© Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use 1 TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition Self Assessment Self Assessment Starter unit I can! 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4[.]
Trang 1Self-AssessmentStarterunitI can!1112223344Words
1Point and say.
2Point and say.
Sounds and letters
3Point and say.
Trang 2Self-Assessment
unitI can!
4Point, match and say. /2
Total: /12
My work in Starter Unit is
Trang 3Teacher’s Notes
unitI can!
1 Point and say.
• Point to the images across the page and invite the child to point and say what they are If they need help, ask
simple questions such as: Who’s this? What can you see?
Give the child time to think and come back to a picture if they need to One mark for each correct answer.
1 Tim; 2 Rosy; 3 hello; 4 goodbye
2 Point and say.
• Invite the child to point and say what the children in the pictures are doing If they need help, say the first word for the first picture as an example and encourage them to do the rest themselves One mark for each correct answer.
1 stand up; 2 sit down; 3 raise your hand; 4 line up
Sounds and letters
3 Point and say.
• Point to the pictures and also the letters below each picture Ask the child to say the word or sound out the first letter They then point to the correct letter below that starts the word One mark for each correct answer.
1 a; 2 b
4 Point, match and say.
• Ask the child to match the number with the correct number of items, saying the number as they do so Encourage them to count the items on the left each time One mark for each correct answer.
Trang 4Self-Assessment
Unit1I can!
1Point and say.
2Point, ask and say.
Sounds and letters
3Point and say.
Trang 5Self-Assessment
Unit1I can!
4Point, match and say. /2
Trang 6Teacher’s Notes
Unit1I can!
1 Point and say.
• Point to the images across the page and invite the child to point and say what they are If they need help, ask
simple questions such as: What can you see? Give the child
time to think and come back to a picture if they need to One mark for each correct answer.
1 yellow; 2 green; 3 blue; 4 red
2 Point, ask and say.
• Invite the child to point and say what they children in the picture are saying If they need help, say give the first
word of the question What … ? and encourage them to
complete it and say the answer If they need lots of help, ask them to make another question and answer using the picture and encourage them to do it independently Only one correct sentence for each speech bubble is needed Two marks for each correct answer.
1 What color is it? 2 It’s green / It’s red.
Sounds and letters
3 Point and say.
• Point to the pictures and also the letters below each picture Ask the child to say the word or sound out the first letter They then point to the correct letter below that starts the word One mark for each correct answer.
1 c; 2 d
4 Point, match and say.
• Ask the child to match the number with the correct number of items, saying the number as they do so Encourage them to count the items on the left each time One mark for each correct answer.
Trang 7Self-Assessment
Unit2I can!
1Point and say.
2Point, ask and say.
Sounds and letters
3Point and say.
Trang 8Self-Assessment
Unit2I can!
4Point, match and say. /2
Trang 9Teacher’s Notes
Unit2I can!
1 Point and say.
• Point to the images across the page and invite the child to point and say what they are If they need help, ask
simple questions such as: What can you see? Give the child
time to think and come back to a picture if they need to One mark for each correct answer.
1 crayon; 2 notebook; 3 desk; 4 chair
2 Point, ask and say.
• Invite the child to point and say what the children in the picture are saying If they need help, give the first word of
the question What … ? and encourage them to complete
it and say the answer There are a few options for answers, but they need only give one If they need lots of help, ask them to make another question and answer using the picture and encourage them to do it independently Only one correct sentence for each speech bubble is needed Two marks for each correct answer.
1 What’s this? 2 It’s a drum/crayon/desk.
Sounds and letters
3 Point and say.
• Point to the pictures and also the letters below each picture Ask the child to say the word or sound out the first letter They then point to the correct letter below that starts the word One mark for each correct answer.
1 e; 2 f
4 Point, match and say.
• Ask the child to match the number with the correct number of items, saying the number as they do so Encourage them to count the items on the left each time One mark for each correct answer.
Trang 10Self-AssessmentUnit3I can!112234Words
1Point and say.
2Point, ask and say.
Sounds and letters
3Point and say.
Trang 11Self-Assessment
Unit3I can!
4Point, match and say. /2
/2/2ExcellentGoodOKMy work in Unit 3 is3+1=?3+1=?Everyday English
5Point and say.
6Point and say.
Trang 12Teacher’s Notes
Unit3I can!
1 Point and say.
• Point to the images across the page and invite the child to point and say what they are If they need help, ask
simple questions such as: What can you see? Give the child
time to think and come back to a picture if they need to One mark for each correct answer.
1 robot; 2 balloon; 3 puppet; 4 teddy bear
2 Point, ask and say.
• Invite the child to point and say what the boy in the picture is asking If they need help, give the first word of
the question Is … ? and encourage them to complete it
and say the answer Point to the picture of the girl and ask them to do the same One mark for each correct answer.
