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(SKKN HAY NHẤT) motivating students to learn english through english songs at yen dinh 1 high school

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  • Người thực hiện: Trịnh Đình Lan

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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THANH HÓA TRƯỜNG THPT YÊN ĐỊNH SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM MOTIVATING STUDENTS TO LEARN ENGLISH THROUGH ENGLISH SONGS AT YEN DINH HIGH SCHOOL Người thực hiện: Trịnh Đình Lan Chức vụ: Giáo viên SKKN thuộc lĩnh mực (mơn): Tiếng Anh THANH HĨA, NĂM 2021 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1: INTRODUCTION .1 1 Reasons for choosing topics 1 Aims and objectives 1 Scope and subject 1 Methodology of the experience initiative PART 2: DEVELOPMENT 2 Theoretical basis of the experience initiative 2 1 Advantages of the use of songs in English classes 2 Definition of songs 2 Why were songs chosen to teach? .3 What kind of songs should be chosen in lessons? .3 2 Present situation of teaching and learning English 3 Some solutions .4 Using English songs to lead in new lessons 1 Unit 10 Conservation - Reading - English 10 .4 Unit 12 Music - Speaking - English 10 3 Unit 13 Films & Cinema - Writing - English 10 Unit 14 The world Cup - Reading - English 10 5 Unit Friendship - Reading - English 11 6 Unit Celebrations - Reading - English 11 Unit Future job - Reading - English 12 Unit 13 Sea Games - Reading - English 12 .7 Unit 15 Woman in Society - Reading - English 12 Songs used to practise using vocabulary .7 Exercise 1: Fill the gaps with the antonyms of the given words 2 Exercise Fill the gaps with the missing words 3 Exercise Choose the right words .9 3 Songs used to introduce related grammar points .10 3 Unit Language focus - Conditional sentence type English 10 10 3 Unit Language focus - Infinitive with to - English 11 10 3 Unit 1: Language focus - Infinitive without to - English 11 .10 3 Unit Language focus - Conditional sentences - English 11 11 3 Unit Language focus - Subjunctive - English 12 11 3 Unit 13 Language focus - Comparatives - English 12 .12 3 Unit Language focus - English 12 - Verb Tense Review .12 3 Unit Language focus - Present Perfect - English 10 .13 3 Unit 3: Language focus - English 11- Passive Infinitive 13 The effectiveness of the experience initiative 13 From the survey 13 From teaching process .14 Experimental lesson plan 15 I LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com PART 3: CONCLUSION 20 Conclusion 20 Recommendations .20 REFERENCES 21 II LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Reasons for choosing topics English has become a really important tool in order to succeed professionally in our society; it is the language for business, research, public relations and the Internet For this reason, teachers are looking for better strategies to teach this subject For language educators and practitioners, how to effectively motivate students to learn has long been a crucial concern issue Among all the factors that affect learning motivations, teaching styles and teaching materials might be regarded as the most essential elements to be taken into consideration for achieving a more successful teaching and learning The objective of this study was to explore whether English songs can enhance school students’ motivation for learning English Songs in common, and English songs in particular, play an important role in the development of students learning a foreign language Using English songs in the classroom is a very easy tool to motivate students It works as an ice-breaker against the routine English songs could be an essential part of English teaching, because it makes the students feel more receptive to the language Teachers may adopt songs in the EFL classroom for many reasons and they mainly come from three different aspects: affective, cognitive and linguistic Due to the above mentioned reasons, I have chosen the following topic: “Motivating students to learn English through English songs at Yen Dinh high school” The reason why I have chosen this topic is to share my colleagues with a few experiences aimed at improving the effectiveness of learning English for students Aims and objectives The main concern of this study is to explore the use of songs as an interesting teaching instrument in order to motivate students in learning English I want to describe how influential music can be in language learning and how teachers can use songs in their lessons Another aim is to provide various ideas of using songs in EFL classes and to list several activities as examples The aims of the present study are hopefully able to: - Find out whether English songs motivates students in learning English - Examine if English songs in lessons improve students’ language skills and grammar Scope and subject This experience initiative is focused only on:  Motivating students to learn English through English songs  123 Yen Dinh high school students With the above mentioned aims and due to limited time and size for an experience initiative, I would like to deal with