.2369 0.1868 11.2619 0.0628 1.1482 0.0274 0.1072
36 KHP Khanh Hoa Power JSC Utilities 0.6940 0.3502 0.3437 0.8301 12.0112 0.5051 1.0632 0.7581 0.0484
37 LAF Long An Food Processing & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.5101 0.0022 0.5079 0.2406 11.7230 0.1370 1.1849 0.1138 0.1908
38 LBM Lam Dong Building Materials JSC Construction & Materials 0.3441 0.1210 0.2232 0.4021 11.1824 0.4915 1.0190 0.3397 0.2076
39 LGC Lu Gia Mechanical Electric JSC Industrials 0.6295 0.3815 0.2480 0.0915 11.1840 0.8030 2.1582 0.0175 0.0991
40 MCP My Chau Printing & Packaging Holdings Co Basis Materials 0.3931 0.1794 0.2137 0.5956 11.2963 0.3796 0.9721 0.5153 0.2035
41 MCV Cavico Vietnam Mining & Contrucstion JSC Industrials 0.6694 0.2051 0.4643 0.2829 11.1858 0.1544 1.0359 0.2574 0.1027
42 MHC Hanoi Maritime Holding Co Transportation 0.6799 0.1855 0.4944 0.2764 11.2394 0.5623 0.9960 0.3536 0.0978
43 NAV Nam Viet JSC Construction & Materials 0.4163 0.0000 0.4163 0.2603 11.1557 0.2159 1.1293 0.1662 0.2544
44 NSC National Seed JSC Consumer Staples 0.3009 0.0025 0.2983 0.2042 11.4624 0.1608 1.5179 0.0405 0.1664
45 PAC Dry Cell & Storage Battery JSC Industrials 0.3793 0.0358 0.3435 0.5269 12.1157 0.2051 2.6078 0.2619 0.0614
46 PGC Gas Petrolimex JSC Utilities 0.4421 0.1172 0.3249 0.2454 12.2194 0.2719 0.9990 0.1693 0.0409
47 PJT Petrolimex JS Tanker Co Oil/Gas 0.3050 0.0944 0.2106 0.2526 11.5291 0.4586 1.0120 0.1841 0.2931
48 PNC Phuong Nam Cultural JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.5479 0.0552 0.4927 0.1312 11.4793 0.1885 0.8581 0.1161 0.1321
49 PVD Petrovietnam Drilling & Well Services JSC Oil/Gas 0.6568 0.4550 0.2017 0.1283 12.6124 0.7616 1.8056 0.0534 0.0033
50 RAL Rang Dong Light Sources & Vacuum Flask JSC Industrials 0.5896 0.0427 0.5470 0.2453 12.0218 0.2495 0.9031 0.1990 0.0392
51 REE Refrigeration & Electrical Engineering Corp
Multi-Scope Business and Group 0.2643 0.0304 0.2339 0.1436 12.0726 0.0265 1.3307 0.0004 0.0122
52 SAM Saigon Cables & Telecommunications Material JSC Industrials 0.0684 0.0001 0.0683 0.1927 11.6298 0.1530 0.7567 0.0951 0.0154
53 SAV Savimex Economic Cooperation and Import-Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.4909 0.0133 0.4775 0.1294 11.6139 0.1034 1.1551 0.0956 0.0702
54 SCD Chuong Duong Beverages Co Consumer Staples 0.2645 0.0030 0.2615 0.4075 11.5048 0.1689 1.4300 0.1939 0.2101
55 SFC Saigon Fuel JSC Oil/Gas 0.4511 0.0037 0.4474 0.3364 12.0447 0.2659 2.0388 0.1148 0.1694
56 SFI Sea & Air Freight International Transportation 0.4666 0.0005 0.4661 0.1765 11.0948 0.3186 1.3429 0.0559 0.1259
57 SJD Can Don Hydroelectric JSC Utilities 0.5711 0.3087 0.2624 0.4639 11.4493 0.9275 1.1186 0.3590 0.0386
58 SJS Song Da Urban & Industrial Zone Inv & Dev JSC Real Estate 0.4100 0.1669 0.2431 0.3020 12.0472 0.5699 2.5444 0.0131 0.0137
