nhập môn điện toán,phạm trần vũ,dhbkhcm Operating System Lab 1 Student name Student ID Login 1 What is the HOME directory of your account Commands on directory 2 View the current directory 3 Move to d[.]
Operating System Lab Student name: Student ID: Login: What is the HOME directory of your account: Commands on directory: View the current directory: Move to directory /tmp: Move to your HOME directory: Create a directory “lab1” After that create directories “data”, “script”, “temp” as subdirectories of “lab1”: Move to “lab1” and show all file and directories there: Delete directory “temp”: Commands on file Move to ~/lab1/data Use “vi” to create a file name “exercise.txt” with the content: ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) [Enter] is the largest computer programming contest in the world [Enter] The ACM ICPC is [Enter] an activity of the ACM [Enter] that provides college students with an opportunity [Enter] to demonstrate and sharpen [Enter] their problem-solving and computing skills [Enter] Show the content of “exercise.txt”: 10 Copy file /etc/passwd to ~/lab1/data: 11 Show all lines that has the word “ssh” in file /etc/passwd: Hint: using grep 12 What is the owner, group and the access right of file /etc/inittab: Owner: Group: Access right (owner, group, other): CuuDuongThanCong.com https://fb.com/tailieudientucntt 13 The right access of a directory is 751 What is the right access of: Owner: Group: Others: 14 Change the access right of file exercise.txt: owner and group has access right to read, write Others can only read: 15 Move to ~/lab1/data Create files tmp1 and tmp2 (the content is your favorite poem) What is the difference of the two commands: cp tmp1 tmp2 mv tmp1 tmp2 Using help 16 The command the show the usage of the command “cat”: Change direction of input-output 17 Show all files and directories in /usr and save the result in file usr.txt: 18 Show all files in /usr/bin and stop when the screen is full: Hint: use command pipe and more 19 Find all files in /etc that the file name contains the word “log”: Hint: use command grep 20 How many lines in the file /etc/profile? Hint: use wc -l CuuDuongThanCong.com https://fb.com/tailieudientucntt