written exercises only The exercises for students are taken out from books, textbooks, internet in English Methodology of the experience initiative In order to achieve the aims mentioned above, the experience initiative uses the methods of observation, interview, questionnaire and summation of LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com teaching experience The data can be recorded formally and informally The interview is used to record teachers’ information The survey by written tests with three classes of high school students will be conducted with questionnaire to get information to support the experience initiative PART 2: DEVELOPMENT Theoretical basis of the experience initiative The author chooses this topic to address a number of requirements in terms of science and practice as follows: 1 Advantages of the use of songs in English classes In this experience initiative, music has been chosen as a teaching media to teach vocabulary and grammar to students Music changes brain waves and makes the brain more active and receptive for leaning Murphy (1992:15) takes into account teachers beginning by using songs in their classes and advises them to start by using songs slowly and trying what works for them and their classes He suggests using “background music at the beginning or end of class or while students are doing a composition” or “using a song cloze exercise in the last five minutes” However, Griffee (1992) emphasizes that it is crucial to choose the right piece of music as the song should not be distracting but its purpose should be rather stimulating and motivating According to Orlova (2003) these are some of the advantages for working in class with songs:  Practicing the rhythm, stress and the intonation patterns of the English language  Teaching vocabulary, especially in the vocabulary reinforcement stage  Teaching grammar In this respect, songs are especially favored by teachers while investigating the use of the tenses  Teaching speaking For this purpose, songs and mainly their lyrics are employed as a stimulus for class discussions  Teaching listening Music can be helpful for comprehension  Developing writing skills For this purpose a song can be used in a variety of ways; for example, speculation as to what could happen to the characters in the future, writing a letter to the main character, etc 2 Definition of songs Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a song as “a short piece of music with words that are sung” and according to Oxford Paperback Dictionary and Thesaurus, a song is a “set of words set to music” (2009:885) It is clear from both of these definitions that defining song without music is truly impossible Both of these definitions also consider a song as a blend of music and words A song is a short musical composition with word A song is a relatively short musical composition for the human voice, possibly accompanied by other musical instrument which features words (lyrics) LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com It is typically for a solo singer, though may also be a duet, trio or more voice (word with more than) one voice to a part, however, are considered choral The words of songs are typically of a poetic, rhyming nature, although they may be religious verses of free prose song can be broadly divide into different many forms depending on the criteria used, one division is between “art songs”, popular songs and folk songs Why were songs chosen to teach? Lyn Newton (2009) points out that “singing songs helps expose students to various types of genres” and he also shows us the benefits of listening to songs: - Listening to songs is something people in real life - The language in songs is authentic/real - They are interesting; they motivate learners - Repetition is not boring if it is in a song - Rhythm and stress are easy in a song - New vocabulary is learnt in context - Listening to songs is a good group activity - We can all sing alone What’s more songs not only make students relaxed but also help them improve their pronunciation, intonation and some grammar points I feel that songs are therefore generally sources of authentic language used in the real world What kind of songs should be chosen in lessons? Teacher should choose songs carefully to have a desirable effect When choosing an appropriate song, one should remember to especially consider the levels of language proficiency of students Teacher should decide whether it should be a rock song, a pop song or something else Besides, the content of the songs must be clear and easy to understand The content of the songs related to the topics of the lesson is the best choice for teacher to review the lesson For example, songs about friendship, family or love can be acceptable Teachers should use songs that are interesting, humourous or something meaningful to life 2 Present situation of teaching and learning English Yen Dinh high school is located in an economic area facing many difficulties, the majority of students come from rural communes with low limited educational conditions, so they are not aware of the importance of