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(SKKN HAY NHẤT) some effective ways to correct mistake in english 12 writing skill at ba dinh high school

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  • Implementer: Phạm Huy Lương

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THANH HOA PROVINCE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING BA ĐÌNH HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE SOME EFFECTIVE WAYS TO CORRECT MISTAKE IN ENGLISH 12 WRITING SKILL AT BA DINH HIGH SCHOOL Implementer: Phạm Huy Lương Job title: Teacher School: Ba Đình high school – Nga Sơn Experience initiative: English THANH HOÁ 2021 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I:INTRODUCTION …………………………………………….… .1 1.Reasons for choosing the topic …………………………………………… 2.Aims of the study ………………………………………………………… 3.Scope of the study ………………………………………………………… 4.Methods of the study ……………………………………………………… PART II: CONTENTS …………………………………………………… .2 1.Theorical background ………………….………………………………… 1.1.Definition of writing …… 1.2.Classifying of making mistakes ………………………………………… 1.3 The product approach ………………………………………………… 2.The factual situation ……………………………………………………… 3.Some suggestions for correcting mistakes teaching English writing skill 3.1 Self-correction ……………………………… ………………………… .5 3.2 Teacher's correction ………………………………………………… .6 3.3 Giving compliments in time ………………………………… …… 4.The effect of experience initiative …………………………………… PART III: CONCLUSION …………………………………………….… 10 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com PART I: INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing the topic Foreign languages, especially English, began to be used widely in education and in daily-life activities As a matter of fact, the status of foreign languages, particularly English, was reconfirmed by an Order, signed by the Prime Minister (August 15, 1994), in which government officials would be required to study foreign languages, mainly and favorably English It is obviously seen that the objectives of new textbook provides adequate contribution to language skills, but in fact, for many Vietnamese students presenting written work is a substantial challenge They have little experience of writing and may be very anxious about building the sentences or writing a paragraph marked by a tutor So, that’s why I choose the topic: “Some effective ways to correct mistake in English 12 writing skill at Ba Dinh High School.” Aims of the study - Examine kinds of approach of the teaching of writing - Explore some effective techniques in correcting mistakes for the tenth form students at Ba Đình High School Scope of the study This study only focuses on the teaching of the 12 th form students at Ba Dinh High School Methods of the study To carry out the study of this matter I have found the reason why students have made to analyse and find the ways to teach students the most effective Methods of the study: data collection, data analysis and the factual experience making LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com PART II: CONTENTS Theoretical background 1.1 Definition of writing: Writing is productive skill, so the students often make mistakes that is normal The more errors learners make the more correction is done The more correction is done, the more leaning that takes place.Why Use Error Correction? When learners are producing language in a class, whether speaking or writing, they usually want to know when they make any serious mistakes in their production Do your learners ever ask, "Teacher, is that okay?" Certainly, they most probably In that case then, some form or forms of error correction techniques should prove to be useful While it's not typically recommended to correct learner errors while they are speaking, some speech or pronunciation correction should be done immediately after their discourse If many of the learners produce similar speech or pronunciation mistakes on a consistent basis, a lesson on that particular aspect may well be called for English or other foreign language learners might also self or peer correct written work and reading in class (M Spratt, 2003) Moreover, writing is also defined as a social process by Candlin and Hyland (1999: 107) They stated that “Writing is therefore an engagement in a social process, where the production of texts reflects methodologies, arguments and rhetorical strategies constructed to engage colleagues and persuade them of the claims that are made” In language teaching, writing is defined as one of the two productive language skills including speaking and writing skill According to Ur (1996), “most people acquire the spoken language (at least their own mother tongue) intuitively, whereas, the written form is in most cases deliberately taught and learned” (p.161) He added, “Writing normally requires some form of instruction It is not a skill that is really picked up by exposure” (p11) 1.2 Classifying of making mistakes LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com According to Lippan, there are two basic types of mistakes: the common mistakes and the distinct miatakes.The common mistakes consists of: - The mistakes of the structure of writing - The mistakes of the basis of writing - The distinct mistakes - Using vocabulary - Grammar or structure patterns - Spelling - comma splices 1.3 The product approach This approach has some problem First, some learners are not proficient writers in their own language and struggle to put their thoughts on paper Many students said that they hardly ever wrote in their own language and had no prior experience this is particularly challenging for the teacher and students Peer teaching would help them notice successful techniques that other writers use Second, students are sometimes unable to come up with suitable ideas related to the chosen topic This therefore depends a lot on the topics chosen The teacher must bear in mind the students various life experiences as well as personality and interests Another problem is how to assess whether a process approach is applicable in all settings where writing is taught According to Johns (1990:25), this approach focuses primarily on the writer as the originators of: “written text” in a context where “The process through which the writer goes to create and produce discourse is the most important component in the theory” In short, the process approach encourages student’s activity and motivation in