Full name School Class Mark PAR 1 LISTENING Task 1 Listen and tick There is one example 0 ca aa ba ca ba aa ca ba aa 1 2 3 Task 2 Listen and number There is one example 1 a b c d PART 2 READING AND WR[.]
Full name :……………………………… School :……………………………… Class :……………………………… PAR LISTENING Task Listen and tick There is one example Mark a a a a b a b a c a c a Task a a b a c a Listen and number There is one example a b c d PART READING AND WRITING Task Look and read Draw lines It’s a banana I’m six years old I can swim a c I have a car d b Task Look and read Put a tick in the box 1.a I have a kite b I have a bear 2.a This is my bed room b This is my living room 3.a.How many cats? b.How many balls? 4.a.This is a flower b.This is a green leaf Task Look and write the missing letters en B a l H u e s a n w i c h Task Look and put the words in order can/ run / I / …………………………………………………… is/ an / This/ insect/ …………………………………………………… I / sandwich / want/ a/ …………………………………………………… have / a / I / Teddy bear/ …………………………………………………… ANSWERS Part Task 1.b 2.a 3.c Task a.1 b.4 c.2 d.3 Part Task 1c 2.b 3.a 4.d Task 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b Task 1.ball Ten House sandwich Task 1.I can run This is an insect 3.I want a sanwich 4.I have a Teddy bear ... …………………………………………………… ANSWERS Part Task 1. b 2.a 3.c Task a .1 b.4 c.2 d.3 Part Task 1c 2.b 3.a 4.d Task 1. a 2.b 3.b 4.b Task 1. ball Ten House sandwich Task 1. I can run This is an insect 3.I want... banana I’m six years old I can swim a c I have a car d b Task Look and read Put a tick in the box 1. a I have a kite b I have a bear 2.a This is my bed room b This is my living room 3.a.How many.. .1 a a a a b a b a c a c a Task a a b a c a Listen and number There is one example a b c d PART READING