59 SMC SMC Trading Investment JSC Basis Materials 0.7990 0.0222 0.7768 0.0753 12.7217 0.1310 1.0850 0.0216 0.0263
60 SSC Southern Seed JSC Consumer Staples 0.2501 0.0162 0.2339 0.3502 11.4501 0.2260 2.5900 0.1086 0.1765
61 TAC Tuong An Vegetable Oil JSC Consumer Staples 0.5432 0.1195 0.4237 0.3065 12.4225 0.4143 1.2535 0.2552 0.0630
62 TCR Taicera Enterprise Co Construction & Materials 0.4941 0.0938 0.4003 0.4368 11.9695 0.4424 0.7693 0.4322 0.0351
63 TDH Thu Duc Housing Development Corp Construction & Materials 0.2920 0.1364 0.1556 0.2097 11.6883 0.1094 1.6761 0.0149 0.0224
64 TMS Transforwarding & Warehousing JSC Transportation 0.2570 0.1769 0.0801 0.2796 11.2311 0.3816 1.2064 0.1838 0.0895
65 TNA Thien Nam Import & Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.6390 0.0065 0.6325 0.0708 11.7482 0.0917 0.9916 0.0042 0.0884
66 TRI Saigon Food & Beverage JSC Consumer Staples 0.8222 0.1166 0.7056 (0.1825) 11.7696 0.1715 1.4964 0.0443 0.1082
67 TS4 Seafood Import Export JSC No 4 Consumer Staples 0.5297 0.3888 0.1410 0.1182 11.4636 0.6175 1.4420 0.0369 0.1121
68 TTP Tan Tien Plastic Packaging JSC Basis Materials 0.1463 0.0000 0.1463 0.7313 12.0222 0.2316 1.3188 0.5502 0.0765
69 TYA Taya Vietnam Electric Wire & Cable JSC Industrials 0.6895 0.0096 0.6799 0.3797 11.8772 0.3293 1.1003 0.3627 0.0672
70 VFC Vinafico JS Corp Transportation 0.2283 0.0236 0.2048 0.3220 11.5606 0.1432 0.8783 0.2555 0.1114
71 VID Vien Dong Paper JSC Basis Materials 0.4955 0.1354 0.3601 0.1794 11.8105 0.2599 0.9929 0.1228 0.0745
72 VIP Vietnam Petrolium Transport JSC Oil/Gas 0.6313 0.4833 0.1480 0.3149 12.0839 0.8051 1.3301 0.2869 0.0184
73 VIS Vietnam - Italy Steel JSC Basis Materials 0.7069 0.3625 0.3444 0.2956 12.3191 0.0928 1.5332 0.1218 0.0274
74 VNM Vietnam Dairy Corp Consumer Staples 0.2348 0.0302 0.2045 0.4804 13.0342 0.2977 3.3406 0.1583 0.0048
75 VPK Vegetable Oil Packing JSC Basis Materials 0.5726 0.0484 0.5241 0.2771 11.2322 0.6679 1.0213 0.2110 0.2745
76 VSH Vinh Son Song Hinh Hydropower JSC Utilities 0.1226 0.0966 0.0260 0.7801 11.7140 0.5448 1.4570 0.6301 0.0159
77 VTB Viettronics Tan Binh JSC Industrials 0.3277 0.0325 0.2952 0.2072 11.4851 0.2567 0.8915 0.1166 0.1298
1 ABT Ben Tre Aquaproduct Import & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.2619 0.0000 0.2619 0.2419 11.8361 0.0837 1.2340 0.0644 0.0683
2 AGF An Giang Fisheries Import & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.5396 0.0079 0.5317 0.1669 12.2337 0.3628 0.7627 0.1290 0.0303
3 BBC Bien Hoa Confectionary Corp Consumer Staples 0.2824 0.0403 0.2421 0.3045 11.8631 0.5290 0.7233 0.2450 0.0542
4 BHS Bien Hoa Sugar JSC Consumer Staples 0.5108 0.1134 0.3973 0.4378 12.3027 0.2733 1.1004 0.2746 0.0405