learning, (especially English) This leads to the fact that the quality of the school's English in recent years is very low It must also be said that English is a difficult subject for rural students Although students have been studying English for years at lower secondary schools, many students, when entering 10th grade, not understand the basic knowledge of English English is a compulsory test in the national examinations, but many students not try their best to learn, or just learn to deal with their teachers as well as their parents LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Many students find English a difficult subject, so they are afraid of studying English, just learn in class, and not spend extra-time studying at home English subject requires learners to work hard, invest a lot of time, and be methodical However, most students only focus on studying subjects for university exams, but pay little attention to improving English English teachers have made a lot of effort in applying new teaching methods in the direction of positive students' activities Partly, some teachers are less willing to invest in the lessons, paying little attention to searching for suitable teaching methods Many active teaching activities have only been used formally but have not been invested, properly prepared and implemented in the right process As a result, the quality and effectiveness of the subject are not really as good as expected Some solutions Using English songs to lead in new lessons I have tried out a few different ways to introduce a lesson So leading in the new lesson by using song lyric is the best technique that is integrated skill Pre-listening questions Griffee (1992) suggests providing students with some pieces of information about the song and the author and also providing them with some pictures Then students can discuss several questions: - What type of music you think this song will be? Rock, country, folk, etc - Do you expect the singer will be man/woman; over thirty/under thirty; US, British, etc - Will the song be fast, moderate or slow? - What are some of the words you expect to hear? - In one word or phrase, what is this song going to be about? - Do you think you are going to like this song?” Not only is this activity suitable to introduce the song to the students, but thanks to this activity, students become more motivated and interested in the song The songs related to the topics of the lessons used to introduced the new lesson and vocabularies in Units that follow: 1 Unit 10 Conservation - Reading - English 10 Earth song – Michael Jackson With this song, the teacher can ask students the following questions to lead in the new lesson: What is the song about? How you feel when you hear this song? What happened to our environment/forest/animals? What have people done with our environment? LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com And what are the sequences? Unit 12 Music - Speaking - English 10 Pop music: As long as you love me – The Backstreet boys Classical music: Nocturnes - Op 9, No Rock n’ roll: Ra khoi – Pham Anh Khoa Folk music: Con Duyen – Thuy Huong Jazz: Gap lam ngo – Nhac Jazz The following questions can be made: What kind of music is this song? What is folk music/Pop/Jazz/Classical music? Tell me some other songs of pop/Jazz/folk music? What kind of music you like? Why? When you often to music? 3 Unit 13 Films & Cinema - Writing - English 10 My heart will go on - Celine Dion What is the name of the song? Which film is it played in? Have you ever seen this film? Who is/are the main character(s)? What is he/she like? Unit 14 The world Cup - Reading - English 10 Hips don’t lie (Bamboo) - Shakira The Cup of Life - Ricky Martin Wavin' Flag - K'naan La La La - Shakira feat Carlinhos Brown Tell me the name of the song In what occasion were these songs sung? What world cup was the song sung in? What are these songs about? How you feel when you hear these songs? LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Unit Friendship Reading - English 11 Seasons in the sun – Westlife  What is the song about? How is the friendship in the song? What they often share with each other? Do they have fun together? Do you want to have a friendship like that? Unit Celebrations - Reading - English 11 Happy new year – ABBA When you often hear this song? What is the song about? When is Tet holiday? What people often at Tet? Do you like watching fireworks at Tet? How you feel when you hear this song? Unit Future job - Reading - English 12 People song – English with Korean Subtitles I see a fire fighter fighting fire I see a car mechanic changing tires I see a pilot flying through the air I see a barber cutting people's hair I see the people in my town and I say "Hey brother! What's going down?" I see a postman with the mail I see the police putting folk in jail I see a life guard at the swimming pool I see the teacher in the local school - Ask students to work in groups and write all the jobs they hear in the songs as much as possible on their extra board LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Unit 13 Sea Games - Reading - English 