writing It is a learner-centered approach that stimulates students to play an active role and the teacher works as an observer However, beginners of writing skill need help and guidance from the teacher This procedure is good for class practice but students are still encouraged to write on their own and get feedback from their teacher for mistake corrections LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com The factual situation The students of my school are from poor families, which lead them to have so many difficulties in investing money to buy documents such as English reference books, dictionaries or cassette players.etc… Although the students study English from lower grades, it’s very difficult for them to write the sentence in English for many different reasons like the habits of thinking of their mother tongue and their limitation of combining the words or linking of the meaning Besides, some seem to be so careless in writing that they can make common errors including lack of spelling, even comma or question marks Difficulties from the teachers The teacher sometimes feel difficult to help their students in teaching writing skill as there are different level of qualification among students In my school two third of the students in each class only concentrate on their core subjects such as Maths, Physics and Chemistry Some suggestions for correcting mistakes teaching English writing skill There are essentially three basic forms of error correction • Self-correction • Peer correction • Teacher correction  Correctiontechniques It can be difficult to decide on what and how much to correct in a student's piece of writing Students can develop a negative attitude towards writing because their teacher corrects all their errors or if the teacher only corrects a few, they might feel that the teacher hasn't spent sufficient time looking at their work Evaluate the following techniques and decide which would be appropriate for your teaching situation.Underline inappropriate language in a piece of writing using a specific colour - Using a different colour from above, underline examples of appropriate language LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - Correct errors by writing the correct forms in their place - Use codes in the margin to identify the type of error(s), for example, VOC = a lexical error Students have to identify the error(s) and if possible make a correction - Alternatively put crosses in the margin for the number of errors in each line Students then try to identify the errors and make corrections - Put students into pairs / groups They correct each other's work using one or more of the techniques above - From time to time give students an individual breakdown of recurring problems in their written work 3.1 Self-correction Of these the most effective in English or foreign language skills acquisition is self-correction When learners realize and correct their own mistakes, they are more effectively internalizing the language The next most desirable and effective form is peer correction When learners are able to recognize and correct their mistakes collectively, they actually help each other to develop English language skills with less interference of their respective Affective Filters (Krashen-Terrell, 1983) Finally, there is correction of errors by the teacher’s correction Example 1: Period 33: Unit 5: HIGHER EDUCATION - Part D: Writing A Objectives: Students will be able to write a letter of request Dear Sir/Madam, I've read a lot about tertiary study in the UK and very impressed by the reputation of many famous university there Now I am in the last year of the high school and will finish secondary education in months I am very much interested in an undergraduate course on economics in Bermingham University Could you please send me some information about the admission requirements, LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com tuition fee, accommodation and details of the course? I am ready to supply any information about myself if necessary I look forward to hearing from you soon Yours faithfully, Le Thi Lan -When I teach a this lesson, I usually ask my students to discuss to get ideas for their writing first Then they choose the best ideas and produce an outline Next I ask them to work in pairs to write the first draft The students then form groups to exchange their writings and comment on others’ writings After that, the students write the final version based on their friends’ feedback I may collect some papers to assess 3.2 Teacher's correction - Findings of our study revealed that teacher correction is the most salient style used by instructors in their treatment of errors This style comprises two main types: direct correction and indirect correction The second type can take many forms In this regard, the questionnaire asked the subjects two questions: one about their teachers' most frequently used style of - error correction codes must be given in advance and students must remember GR: Grammar – Ngữ pháp Voc: Vocabulary – Từ vựng Sp Spelling error – Chính tả P Punctuation error – Lỗi dấu câu V Verb tenses errors – Lỗi W.O Wrong word order – Sai trật tự từ W.W Wrong word used – Dùng từ sai Agr Agreement – Đồng ý Y upside down (chữ y ngược) word missing - Thiếu từ LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ! Careless error – Lỗi bất cẩn Good, well done – Bài làm tốt ? I don’t understand – Khó hiểu Prep Preposition – Giới từ  Good point – Đúng/ hay Cap Capitalizing this word – Lỗi viết hoa () Unnecessary word – Từ không cần thiết Φ Omitting this word – Lược bỏ từ Example 2: Period 47: Unit 8: Life in the future - Part D: Writing A Objectives: Students students can write about the ideal world they would like to live in the year 2020 Giving suggestions: The student concerns about: - world peace: a peaceful world, no war, no conflicts, no threat of terrorism, and everyone lives together in harmony - living environment for all beings: clean and healthy, less noise, less pollution, more and larger parks, wildlife is protected - employment: everyone has a job - people's lifestyle: less materialistic, less selfish, less violent, and more loving Student’s writing I would like to live at a peaceful and clean world I would also wish in the future, all cars that run on petrol would be replaced by solar cars, so the environment will become very cleaner and healthier There will be less air pollution around us