5 BMC Binh Dinh Minerals JSC Basis Materials 0.2870 0.0629 0.2241 0.3783 11.0932 0.3113 1.5146 0.2023 0.2423
6 BMP Binh Minh Plastics JSC Basis Materials 0.1310 0.0014 0.1296 0.6202 12.1589 0.2703 1.8125 0.3008 0.0418
7 BT6 620 Chau Thoi Concrete JSC Construction & Materials 0.5888 0.0397 0.5491 0.2417 12.0465 0.1617 1.2049 0.1323 0.0331
8 CII Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment JSC Real Estate 0.5868 0.4325 0.1543 0.3544 11.2967 0.3550 1.3507 0.2241 0.0116
9 CLC Cat Loi JSC Industrials 0.6656 0.0004 0.6652 0.6279 12.0848 0.0500 1.0873 0.5507 0.0682
10 COM Materials - Petrolium JSC Oil/Gas 0.2307 0.0122 0.2184 0.1879 12.5583 0.4193 1.4015 0.0831 0.0885
11 CYC Chang Yih Ceramic JSC Construction & Materials 0.6806 0.3362 0.3443 0.4922 11.4470 0.3843 0.8646 0.4870 0.1267
12 DCT Dong Nai Roofsheet & Construction Matarial JSC Construction & Materials 0.5847 0.3894 0.1953 0.1392 11.5306 0.8130 0.8616 0.1005 0.0435
13 DHA Hoa An Stone Exploitation JSC Construction & Materials 0.1549 0.0049 0.1500 0.2817 11.3735 0.4807 1.0097 0.0948 0.1090
14 DHG Hau Giang Pharmaceutical JSC Consumer Staples 0.2916 0.0325 0.2591 0.3190 12.3122 0.1667 2.0664 0.0804 0.0226
15 DIC DIC Investment & Trading JSC Construction & Materials 0.6555 0.0386 0.6169 0.1089 12.0512 0.0483 1.1221 0.0505 0.0748
16 DMC Domesco Medical Import - Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.2873 0.0330 0.2544 0.2736 12.0465 0.3168 1.0041 0.1257 0.0536
17 DRC Da Nang Rubber JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.3125 0.0399 0.2725 0.6902 12.3460 0.2510 1.4690 0.4449 0.0386
18 DTT Do Thanh Technology Corp Basis Materials 0.1741 0.0333 0.1408 0.1105 11.1424 0.6033 0.7083 0.1025 0.2928
19 FMC Sao Ta Foods JSC Consumer Staples 0.6689 0.0011 0.6679 0.3764 12.1695 0.1872 0.8544 0.3255 0.0819
20 FPT The Corp for Financing & Promoting Technology Information Technology 0.5897 0.1476 0.4420 0.2494 13.3019 0.1626 1.6035 0.0850 0.0033
21 GIL Binh Thanh Trading JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.3347 0.0024 0.3323 0.1357 11.6191 0.2313 0.8909 0.0441 0.0749
22 GMC Saigon Garment Manufacturing Trade JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.5668 0.0019 0.5649 0.3761 11.7881 0.2391 1.1014 0.2470 0.1325
23 GMD General Forwarding & Agency Corp Transportation 0.3666 0.2097 0.1569 0.1568 12.3322 0.3066 0.8740 0.1211 0.0063
24 HAP Hai Phong Paper JSC Basis Materials 0.1749 0.0016 0.1733 0.2054 11.5602 0.3142 0.5775 0.1194 0.0639
25 HAS Ha Noi Post Construction & Installation Co Construction & Materials 0.3636 0.0116 0.3520 0.0711 10.9126 0.0850 0.6879 0.0423 0.1736
26 HAX Hang Xanh Motors Service JSC Transportation 0.6075 0.0099 0.5976 0.1329 12.0403 0.1984 0.9687 0.0771 0.1326
27 HBC Hoa Binh Construction & Real Estate Corp Construction & Materials 0.6377 0.0213 0.6164 0.1411 12.2475 0.2503 0.9941 0.0442 0.0215