12 For the world of tomorrow – Nguyen Quang Vinh What is the name of the song? What event was it? Where think the event took place? What is the logo of the event? Unit 15 Woman in Society - Reading - English 12 Woman in love - Barbara Joan Streisand What is the name of the song? What is the song about? What is the right of woman in the song? Do you think women nowadays are as equal as men? Why? Songs used to practise using vocabulary Songs are alternative way to increase English and give students opportunities especially on vocabulary Songs also give students the opportunity to enrich vocabulary by vocalizing the language Gap-fill exercise is probably the most popular, well-known, and commonly used song activity all over the world Teachers hands out copies of the lyrics with several missing words It is always important when doing an exercise like this, to let students read the lyrics before listening to get a general gist of the song and to have an opportunity to ask any questions Students also have time to look at the blanks trying to guess what words might fit there or at least to guess what word class should fill the gap Teachers then plays the song and students should write the correct word into the gap according to what they hear This activity can serve as a great practice of listening skills The procedure is to write the target words on the board, replay the sentences containing them, and ask learners to work out their meaning.” Before the listening, I will ask the students to go quickly through the text so that they have at least a rough idea what it is about While the listening, they will be asked to underline the correct words they hear will in the lyrics Then followed the listening activity with the song aimed at focused listening I told the students that they were going to listen to the song I handed out the copies of the worksheet with the lyrics, telling the students to listen to the song and try to choose the correct word they would hear in the song By practising vocabulary, teacher asks students to choose the words that have the same LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com meaning or opposite meaning with the given ones as exploited through the following song: LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Exercise 1: Fill the gaps with the antonyms of the given words: Teacher plays the tape (the song), and asks students to listen to and complete filling the gaps with the antonyms of the given words The club isn't the ………… (worst) place to find a ………… (hater) So the bar is where I ………… (come) Me and my ………………(enemies) at the table doing shots Drinking ………… (slow) and then we talk …………… (fast) …………(Go) over and …………….(end) up a conversation with just me And …………… (distrust) me I'll give it a chance now ……………(Give) my hand, ………………(start), put Van the Man on the jukebox And then we …………… (stop) to dance, and now I'm singing like Teacher gives feedback Keys: 1, best; 2, go; 3, friends; 4, faster - slow; 5, come - start; 6, trust 7, Take - stop; 8, start 2 Exercise Fill the gaps with the missing words: Teacher plays the song again and asks students to listen to and complete filling the gaps with the missing words I'm in ………… with the ………… of you We ……… and ………… like a magnet Although my …………… is falling …… I'm in love ………… your ………… And last ………… you ………… in my room And ……… my bed sheets …………… like you Every day ……………………… something brand new I'm in love with your ………… Teacher gives feedback Keys: 1, love - shape; 2, push - pull; 3, heart - too; 4, with - body 5, night were; 6, now - smell; 7, discovering; 8, body 3 Exercise Choose the right words: Once again, teacher plays the song and asks students choose the right words One weak/week/wick in we led/left/let the story begin We're/were/where going out on our first did/date/day You and my/me/mine are thrifty, so go all you can need/it/eat Fill/feel/fear up your bed/bag/beg and I fill up a plait/plate/pleat We talk for ours/hours/auras and hours about the suit/sweet/seat And the sore/sour/sure and whole/how/who your family is doing okay Live/leave/levee and get in a taxi, that/than/then kiss in the backseat that/then/tell the driver make the radio play, and I'm thinking/sinking/singing like Teacher gives feedback Keys: 1, week - let 2, We're - date LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com 3, me - eat 4, Fill - bag - plate 5, hours - sweet 6, sour - how 7, Leave - then 8, Tell - singing 3 Songs used to introduce related grammar points This activity does not have to develop only listening skills It can be easily adapted to practise vocabulary or grammatical structures as well Teachers can focus either on particular vocabulary in the lyrics or a specific word-class (e.g verbs, adverbs, prepositions,…) This gives the teacher a variety of options from which he or she can choose and therefore can practise different grammatical structures with students Songs can be used as a great source for practising not only the four basic skills, but also to practise grammatical structures that can be sometimes difficult for students Songs can make it easier and turn it into fun activities where students actually learn the grammar unconsciously Teachers may let students listen to the songs at the beginning or at the end of the lesson so that students could recognize the structure or grammar points used in the songs 3 Unit Language focus - Conditional sentence type - English 10 You can win if you want - Modern Talking You can win if you want If you want it, you will win.  