1 Is it a plane? Yes, it is 2 Is it a puppet? No, it isn’t.
Sounds and letters
3 Point and say.
• Point to the pictures and also the letters below each picture Ask the child to say the word or sound out the first letter They then point to the correct letter below that starts the word One mark for each correct answer.
1 g; 2 h
4 Point, match and say.
• Ask the child to match the number with the correct number of items, saying the number as they do so Encourage them to count the items on the left each time One mark for each correct answer.
7; 8
Everyday English
5 Point and say.
• Point to the pictures and ask the child what the activity is If they need help, pretend to sing and use gestures Do the same for the second picture One mark for each correct answer.
1 sing; 2 jump
6 Point and say.
• Ask the child to point and say the parts of the face One mark for each correct answer.
Trang 13Self-Assessment
UnitI can!
1Point and say Write.
2Point, ask and say.
Sounds and letters
3Point and say.
Trang 14Self-Assessment
UnitI can!
4Point, match and say. /2
Trang 15Teacher’s Notes
UnitI can!
1 Point and say Write.
• Point to the images across the page and invite the child to point and say what they are If they need help, ask
simple questions such as: What can you see? Give the child
time to think and come back to a picture if they need to They then write the words in the spaces provided One mark for each correct answer.
1 bird; 2 tiger; 3 hippo; 4 bear
2 Point, ask and say.
• Invite the child to point and say what the mum in the picture is asking If they need help, give the first word of
the question What … ? and encourage them to complete
it and say the answer Two marks for each correct answer.
1 What are they? 2 They’re hippos.
Sounds and letters
3 Point and say.
• Point to the pictures and also the letters below each picture Ask the child to say the word or sound out the first letter They then point to the correct letter below that starts the word One mark for each correct answer.
1 j; 2 m
4 Point, match and say.
• Ask the child to match the number with the correct number of items, saying the number as they do so Encourage them to count the items on the left each time One mark for each correct answer.
9; 10
Trang 16Self-AssessmentUnit5I can!11122Words
1Point and say Write.
2Point and say.
Sounds and letters
3Point and say.
Trang 17Self-Assessment
Unit5I can!
4Point, match and say. /2
Trang 18Teacher’s Notes
Unit5I can!
1 Point and say Write.
• Point to the images across the page and invite the child to point and say what they are If they need help, ask
simple questions such as: What can you see? Give the child
time to think and come back to a picture if they need to They then write the words in the spaces provided One mark for each correct answer.
1 face; 2 fingers; 3 hands; 4 nose
2 Point and say.
• Invite the child to point and say what they can see If they need help, count how many arms the girl is holding out in the first picture, and encourage them to complete the
sentence One … then point to the second picture and do
the same Two marks for each correct answer.
1 One arm; 2 Two arms
Sounds and letters
3 Point and say.
• Point to the pictures and also the letters below each picture Ask the child to say the word or sound out the first letter They then point to the correct letter below that starts the word One mark for each correct answer.
1 b; 2 d
4 Point, match and say.
• Ask the child to match the number with the correct number of items, saying the number as they do so Encourage them to count the items on the left each time One mark for each correct answer.
Trang 19Self-AssessmentUnit6I can!1112Words
1Point and say Write.
2Point and say.
Sounds and letters
3Point and say.
Trang 20Self-Assessment
Unit6I can!
4Point, match and say.
Everyday English
5Point and say. /2
6Point and say. /3
My work in Unit 6 is
Trang 21Teacher’s Notes
Unit6I can!
1 Point and say Write.
• Point to the images across the page and invite the child to point and say what they are They then write the words in the spaces provided One mark for each correct answer.
1 drink; 2 pear; 3 sandwich; 4 cookie
2 Point and say.
• Invite the child to point and say what the boy in the pictures is saying.
1 I have an apple 2 I have a drink 3 I have two cookies 4 I have a banana.
Sounds and letters
3 Point and say.
• Point to the pictures and also the letters below each picture Ask the child to say the word or sound out the first letter They then point to the correct letter below that starts the word One mark for each correct answer.
1 m; 2 l
4 Point, match and say.
• Ask the child to match the number with the correct number of items, saying the number as they do so Encourage them to count the items on the left each time One mark for each correct answer.
7; 10
Everyday English
5 Point and say.
• Point to the first picture and ask the child what is being said Point to the second picture and ask what both people are saying.
1 Blue, please 2 Here you are Thank you.
6 Point and say.
• Ask the child to point and say each shape they see.
Trang 221
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isbn: 978 0 19 482712 6acknowledgements
Illustrations by: Barbara Bongin/The Organisation: p.3 (ex 2), 7 (ex 2), 10 (ex 1);