28 HMC Hochiminh City Metal Corp Basis Materials 0.7215 0.0657 0.6558 0.0528 12.6399 0.1451 1.0193 0.0157 0.0378
29 HRC Hoa Binh Rubber JSC Basis Materials 0.1826 0.0182 0.1644 0.3271 11.6147 0.2484 2.2400 0.1150 0.0819
30 HTV Ha Tien Transport JSC Transportation 0.1027 0.0010 0.1017 0.2781 11.0600 0.1082 0.7221 0.1890 0.1662
31 IFS Interfood Shareholdings Co Consumer Staples 0.8021 0.1528 0.6494 0.4039 12.0224 0.6219 1.2245 0.3859 0.0634
32 IMP Imexpharm Pharmaceutical JSC Consumer Staples 0.2146 0.0023 0.2124 0.2564 11.8845 0.2727 1.1651 0.1257 0.0547
33 ITA Tan Tao Industrial Park Corp Real Estate 0.3563 0.1796 0.1767 0.0910 12.4294 0.0280 0.9856 0.0041 0.0046
34 KDC Kinh Do Corp Consumer Staples 0.2352 0.0301 0.2052 0.2474 12.2884 0.1861 1.4460 0.1137 0.0082
35 KHA Khanh Hoi Import - Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.2899 0.0327 0.2572 0.1574 11.1158 0.0480 0.8663 0.0145 0.0953
36 KHP Khanh Hoa Power JSC Utilities 0.5316 0.2920 0.2396 0.7867 12.0820 0.4696 0.9300 0.6868 0.0386
37 LAF Long An Food Processing & Export JSC Consumer Staples 0.2947 0.0016 0.2931 0.3940 11.9604 0.0900 1.1486 0.0832 0.1160
38 LBM Lam Dong Building Materials JSC Construction & Materials 0.3335 0.0988 0.2347 0.4906 11.2327 0.4829 0.8178 0.4099 0.2059
39 LGC Lu Gia Mechanical Electric JSC Industrials 0.5966 0.3138 0.2828 0.1520 11.3415 0.7615 1.3350 0.0311 0.1068
40 MCP My Chau Printing & Packaging Holdings Co Basis Materials 0.4286 0.1127 0.3158 0.6228 11.4250 0.3568 0.8051 0.5147 0.1802
41 MCV Cavico Vietnam Mining & Contrucstion JSC Industrials 0.5662 0.0227 0.5435 0.2797 11.2106 0.1173 0.9384 0.2592 0.0863
42 MHC Hanoi Maritime Holding Co Transportation 0.6199 0.2125 0.4074 (0.0119) 11.1162 0.2412 1.0393 0.1564 0.1589
43 NAV Nam Viet JSC Construction & Materials 0.3674 0.0012 0.3662 0.2907 11.2185 0.2224 1.0669 0.1908 0.2722
44 NSC National Seed JSC Consumer Staples 0.3219 0.0019 0.3200 0.2386 11.6099 0.1699 1.2588 0.0484 0.1357
45 PAC Dry Cell & Storage Battery JSC Industrials 0.5643 0.0416 0.5227 0.3161 12.2216 0.2749 1.6502 0.1810 0.0372
46 PGC Gas Petrolimex JSC Utilities 0.5368 0.1127 0.4241 0.2050 12.3829 0.2417 0.8622 0.1589 0.0337
47 PJT Petrolimex JS Tanker Co Oil/Gas 0.3213 0.0714 0.2499 0.3245 11.5015 0.4636 0.8219 0.2254 0.2752
48 PNC Phuong Nam Cultural JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.6102 0.0432 0.5669 0.1505 11.4875 0.1555 0.8553 0.1229 0.1153
49 PVD Petrovietnam Drilling & Well Services JSC Oil/Gas 0.6419 0.3692 0.2727 0.1587 12.8792 0.7502 1.4040 0.0891 0.0028
50 RAL Rang Dong Light Sources & Vacuum Flask JSC Industrials 0.6294 0.0576 0.5718 0.2565 12.1367 0.2386 0.8407 0.2145 0.0351
51 REE Refrigeration & Electrical Engineering Corp