On your way you will see that life is more than fantasy.  Take my hand, follow me.  Oh, you've got a brand new friend for your life.  3 Unit Language focus - Infinitive with to - English 11 Sorry - Justin Bieber  You gotta go and get angry at all of my honesty.  You know I try but I don't too well with apologies.  I hope I don't run out of time, could someone call a referee?  Cause I just need one more shot at forgiveness.  I know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twice.  By once or twice I mean maybe a couple a hundred times.  So let me, oh let me redeem, oh redeem, oh myself tonight.  Cause I just need one more shot at second chances.  Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry?  Cause I'm missing more than just your body.  Is it too late now to say sorry?  Yeah I know that I let you down.  Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?  3 Unit 1: Language focus - Infinitive without to - English 11 Let Me Love You – DJ Snake, Justin Bieber  Say, go through the darkest of days.  Heaven's a heartbreak away.  Never let you go, never let me down.  10 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Oh, it's been a hell of a ride.  Driving the edge of a knife.  Never let you go, never let me down.  Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah.  I won't give up, nah-nah-nah.  Let me love you.  Let me love you.  Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah.  I won't give up, nah-nah-nah.  Let me love you Let me love you.  Oh baby, baby.  3 Unit Language focus - Conditional sentences - English 11 Hero - Enrique Iglesias  Would you dance, if I asked you to dance.  Would you run, and never look back.  Would you cry, if you saw me crying.  Would you save my soul tonight.  Would you tremble, if I touched your lips.  Would you laugh, oh please tell me this.  Now would you die for the one you love.  Hold me in your arms tonight.  3 Unit Language focus - Subjunctive - English 12 If I Were A Boy – Beyonce  If I were a boy.  Even just for a day.  I’d roll outta bed in the morning.  And throw on what I wanted and go.  Drink beer with the guys.  And chase after girls.  I’d kick it with who I wanted.  And I’d never get confronted for it.  Cause they’d stick up for me.  If I were a boy.  I think I could understand.  How it feels to love a girl.  I swear I’d be a better man.  I’d listen to her.  'Cause I know how it hurts.  When you lose the one you wanted.  'Cause he’s taken you for granted.  And everything you had got destroyed.  If I were a boy.  I would turn off my phone.  11 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Tell everyone it’s broken.  So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone.  3 Unit 13 Language focus - Comparatives - English 12 Stronger - Inez Once Again I’m longing, for your hungry touch.  Picturing you on me, I’m missing you so much.  You turn on my imagination, doe you’re far away.  And in my fantasy you crave my body; I need you back to stay.  I got my Inside out, and my headache won’t stop.  I fail to not look back, as I’m bouncing down the wrong track.  Half way up, feels like going down, but I’m getting stronger and stronger Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo).  I’m getting stronger and stronger.  Uhoo Uhooo (uhoo uhoo).  I’m getting stronger and stronger.  While advanced students will usually have seen quite a few different verb tenses in their day, they may have yet to encounter the subjunctive, and that’s where “If I Were a Boy” comes in Use this song to introduce a lesson on the subjunctive, asking students what they think this mood implies in English 3 Unit Language focus - English 12 - Verb Tense Review Counting stars - Ryan Tedder Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep.  Dreaming about the things that we could be.  But baby, I've been, I've been playing hard.  Sitting, no more counting dollars.  We'll be counting stars, yeah we'll be counting stars.  I see this life like a swinging vine.  Swing my heart across the line.  And my face is flashing signs.  Seek it out and you shall find.  