We won`t be disturbed by the noise of vehicles Our children will have larger parks to play in Every one have a good job When people have good jobs, they will not have any conflicts Their living standards will be improved At that time all of us will be living in harmony Everybody will be less selfishness, less violent, and more loving My main desire is a peaceful world, in which, there will be no war, no threat of terrorism LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Correct writing I would like to live in a peaceful and clean world I would also wish in the future, all cars that run on petrol would be replaced by solar cars, so the environment will become very cleaner and healthier There will be less air pollution around us We won`t be disturbed by the noise of vehicles Our children will have larger parks to play in Every one has a good job When people have good jobs, they will not have any conflicts Their living standards will be improved At that time all of us will be living in harmony Everybody will be less selfish, less violent, and more loving My main desire is a peaceful world, in which, there will be no war, no threat of terrorism - (Learners' preferred style of teacher's correction) In fact, most students not prefer the spoon-feeding approach that style (a) symbolizes, i.e., underlining the mistake and correcting it When asked why they prefer such a style, the students pointed out that it involved them in the correction process In other words, the teacher does one part of the job, indicating the errors, whilst the learners get the chance to apply their mind and think of ways of correcting such errors This effort on the part of the learners makes the correction process meaningful and conducive to learning 3.3 Giving compliments in time This measure is to help students feel more confident and be more encouraged while they study English in genreral, especially in writing lesson Example 3: Period 59: Unit 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES - Part D: Writing Objectives: Writing about measures to protect endangered species and possible results - We should organise different activities to raise people's awareness of the need to protect these animals -  We should hold jumble sales to raise money - We should develop wildlife habitat reserves - We should help them earn their living LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - We should persuade the governments to enact laws to protect wildlife - We should raise their awareness of the need to protect wildlife - We should develop more In my writing class, I first give my students a model to study They will focus on the features of this model, paying attention to the language used or the structure The students then practise some of the features Next they work individually to make an outline for the writing and write immediately to save time Finally, I collect their papers to give feedback enclosing some compliments in order to motivate the students If they write an excellent sentence, I’ll give my compliment at that place Example:- “We should organise different activities to raise people's awareness of the need to protect these animals.” I write: “well- done! Or “fantastic!”.etc….The next one takes place in the same way The effect of experience initiative The experience initiative written to analyse and show some common mistakes of the tenth form in writing as well as providing some effective methods of teaching writing During nearly a 2020-2021 school year, I have applied these some ways in class 12D, 12E and it can be seen that students have made some progress Specific results The first term Class total Excellent-good Average Weak (bad) 12D 45 26 15 12E 44 21 20 The second term Class total Excellent-good Average Weak (bad) 12D 45 12 27 12E 44 27 9 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com PART III: CONCLUSION The aim of my study is to help students to make good and limit the mistakes they often make and my study deals with some small mistakes and cannot avoid some errors I still hope that it will contribute partially to help students to improve English writing skill better at high schools I and some of my collegues oursleves find these ways useful, interesting and effective in motivating students and arose students’ interest in learning English I would like to thank you for your reading my experience innitiative XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ Thanh Hóa, ngày 20 tháng năm 2021 I commit myself not to copy fromanother Teacher’s signature Phạm Huy Lương 10 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Reference Byrne, D (1990) Teaching writing skills, Longman handbooks for language teacher: Longman group, ltd Candlin, C.N & Hyland, K (1999) Writing: Texts, Processes and Practices New York: Addison Wesley Long man Limited Chunling Sun Process approach to teaching writing applied in different teaching models.Journal-Vol.2, No1.March 2009, Retrieved 15 June 2010, From http: //www.ccsenet.org/ journal / index php /elt /article/ Evans, V (2000) Successful Writing: Intermediate, Express Publishing and Successful Writing Proficiency, Express Publishing Liz ,C (n.d) Contrasting Product-Process and Genre Approach to the writing skills, Retrieved June 2010 from http//www.scribd.com/doc/2093836/ Flower, L (1985) Problem Solving Strategies for Writing Second ed San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Gina, W (2001) The Postgraduate Research handbook: Palgrave, New York 11 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com DANH MỤC SKKN ĐÃ ĐƯỢC XẾP LOẠI CỦA SỞ GD & ĐT THANH HÓA Stt Tên đề tài Năm học Xếp loại Phát triển kỹ hội thoại tiếng anh lớp 10 2010-2011 C Giáo dục học sinh cá biệt trường THPT 2012-2013 Trần Phú-Nga Sơn C 12 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ... about building the sentences or writing a paragraph marked by a tutor So, that’s why I choose the topic: ? ?Some effective ways to correct mistake in English 12 writing skill at Ba Dinh High School. ”... better at high schools I and some of my collegues oursleves find these ways useful, interesting and effective in motivating students and arose students’ interest in learning English I would like to. .. show some common mistakes of the tenth form in writing as well as providing some effective methods of teaching writing During nearly a 2020-2021 school year, I have applied these some ways in class

Ngày đăng: 29/11/2022, 11:40