Multi-Scope Business and Group 0.4097 0.0173 0.3924 0.1002 12.2573 0.0319 1.0742 0.0059 0.0083
52 SAM Saigon Cables & Telecommunications Material JSC Industrials 0.0648 0.0002 0.0646 0.1569 11.9050 0.1938 0.5246 0.1036 0.0157
53 SAV Savimex Economic Cooperation and Import-Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.4529 0.0507 0.4022 0.1461 11.6310 0.1122 1.0939 0.1217 0.0766
54 SCD Chuong Duong Beverages Co Consumer Staples 0.2490 0.0008 0.2482 0.3501 11.5780 0.1588 1.4161 0.1964 0.2021
55 SFC Saigon Fuel JSC Oil/Gas 0.2917 0.0043 0.2874 0.4419 12.1646 0.2894 1.5412 0.1252 0.1786
56 SFI Sea & Air Freight International Transportation 0.4871 0.0007 0.4865 0.1510 11.2618 0.2713 0.9124 0.0531 0.1034
57 SJD Can Don Hydroelectric JSC Utilities 0.4962 0.2128 0.2834 0.4919 11.3282 0.9095 0.9471 0.4158 0.0397
58 SJS Song Da Urban & Industrial Zone Inv & Dev JSC Real Estate 0.5106 0.1432 0.3675 0.1458 12.0072 0.7024 1.8741 0.0090 0.0092
59 SMC SMC Trading Investment JSC Basis Materials 0.7783 0.0285 0.7499 0.0618 12.8383 0.1161 0.9999 0.0227 0.0167
60 SSC Southern Seed JSC Consumer Staples 0.2011 0.0086 0.1926 0.3636 11.5295 0.2179 1.6806 0.1228 0.1580
61 TAC Tuong An Vegetable Oil JSC Consumer Staples 0.6084 0.0574 0.5510 0.3202 12.5133 0.2771 1.1472 0.2099 0.0435
62 TCR Taicera Enterprise Co Construction & Materials 0.4270 0.0310 0.3960 0.5771 12.0827 0.4144 0.7354 0.5105 0.0370
63 TDH Thu Duc Housing Development Corp Construction & Materials 0.3631 0.1537 0.2094 0.1534 11.7799 0.1056 0.9220 0.0133 0.0176
64 TMS Transforwarding & Warehousing JSC Transportation 0.3177 0.2647 0.0530 0.2663 11.3807 0.4195 1.1361 0.1721 0.0683
65 TNA Thien Nam Import & Export JSC Consumer Discretionary 0.6304 0.0078 0.6227 0.1611 11.9331 0.0132 1.0117 0.0046 0.0692
66 TRI Saigon Food & Beverage JSC Consumer Staples 0.6657 0.0014 0.6643 0.0607 11.8424 0.0722 1.5107 0.0512 0.2067
67 TS4 Seafood Import Export JSC No 4 Consumer Staples 0.5588 0.2284 0.3304 0.1193 11.5803 0.5235 1.0215 0.0457 0.0748
68 TTP Tan Tien Plastic Packaging JSC Basis Materials 0.2375 0.0000 0.2375 0.6607 12.1280 0.2017 1.0065 0.5097 0.0627
69 TYA Taya Vietnam Electric Wire & Cable JSC Industrials 0.7290 0.0004 0.7285 0.3478 12.0401 0.2259 0.9421 0.3189 0.0524
70 VFC Vinafico JS Corp Transportation 0.4673 0.1434 0.3239 0.2227 11.6248 0.1860 1.2186 0.1807 0.0736
71 VID Vien Dong Paper JSC Basis Materials 0.6285 0.1621 0.4663 0.1220 11.9617 0.3148 0.9671 0.1032 0.0524
72 VIP Vietnam Petrolium Transport JSC Oil/Gas 0.6020 0.4623 0.1397 0.3289 12.1512 0.8044 0.8950 0.2842 0.0190
73 VIS Vietnam - Italy Steel JSC Basis Materials 0.6493 0.0032 0.6461 0.2198 12.4920 0.0732 1.2211 0.1321 0.0248
74 VNM Vietnam Dairy Corp Consumer Staples 0.2607 0.0152 0.2455 0.5444 13.2063 0.3183 3.0792 0.1497 0.0038