Oh, but I'm not that old  Young, but I'm not that bold  I don't think the world is sold  I'm just doing what we're told  I feel something so right  Doing the wrong thing  I feel something so wrong  Doing the right thing  Could lie, could lie, could lie  Everything that kills me makes me feel alive  By the time students have reached an advanced level, they’ll usually have seen pretty much every verb tense there is, but that doesn’t mean they’ve mastered them all “Counting Stars” is a fantastic way to a general verb review using the same fill-in-the-blank exercise 12 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com The reason why this song is so perfect for this exercise is that “Counting Stars” features the present perfect progressive (“I’ve been losing sleep”), future progressive  (“we’ll be counting stars”), simple present, (“I see this life”), present progressive (“I'm just doing”) and that’s all just in the first two stanzas 3 Unit Language focus - Present Perfect - English 10 I still haven’t found what I’m looking for I have climbed highest mountains  I have run through the fields  Only to be with you  Only to be with you  I have run  I have crawled  I have scaled these city walls  These city walls  Only to be with you  But I still haven't found what I'm looking for  But I still haven't found what I'm looking for  I have kissed honey lips  Felt the healing in her fingertips  It burned like a fire  This burning desire  I have spoken with the tongue of angels  I have held the hand of a devil  It was warm in the night  I was cold as a stone  3 Unit 3: Language focus - English 11- Passive Infinitive Love to be loved by you – Marc Terenzi Baby, tell me how can I tell you  That I love you more than life  Show me how can I show you  That I'm blinded by your light  When you touch me I can touch you  To find out the dream is true  I love to be loved by you The effectiveness of the experience initiative From the survey To understand the improvement of students’ abilities through English songs, a questionnaire was designed by the researcher A total of 10 survey items were designed to investigate whether students were motivated to learn English through English songs Moreover, this study also examined how students felt after learning English through songs All the survey items were designed in positive statements 123 participants indicated the extent to which each item was true for them on a 4-point scale The scoring system was 13 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com “strongly agree (SA)”, “agree (A)”, “disagree (DA)”, and “strongly disagree (SD)” Table 1: Questionnaires on appreciation of English songs No Survey Items I am very interested in learning English through songs I can learn the vocabulary and pronunciation in the lyrics I feel that English songs are helpful for my English learning I feel that English songs help students to understand grammar better I feel that English songs help students improve listening skills I feel that English songs help students improve speaking skills I feel that English songs help students improve reading skills I feel that English songs help students improve writing skills I want to spend more time learning English songs 10 I want to learn more English songs in English lesson SA 101 A D 13 SD 79 33 11 91 31 56 59 68 49 45 62 16 41 56 26 47 58 18 80 41 83 39 We can see from table that the majority of students agreed that learning English songs was useful and helped them improve listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar Based on the results above, the major findings were summarized We find that overall class motivation has significantly increased after creative teaching Students were motivated to become more active learners According to students’ responses, it could be elicited that most of the students were fond of learning through English songs and they were interested in learning more after this activity It was also important to note that students’ English skills have been improved Therefore, the purpose of using English songs is just to create a more interesting learning environment to engage students in learning English From teaching process After a school year using the method “Motivating students to learn English through English songs at Yen Dinh high school”, the author has gained very positive results as illustrated in the following tables: 14 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Learning capacity Table 2: Before application Proficient Average No % No % Weak No % Class, No 10A13 (40) 15 19 47.5 15 37.5 11B7 (42) 11.9 22 52.4 15 35.7 12C1 (41) 12.2 23 56.1 13 31.7 Total: 123 16 13% 64 52% 43 35% As it can be seen from table 2, the total number of proficient students is only 16, accounting for 13 percent, and that of average students is 64 (52 percent) whereas the sum of weak students is 43, accounting for 35 percent Table 3: After application Learning Proficient Average Weak capacity No % No % No % Class, No 10A13 (40) 17 42.5 21 52.5 11A14 (42) 17 40.5 23 54.8 4.8 12C1 (41) 18 43.9 21 51.2 4.9 Total: 123 52 42.3% 65 52.8% 4.9% As illustrated from table that after application, the total proficient student number is 52, accounting for 42.3 percent, and 65 is the number of the average student Especially, the number of week students is only 6, accounting for 4.9 percent Overall, the result showed that students are interested in learning, absorb the lessons fast and deeply; they no longer feel afraid or scared, of course, when learning English The number of pretty good students increased remarkably In contrast, the number of poor students declined sharply The fact that the majority of students like singing and listening to English songs, that they enjoy the songs presented during the research