„ - njalV va Tai nguygn Moi truong Thua Thien Hui Hoi Dja ly Vigl Nam Mot s6 v l n rig chu ylu danh gia tac dpng moi tru'd'ng cac nha may nhiet dien Truong Quang Hai', Nguyen Quoc Huan^ Abstract In Vietnam, thermal power accounts for a high proportion of total national electricity output In the coming years, more thermal plants are continuously to be built due lo ihe rapidly growing demand of the country's industrialization and modernization process One of the requirements for thermal power project is the Environmenlal Impact Assessment (EIA) The paper's main focus is therefore on the analysis of technology features, operating procedure and environmental problems that might arise during the project implementation Specific EIA methods such as environmental modeling, environmental sample-collection and analysis, mapping and geographic information systems are also discussed in details Theories ha-'r been particularly employed in order lo assess ihe benefits as well as limitations of the construction and operation process al Vinh Tan Thermal Power Plant In addition, appropriate solutions lo taking advantage oj Ihe positives and minimizing the negative impacts on the thermal plant are proposed D ^ T VAN D E Nang lugng cd vai trd vd ciing quan trgng ddi vdi hogt dgng san xuat va ddi sdng ciia ngudi Nude ta cd nen kinh le dang phat trien mgnh, mirc sdng cua ngudi dan cang dugc nang cao, trinh san xuat ciia nen kinh te cang hien dai thi nhu cau ve nang lugng cang Idn Cimg vdi sy phat triin cua cac nganh kinh te qudc dan, nganh nang lugng da cd budc phat triin nhanh, ve CO ban dam bao nhu cau nang tugng cho phat trien kinh te-xa hgi Nang lugng ndi chung va dien nang noi rieng thgc su ddng vai trd dgng luc cho su phat trien dat nude Trong nhiing nam qua, san xuat nang lugng so cap d nude ta cd nhung budc phat trien kha Nam 2010 san xuat than dat 44 trieu tan, dam bao nhu cau nude va xuat khau, khai thac dau thd dgt 15 tri?u tan, ddt tren ty m3, san lugng dien dgt 100 ty kWh, dd ty trgng thuy dien 27,5%, nhi^t di^n 44,7%, nhiet dien than 17,5%, nhiet dien chgy dau 4,6%, cdn Igi la nhap khau va nguIn khac [4] De dap irng nhu cau dien nang ciia nen kinh te quoc dan, cong tac nghien ciru, khai thac cac dgng nang lugng hoa thgch (nhift di?n dot than, dau, ), nan^ lugng tai tao (nang lugng gid, mat trdi, thuy dien ) va nang lugng hat nhan dang dugc day manh nham gia tang ngudn dicn, dam bao an ninh nang lugng cho dit nude Theo Quy hogch dien VII (Quylt djnh I208/QD-TTg phe duy?t Quy hogch phat trien di?n luc quoc gia giai dogn 2011-2020 cd xet din nam 2030 Thii ludng Chinh phii ky 21/7/2011), yeu cau den 2020 san xuat dien theo kjch ban co sd dat 330 ty kWh, can cd 75.000MW, nghTa la vong nSm phai xay dung them 51.000 MW Trong dd, nhiet dien than se ia 32.000 MW, san xuat 156 ty kWh, chiem gan 50% tdng san lugng dien, lieu thy 78 tri?u tan than Trong nhirng thgp ky vira qua, nhieu nha may nhiet di?n (NMND) da boat dgng ed hieu qua nhu NMND Ninh Binh, NMND Uong Bi 1, NMND Udng Bi 2, NMND Pha Lgi I, NMND Pha Lai 2, NMND Hai Phong I, NMND Hai Phdng 2, NMND Quang Ninh I, NMND Quang Ninh 2, NMND D