period, that they love watching them on TV or dancing along, that they learn language items, as well as that they sing these songs outside the classroom are clear indicators that songs positively influence students’ attitudes and motivation for English learning Experimental lesson plan With limited time, the author introduces only one experimental lesson plan as follow: Unit 13 : THE 22ND SEA GAMES - A READING (Period:73; Date of preparation: 10/3/2021) I OBJECTIVES Knowledge: - Vocabulary on the topic 15 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - Information about the 22nd Sea Games - Further skill development: communication skills, reading skills, skills of working in pairs and groups - Awareness of the need to understand more about the 22nd Sea Games Targted competences: - Increasing students’ communication, self-study skills, critical thinking, problem- solving and creativeness Qualifications: - Increasing students’ hard work, science awareness, self-study spirit, enthusiasm, challenge acceptation, self-respecting, self-reliant, self-control and overcoming difficulties II TEACHING AIDS Equipments: computer, televion connected with the internet Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos III TEACHING PROCESS Class organization: Class Date of teaching Attendance 12 C1 13/3/2021 41/41 Checking: During the lesson New lesson: ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION (Hoạt động 1: Mở đầu) a) Objectives Introduces the topic of the lesson and raises students' interest (Mục tiêu) b) Content - Asks students to look at the screen, listen to the song of The nd (Nội dung) 22 Sea Games and answer the following questions: For the world of tomorrow - Nguyen Quang Vinh 1, What is the name of the song? 2, What event was it? 3, Where think the event took place? 4, What is the symbol of the event? c) Products (Sản phẩm) - Sts listen to the song and answer the questions 1, For the world of tomorrow - Nguyen Quang Vinh 2, It was The 22nd Sea Games 3, It took place in Hanoi 16 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com 4, The symbol of the event is the Golden Buffalo d)Implementation - Asks students to look at the screen, listen to the official song (Tổ chức of The 22nd Sea Games and answer the questions: thực hiện) - Leads in new lesson: Unit 13 : The 22nd Sea Games - A Reading ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE BUILDING (Hoạt động 2: Hình Thành Kiến Thức) a) Objectives Teacher introduces: - lexical items of the lesson (Mục tiêu) - information about the 22nd Sea Games b) Content (Nội dung) - Students write down new words and phrases c) Products - Students practise new words and phrases (Sản phẩm) - Students know more about the 22nd Sea Games d) Teacher: - shows the pictures, reads aloud the words or phrases Implementation equivalent, explains their meaning (Tổ chức - monitors; helps; tutorials thực hiện) - reviews; gives commendation reported results - gives conclusion; emphasizes knowledge to remember Students listen, answer the questions if available, repeat the words or phrases and write down ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (Hoạt động 3: Luyện Tập) a) Objectives - Skills: scanning for specific ideas, passage comprehension (Mục tiêu) b) Content Task : (Nội dung) - Asks students to try to guess meanings through the passage or look up dictionary Task 2: - Asks students to scan the passage and find information to complete the sentences Task 3: - Asks students to find answers for all questions in the passage in pairs 17 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com c) Products (Sản phẩm) - Helps students to know clearly about the 22nd Sea Games - Students read the text, develop extensive skills: scanning for specific ideas, passage comprehension - Teacher gives feedback Task : - Students present their products Task 2: - Students go to the board and write their answer: the 5th to 13th December, 2003 90 golds the Swimming and Shooting Events some point in the future Task 3: - Students write the answers for all questions on the board It was solidarity, co-operation for peace and development 444 gold medals were won at the Sea Games The Vietnamese Women’s Football team successfully defended the Sea Games title The Thai Men’s Football team won the gold medal It was because firstly, to prepare for the 22 nd Sea Games, Vietnam carried out an intensive programme for its athletes, which included training in facilities, both home and abroad; secondly, with the strong support of their countrymen, the Vietnamese athletes competed in high spirits Teacher gives feedback d) - Step 1- Transfer the tasks (Chuyển giao nhiệm vụ) Implementation States the requirements for each activity for the students (Tổ chức Makes sure the students have a clear understanding of the tasks thực hiện) for each activity before performing the tasks - Step 2- Perform tasks (Thực nhiệm vụ): Students work individually, in pairs, (or in groups) in the process of performing tasks Teacher does general observations 18 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com and helps if necessary - Step 3- Report, discussion (Báo cáo, thảo luận ) Asks a few students or group representatives to present their answers Other groups comment Teacher gives general comments - Step 4: Conclusion, judgment (Kết luận, nhận định): Teacher presents specific learning products that students must complete as required and clarifies the problem to be resolved/explained; Learning tasks must be performed next ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION (Hoạt động 4: vận dụng) a) Objectives Lesson comprehension (Mục tiêu) Vocabulary about sports Students’ general knowledge about sports b) Content Post reading: (Nội dung) Teacher organizes a mini game: Guessing who she is Teacher shows three data one by one; students guess + For a Wushu athlete She comes from Hanoi She is a beautiful athlete She won many gold medals in Wushu at the Sea Games + For a football player He is a striker of the Vietnamese Football team He comes from Nghe An He is the goal scorer at the 29th Sea Games c) Products Students speak out their answer: (Sản phẩm) + The Wushu athlete: + The football player: Thuy Hien Nguyen Cong Phuong d) - Step 1- Transfer the tasks (Chuyển giao nhiệm vụ) Implementation Teacher organizes a mini game: Guessing who she is (Tổ chức Teacher shows three data: one by one; students guess thực hiện) - Step 2- Perform tasks (Thực nhiệm vụ): Students work in groups and guess Teacher does general observations and help if necessary - Step 3- Report, discussion (Báo cáo, thảo luận ) Asks group representatives to present their answers Other groups comment Teacher general comments 19 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Which group has the right answer in the earliest time will be the winner - Step 4: Conclusion, judgment (Kết luận, nhận định): Teacher gives feedback Consolidation: - Summarize the main points of the lesson Homework: - Review the points that have been covered in the lesson and learn by heart the new words PART 3: CONCLUSION Conclusion The results of our study led us to conclude that music significantly has a positive effect on students’ language learning It is also very beneficial that these songs are not artificially created only for educational purposes and most of the songs are not old There are many modern and trendy songs which students may be familiar from their everyday lives I believe that the solution of the subject not only perform well in teaching English but well apply to other disciplines such as chemistry, physics, geography, ect I look forward to receiving advices from our school staff as well as other teachers, in order that the experience initiative should be better and better completed Recommendations + Schools should: - Equip the video, tapes, clips, televisions connected with the internet to serve the learning - teaching process - Organize some English singing contests in order to attract students to learning English songs + Teachers should: - Regularly update new trendy songs in order to better their lessons - Spend time on their lesson plans applying new teaching methods - Paying much attention to searching for suitable teaching methods so that the quality and effectiveness of the subject will be really as good as expected XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ Yên Định, ngày 10 tháng năm 2021 Tôi xin cam đoan SKKN viết, khơng chép nội dung người khác 20 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Trịnh Đình Lan REFERENCES English 10 Text book - Education Publisher English 11 Text book - Education Publisher English 12 Text book - Education Publisher Methodology (Curriculum Teaching Methodology - Qui Nhon University) Methods of teaching English at high schools (Nguyen Manh Dung Education Publisher - 2001) Griffee (1992) Songs in Action, Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd., 1992, ISBN 0-13-950916-X Murphy, J (1998) Music and song Oxford: Oxford University Press Schoepp, K (2001) Reasons for using songs in the ESL/EFL classroom The Internet TESL Journal, 7(2) Retrieved May 5, 2008, from http://iteslj.org/Articles/Schoepp-Songs.html DANH MỤC CÁC ĐỀ TÀI SKKN ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG SKKN NGÀNH XẾP LOẠI STT TÊN SKKN XẾP LOẠI Sử dụng đồ vật giảng dạy môn Tiếng C Anh lớp 10 Sử Dụng Giáo Cụ Trực Quan Trong Giảng C Dạy Môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Integrating environment protection C education in teaching English at Tran An Chiem high school NĂM 2005-2006 2006-2007 2015-2016 21 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ... time learning English songs 10 I want to learn more English songs in English lesson SA 10 1 A D 13 SD 79 33 11 91 31 56 59 68 49 45 62 16 41 56 26 47 58 18 80 41 83 39 We can see from table that... Due to the above mentioned reasons, I have chosen the following topic: ? ?Motivating students to learn English through English songs at Yen Dinh high school? ?? The reason why I have chosen this topic... English 11 .10 3 Unit Language focus - Conditional sentences - English 11 11 3 Unit Language focus - Subjunctive - English 12 11 3 Unit 13 Language focus - Comparatives - English 12 .12 3 Unit

Ngày đăng: 28/11/2022, 14:21
